Case 4:20-cv-05640-YGR Document 755 Filed 05/26/21 Page 1 of 305
`Pages 2906 - 3209
`Before The Honorable YVONNE GONZALEZ ROGERS, Judge
` )
` Plaintiff,
`) NO. C-20-5640 YGR
` )
` vs. ) Tuesday, May 18, 2021
` )
`APPLE, INC., ) Oakland, California
` Defendant.
` Counterclaimant,
` vs. )
` Counter-Defendant.
` 825 Eighth Avenue
` New York, New York 10019
`(Appearances continued.)
`Reported By: Diane E. Skillman, CSR 4909, RPR, FCRR
` Pamela Batalo-Hebel, CSR 3593, RMR, FCRR
` Raynee Mercado, CSR 8258 RMR, CRR, FCRR
`For Plaintiff:
` 825 Eighth Avenue


`Case 4:20-cv-05640-YGR Document 755 Filed 05/26/21 Page 2 of 305
` New York, New York 10019
` 333 South Grand Avenue
` Los Angeles, California 90071
`2001 Ross Avenue, Suite 1100
`Dallas, Texas 75201
`2001 K STREET, NW
`Washington, DC 20006
`For Defendant:
`943 Steiner Street
`San Francisco, California 94117
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`Defendant's Witnesses:
` Vol.
`Schiller, Philip
`Direct Examination by Mr. Doren (resumed)
`2924 12
`Cross-Examination by Ms. Forrest
`Redirect Examination by Mr. Doren
` 12
` 12
`Recross-Examination by Ms. Forrest
` 12
`Further Redirect Examination by Mr. Doren
` 12
`Examination by Court
` 12
`Schmid, Michael
`Direct Examination by Mr. Srinivasan
` 12
`Plaintiff's Exhibits:
`Evd. Vol.
` 12
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`Plaintiff's Exhibits:
`Evd. Vol.
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`Plaintiff's Exhibits:
`Evd. Vol.
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`TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2021
`8:00 a.m.
`P R O C E E D I N G S
`THE CLERK: Calling Civil Action 20-5640, Epic Games,
`Inc., vs. Apple, Inc.
`Counsel, please state your appearances. The mics are on
`at the tables.
`MS. FORREST: Good morning, Your Honor. Katherine
`Forrest for Epic.
`THE COURT: Good morning, Ms. Forrest.
`MS. MOSKOWITZ: Good morning, Your Honor. Lauren
`Moskowitz for Epic.
`THE COURT: Ms. Moskowitz, good morning.
`MS. BUI: Good morning, Your Honor. Samantha Bui for
`for Epic.
`THE COURT: Ms. Bui, good morning.
`MS. KLOSS: Good morning, Your Honor. Lauren Kloss
`THE COURT: Good morning.
`And, Mr. Sweeney, good morning.
`MR. SWEENEY: Good morning.
`THE COURT: Mr. Rudd, good morning.
`MR. RUDD: Good morning.
`THE COURT: Mr. Jordan, good morning.
`On the Apple side.
`MR. DOREN: Good morning, Your Honor. Richard Doren
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`for Apple, and with me today is Kate Adams, the general
`counsel of Apple; Heather Grenier, the head of civil
`litigation; and Kate Kaso-Howard, in-house counsel.
`THE COURT: Good morning.
`MS. DUNN: Good morning, Your Honor. Karen Dunn for
`THE COURT: Good morning.
`MS. BRACHT: Good morning, Your Honor. Jennifer
`Bracht for Apple.
`THE COURT: Jennifer -- what is your last name again?
`MS. BRACHT: Yes, Your Honor. Bracht, B-R-A-C-H-T.
`THE COURT: Okay. Welcome to the courtroom. I think
`I saw you yesterday, but it may have been after the morning
`MS. BRACHT: Yes, Your Honor. That's correct.
`Mr. Eltiste good morning. Did I say that right? I think
`I said it wrong.
