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`PTO/SBi57 (-31 —1 8)
`Approved for use through ‘E ‘t 130/2021. OMB 0551-0064
`US. Patent and Trademark Office U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`. n persons are required to respond to a c
`er‘tiori of information uriie
`it displays a valid OMB
`"oi number.
`‘ed to as FORM PTO—1465)
`Address to:
`Mail Stop Ex Parte Reexam
`Commissioner for Patents
`F410. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 223134450
`Attorney Docket No.: 6805100001
`Date: MarCh 19, 2020
`This is a request for ex parte reexamination pursuant to 37 CFR1.510 of patent number 77975305
`issued Juty 512011
`. The request is made by:
`third party requester.
`The name and address ofthe person requesting reexamination is:
`1) Rapid7 — 1480 Chestnut Ridge, State College, PA 16803
`Requester D asserts smaii entity status (37 CFR 1.27) or [:1 certifies micro entity status (37 CPR 1.29). Oniy
`a patent owner requester can certify micro entity status. Form PTO/SB/i 5A or 8 must be attached to certify
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`Payment of the reexamination fee is made by the method set forth beiow.
`a. I: A check in the amount of $________________________________________ is enciosed to cover the reexamination fee;
`The Director is hereby authorized to charge the reexamination tee
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`Payment made via EFS-Web.
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`Any refund should be made by Dcheck or .credit to Deposit Account No. 044679
`37 CFR 126(c). if payment is made by credit card, refund must be to credit card account.
`A copy of the patent to be reexamined having a doubie column format on one side of a separate paper is
`enciosed. 37 CFR 1.510(b)(4).
`7. I: cotton: or core in duplicate, Computer Program (Appendix) or targe table
`El Landscape Table on CD
`1' 3}
`This ootiection oi. ..ormati0h is required by 37 C. P 1.510. The information is
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`to process) a request for reexamination. Confidentiality is governed by 35 U SC. 12.2. and 37 CFR 1.11 and 1.14. T it
`ection is estimated to take 18 minutes to
`complete, inciuding gathering, preparing, and submitting the completed application form to the USPTO. Time Will vary depending upon the individual case. Any
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`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 132-2 Filed 11/05/20 Page 3 of 113
`Case 4:18-cv-O7229—YGR Document 132-2 Filed 11/05/20 Page 3 of 113
`PTO/SEi/57 (01 -t 8)
`Approved for use. through 11/30/2021. OMB 0651-0064
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Offic
`Under the Pa emork Reduction Act of 1995, no ersons are re uired to res tend to a coliection of information unles
`la 5 a vaiid OMB control number.
`8. El Nucleotide and/or Amino Acid Sequence Submission
`If applicable, items a. m c. are required.
`a. I: Computer Readabie Form (CRF)
`'3). Specification Sequence Listing on:
`E. El CID—ROM (2 copies) or CD—R (2 copies) or
`ii. El paper
`c. El Statements verifying identity of above copies.
`A copy of any disciaimer, certificate or" correction or reexamination certificate issued in the patent is inciuded.
`Reexamination of ciaimr‘s) 6! 9- 11! 12’ 17 and 25
`is requested.
`A copy of every patent or printed pubiication reiied upon is submitted herewith inciuding a iisting thereof on
`Form PTO/SB/Os, PTO—“i449, or equivaient.
`12. El An Engiish ianguage translation of at: necessary and pertinent non—Engiish ianguage patents and/or printed
`publications is attached.
`The attached detailed request includes at ieast the foiiowing items:
`a. A statement identifying each substantiai new question of patentability based on prior patents and printed
`publications. 37 CFR 1.510(h)(1).
`b. An identification of every claim forwitich reexamination is requested. and a detaiied explanation of the
`pertinency and manner of applying the cited art to every claim for which reexamination is requested.
`37 CFR1.5’iD(b)(2).
`14. El A proposed amendment is included (oniy where the patent owner is the requester). 37 Cit-"R 1.510(e),
`15. E it is certified that the statutory estoppei provisions of 35 USC. 315(e)(1) or 35 U.S.C. 325(e)(t) do not
`prohibit requesterfrom tiling this ex parte reexamination request. 37 CFR 1.510(b)(6),
`it is certified that a copy ofthis request (if filed by other than the patent owner) has been served in its
`entirety on the patent owner as provided in 37 CFR 133(0).
`The name and address ofthe party served are:
`Dawn-Marie Bey 2
`A dupiicate copy is enclosed since service on patent owner was not possibie. Ah expianation of the
`efforts made to serve patent owner is attached. See MPEP 2220.
`Page 2 of Si


