Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 158-12 Filed 01/23/21 Page 1 of 41
`Case 4:18-cv-07229—YGR Document 158-12 Filed 01/23/21 Page 1 of 41


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 158-12 Filed 01/23/21 Page 2 of 41
`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
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`Qualys API client examples
`M Document created by Parag Baxi on Oct 3, 2013 • Last modified by Jeff Leggett on Feb 22, 2017
`1..% Version 44
`afi Like • 9
`Q Comment • 26
`Note: This is unsupported.
`C#, RestSharp
`• API vl
`• API v2
`Go Language Example
`Groovy, httpbuilder's RESTClient
`• API v1
`• API v2
`Perl, LWP
`• API v1 and v2
`PHP 5+, SimpleQAPI class
`• API v1 and v2
`PHP 4+, curl
`• API v1 and v2
`Python 2.x, qualysapi
`• API v1


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 158-12 Filed 01/23/21 Page 3 of 41
`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`• API v2
`• Pagination
`Ruby, rest-client
`• API vl
`• API v2
`• WAS
`• AM
`Ruby, httparty
`• API vl
`• API v2
`• WAS
`• AM
`VB.NET, vb_net_rest_sharp
`VB Script, getXMLFile
`• API vl
`• API v2
`Web browser, Chrome, Postman
`• Install and configure POSTMAN
`• How to use sample collections
`Windows Powershell 3.0
`• API vi
`This is a community driven document to demonstrate examples of how to connect to the Qualys API using
`various platforms.
`C#, RestSharp
`The open source library assists in making calls to all API versions:


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 158-12 Filed 01/23/21 Page 4 of 41
`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`API vl
`Sample code:
`using System;
`using System.Collections.Generic;
`using System.Xml;
`using System.Xml.Linq;
`using System.Linq;
`using System.Text;
`using RestSharp;
`// Set up REST client to connect to US Platform 1.
`var client = new RestClient("
`II ) ;
`// Set up credentials.
`client.Authenticator = new HttpBasicAuthenticator("username", "password");
`// GET request
`// See QualysGuard version.
`var request = new RestRequest("msp/about.php");


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`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);
`// Response contains the XML file.
`Console.WriteLine (response.Content);
`// POST request.
`// Download raw scan results of scan/1234567890.12345.
`// This method does not work!
`// var request_post = new RestRequest ("msp/scan_report.php", Method.POST);
`// request_post.AddParameter("ref", "scan/1390453521.15910");
`// This method does work.
`var endpoint = String.Format("msp/scan_report.php?{0}={1}",
`"ref", "scan/1234567890.12345");
`var request_post = new RestRequest (endpoint, Method.POST);
`response = client. Execute(request_post);
`// Print out headers to see remaining calls against API limits.
`foreach (var header in response.Headers){
`Console. WriteLine(header);
`// Print scan results.


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 158-12 Filed 01/23/21 Page 6 of 41
`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`API v2
`Sample code:
`using System;
`using System.Collections.Generic;
`using System.Xml;
`using System.Xml.Linq;
`using System.Linq;
`using System.Text;
`using RestSharp;
`// Set up REST client to connect to US Platform 1.
`var client = new RestClient("
`IIII ) ;
`// Set up credentials.
`client.Authenticator = new HttpBasicAuthenticator("username", "password");


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 158-12 Filed 01/23/21 Page 7 of 41
`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`// v2 GET request.
`// Print out scans that ended in error.
`var request = new RestRequest("api/2.0/fo/scan/", Method.GET);
`// Add header, reqiured for v2 API.
`request.AddHeader("X-Requested-With", "RestSharp");
`request.AddParameter("action", "list");
`response = client. Execute(request);
`var xml_text = response.Content;
`// Let's see where we are on our API limit. Do we need to throttle our script?
`foreach (var header in response.Headers){
`Console.WriteLine ("\n(Press enter to continue.)");
`pause_me = Console.ReadLine();
`// Parse the XML to make it actionable.
`// Load XML string.
`XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Parse(xml_text);
`// Parse XML for each scan.
`var scans = from scan in xdoc.Descendants ("SCAN")


