Nautilus Biotechnology, Inc. v. Somalogic, Inc.

3:23-cv-06440 | California Northern District Court

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Division San Francisco
Judge Judge Beth Labson Freeman
Filed Dec. 14, 2023
Case Flags ADRMOP and AO279
Nature of Suit 830 Patent
Cause 28:2201 Declaratory Judgement
Jury Demand Plaintiff
Last Updated: 9 months, 3 weeks ago Show Interactive Timeline
Filing Date # Docket Text
  • Motion to Stay ProceedingsGranted
ORDER GRANTING 43 STIPULATION TO STAY PROCEEDINGS. Signed by Judge Beth Labson Freeman on 5/16/24. (blflc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/16/2024) (Entered: 05/16/2024)
  • Motion to Stay Proceedingsby Δ
STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER to Stay Proceedings filed by Panther Merger Subsidiary II, LLC, Somalogic, Inc.. (Haberny, Sandra) (Filed on 5/16/2024) (Entered: 05/16/2024)
  • OrderGranted
ORDER GRANTING 41 STIPULATION TO EXTEND DEADLINE TO FILE RESPONSIVE PLEADING TO FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT. Signed by Judge Beth Labson Freeman on 5/6/24. (blflc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/6/2024) (Entered: 05/06/2024)
  • Motionby Δ
STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER to extend deadline to respond to First Amended Complaint filed by Panther Merger Subsidiary II, LLC, Somalogic, Inc.. (Haberny, Sandra) (Filed on 5/3/2024) (Entered: 05/03/2024)
5/3/2024NOTICE of Appearance by Sandra Linette Haberny (Haberny, Sandra) (Filed on 5/3/2024) (Entered: 05/03/2024)
5/2/2024SUMMONS Returned Executed by Nautilus Biotechnology, Inc.. Panther Merger Subsidiary II, LLC served on 4/30/2024, answer due 5/21/2024. (Reines, Edward) (Filed on 5/2/2024) (Entered: 05/02/2024)
4/29/2024Summons Issued as to Panther Merger Subsidiary II, LLC. (slh, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/29/2024) (Entered: 04/29/2024)
4/29/2024Proposed Summons. (Walter, Derek) (Filed on 4/29/2024) (Entered: 04/29/2024)
4/26/2024 Declaration of Sandra L. Haberny in Support of 33 Administrative Motion to Consider Whether Another Party's Material Should Be Sealed Re Portions Of Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint filed byCalifornia Institute of Technology, Somalogic, Inc.. (Related document(s) 33 ) (Haberny, Sandra) (Filed on 4/26/2024) (Entered: 04/26/2024)
  • Order
ORDER TERMINATING AS MOOT 25 MOTION TO DISMISS AND TERMINATING 24 SEALING MOTION. Signed by Judge Beth Labson Freeman on 4/22/24. (blflc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/22/2024) (Entered: 04/22/2024)
  • Complaintby Π
FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT For Declaratory Judgment of Noninfringement of U.S. Patent No. 7,842,793 against California Institute of Technology, Somalogic, Inc., Panther Merger Subsidiary II, LL. Filed by Nautilus Biotechnology, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit 6, # 7 Exhibit 7, # 8 Exhibit 8, # 9 Exhibit 9, # 10 Exhibit 10, # 11 Exhibit 11, # 12 Exhibit 12, # 13 Exhibit 13, # 14 Exhibit 14, # 15 Exhibit 15, # 16 Exhibit 16)(Walter, Derek) (Filed on 4/19/2024) Modified on 4/22/2024 (slh, COURT STAFF). (Entered: 04/19/2024)
  • Motionby Π
Administrative Motion to Consider Whether Another Party's Material Should Be Sealed Re Portions Of Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint filed by Nautilus Biotechnology, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order, # 2 Unredacted Version of First Amended Complaint, # 3 Certificate/Proof of Service)(Walter, Derek) (Filed on 4/19/2024) (Entered: 04/19/2024)
  • Motion to Fileby Π
Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Portions Of Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint filed by Nautilus Biotechnology, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Derek C. Walter, # 2 Proposed Order, # 3 Unredacted Version of First Amended Complaint, # 4 Certificate/Proof of Service)(Walter, Derek) (Filed on 4/19/2024) (Entered: 04/19/2024)
  • OrderGranted
ORDER GRANTING 30 STIPULATION TO EXTEND DEADLINES FOR BRIEFS ON MOTION TO DISMISS. Signed by Judge Beth Labson Freeman on 4/11/24. (blflc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/11/2024) (Entered: 04/11/2024)
  • Motionby Π
STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER To Extend Deadline For Plaintiff's Opposition To Defendant's Motion To Dismiss And Defendant's Reply To Plaintiff's Opposition filed by Nautilus Biotechnology, Inc.. (Walter, Derek) (Filed on 4/11/2024) (Entered: 04/11/2024)
Motion Hearing as to 25 MOTION to Dismiss set for 9/5/2024 09:00 AM and Initial Case Management Conference set for 9/5/2024 11:00 AM in San Jose, Courtroom 1, 5th Floor. Case Management Statement due by 8/29/2024. (This is a text-only entry generated by the court. There is no document associated with this entry.)
(tsh, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/3/2024) (Entered: 04/03/2024)
  • Order
ORDER ADVISING PARTIES OF STANDING ORDERS. Signed by Judge Beth Labson Freeman on 4/2/24. (blflc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/2/2024) (Entered: 04/02/2024)
