Case 4:20-cv-05640-YGR Document 758 Filed 05/26/21 Page 1 of 210
`Pages 3827 - 4052
` Under Seal Pages 3998 - 4014
`Before The Honorable YVONNE GONZALEZ ROGERS, Judge
` )
` Plaintiff,
`) NO. C-20-5640 YGR
` )
` vs. ) Friday, May 21, 2021
` )
`APPLE, INC., ) Oakland, California
` Defendant.
` Counterclaimant,
` vs. )
` Counter-Defendant.
` 825 Eighth Avenue
` New York, New York 10019
`(Appearances continued.)
`Reported By: Diane E. Skillman, CSR 4909, RPR, FCRR
` Pamela Batalo-Hebel, CSR 3593, RMR, FCRR
` Raynee Mercado, CSR 8258 RMR, CRR, FCRR


`Case 4:20-cv-05640-YGR Document 758 Filed 05/26/21 Page 2 of 210
`For Plaintiff:
` 825 Eighth Avenue
` New York, New York 10019
` 333 South Grand Avenue
` Los Angeles, California 90071
`2001 Ross Avenue, Suite 1100
`Dallas, Texas 75201
`2001 K STREET, NW
`Washington, DC 20006
`For Defendant:
`943 Steiner Street
`San Francisco, California 94117
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`Case 4:20-cv-05640-YGR Document 758 Filed 05/26/21 Page 3 of 210
`Defendant's Witnesses:
` Vol.
`Cook, Timothy
`Direct Examination by Ms. Moye
`Cross-examination by Mr. Bornstein
`Redirect Examination by Ms. Moye
` 15
` 15
` 15
`Recross-examination by Mr. Bornstein
` 15
`Further Redirect Examination by Ms. Moye
` 15
`Further Redirect Examination by Ms. Moye
` 15
`(Sealed Examinations)
`Further Redirect Examination by Ms. Moye
` 15
`Further Recross-examination by Mr. Bornstein
` 15
`Further Redirect Examination by Ms. Moye
` 15
`Rubin, Aviel
`Cross-examination by Mr. Byars (continued)
` 15
`Redirect Examination by Mr. Lo
` 15
`Recross-examination by Mr. Byars
` 15
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`Plaintiff's Exhibits:
`Evd. Vol.
` 15
` 15
` 15
` 15
` 15
` 15
` 15
` 15
` 15
`Defendant's Exhibits:
`Evd. Vol.
` 4052
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`Case 4:20-cv-05640-YGR Document 758 Filed 05/26/21 Page 5 of 210
`FRIDAY, MAY 21, 2021
`8:00 a.m.
`P R O C E E D I N G S
`THE CLERK: Calling Civil Action 20-5640, Epic Games,
`Inc., vs. Apple, Inc.
`Counsel, please state your appearances.
`MS. FORREST: Good morning, Your Honor. Katherine
`Forrest for Epic.
`THE COURT: Good morning, Ms. Forrest.
`MR. BORNSTEIN: Good morning. Gary Bornstein for
`THE COURT: Mr. Bornstein, welcome back.
`MR. EVEN: Good morning. Yonatan Even for Epic.
`THE COURT: Good morning.
`MS. MOSKOWITZ: Good morning, Your Honor. Lauren
`Moskowitz for Epic.
`THE COURT: Okay. Good morning.
`MR. KARIN: Good morning. John Karin for Epic.
`THE COURT: John Karin. Welcome to the courtroom.
`First time, right?
`Mr. Sweeney, good morning.
`MR. SWEENEY: Good morning, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Mr. Rudd, good morning.
`MR. RUDD: Good morning.
`THE COURT: Okay. On the Apple side.
`Mr. --
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`MS. MOYÉ: Good morning, Your Honor. Veronica Moyé
`THE COURT: Good morning, Ms. Moyé.
`MS. YANG: Good morning, Your Honor. Betty Yang for
`for Apple.
`THE COURT: Ms. Yang, welcome back.
`MR. DOREN: Good morning, Your Honor. Richard Doren
`for Apple. And we are here with Kate Adams and Heather
`Grenier and, of course, Mr. Schiller.
`THE COURT: Okay. Good morning to each of you.
`All right.
`Mr. Spalding.
`MR. SPALDING: Good morning. Your Honor.
`It only took me three weeks to get the
`two of you right.
`I see Ms. Dunn back there. Good morning.
`Who else do we have in the back?
`MS. MOYÉ: Your Honor, we have our witness, Mr. Tim
`THE COURT: Mr. Cook, good morning.
`MS. MOYÉ: We have Ms. Dunn, Karen Dunn; we have Kyle
`Andeer from Apple; we have Kate Kaso-Howard from Apple; and we
`have Lauren Dansey from Gibson Dunn, also for Apple.
`THE COURT: Okay. Good morning to each of you.
`And let's see. We've got some additional folks in the


