Case 3:18-cv-02621-WHO Document 264-12 Filed 03/27/20 Page 1 of 23
`Exhibit K


`Case 3:18-cv-02621-WHO Document 264-12 Filed 03/27/20 Page 2 of 23
` Pages 1 - 22
`Before The Honorable William H. Orrick, Judge
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` Plaintiff, )
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` VS. ) NO. C 18-02621-WHO
` )
` )
` Defendants. )
` )
` San Francisco, California
` Wednesday, July 10, 2019
`For Plaintiff:
` 990 Marsh Road
` Menlo Park, California 94025
`For Defendants:
` 777 South Figueroa Street - Suite 3200
` Los Angeles, California 90017
`Reported By: Marla F. Knox, RPR, CRR
` Official Reporter


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`Wednesday - July 10, 2019
` 9:14 a.m.
`P R O C E E D I N G S
`THE CLERK: Calling civil matter 18-2621, Finjan,
`Incorporated versus Checkpoint Software Technologies,
`Incorporated, et al.
`Counsel, please come forward and state your appearance.
`MS. KOBIALKA: Good morning, Your Honor, Lisa Kobialka
`on behalf of Finjan and I'm accompanied by Kris Kastens, my
`partner, and Ms. Xu.
`THE COURT: Good morning.
`MR. ROBERTS: Good morning, Your Honor, Clement
`Roberts on behalf of Checkpoint with Alyssa Caridis and Evan
`THE COURT: All right. Good morning. Let me give you
`my thoughts on these motions.
`With respect to the motion to strike amended infringement
`contentions, I'm inclined to grant regarding the Blade
`Architecture which allegedly infringes the '968. I think
`the -- it is necessary -- I asked before, and I really would
`like to see a chart for each blade to clarify which blades
`Finjan is accusing to specify the combinations when they exist
`and how they infringe. So I'm going to give you the
`opportunity to amend one more time and just be -- just make
`this clear. This is the whole point of this exercise. So make


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`it clear.
`I'm inclined to grant regarding -- with respect to the
`'844, the instrumentalities other than the Endpoint Threat
`Emulation, which is the only one that is mentioned in the chart
`on that patent.
`I would also grant regarding ThreatCloud because it is a
`marketing term and not a product, and there is no argument on
`that in the opposition. So I'm inclined to do that with
`prejudice unless there is some reason not to do that.
`With respect to the source code, I'm inclined also to
`grant Check Point -- it's a -- source code is not easy for me
`to understand and -- but Check Point says in its brief that
`there was no code cited for 30 of the 52 accused
`instrumentalities, and there wasn't a response to that in the
`briefing that I saw. So if that's true, then I would grant
`that with prejudice and only allow the contentions that are
`listed in Check Point's Appendix 2 to continue.
`With respect to the motion regarding the doctrine of
`equivalence, I deny that. I think that's -- that is
`sufficiently asserted. And I would also point out that Check
`Point didn't object to the DOE the first time around.
`With respect to the new instrumentalities that were not --
`the alleged new instrumentalities that weren't initially
`charted, I would grant with respect to that, that products not
`in the initial contentions would be struck. And you would need


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`good cause in order to assert them again and not just throw
`them into the case. And that includes all the products that
`weren't mentioned and the so-called undefined functionalities
`and marketing terms in Appendix 3.
`With respect to the -- the motion to strike the Xu
`declaration, that would be granted because she obviously did
`not have personal knowledge sufficient to write that
`declaration. It is my assumption -- and I just want Ms. Xu to
`clarify this for me -- that she did not look at the source code
`outside of the repository. My assumption is what happened was
`that she got information from the expert and put that in as the
`large part of the basis of that declaration. That's
`inappropriate. I'm not going to make a bigger deal of it than
`that, but don't do that again. And -- but I just want to be
`sure that that's the case. Because if it's not, then we have a
`different issue.
`And then, finally, Checkpoint's motion to amend the
`invalidity contentions wasn't opposed, so that's granted.
`So who wants to take that on or do you just want to accept
`the tentative?
`MR. KASTENS: Your Honor, Kristopher Kastens for
`Finjan, Inc.
`I'm just going to address the blades issue and
`instrumentality that they keep raising. So I just want to
`clarify something, Finjan's infringement contentions are in


