Case 4:20-cv-05640-YGR Document 756 Filed 05/26/21 Page 1 of 303
`Pages 3210 - 3511
`Before The Honorable YVONNE GONZALEZ ROGERS, Judge
` )
` Plaintiff,
`) NO. C-20-5640 YGR
` )
` vs. ) Wednesday, May 19, 2021
` )
`APPLE, INC., ) Oakland, California
` Defendant.
` Counterclaimant,
` vs. )
` Counter-Defendant.
` 825 Eighth Avenue
` New York, New York 10019
`(Appearances continued.)
`Reported By: Diane E. Skillman, CSR 4909, RPR, FCRR
` Pamela Batalo-Hebel, CSR 3593, RMR, FCRR
` Raynee Mercado, CSR 8258 RMR, CRR, FCRR
`For Plaintiff:
` 825 Eighth Avenue


`Case 4:20-cv-05640-YGR Document 756 Filed 05/26/21 Page 2 of 303
` New York, New York 10019
` 333 South Grand Avenue
` Los Angeles, California 90071
`2001 Ross Avenue, Suite 1100
`Dallas, Texas 75201
`2001 K STREET, NW
`Washington, DC 20006
`For Defendant:
`943 Steiner Street
`San Francisco, California 94117
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`Case 4:20-cv-05640-YGR Document 756 Filed 05/26/21 Page 3 of 303
`Defendant's Witnesses:
` Vol.
`Schmid, Michael
`Direct Examination by Mr. Srinivasan
` 13
`Cross-examination by Ms. Moskowski
` 13
`Redirect Examination by Mr. Srinivasan
` 13
`Examination by the Court
` 13
`Further Recross-examination by Ms. Moskowski
` 13
`Federighi, Craig
`Direct examination by Mr. Lo
`Cross-examination by Mr. Even
`Redirect Examination by Mr. Lo
`Recross-Examination by Mr. Even
` 13
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`Plaintiff's Exhibits:
`Evd. Vol.
` 13
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` 13
` 13
` 13
` 13
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` 13
` 13
`Defendant's Exhibits:
`Evd. Vol.
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`Case 4:20-cv-05640-YGR Document 756 Filed 05/26/21 Page 5 of 303
`Wednesday, May 19, 2021 8:00 a.m.
`P R O C E E D I N G S
`THE CLERK: Calling civil action 20-5640, Epic Games,
`Inc. versus Apple, Inc.
`And counsel, please state your appearances.
`MS. FORREST: Good morning, Your Honor. Katherine
`Forrest for Epic.
`THE COURT: Good morning, Ms. Forrest.
`MS. MOSKOWITZ: Good morning, Your Honor. Lauren
`Moskowitz for Epic.
`THE COURT: Yes, good morning, Ms. Moskowitz. Mr.
`for Epic.
`MR. EVEN: Good morning, Your Honor. Yonatan Even
`MR. CARVAJAL: Good morning, Your Honor. Alex
`Carvajal for Epic.
`THE COURT: Good morning.
`MR. NIU: Good morning, Your Honor. Jin Niu for
`THE COURT: Good morning.
`Mr. Sweeney, good morning, sir.
`Mr. Rudd, good morning.
`MR. RUDD: Good morning.
`THE COURT: All right. On the Apple side.
`MR. DOREN: Good morning, Your Honor. Richard Doren
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`for Apple. And joining us this morning are Heather Grenier
`and Stephanie Fine, in-house counsel at Apple.
`THE COURT: Okay. So Stephanie, this is new, right?
`Okay. And the last name again, please?
`MS. FINE: Fine. F-I-N-E.
`THE COURT: F-I-N-E. Okay, thank you. Good morning
`and welcome.
`MR. SRINIVASAN: Good morning, Your Honor. Jay
`Srinivasan for Apple.
`THE COURT: Good morning.
`MS. YANG: Good morning, Your Honor. Betty Yang for
`THE COURT: Yang. Welcome back.