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`So from the press, my notes show that we have Michael
`Acton from MLex.
`MR. ACTON: Good morning, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Good morning, Sir.
`And then Dorothy Atkins from Law 360?
`MS. ATKINS: Good morning.
`THE COURT: Good morning.
`Betsy Manifold is back for the plaintiffs' counsel.
`MS. MANIFOLD: Good morning, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Good morning.
`All right. Then I see some additional folks.
`MS. FORREST: Yes. Your Honor, I can -- since they
`don't have mics, I can introduce them.
`We have Brent Byars, who you remember from yesterday; and
`Jessica Choi, also working with Mr. Byars on the witness;
`Lauren Kloss, our beachmaster; and then Justin Clarke, one of
`our partners.
`THE COURT: Okay. Well, we are going a little bit
`extra on people today, but I'm going to use my discretion and
`allow it.
`MS. MOYÉ: Thank you, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Good morning, Ms. Behringer.
`MS. BEHRINGER: Good morning, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: That is our courtroom artist, who is


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`here, as well.
`Okay. A few things to do before we get started. I have
`my list.
`Ms. Forrest, do you have a list of things to address?
`I do, Your Honor. And I have conferred
`with Mr. Doren on these.
`The first is just on the time sheet that we were given
`this morning. I wanted to confirm that we had, according to
`the Court's numbers, 2 hours and 16 minutes left. That should
`be -- 13 more minutes should be deducted from that because
`we'll hand up now the final finding -- deposition designation
`binder, and when we added in some additional testimony from
`Mr. Gray, it's 13 minutes. So we actually have, I believe, 2
`hours and 3 minutes.
`Apple's counter-designations to Mr. Gray were minor. They
`were 11 minutes, and so that brings them down to 6 hours and
`MS. FORREST: And we're prepared --
`THE COURT: Agreed?
`MR. DOREN: Yes, Your Honor.
`MS. FORREST: And we're prepared to hand up, then,
`the final binder of the deposition designations.
`THE COURT: Great. I'm glad I did not take it


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`Okay. Next.
`MS. FORREST: All right. The next is to then confirm
`for Your Honor that the -- or confirm with Your Honor that the
`expert direct testimony has now -- we would move the admission
`of all of it. It had been provisionally admitted previously.
`We have two, Athey and Cragg, where we are waiting for the
`final rulings, but subject to those final rulings, we would
`move for the admission of all of the experts on both sides.
`MR. DOREN: And, Your Honor, obviously, we're fine
`with that, subject to the Court's rulings.
`The only administrative matter is that the versions of our
`written directs before the Court still have highlighting on
`them for which we were waiting for evidence, and we'd like to
`submit clean copies to the Court either later today or over
`the weekend. But in terms of admission of the testimony, we
`have no objection.
`THE COURT: Okay. I believe that that was part of
`the last filing of last night. This is Docket 725, which
`included additional exhibits, and then -- oh, no, these were
`depos. Okay.
`So Docket 725 is -- is admitted just for purposes of the
`record, because I've already updated my exhibit list.
`With respect to -- well, let me go back to the experts.
`In general, the request is fine, but I do want to -- I do want
`to address something else with respect to their testimony.