`MR. SPALDING: Mr. Spalding, Your Honor. Good
`MR. DOREN: It's Mr. Spalding, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Mr. Spalding. Okay.
`I see we have our witness back. Okay.
`So no media, it looks like, perhaps?
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`Mr. Manfriedi?
`MR. MANFRIEDI: Yes, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Ms. Behringer, good morning.
`MS. BEHRINGER: Good morning, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Let's begin as we always do.
`Ms. Forrest, anything on your list of issues?
`MS. FORREST: Yes, Your Honor. There are three
`things, two of which I'll handle and the third will be handled
`by my partner, Lauren Moskowitz.
`MS. FORREST: The first is simply that we've got now
`the binder of deposition designations with counters. There is
`a stipulation that the parties I believe have all but agreed
`on. I haven't actually received a signed copy of it from
`We could hold the binder until we receive that in case
`there are any changes, but I told Your Honor it would be here
`this morning so I wanted to be able to offer it.
`THE COURT: I was hoping it wasn't going to be a
`three-inch --
`MR. DOREN: I think that's four, Your Honor.
`MS. FORREST: It's got the documents in it,
`Your Honor, as well.
`THE COURT: And then what is the time designation,
`Ms. Forrest?
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`MS. FORREST: The run time is one hour -- we'll get
`the exact minute.
`THE COURT: So an hour for Epic?
`MS. FORREST: It's -- yes. Let me just make sure
`we've got the exact time.
`MS. KLOSS: One hour and three minutes, Your Honor.
`MS. FORREST: For Epic. And then I think just -- how
`many minutes for Apple? It's very little.
`MS. KLOSS: I'll find the time for Apple, Your Honor.
`MS. FORREST: There is a small amount of time for
`Apple as well.
`MS. FORREST: Would you prefer I hold this until the
`stipulation is signed?
`THE COURT: Sure. That's fine.
`MS. FORREST: All right.
`The second issue, Your Honor, has to do with a document
`that we found last night after the testimony of Mr. Schiller,
`and it relates to the Small Business Program. I don't want to
`say much more about it because there's an issue between the
`parties as to whether or not it's privileged, at least in
`part. We've conferred on it, and I think there's agreement
`that -- I'll hand it up to Your Honor -- that -- it's PX --
`marked for identification PX1902. So there was an agreement
`on a piece of it not being privileged. That agreement has
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`been withdrawn I understand now from Mr. Doren.
`Our view of PX1902 is that while it has as the top email
`the general counsel of Apple, Ms. Adams, the information under
`the very first paragraph does not appear to be privileged
`information. Indeed, it starts with a phrase that is
`suggestive of not being asked for legal advice.
`I do agree that the paragraph below that under "privileged
`and confidential," there is one paragraph beginning with the
`word "there." I believe that is privileged.
`However, the email below that from Mr. Schiller consistent
`with Judge Hixson's rulings on some other documents relating
`to the new business -- Small Business Program we don't believe
`is privileged. And --
`THE COURT: So I haven't read this yet. Is there a
`debate about privilege?
`MR. DOREN: There is, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: If there is, then what I would suggest is
`rather than me reading it, we ask Judge Hixson to rule on it
`in an expedited way, and if you're agreeable to living with
`his decision, then it can be redacted out to the extent that
`there is privilege so that it's not considered by -- I mean,
`look, I can read it and then not consider it. We do those
`kinds of things all the time. But if you're concerned, then
`we can send it to Hixson. If not, I'll just decide. But how
`do you want to proceed?
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`MS. FORREST: Your Honor, I don't have any problem
`with it going to Judge Hixson so long as if Judge Hixson has a
`portion of the ruling that allows me to question on at least a
`portion of the document, if my examination of Mr. Schiller has
`concluded, that I would be able to examine Mr. Schiller after
`the fact on the document. It would be very limited. It
`happens to fit in with something that I would be dealing with
`obviously early -- relatively early in my examination, but I'm
`content to avoid it for the moment.
