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`Dr Solomon’s
`Anti-Virus Toolkit
`for Windows and DOS
`Alton House, Gatehouse Way, Aylesbury, Buc’kinghamshire. HP19 3XU, UK
`S&S International PLC
`Tel: +44 (0)1296 318700 Fax: +44 (0)1296 318777
`S&S Software International, Inc.
`17 New England Executive Park, Burlington, MA 01803, USA
`Tel: +1 617 273 7400 Fax: +1 617 273 7474
`S&S International (Deutschland) GmbH
`Luisenweg 40, 20537 Hamburg, Deutschland
`Telefon: +49 (0)40 2519 54—0 Fax: +49 (0)40 2519 54-50
`World Wide Web: htth/wwandrsolomoneormi
`351 l lUA-ZD-US-ll)


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 192-3 Filed 04/19/21 Page 4 of 38
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`Dr Solomon’s Anti-Virus Toolkit for Windows and DOS is copyright
`© 1993,1994, 1995 58:5 International PLC. All rights reserved. Dr
`Solomon’s Anti-Virus Toolkit for Windows and D03 is not copy~
`protected. This does not mean that you can make unlimited copies of
`it. Dr Solomon’s Anti-Virus Toolkit for Windows anerOS is protected
`by the copyright laws which pertain to computer software. It is illegal
`to make copies of the program other than as may be licensed or for
`purposes of backup without written permission from 58:55
`International PLC. No part of the manual or other documentation
`accompanying Dr Solomon’s Anti-Virus Toolkit for Windows and DOS
`may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval
`system or translated into any language, in any form or by any means,
`without the prior written permission of 5&8 International PLC.
`Neither 8&3 International PLC nor anyone else who has been involved
`in the creation, production or delivery of Dr Solomon’s Anti~Vlrus
`Toolkit for Windows and D05 or this manual makes any warranties
`with respect to the contents of the software or this manual and each
`specifically disclaims any implied warranties to the extent allowed by
`legislation. 8&8 International PLC reserves the right to revise the
`software and the manual and to make changes from time to time in the
`contents without obligation to notify any person.
`Dr Solomon's is a registered trademark of 38:5 International PLC. All
`other product names mentioned are acknowledged to be the marks of
`their producing companies.
`Software release
`This manual describes Version 7.5 of Dr Solomon’s Anti-Virus
`Toolkit for Windows and Dr Solomon’s Anti-Virus Toolkit for
`Manual edition
`Edition 3.0
`November 1995


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 192-3 Filed 04/19/21 Page 5 of 38
`Case 4:18-cv-O7229—YGR Document 192-3 Filed 04/19/21 Page 5 of 38 ,
`Contents .....
`................................... vii
`Preface.................... ...........
`.............. .............xv
`How to use this manual ........ . ............................................... xv
`Conventions ................................ '................................ xvii
`What you need ............................................................. xviii
`The Windows and DOS versions ........ ' ....................................... xix
`Using a mOuSe ......................................................... xix
`Using the keyboard ......................................................xx
`Dialog boxes ........................................................... xxi
`File selection .......................................................... xxii
`Windows icons ................. I ...................................... xxiii
`Windows Toolbar ..................................................... xxiv
`On-line help ................................................................ xxvi.
`Related documentaticm ..................................................... xxvii
`The Virus Encyclopedia ............................................... xxvii
`Othei versions of the I‘oolkit ........................................... xxvii
`Registration and upgrades ................................................... xxix
`If you need help ............................................................ xxx
`1. Introduction . . ............ .
`. . .
`. ..................................... 1
`1.1 What is a virus? ............................................................. 1
`1.2 Types of virus ............................................................... 2
`File Viruses .............................................................. 2
`Macro Viruses ............................................................ 3
`Boot and partition sector viruses ........................................... 3
`Companion viruses ....................................................... 4
`Overwriting viruses ...................................................... 5
`Multipartite viruses ................. ' .....................................- .5
`Droppers ................................................................ 5
`1.3 Characteristics of viruses ..................................................... 5
`Stealth .................................................................. 5
`Polymorphism ........................................................... 5
`Virus names ............................................................. 6
`Variants ................................................................. 6
`How viruses spread ...................................................... 6
`1.4 Other potential problems ..................................................... 7
`Bugs .................................................................... 7
`Low-level software clashes ................................................ 8
`Trojans .................................................................. 8
`Time bombs and lo gic bombs .............................................. 9