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`What else do you have?
`MS. FORREST: All right. I have three other just
`sort of logistics and then one request.
`On logistics, we've got the findings of fact that we've
`been giving to Your Honor --
`MS. FORREST: -- periodically.
`We were wondering whether or not we could have a couple of
`extra days for the very final one so we could ensure that
`we've done a complete sort of cite check. And if we could
`submit the final final on Friday of next week or any other day
`that Your Honor would find acceptable, we would appreciate
`that. We'll be -- some people on our team will be traveling
`back to the East Coast, which is why we had selected Friday.
`THE COURT: Yeah, I think that -- Mr. Doren?
`MR. DOREN: Sure. Yes, Your Honor. In light of the
`travel, we're fine with that.
`I think that that's fine. I don't -- one
`of the reasons why -- why I ordered that you do it, in
`addition to the suggestion from my colleague, Jeff White, for
`whom I will give credit -- if you have any complaints, you can
`come to me; if you want to give credit, you go to him -- is
`because I think it has been helpful, at least with respect to
`the parties, in terms of teasing out particular issues while
`we were here in trial so we could address them.


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`At this point, having them on the 28th, which I think is a
`week from today, the finals, is fine with me. What I am going
`to do, though -- it's the start of a long weekend -- I'm going
`to order that you do them by noon on Friday. That way you're
`forced to get them done and then you can take a break.
`MS. FORREST: Very much appreciated, Your Honor.
`Actually, we will --
`THE COURT: Noon our time, which is 3:00 p.m. East
`Coast time.
`MS. FORREST: Very good.
`And then two other logistics. We believe it would be
`useful to have the parties confer and confirm the final list
`of admitted exhibits.
`THE COURT: Well, I wanted to do that today.
`MS. FORREST: Okay. All right.
`I want us to be on the same page with
`respect to that, so I'm hoping that we will finish at a
`time -- but, again, I would like to have some junior lawyers
`at the mics and we will go through my list. You let me know
`if you have something different. But I also need to make sure
`Ms. Stone is on the same page, etc. So we'll do that this
`afternoon. That was on my list.
`MS. FORREST: The last logistic before the request is
`on trial transcripts. To the extent there are typos that are
`not -- I wouldn't even call them typos -- more that a name


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`might be spelled differently or something of that nature that
`the court reporter might not have been able to anticipate, the
`parties could confer if there are any erratas to be submitted
`to the Court for approval, again, by Friday. I'm not sure
`there will be any, but that would allow us -- it's not to
`change testimony; it's really just to make sure we've got a
`clean transcript.
`MR. DOREN: So long as they're fixing name spellings
`and things like that, that's fine with me, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Okay. And I'm not going to ask the court
`reporters to go back and change their work. It will just be
`on the docket for purposes of any appellate issues.
`And then lastly, Your Honor, Monday is the date for the
`closing with the back and forth. We've submitted an agenda.
`The cover note to the agenda asked if the Court had any
`particular issues that you wanted us to focus on, and if so,
`we would appreciate very much any direction. There is sort of
`a long list. You may have more interest in some than in
`others, and we would love to be able to focus appropriately.
`THE COURT: Yes. It is an ambitious -- it's an
`ambitious agenda. I don't think we are going to get through
`hand --
`I have a copy if it would be helpful to


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`THE COURT: No, I remember it.
`And the -- I think remedies would be interesting to hear
`about; issues relating to, obviously, the nature of the
`market. I don't need to hear too much with respect to Epic's
`approach in the sense that -- well, I guess as -- as Professor
`Schmalensee said, it's a tautology. Of course they have a
`monopoly if it's their thing, so that doesn't need much
`argument. The question is whether I accept that argument or
`It is, under the law, the exception, not the rule. It is
`the rare case, not the obvious case, so I don't know if you
`want to talk about whether this should be a rare case or not.
`Issues of substitutes I think are -- are interesting and
`will be something that I spend some time on.
`The lack of competition on the 30 percent is something
`that is troubling. I don't put much weight on litigation
`moves, so, you know, I don't know that you want to spend a lot
`of time on those topics.
`This is a dynamic market. Things are changing rapidly. I
`have a snapshot. We are at a point in time in a moving
`stream. So understanding what your perspectives would be for
`the Court's role in that dynamic environment, that would be
`interesting to me.
`Those are questions that I might ask you if I wasn't
`forecasting right now.