`THE COURT: So what page are we -- what page --
`MR. DOREN: Your Honor, if I may be heard?
`THE COURT: You may.
`MR. DOREN: So the discussion this morning -- I was
`presented this document about 15 minutes ago. I accept
`counsel's representation they found it last night.
`The first email in the chain is --
`THE COURT: The one at 12:46 a.m?
`MR. DOREN: Actually, Your Honor, I'm at the back of
`the chain but the first in sequence. It's from Mr. Schiller.
`My proposal to counsel, subject to an agreement, was that
`we would permit this first note to be used with Mr. Schiller.
`THE COURT: The one from 1:32 p.m.?
`MR. DOREN: Yes, ma'am.
`MR. DOREN: Then the next email in the chain is from
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`Doug Vetter, who is an in-house lawyer. He is adding a
`gentleman named Kyle, who is also an in-house lawyer.
`Mr. Schiller then responds with reactions and further input to
`these communications from Doug Vetter. There is then a note
`from Lisa Jackson, who is in the government affairs area, and
`last in this chain is an email from Kate Adams, the general
`counsel of Apple.
`So from our perspective, there's at least an argument as
`to the first note from Mr. Schiller which he frames as an
`update. After that, it is a back-and-forth between in-house
`counsel, and to the extent Mr. Schiller participates in that
`back-and-forth, that doesn't make it any less privileged.
`MS. FORREST: And just on the substantive points,
`since I really hadn't said anything on the substance, our
`position would be that the Mr. Vetter portion of the email to
`which Mr. Doren has pointed, which is on the bottom of page
`ending 817, that that is not reflective of legal advice. The
`fact that a lawyer is on something can, in certain instances,
`not necessarily mean that it's either giving or soliciting
`legal advice and that it's not.
`And certainly the portion above that from Mr. Schiller
`appears to be simply just a recitation of a plan relating
`directly to the new -- to the Small Business Program.
`MR. DOREN: Well, while I certainly agree that simply
`having a lawyer's name on a document does not make it
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`privileged, when there is a back-and-forth with lawyers within
`the company which are capped with observations from the
`general counsel, that falls pretty squarely within the four
`corners of the privilege.
`THE COURT: Okay. Hold on just a minute.
` (Pause in proceedings.)
`THE COURT: All right. I have reached out to
`Judge Hixson. Let's see if he is available in response.
`Okay. What next?
`MR. DOREN: Thank you, Your Honor.
`MS. FORREST: Your Honor, we do now have the time for
`the Apple portion of the deposition designations, and it's
`thirty-two minutes.
`MS. FORREST: So it's one are hour and three minutes
`for Epic and thirty-two minutes for Apple.
`I will now turn it over, Your Honor, to my colleague,
`Ms. Moskowitz, who has an issue.
`THE COURT: Okay. Thank you.
`MS. MOSKOWITZ: Thank you, Your Honor. Lauren
`Moskowitz again for Epic.
`A couple of issues with respect to the next witness and
`the documents that were disclosed and demonstratives that were
`disclosed by Apple in connection with that.
`THE COURT: The next witness is who?
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`MS. MOSKOWITZ: Mr. Schmid, Michael Schmid.
`THE COURT: And who is Michael Schmid?
`MS. MOSKOWITZ: He works within the App Store,
`Business Development Group.
`MR. DOREN: Your Honor, before we launch into this,
`could I request that these issues be addressed prior to
`Mr. Schmid's testimony when the attorney who is most suited to
`discuss these issues is available?
`THE COURT: Okay. How much longer do we have with --
`give me the thumbnail, Ms. Moskowitz.
`MS. MOSKOWITZ: Yes. Thumbnail is they are moving to
`admit Mr. Schmid's declaration that was submitted to the Court
`in connection with the preliminary injunction which is just
`classic hearsay and is not able to be used by Apple. A big
`issue is about the demonstratives that they disclosed for
`Mr. Schmid, and the thumbnail is that it appears that they're
`going to use Mr. Schmid to do what they couldn't do on
`redirect and couldn't do with their revision on Mr. Hitt's
`written testimony, and they are going to use Mr. Schmid to
`walk through what can and cannot be done on websites when he
`was never disclosed in the initial disclosures for anything
`along those lines, and this is a -- this is a surprise, and it
`was dumped on us yesterday for the first time.