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`line exactly with what we understood your order to be and the
`Federal Circuit law. So Federal Circuit law says -- and
`that's -- I'm citing a case in our brief, the Vasudevan
`Software, Inc. -- that if you have a software package with
`different functionality included in it and something can be
`turned off and something can be turned on, doesn't matter so
`long as it is included within the actual functionality. That's
`why we originally grouped it as a single application. It is a
`single application in our view. You receive it. You can turn
`on and off functionality and use certain functionality.
`Now what we have done -- we are not accusing every single
`functionality within this software application. Within our
`charts what we have done is divided up -- we have gone through
`and for each element, we have divided it into separate
`contentions related to specific technologies. Sometimes these
`relate specifically to blades because sometimes they map
`cleanly to blades. There is a whole bunch of stuff within the
`functionality of the software package. They don't say it is
`attributable to any product. They just say it is other code in
`there. It is in this overall software application. They don't
`say it is attributable to any actual blade. That's what we
`submitted to you actually on Monday in supplemental briefing
`which was their mapping of the -- of these products, these
`blades, that they are calling them, which are actual
`functionalities to the actual source code. It just shows you


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`it took 700 pages to map that out. It just shows you they are
`parsing out one software application into multiple different
`So mindful of your previous order to make this as clear as
`possible, we have gone through; and we have specifically
`identified functionality for each element. So what they say we
`didn't cite source code for 30 of the 52 instrumentalities,
`that is because they -- that's related to functionality in that
`software application that is not part of our infringement
`contentions. They are just calling those separate products
`even though they are included within the one software
`If you have one software application and you and it has
`three different functionalities, just because one of those
`functionality is not accused, doesn't mean that functionality
`is not within the product. I think that is the fundamental
`dispute. That's all we are saying is that what we would like
`to accuse is the actual application they distribute.
`We have identified within that application the specific
`functionality. I believe that was perfectly in line with what
`your order requested. We grouped all the technology together
`and did that. When they say 30 out of 52, that's what they are
`talking about.
`I also wanted to relate to this -- to the new products
`that they are saying. Again, what they are saying is -- we


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`just said we are accusing this software application. And they
`are saying, Oh, that software application has functionalities
`that you didn't previously name in your infringement
`contentions. We never denied that. Those functionalities were
`not the basis of our infringement. We are still accusing that
`software application. So that is really cutting to the quick
`of it.
`Regarding the undefined functionalities and terms, they
`admit those aren't products. We are just -- they asked for
`more specific information about how they infringe. So we went
`through -- and we found technical information -- describing how
`they actually infringe with these -- with using documents
`describing -- in their source code describing how their
`technology actually works, and they don't even deny that these
`aren't products.
`So, I mean, we are trying to do our best to give them the
`most complete infringement contentions as possible. Any time
`that we give them more details -- they ask for more details.
`We give them more details. And they say that is an undefined
`functionality. You can't bring that in. They don't even say
`their products.
`I think I would strenuously argue that should not be
`subject to anything within the motion to strike. First of all,
`they don't even deny that these aren't products even under
`their definition of products which we again strenuously object


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`to because all the support says it is a single software
`application. So that's how we addressed it within our
`contentions and then within there -- to make sure that we were
`perfectly clear -- we divided out the specific technologies,
`some which directly map to blades and others which don't.
`Regarding the ThreatCloud, I don't know -- my
`understanding is that we may have addressed it. I know we
`addressed it in previous briefing. I mean, I don't understand
`why they would say it is a marketing term. They have data
`sheets on it to say it is a product. We have looked at source
`code and cited source code for the product. How can you say it
`is a marketing term when we have cited source code for it? I
`don't think they deny we cited source code. What are we
`pointing to if it is not a product? I have a real hard time
`grappling with the whole rationale where they can just say
`anything we point to is a marketing term; therefore, strike it
`when we are pointing to source code.
`We have been as explicit as possible throughout this
`process that our contentions are limited to what we have within
`our charts. So if we really cited nothing but a marketing term
`and -- which in our charts -- be that as it may -- that would
`be difficult, but we have cited source code for an actual,
`real-life product. So, I mean, I think that's what we would
`just say. Like, no, we actually have a --
`THE COURT: So I guess, Mr. Kastens, one of the things