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`It's also -- you know, there are a lot of facts that I've
`said I have to go back and check whether there's any
`substantiation for some of the positions that are being
`asserted, and I haven't had the -- I haven't had the time to
`do that, obviously.
`Those are the things that come to mind.
`MR. DOREN: Thank you, Your Honor.
`I would be -- you know, I will let you
`all drive the conversation. I will push you faster through
`topics which are of less concern, and I will spend more time
`with you on things that are -- you know, that I'm debating
`right now in the back. But those are the things that come to
`mind right now.
`MS. FORREST: All right. Thank you, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Mr. Doren, anything else from you?
`MR. DOREN: Nothing further, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: The one thing I wanted to talk about --
`I'll circle back, Ms. Forrest, on the experts.
`With respect to Cragg, the Spotify documents, Microsoft,
`the Lori Wright testimony, and then I understand I have a
`brand-new one on Professor Athey, I may not resolve those
`issues by Monday. And so what I would suggest is that -- I
`may end up resolving them in the context of a final order or
`as an adjunct to the final order.
`I would suggest in your findings of fact and conclusions


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`of law that if you don't have a ruling for me or from me, that
`you give alternatives; that is, that you didn't -- what you
`didn't prove if I choose to strike it and what you did prove
`if I don't.
`Those things can be redacted. The testimony can be
`entered, given that these things are outstanding, in a
`redacted form, and if I allow it ultimately and you think it's
`important, then you can refile it in an unredacted form, but
`that way, at least we have the testimony in the docket and on
`the record.
`There is -- I do want to put something on the record with
`respect to the sidebar that we had earlier in the week -- I
`have only done one -- because I said a couple of things to the
`two of you at sidebar that I think are equally relevant to the
`Spotify documents, and I want that in the record.
`But out of respect for your request for a sidebar, I'm
`just going to do that -- that particular portion on the record
`under seal. We can do that at the end of the day. The rest I
`will do in written order.
`MS. FORREST: Very well.
`MR. DOREN: Thank you.
`THE COURT: All right. It is 8:15. Apparently the
`media line is dead, so we are going to wait.
`As I was driving in, I saw the cameras outside, clearly


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`not for me, although I wore a nice coat today.
`It's now back on.
`It's now back on.
`Mr. Cook, come on up, please.
`MS. MOYÉ: Thank you, Your Honor. Apple calls
`Mr. Tim Cook.
`I will have you remain standing. I will
`swear you in.
`called as a witness for the Defendant, having been duly sworn,
`testified as follows:
`I do.
`THE CLERK: Please be seated.
`THE WITNESS: Thank you.
`THE CLERK: And then would you just be sure that mic
`is kind of pointed under the shield, your face shield, and
`then please state your full name and spell your last name.
`THE WITNESS: Timothy Donald Cook, C-O-O-K.
`THE COURT: Okay, Mr. Cook, we can't hear you yet.
`THE CLERK: Let me turn on your mic.
`Okay. Now your mic is on. Sorry.
`THE COURT: Go ahead.
`THE WITNESS: Timothy Donald Cook, C-O-O-K.
`THE COURT: Good morning, sir.
`THE WITNESS: Good morning.


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`THE COURT: All right. Let me just double check that
`I've got that line -- do we have that line working?
`THE CLERK: Yes, they said it's working.
`THE COURT: All right. Ms. Moyé, you may proceed.
`MS. MOYÉ: Thank you, Your Honor.
`Q. Good morning, Mr. Cook.
`A. Good morning.
`Q. Can I bring you some water? You may need some water
`during your testimony.
`Your Honor, can I approach the witness?
`THE COURT: You may.
`THE WITNESS: Thank you.
`Q. Mr. Cook, what is your current role at Apple?
`A. Chief executive officer.
`And what are your responsibilities as chief executive
`The overall direction and strategy of the company.
`Q. How long have you worked at Apple?
`Since 1998.
`And under what circumstances did you come to work at
`I was working at Compaq Computer at the time, and I got a


