Case 3:18-cv-02621-WHO Document 264-4 Filed 03/27/20 Page 1 of 19
`Exhibit C


`Case 3:18-cv-02621-WHO Document 264-4 Filed 03/27/20 Page 2 of 19
` Pages 1 - 17
` )
` Plaintiff, )
` )
` vs. ) No. C 18-2621 WHO
` )
` ) San Francisco, California
` Defendant. ) Wednesday
` ) February 13, 2019
`___________________________________) 2:00 p.m.
` 990 Marsh Road
` Menlo Park, CA 94025
` 405 Howard Street
` San Francisco, CA 94105
` 1000 Marsh Road
` Menlo Park, California 94025
`Reported By: Debra L. Pas, CSRReported By: Debra L. Pas, CSRReported By: Debra L. Pas, CSRReported By: Debra L. Pas, CSR 11916 11916 11916 11916, , , , CRR, RMR, RPRCRR, RMR, RPRCRR, RMR, RPR
` Official Reporter - US District Court
` Computerized Transcription By Eclipse
` Debra L. Pas, CSR, RPR, RMR, CRR
` Official Reporter - U.S. District Court - San Francisco
` (415) 431-1477


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`Wednesday - February 13, 2019 2:14 p.m.
`P R O C E E D I N G S
`THE CLERK: Calling Civil Matter 18-2621, Finjan,
`Incorporated versus Check Point Software Technologies,
`Counsel, please come forward and state your appearance.
`MR. ROBERTS: Good morning, Your Honor. Clem Roberts
`from Orrick Herrington for the defendant Check Point Software
`MR. HANNAH: Good morning, Your Honor. James Hannah
`on behalf of Finjan, and with me is Chris Kastens. He will be
`handling the majority of the argument today.
`THE COURT: Mr. Hannah, I've seen you before.
`MR. HANNAH: Yes. Nice to see you, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Nice to see you. I hope that my comment
`at the first case management session was passed on to you.
`MR. HANNAH: It was, Your Honor. And I have to say
`that at every subsequent trial I have made sure not to make any
`assumptions any more and definitely took it to heart. So thank
`you, your Honor.
`THE COURT: All right. So let me tell you what I
`think about the motion. I'm inclined to grant in almost all
`ways the motion to strike.
`Finjan needs to organize its infringement contentions by
` Debra L. Pas, CSR, RPR, RMR, CRR
` Official Reporter - U.S. District Court - San Francisco
` (415) 431-1477


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`the underlying instrumentalities to crystalize the contentions.
`If the underlying instrumentalities infringe in combination,
`the combination needs to be specified. Pinpoint citations need
`to be specific, particularly to where and how each limitation
`of each asserted claim is found within the accused
`It's not sufficient to cite multiple sets of source code
`under each claim limitation without explanation. The public
`information that's cited isn't sufficient to cure the problem.
`And I don't think blaming Check Point is a useful way to
`resolve this problem. If there was a problem in getting
`technical documents, you shouldn't have waited until the last
`two days before the deadline to serve contentions.
`And I think, Mr. Hannah, we had something similar in
`that -- the trial before. I think a similar kind of issue came
`In any event, regarding the open-ended contentions, Finjan
`can't reserve any undisclosed theories of infringement. It
`needs to cite the relevant source code to crystallize its
`So as long as Finjan corrects all of those things and
`identifies the source code properly, I'm not going to strike
`any new instrumentalities. But everything has to be laid out
`in a very clear manner, which it doesn't appear that it has
` Debra L. Pas, CSR, RPR, RMR, CRR
` Official Reporter - U.S. District Court - San Francisco
` (415) 431-1477


