Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 42-8 Filed 02/10/20 Page 1 of 23






`Exhibit 7


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 42-8 Filed 02/10/20 Page 2 of 23
`US 00.822 540832
`United States Patent
`US‘8,225,408 B2
`um Fatem NIL:
`Rubin et ah
`Jul. 117; 2012(4,5) “Bate: [if Patent:
`Invenm‘rs: Moshe Rubin, Jamsalam (IL); Mame
`Mating Jerusakm (I‘M; Artum
`Melniak. Bait Shmuexh UL); Shlmlm
`Wuhan], Kefarxflaim (IL); Alaxander
`Yarmak-m: Bait Shemciéh UL}; Amii
`Shakm, Ta? Aviv (IL)
`5fli4fl33 A "‘
`133485489 A
`5,5?243436 a‘.
`5,533.50?) A
`5.533‘600 A
`5533,4436 Ex
`5.6?5-1‘1H A "‘
`$1995 Hemiwwz’ufl,
`151996 (Supmaal,
`1.311996 CERES: cm.
`”519% Judmn
`HJ‘WQfi Fufl‘nfiy 6! all
`2H??? Shweufl
`Ji 3!; 3!.
`65ng fink-in
`10.5}??? Kuplwi GIRL
`................ $261922
`Asgignee: Finjam Inc“ Saw 3033, CA (US)
`4;. "‘ x)
`Subject in any diwlaimm, 11m term m“ mm
`mutant is amended 0r adjmted under 35
`USHC, 154413) by IEQB‘ilays.
`1091 276 A1
`App]. NE): 10/9303884
`Aug. 30% 2-004
`EJGmm, (I‘ 'Jawbs, K Langenduesn. N Eat—«Parsing Techniquex: A,
`Frames] Guide; mum-Jim]: Wiley & Sana 1m; New Yurkg NY.
`USA. 4:)“ i~32€§fi
`Prior Publimfim mam
`1J3 zmfis‘mnfism m
`May 19, 2003
`Reiated was, Applicatiml Mata
`(flmfiilmaiiunvin- art mi“ applicmiwgm Na“ 095539fifil
`‘fiied am Main 30, 2000;)10w Pat, N0, fié8fil4§,?§f‘s,0, which
`is a cumimwim M‘appficmmn M13. 0318.3641383. filed
`am Navufiq 1997’. mw Pan; Mm. 6,692.194
`Int. (EL
`Had], 29/106
`“YE-6125;713/153; 726,?22
`EELS. (11,
`Fiem m7 Classificatinn Search ........................ Nam:
`‘Sm empiicatima file, far complete scamh hismw.
`“WIN? x
`Sfifigfij‘) A.
`53(3335‘} A
`123ka Mmphyaifiah
`10319956 wani'hai
`1131994 Tzajafili c1511.,
`Prirmwe Emmimzr —-w Elam "Shii‘emw
`Amiga“! Examiner wwwww Jammy Williams
`{M} Atlvrmgna ,rigcmn 0r Wm:——-«~DawwMa-rie13ey;Kifig&
`Spalding LLP
`A method fmf scanning Cfilfl’fiffll, including idmuifying' [ohms
`wilhin an humming byte srmmm the when; being lamina}
`magnum liar a 311mm: izuignage. identifying pmmms; :31”
`mkms, gemrming a pa r553 mm fmm thin identified, patterns of
`mkens. and idemfiymg the premnw mf petamiafl explnits
`William {the parse {mm w’i‘xemm Said idemitfing mkms, idem-r
`15113?ng {1311121115 m’ mkmlsfi and idemifgimg 11m prmmm: ml“
`panama! expiaits aria: b;
`:31 mm m 3 SH mimics fur the spasmific
`ianguaga A system and a winpmer readable 559(3ng medium
`am aka described and maimed.
`35 Claims, 7 Drawing Shaw‘s
`~ M?
` 3 WWGmmmv C: we