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 132-2 Filed 11/05/20 Page 4 of 113
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`PTiIi/SB/SY (Di —1 8)
`Approved for use through ‘i ‘iISOIZOZ‘i. OMB 0651-0064
`US. Patent and Trademark Office. U.S. DEPARTMENT O." " MMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a colieotion of information unless it displays a valid OMB i.
`3 number.
`Correspondence Address: Direct all communication about the reexamination to:
`The address associated with Customer Number: 39299
`Firm or lndividuai Name
`(at the address identified below)
`The patent is currentiy the subject ofthe foiiowing concurrent proceeding(s):
`at El Copending reissue Apptication No
`b. E] Copendihg reexamination Controi Not
`c. E] Copending interference No.
`Copending iitigation styled:
`1 21 8wCVm0‘i 519
`5: "i WEN—04467
`information on this form may become puhiic. Credit card information should not be inciuded on this
`form. Provide credit card information and authorization on PTO—2038,
`ID. Joseph Engiish/
`Authorized Signature
`D. Joseph Engiish
`Typed/Printed Name
`March 19, 2020
`Registration No.
`El For Patent Owner Requester
`For Third Party Requester
`{Page 3 of 3}


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`Privacy Act Statement
`The Privacy Act of 1974 (PL. 93—579) requires that you be given certain information in connection with your submission
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`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 132-2 Filed 11/05/20 Page 6 of 113
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`Request for Ex Part6 Reexamination
`US. Patent 7,975,305
`July 5, 2011
`Mail Stop Ex Part6 Reexam
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450
`Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. §§ 302-307 and CPR. § 1.510, the undersigned
`hereby requests ex parte reexamination of Claims 6, 9, 11, 12, 17, and 25 of US.
`Patent No. 7,975,305 (the “Patent”). A Request for Ex Part6 Reexamination
`Transmittal Form (PTO/SB/57) is attached hereto.


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 132-2 Filed 11/05/20 Page 7 of 113
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`Table of Contents
`INTRODUCTION ............................................................................ 5
`RELATED PROCEEDINGS ............................................................. 7
`Prior Ex Parte Reexamination ................................................. 7
`Prior Inter Partes Review ........................................................ 7
`THE PATENT .................................................................................... 7
`The Specification ..................................................................... 7
`The Prosecution History ......................................................... 10
`The 437 Application Prosecution History .............................. 11
`The Reexam Prosecution History ........................................... 16
`The Claims ............................................................................. 19
`The Priority Date .................................................................... 23
`STATEMENT OF THE LAW ......................................................... 26
`VII. GROUNDS ....................................................................................... 30
`Ground 1: Claims 6, 9, 11, 12, 17 and 25 are unpatentable
`under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as obvious over Sandu in View of
`Wells. ...................................................................................... 3O
`Sandu ...................................................................................... 3O
`Wells ........................................................................................ 37
`Claims 1 and 13, and similarly Claim 25, are unpatentable
`over Sandu in View of Wells. .................................................. 47
`Claim 6 and Claim 9 are unpatentable over Sandu in View
`of Wells ................................................................................... 81


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`Claim 11 and Claim 12 are unpatentable over Sandu in View
`of Wells ................................................................................... 84
`Claim 17 is unpatentable over Sandu in View of Wells .......... 85
`Ground 2: Claims 6, 9-12, 17 and 25 are unpatentable over
`Sandu in View of Wells and further in View of Freund ........ 89
`Freund..................................................................................... 89
`Claims 1 and 13 have been established to be unpatentable over
`Sandu in View of Wells ........................................................... 91
`Claims 6 and 9 are unpatentable over Sandu in View of Wells
`as applied to Claim 1 and further in View of Freund. ............ 9l
`Claims 11 and 12 are unpatentable over Sandu in View of
`Wells as applied to Claim 1 and further in View of Freund. ..94
`Claim 17 is unpatentable over Sandu in View of Wells as
`applied to Claim 13 and further in View of Freund................ 97
`CONCLUSION .............................................................................. lOl


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`US. Patent 7,975,305 (the “Patent”)
`File History of US. Application 11/009,437
`File History of Reexamination 90/013,660
`PTAB Appeal Decision
`Federal Circuit Decision
`Final Written Decision in IPR2017-0173 8
`US. Publication US. 2005/0172338 A1 (“Sandu”)
`US. Patent 8,140,660 (“Wells”)
`US. Patent 5,987,611 (“Freund”)
`Ex Parte Reexamination Certificate for 7,975,305
`US. Patent 7,373,643


