Case 4:20-cv-07572-JSW Document 55 Filed 09/08/21 Page 1 of 12
`M. Elizabeth Day (SBN 177125))
`Marc Belloli (SBN 244290)
`577 Airport Blvd., Suite 250
`Burlingame, CA. 94010
`Tel: 650 825-4300/Fax 650 460-8443
`Brian N. Platt (Admitted pro hac vice)
`Brent P. Lorimer (Admitted pro hac vice)
`60 East South Temple Suite 1000
`Salt Lake City, UT 84111
`Tel: 801-533-9800/Fax 801-328-1707
`Attorneys for Defendant Triller, Inc.
`Case No: 4:20-cv-7572-JSW
`Triller, Inc. (“Triller”) by and through its undersigned counsel, for its Answer to the Second
`Amended Complaint (“SAC” filed by ByteDance, Inc. (“BDI”), TikTok, Inc. (“TTI”), and TikTok
`Pte. Ltd. (“TTPL”) (collectively “Plaintiffs”), states as follows:


`Case 4:20-cv-07572-JSW Document 55 Filed 09/08/21 Page 2 of 12
`Triller admits this is an action for patent infringement and declaratory judgment of
`non-infringement of a patent. Triller also admits that BDI and TTI seek a declaratory judgment of
`non-infringement and that TTI and TTPL have requested injunctive relief and money damages
`against Triller. Triller denies that BDI and TTI are entitled to the declaratory judgment they seek,
`denies that it has in the past infringed any of the TikTok patents-in-suit, and denies that it is
`currently infringing any of said patents.
`Triller admits that BDI and TTI seek declaratory judgment that they do not infringe
`the ’429 patent but denies that they are entitled to any such relief. Triller admits that TTI and
`TTPL have asked for remedies in equity and law for alleged infringement of patents they assert
`against Triller but denies that it infringes any of the TikTok patents-in-suit and denies that TTI and
`TTPL are entitled to any such relief.
`Triller admits that the TikTok entities are a collection of related entities who
`together make, use, and distribute a mobile software application known as the “TikTok” app that
`millions of Americans use to create and share videos. Triller is without knowledge or information
`sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations of Paragraph 3 of the SAC
`and therefore denies them.
`Triller admits that it develops and distributes the Triller application and admits that
`it alleges that the TikTok application is used to infringe claims 1 and 3-9 of U.S. Patent No.
`9,692,429 (“the ’429 Patent”). Triller denies that it is liable for infringement of U.S. Patent No.
`9,648,132 (“the ’132 Patent), U.S. Patent No. 9,992,322 (“the ’322 patent”), or U.S. Patent No.
`9,294,430 (“the ’430 patent”). Triller is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a
`belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations of Paragraph 4 of the SAC and therefore denies
`Triller admits the allegations of paragraph 5 of the SAC.
`Triller admits that the Honorable Alan Albright transferred the Texas Litigation to
`this Court, that the Texas Litigation has been deemed related to this action, and that the litigation


`Case 4:20-cv-07572-JSW Document 55 Filed 09/08/21 Page 3 of 12
`of issues related to the ’429 patent has been stayed pending resolution of the IPR related to that
`patent but denies the remaining allegations of Paragraph 6 of the SAC.
`Triller admits that there is a real and immediate controversy between Triller, BDI,
`and TTI as to whether the TikTok entities infringe claims 1 and 3-9 of the ’429 Patent. Triller
`denies the remaining allegations of Paragraph 7 of the SAC.
`Triller admits that there is an actual and justiciable controversy as to whether the
`TikTok entities infringe claims 1 and 3-9 of the ’429 Patent. Triller denies the remaining
`allegations of Paragraph 8 of the SAC.
`Triller denies the allegations of Paragraph 9 of the SAC.
`Triller denies the allegations of paragraph 10 of the SAC because they are not
`accurate and/or because Triller is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as
`to the truth of the allegations of said paragraph.
`Triller denies the allegations of paragraph 11 of the SAC because they are not
`accurate and/or because Triller is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as
`to the truth of the allegations of said paragraph.
`Triller denies the allegations of paragraph 12 of the SAC because they are not
`accurate and/or because Triller is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as
`to the truth of the allegations of said paragraph.
`Triller denies the allegations of paragraph 13 of the SAC because they are not
`accurate and/or because Triller is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as
`to the truth of the allegations of said paragraph.
`Triller denies the allegations of paragraph 14 of the SAC because they are not
`accurate and/or because Triller is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as
`to the truth of the allegations of said paragraph.
`Triller denies the allegations of paragraph 15 of the SAC because they are not
`accurate and/or because Triller is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as
`to the truth of the allegations of said paragraph.