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 158-12 Filed 01/23/21 Page 8 of 41
`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`select new {
`scan_ref = (string)scan.Element ("REF"),
`title = (string)scan.Element ("TITLE"),
`status = (string)scan.Element("STATUS").Element("STATE")
`84 } ;
`90 // Print out each scan reference, title, and status.
`92 // Join the data into a string.
`94 StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
`96 //Loop through results
`98 foreach (var scan in scans)
`100 {
`104 }
`result.AppendLine(scan.scan_ref + " " + scan.title + " " + scan.status)
`106 Console.WriteLine(result.ToString());
`112 // Print only scans that ended in error.
`114 StringBuilder error_result = new StringBuilder();
`116 //Loop through results
`118 foreach (var scan in scans)


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`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`if (scan.status == "Error") {
`error_result.AppendLine (scan.scan_ref + " " + scan.title + "
`128 }
`130 Console.WriteLine(error_result.To5tring());
`Go Language Example
`Go lends itself very well to Qualys' REST based API's - it includes builtin library support for HTTP and XML
`parsing. Further it's built in concurrency support will make multi threaded apps easy to use as well. Here's an
`initial example of using Go with the Asset Management API's
`package main
`import (
`func Get_Credential_Hash(User string, Password string) string {
`return base64.5tdEncoding.EncodeToString(Mbyte(User + ":" + Password))
`https:llcommunity.qualys.corn/docs/DOC-4523-qualys-api- client. examples


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 158-12 Filed 01/23/21 Page 10 of 41
`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`func Get_Command_Line_Args() (string, string, string) {
`/* Get cmd line paramters */
`UserPtr := flag.String("User", "BOGUS", "Qualys Account User Name")
`PasswordPtr := flag.String("Password", "BOGUS", "Qualys Account password")
`APIURLPtr := flag.String("API URL", "", "Qualys API endpoi
`return *UserPtr, *PasswordPtr, *APIURLPtr
`func QAPI_Hostasset_Count() int {
`type Hostasset_Count struct {
`ResponseCode string 'xml:"responseCode"'
`Count int 'xml:"count"'
`User, Password, APIURL := Get_Command_Line_Args()
`encodedcred := Get_Credential_Hash(User, Password)
`url := APIURL + "qps/rest/2.0/count/am/hostasset/"
`req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
`req.Header.Add("X-requested-with", "GOLANG")
`req.Header.Add("authorization", "Basic "+encodedcred)
`/* req.Header.Add() */
`res, _ := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
`defer res.Body.Close()
`body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
`/* fmt.Println(res)
`fmt.Println(string(body)) */
`var c Hostasset_Count
`xml.Unmarshal(body, &c)
`if c.ResponseCode == "SUCCESS" {
`return c.Count
`} else {
`return -1
`func main() {
`var numassets int
`numassets = QAPI_Hostasset_Count()
`if numassets >= 0 {
`fmt.Println("Numnber of Assets:", numassets)


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 158-12 Filed 01/23/21 Page 11 of 41
`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`Groovy, httpbuilder's RESTCIient
`This open source package assists in making calls to all API versions.
`API vl
`Sample code:
`// Set up REST client.
`def qgc = new RESTClient('
`// Set headers.
`qgc.defaultRequestHeaders.'X-Requested-With' = 'Groovy'
`qgc.auth.basic 'username', 'password'
`// Optional: Force response handler to pass raw text to pass onto a parser like SAX
`//qgc.parser.'application/xml' = qgc.parser.'text/plain'
`// Call API via GET.
`def response = qgc.get(path:'about.php')
`// Store body of data separately.
`def xml = response.getData()


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 158-12 Filed 01/23/21 Page 12 of 41
`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`API v2
`Sample code:
`Sample code:
`Sample code:


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 158-12 Filed 01/23/21 Page 13 of 41
`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`Peri, LWP
`The open source library assists in making calls to all API versions.
`API vl and v2
`Sample code:
`use LWP;
`# retrieving data via HTTPS
`# Set base url to US Pod 1.
`my $APIURL = ""
`# retrieves Scan_history for the account and saves to file
`my $url = "
`# Set creds.
`my $username = "username";
`my $passwd = "password";
`# Set up request headers.
`my $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new;


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`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`$browser->default_headers->header('X-Requested-with' => 'Sample');
`$browser->agent("libwww - script");
`# Send GET request.
`my $request = HTTP::Request->new( GET=>$url );
`$request->authorization_basic($username, $passwd);
`my $response = $browser->request($request);
`my $content = $response->content;
`## Save to file.
`open( XMLOUT, ">output.xml" );
`print XMLOUT $content;
`close( XMLOUT );
`Sample code:


