Case 4:20-cv-05640-YGR Document 757 Filed 05/26/21 Page 1 of 316
`Pages 3512 - 3826
`Before The Honorable YVONNE GONZALEZ ROGERS, Judge
` )
` Plaintiff,
`) NO. C-20-5640 YGR
` )
` vs. ) Thursday, May 20, 2021
` )
`APPLE, INC., ) Oakland, California
` Defendant.
` Counterclaimant,
` vs. )
` Counter-Defendant.
` 825 Eighth Avenue
` New York, New York 10019
`(Appearances continued.)
`Reported By: Diane E. Skillman, CSR 4909, RPR, FCRR
` Pamela Batalo-Hebel, CSR 3593, RMR, FCRR
` Raynee Mercado, CSR 8258 RMR, CRR, FCRR


`Case 4:20-cv-05640-YGR Document 757 Filed 05/26/21 Page 2 of 316
`For Plaintiff:
` 825 Eighth Avenue
` New York, New York 10019
` 333 South Grand Avenue
` Los Angeles, California 90071
`2001 Ross Avenue, Suite 1100
`Dallas, Texas 75201
`2001 K STREET, NW
`Washington, DC 20006
`For Defendant:
`943 Steiner Street
`San Francisco, California 94117
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`Case 4:20-cv-05640-YGR Document 757 Filed 05/26/21 Page 3 of 316
`Defendant's Witnesses:
` Vol.
`Hanssens, Dominique
`Direct Examination by Ms. Moye
` 14
`Cross-examination by Ms. Moskowski
` 14
`Redirect Examination by Ms. Moye
` 14
`Recross-examination by Ms. Moskowski
` 14
`Malackowski, James
`Direct examination by Mr. Doren
` 14
`Cross-examination by Ms. Moskowski
`3646 14
`Redirect Examination by Mr. Doren
` 14
`Recross-Examination by Ms. Moskowski
` 14
`Further Redirect Examination by mr. Doren
` 14
`Rubin, Aviel
`Direct Examination by Mr. Lo
`Cross-examination by Mr. Byars
` 14
` 14
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`Plaintiff's Exhibits:
`Evd. Vol.
` 14
` 14
` 14
`Defendant's Exhibits:
`Evd. Vol.
` 14
` 14
` 14
` 14
` 14
` 14
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`Case 4:20-cv-05640-YGR Document 757 Filed 05/26/21 Page 5 of 316
`THURSDAY, MAY 20, 2021
`8:00 a.m.
`P R O C E E D I N G S
`THE CLERK: Calling Civil Action 20-5640, Epic Games,
`Inc. versus Apple, Inc.
`Counsel, please state your appearances.
`MS. FORREST: Good morning, Your Honor. Katherine
`Forrest for Epic.
`THE COURT: Good morning.
`Good morning, Ms. Moskowitz.
`MS. MOSKOWITZ: Good morning, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Good morning, Mr. Niu.
`MR. NIU: Good morning, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: And, Mr. Sweeney, good morning.
`MR. SWEENEY: Good morning, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Mr. Rudd, good morning.
`MR. RUDD: Good morning.
`THE COURT: Okay. On the Apple side, Mr. Doren.
`MR. DOREN: Good morning, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: And, Ms. Moye, good morning.
`MS. MOYE: Good morning, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Ms. Dunn, good morning.
`MS. DUNN: Good morning, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Ms. Adams?
`MS. DANSEY: Ms. Dansey.
`THE COURT: Ms. Dansey.
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`And Ms. Grenier?
`MS. GRENIER: Yes. Good morning, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Good morning.
`All right. Mr. Spalding.
`MR. ELTISTE: It's Bret Eltiste.
`THE COURT: Eltiste. Okay.
`And then I think we've got Mr. Phillips back there?
`MR. PHILLIPS: Good morning, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: And who else?
`MS. RHO: Good morning, Your Honor. This is Jennifer
`Rho for Apple.