`MS. YANG: Thank you, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Mr. Spalding.
`MR. SPALDING: Good morning, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Good morning.
`Then is that Ms. Adams I see back there?
`MS. ADAMS: Good morning, yes.
`THE COURT: Good morning.
`And maybe Mr. Phillips.
`MR. PHILLIPS: Yes, good morning, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Good morning.
`Okay, the other two I'm not sure I recognize. Mr. Doren,
`can you help me there?
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`MR. DOREN: Oh, I'm sorry.
`Jennifer Rho, Your Honor. R-H-O.
`THE COURT: And one other?
`MR. DOREN: Oh, and Dana Li, L-I.
`THE COURT: Okay, welcome.
`And then I believe it looks like we have a few more
`So today is Wednesday.
`Mr. Manfredi, good morning, welcome back.
`And then from the press, we have same as yesterday. So
`Mr. Cisco from the information. Good morning.
`And Bobby Ellen from NPR. Good morning.
`And then we have the witness.
`And one other person in the courtroom.
`MS. BESHLIAN: Good morning, Your Honor. Ana --
`THE COURT: Ms. Forrest?
`MS. BESHLIAN: -- Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Is -- is she with Epic?
`MS. FORREST: She is. She is one of our paralegals
`handling the logistics, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: And her name again, Ms. Forrest?
`MS. FORREST: Anna Beshlian.
`THE COURT: Okay. Welcome to the courtroom.
`MS. BESHLIAN: Thank you.
`THE COURT: Ms. Forrest, do we have any issues to
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`address this morning?
`MS. FORREST: Not issues, Your Honor. Just sort of
`two points of information.
`One is -- or and a request, on the essential facilities
`motion that Apple had made yesterday, we wanted to ask Your
`Honor when we should respond so that Your Honor can consider a
`written response. We plan to address it also orally on
`THE COURT: Right.
`MS. FORREST: If Sunday works for Your Honor, we
`could do it then. But we don't want to presume that that's a
`good time for Your Honor. So we want to elicit what the
`appropriate time would be.
`THE COURT: Maybe -- maybe today is the proper day
`to -- in light of that -- to let folks know and -- and in part
`people listening who are not familiar with the legal process,
`that you will not have an answer on Monday and you will not
`have an answer on Tuesday. I believe Judge Koh's opinion in
`the Qualcomm case was about 250 pages long. I will go through
`on Monday how much evidence is in this case and how much
`evidence has to be reviewed and considered by me. And I've
`got a very tiny team helping me.
`So Sunday is fine because there's just no way that I'm
`going to rule automatically on it.
`MS. FORREST: Would Sunday at 6:00 p.m. then, Your
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`Honor, be acceptable?
`THE COURT: You know what, if you're going to do it
`at 6:00 p.m., it doesn't matter when on Sunday you do it
`because I won't look at it at 7:00.
`MS. FORREST: Would earlier in the day on Sunday mean
`that Your Honor would have a chance to consider it before
`Monday? 'Cause we could do any time. I just -- I hesitate to
`take up your Sunday but --
`THE COURT: I've worked every weekend since we've
`I think the other thing people should know is that federal
`judges have hundreds of cases. Our cases do not go away when
`we're in trial. I explain to jurors when I tell them that we
`end the trial day at 1:30 with -- we go from 8:00 to 1:30, two
`15-minute breaks, and it's not because I like to take long
`lunches. It's because I have hundreds of other cases to deal
`with after we finish with our trial day. And this doesn't --
`this isn't any different.
`So I -- I think noon is probably better.
`MS. FORREST: That works for us, Your Honor. Thank
`THE COURT: So I will look at it, I'll look at the
`docket at noon on Sunday.
`MS. FORREST: The only other issue was just a point
`of information is that on the document PX1904 that was clawed
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`back on privilege grounds yesterday -- that word is not a --
`just for the record, the word "clawback" is the word that's a
`technical term of art in the legal community for taking back a
`document in terms of privilege. So it's a perfectly
`appropriate way for Apple to have done this.