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 158-12 Filed 01/23/21 Page 15 of 41
`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`Sample code:
`PHP 5+, SimpleQAPI class
`This community published package by Peter Stiehl assists in making calls to the API:
`Simple PHP Qualys API class
`API vl and v2
`Sample code:
`$params = array('qlogin' => 'Qualys login',
`'connectTimeout' => 10',
`'timeout' => 59',
`'qpassword' => 'Qualys Password',
`'qdomain' => 'Qualys domain without HTTP', // For example 'qualysap
`'plogin' => 'Proxy login',
`'ppassword' => 'Proxy password',
`'headers' => array('X-Requested-With: SimpleQAPI'),


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 158-12 Filed 01/23/21 Page 16 of 41
`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`'purl' => '
`'pport' => 'port number');
`$SimpleQAPI = new SimpleQAPI($params);
`// You have to use the login() method to be able to launch the view_xxx_list() meth
`// For each request the answer is stored in $SimpleQAPI->resp
`// This should print : 201x-xx-xxTxx:xx:xxZ Logged in
`echo $SimpleQAPI->resp;
`Sample code:


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 158-12 Filed 01/23/21 Page 17 of 41
`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`PHP 4+, curl
`Initialize a CURL session from PHP:
`API vl and v2
`Sample code:
`$password="ENT ER_YOUR_PASSWORD";
`$ch = curl_init();
`$cookie]ar = dirname( FILE ) . '/cookie.txt';
`curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "
`curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('X-Requested-With: PHP curl
`curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $cookieJar);
`curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
`curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "action=login&username=$username&password=$pas
`$result = curl_exec ($ch) or die(curl_error($ch));
`echo $result;
`echo curl_error($ch);
`$ch = curl_init


`4/1 3/2 01 9
`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 158-12 Filed 01/23/21 Page 18 of 41
`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('X-Requested-With: PHP curl'));
`curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $cookieJar);
`curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
`curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
`curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "action=list&output_mode=full");
`$output = curl_exec ('
`echo $output;
`curl_close ($ch);
`Sample code:


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 158-12 Filed 01/23/21 Page 19 of 41
`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`Sample code:
`Python 2.x, qualysapi
`This open source package assists in making calls to all API versions.
`More info:
`API vl
`Sample code:
`import qualysapi
`# Setup connection to QualysGuard API -- only perform once per script.
`qgc = qualysapi.connect('config.txt')
`# API vi call: Scan the New York & Las Vegas asset groups
`# The call is our request's first parameter.
`call = 'scan.php'
`# The parameters to append to the url is our request's second parameter.
`parameters = {'scan_title': 'Go big or go home', 'asset_groups': 'New York&Las Vega


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`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`# Note qualysapi will automatically convert spaces into plus signs for API vi & v2.
`# Let's call the API and store the result in xml_output.
`xml_output = qgc.request(call, parameters)
`print xml_output
`API v2
`Sample code:
`import qualysapi
`# Setup connection to QualysGuard API -- only perform once per script.
`qgc = qualysapi.connect('config.txt')
`# API v2 call: Print out DNS name for a range of IPs.
`call = '/api/2.0/fo/asset/host/'
`parameters = {'action': 'list', 'ips': ''1
`xml_output = qgc.request(call, parameters)


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 158-12 Filed 01/23/21 Page 21 of 41
`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`Sample code:
`import qualysapi
`from lxml import objectify
`# Setup connection to QualysGuard API -- only perform once per script.
`qgc = qualysapi.connect('config.txt')
`# API v3 WAS call: Print out number of webapps.
`call = '/count/was/webapp'
`# Note that this call does not have a payload so we don't send any data parameters.
`xml_output = qgc.request(call)
`root = objectify. fromstring(xml_output)
`# Print out count of webapps.
`print root.count.text
`# Prints out:
`# 89
`# API v3 WAS call: Print out number of webapps containing title 'Supafly'.
`call = '/count/was/webapp'
`# We can send a string XML for the data.
`parameters = '<ServiceRequest><filters><Criteria operator="CONTAINS" field="name">S


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 158-12 Filed 01/23/21 Page 22 of 41
`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`xml_output = qgc.request(call, parameters)
`root = objectify.fromstring(xml_output)
`# Print out count of webapps.
`print root.count.text
`# Prints out:
`# 3
`# API v3 WAS call: Print out number of webapps containing title 'Lightsabertooth Ti
`call = '/count/was/webapp'
`# We can also send an lxml.builder E object.
`parameters = (
`E.Criteria('Lightsabertooth Tiger', field='name',operator='CONTAINS')))
`xml_output = qgc.request(call, parameters)
`root = objectify.fromstring(xml_output)
`# Print out count of webapps.
`print root.count.text
`# Prints out:
`# 0
`# Too bad, because that is an awesome webapp name!