`THE COURT: I can't hear. Maybe -- Ms. Moye, maybe
`can help --
`MS. MOYE: It's Jennifer Rho for Apple.
`THE COURT: Jennifer Rho. Good morning.
`MS. MOYE: And Stephanie Fine at Apple.
`THE COURT: Okay. Thank you. Good morning.
`MS. FINE: Good morning.
`THE COURT: On the press side, we have Ms. Lopatto
`from The Verge?
`MS. LOPATTO: Good morning, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Good morning.
`And Ms. Miller from MLex? Good morning. Welcome back.
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`And then Betsy Manifold from the class counsel?
`MS. MANIFOLD: Good morning, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Good morning. Welcome back.
`Ms. Behringer, good morning.
`MR. BEHRINGER: Good morning, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Welcome back.
`MR. BEHRINGER: Thank you.
`THE COURT: I was also realizing that some of those
`who are listening who aren't generally in courtrooms many
`times find this boring. You know, we judges do talk to people
`and we do talk to our jurors.
`But with so many people listening, I just generally feel
`like judicial chatter is probably not the best thing to have
`happen in the courtroom, so I don't. But if you are ever in
`my courtroom and you are a juror, we will have much more fun
`discussions during the breaks.
`We'll talk about the Warriors more, although I was very
`disappointed. I said last night it was too much stress to
`watch them. And then they were winning and they were winning
`big, and I could hear my husband and my son yelling downstairs
`so I turned it on, and then they started losing so I turned it
`off. And then the dog and I just went to the other room.
`Anyway, so here we are. Two more days and then argument.
`Ms. Forrest, what do we have from your side?
`MS. FORREST: Your Honor, one point of just
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`information and also a request as to your preference.
`On the expert submissions, Apple has filed theirs on the
`docket. We are prepared to do the same thing, but we also
`wanted to ask Your Honor whether you would like hard copies of
`those, or do you have more than enough paper?
`THE COURT: I don't want hard copies. Look, I have
`had the expert reports. I read them before we started. I'm
`reading them again now because now they make more sense than
`they did on the first go-around. I was not planning on going
`I thought what you were filing on the docket primarily
`were things that reflected sealing or other issues. If there
`are -- if there are material -- and I guess what I would do is
`to the extent I am relying on something, I can go back to the
`docket and figure out whether it was struck. I mean, if there
`are material issues that you think were not proven or upon
`which there was no factual basis, then the easiest thing would
`just be to point that out to me so I can go and look.
`But I'm not going to look at additional copies. I've got
`my set.
`MS. FORREST: We -- you know, I think that makes
`perfect sense, and we don't even need to file anything on the
`docket if what we can do is rely upon just sort of the rulings
`that Your Honor has made as to what is struck or not struck.
`What has been filed on the docket so far has just been by
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`Apple, just literally copies of the expert reports with the
`rulings reflected in the filed copies. And we're prepared to
`do the same thing if that would just make the docket complete.
`But if Your Honor doesn't need that, we can stand down from
`THE COURT: Well, I think the docket should be
`complete, because I don't expect -- look, I really -- like I
`said, everybody is trying to read my mind. It doesn't matter.
`You can't read it because I haven't decided what I am going to
`do. That's the best defense to anybody reading anything.
`But whatever happens, one or both of you aren't going to
`be happy with the answer, and so it's going to go to the Court
`of Appeal. So the docket has to be complete.
`And I don't recall that those reports were ever filed. I
`think you provided me with copies of them per my request, but
`I don't think they were filed. So they do need to be filed.
`MS. FORREST: All right. And Apple has filed theirs.
`We will mirror that filing and not provide hard copies.
`The second issue I just wanted to raise as a point of
`information is we are actively determining whether or not we
`will need to call any rebuttal witnesses. Part of that
`depends on, frankly, what happens today because of some
`witnesses that are going today. Our rebuttal witnesses would
`be potentially responsive, and that's Mr. Lee and
`Ms. Mathiowetz.