`Apple asserted privilege over the document, clawed it
`back. We are briefing that currently in front of Judge
`Hixson, and we are -- the parties are engaged in the typical
`we've sent Apple our portion, they will then send us their
`portion, but it's happening in realtime. We have now already
`sent our portion to Apple.
`THE COURT: Okay. And -- and yes, I agree with you.
`That's a technical term in the legal community.
`MR. DOREN: Your Honor, just two administrative
`The first is on the timing of Mr. Cook's testimony.
`MR. DOREN: We are hoping and requesting that he be
`permitted to testify at 8:15 on Friday. And if we -- we are
`trying to bring everything in for a -- for a landing, to have
`that be -- he be our last witness on Friday morning.
`In the event for some reason, since we don't control
`cross, if we haven't concluded by Thursday, we would still
`like to start with Mr. Cook, and conversely if we finish a few
`minutes early on Thursday, we would still request to start
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`with Mr. Cook at 8:15 on Friday.
`THE COURT: Any objection?
`MS. FORREST: We have no objection to that, Your
`Just so that the record is clear, we notified Apple this
`morning that we may call, not will call, but we may call some
`very short rebuttal witnesses. And that could occur then
`after Mr. Cook's testimony.
`MR. DOREN: And then secondly, Your Honor, purely on
`the housekeeping end of things, I've been asked to ask when we
`can start removing materials. We thought the day would never
`come. If we could do that work Friday afternoon, if it won't
`inconvenience the Court. If it will, we would do it Monday.
`THE COURT: I -- I think the best person to ask is
`Ms. Stone. I don't know if her preference is for people to
`slowly start taking it.
`I've done numerous cases where we have lots of binders.
`This kind of case might not be the case that I'd do it again
`in this way. But you're -- I'm not going to them anymore. I
`did initially, but I'm not anymore.
`So you're welcome to take my set as long as you have
`permission from Ms. Stone to access the courtroom.
`MR. DOREN: Thank you, Your Honor. We will discuss
`it with her.
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`MR. DOREN: Thank you.
`MS. FORREST: Thank you.
`THE COURT: All right.
`Hearing nothing else, let's go ahead and bring Mr. Schmid
`back to the stand.
`THE COURT: Good morning, sir.
`THE WITNESS: Good morning, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: You are still under oath. Do you
`THE COURT: Mr. Srinivasan, you may begin.
`MR. SRINIVASAN: Thank you, Your Honor.
`Jay Srinivasan for Apple.
`Mr. Schmid, you testified yesterday that you are head of
`games business development for the App Store. Did I get that
`And in that capacity, how many game developers do you and
`your team engage with?
`We engage with hundreds of developers globally many times
`a year. So often we'll meet with them weekly, sometimes
`monthly, sometimes quarterly. And then there's, you know, the
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`occasional developer we'll only touch base with once every
`year or so.
`Okay. And how about you personally, to what extent do you
`engage with game developers?
`Every -- every day of my life. So many of my friends
`from, you know, before joining Apple are game developers, and
`I've continued to foster those relationships as well as grow
`many more relationships. So I talk to developers every day.
`Okay. And -- and what type of game developers do you
`engage with?
`I engage with developers of all sizes. So we have, you
`know, the Activisions of the world, the EA's of the world, and
`then game developers like Chain Reaction Games in Indiana
`which are a father and son team that we met at WWDC a few
`years back. Talk to them -- I'm sorry. We talk to them on a
`monthly basis too. And, you know, we -- we try to focus our
`energy in the places where we feel like we can do the most
`And is there a -- a set list of game developers that your
`team meets with that's a fixed group? Or is it some --
`some -- somehow different in how you decide who to meet with?
`The list is fairly fluid. There are certainly developers
`we've been meeting with for many, many years that have never
`left our list. But there's developers that kind of come and
`go, again based on resources and what's driving the business
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`and what's popular on the App Store, et cetera.