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`Jokes ................................................................... 9
`Human Error ............................................................ 9
`1.5 What you can do ......... . .................................................. 10
`Backups ............................................................... 10
`Software sources ........................................................ 11
`Diskettes and other media ................................................ 11
`Employee co-operation .................................................. 12
`1.6 The Anti-Virus Toolkit ...................................................... 12
`FindVirus .............................................................. 13
`VirusGuat‘cl ............................................................ 13
`WinGuard ............................................................. 13
`ViVerify ............................................................... 14
`The Virus Encyclopedia .................................................. 14
`More advanced features ................................................. 14
`2.1 Before you start ............................................................ 17
`2.2 How to install the Toolkit ................................................... 18
`Installing the DOS Toolkit .............................. . ................. 18
`Installing the Windows and DOS Toolkit ................................... 18
`WinGuard ............................................................. 20
`VirusGuard ............................................................ 20
`Completion of installation ................................................ 23
`2.3 Installing VirusGuarcl separately ............................................. 24
`How VirusGuard uses memory ........................................... 24
`Copying the VirusGuard files ............................................. 26
`Running VirusGuard .................................................... 26
`Using a RAM drive ...................................................... 27
`2.4 Creating a rescue diskette ................................................... 28
`2.5 README files ............................................................. 30
`2.6 Upgrading the Toolkit ...................................................... 31
`To upgrade the DOS T001kit .............................................. 31
`To upgrade the Windows Toolkit ......................................... 32
`3. Finding your Way Around ........................................... 33
`3.1 Starting the Toolkit ......................................................... 33
`Starting from DOS ...................................................... 33
`Starting from Windows .................................................. 35
`3.2 The main screen ............................................................ 36
`3.3 Options on the menus ...................................................... 37
`File menu .............................................................. 37
`Scan menu ............................................................. 38
`Repair menu ........................................................... 38
`Advanced menu ........................................................ 39


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`4. Guarding against Viruses ............................................ 41
`4.1 Using WinGuard ...... ...................................................... 42
`Configuring WinGuard .................................................. 43
`Advanced features of WinGuard ................................... _....... 46
`If WinGuard reports a Virus .............................. '. ............... 46
`4.2 Using VirusGuard .......................................................... 47
`How VirusGuard uses memory under DOS ................................. 47
`If VirusGuard reports a virus ............................................. 48
`5. Checking for viruses ................................................ 51
`5.1 Finding viruses - FindVirus .................................................. 51
`When to use FindVirus ................................................... 51
`Running FindVirus from the main screen ................................... 52
`Running FindVirus from the user interface ................................. 53
`5.2 Checking for changes — ViVerify .............................................. 57
`WhentouseViVerify ...................................57
`Running ViVerify .
`.' .I.................................................... 58
`Creating a file list ........................................................ 59
`Computing the fingerprints ............................................... 60
`Checking the files ....................................................... 61
`If a file has changed ...................................................... 61
`Advanced menu options ...... . ............................... _ ............ 62
`5.3 The Virus Encyclopedia ..................................................... 65
`5.4 Scheduling FindVirus and ViVerify ........................................... 67
`To schedule FindVirus ................................................... 67
`T0 schedule ViVerify .................................................... 68
`Checking the schedules .................................................. 69
`6. If you Find a Virus .................................................. '71
`6.1 If VirusGuard or WinGuard report a virus ..................................... 71
`What to do if VirusGuard or WinGuard sounds the alarm .................... 72
`6.2 If FindVirus reports a virus .................................................. 73
`What to do if FindVirus discovers a virus ................................... 73 .
`6.3 If Vchrify reports a changed file ............................................. 74
`What to do if changed files are reported .................................... 74
`6.4 Single button repair ......................................................... 75
`6.5 If you. discover a new virus .................................................. 76
`7. Advanced Virus Detection ........................................... 77
`7.1 How FindVirus works ...................................................... 77
`Heuristic Analysis ....................................................... 78
`Executable files ......................................................... 79
`Compressed and archived files ............................................ 79
`Repairing files .......................................................... 80
`7.2 Running FindVirus from the user interface ..................................... 81