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`There is a possibility, Your Honor, of one other rebuttal
`witness, who would have 10 to 15 minutes' worth of factual
`testimony. We don't yet know, because we've had to locate
`this person, if we are going to call them, but we will know
`And they would be responsive to testimony that has only
`just come up and that was not originally in the findings of
`fact of Apple, so it wasn't something we could anticipate.
`And we are -- I've notified Mr. Doren of this. I think that
`there may be a dispute as to whether we have missed the timing
`cutoff for disclosure, but we have said we will let them know
`as soon as possible and be prepared, if the person is called,
`to make them available for deposition for an hour tomorrow
`morning or something like that, very early, in advance.
`We don't have to resolve this, the parties can continue to
`have conversations about it, but I wanted to just let Your
`Honor know that it is sort of out there in the ether.
`MR. DOREN: Your Honor, just so the record is clear,
`there are two problems with that.
`One is that in the stipulation filed at Docket 538, the
`parties stipulated that Epic shall give Apple written notice
`by 7:30 a.m. Pacific Time of any rebuttal witnesses to be
`called on the trial day that begins 24 hours later, as well as
`the order in which said witnesses will testify on that day.
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`That time has come and gone.
`And that 24-hour period was negotiated as to rebuttal
`witnesses specifically, as opposed to the 48-hour notice we
`used for any case-in-chief witnesses. So that deadline is
`gone. There should not be any surprise witnesses at this
`Secondly, the parties agreed that any witness that will
`testify at trial would be deposed in advance of trial, before
`trial, not during trial.
`So for those two independent reasons, there should not be
`any surprise rebuttal witnesses at this point in the case.
`MS. FORREST: Your Honor, we can take this up later,
`but let me just sort of respond to that very briefly.
`There was a finding of fact in Apple's findings of fact
`which did not indicate the information that it now indicates
`through a redline and that there was testimony about. This
`particular rebuttal witness would be directly responsive to
`We would ask that, based upon good cause, Your Honor --
`this is an unanticipated event. It would be 10 to 15 minutes.
`We would give Apple the opportunity for a deposition, and it's
`still TBD.
`THE COURT: There is nothing for me to rule on right
`this second.
`MR. DOREN: Yes, Your Honor.
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`Mr. Doren, other issues from your side?
`MR. DOREN: Not at this time, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: While we were talking about -- we have
`just a few minutes before we are supposed to start anyway, so
`given that you were talking about process, let me ask for the
`lawyers on both sides, maybe by the end of next week, it would
`be helpful to me to have a joint email from the two sides
`about what trial-related proceedings in terms of your
`collaborations really worked and what didn't.
`The reason that I ask that is, I have been asked to
`participate in a course for judges dealing with antitrust
`cases in the fall. And as I've said before, I appreciate --
`and I can see it from my end -- all of the collaboration and
`professionalism that has happened in this particular case. It
`doesn't always happen in big commercial litigation trials.
`And so to the extent that there are things that worked
`very well for you, please let me know so I can let the judges
`know and they can put those in pretrial orders.
`So, like I said, it doesn't always happen, and to the
`extent I can get better information on best practices, I would
`be happy to communicate that.
`MS. FORREST: We'll put something together, Your
`MR. DOREN: Agreed, Your Honor. Thank you.
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`THE COURT: Okay. Anything -- we don't have anything
`Can you tell me what the list of witnesses is today,
`MS. MOYE: Yes. We are going to start with Professor
`Dominique Hanssens. Then we are moving to Professor Rubin --
`Professor Malackowski and then Professor Rubin.
`THE COURT: Okay. You may call your next witness.
`MS. MOYE: Apple calls Professor Dominique Hanssens.
`THE CLERK: If you will please remain standing, I
`will swear you in.
`(DOMINIQUE HANSSENS, called as a witness for the
`Defendant, having been duly sworn, testified as follows:)
`THE CLERK: Please be seated --
`THE WITNESS: Thank you.