`Okay. And you mentioned, I think, a global team. Do you
`and does your group interact with developers all over the
`We do. And we have a global team of business managers
`that we work very closely with to engage with developers in
`all regions and get local expertise and bring those expertise
`to developers in other regions and help them expand.
`And what are the subjects that you cover with developers
`when you meet with them?
`We cover everything from monetization to marketing, to
`localization, to first-time user experience, to editorial
`support, to app review, to engineering support in some cases.
`So it's quite a wide list of cat -- or of subjects.
`And you mentioned localization in that list. Can you
`explain what localization is?
`I'm sorry, yes. So localization is kind of what I
`referenced moments ago which is we'll -- we'll help a
`developer expand to a new market that they may not be in. In
`order to do that, they have to localize and actually translate
`the language in their game.
`But we -- we actually prefer a term called culturalization
`to take it a step further than just localization so we can
`really have a developer more deeply engaged with that market.
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`And do you personally play video games?
`I do. Maybe too much.
`Well, I mean this sounds maybe like a silly question, but
`can you estimate how many video games you've played over the
`course of your career and life?
`Do you want me the start in, like, 1992? I think that --
`THE COURT: Is that when your life started?
`THE WITNESS: No. No, Your Honor. My life started a
`couple years before that.
`But it took me to about five before I could start really
`getting into games.
`Thousands of games that -- and, yeah, of all ranges, all
`sorts of categories of games.
`Okay. And can you turn back to DX5552, which we looked at
`yesterday? I think it was the only exhibit we looked at.
`(Reviewing document.)
`Can you remind us again what DX5552 was?
`This is the categories pages on the App Store microsite on
`Okay. And do these categories include podcasts?
`There is no podcast category. However, there are podcast
`apps that could categorize themselves as news or
`And these are apps on the App Store?
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`And do these apps monetize, do you know?
`Some do.
`Do you know how they do that?
`Apps, for instance, Overcast will monetize with a premium
`subscription that gives you some additional features. Some
`other apps will monetize by unlocking content through an
`in-app purchase or a subscription.
`Okay. And does Apple have a podcast app?
`We do.
`Okay. And is that app in the App Store?
`It comes directly on your phone when you purchase an
`And do you know if Apple currently monetizes its podcast
`They do not. They have not certainly since I've been
`using podcasts since the original iPod. So podcasts actually
`predates the App Store.
`Okay. And do you know if Apple has a plan to add to that
`They do. There is a -- a service called Podcast Plus that
`will allow podcasters to monetize their podcast within the
`podcast app.
`And that's -- is that currently available?
`It is not.
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`Okay. Back to this page DX5552, I just want to recap from
`yesterday. I think you mentioned that the App Store has a
`single tab for the games category and that everything else,
`all of these other categories, are going to be under the apps
`tab. Did I get that right?
`And do you -- do you have an understanding of why that is?
`Games are the biggest category in the App Store. And we
`spend a lot of time and energy focused on, you know, games in
`a very different way than we've focused on apps. That's why
`we split the teams, both on editorial and the business side,
`but also those industries are fairly discrete as well.
`When you say the industries are fairly discrete, what do
`you mean by that?
`So game developers are quite separate from app developers
`in many circumstances. There are exceptions like big
`organizations like Microsoft that, you know, have Microsoft
`Office as well as, you know, Minecraft and other -- other
`But generally speaking, game developers are focused on
`just developing games, and app developers are often focused on
`a single app or a suite of apps.
`Other than games developers generally not making nongame
`apps, anything else that sets game developers apart from other
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`The technology so -- whoop, I'm so sorry.
`The technology certainly sets them apart. So game
`developers will often use Unreal Engine or Unity. And app
`developers typically don't go that route. They don't use an
`off-the-shelf engine like that.
`But also game developers tend to be a little bit more on
`the what we call the bleeding edge as far as graphics
`processing and technology generally. I don't want to say
`without caveat because there's certainly creative apps that
`really push the limits of what graphics processing can do, but
`game developers are certainly in a different category because
`of that.