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 42-8 Filed 02/10/20 Page 3 of 23
`Case 4:18-cv-07229—YGR Document 42-8 Filed 02/10/20 Page 3 of 23
`US 8.225.408 BE
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`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 42-8 Filed 02/10/20 Page 4 of 23
`Case 4:18-cv-07229—YGR Document 42-8 Filed 02/10/20 Page 4 of 23
`US 813,225,408 BE
`Page ,3
`231mg, all at “Swarm in the Large: ii; Java’s; Sandlmvs: Sealahle,“
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`Sahxaxid‘g at M. “Pfliflecfifig Dam me Malitimm Safiwma.“ Mar 0‘
`i135; fohv 18‘” Aims“?! (hummer Saran-m» fippfimrimm iffwifinwmm
`pp", 340. 200;},
` ”Ax Heaihfieflcmsg {Timmy} gem-ice Fm Jam i‘v’lehila-
`Cmrafih ea :33
`li‘odef’flififkg WgESIS—Bfifi, 2000.
`Infernafitmai Search Repel? thrflcppiicafian Nu PC'IE‘TWJ‘TIH3621‘},-3
`pp, Ma}? M 39.91% (waning, mate)“
`Wrifi'emiihainiim fair ‘r‘sppflicm‘im Nan. MT’IZ‘KUJISffiW ii.‘ 5 pp.” dated
`Mmw 3‘ 2006 (mailingdmw
`Emma’smizmm Smrgh Repay! for Applic mien Ne! PCT'WHW I :0 £138! 4
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`’3’ (:in by examiner


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 42-8 Filed 02/10/20 Page 5 of 23
`Case 4:18-cv-07229—YGR Document 42-8 Filed 02/10/20 Page 5 of 23
`US. Patent
`Sheen 0f?
`Us 3,225,408 132
` ‘fiéeléemfiéeAAAAAA
` A


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 42-8 Filed 02/10/20 Page 6 of 23
`Case 4:18-cv-07229—YGR Document 42-8 Filed 02/10/20 Page 6 of 23
`“0.8. Patent
`Jul. 17, 2012
`Sheet 2, on
`US 8,225,408 132
`, N
`m ‘
`E 1
`§ 3:
`E a
`2 1




`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 42-8 Filed 02/10/20 Page 7 of 23
`US. Patent


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 42-8 Filed 02/10/20 Page 8 of 23
`Case 4:18-cv-07229—YGR Document 42-8 Filed 02/10/20 Page 8 of 23
`US. Patent
`Jul. 17, 2012
`Sheet 4 of 7
`Us 3,225,408 132


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 42-8 Filed 02/10/20 Page 9 of 23
`Case 4:18-cv-07229—YGR Document 42-8 Filed 02/10/20 Page 9 of 23
`US. Patent
`Jul. 17, 2012
`Sheet 5 of 7
`US- 3,225‘,408 132
`51 53
`' W
`mamas mum THE NEW MODE
`macaw mam; Pmemsi as
`FIG. 5


` H7fom0Eatmoflmm3m261‘mwzzwfium‘:9B4MEEQEmmEgg?
`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 42-8 Filed 02/10/20 Page 10 of 23


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 42-8 Filed 02/10/20 Page 11 of 23
`Case 4:18-cv-07229—YGR Document 42-8 Filed 02/10/20 Page 11 of 23
`US. Patent
`Sheet 7 0f 7
`US- 3,225‘,408 132
`FIG. 7