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`So I'm happy to hear argument with respect to that.
`MR. KASTENS: Your Honor, I would just respectfully
`request that we have an opportunity to depose their engineer,
`who was the one who said that we didn't cite source code for
`particular products. Our understanding is that we did cite
`source code for the products and anything that we had accused.
`So we would like to determine the basis that they made that
`representation. A lot of his analysis was a black box where he
`just said they didn't cite source code for these following
`products without explaining.
`I think as we tried to lay out in our brief, they have
`usually just one directory for all the source code. They will
`have one software package that they give to their customers.
`The customers can then enable different features in that. They
`call those different features products and they rely on a lot
`of source code that is within the same directory and is not
`labeled as being related to any product. So we would just ask
`to have the opportunity to depose somebody, a 30(b)(6) witness,
`regarding the structure of their source code and then we can
`supplement within 45 days of that to address that.
`THE COURT: Mr. Roberts.
`MR. ROBERTS: Yeah. So this is difficult for me
`because the -- we addressed this at the very beginning of the
`case, and we said we would like contentions that give us the
`theories of the case. Those are necessary, among other things,
` Debra L. Pas, CSR, RPR, RMR, CRR
` Official Reporter - U.S. District Court - San Francisco
` (415) 431-1477


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`to prepare witnesses for deposition.
`I mean, saying you get nothing from us in this giant
`confusing mass and then we want to take the deposition where
`you have no way to prepare the guy to even know what the
`theories are, and then after I've taken your 30(b)(6)
`witness -- which, by the way, they only said they wanted the
`30(b)(6) for the first time yesterday. That was the very first
`time. This is now February, where they served an email -- by
`email, not even a notice -- where they said we want to take the
`30(b)(6) depo.
`So, I mean, on one hand, yeah, they ought to be able to
`get some information about the products at some point, but the
`initial contentions, what their theories are, I don't know that
`they need to take the 30(b)(6) witness or the senior architect
`in order to tell us what their infringement contentions are.
`You always have good cause to amend if you disclose new things
`But if they brought this case, they ought to be able to at
`the outset say how we infringe and have some theory of it.
`They've had months now with the source code. They asked to
`come back and see the source code on a Friday. We said no
`problem. Then they came in and they saw it again on Monday.
`That was two weeks ago. Why are we now in February where all
`of a sudden for the very first time, okay, now you got us. Now
`we want to take a whole bunch of discovery before we tell you
` Debra L. Pas, CSR, RPR, RMR, CRR
` Official Reporter - U.S. District Court - San Francisco
` (415) 431-1477


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`what our theories are.
`So on one hand, Your Honor, I'm reluctant to say no, but
`on the other hand, I sort of feel like they ought to give us
`their theories and then take the deposition so I can adequately
`prepare the witness.
`MR. KASTENS: Your Honor, I believe our theories are
`what we -- our contentions for infringement are fully disclosed
`within the charts. If you're interested in something that is a
`little bit more digestible and easier to understand, I think we
`can abide by that, but what our contentions are is fully laid
`In their briefing, t hey just -- they completely ignore,
`you know, the public information that we do where it points to
`what we're accusing and then we follow with source code
`citations to address those.
`And then, you know, for the source code citations I would
`just like to comment that we do identify specific files and
`line numbers within those files. A lot of time there is more
`source code than multiple files that will enable certain
`functionality or a component within the source code. So that's
`why we would have had laid it out like that to address. I
`don't think we did overarching source code citations.
`I was at the case that you referenced for Mr. Hannah as
`well. I think the issue was there that we would cite whole
`source code directories. We have not done that. We have cited
` Debra L. Pas, CSR, RPR, RMR, CRR
` Official Reporter - U.S. District Court - San Francisco
` (415) 431-1477


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`specific source code files and had some narrative to describe
`what those files implement.
`MR. ROBERTS: Can I respond to that as a factual
`matter, because I think it would be helpful.
`MR. ROBERTS: This is their Exhibit F, if I could
`hand this up.
`THE COURT: Is this going to be meaningful to me,
`Mr. Roberts?
`MR. ROBERTS: I think so, I think so.
`(Whereupon document was tendered to the Court.)
`MR. ROBERTS: So this is not an example I've chosen.
`This is the example they chose in their opposition brief about
`what they did that they thought was really good. So this was
`their cherry-picked example of the good job they did.
`So if you turn to just page one, Your Honor, of Appendix
`F-2, it lists by saying what the accused products are. And you
`can see it says, this is the second paragraph:
`"For purposes of this chart Endpoint Enterprise
`products include the following subscription services
`or products."
`And then there is a big long list of products. "SandBlast
`Agent package, Compliance package, Next Generation AV,
`Protection package." A whole bunch of other things.
`And then it says it includes the following blades. And
` Debra L. Pas, CSR, RPR, RMR, CRR
` Official Reporter - U.S. District Court - San Francisco
` (415) 431-1477