`Okay. And are game developers different in how they
`monetize compared to other developers and app developers in
`Often, yes. So as I mentioned yesterday, there's in-app
`purchase, and that's becoming a more frequent or more widely
`used monetization path, a free app or game and then with
`in-app purchase. There's certainly still a premium market of
`games where there will be a larger purchase up front, but many
`app developers now are really focused on subscription revenue
`and growing a subscription business, whereas game developers
`not as much.
`And I apologize if I covered this yesterday. But I
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`believe you -- is it the case that game developers are using
`in-app currency as part of their game?
`And is that use becoming --
`THE COURT: Can you hold on just a minute.
`I just received a note that our public line is not working
`so let me stop the clock.
`And sometimes -- I just want to say, the Court does not
`control the telephone line. And sometimes something happens
`in the ether and the line doesn't work. So let's just hold on
`a minute and make sure we get the line reconnected.
`(Pause in the proceedings.)
`THE COURT: Okay. Do we have lawyers from LA?
`Okay, raise your hand.
`Okay. Warriors are on tonight.
`(Off-the-record discussion.)
`(Pause in the proceedings.)
`THE COURT: Okay. It looks like -- I understand from
`Ms. Stone that the line is up and running again.
`Yes, Ms. Stone?
`Let's see. Okay. I'm being told to wait.
`(Discussion off the record.)
`MS. FORREST: And, Your Honor, on the topic of what
`might be different when the pandemic is over, I think it has
`been eye-opening to see what can be done remotely in terms of
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`certain court proceedings that might not take a lot of time,
`but my -- for, you know, counsel located all over the country,
`otherwise have required lots of travel time. So it's been, I
`think, an eye-opening experience in that regard as well to see
`what can be done once we resume.
`THE COURT: Yeah, I think so. I mean I -- you know,
`I was never one to allow -- to allow many people to appear by
`telephone because I am -- I actually learn a lot when engaging
`in person with lawyers, whether, you know, a case -- my case
`management conferences, as you all know, are very substantive.
`I like to know what's going on. I try to understand kind of
`the -- the whole purview of the cases.
`And I just cannot -- I cannot -- I can't get the same kind
`of information when I have people on a telephone line. Once
`I've established a relationship with the lawyers, then
`telephone lines are easier to do because you know each other.
`I don't mind Zoom as much.
`THE COURT: So -- okay. So we have one -- okay. So
`now, I --
`(Off-the-record discussion.)
`THE COURT: Let's make sure that time doesn't count
`against counsel.
`Looks like you can proceed now. Thank you.
`MR. SRINIVASAN: Thank you, Your Honor.
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`Mr. Schmid, do you have an understanding of why in-app
`currencies have become more prevalent in game apps?
`Yes. As I mentioned yesterday, it allows a developer to
`maintain more control over an economy that goes across many
`platforms. So I'll try to simplify it or explain it as simply
`as possible, rather.
`We have in game development or in free-to-play game
`development sources --
`(Clarification by the court reporter.)
`THE WITNESS: Yes, I'm so sorry.
`So in mobile game development, specifically free to play,
`we have something called sources and syncs, the source being
`that in-app currency that you purchase and the sync being
`where you're spending that currency, so on an outfit or an
`item in a game.
`And that purchase, that in-app purchase is actually of
`that source. So that source currency is what you're
`purchasing. And that price can vary from region to region.
`But what the developer prefers to do is stabilize the cost of
`the item that you purchase using that in-app currency.
`Did I explain that okay?
`That made sense to me.
`So if a user doesn't want to pay a commission, for
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`instance, on the App Store to Apple, is it possible to make an
`in-app purchases of an in-game currency in a way to avoid
`MS. MOSKOWITZ: Objection.
`THE COURT: What's the objection?
`THE COURT: You mean in terms of leading?
`MS. MOSKOWITZ: In terms of leading and the terms
`used in the -- in the first part of that question, which now
`has exited the screen.
`MR. SRINIVASAN: I mean --
`THE COURT: You can rephrase.