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 42-8 Filed 02/10/20 Page 12 of 23
`Case 4:18-cv-07229—YGR Document 42-8 Filed 02/10/20 Page 12 of 23
`US 8,225,403 BE,
`This applicalima is: a Williminim-impart :er asriglmr’r;
`appliczriimi [1.32 3:31an (392953036151 filed rm Mar. 303, 2000,
`mew 115.53. Pat, N01 6304:7803 (swirled “Elysian: mid Mmlreel
`iifir ‘l’mmuring ii Crampur ”
`ind 2:. Network firm} Hostile
`[)mwnlmdablm,” which is a cuminmiriiiin alfar'sigmc’r piiml‘il
`applicmim} US, 3:21 N02 03:45:54,322 filed 011 0 New. 1997:
`new US. Pat. N0. 62092J§942 aim enlillerl “Syrian: and
`Mfil‘filifid fur l’rorecring a: Cwmputer and 22‘ Newark fram Elms»
`rill-2 ljriwnlria‘dzililer."
`FIELD 0i? Hull? iNVENTlON
`This lire-232m invmtima relates in nelwm‘k security: and in
`parlicular m ramming :fl‘ inc-mile alumni for explmrr.
`(Emiwmiiiunal aim-rims“ mllwam 3:22:22: 2: wmmlter file 23’s-
`ram lay searching liar hym panama, 1‘
`red tr: :22 sigmlirmz;
`that are. presem within imbwn \ri‘ru‘sesi [fa virus rigiwmre is
`discmrereci within a file3 lire file is designated 512; infecwd.
`Crimean that fllfl‘ltflrs a mmpmrr limm $1112 Inimrmi pflSflS
`additimml smuriiy ilimalsg 2:5 marl] militant executes 1mm:
`marry irimr: climu campaign Willem being saved limit: 112::
`mm purer’s file system, Centaur Such as lawfimi pt and
`WSSGripl is mauled by an inter rel lamwser, as: 3300 as: the
`cement i2: received Wifllll‘i a web my:
`memalimml narwrrrk secur‘iry wfiw‘are'alm scrim: small
`haurislic virus ilgrwmmia.
`mahlle’ camera! lay searching fur
`However? in arrival" in be, air. protmt‘ive as PGSSiiIEie. Virus: 235};
`natures iiir mobile cement ten;
`to be rivmmcrnmmvaliw:
`which refills; in rig iflczml (Win~~ lacking ul‘cnnlr‘snix Dwar-
`lalmking rcférs iii: fame pmiiivrs; ie, in additirm in blocking:
`rd." malicimis malaria prier an rec. melogies elm lmlml: a sig—
`iiilicrmt 3121012121 :rl" cement rim: i2 um malicleus.
`Mmlmr drawback will] prim err ' nemmlz security mfiwwe
`is; that ii is: unable to mmgni m amnbimfiummksr in which 222::
`explmit i3 Spill uniting clil‘l‘emm summit Mrmm. Val amrilier
`:imw‘lmcl: is 01m prim arr nelwmir security soliwam i3 unable
`l0 rim-11‘ 0011mm cmrtéfiiiersr such as URI within lavaScripl:
`All ml“ the abrwe: drm'vhaeks; with rsmwmtimmi network
`security soilware 2m: due in an irmlaiiity m diagram mobile
`cutie Diagrmsis is a daunting task, 3min: ii emails linclm'siand-
`irig, incoming, byte murals: cede. The same nmliaimis Bxplmil
`can be maimed m an endless- warmly 0i“ waysi 30 i1 is 12m
`sizmcirm lit: 1m}: liar specific signatures,
`Nevertheless-g i112 Gram inaccurately bleak lanaiicimm (rode
`Willi mzinii‘mli
`:2 Tl'lr’imugh diagimsis
`SUVMMSWRY (1}? “TNT“: l'Jl‘iSCRlP‘l‘lON
`The present {meridian pmvidwg r: meihml and system .l'br
`Scanning. Willem limit includes mfibllr: cede, m. pram-2:20 a
`diagmgrir :malysis Mimic ”all explmim willriirtlm mmem.
`The prrsmii invenl‘imi is pm embly 213M withiii a netwrarl:
`gateway m“ pmw. m protect an irilrarie’l agaiiwi vimrizs marl
`01322:" nmlicismr melnvile male,
`The wmem scanners Uflhfl present invemimn are reibrrecl
`m: as; adamivr rifle-basal (MUS). 5621212221232 2501 AM} grammar is;
`able in adapi infillrlyluimically to: mm a specific; 1311:: (if
`summit, wish as; inter rel-irljmaScrmL VBSCripL Lilli, URL
`and HTML. ARE summers Elmer 'l‘ifurrl prim arr scanners; that
`air; liarr‘lcmied 'li‘ir me pars imilar type ril‘mnmni. l‘n diminu—