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`I'm wondering is whether you are telling me that you have
`really done all you possibly can and what you have provided is
`it as far as you are concerned; that you couldn't do what I
`suggested, for example, with the Blade Architecture and do it
`blade by blade and lay things out; that you couldn't respond
`specifically to the -- what you think Check Point already knows
`and is sort of playing games with you a little bit and just
`say, no, we are not going after this, this, this and this. Be
`absolutely explicit and answer all those -- don't you think you
`could do that?
`MR. KASTENS: Your Honor, I think as far as -- we
`viewed their request that we were to -- that the grouping of
`these products as a pure formality. We argued -- we met and
`conferred with them. We go, Look, if you are saying these
`should be in separate charts for each blade, we will do it. We
`can do that easily. We offered that three separate times to
`them, and they never responded to that.
`So that is not to say that we can't divide up the charts.
`It just made a whole lot of sense -- since it is actually one
`software package, it makes a whole heck of a lot more sense to
`put it in one chart. It is a matter of form over substance.
`Furthermore, given that they finally -- after requiring a
`motion to compel, a response -- have told us what source --
`what they say what source code goes with what products took 700
`pages by the way -- we finally have their position on what they


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`say what source code goes with what products. That may be a
`basis also to further provide information.
`I mean, we have -- I think you may remember the last time
`we were in front of you, that we felt that would be information
`that would be easy to provide. We asked interrogatory on it.
`That was supposed to be answered before we supplemented our
`infringement contentions. They refused to answer it. Then we
`required a motion to compel. Then they extended their time to
`respond. So we only got it last week, and we submitted it to
`you. And I think if you take a look at that, you will see they
`will cite four directories for what they say is -- of source
`code for what they say is a product; and then immediately after
`that, they will cite literally, five, six pages of directories
`and say this is just other code relied on by this product; but
`it is not part of the product itself.
`THE COURT: All right.
`MR. KASTENS: So -- yeah, so, you know, I think that
`once again goes back to -- I mean, a bit of the games that they
`are playing. As far as dividing up charts and it being
`absolutely specific to what blade we -- we are talking about at
`a specific point, we can do that and we have offered to do
`THE COURT: It's -- you have experience with me. I'm
`like a second grader when it comes to this. It has to be
`really clear to me that what you are doing is clear to


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`everybody else, and I'm -- I take the bar low.
`MR. KASTENS: Your Honor --
`THE COURT: So that's what I'm looking for. Let me
`hear from Mr. Roberts.
`MR. ROBERTS: Yes. So to start with the last point,
`their offer to divide them up into separate charts was said We
`will take the exact same information and put that into separate
`charts if that will resolve the issue. There are lots of
`issues that we brought to the Court's attention. We were not
`able to accept that compromise. I will also note that the
`Court ordered them to do that. The offer that, Hey, if we do
`this one thing that the Court ordered us to do and we didn't
`follow the Court's order on that rules out the entire issue was
`not a particularly appealing offer.
`I do want to correct the Court with respect to
`ThreatCloud. I think what the Court said when they cite our
`characterization -- in particular, they have cited code for
`Threat Emulation, which is a product within the ThreatCloud
`marketing term. So we are not asking that their allegation as
`to Threat Emulation be struck; merely, the other products
`within the ThreatCloud marketing term.
`THE COURT: I meant to say that if I didn't say that.
`MR. ROBERTS: No worries. I just wanted to respond to
`what Counsel said we cited code for that product. The product
`for which they cited code within the ThreatCloud marketing term


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`is Threat Emulation.
`Your Honor, we put in as Appendix 1 -- and I have a
`slightly easier one here if the Court wants to see it -- a
`chart that shows for which claims and which products they cited
`code and which ones they did not. So we went through and we
`cited it. If these are just marketing terms, why have we --
`you know, we cited code for them.
`The issue with the marketing terms is generally they
`haven't cited code for them. The other undefined
`technologies -- the problem is they say: This technology or
`that technology is not linked to an infringement contention.
`It is not linked to a code citation. It is just a reference to
`a technology without a code citation. It is to a specific
`It is not like there are code citations to free-floating
`technologies. There are references to vague technologies and
`citations to products. Never the twain shall meet.
`When he said, Well, there are a whole lot of code sources
`available that are not part of the product, that's true. For
`example, there is an underlying operating system. And what
`their interrogatory asked for was they said: Tell us all of
`the code that is part of or used by a product. And the way we
`interpreted that was we will give you the unique code that is
`in each product, and then we will tell you everything else that
`interacts with it because although these are individual