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`7.3 Running FindVirus from the command line. .I .................................. 8]
`Scanning specific drives .................................................. 81
`Scannin g files and subdirectories .......................................... 83
`Scanning boot and partition sectors ........................................ 85
`- Producing reports ....................................................... 85
`Specifying actiOns ....................................................... 86
`Network options ....................................................... .. 87
`Defining drivers .
`; ............................................. 88
`Repairing files ...... ..................................................... 88
`Heuristic Analysis ...................................................... 89
`Requesting extended errorlevels .......................................... 89
`7.4 Hints and Tips ............................................................. 90
`Errorlevels ................................................-' .............. '90
`Hard disk device drivers ................................................. 91
`"Speeding up FindVirus ........................ ' ...................- ....... 91
`Scanning backup files .................................................... 91
`False alarms ............................................................ 92
`Testing FindVirus ....................................................... 92
`7.5- Error messages ............................................................ 92
`. 95
`8. Advanced Virus Prevention .............................. . ........ .
`8.1 How VirusCuard works .................................................... 95
`Requirements .......................................................... 95
`Running VirusGuard .................................................. ‘.
`. 96
`Use of memory ......................................................... 96
`Security levels .......................................................... 97
`Executable files ....................... " ........................... '....... 98
`Boot sector scans ........................................................ 99
`Finding Viruses ................................... -.......... I............ 99
`82 Running VirusGuard ...................................................... 100
`Scanning files when copying or reading ... .
`. .. .
`..- ....... ........... 100
`Scanning files when writing .................................. - ........... 101
`ScanningWindowsfontfiles......................................' ...... 102
`- Protecting diskettes .................................................... 102
`Location of virus driver ................................................. 104
`Changing the pop~up message ........................................... 104
`Using VirusGuard on a network ......................................... 105
`8.3 Hints and Tips ............................................................ 106
`Changing the security level .............................................. 106
`Loading high ....................................................... i
`. 107
`8.4 Testing VirusGuard ....................................................... 108
`File virus test .......................................................... 108
`Boot sector virus test ................................................... 110
`.' ............................................. 111
`8.5 VirusCuard error messages. .
`8.6 Marking diskettes with an authorization code ................................. 112


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`How Author works ..................................................... 112
`Running'Author ....................................................... 113
`9. Advanced Virus Checking .......... ................................. 115
`9.1 How ViVerify works ....................................................... 115
`Executable files ........................................................ 115
`Encryption algorithms .................................................. 116
`Checking Speed ........................................................ 116
`Running ViVerify ...................................................... 117
`9.2 Running ViVerify from the user interface ..................................... 117
`9.3 Running ViVerify from the command line .................................... 117
`Checking specific drives ................................................. 118
`Defining files to be checked .............................................. 118
`Specifying a fingerprint file .............................................. 119
`Excluding files ......................................................... 120
`Checking boot and partition sectors ....................................... 120
`Specifying a keyword ................................................... 121
`Varying the checking speed and security .................................. 121
`Specifying an algorithm ................................................. 122
`Defining actions ........................................................ 122
`Producing reports .
`I..................................................... 122
`Extended errorlevels ......................................... . ........... 123
`Producing a list of su5pect files ........................................... 123
`Using anti—stealth measures .............................................. 124
`Errorlevels ............................................................ 124
`10. Additional Tools ................................................. 125
`10.1 Checking memory ~- GuardMem ......................... . ................... 125
`10.2 Examining disks - Inspect Disk ............................................. 126
`Running Inspect disk from the user interface ............................... 126
`Running Inspect Disk from the command line .............................. 129
`10.3 Examining file contents - Inspect File ........................................ 129
`10.4 Examining memory - Inspect Memory ....................................... 131
`10.5 Anti-stealth measures ..................................................... 132
`11. Virus Repair and Removal ......................................... 135
`11.1 Introduction ............................................................. 135
`11.2 Repairing drives ........................................... -. .............. 136
`Repairing drives from the user interface ................................... 136
`Repairing drives from the command line .................................. 138
`1113 Replacing boot sectors .................................................... 139
`How CIeanBoot works ......................... -......................... 139
`Running CleanBoot from the user interface ................................ 140
`Running CleanBoot from the command line ............................... 141
`Cross-formatted diskettes ............................................... 142