`tirmi ARE} Scanners are dammrlriven, and am} he ambled in
`main any specific type: all" mmmm by providing appmprialc:
`rule like: willium Elm wed in readily mum: maria 12m: iii
`3212 text files mm descrilm leximl rim mareriarics; of a partial»
`air languaue: Rule files far a language describe diameter
`mums mi characters l‘hm Harm lrximl cun-
`slmma ml lhr: language mikrred m as lnkmm pafilfifll‘fi
`aliens that form ryiimericzil criiim'ijcrr;
`:‘21’ pragmm made:
`referred m as: parsing rulexrmd patterns ol’mkens mat car/re:
`swindle potrririal explmirsi referred K) as analymr rule/52
`{11122; film»; 11le 9&th as Marinara! m whim mt: ARE mnmm
`scanner in a specific ripe alkmmml,
`The preswl irwen lien 2215;“: utilizes ii navel description lair:—
`gfiuage liar efliciemly describing explszilm This :lescripiim
`gangliageermblesmr engineer m :lewrihe explmiis as logical
`mmbimrlimnr ivlipamarnr: ml takers.
`Thur: ii 2113be apprmialerl llamllm rims :11 im'iimim} is: able:
`‘m diagrams: manning (2011mm As such Elm prurient invemitm
`aclliiewr very accurate blanking :rl‘ murmur, wirh minimal
`m‘mf—i’liflckiflg as: wmparrd wi-iliprim arr swam 2g reclumli:-~
`z: prrlhrmrl
`'llmrr: is; rims; pmvirlerl in accrrrclance with
`icir 203121121123
`mnlwmm‘errr of the preselii iiwmiinn .2: meihml,
`mmrmm including identifying rekerir wit in an iricnming
`byte firearm the tokens being lexiwl armament. “or :2 spmi-fic
`language. i:l:-_:mil3:ing pariemr mil linkers, gemmting :2 Flame
`tree-firm: the icimrlil’iedrimlerm aim lemma: 2: 1d irlemi‘lirmg the
`presence: urpn‘mmml exploiis within the in r22 2:12:22 wherein
`said illemil‘ying imkensi identilying 1331le (if “mews and
`irimlifying tire premier mimlmtial aphid S merbzmrd 2mm
`:2 5:21 ml rulers; fur {11:2 specific langaagc.
`There is momma provided inacwrdanw with: preiiarreci
`emimdmwill-Qf1hr:- pmsmit invenri‘un 2: 33:5: em hr summing
`centwi, including a lirlcenimr fer. iclmiiiifyingmkwr within an
`‘ncmii mg byte: sire-rim, the lifikiflm beinglmiwl emigrants int
`i: smfiil’ic lrmgrr‘rge, a parwr operativrly mu fiiflfii
`r: the: {rakes-n-
`‘rrer l‘br identifying pai’mmr: ril‘ lakmim rind geiierminga pr: me
`rear rherefmm, and rm analyzer aperzrl‘ively maple-2:3 m the
`221mm“ frat analyaing the prime trim and idem
`ing the pres—
`211m mfpmmlial expligiirs iliermvirlilm wherein rim ‘mlwnimn
`116‘ primer and {lie- analyzer are E: sail iii" miles; far 012 specific
`anguage-m iriemil'y Miriam”): parterrm {incl ramiemial expiring,
`There is llmlwr provided in accmdrmce Willi a pmi‘errm
`mmmmm :2f the pmfiemi irw‘enricm a tempura-madam
`storage medium staring pmgram cud :2 inbr‘carrsirig a maximum
`:2 piarlhrm the slaps m‘ ideliriifying {aliens within an manning
`23,142 airman}, rim Miriam; being lexical mmmrcis fm’ ll specific
`Hemguagm idwliliring panama: ml“ mkma. gmmmi‘ing a parse
`lreelifmm the: idmliliedpmmrm will) trim, arid identifying lire
`2125mm: af mammal explgiis within. lliepzirre {rm wherein
`mid identifying mlmns, identifying mailers rif lakem and
`idenriilyi uglhe pmwm :21“ WiQmial ex plwils are bar-ma nprm,
`2: 2:21: whales firr ilir: spmific language.-
`Tliem is; 1:2: llirtherpmvidcd in acwrdmwewith a preferred
`eliibeclimwr 0f rim: prawn ilwemimra mellmd fer rimming
`wmmm including expressing rm exploir in 122mm ofprirrrms
`ml’mkms and rulrr, where hiker-'12: are: lexicr l ' mil-12:21:; (if :2
`specific pmgrammimg‘languagm and rules 2