`So he's not -- he's not a proper witness to be talking
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`about what can and cannot be done on websites within --
`THE COURT: I have received lots of evidence like
`THE COURT: That is, we walked through the Fortnite
`website, we've -- so --
`THE COURT: -- I'm not sure I agree with you on that
`MS. MOSKOWITZ: Yes. Well, he was not disclosed as a
`witness with that subject matter in terms of what can and
`cannot be done on the web browser. He is a business
`development employee who works with developers, and his
`initial disclosures were focused on his relationship with Epic
`and his relationship with developers, and he doesn't have --
`he was not disclosed as having personal knowledge of what can
`and cannot be done. That was Mr. Hitt's expert testimony. He
`was disclosed on it. He was examined on it.
`THE COURT: One doesn't have to be an expert to
`figure out how a web works. So -- and, frankly, I have lots
`of questions still. So I'm not -- I mean, I might give you
`some time to prep on cross and require that he come back, but
`I'm not sure that I would strike that on that basis.
`The declaration, that sounds like it's not appropriate.
`MR. DOREN: And, Your Honor, Mr. Schmid is -- he
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`works in developer relations. He is well-versed in all
`aspects, as one would expect, since he works with gaming
`developers in the different elements of games and how people
`access them, and to suggest that he somehow wasn't disclosed
`to be able to address the topic, which is his core competency
`as an employee of Apple, would be a very fine read.
`THE COURT: Yeah, I -- look. There are -- there seem
`to be some discrepancies in terms of what the Epic witnesses
`have said can and cannot be done and what is in the record,
`and I'd just like to get clarity, so I would probably allow
`the second, not the first.
`MS. MOSKOWITZ: Thank you, Your Honor.
`MR. DOREN: Thank you, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Okay. We're at 8:15.
`It looks like I have at least one other of the pool
`reporters now. Is that Mr. Allyn or Mr. Sisco or both? I
`guess I see two now.
`MR. ALLYN: Yes. Mr. Allyn.
`THE COURT: Welcome to the courtroom, gentlemen.
`All right. Let's continue.
`Mr. Schiller, if you will come back.
`Good morning, sir.
`THE WITNESS: Good morning, Your Honor.
`THE CLERK: Line 2 is down, the press line.
`THE COURT: Let's hold on.
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`I understand, counsel, that there is a problem with one of
`the phone lines.
`(Pause in proceedings)
`THE COURT: Okay. So we'll start the clock running
`here, Mr. Doren, at 8:21. Proceed.
`MR. DOREN: Thank you, Your Honor.
`Your Honor, just cleaning up a couple of exhibits, I don't
`believe that I moved to enter Exhibit 5567, which was one of
`the two Fortnite emails, and I would make that motion now.
`THE COURT: 5567. No objection?
`MS. FORREST: No objection, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Admitted.
`MR. DOREN: And then, Your Honor, secondly is the
`excerpt from the video which we handed up yesterday which is
`Exhibit 3462, and I would also move that exhibit into
`MS. FORREST: No objection, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Okay. I had actually -- I checked my
`notes. I had admitted 5567 yesterday so today I will admit
`MR. DOREN: Thank you, Your Honor.
`(Defense Exhibit DX3462 received in evidence)
`THE COURT: Proceed.
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`called as a witness for the Defendant, having been previously
`duly sworn, testified further as follows:
`Good morning, Mr. Schiller.
`Good morning.
`You have up in front of you the demonstrative that we
`finished the day with yesterday, and I believe we had
`discussed these various innovations and investments up through
`Sir, are you familiar with ARKit?
`When was ARKit released by Apple?
`In 2017.