`THE CLERK: -- and go ahead and get set. I'll wait
`until you get set there. Be sure the mic is pointed
`underneath the shield, and then would you please state your
`full name and spell your last name.
`THE WITNESS: My name is Dominique Hanssens,
`THE COURT: Good morning, sir.
`THE WITNESS: Good morning.
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`THE COURT: Ms. Moye, you may proceed.
`MS. MOYE: Thank you, Your Honor.
`Good morning, Professor Hanssens.
`MS. MOYE: Your Honor, I have a book of exhibits that
`may be used with the witness. I would like to approach.
`THE COURT: You may.
`MS. MOYE: Your Honor, we also have a binder for you.
`We will not hopefully need all of those materials, I assure
`Good morning, Professor Hanssens.
`Good morning.
`We have a deck of demonstratives that we would like to use
`to aid with your testimony.
`MS. MOYE: So could I have the first demonstrative on
`the screen, please.
`(Displayed on screen.)
`MS. MOYE: Thank you.
`Professor Hanssens, could you please tell us, what is your
`current position?
`I am currently a research professor at UCLA at the
`Anderson School of Management.
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`And would you please describe for us your educational
`Yes. I have an essential bachelor's degree in applied
`economics from University of Antwerp in Belgium and a master's
`and Ph.D. from Purdue University in management, with a focus
`on marketing.
`What are your particular areas of research and expertise?
`Well, in the field of marketing, I focus on empirical
`research, on marketing effectiveness, consumer behavior. And
`I do that using either transactional data or survey data.
`Have you designed and conducted surveys in the past?
`Yes, I've done that many times. I've done that in the
`context of some of my research articles; also in the context
`of teaching, supervising a fairly large number of student
`projects in our MBA program that are surveys; also in
`commercial consulting engagements; and then, finally, in some
`cases where I serve as an expert witness.
`Thank you.
`MS. MOYE: And, Your Honor, we would like to tender
`Professor Hanssens as an expert in marketing and surveys.
`THE COURT: No objection?
`MS. MOSKOWITZ: No objection, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: He's admitted.
`MS. MOYE: Thank you, Your Honor.
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`Professor Hanssens, could you look at the written direct
`testimony that is in your binder? It should be behind the
`second tab.
`I see it.
`And, sir, is this the written direct testimony that you
`prepared and submitted to the Court?
`Yes, it is.
`And is it all truthful?
`Yes, it is.
`Do you have any changes that you feel you need to make to
`that report today?
`I do not.
`MS. MOYE: Your Honor, my understanding is that the
`written direct testimonies are the subject of a stipulation
`between the parties. We would ask that Professor Hanssens'
`written direct be provisionally admitted pending that
`THE COURT: So admitted.
`MS. MOYE: And I think it bears the designation
`"Expert 10" -- we are using different numbers for the
`experts -- "Defendant Expert 10."
`THE COURT: I think there is a document on the file
`that has all of the exhibit numbers for the expert directs.
`MS. MOYE: Okay. Thank you, Your Honor.
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`THE COURT: And rebuttals.
`MS. MOYE: Thank you, Your Honor.
`And we have a number of exhibits that apply to Professor
`Hanssens' work. They are also the subject of a stipulation
`between the parties that has been filed but not admitted. So
`we won't do that now.
`THE COURT: So this was -- it is on the docket now
`and I have not yet addressed it. Was it before Docket 635?
`MS. MOYE: I would have to get the specific docket
`number for you, but, yes, my understanding is that it is
`pending but has not yet been ruled upon.
`THE COURT: Oh, okay. I'll double-check.
`Go ahead.
`MS. MOYE: Thank you.
`Could we have the second demonstrative, please?
`(Displayed on screen.)
`Professor Hanssens, can you describe for the Court, what
`was your assignment in this case?
`Yes. In this matter, I was asked to do two things.
`First of all, I was asked to design and conduct a survey
`of iOS device users in the United States, those who are of
`ages 13 and up.
`And what was the second survey you were asked to prepare?