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`there is one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,
`ten -- 12, 13 blades.
`And then it says, it also is accusing:
`"The use of cloud services which provide threat
`intelligence feeds to Endpoint Enterprise products" --
`so now we have a category of technology -- "and a
`download or browser protection feature or similar
`feature which blocks files before they are downloaded
`to the end-user computer."
`And then below that it says:
`"As identified and described element by element
`below Endpoint Enterprise products individually or in
`combination with Check Point's cloud services,
`footnote two, infringe the following claims."
`And the footnote says that the cloud services, which is an
`entire other chart with another 50 products in it, is
`incorporated entirely by reference into this.
`So the point here, Your Honor, is that just at the
`beginning what we have is an amalgamation of products and an
`amalgamation of charts.
`If you look at the -- I think it's GeoVector case that
`Your Honor, I'm sure, is familiar with, in that case -- this is
`the exact same thing, but it's worse because they are
`amalgamating a huge amount of products.
`Now, opposing counsel said, well, we gave them specific
` Debra L. Pas, CSR, RPR, RMR, CRR
` Official Reporter - U.S. District Court - San Francisco
` (415) 431-1477


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`source code citations. If I could ask Your Honor to look down
`in this, starting at -- I want to start at limitation B-1,
`because this is the one that was used. This is Page 10 of this
`first thing. This is "receiving by an inspector a
`downloadable," starting on Page 10.
`And then if you look down, the source code citations begin
`on Page 19. And you will see the source code citations take up
`19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and half of 27.
`And what they said in their brief, in their opposition, is
`that if you turn to Page 25, in the middle of the page there is
`a statement that says "This file implements a Chrome extension
`manager" and it cites the file. And they say voila, pinpoint
`source code citation.
`What they've done is they have given me literally 90
`citations and then in the brief they said, oh, you should have
`known that this was the needle we were pointing at. But that's
`impossible because, among other things, all 90 of these are
`copied into every single limitation of every single claim,
`including the one that they now point to.
`So when opposing counsel says, we gave them very clear
`descriptions of what the source code was, we weren't citing to
`whole directories. They cited to 90 entire files and then they
`cited those same 90 files for every limitation. There is no
`way for me to know what they pointed to.
`And how am I supposed to prepare Mr. Zegman. This is
` Debra L. Pas, CSR, RPR, RMR, CRR
` Official Reporter - U.S. District Court - San Francisco
` (415) 431-1477


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`millions of lines of code; right? How am I supposed to prepare
`anyone to testify about this stuff? Unless we have some
`reasonably cognizable infringement theory, I don't know how I
`prepare a witness.
`MR. KASTENS: Can I respond, Your Honor?
`THE COURT: Please. Because I don't know either.
`MR. KASTENS: So, your Honor, what we've asked is
`their -- what their witnesses already claim to know, which is
`these products -- like, what we're contending in our products
`mapped to, like, are within the source code directories. He's
`already submitted a declaration saying, hey, what you've cited
`don't correspond to what we're saying are these specific
`That's the deposition that we would take, is give us the
`basis for why you're saying that. Because we spent a lot of
`time to put these together and we've gone through the source
`code, gone through the public documents. We organized it, how
`they represent this stuff to their customers and it matches
`with how it's organized within the source code.
`So that's what we would request, is just the basis of
`these tables that he puts in here where he says, oh, you don't
`have these four things, but you have these five things, and he
`doesn't actually say why. He just says that these aren't --
`the source code for these aren't cited. That's it.
`So I don't see why -- he's already declared that, so I
` Debra L. Pas, CSR, RPR, RMR, CRR
` Official Reporter - U.S. District Court - San Francisco
` (415) 431-1477