`uqllm‘lfiflfi 0f
`mkms lira: farm pmgrmijmmiml constructs, mid parsing, an
`imagining byte resume in determine if an explaii i3 present
`lliemwilliin: based. en raid expressing:
`“‘l‘lmm 52: adilirimwlly‘ priwidm iii acccmirmw with 21: we-
`i‘emarl einhmimenl (if lire: prawn inwniirm a sysimm fur


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 42-8 Filed 02/10/20 Page 13 of 23
`Case 4:18-cv-07229—YGR Document 42-8 Filed 02/10/20 Page 13 of 23
`US 8,225 A103 BE,
`Lemming 901116111,-includmg Pl 133113331: 1131' parsing, £111 inmmiug
`byte mums: m determine if L111 expkfii i1: presmn thmawithm,
`based my a Mimi-11 descriptimfl «213‘ the expimt expresszed in
`terms (if133fl‘ems Qf"‘1'ekens and rules. Wham tokem. are laxical
`12011533ch 011331 spas-31k pmgrmmfing hmg'uagc: 211102111131; an:
`smmnceg Qf 1L1 Rem; 131311131111 pmgmmmmica‘: ummmtcm
`”have: it: nummvm pmvidad in acmrdanm 1133111 2: pmfwmd
`em‘bmdinwm M11143 present ilwemimn e1 mnmu‘l‘ehmadabie
`storage nwd'mm staring pmgmm wade that 63113311313 cumpmer'
`m pericum the SMPS L11 prwasmg m1 wxplnii111 {mm (1f
`132113335113 (11 1QREIIS and, mics. whme 1313:2111; 1m: lexiLa} cm]-
`sl’mms mfa spacific pmgmmming Imguagq 21nd rules-are
`sflqucncas 121"? tokens Kim form, phjgmlmma‘ticai mmem,
`and naming 1m incmning 333131: Lemma: 1:: determfim if an
`explmitis prawn: 11131381330311.1111: based am said éxpmssing;
`113133111 malimms 113911311: mde wrigisming {13:11:11 the 311-3211161113
`Mahlie mafia is pmgmm mde ‘E‘I‘ffli‘i magma: 1311.12: client amn-
`pmer. Matshiie mdm‘cm take-111:1ny diverge {‘mnng, including
`miter aha .Mvaficript, Visual Basic-Laript‘, HTML pages as
`WQH HS 2: Unifnrm Iiesamw Magnifier (URI).
`Mmime mm: can be deirimwtzal m a client cumpulw
`Maiaiie mile- (32111 LLCLLL 21 die-111‘wmmfler‘s ”gaming System
`and file, Layman! @110an suckua fer tmnsmilfing dam in and
`fmm a client mmgpu’ier. and can tie up 21 diam, mmpmar’s
`wemssing and 1131313113131 resum‘ceg Slit‘lh 1313159'10113 1113313118:
`emit: 0121:1110: be, detecmi usingecmvemimm} anti-Vin“; scan—
`nem which, sag-21112;: amnpuiéefg file 1313213111, 31111313 muhilc cutie
`132113153 :70 mecute as 3113:1111 £15 it awn—:13; 21; 317112111 cm’npum {mm
`{he 1111mm, 31(3me being 355111133 1121.51 file.
`Many 31231119!mefmaliuiuusawhile 420%: 2111’: 13111111111 1:132:31.
`Part1 c3115; :1 300133 mm are malicimus 21m mfemfl 111 21:; 331330135:
`For manlple,_ one such prlni’k 1131331 Ewafiim‘ipt 1'0 Creme :3
`ustsrccaa,, T31L: 1:131:15 is 11111311 unable to
`windmw that 311521.11 mm-
`1CC€$§3 my windwwa 1y- ng 11i1demcaeh HIE? fin-131* wi11dc1w., "E7111:
`fimcmiflg sample: Luci-:3 331313.93: such E111 expflmiL
`'1 30(33‘1’PE HTML;- PUBLIC WWW? (ZI’S’LPTD HTML’4.,U Hiramititmmiw
`mpflmum 1211131931: 111m
`3311121301} 13131211an :1
`1,1“ {5113;309:111
`w :3 mreenmvldw;
`J: a scmeumxcigm;
`opsMM 01713331313313111anbec%5:11 :
`111160013 r1303: 5‘
`WEI-‘03 1;
`5011111311113:3*‘wi11dow3bm1gf }; {WWW 3;}‘11m;
`3313(3le MihmjaPOS’I actioniflwi:
`4‘35313’1‘mpm‘flmnnn” nmnmd‘htnlmh“V11,§1mm“1§n is“ m1click=£fdmié< 1":-
`1112-13; be: ap’pmfiiawd that the swwhy‘ 11113013111 :01" net'-
`wmk EMU-way H t} 11:»; critics-ah KL: :1 wrpmmte immmi‘.
`In ammrdanm’a wi £11 a prafm‘md Linkadimmn (1‘1“th premm
`invenmn, n‘etwmrkgnwway :11, {ll inc-makes 312011123311 31:231er