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`Reexamination is requested for Claims 6, 9, ll, l2, l7, and 25 of the
`Patent (the “Challenged Claims”). Independent Claims 1 and 13, from which
`Claims 6, 9, l2, and 17 depend, and which independent Claim 25 parallels, have
`been canceled as a result of reexamination by Ex Part6 Reexamination Certificate
`issued January 29, 2020. This request seeks reexamination of claims not
`challenged in the prior reexamination, but have no separate basis for patentability
`than the canceled claims.
`The substantial new questions of patentability presented herein rely on the
`grounds that formed the bases for cancellation of independent Claims 1 and 13,
`and that were affirmed by the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (see EX-
`] 005).
`In support of this Request for Ex Part6 Reexamination (the “Request”),
`requestor provides the following:

`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 1.510(a), payment for the filing fee for this
`Request. The Director is authorized to charge $12,000.00 for the
`filing fee pursuant to 37 CPR. § 120(c)(1), and additional fees, if
`any, in connection with the filing of this Request, to Deposit
`Account No. 04-1679. Any refund should be credited to the same
`deposit account;


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`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § l.510(b)(l), a statement pointing out each
`substantial new question of patentability based on prior patents and
`printed publications. See Section V of this Request;
`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § l.510(b)(2), an identification of every claim
`for which reexamination is requested (see Sections MC and VI of
`this Request), and a detailed explanation of the pertinency and
`manner of applying the cited prior art to every claim for which
`reexamination is requested (see Section VII of this Request);

`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § l.510(b)(3), a copy of every patent or printed
`publication relied upon or referred to in the above-identified
`statement of substantial new questions of patentability and detailed
`explanation. See EX-1006, EX-I 00 7, and EX-1008. None of these
`references are non-English language patents or printed publications.

`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § l.510(b)(4), a copy of the entire Patent,
`including the front face, drawings, and specification/claims (in
`double column format) (see EX-1001). An Ex Parte Reexamination
`Certificate issued on January 29, 2020. EX-1009. The Patent is not
`subject to a terminal disclaimer,
`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § l.510(b)(5), a certification that a copy of the
`Request has been served in its entirety on the patent owner at the
`address as provided for in 37 C.F.R. § 133(0), and


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`A certification by the requester that the statutory estoppel provisions
`of 35 U.S.C.315(e)(1) or 35 U.S.C.325(e)(1) do not prohibit the
`requester from filing this Request.
`Prior Ex Parte Reexamination
`An Ex Parte Reexamination Certificate (see EX-1009) issued January 29,
`2020 as a result of Reexamination No. 90/013,660 canceling Claims 1, 2, 5, and
`13. The Examiner’s final rejection of the canceled claims (based on Ground 1
`asserted in this Request) was affirmed in a decision on appeal by the Patent Trial
`and Appeal Board (see EX-1004), which decision was subsequently affirmed by
`the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (see EX-1005). Claims 3-4, 6-12,
`and 14-25 were not reexamined.
`Prior Inter Partes Review
`A Final Written Decision issued on January 24, 2019 as a result of Inter
`Par/es Review No. IPR2017-01738 holding that the petitioner in that proceeding
`failed to establish the unpatentability of the challenged claims on grounds
`unrelated to this Request (see EX-101 I).
`The Specification
`The Patent is generally directed to a system and method for receiving
`incoming content from the Internet destined to an Internet application,
`selectively diverting the incoming content from its intended destination,


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`scanning the incoming content to recognize the presence of potential
`computer exploits using rules from a database, and updating the database
`periodically. EX-IOO], Abstract, 2:37-52, claims 1, l3, and 25. The purported
`advantage of the Patent is that it “utilizes a novel description language for
`efficiently describing exploits.” According to the Patent specification, “[t]his
`description language enables an engineer to describe exploits as logical
`combinations of patterns of tokens.” EX-IOO], 2:28-31.
`More specifically, the Patent describes a particular way of scanning
`content at a destination computer as the content arrives, using three different
`components: a tokenizer, a parser, and an analyzer. See EX-IOO], FIG. 2, 9:9-
`19. The Patent specifically describes “adaptive rule-based (ARB) scanners.”
`EX-IOO], 2:10-11, FIG. 2. According to the Patent, “[t]he content scanners of
`the present invention are referred to as adaptive rule- based (ARB) scanners.
`An ARB scanner is able to adapt itself dynamically to scan a specific type of
`content, such as inter alia JavaScript, VBScript, URI, URL and HTML.” EX-
`]001, 2:10-14.
`Furthermore, the Patent provides that “ARB scanners are data-driven,
`and can be enabled to scan any specific type of content by providing
`appropriate rule files, Without the need to modify source code. Rule files are
`text files that describe lexical characteristics of a particular language. Rule
`files for a language describe character encodings, sequences of characters that