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`don't see any reason that he wouldn't be able to explain how he
`reached those conclusions in a deposition.
`THE COURT: So the problem that I see with this --
`and I'm not sure whether it's an actual problem or not, so you
`have can tell me that -- is the cart before the horse problem.
`You've got to lay out your contentions and, and it's not up to
`Check Point to educate you in a way that will help you build
`your case at the outset unless, you know, in the course of
`discovery and for good cause and things could change.
`So I am sympathetic to needing some sort of factual
`background so that you can clarify your claims, but I'm not
`interested in sort of substantive discovery. And I don't know
`how to draw that line.
`MR. ROBERTS: We gave them -- I mean, your Honor,
`they have the code, which I believe a person of ordinary skill
`in the art spending a bunch of time ought to be able to read.
`We gave them all of the manuals for the product. There is a
`thousand confidential documents that are on there that are
`responsive. They have said, oh, we need more documents, but
`they never said specifically what documents they need. Like, I
`still don't know what additional documents they claim to need.
`So I don't -- I mean, my problem is I worry that this is
`all just a smoke screen. And the reason I have that concern is
`that we see the same pattern in every Finjan case. We put in a
`supplemental authority, the decision from Judge Tigar, they are
` Debra L. Pas, CSR, RPR, RMR, CRR
` Official Reporter - U.S. District Court - San Francisco
` (415) 431-1477


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`on their third set of contentions and they still don't know
`what they're talking about. And here we are, like, heading
`into claim construction. I have to pick the five terms that
`are most important to me and I don't even know what the
`theories are. How am I supposed to pick those five terms and
`then come to court and say, yeah, these are what the
`constructions ought to be, because I don't even know.
`THE COURT: Okay. So what's your proposal to help
`get past this place, Mr. Roberts?
`MR. ROBERTS: My proposal is that -- is exactly the
`order that Your Honor read at the outset, which is that they
`give us adequate infringement contentions that satisfy the
`local rules in the ways that you said.
`After that, if they want to take a deposition and they
`believe that they have good cause to amend because now they
`know something that they didn't know before, fine. Fine.
`That's -- that's the way it's supposed to work.
`They have had -- before doing their initial infringement
`contentions in the case they had the source code. That's not
`usually the case. Usually you have to do your infringement
`contentions without the source code. But here we gave them all
`of the source code. I gave them a list of products. I pointed
`them to the price list on the website and said here are the
`products. Here is what we think could possibly be at issue in
`the case. That's not every product we made. But I said, here
` Debra L. Pas, CSR, RPR, RMR, CRR
` Official Reporter - U.S. District Court - San Francisco
` (415) 431-1477


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`is what we think are possibility at issue in the case.
`I have been trying to help them in exactly this way. I
`mean. not too much. We're opposing counsel, but I have been
`trying to remove the excuse --
`THE COURT: You have been very helpful throughout
`this entire procedure.
`MR. ROBERTS: I mean, I have been trying to remove
`the excuses; right? I have been trying to say: Here, have the
`source code. Take the time you need. Here is what we think is
`at issue. If you disagree, if there are other things, let us
`So I have been trying to be favor about it, is what I
`would say.
`THE COURT: Mr. Kastens.
`MR. KASTENS: Your Honor, I think what we're asking
`for is pretty clear. We just -- we want a deposition where
`their person will say, okay, here are -- what we say in
`marketing are different products that we sell. And here in
`this source code that's one folder where -- that is not labeled
`by any of the products names that they sell, where the source
`code is for those products. That shouldn't -- I mean, that
`doesn't require anything regarding our contentions to identify.
`He's already done that in his declaration.
`He submitted a declaration which he said, you didn't
`identify source code for these products. We think we did. So
` Debra L. Pas, CSR, RPR, RMR, CRR
` Official Reporter - U.S. District Court - San Francisco
` (415) 431-1477


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`he doesn't say why he says that. He just said we didn't. And
`so we're just going to go through and have him explain, okay,
`where are you saying the source code for this product is? You
`know, it's -- you know, you say it wasn't cited in here. Can
`you identify where it is?
`THE COURT: Here is what we're going to do. I'm
`going to stick with my tentative and have you amend in the best
`way that you can given the information you have.
`Then I want you to meet-and-confer with Mr. Roberts and
`see whether you can agree on anything that will provide -- if
`Mr. Roberts still claims that the contentions are insufficient,
`what it is that can happen in order to get over the -- this
`particular hurdle. If you're unsuccessful, then I want you to
`send -- send me a five page joint letter and append to it the
`questions that you would like to ask a 30(b)(6) witness. And
`then -- or the places where you're in disagreement, and I'll
`decide that.
`MR. ROBERTS: Very good. May I address one final
`point, Your Honor, which is for the products that were not
`cited, meaning they provided no source code citations for them,
`are those products in the case or not in the case? Can they
`amend and accuse and expand and add a whole bunch of new
`products to the case if they haven't given us any citations to
`the source code here?
`THE COURT: Well, you just told me you didn't know
` Debra L. Pas, CSR, RPR, RMR, CRR
` Official Reporter - U.S. District Court - San Francisco
` (415) 431-1477