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`programs, discreet programs, they have a lot of interactions.
`None of that code that does the interactions have they cited
`anywhere in their infringement contentions. None of it. It is
`not anywhere. There is no allegation that sort of operating
`system level code shared by all the products constitutes an
`infringing instrumentality. There is no allegation about that
`anywhere in there. There wasn't in the first one, and there
`isn't in this one.
`I think I have addressed the important points. If the
`Court has additional questions, I'm happy to answer them.
`THE COURT: I don't. Mr. Kastens, do you have any
`MR. KASTENS: Your Honor, you should have a copy of
`the source code exhibits. If you want to take a look at it, I
`think it will show you that it looks like there has been
`efforts made to like -- like, not represent in a manner that we
`can technically make sense of what this application is. It is
`a single application. We have accused it. That's what we are
`accusing. That is what our contention is. I don't think there
`is a factual record to say at this point in the contention
`stage to deny that that's true. To the extent that they have
`these certain definitions of what products are is completely
`based on what they argue their products are using a super
`narrow definition of what the code is for those products.
`So what I would seek leave to do, Your Honor, is if you


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`believe that a -- the charts by blade are the proper way, that
`we be allowed to go ahead and chart them using the blades. It
`would just really just take a matter of just dividing up our
`charts. We already have the charts divided up by blade. To
`understand that, the actual underlying code, for example, on
`some of these don't directly -- and some of the technologies
`don't directly map to a particular -- they say they are part of
`no products. I don't even know what to do in that instance if
`you say something is part of no product even though it's an
`application that is construed to the customers, and they only
`say 5 percent of the code actually in that application is in
`any sort of product. It is just -- it does not make sense and
`defies belief on that -- so that's what they seem to be
`attempting to do.
`So I think we can -- based on what our previous
`contentions are, we can divide them and specifically identify
`the blades. And all the blades that we have identified within
`our contentions regarding the actual functionality at issue
`were identified in the letter -- were identified to them as
`infringing products or was specifically related to source code
`that was previously cited even if they weren't specifically
`called out as that particular blade at that time. We cited
`source code for the blade. We can much more easily do it now
`that they have actually finally responded and said what source
`code goes with what blade.


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`MR. ROBERTS: To respond to that last point, we have
`been into this case now for almost a year. They have had the
`source code almost that entire time, over ten months,
`I believe, at this point. They asked us to do this mapping of
`not just what code is in each blade but also all of the code
`that we produced that interacts with it.
`We responded under 33(d) that it was a mechanical process;
`that someone would have to go through all the code and look at
`all of the links and look at all the functions and list them
`out. They said it was easier for us to do it than for them.
`When I met and conferred with Mr. Andre, I said, Look --
`before that motion, I said, Look, if you are telling me your
`experts don't have the ability to do this -- like they can't do
`it -- I will do it for you. They said, No, they can do it. We
`just think it is easier for you. We litigated a motion over
`that. The magistrate judge said we had to do it. We did it.
`I don't understand what they say: Oh, now that we have this
`thing, we can do something different. They have had three
`different experts look at this code for over ten months.
`THE COURT: I'm allowing them to amend.
`THE COURT: This is going to be the last time. So do
`the absolute best, and then you are going to be stuck with it.
`MR. KASTENS: Yes, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: And I will get an order out on these


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`things, and we will see where we are.
`MR. KASTENS: May I raise two additional brief issues
`not related to the merits of that?
`MR. KASTENS: One is the scheduling order with respect
`to claim construction. If they are going to be amending, can
`we, again, delay the claim construction until we --
`THE COURT: Yes, we have to do that one more time; and
`then that will be it. I mean, the whole -- this is something
`that occurs not in just this case but the whole purpose of this
`is not to have preliminary jousting, but it is to understand
`what the case is; and it is for you to understand it so that
`you can explain it to me when it comes time for claim
`construction and everything else. And what I often see through
`the clouds is just sort of general obfuscation. So I really
`want you to -- this should be a matter at this point of
`collaboration and understanding -- and making sure that you
`both understand what your perspectives are, so you can then
`present it to me.
`I do think we have to delay it one more time, and we can
`set the schedule either by your stipulation which would be
`preferable. And if you can't do that, give me competing
`MR. ROBERTS: Your Honor, I just -- one last point
`based on that, you know, we believe from their motion that they


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`filed to amend their invalidity contentions, if you read that,
`they have full understanding of what our contentions are.
`THE COURT: I know that is your perspective, and you
`may well be right. I don't know. I can't read into either of
`your minds. You both think that the other one is acting in a
`nefarious way, and that is the way that you litigate; and
`that's too bad for me, and it is probably too bad for your
`MR. ROBERTS: My further point to that was just -- I
`think if you take a look at our actual charts we provided, we
`went through great pains to make them as understandable as
`possible. We have underlined, highlighted, arrows, everything
`we can do to try to say: This is what we are accusing. And
`this just seems to be monkey business to keep trying to, you
`know, argue about what the definitions are --
`THE COURT: We finished with that motion, so I don't
`want to deal with that anymore.
`MR. ROBERTS: All right.
`MS. KOBIALKA: Your Honor, I will want to be heard on
`your ruling as well. I have to make some statements, but it is
`fine to go ahead.
`MS. XU: Good morning, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Was I correct in my understanding of how
`the -- your declaration was laid out?