`.130 whme purpose ix m scan mmhiia code and identifi; prim»
`1:331 43113113: (1011mm scam-1m 130 maeives an: inpm cmflmn
`swimming mflhiia made: 111 i113: farm :1!" hym 5111;11:an and gen-
`Lmufi a Lawrity pmfih: i133” firm mmmn Tilt: Sammy 11mm-
`indica as whaiher 131‘ 11131 gamma] explaim l1m31311e1311dismw~
`31133331111111 the: cement. 311$ if SL1, prcwidefi {‘1 13521333103133: list of
`mm: m 1111111: 136111311321} awaits and 1111611“ mgpmi‘w incatimm
`within 1111; cents-2.111;
`Pm hmbly, {he 3131110132138 1' ntrflne’s mega sécuriw 11311323; 110
`d’wEd-a wlwflwr m [1133' :11 black 5111:3011:ng {3313161133stqu 0111131:
`mnmm‘a sec u‘ri‘é‘y 111311113. Fur examplm Lu 361311311}! Lam-hey may
`Muck Lumen: 111m may be: smififfly mafiaieus, say, mum“
`11,1211 dLLcwu 31.1 mmmmg :13 Mum m a file 3133:3111, 211ml 111213,r
`1113:: liar
`wifl) a":
`T m przssent-imwmian Wm be: 111011;: fufly mummified and
`2113__1*L:cimL;d 33713111 1114:: 1111 1111131113{11231131ilflfldtSC-fipfiim, 13km in
`6011111101101} 11 it}: 1111, drawing:11 which:
`3? (”i l is a simplified him-3k Liwggmm of 311 1:11;!erI!gateway
`3mm my 533310111 that mm an adaptiw nilaabased (ARE) 131311-
`mm scanner in acmwfimme with :1 pmfwad entehmdimmm {33’
`113:1 present iiwcmimu
`T {T} 2 is a Mmpfified block @3me of £113 adaptiw rifle»
`based Denim! Scanner 513113111, 1,11 amen-121nm with 21 p Liermfl
`embedjmem M the prasem .iflvemicm;
`(3L 3 is 2:11 ill-umrmimn LII :1- 351111111: flan-3332119111213
`631.3%!ng 1131(le “a” 3.110 “2113"" uSLd 111 acmrdanm
`wrekrred embedimim L11 the 31'esm1titwm1fiun;
`3 (11 Ill15 an illusfimfian L11 3 simple finim 511311.;111211: 1111331331
`21 pmwm uwj1:1 ammmlzmw with a maimed mlbwdi 11cm, L13
`11L present 1mLmiml’;
`I '~‘ s: .“spfified fimvcmrt umpmmmn 131’s! 132mm: 11hr
`32 :1 euhc cmlth Eanwuage wi 1131113111,LEE mum: Smurmergm
`Leanna-12111“ with 21 Hammad Lmbmfimem M, 11% [3111331121111
`3 L}. 61L 21 31:11plzi‘firgd New, diagram Lila Lyswm or 31:213-
`aiming binary 3113123111305- :3!“*1 H semen: 5333111112313; 1112111311111—
`him; 111611310 3 6311.133, Sitm and regenerating thLm back 11119
`33111113,’ instances m. 1118 Miami 13111:. in 2113631503111“ 11:11.21 mm
`erred mnbudinwm 03:11:: prS m inventimi; and
`FIG. 33 ilhmtrz1u~3S 21 Lemme- atat‘iva ifemmhy (11' whimts cm-
`ated. by 23 builder nmdule, i
`accmflm’mm with at! p eferreizi
`ambmiimem 0111330 present In, vemion,
`MST (IF ,APPI‘SND (71-3113"
`_;:\ppen:1dix A is 31 mum»? 13L:
`mg, Man ARE rule file fur the f
`Jaws-3312131111” lmgu‘age in accmrdzmw w
`111, L: preférmd embedie
`mam M1113 prLsLm 31113311331311,
`The present inmmem ccn1mms1scan11’ing 91f 6311132111: that
`120133211313 mwbflfl (was:k m praflml an 1211 erpmm signing: viruseg
`am: 11:11:31: 11121} icim-z S mm.
`RefuemL is 111311? 111,113.31: 1L1 FICL ! which, is, a Limpfified
`Muck ding:111,11 0?!311 mam]!WW“ 3! 3001mm5'3an that 1151:»
`i111 Lidap11
`:11:iL~E1tmnd{ARB) LmuL-nt 3621mm "m 21Lcr1rda11¢12
`wfith 313m «med 12111E1L1di111t311mi’thc pmsmn' immfimn Shnwn
`1.111316: 1 11'; L1 newer-k gateway 110 that 36:13 31:3 21 mmlmt EM
`123111133313 flaw that 1mm: entering inma corpmfira immaetg
`and fer cuntem firmn the wrpmate inu’e‘mm waiting m 1111:
`lam-11m Om: Li? W: 13111113131113 L11“ .nmwmk gammy 11:11 1:; m
`puma: 1:1in mmpmers 120 within 12311:: mmmam inmmet