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`what they had given you. So the answer is, if they give you --
`if they can specify what this case is about and what they are
`going after, that's okay this time around.
`THE COURT: Okay. So how quickly can you amend?
`MR. KASTENS: Your Honor, we've served
`interrogatories requesting that they, a couple weeks ago, match
`the source code to the products that are accused in this case.
`We can do it within 45 days of getting a response where we
`could respond to that discovery, I believe.
`MR. ROBERTS: That's extraordinary, because what he's
`just saying is they can't even give infringement contentions
`that meet the local rules or that satisfy the Court's order
`until we answer discovery and map all of the code to all of the
`products for them. That's extraordinary.
`MR. KASTENS: We're just --
`MR. ROBERTS: Why is it that -- I apologize. I don't
`mean to interrupt you.
`Why is it -- why is it that I have to do all of this work
`for them before I even know what it is I'm accused of
`THE COURT: Well, you're in litigation. That's one
`MR. KASTENS: I think he keeps kind of doing a straw
`man argument of what I'm requesting.
` Debra L. Pas, CSR, RPR, RMR, CRR
` Official Reporter - U.S. District Court - San Francisco
` (415) 431-1477


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`So they say they have these 40 -- they say they have these
`different products, okay. What they are -- what we tried to
`explain in our briefing is their source code directory where
`they say are 40 products is one directory. None of them are
`labeled as a specific product. We understand, based on the
`functionality that they disclosed within their public
`documents, that we've identified the source code corresponding
`to those particular marketing names of their products, which
`they are asking us to organize by.
`So, but they -- all we're asking is you've said -- you've
`already said that these source -- that you know which source
`code matches up to allegedly which of these, you know,
`different ways that you say that are products. So just give us
`that information. That's all we ask for.
`It's not asking for any analysis. It's just why are you
`saying that this source code, which looks like it, provides the
`functionality for this product that you market under this
`marketing name, why are you saying that the source code doesn't
`actually go to that product.
`MR. ROBERTS: Right. Teach me how the source code
`MR. KASTENS: That's not how what I'm asking, Your
`THE COURT: All right. Mr. Roberts, what is your
`proposal for how long Finjan gets? Because what I'm going to
` Debra L. Pas, CSR, RPR, RMR, CRR
` Official Reporter - U.S. District Court - San Francisco
` (415) 431-1477


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`do is stop listening to both of you and send you out -- and
`I'll send something out.
`MR. ROBERTS: I don't have a problem with 45 days.
`My only problem really is the calendar. And so what we had
`done is submitted a motion suggesting that the claim
`construction dates be pushed off.
`So what I would propose is we actually just put a
`tentative like pin, pause. If they need 45 days, that's fine.
`But let's just push the dates off by 45 days so that we're not
`trying to make decisions without the information.
`THE COURT: I will grant that, that we're going to
`get -- we've got to get over this hurdle. And I'm going to
`force you over the hurdle one way or another.
`MR. ROBERTS: Lovely.
`THE COURT: Okay. Thanks for coming in.
`MR. ROBERTS: Thanks so much.
`MR. HANNAH: Thank you, Your Honor.
`(Proceedings adjourned.)
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` Debra L. Pas, CSR, RPR, RMR, CRR
` Official Reporter - U.S. District Court - San Francisco
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`Case 3:18-cv-02621-WHO Document 264-4 Filed 03/27/20 Page 19 of 19
`I certify that the foregoing is a correct transcript from
`the record of proceedings in the above-entitled matter.
` __________________________________
`Debra L. Pas, CSR 11916, CRR, RMR, RPR
` Friday, March 1, 2019
` Debra L. Pas, CSR, RPR, RMR, CRR
` Official Reporter - U.S. District Court - San Francisco
` (415) 431-1477

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