`THE COURT: I don't think it's really objectionable.
`But go ahead, rephrase.
`Is there a way for a user to avoid the Apple commission in
`making an in-app currency purchase?
`How would they do that?
`So a game developer may make an in-app purchase available
`on many platforms aside from the App Store. They can also
`make that purchase available on desktop web or mobile web.
`It's completely at the discretion of a game developer. And
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`then a user can choose where they'd like to purchase.
`And can you give us examples of games where that's
`One example would be Hearthstone which allows you to make
`purchases on on your PC, also on mobile web, also
`in the iOS app.
`Another example would be Roblox which allows you to make
`purchases on web, on the desktop app, as well as iOS.
`Another example would be Candy Crush which makes -- allows
`you to make purchases in the mobile app, on desktop web, and
`on Android.
`So most of the time when I'm mentioning games that are
`cross-platform, on the mobile side you can almost guarantee
`they would also be available both as the app itself on Android
`and the same in-app purchases on Android.
`Okay. And maybe we can -- let's do -- if we may, let's do
`a demonstrative of what you're talking about here.
`If we could put up one of the disclosed demonstratives.
`(Demonstrative published.)
`This is with respect to Hearthstone.
`Before we get going on this, I think you mentioned the
`game Hearthstone in your list of apps that allow this type of
`functionality; is that right?
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`And what is Hearthstone?
`It is a free-to-play game by Blizzard Entertainment. It
`is a card battler or a card collecting game. So I call it a
`card battler 'cause you're collecting packs of cards, building
`a deck, and then battling others with that deck.
`Okay. And can players make purchases within Hearthstone?
`They can. They can purchase expansion packs with content
`as well as new cards or card decks.
`And what channels can you make purchases on with -- for
`On the App Store. You can also purchase the same decks on
`Android on the Google Play Store, as well as on on
`your PC or on mobile web or desktop web.
`Okay. And this particular demonstrative that we have
`here, did you create this demonstrative?
`I did.
`And how did you do that?
`I recorded it on my phone.
`Okay. And do you recall when you did it?
`Two days ago.
`MR. SRINIVASAN: Okay. And, Your Honor, if we can
`run the video, and is it all right if Mr. Schmid sort of
`narrates that as we run it?
`THE COURT: Okay, go ahead.
`(Video playing.)
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`Case 4:20-cv-05640-YGR Document 756 Filed 05/26/21 Page 25 of 303
`THE WITNESS: Okay. So we're entering Hearthstone,
`which is on my phone. I'm already logged into my account.
`It's a account with my email address.
`I'm going to see that I have no packs available to open.
`So if I click my open packs, there's nothing there.
`However, I can go back to the shop and see all the packs
`that are available for purchase or all the bundles as well.
`So I'm going to find one that I like. Scroll down here.
`Forged in the Barrens is one of the newer expansion packs. So
`I'm going to look at the card packs for that.
`It is 2.99 for two packs. I'm not going to buy it here.
`I'm going to exit the game. And I'm going to go mobile Safari
`where I go to Again I'm logged into an account
`that I've had since long before the App Store was around.
`I click on Hearthstone, and I can see all the purchases
`that are available on mobile web. I click Forged in the
`Barrens. I buy a 2.99 pack. And, again, because I've had
`this account since before the App Store, my payment
`information is already saved in there. I click "pay now."
`Okay. Purchase was successful. I go back to Hearthstone.
`And upon log-in, it should immediately show the card packs.
`It did in this case.
`So card packs are granted. And I can see that little "2"
`flag next to open packs, which means I have some packs I can
`open. And I get to experience the joy of what is inside. We
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`Case 4:20-cv-05640-YGR Document 756 Filed 05/26/21 Page 26 of 303
`have Toad of the Wilds, Sada [phonetic], Devouring Plague,
`very nice.
`And then the second pack, I won't name all the cards, but
`it's very exciting for me.
`So, and Mr. Schmid, I believe when you went to the web,
`you purchased somet

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