`Case 4:20-cv-07572-JSW Document 55 Filed 09/08/21 Page 4 of 12
`Triller denies the allegations of paragraph 16 of the SAC because they are not
`accurate and/or because Triller is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as
`to the truth of the allegations of said paragraph.
`Triller denies the allegations of paragraph 17 of the SAC because they are not
`accurate and/or because Triller is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as
`to the truth of the allegations of said paragraph.
`Triller denies the allegations of paragraph 18 of the SAC because they are not
`accurate and/or because Triller is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as
`to the truth of the allegations of said paragraph.
`Triller denies the allegations of paragraph 19 of the SAC because they are not
`accurate and/or because Triller is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as
`to the truth of the allegations of said paragraph.
`Triller admits that the ’322 patent includes the quoted language, but otherwise
`denies the allegations of paragraph 20 of the SAC.
`Triller denies the allegations of paragraph 21 of the SAC because they are not
`accurate and/or because Triller is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as
`to the truth of the allegations of said paragraph.
` Triller denies the allegations of paragraph 22 of the SAC because they are not
`accurate and/or because Triller is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as
`to the truth of the allegations of said paragraph.
`Triller denies the allegations of paragraph 23 of the SAC because they are not
`accurate and/or because Triller is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as
`to the truth of the allegations of said paragraph.
`Triller denies the allegations of paragraph 24 of the SAC.
`Triller denies the allegations of paragraph 25 of the SAC.
`Triller denies the allegations of paragraph 26 of the SAC.
`Triller denies the allegations of Paragraph 27 of the SAC.


`Case 4:20-cv-07572-JSW Document 55 Filed 09/08/21 Page 5 of 12
`Triller admits that the ’132 patent, the ’322 patent, and the ’430 patent appear to be
`titled “Method of enabling digital music content to be downloaded to and used on a portable
`wireless computing device.” Triller denies the remaining allegations of paragraph 28 of the SAC
`because they are not accurate and/or because Triller is without knowledge or information
`sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations of said paragraph.
`Triller denies the allegations of Paragraph 29 of the SAC.
`Triller denies the allegations of Paragraph 30 of the SAC.
`Triller denies the allegations of Paragraph 31 of the SAC.
`Triller denies the allegations of Paragraph 32 of the SAC.
`Triller denies the allegations of Paragraph 33 of the SAC.
`Triller is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth
`of the allegations of Paragraph 34 of the SAC and therefore denies them.
`Triller is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth
`of the allegations of Paragraph 35 of the SAC and therefore denies them.
`Triller is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth
`of the allegations of Paragraph 36 of the SAC and therefore denies them.
`Triller admits that it is a Delaware corporation having its principal place of business
`at 2121 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 2320, Los Angeles, California, 90067.
`Triller admits that it is the owner of the ’429 Patent.
`Triller admits that this action arises under the Patent Laws of the United States, 35
`U.S.C. § 1 et seq. Triller admits that this Court has subject matter jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C.
`§§ 1331 and 1338. Triller denies the remaining allegations of Paragraph 39 of the SAC.
`Triller admits that there is an actual case or controversy between Triller and the
`TikTok entities regarding infringement of claims 1 and 3-9 of the ’429 patent with respect to the
`Accused TikTok Products. Triller denies the remaining allegations of Paragraph 40 of the SAC.


`Case 4:20-cv-07572-JSW Document 55 Filed 09/08/21 Page 6 of 12
`Triller admits that there is an actual case or controversy between itself and the
`TikTok entities regarding infringement of claims 1 and 3-9 the ’429 Patent with respect to the
`Accused TikTok Products. Triller further admits that it has alleged that portions of the Accused
`TikTok Products are especially made for use in infringement of claims 1 and 3-9 of the ’429
`Patent, and are not suitable for substantial, non-infringing use. Triller denies the remaining
`allegations of Paragraph 41 of the SAC because they are not accurate and/or because Triller is
`without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the allegations of
`said paragraph.
`Triller admits that there is an actual case or controversy between itself and at least
`TTI and BDI regarding infringement of claims 1 and 3-9 of the ’429 Patent. Triller denies the
`remaining allegations of Paragraph 42 of the SAC.
`For the purpose of this action only, and without waiving any rights to object to, or
`otherwise challenge, personal jurisdiction in other actions, Triller does not contest the Court’s
`personal jurisdiction for this action only.
`Triller admits that its website lists Los Angeles among the locations of its
`worldwide offices. Triller denies the remaining allegations of Paragraph 44 of the SAC.
`Triller admits that it has sold and offered for sale its application in this district.
`Triller denies that it has directly or indirectly infringed any of the patents-in-suit in this district or
`anywhere else. Triller denies the remaining allegations of Paragraph 45 of the SAC.
`Triller denies the allegations of Paragraph 46 of the SAC.
`For the purpose of this action only, and without waiving any defense of improper
`venue in connection with any other cause of action or claim, Triller does not contest that venue
`properly lies in this district. Triller denies the remaining allegations of Paragraph 47 of the SAC.
`Triller admits that its Triller app is distributed through the Apple App Store and
`Google Play. Triller is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth
`of the remaining allegations of Paragraph 48 of the SAC and therefore denies them.