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 158-12 Filed 01/23/21 Page 23 of 41
`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`Sample code:
`import qualysapi
`from lxml import objectify
`# Setup connection to QualysGuard API -- only perform once per script.
`qgc = qualysapi.connect('config.txt')
`# API v3 Asset Management call: Count tags.
`call = '/count/am/tag'
`xml_output = qgc.request(call)
`root = objectify. fromstring(xml_output)
`# We can use XPATH to find the count.
`print root.xpath('count')[0].text
`# Prints out:
`# 840
`# API v3 Asset Management call: Find asset by name.
`call = '/search/am/tag'


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 158-12 Filed 01/23/21 Page 24 of 41
`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`parameters = '"<ServiceRequest>
`<Criteria field="name" operator="CONTAINS">PB</Criteria>
`xml_output = qgc.request(call, parameters)
`Sample code for v2 Host list & detection API:
`import qualysapi
`from lxml import etree, objectify
`qgc = qualysapi.connect()
`# Start with first host, which starts at 1.
`id min = 1
`while True:
`print 'Downloading hosts from ID %d' % id_min


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 158-12 Filed 01/23/21 Page 25 of 41
`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`xml = qgc.request('/api/2.0/fo/asset/host/', {'action': 'list', 'ips': '10.10.10.
`# Parse.
`tree = etree.fromstring(xml)
`# Iterate through each host.
`elems = tree.findall('.//HOST')
`for host in elems:
`print host.xpath('IP')[0].text
`# Set up next request, if applicable.
`url = tree.xpath('/HOST_LIST_OUTPUT/RESPONSE/WARNING/URC)[0].text
`start =
`+ 7
`end = url.find(W,start)
`id_min = int(url[start:end])
`except IndexError, e:
`# No next url. All hosts downloaded.
`Ruby, rest-client
`Leveraging the rest-client gem
`, it's simple to call the Qualys API.


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 158-12 Filed 01/23/21 Page 26 of 41
`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`API vl
`Sample code:
`require 'rest-client'
`RestClient.get '
`API v2
`Sample code:
`Sample code:


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 158-12 Filed 01/23/21 Page 27 of 41
`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`Sample code:
`Ruby, httparty
`Leveraging the httparty gem , it's simple to call the Qualys API.
`API vl
`Sample code:
`require 'httparty'
`https://community.qualys.corn/docs/DOC.4523-qualys-api. client. examples
`auth = {:username => "username", :password => "password"}
`:basic_auth => auth)


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 158-12 Filed 01/23/21 Page 28 of 41
`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`API v2
`Sample code:
`require 'httparty'
`auth = {:username => "username", :password => "password"}
`:basic_auth => auth,
`:query => { :action => "list" },
`:headers => { "X-Requested-With" => "ruby httparty"})
`Sample code:


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 158-12 Filed 01/23/21 Page 29 of 41
`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`Sample code:
`VB.NET, vb_net_rest_sharp
`This community published example by BD@Huntington assists in making calls to API vi & API v2:
`vb_net_rest sharp
`VB Script, getXMLFile
`This community published package by ScrlptWlzard assists in making calls to API vl & API v2:
`• Performing API calls from VBscript - Part I
`Performing API calls from VBscript - Part II
`The getXMLFile subroutine takes 4 arguments:
`1. The first argument is the API version you want to use (1 or 2).
`2. The second argument is the file to store the output in.
`3. The third argument is the API call and arguments to pass.
`4. The fourth argument is the method to use when sending the data (GET or POST).
`API vl
`Sample code:
`getXMLFile 2, xmlResponse,"about.php", "GET"


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 158-12 Filed 01/23/21 Page 30 of 41
`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`API v2
`Sample code:
`getXMLFi1e 2, xmlName,"report/?action=fetch&id=" & reportID, "POST"
`Web browser, Chrome, Postman
`This Chrome packaged app assists in making calls to all API versions.
`Install and configure POSTMAN
`A one time installation of POSTMAN and environment set up is required for POSTMAN to point your request
`to the appropriate QualysGuard platform.
`Install POSTMAN:
`1. Download POSTMAN:
`2. Open POSTMAN by pointing your Chrome browser to chrome://apps/ or by clicking on the Apps shortcut link:
`, "Apps