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`MS. XU: Respectfully, it is incorrect. What happened
`is I did a in-person source code review sometime in September
`of last year, and at the time the majority of the source code
`was already on the source code computer. So specifically there
`is a network security blade -- so-called Blade Architecture,
`and that one contributes to the majority of the source code on
`the source code computer. That particular source code was
`already there at the time of review.
`Similarly, there is endpoint security source code which
`was also there at the time when I did the review; and if you
`look at my declaration, it contributed to the majority of the
`source code.
`THE COURT: Are you saying -- what I understood the
`facts to be was that you were in the repository for two and a
`half hours or something like that?
`MS. XU: Yes, that portion is correct. I was there,
`and then I looked at what is being loaded onto the source code
`computer as well as how many files were there and those sort of
`ballpark estimate, also in my declaration, and I also opened
`selected files to take a look to see the functionality of
`certain files and folders.
`THE COURT: Are you telling me that the entire
`declaration was from your own personal knowledge?
`MS. XU: That's a trick question. So --
`THE COURT: No, it's not.


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`MS. XU: Okay. I'm saying that declaration is based
`on my review of the source code on the source code computer,
`but it is also based on subsequent reviews by our expert and
`then the expert had --
`THE COURT: So here is the point -- and this is the
`only point that I wanted to make, and I wanted to be really
`clear -- you don't get to put in a declaration that you say you
`have personal knowledge of information that you don't have
`personal knowledge of.
`So when you are putting in the -- what an expert has told
`you about the source code review, you need to have that expert
`do it, not you. And don't let any partner in your law firm
`tell you that you need to do this yourself. That's -- you are
`stuck always with your -- the most important thing you have is
`your integrity, and you don't use somebody else's testimony and
`put it in as your own. Don't let anybody do that. So this is
`not -- I'm -- that was the basis for my ruling, okay.
`MS. XU: Okay.
`THE COURT: Thank you.
`MS. KOBIALKA: Your Honor, may I be heard briefly on
`your ruling? I do think that there have been some other
`allegations that have been made in connection with that
`particular motion that I have concerns about as well as the
`relief that is requested and so --
`THE COURT: So all I'm doing is saying -- I don't


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`think this is -- I don't think this is a big issue in the -- on
`any level except for I think it was inappropriate for you to
`make Ms. Xu file that declaration. I don't blame her at all.
`But I do blame your firm. And you just shouldn't do it that
`MS. KOBIALKA: I understand what your ruling is. I
`wanted to get clarification because they have asked for
`in-camera reviews and --
`THE COURT: I'm not doing anything -- I'm done with
`that, and Ms. Xu has indicated that she didn't violate the
`protective order. What she did was -- and it happens. Other
`people do similar kinds of things, but it is not right; and I
`shouldn't have people do it.
`If you want to have somebody make a statement about what
`anything says, make sure they have personal knowledge.
`MS. KOBIALKA: I mean, that takes me to the other
`point, which was that we signed declarations that says there
`has been 200 hours of document review in connection with, let's
`say, some discovery dispute. Now, I didn't personally do that
`document review; but I may have overseen that entire process.
`And to be very clear, her declaration is just about
`high-level information regarding the source code. You know,
`90 percent of it was based on what she had actually seen
`already. And she referred, especially in her declaration, that
`there was a hundred hours of review total done. She never


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`said, I personally did that review.
`So I understand your ruling, but I want to be clear
`because what it sounds like you are saying now is if I have a
`motion to compel, I'm now going to have -- let's say, the five
`associates who did the document review say, I did 25 hours of
`this review. I did this other review -- if I'm overseeing that
`process, I think it is fair to say I oversaw this review, and
`it took a total of 125 hours or 125 paralegal hours. This
`really is the level at which the declaration was stated.
`THE COURT: That's not the way that I read it, and
`that is not the way I just heard it described. And I wouldn't
`be argued this so vociferously because I think I'm being fairly
`lenient with respect to all of this because I do accept the
`truth of what Ms. Xu just said.
`MS. KOBIALKA: The only other question I have in
`connection with this is we were required to do pinpoint
`citations; and, you know, they made a big stink about maybe you
`have copied the source code, and I unde

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