  • Order
ORDER REASSIGNING CASE. Case reassigned using a proportionate, random, and blind system pursuant to General Order No. 44 to Judge Beth Labson Freeman for all further proceedings. Judge Charles R. Breyer no longer assigned to case, Notice: The assigned judge participates in the Cameras in the Courtroom Pilot Project. See General Order No. 65 and Signed by Clerk on 4/1/2024. (Attachments: # 1 Notice of Eligibility for Video Recording)(ark, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/1/2024) (Entered: 04/01/2024)
  • Order
ORDER OF RECUSAL. Signed by Judge Charles R. Breyer on 4/1/2024. (ls, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/1/2024) (Entered: 04/01/2024)
  • Motion to Dismiss (Demurrer)by Δ
MOTION to Dismiss filed by California Institute of Technology, Somalogic, Inc.. Motion to Dismiss Hearing set for 5/31/2024 10:00 AM in San Francisco, Courtroom 06, 17th Floor. Responses due by 4/12/2024. Replies due by 4/19/2024. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Sandra Haberny iso Defendants' Motion to Dismiss, # 2 Exhibit 1 - REDACTED, # 3 Exhibit 2 - REDACTED, # 4 Exhibit 3, # 5 Proposed Order)(Haberny, Sandra) (Filed on 3/29/2024) (Entered: 03/29/2024)
  • Motion to Fileby Δ
Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Exhibits 1 and 2 to Defedants' Motion to Dismiss filed by California Institute of Technology, Somalogic, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Sandra Haberny iso Administrative Motion to Seal, # 2 Proposed Order, # 3 Exhibit 1 - SEALED, # 4 Exhibit 2 - SEALED)(Haberny, Sandra) (Filed on 3/29/2024) (Entered: 03/29/2024)
3/1/2024STIPULATION AND ORDER TO CONTINUE CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE by Judge Charles R. Breyer: Granting 22 Stipulation.A Joint Case Management Statement due by 5/10/2024. Initial Case Management Conference set for 5/17/2024 at 8:30 AM in San Francisco - To be determined. (ls, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/1/2024) (Entered: 03/01/2024)
  • Motion to Continueby Δ
STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER to Continue Case Management Conference and Related Deadlines filed by Somalogic, Inc.. (Haberny, Sandra) (Filed on 2/29/2024) (Entered: 02/29/2024)
2/23/2024ADR Certification (ADR L.R. 3-5 b) of discussion of ADR options by SomaLogic (Haberny, Sandra) (Filed on 2/23/2024) (Entered: 02/23/2024)
2/23/2024ADR Certification (ADR L.R. 3-5 b) of discussion of ADR options by Defendant California Institute of Technology (Shih, Daniel) (Filed on 2/23/2024) (Entered: 02/23/2024)
2/23/2024ADR Certification (ADR L.R. 3-5 b) of discussion of ADR options (Reines, Edward) (Filed on 2/23/2024) (Entered: 02/23/2024)
  • Motion to Appear Pro Hac ViceGranted
ORDER by Judge Charles R. Breyer: Granting 17 Motion for Pro Hac Vice, Daniel J. Shih. (ls, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/29/2024) (Entered: 01/29/2024)
  • Motion to Appear Pro Hac Viceby Δ
MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice by Daniel J. Shih ( Filing fee $ 328, receipt number BCANDC-19064696.) filed by California Institute of Technology. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate of Good Standing)(Shih, Daniel) (Filed on 1/26/2024) (Entered: 01/26/2024)
1/24/2024STIPULATION AND ORDER EXTENDING TIME TO FILE A RESPONSE TO THE COMPLAINT by Judge Charles R. Breyer: Granting 15 Stipulation. (ls, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/24/2024) (Entered: 01/24/2024)
1/23/2024STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER re 1 Complaint,, Joint Stipulation To Extend Time For Responsive Pleading filed by Somalogic, Inc.. (Haberny, Sandra) (Filed on 1/23/2024) (Entered: 01/23/2024)
1/23/2024NOTICE of Appearance by Sandra Linette Haberny (Haberny, Sandra) (Filed on 1/23/2024) (Entered: 01/23/2024)
1/23/2024NOTICE of Appearance by Kalpana Srinivasan (Srinivasan, Kalpana) (Filed on 1/23/2024) (Entered: 01/23/2024)
1/4/2024SUMMONS Returned Executed by Nautilus Biotechnology, Inc.. Somalogic, Inc. served on 1/3/2024, answer due 1/24/2024. (Walter, Derek) (Filed on 1/4/2024) (Entered: 01/04/2024)
1/4/2024SUMMONS Returned Executed by Nautilus Biotechnology, Inc.. California Institute of Technology served on 1/3/2024, answer due 1/24/2024. (Walter, Derek) (Filed on 1/4/2024) (Entered: 01/04/2024)
12/15/2023Summons Issued as to California Institute of Technology, Somalogic, Inc.. (tn, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/15/2023) (Entered: 12/15/2023)
  • Scheduling Order
Initial Case Management Scheduling Order with ADR Deadlines: Notice: The assigned judge participates in the Cameras in the Courtroom Pilot Project. See General Order No. 65 and Joint Case Management Statement due by 3/8/2024. Initial Case Management Conference set for 3/15/2024 at 8:30 AM in San Francisco, Courtroom 06, 17th Floor. (tn, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/15/2023) (Entered: 12/15/2023)
12/14/20238Case assigned to Judge Charles R. Breyer.