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`form lexical constructs of the language, referred to as tokens, patterns of
`tokens that form syntactical constructs of program code, referred to as parsing
`rules, and patterns of tokens that correspond to potential exploits, referred to
`as analyzer rules. Rules files thus serve as adaptors, to adapt an ARB content
`scanner to a specific type of content.” EX-IOO], 2: 10-27.
`According to the patent specification, “[a] token is generally a sequence
`of characters delimited on both sides by a punctuation character, such as a
`white space. Tokens includes [sic] inter alia language keywords, values,
`names for variables or functions, operators, and punctuation characters.” EX-
`]001, 9:14-18.
`According to the Patent, parser rules are used to form a “parse tree.”
`According to the specification, “[p]referably, parser 220 uses a parse tree data
`structure to represent scanned content. A parse tree contains a node for each
`token identified while parsing, and uses parsing rules to identify groups of
`tokens as a single pattern.” EX-IOO], 10:49-55. “[I]mmediately after parser
`220 performs a reduce operation, it calls analyzer 230 to check for exploits.
`Analyzer 230 searches for specific patterns of content that indicate an
`exploit.” EX-IOO], 12:54-62.
`Claim 1 of the Patent recites “a network traffic probe operatively
`coupled to said network interface and to said rule-based content scanner, for
`selectively diverting incoming content from its intended destination to said


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`rule-based content scanner.” Figure 9 of the patent illustrates such a “network
`traffic probe.” Within the specification, however, the network traffic probe is
`only described in terms of its function. For example, “network traffic probe
`920 selectively diverts incoming traffic to ARB scanner.” EX-IOO], 19:39-41.
`And, “[d]esktop computer 900 preferably includes a network traffic probe
`920, which generally passes incoming network traffic to its destination, be it a
`browser, e-mail client or other Internet application. However, in accordance
`with a preferred embodiment of the present invention, network traffic probe
`920 selectively diverts incoming traffic to ARB scanner 930.” EX-IOO],
`1 9: 3 5 - 5 1 .
`The Patent also describes a process for updating scanning rules. EX-
`1001, 19:52-55 (“In order to keep exploit rule database 940 current, desktop
`computer 900 preferably includes a rules update manager 960, which
`periodically receives modified rules and new rules over the Internet, and
`updates database 940 accordingly”).
`The Prosecution History
`US. Patent Appl. No. 11/009,437 (the “437 Application”) was filed on
`December 9, 2004. The Patent issued from the 437 Application with twenty-five
`claims, including independent Claims 1, 13, and 25.
`A Request for Ex Part6 Reexamination (No. 90/013,660) filed December
`11, 2015 requesting reexamination of Claims 1, 2, 5, and 13 was granted. As a


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`result of reexamination, an Ex Part6 Reexamination Certificate issued on January
`29, 2020 canceling all of the reexamined claims — Claims 1, 2, 5, and 13. This
`Request seeks reexamination of Claims 6, 9, 11, and 12 dependent from canceled
`Claim 1, Claim 17 dependent from canceled Claim 13, and independent Claim
`25, none of which were subject to reexamination in the prior proceeding.
`The 437 Application Prosecution History
`On September 5, 2008, the Examiner issued a non-final Office Action
`rejecting all pending claims as anticipated by US. Patent 5,987,611 to
`Freund (hereinafter, “Freund’ ’). Applicants responded by arguing that “the
`rules used in the subject claimed invention are p_arser rules and analyzer rules,
`which describe program source code exploits in terms of logical combinations
`of constructs of a specific programming language,” in distinction to the rules
`of Freund, which Applicants argued were “Internet access rules which limit a
`user’s use of the Internet” (emphasis in original). EX-1002 p. 582. Applicants
`amended the claims to specify that the rules are “behavioral rules” in order to
`“distinguish them from the access rules of Freund’ ’ (emphasis in original). Id.
`at 578-582. Applicants further stated that they “added the limitations that
`exploits are portions of program code that are potentially malicious, and that
`the behavioral rules describe exploits as logical combinations of patterns of
`program code constructs.” Id at 582. Applicants added:
`Thus using Freund, for example, a user may either be allowed
`unconditional access to all JavaScrip_t, or denied access to all