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`11.4 Replacing partition sectors ................................................ 143
`How CleanPart works .................................................. 143
`Running Clean Part From the command line ................................ 144
`Backing up partition, boot and CMOS data ................................ 144
`Restoring partition and boot sector data ................................... 14.5
`Restoring CMOS data .................................................. 146
`Replacing the hard disk boot sector ....................................... 147
`Replacing partition sectors .............................................. 148
`11.5 Shredding files ........................................................... 150
`12. Using the Toolkit on a Network .................................... 151
`12.1 Running VirusGuard on a network ................................. - ........ 152
`Use of memory ........................................................ 152
`Start—up order ......................................................... 152
`Maintaining VirusGuard centrally ........................................ 153
`Networkalarmmessages................................_ .............. '.154
`Write checks on network drives ........................................ I
`. 155
`Testing .......................................................... _..... 155
`12.2 Running FindVirus on a network .................................... _....... 155
`12.3 Anti-Stealth Methodology ................................................. 156
`12.4 Dealing with infected networks ............................................ 156
`13. Toolkit Configuration ............................................. 159
`13.1 The TOOLKIT.IN1 file .................................................... 159
`FindVirus ..... I ........................................................ 160
`FileRepair ............................................................. 1 60
`ViVerify .............................................................. 161
`13.2 The FINDVIRUINI file ................................................... 161
`13.3 Configuration File Management ............................................ 162
`13.4 Toolkit security features ................................................... 163
`To set or change a password ............................................. 164
`To change settings ..................................................... 165
`To disable the security features .......................................... 165
`14. Toolkit Utilities ................................................... 167
`14.1 TKUTIL ................................................................. 167
`Reporting the disk drive ................................................ 168
`Reporting the CPU ..................................................... 169
`Reporting memory type ................................................. 169
`Reporting Toolkit TSRs ................................................. 170
`Reporting the latest keystroke ........................................... 170
`Reporting batch file run.................................................. 170
`Make new directory .................................................... 171
`Updating files ......................................................... 171
`Adding text to a file .................................................... 172


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`Deleting text from a file ................................................. 173
`Searching for text ....................................................... 174.
`Checking RingFence .................................................... 175
`Determining the day of the week .......................................... 175
`Determining the day of the month ........................................ 176
`Locking the PC ......................................................... 176
`Sounding an alarm ..................................................... 176
`Playing a tune ......................................................... 176
`Removing other anti-virus packages ...................................... 177
`Send form feed to printer ................................................ 177
`Restarting VirusGuard .................................................. 178
`Restarting TSRs ........................................................ 178
`Reporting technical information .......................................... 178
`14.2 Examples of batch files .................................................... 179
`VIVIBAT ............................................................. 179
`VIVZBAT ............................................................. 180
`FRIDAYBAT ................. .......................................... 181
`FVBAT ............................................................... .182
`15. Reference Information ............................................ 183
`15.1 TOOLKIT command ...................................................... 183
`Syntax ................................................................ 183
`Switches .............................................................. 183
`15.2 FINDVIRU command ..................................................... 184
`Syntax ................................................................ 184
`Switches .............................................................. 184
`15.3 GUARD command ....................................................... 186
`Syntax ................................................................ 186
`Switches .............................................................. 186
`15.4 VIVERIFY command ..................................................... 187
`Syntax ................................................................ 187 '
`Functions ........................... ' .................................. 187
`Switches ............. ' ................................................. 187
`15.5 CLEANPAR command. _. .................................................. 189
`Syntax ................................................................ 189
`Switches .............................................................. 189
`15 6 CLEANBOO command ................................................... 190
`Syntax ................................................................ 190
`Switches .............................................................. 190
`15.7 WTKUTIL command ...................................................... 191
`Syntax ................................................................ 191
`Switches .............................................................. 191
`Commands .........................................I ................... 1 91