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`call out of the blue that Steve had come back to Apple and was
`essentially replacing the executive team, and he wanted to
`talk to me about being the operations chief.
`And are you referring to Mr. Steve Jobs?
`Yes, of course.
`Q. What other positions have you held at Apple, Mr. Cook?
`Senior vice-president of worldwide operations, executive
`vice-president of sales and operations, and the chief
`operating officer.
`And when did you become CEO?
`In 2011.
`Q. What kind of oversight do you have over the App Store?
`It's limited, obviously. In a review capacity is the way
`I would refer to it.
`Q. Do you have a role with respect to strategic direction for
`the App Store?
`I have a role in strategic direction of the company and so
`to some degree, but more on a review basis.
`Q. Can you describe for us, Mr. Cook, your education and
`employment history?
`Sure. Education is I have a Bachelor of Science in
`industrial engineering from Auburn University and a Master of
`Business Administration from Duke University.
`My career started at IBM. I worked there for about a
`dozen years and then went to a small company called


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`Intelligent Electronics in Denver for three years, and then to
`Compaq for a very short period of time before joining Apple.
`And where did you grow up, Mr. Cook?
`In Robertsdale, Alabama.
`Q. Robertsdale, you said?
`A. Robertsdale.
`Q. Mr. Cook, how would you describe Apple's mission?
`It's to make the best products in the world that really
`enrich people's lives.
`And what do you do to try and meet that mission?
`A. We do a number of things. We invest like crazy in R&D.
`We've invested a hundred billion dollars since -- since the
`start of the iPhone development, and -- and that number is
`just accelerated. In fact, we've invested 50 billion in the
`last three years.
`In addition to that, we have a maniacal focus on the user,
`in doing the right thing by the customer. We integrate
`hardware, software, and services, and we think that we do that
`better than anyone else.
`We take a lot of the complexity of technology away from
`the user and make things simple, not complex.
`Thank you, sir.
`And what are the key commitments that Apple makes to its
`Simplicity, safety, security, privacy are key,


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`reliability, quality. You know, the things that make the best
`products in the world.
`And why does Apple focus on security, safety, and privacy
`in particular?
`A. Well, privacy, from our point of view, is, you know, one
`of the most important issues of the century, and safety and
`security are the foundation that privacy is built upon.
`And if you -- if you look at what's happened today,
`technology has the ability to sort of vacuum up all kinds of
`data from people, and we -- we like to provide people tools
`to -- to circumvent that.
`And could you explain, why do you believe privacy is one
`of the most important issues?
`I think that in a world where you view that everybody is
`looking at your every move, you wind up doing less over time.
`And so it really -- it goes to our civil liberties as
`Americans, and it really begins to affect your freedom of
`Q. How does Apple go about ensuring it meets its safety,
`security, and privacy commitments to its customers?
`Lots of investment, a ton of R&D investment. Obviously we
`build it in from the ground up, and so it's a core part of our
`design process, not an add-on, sort of an after-the-fact kind
`of thing.
`And in the case of the -- in the case of the App Store, we


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`review every app that goes on the store.
`And why, sir, do you feel it's important to review every
`app that goes on the store?
`Because there can be malicious things that occur. There
`can be things that vacuum up people's personal data. There
`can be malware. You know, the list of -- parade of horribles
`out there is pretty long of things that can happen.
`Are computer tools able to replace human assessment for
`app review, in your view?
`I don't think so. You know, I think it's important to
`have both. But today, the -- it is -- despite the
`advancements in machine learning, machine learning will not
`address all of the issues on the App Store. It still needs
`human judgment.
`Let's turn back to privacy for a moment. You mentioned
`its importance.
`Can you give us an example or two of how Apple has
`invested to improve customer privacy.
`Sure. This just -- just recently, we went live with
`Application Tracking Transparency, where it puts the user in
`control of whether they're being tracked across apps or not.
`We have a privacy nutrition label on the App Store, which
`is sort of a simple, at-a-glance way of seeing what data is
`being collected and what it's being used for, much like a
`nutrition label in the grocery store would tell you what --