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`JavaScript; whereas using the claimed invention, each JavaScript is
`scanned for the presence of potentially malicious behavior and then
`conditionally allowed or denied.
`Id. at 5 84 (emphasis in original).
`According to Applicants, the access rules of Freund determine whether
`the user has permission to use protocol components such as “JavaScript
`(<SCRIPT> tag)” when parsing contents of an HTML page for such
`components, but do not describe how to recognize malicious exploits such as
`the JavaScript code that the user is trying to access. Id.
`The Examiner issued a final Office Action on January 13, 2009
`maintaining the anticipation rejection over Freund, adding further rejections,
`and stating that there is no written description support for the various
`limitations added by Applicants by amendment, including “behavioral rules”
`that “correspond to potentially malicious computer exploits and that describe
`exploits as logical combinations of patterns of program code constructs.”
`Applicants responded by amending the claim language from “behavioral
`rules” to “parser and analyzer rules” and pointing to portions of the
`specification that allegedly support the amendments. EX-1002 pp. 504-512.
`Although these amendments were subsequently entered after Applicants filed
`an RCE, the Examiner issued another non-final Office Action on June 15,
`2010, maintaining the rejections over Freund on the basis that Applicant’s


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`Case 4:18-cv-O7229—YGR Document 132-2 Filed 11/05/20 Page 18 of 113
`latest substantive papers comprised mere allegations of novelty without any
`evidence, argument, or rationale for support. EX-IOO2 pp. 270-283
`In response, Applicants amended the independent claims as follows:
`wherein the parser and analyzer rules describe computer exploits as
`patterns of types of tokens, tokens being program code constructs,
`and types of tokens comprising a punctuation type, an identifier type
`and a function type;
`EX-IOO2 pp. 256-259 and 262(emphasis in original).
`According to Applicants, the limitation added by amendment provides
`novelty for the claimed invention, which is “describing and recognizing
`computer exploits from patterns of types of tokens,” where types of tokens
`comprise a “punctuation type, an identifier type and a function type.” Id at
`More specifically, Applicants stressed that “tokens” and “patterns of
`types of tokens” have different meanings. Id at 263. Applicants explained
`that tokens can be categorized into different “types” where, for example,
`APPLET, OBJECT, IMAGE, etc. are different tokens of the same “identifier
`type.” Id According to Applicants, an exemplary “pattern of types of tokens”
`is a token that is of the “identifier type” followed by a token of the
`“punctuation type” followed again by a token of the “identifier type” etc. Id
`Importantly, in addressing the Examiner’s rejections, Applicants stated


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 132-2 Filed 11/05/20 Page 19 of 113
`Case 4:18-cv-O7229—YGR Document 132-2 Filed 11/05/20 Page 19 of 113
`the prior art does not relate to categorization of tokens into types,
`i.e., categories of tokens, and to description of computer exploits
`in terms of such categories.
`Id (emphasis in original).
`Applicants recognized that Freund may disclose tokens such as tags,
`syntax elements and HTML components; however, Applicants stated that
`Freund does not disclose “patterns of types of tokens.” Id Applicants
`repeated its conclusion specifically stating “Freund does not teach
`categorization of tokens into types, nor description of computer exploits in
`terms of patterns of types of tokens.” Id at 264. Applicants stated that Claim
`1 was amended to explicitly recite that token types include “punctuation type,
`an identifier type and a function type” in order to “clarify this distinction.” Id
`Accordingly, based on the amendments and arguments presented by
`Applicants during prosecution of the 437 Application, it is clear that the
`alleged point of novelty of the Patent is the categorization of tokens into the
`types of tokens that are recited in Claim 1, and describing exploits in terms of
`patterns of such types of tokens.
`An interview subsequently took place between the Examiner and
`Applicants’ representative. A summary of that interview by the Examiner
`(which was agreed to by Applicants’ representative) further confirms the
`aforementioned distinction. EX-IOO2 p. 249-250 and 252. During this
`interview, Applicants’ representative stressed that the prior art does not


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 132-2 Filed 11/05/20 Page 20 of 113
`Case 4:18-cv-O7229—YGR Document 132-2 Filed 11/05/20 Page 20 of 113
`disclose the “types” of tokens according to Applicants’ definition of that
`term, and that the parsing techniques and lexical analysis taught in the prior
`art does not render obvious Applicant’s claims pertaining to describing
`exploits as “patterns of types of tokens.” Id.
`A Notice of Allowability subsequently issued on December 20, 2010
`together with an Examiner’s Amendment adding certain terms (6. g,
`“computer”) to

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