`The second survey was to do a review and also evaluate the
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`survey work that was done by Professor Rossi in this case.
`Let's talk about the two surveys you designed.
`What were they called?
`I am sorry. There was one that was called the iOS app
`survey. And that is for people who meet this time that I've
`already mentioned who actually visited the App Store and
`downloaded at least one app in the last 12 months.
`And the second survey?
`The second survey, which we call the iOS Fortnite
`survey, that was done for people who actually play Fortnite on
`the iOS devices, also in the last 12 months.
`And what was the age range for the participants in your
`In both cases, it was ages 13 and up.
`And why did you select that age range?
`That age range was selected because the Epic Games, and in
`particular Fortnite, is a game that is recommended for people
`ages 13 and up, and, in fact, their major target demographic
`includes that age, 13 and up.
`Were males and females equally weighted in your iOS
`Fortnite survey?
`No. In the second survey there was a predominance of
`males, because that is also the stated target market for
`Were you concerned at all about surveying those who were
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`younger than 17 or 18 years old?
`I was not, given that we had parental consent.
`And can you just describe for the Court what steps were
`taken to obtain parental consent?
`Yes. These are steps that were -- that are sort of
`standard procedure with the internet panel provider, as well
`as the market research firm. There are two kinds.
`One is there are cases where the parents have previously
`granted permission for their son or daughter to participate in
`surveys, so that permission was granted previously.
`And then there are also cases where the parent was
`initially contacted and then was asked if the son or daughter
`was available, if it would be okay for the son or daughter to
`take the survey. So the parental permission in this case was
`sort of instant.
`And you mentioned with respect to both of those surveys
`asking for information about the last 12 months.
`Why did you include a 12-month period in your surveys?
`I used 12 months because I wanted to filter out possible
`seasonal effects in usage. So, for example, if the last month
`was one with a lot of vacation days in it, the usage of many
`people might be different. By that I mean, the electronic
`device usage might be different from a month in which there
`are very few holidays or none at all. And so that can be
`filtered out by taking a 12-month horizon.
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`MS. MOYE: Okay. Let's look at the third
`And I would like to talk about the questions you asked in
`the iOS app survey.
`Can you tell us, what was the main goal of that survey?
`Well, the main goal was for those people who qualified,
`however we defined that, the extent to which they use other
`electronic devices, in other words, non-iOS devices, and,
`specifically, the extent to which they use those other devices
`on a regular basis. That was the first goal.
`And then the second goal was to find out if there were yet
`other electronic devices that they could have used on a
`regular basis because they were available, but they chose not
`And we see the phrase "regularly used."
`Can you explain why you chose that language?
`Yes. That language was chosen deliberately because it's
`understood that a certain device may be used regularly by one
`person, let's say, on a daily basis, and for another person it
`may be on a weekly basis or even a monthly basis, but both of
`them would be regular.
`So the focus here is on the recurring behavior, not on the
`frequency. And that's why we used that term, which we
`pretested and turned out to not be problematic at all.
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`You also have the language "available for regular use."
`What does "available" mean there?
`Yes. The -- "available," once again, is a very easily
`understood English term, and we gave some examples to make
`sure people understood the context. Those were devices -- or
`are devices that are, for example, present in the household of
`the respondent or maybe at work, anyplace that -- where there
`would be regular availability.
`However, even though the device is available for regular
`use, this -- or a particular respondent doesn't necessarily
`use it on a regular basis. So it expands the availability
`And did I hear you correctly, did you actually provide
`some text to describe what "available" would mean?
`Yes, I gave examples. I forget the exact wording, but it
`is, "For example, your family members may have that device.
`And so it hangs around the house, you can use it if you like.
`Whether or not you do on a regular basis is up to you, as a
`MS. MOYE: And let's look at the next demonstrative
`and talk about the iOS Fortnite survey.
`Did you ask the same questions in that Fortnite survey as
`you had in your iOS app survey?