`What did ARKit do?
`It is software technology for app developers to build
`applications that take advantage of augmented reality within
`their applications.
`And how do developers use ARKit?
`Well, there are a number of ways. Advanced developers can
`take advantage of the APIs in ARKit to build their own
`applications, and with ARKit, there is a number of advanced
`technologies that allow for placing computer-generated
`imaginaries in the real world as seen through your iPhone's
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`camera, and it does many very technical cool things like
`what's called people occlusion.
`So, for example, that means that if you are throwing a
`ball in space and it goes behind a real person, the graphics
`will -- of that rendering of that ball will go behind the
`person that you see, and that's all handled by ARKit.
`And, Mr. Schiller, I'd like to show a demonstrative of
`ARKit and ask you, please, to narrate what we're seeing.
`Yes. This is an app in the App Store called Animal Safari
`AR, and it allows you to place real life-size animals around
`you, in your yard, in your home. So what we're seeing here is
`an example of a user would be holding up their phone and
`looking in their yard and placing a lion and a penguin, a
`zebra and here even an elephant that is properly lit by the
`angle of the sun, casting shadows on the ground. In this
`learning and playful app, you can feed the animals, there are
`appropriate kinds of food, and learn what they look like.
`Can you tell us which parts of that video were real and
`which were augmented reality?
`Yes. Everything you see in that app is real except the
`animals, so the ground is your patio, the yard is your yard,
`with these animals now placed within them.
`And is ARKit relevant to game developers?
`I believe so.
`And does ARKit improve the attractiveness of the Apple App
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`Store as a digital transaction platform for games?
`I think so, yes.
`And have any new versions of ARKit been released since
`Yes. We're up to Version 4 of ARKit.
`And so how often has it been undated?
`Every year.
`Next, sir -- or actually skipping over Core ML for a
`moment, we see RealityKit and Reality Composer.
`When were those two APIs released?
`Almost two years ago now in 2019.
`What do they assist developers with?
`So these are further advancements in our tools for
`augmented reality. RealityKit is technology you would place
`in your app to make it easier for the developer to take
`advantage of these ARKit capabilities.
`THE COURT: Can I interrupt? I have heard back from
`Judge Hixson, and he is able to deal with this issue this
`morning, so if you could have lawyers from each side join his
`dial-in, I can give that you number right now. Can I tell him
`they will be there in about ten minutes?
`MR. DOREN: Yes, Your Honor.
`MS. FORREST: Sure. Yes, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Okay. So his dial in is 888-684-8852,
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`Passcode 2925506. I'm sure you have his email. You can send
`him the document by email.
`MR. DOREN: Thank you, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Do you need the number again or do you
`have it?
`MR. DOREN: I have, Your Honor, 888-684-8582 and the
`passcode of 2925506.
`THE COURT: That's correct.
`MR. DOREN: Thank you.
`May I proceed, Your Honor?
`THE COURT: You may. Thank you.
`Mr. Schiller, I believe you were discussing RealityKit and
`Reality Composer. Can you please describe those kits?
`Yes. These are both advancements for ARKit, and they
`allow it to make it even easier for perhaps the most -- not
`the -- an advanced developer, someone who perhaps hasn't
`worked with 3D objects before in their application
`So RealityKit is a library, a framework that you would put
`into your application to then make it easier for you to use AR
`without having to write all of that yourself.
`Reality Composer is actually an application, a tool, that
`you use as a developer to construct the 3D scene that you want
`to use as augmented reality, so it's a tool that runs on the
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`Mac, on the iPhone, on the iPad, and you use it to assemble
`the scene you want in your application.
`And do RealityKit and Reality Composer -- are they
`relevant to game developers?
`I think so, particularly younger developers and/or smaller
`developers as they're getting started and want to learn to do
`3D-augmented reality applications and games.
`And do RealityKit and Reality Composer make the Apple App
`Store more attractive as a digital game transaction platform?
`I think so.
`And let's circle back, sir, to Core ML.