Counsel for plaintiff or the removing party is responsible for serving the Complaint or Notice of Removal, Summons and the assigned judge's standing orders and all other new case documents upon the opposing parties. For information, visit E-Filing A New Civil Case at

Standing orders can be downloaded from the court's web page at Upon receipt, the summons will be issued and returned electronically. A scheduling order will be sent by Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) within two business days. Consent/Declination due by 12/28/2023. (sec, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/14/2023) (Entered: 12/14/2023)

12/14/2023NOTICE of Appearance by Edward Robert Reines (Reines, Edward) (Filed on 12/14/2023) (Entered: 12/14/2023)
12/14/2023NOTICE of Appearance by Derek C. Walter (Walter, Derek) (Filed on 12/14/2023) (Entered: 12/14/2023)
12/14/2023Rule 7.1 Disclosures by Nautilus Biotechnology, Inc. identifying Other Affiliate Andreessen Horowitz, Other Affiliate Sujal Patel, Other Affiliate Parag Mallick, Other Affiliate Perceptive Life Science Master Fund Ltd., Other Affiliate Cercano Management, Other Affiliate Madrona Ventures for Nautilus Biotechnology, Inc.. (Walter, Derek) (Filed on 12/14/2023) (Entered: 12/14/2023)
12/14/2023REPORT on the filing or determination of an action regarding a Patent or Trademark (cc: form mailed to register). (Walter, Derek) (Filed on 12/14/2023) (Entered: 12/14/2023)
12/14/2023Proposed Summons. (Walter, Derek) (Filed on 12/14/2023) (Entered: 12/14/2023)
12/14/20232Notice of Additional Parties: the following parties are listed on 1 Complaint, and have been added to this case: California Institute of Technology. (This is a text-only entry.) (Walter, Derek) (Filed on 12/14/2023) (Entered: 12/14/2023)
  • Complaintby Π
COMPLAINT for Declaratory Judgment of Noninfringement of U.S. Patent No. 7,842,793 and Demand for Jury trial against Somalogic, Inc., California Institute of Technology (Filing Fee: $405,00, receipt number BCANDC-18938839). Filed by Nautilus Biotechnology, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit 6, # 7 Exhibit 7, # 8 Exhibit 8, # 9 Exhibit 9, # 10 Exhibit 10, # 11 Exhibit 11, # 12 Exhibit 12, # 13 Civil Cover Sheet)(Walter, Derek) (Filed on 12/14/2023) Modified on 12/15/2023 (tn, COURT STAFF). (Entered: 12/14/2023)