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`what is in some food and so forth.
`We also, several years ago, had Intelligent Tracking
`Prevention, which looks at your browsing traffic.
`And, sir, you mentioned that ATT, App Tracking
`Transparency, was just introduced.
`Q. When was the privacy nutrition label introduced?
`It was introduced last fall, I believe.
`Q. What about ITP?
`I believe around three to four years ago, so probably in
`2017, the fall of 2017, I believe.
`Q. How have developers responded to Apple's privacy
`Some applaud it and some are not happy with -- with it.
`And what do you do when a developer disagrees with your
`privacy initiatives?
`A. Well, we listen. You know, we don't have a tin ear, but
`we're making decisions in the best interests of the user. And
`I -- I think it's important that -- that -- to know that
`sometimes there is a conflict between what the developer may
`want and what the user may want.
`And, sir, in your experience, how have consumers responded
`to Apple's commitments to safety, security, and privacy?
`A. Overwhelmingly positive. The number of notes I get about
`the -- the actions we have taken are -- are truly, truly


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`unbelievably positive.
`Q. Do you also conduct consumer surveys to get customer
`feedback on these issues?
`A. We do.
`And what do those surveys show?
`They would show that it's a very key factor, one of the
`top factors of why people choose Apple.
`Let's turn to the development of the iPhone and the App
`Did Apple's safety, security, and privacy commitments
`impact development of the iPhone?
`A. Oh, of course. When we launched the iPhone in 2007, there
`wasn't an App Store. And so the way that you would have --
`put an app on the phone was using a web app, instead of a --
`using the App Store.
`And it wasn't until the following year that we figured out
`that we could implement such a process of app review that
`would allow us to let native apps on there without having the
`security and safety and privacy issues that go along with that
`if you -- if you do it without a review.
`Q. How, sir, did the iOS system for the iPhone compare to the
`preexisting macOS system when the iPhone was introduced?
`A. Well, it was different, you know. The -- of course, the
`internet existed when the iPhone was -- was brought out, and
`so there was many more things you could do.


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`But the -- the -- the iPhone is a different design point
`than the Mac, clearly. Mac came out in 1984, before much of
`the technology was available, and the use cases for the Mac
`obviously are different than that for a phone. You have a
`phone in your pocket or your pocketbook most of the time, and
`you want instant service.
`And so we felt that the -- both the use cases and
`eventually the threat profile would be much greater on the
`iPhone because of the number of iPhones that would exist in
`the market.
`And what steps did you take as a result of that view that
`the threat level would be higher for the iPhone?
`A. We created the app review process and -- and also put in
`an enormous amount of effort in the safety, security, and
`privacy efforts on the phone, including some of these things
`that I just talked about, like Application Tracking
`Transparency and the privacy nutrition label, etc.
`And you mentioned web apps in your earlier answer.
`Were web apps available when the iPhone was introduced?
`Q. Were native apps -- that is, apps that used the iOS
`software -- could third parties produce native apps when the
`iPhone was introduced?
`A. No.
`And at what point was that capability added, if you can


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`It was one year later, in the -- I believe it was the
`middle of 2008.
`And you referenced this earlier. Once Apple introduced
`that ability for third-party native apps, what steps did it
`take to ensure that it could continue to meet its commitments
`to its customers?
`A. Well, we put in app review, and so we reviewed every app
`that went onto the store. And this was a combination of tools
`and -- and human review, because we care so deeply about
`the -- the safety, security, and privacy for our customers.
`Is app review effective at protecting iPhone users, in
`your view?
`Q. Do you have any data you can provide the Court on the
`effectiveness level?
`A. Well, you can see in third-party data that if you look at
`the malware that's on iOS versus Android versus Windows,
`it's -- it's literally an off-the-chart level of difference.
`Hopefully, that's come out at some time across the -- the
`couple weeks here.
`Sir, do you believe third parties can conduct app review
`for the iPhone as effectively as Apple can?
`A. No.
`And can you explain why not?


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