`Well, the first two questions were pretty much the same,
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`yes, did they regularly use other electronic devices or did
`they -- were there other devices that were available to them
`that they did not regularly use. Those are the same.
`Then there was an additional question specifically for
`iOS Fortnite users, and that is whether they play digital
`games on any of these other electronic devices that they have
`stated they regularly use.
`And let's focus on the language regarding "other
`electronic devices" in this iOS Fortnite survey.
`Were "other electronic devices" defined the same way in
`the Fortnite survey as in the iOS app survey?
`Yes. Those are, basically, devices on which you can play
`digital games.
`Thank you, sir.
`Now let's turn to your results.
`MS. MOYE: If we can have the next demonstrative.
`Could you describe for the Court what results you received
`in your surveys?
`This was a very straightforward survey, and so the results
`are also easy to represent here in this one slide; that in
`the iOS app survey, we see 92 percent regularly used other
`electronic devices in the last 12 months; for the iOS
`Fortnite survey, that number is a little higher, it is 97; and
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`then in both cases, 99 percent have other devices available to
`them for regular use without necessarily using them. So the
`set is the same there in both cases. And I think I summarized
`that as referring to that as the vast majority.
`Thank you, Professor Hanssens.
`Did you do anything to check the robustness of your survey
`Yes, I did.
`MS. MOYE: Could we see the next demonstrative,
`I am sorry, I skipped one item.
`Was there additional data from the iOS Fortnite survey
`that you determined?
`Yes. So as you may recall, there was one extra question
`for the Fortnite players, and that was with respect to them
`playing digital games on other electronic devices. And that
`number is 94 percent, as you see there.
`Thank you, sir.
`And now let's go back to robustness.
`MS. MOYE: Next demonstrative, please.
`Would you describe, please, what are the robustness checks
`you did?
`Yes. In survey research, when you draw conclusions, it is
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`important to satisfy yourself as a researcher that these
`results hold for reasonable subsamples. And that is exactly
`what I did.
`So, for example, if I look only at people who state that
`they use an iPhone, do we still get that overall result,
`versus people who only use an iPad, versus people who use
`both. That's the first breakdown there, compared themselves
`to iOS device.
`When it says "no material change," what I mean by that is
`that we still find this substantial majority or vast majority
`result, and so my conclusions are the same.
`Secondly, and also in -- standard in market research, we
`checked whether or not people who answered the survey
`relatively quickly or very slowly might have been inattentive
`or rushing through, et cetera. And so we discarded those
`people -- I think in my case it was people who answered the
`survey in less than 2 minutes or more than 14 minutes -- just
`to assure ourselves that those results are still similar. And
`they are. There, again, we find the same results.
`Did you -- you mentioned 2 minutes and a longer period of
`Did you also do an additional robustness check using a
`different lower-range number?
`Well, I did, because there was some feedback on my work
`from another expert who said that maybe you should check under
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`Case 4:20-cv-05640-YGR Document 757 Filed 05/26/21 Page 25 of 316
`3 minutes.
`And so I did that. So it's the same test except now it is
`anybody who answers the survey in under 3 minutes, as opposed
`to 2. And, again, the results were the same.
`And then you have a final robustness check on our slide
`here related to Microsoft Windows smartphones.
`Could you describe that for the Court?
`Yes. That check is also done in response to a comment by
`another expert, and that comment was that while Microsoft does
`have smartphones on the market, they have not been very
`successful, commercially, that is. And yet a number of people
`indicated that either they were available to them or they
`regularly used them, and so that number was perhaps somewhat
`And so as a result of that, I tested the possibility that
`maybe these people didn't quite get it right or were
`inattentive, and I excluded all of them. In other words,
`anybody who said that they either regularly used a Windows
`phone or that they had access to one for regular use was
`excluded, regardless of whether they were right or wrong about
`And when I do that test, once again, I find that the
`results are basically the same as before.
`Did Dr. Rossi collect usage data in the survey work he
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`Case 4:20-cv-05640-YGR Document 757 Filed 0

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