`First of all, are you familiar with that API?
`I am.
`And when was it released by Apple?
`In 2017.
`And has Apple continued to invest in improving Core ML?
`We have.
`And can you describe what Core ML does, please.
`Yes. The ML stands for machine learning, which we've
`spoken about briefly a bit yesterday. It is a branch of
`augmented reality -- excuse me -- of artificial intelligence
`that allows to you write software that would be very difficult
`to do with traditional software programming techniques. These
`are tools that help software predict what may happen and then
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`respond appropriately for the user to help them do things not
`possible with traditional software.
`A simple example would be you want your application to
`look through a photo the user took and help them find pictures
`of their dog or of dogs in general, so what you do with
`machine learning with this advanced software, you create a
`model, and that model says here's a whole bunch of pictures of
`dogs. You now as a software know what dogs look like, and you
`put that in your app and future photos of other dogs that can
`then predict and say oh, there are more photos of dogs because
`of the machine learning library that you've created.
`And is Core ML relevant to game developers?
`Oh, I think so. I think that we are going to see more and
`more uses of predictive machine learning technology in
`different kinds of experiences, including games.
`Sir, I'd like to show you a demonstrative of Core ML and
`ask you to tell the Court what we're seeing.
`Yes. This is a really fun app to help somebody who is a
`basketball player become a better shooter, and what you do --
`THE COURT: I did not know this was coming.
`THE WITNESS: And I did not know you were going to be
`possibly interested in this.
`It's called HomeCourt. You hold the phone up, and we are
`seeing what the phone is seeing. It is watching a shooter
`shoot across the court, just taking shots, and in realtime
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`Case 4:20-cv-05640-YGR Document 755 Filed 05/26/21 Page 25 of 305
`it's able to see the person, see the basket, see the ball,
`measure the arm angle, the leg angle, the release angle of the
`shot, how long it takes to release the shot, how fast the --
`the shot is going, what height it is that the shooter is at
`when they release. These things would be impossible for a
`coach to measure in realtime while someone is shooting.
`Probably have to go back and analyze video for hours to do
`And now on the iPhone with machine learning technology,
`the developer can create an app to do that right away in
`realtime, and this is an app that's on the store. It's really
`That was my next question, sir. Is what we just saw from
`an app that is currently available on the App Store?
`It is.
`What is the name of that app?
`Has Apple continued to invest in improving Core ML?
`We have.
`And has the expense of developing any of these APIs and
`SDK kits that we've discussed -- has any of that been
`allocated to the App Store?
`It has not.
`Sir, in looking at these examples and the other topics we
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`Case 4:20-cv-05640-YGR Document 755 Filed 05/26/21 Page 26 of 305
`discussed yesterday, have we covered everything that Apple has
`done to benefit app developers and App Store customers since
`Oh, definitely not.
`Can you just give us an overview, please, of the types of
`efforts that Apple makes to benefit developers and users?
`Well, of course we make hardware with features that are
`designed to help developers and users have new experiences,
`new capabilities. Every year we advance those. We have core
`software features, as we see here, and many more that are
`designed to assist developers as they create whatever their
`vision, their dream is of applications and tools for users.
`It all adds up to all of us as users, over a billion
`people, having better software, better experiences that we can
`have on our devices.
`We try to bring these out in ways that help developers
`create them with documentation and training. We put on
`events, as we've discussed. We have people assigned to assist
`developers. We actually do consulting engineering where we
`sit down and help them with their code. We have a lab for
`helping with user interface design to help them make
`better-looking applications. We have tours we do around the
`world where our teams go around in countries to help make sure
`developers can learn directly about these technologies. We
`have built facilities around the world. We talked about our
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`Case 4:20-cv-05640-YGR Document 755 Filed 05/26/21 Page 27 of 305
`accelerator labs.
`We have schools we've created to help in both the high
`school and college level around the world in Brazil, in
`Indonesia, in Italy, in China, everywhere we can to help
`create the next g

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