`Case 4:18-cv-07229-YGR Document 42-8 Filed 02/10/20 Page 14 of 23
`Case 4:18-cv-07229—YGR Document 42-8 Filed 02/10/20 Page 14 of 23
`US 8,225 A103 BE,
`331211111111 131111112111 111211 is 112113 1111111121‘ 1311215 11112:}: 11511111111111 111211 121111
`mmumma user’s- mmputer 1113171312111 as .311 the example 1111111113.
`The diagfimslics within :1 13011118111 security pmfile are mme
`pared 11111111118 i111m111—31 513121111131“ p111ifuy.aml‘11 deci‘siim is made
`111 allow 111‘ black 111:; 1:11 11111111. When 01111111111 11;; 111111311126, 11111: 111*
`111111211111111111111111 11131113115112111 1113111111211, 1111;111:131 replming £1111:-
`picjmm par-1:311:11 M 11151 mutant 1151111 1111111111111113 cede. and
`afle‘wiflg the 11111111 fled 120111111113 and sending; 11 iimfifitmim m
`an 11111111113!admimistmmn
`Scanned 131111112111 and their Wflwpouding 1121111111}: 111101311311
`21111 1111311211ny 311311111 within 8 13011111111 {3816118 14!}. Preferably
`511111111111; gatmizay 11!) chart
`1; ifincnmmg-cmtm is already
`1115171111111 in cache 1411, and, 11‘ $0, b’ypagsea 121111113111 512111111111
`131). Use Mamba ”0 35111111: 121111111111 512211311131130 the 1:11:11 11f
`the 21111111311611 emu MARE 5621171111121“ 1311 and pm-Wmuwr 1511
`prevides; m1 avemge-scwmmg thwugfimut 13f zrppmwmnamlyg
`111ega~hi1s5 11911131101111
`Use 01715113111113: p11.11Fiie1;1 3121311111}; pah’cicsmndcaching, is
`described in axing-111321111X USU Pmw Nu. 6.0915194 13111111011
`HY‘SNM £1141?) Ml}: 111GB! 1 34* PM
`1N1} A {TOM-
`11111111631118 U.S~.. Pat; N01 6804,7811
`1111111ch EYE)
`1 $1M? METHOD 155113111113RQ'NS ' 7146 A
`D(3131‘1‘1511110.115DABLBSa and i1: applicant’s 111235
`P1111 Na),
`1411177311 19111111811 M 11—1111) AND SYSTEM FOR (7:111:11
`{NIL} T ~3ECURE 11.121111111111713
`Referenw 11; new 11121111: m 1311;}. 23 which is 11 Sinmlified
`block (11 agram 111f an adaptive rule-bagged 61111111111 31331111131“ 331:9-
`1121121201}s 11111131113111311123 whim preferred embodifiwm 111"‘1113
`111131111111 h’fir’fiflliflfl.
`13111 *5RR 111221111112);
`is prefiambfly
`{11331511311211 as 21 generic ardfitccmm-tha‘t is Iangflageéndepen-
`1:111:11, 2111111151 mismnimd 17111 21 spacifit languagflhmugh 111151; 1:11”
`a set t1fiuug113gc. wpccific 11131111 111115.
`11 scanner system is
`wslmnjmd 1hr 1111111531111 11;.» 1111121111 UH} set 11.1'ngancnip1
`1111133, and is masmmized 1131: HTML by 111611115 111‘ 11 5131:
`1%1'1‘ML 11111.1 11111115 1111111, 1:115:11 3111011111111 2112111115 111:1 211111311111
`11:) Magi the scmwwr 113111111111 11:1 a spmific; language 1’1 11211111111:
`rule. We Fm 1211113611131; 11; 11111111111311 in Appendix 1*“ and is
`{1121101113011 11121131111176.1011‘.
`Mammal inacm‘rdanwwfih 1 preferred embodimem 111‘
`the 11112313111
`11111111111115, referred .10 215
`explwim, 1—111: flescribed 111mg 21 1113211131512 symtam which £11 13151::
`Lang“agwiandependem. 1111s mated 1111211 11111 3211111: generic syn-
`13x 111112121 m 1111313111113 2111110115 is 111,111 1131311
`111 describe 11111»
`wage; ”111113 referring 11:1 Appendix *1 the: 32111112: 11311111111 is
`used 11:1 11131;
`: 11111‘1321'111181311111para-:31 1111111; and 13113 analyzer
`3111111111 11:11:11.
`It may 1111.13 be: appreciated than 13111 1113513111 11111211111111 1:11-0-
`wides .21 flexibflg wmmfl, 51211111111th 11161113111! and system? which
`can be 2111111111211 111 11111; Immguage 551111112: by 1111311131: (1192: set 111*
`1111113111211 1111111311: 1min 11112 c11111em scanner haw 111 imam-111
`11111 1111131111 1511 Such .21 31211111111115 35.111311]: 1111111311111} 1111112111111 as
`an aacfzuptive 11111211131111 (ARE) manner.
`.xkcimnmges 01’ am
`ARE summer, 1111:1111191 inter 11111.1:
`11112 21111111111113 113-11111: wfiwm: cede fmr 11111113! di'fiTcrem 12m-
`111a ability 111 312—11111: 51111111111: 12mm 1211 111112113; 1211111121111 and
`EXH flies;
`the 1113111131 111 News uptimizmim 1111711115 in 1.111% pmjemé
`rather 1111111 acmsa; 1111111111111 pmjeme; 21111:]
`1111: ability 111 describe 12111110113 using agmmrfic syntax,
`which can be interpreted by}? 111111111113 summer.
`The 5115112111 11f 151G».
`‘2 inclmdw three main 12011117111161113: 3
`211 (1,, .91 13211312? 22*} 111111113111111111‘151‘1111'230,Thefiumian
`01‘ 11131121113121 2111 i3 10 rmnguim 211111
`1114311151131 1311111011615,
`mfm’wfi 111.2111 1111112113, M 11111 21 by 1: 3111111111 1115131 1151 .1:
`murw 201112118 1111:2111 is gamma-111:1 21 sequence of Mummers
`delimited 1111 mm side-:9. 1yap1111c113a1fi1‘m 11113121131131; 11111111 11.111
`M11111 space. "1111111111 111111111111: 111111111121 language 11:51va111113,
`5111111123. name-S 1111 1111111111 m 01* 1111101113113, 1:11:11:1121111113., 1111611111111:—
`11111111111 characmm 111111131 afwhich 2115111.!" 11111311231111 parser 220
`311111 analyxer 2311.
`11 bytes 31.111118111331151 from a
`Pre‘fcmbly, 10km1111e1' 2.11} r1321
`1:1311111111 mama, 111111 hm d5 111:1 1} e byt‘ws until 11‘ iflefli‘ific a
`13‘er 1121:1111 cmnple 12 11)](11111'111111111‘1613. 1111111111 er
`ZN preferably pmv’ides berth 21
`11111113111 ID and {he 111111-11
`imam 0"1'11e [3113512111 11111311117011.1111:
`111 a preferred 131111111

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