`Case 4:20-cv-07572-JSW Document 55 Filed 09/08/21 Page 7 of 12
`Alleged Declaratory Judgment of Noninfringement of the ’429 Patent
`Triller incorporates each of its responses to the preceding paragraphs as if fully set
`forth herein.
`Triller denies the allegations of paragraph 50 of the SAC. Further, Plaintiffs have
`agreed that their declaratory judgment claims should be stayed pending resolution of the IPR
`proceedings related to the ’429 patent.
`Triller has never accused any of the TikTok entities of infringing claims 2 or 10 of
`the ’429 patent and there is no case or controversy as to those claims. The Court therefore has no
`subject matter jurisdiction to adjudicate declaratory judgment as to those claims. If the Court at
`some future date determines that a case or controversy exists with respect to claims 2 or 10 of the
`’429 patent, Triller will respond to the allegations of paragraph 51 at that time. Further, Plaintiffs
`have agreed that their declaratory judgment claims should be stayed pending resolution of the IPR
`proceedings related to the ’429 patent. Triller denies the allegations of paragraph 51 with respect
`to claims 1 and 3-9 of the ’429 patent.
`Triller has never accused any of the TikTok entities of infringing claims 11-16 of
`the ’429 patent and there is no case or controversy as to those claims. The Court therefore has no
`subject matter jurisdiction to adjudicate declaratory judgment as to those claims. If the court at
`some future date determines that a case or controversy exists with respect to claims 11-16 of the
`’429 patent, Triller will respond to the allegations of paragraph 52 at that time. Further, Plaintiffs
`have agreed that their declaratory judgment claims should be stayed pending resolution of the IPR
`proceedings related to the ’429 patent.
`Triller has never accused any of the TikTok entities of infringing claims 17-19 of
`the ’429 patent and there is there is no case or controversy as to those claims. The Court therefore
`has no subject matter jurisdiction to adjudicate declaratory judgment as to those claims. If the
`court at some future date determines that a case or controversy exists with respect to claims 17-19
`of the ’429 patent, Triller will respond to the allegations of paragraph 52 at that time. Further,


`Case 4:20-cv-07572-JSW Document 55 Filed 09/08/21 Page 8 of 12
`Plaintiffs have agreed that their declaratory judgment claims should be stayed pending resolution
`of the IPR proceedings related to the ’429 patent.
`Triller admits there is a case or controversy between it and the TikTok entities
`regarding infringement of claims 1 and 3-9 of the’429 patent by the Accused TikTok Products.
`Triller denies the remaining allegations of paragraph 54 of the SAC.
`Alleged Infringement of the ’132 Patent
` Triller incorporates each of its responses to the preceding paragraphs as if fully set
`forth herein.
`Triller is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth
`of the allegations of Paragraph 56 of the SAC and therefore denies them except it admits that the
`title of the ’132 patent is accurately repeated in said paragraph.
`Triller denies the allegations of paragraph 57 of the SAC.
`Triller is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth
`of the allegations of Paragraph 58 of the SAC and therefore denies them.
`Triller denies the allegations of Paragraph 59 of the SAC.
`Triller denies the allegations of Paragraph 60 of the SAC.
`Triller denies the allegations of Paragraph 61 of the SAC.
`Triller denies the allegations of Paragraph 62 of the SAC.
`Triller denies the allegations of Paragraph 63 of the SAC.
`Triller denies the allegations of Paragraph 64 of the SAC.
`Triller denies the allegations of Paragraph 65 of the SAC.
`Alleged Infringement of the ’322 Patent
` Triller incorporates each of its responses to the preceding paragraphs as if fully set
`forth herein.
`Triller is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth
`of the allegations of Paragraph 67 of the SAC and therefore denies them, except it admits that the