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 158-12 Filed 01/23/21 Page 31 of 41
`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`3. Open the POSTMAN packaged app:
`Postman - REST Clie...
`Import QualysGuard API POSTMAN settings:
`1. Download QualysGuard API POSTMAN data backup
`2. Open POSTMAN's settings dialog.
`S rtg
` No environme
`3. Restore QualysGuard API configuration and sample collections:
`Data > Import data > Choose File button
`Download data
`Download all your collections, environments, globais and header presets in a single file.
`Import data
`Import a Postman data dump. This will overwrite existing data.
`Choose File No file chosen
`4. Choose the QualysGuard API POSTMAN data file.
`Configure POSTMAN's environment to match your QualysGuard platform.
`https://community.qualys.corn/docs/DOC.4523-qualys-api. client. examples


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 158-12 Filed 01/23/21 Page 32 of 41
`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`1. Identify your QualysGuard platform and download the correlating environment configuration:
`your QualysGuard Platform.
`2. Click on "No environment" button:
`No environment,'
`3. Select your newly imported POSTMAN environment by clicking on "No environment", and clicking on the environment
`you imported:
`(2)) No environment',
`EU Platform
`US Platform 1
`US Platform 2
`No environment
`Manage environments
`How to use sample collections
`In order to leverage the sample collections, your QualysGaurd credentials be applied to each reqeust. Just
`follow these easy steps:
`1. Add your credentials in the "Basic Auth" tab
`gest Autil I oAuth 1.0 OAuth 2.0
`1 MED
`L Password
`Refresh headers
`2. Click "Refresh headers" button.
`3. Click "Normal" tab.
`4. A new headers, "Authorization" should be populated with your basic authentication value. This should look something
`like, "Basic QWxhZGRobjpvcGVuIHNIc2FtZQ==".


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 158-12 Filed 01/23/21 Page 33 of 41
`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`https://{{base_uri}}finsp/asset_group_lis GET
`W URL params
`CS Headers (2)
`Basic ZG,'
`i4Thle should autopopulate freagefiRefreett headers".
`click to
`Add preset ••
`Manage presets
`Save before sending for POSTMAN to
`remember your credentials.
`Tests a
` cotteG.,on
`5. Click the Headers button to hide the headers. (optional)
`6. Click Save. Now you will not need to add your credentials to this request for future runs.
`7. Click "Send" button to send your request
`Windows Powershell 3.0
`This is standard on Windows 8.
`API vl
`Sample code:
`$username = "username"
`$password = "password"
`$password_base64 = ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force
`$creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($username, $password
`$headers = @{"X-Requested-With"="powershell"}
`$url = "
`I I
`Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $headers -Uri $url -Method Post -Credential $creds -OutF
`https://community.qualys.corn/docs/DOC.4523-qualys-api. client. examples


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`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`Sample code:
`Sample code:
`3 people found this helpful


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 158-12 Filed 01/23/21 Page 35 of 41
`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`Visibility: 0 Developer • 83359 Views
`Last Modified by Jeff Leggett on Feb 22, 2017 9:43 AM
`Tags: api python pert powershell c# example code php csharp vbscript postman
`Parag Baxi
`Oct 7, 20133:10 PM
`Added Perl API vl sample code.
`Q Actions
`crj Like • 0
`Parag Baxi
`Oct 8, 2013 6:33 AM
`Added VB Script API vl & API v2 sample code.
`Like • 0
`Parag Baxi
`Oct 9, 20136:21 AM
`Added C#, RestSharp POST & GET calls.
`6 Like • 0
`S. Parag Baxi
`Oct 22, 2013 8:21 AM
`Added Python, qualysapi WAS & AM calls.


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 158-12 Filed 01/23/21 Page 36 of 41
`Qualys API client examples I Qualys Community
`* Actions
`Like • 0
`Parag Baxi
`Oct 23, 2013 8:46 AM
`Added Groovy httpbuilder's RESTClient call.
`Co Like • 0
`Nov 12, 2013 6:20 AM
`Great post Parag.
`Parag Baxi
`Nov 15, 2013 1:31 PM
`Parag Baxi
`Dec 1, 2013 6:40 AM
`Like • 1
`(1:5 Like • 0
`Updated C#, RestSharp for API v2 support.
`* Actions
`Like • 0

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