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`Glossary ............................................................ 193
`Index ............................................................... 203


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`Case 4:18-cv-O7229—YGR Document 192-3 Filed 04/19/21 Page 13 of 38
`How to use this manual
`Dr. Solomon’s Anti-Virus Toolkit contains everything you. need to
`detect viruses on your PC, repair files and help prevent virus.
`' H
`ow to use this manual
`This manual includes information for anyone using the Anti~
`- Virus Toolkit, from the non-technical user to the PC expert. The
`sections you are interested in will depend on your level of
`knowledge and the information you. need to know.
`Chapters fl and 2 are important for all readers. They provide
`background information on viruses and explain how to install the
`Chapters 3 t0 6 cover how to use the user interface and explain in
`detail the most straightforward ways to search for viruses and
`repair infected files.
`Chapters 7 to 15 are aimed at more technical users. Read these if
`you want more ill—depth information; for example, if you want to
`configure the tools for your particular needs.
`If you. do not have time to read the whole manual, particularly if
`you think you have a virus, read the QuickStart pages at the front
`of this manual.
`Chapter 1 - Introduction explains what computer viruses are and
`the damage they can do. It explains the resources available in the
`Anti-Virus Toolkit to prevent, detect and remove viruses.
`Chapter 2 - Installing the Toolkit gives step~by~step instructions
`for installing the DOS and Windows versions of the Toolkit on
`your PC.


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 192-3 Filed 04/19/21 Page 14 of 38
`Case 4:18-cv-O7229—YGR Document 192-3 Filed 04/19/21 Page 14 of 38.
`How to use this manual
`Chapter 3 ~ Finding Your Way Around showsyou how to run the
`Toolkit programs, and explains the Options that are available from
`each of the menus.
`Chapter 4 ~ Guarding against Viruses describes the two memory-
`resident scanning programs that continually monitor disk and file
`Chapter 5 - Checking for Viruses explains how to use the Toolkit
`to search for viruses on hard disks and diskettes.
`Chapter 6 — If You Find a Virus outlines what happens if the
`Toolkit finds a virus. It explains the straightforward steps
`necessary to remove the virus and repair infections.
`Chapter 7 ~ Advanced Virus Detection provides additional
`information on FindVirus, including running the program from
`the command line.
`Chapter 8 -« Advanced Virus Prevention gives detailed
`information on protecting your PC from virus infection using
`Virus Guard.
`Chapter 9 - Advanced Virus Checking provides information on
`checking for changes in files using ViVerify.
`Chapter 10 ~ Additional Tools includes information on the other
`programs in the Toolkit which you can use to protect your PC
`against viruses.
`Chapter 11 — Virus Repair and Removal details the advanced
`options for repairing files, boot sectors and partition sectors. It
`also includes advice on removing Viruses and preventing re-
`Chapter 12 - Using the Toolkit. on a Network gives additional
`information if you are installing and running the Toolkit on a
`Chapter 13 - Toolkit Configuration gives an explanation of the
`configuration files and how you can set them up and manage


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`Case 4:18-cv-O7229—YGR Document 192-3 Filed 04/19/21 Page 15 of 38
`Chapter 14 - Toolkit Utilities explains the various utilities
`provided in the Toolkit and how you can use them to create your
`own batch files.
`Chapter 15 - Reference Information includes the definition and
`syntax of all Toolkit commands.
`A glossary is provided at the end of the manual, covering all the
`important terms used. There is also a comprehensive subject
`Throughout this manual, a number of conventions are used.
`Information that you have to type is shown in the Courier
`typeface, for example:
`Keys that you have to press are shown in the following form:
`{1] cs
`is used. to indicate the Return or Enter key.
`Throughout the text, symbols appear in the margin to draw your
`attention to particular points. These are as follows:
`This indicates a section. or paragraph that applies only to the
`Windows version of the software.
` version of the software.
`This indicates a section or paragraph that applies only to the DOS
`This indicates important information or tips to which you should
`pay particular attention.
`This indicates a warning, and you should read it carefully.


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-

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