`Case 4:20-cv-07572-JSW Document 55 Filed 09/08/21 Page 9 of 12
`title of the ’322 patent is accurately repeated in said paragraph
`Triller denies the allegations of paragraph 68 of the SAC.
`Triller is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth
`of the allegations of Paragraph 69 of the SAC and therefore denies them.
`Triller denies the allegations of Paragraph 70 of the SAC.
`Triller denies the allegations of Paragraph 71 of the SAC.
`Triller denies the allegations of Paragraph 72 of the SAC.
`Triller denies the allegations of Paragraph 73 of the SAC.
`Triller denies the allegations of Paragraph 74 of the SAC.
`Triller denies the allegations of Paragraph 75 of the SAC.
`Triller denies the allegations of Paragraph 76 of the SAC.
`Alleged Infringement of the ’430 Patent
` Triller incorporates each of its responses to the preceding paragraphs as if fully set
`forth herein.
`Triller is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth
`of the allegations of Paragraph 78 of the SAC and therefore denies them, except it admits that the
`title of the ’430 patent is accurately repeated in said paragraph
`Triller denies the allegations of paragraph 79 of the SAC.
`Triller is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth
`of the allegations of Paragraph 80 of the SAC and therefore denies them.
`Triller denies the allegations of Paragraph 81 of the SAC.
`Triller denies the allegations of Paragraph 82 of the SAC.
`Triller denies the allegations of Paragraph 83 of the SAC.
`Triller denies the allegations of Paragraph 84 of the SAC.
`Triller denies the allegations of Paragraph 85 of the SAC.
`Triller denies the allegations of Paragraph 86 of the SAC.


`Case 4:20-cv-07572-JSW Document 55 Filed 09/08/21 Page 10 of 12
`Triller denies the allegations of Paragraph 87 of the SAC.
`Triller denies each and every allegation of the SAC not expressly admitted herein.
`Triller demands a trial by jury for all matters so triable.
`Triller is not required to provide a response to Paragraphs A-H of the Prayer for Relief of
`the SAC. Triller denies that Plaintiffs are entitled to the relief requested in the Prayer for Relief
`and denies any allegations set forth therein.
`Triller incorporates by reference the foregoing paragraphs in their entirety and asserts the
`following affirmative defenses. By asserting these affirmative defenses, Triller does not admit
`that it bears the burden of proof on any issue and does not accept any burden they would not
`otherwise bear, regardless of how such defenses are denominated herein. Triller reserves all
`affirmative defenses permitted under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the Patent Laws, and/or
`at law or in equity, that may now exist or in the future be available based on discovery and further
`investigation in this case, as well as its right to amend this Answer to include those defenses.
`Triller does not infringe and has not infringed (not directly, indirectly,
`contributorily, by inducement, willfully, or otherwise) any valid, enforceable claim of the ’132,
`’322, or ’430 patents, either literally or under the doctrine of equivalents.
`The claims of the ’132, ’322, or ’430 patents are invalid and void for failure to
`comply with the conditions of patentability specified in 35 U.S.C. §§ 100 et seq.
`(Prosecution History Estoppel)
`Plaintiffs’ claims are or may be barred by the doctrine of prosecution history


`Case 4:20-cv-07572-JSW Document 55 Filed 09/08/21 Page 11 of 12
`estoppel based on statements, representations, and admissions made during prosecution of the
`patent applications resulting in the ’132, ’322, or ’430 patents.
`(Limitations on Damages)
`Plaintiffs’ claims for damages for alleged infringement, if any, of the ’132, ’322, or
`’430 patents are limited by 35 U.S.C. §§ 286 and/or 287.
`(Limitations on Costs)
`Plaintiffs are barred by 35 U.S.C. § 288 from recovering any costs associated with
`this action.
`(Failure to State a Claim)
`Plaintiffs’ Complaint fails to state a claim upon which relief can be granted.
`There is no case or controversy with respect to declaratory judgment as to claims
`2, 10, 11-16 or 17-19 of the ’429 patent and the Court therefore has no subject matter jurisdiction
`as to those claims.
`(Reservation of Rights)
`Triller reserves the right to add additional affirmative defenses upon discovery of
`additional information bearing on the claims in Plaintiffs’ Complaint.
`Dated: September 8, 2021
`By: /s/ Brian N. Platt_____________________
`M. Elizabeth Day (SBN 177125))
`Marc Belloli (SBN 244290)


`Case 4:20-cv-07572-JSW Document 55 Filed 09/08/21 Page 12 of 12
`577 Airport Blvd., Suite 250
`Burlingame, CA. 94010
`Tel: 650 825-4300/Fax 650 460-8443
`Brian N. Platt (Admitted pro hac vice)
`Brent P. Lorimer (Admitted pro hac vice)
`60 East South Temple Suite 1000
`Salt Lake City, UT 84111
`Tel: 801-533-9800/Fax 801-328-1707
`Attorneys for Defendant Triller, Inc.

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