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`I, Aviel D. Rubin, declare as follows:
`I have been retained as an independent expert in this lawsuit by the law firm of
`Irell & Manella LLP on behalf of Juniper Networks, Inc. (“Juniper”).
`I submit this Declaration in support of Juniper’s Motion for Summary Judgment
`Regarding Claim 1 of U.S. Patent No. 6,804,780 Patent (“Motion”) against Finjan, Inc.
`I understand that Finjan has accused Juniper of infringing claims 1 and 9 of U.S.
`Patent No. 6,804,780 (“the ’780 Patent”). See First Amended Complaint (Dkt. No. 88) ¶ 64. I
`further understand that Juniper’s Motion is directed to claim 1 of the ’780 Patent (“Claim 1”).
`As discussed in detail below, it is my opinion that Juniper does not infringe Claim 1.
`I am being paid at my customary rate of $775 per hour for time spent on this case.
`I am also being reimbursed for reasonable and customary expenses. My compensation is not
`dependent in any way on the results of the lawsuit or the substance of my testimony.
`I provide below an overview of my background and qualifications. Additional
`details of my education and employment history, professional service, patents, publications, and
`other testimony are set forth in my current curriculum vitae, which can be found here:
`Education & Career
`I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of
`Michigan, Ann Arbor in 1994, with a specialty in computer security and cryptographic protocols.
`My thesis was titled “Nonmonotonic Cryptographic Protocols” and concerned authentication in
`long-running networking operations.
`I am currently employed as Professor of Computer Science at Johns Hopkins
`University, where I perform research, teach graduate courses in computer science and related
`subjects, and supervise the research of Ph.D. candidates and other students. Courses I have
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`taught include Security and Privacy in Computing and Advanced Topics in Computer Security. I
`am also the Technical Director of the Johns Hopkins University Information Security Institute,
`the University’s focal point for research and education in information security, assurance, and
`privacy. The University, through the Information Security Institute’s leadership, has been
`designated as a Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance by the National
`Security Agency and leading experts in the field. The focus of my work over my career has been
`computer security, and my current research concentrates on systems and networking security,
`with special attention to software and network security.
`After receiving my Ph.D., I began working at Bellcore in its Cryptography and
`Network Security Research Group from 1994 to 1996. During this period I focused my work on
`Internet and Computer Security. While at Bellcore, I published an article titled “Blocking Java
`Applets at the Firewall” about the security challenges of dealing with JAVA applets and
`firewalls, and a system that we built to overcome those challenges.
`In 1997, I moved to AT&T Labs, Secure Systems Research Department, where I
`continued to focus on Internet and computer security. From 1995 through 1999, in addition to
`my work in industry, I served as Adjunct Professor at New York University, where I taught
`undergraduate classes on computer, network and Internet security issues.
`I stayed at AT&T until 2003, when I left to accept a full time academic position at
`Johns Hopkins University. I was promoted to full professor with tenure in April, 2004.
`I serve, or have served, on a number of technical and editorial advisory boards.
`For example, I served on the Editorial and Advisory Board for the International Journal of
`Information and Computer Security. I also served on the Editorial Board for the Journal of
`Privacy Technology. I have been Associate Editor of IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine, and
`served as Associate Editor of ACM Transactions on Internet Technology. I am currently an
`Associate Editor of the journal Communications of the ACM. I was an Advisory Board Member
`of Springer’s Information Security and Cryptography Book Series. I have served in the past as a
`member of the DARPA Information Science and Technology Study Group, a member of the
`Government Infosec Science and Technology Study Group of Malicious Code, a member of the
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`AT&T Intellectual Property Review Team, Associate Editor of Electronic Commerce Research
`Journal, Co-editor of the Electronic Newsletter of the IEEE Technical Committee on Security
`and Privacy, a member of the board of directors of the USENIX Association, the leading
`academic computing systems society, and a member of the editorial board of the Bellcore
`Security Update Newsletter.
`I have spoken on information security and electronic privacy issues at more than
`50 seminars and symposia. For example, I presented keynote addresses on the topics “Security of
`Electronic Voting” at Computer Security 2004 Mexico in Mexico City in May 2004; “Electronic
`Voting” to the Secure Trusted Systems Consortium 5th Annual Symposium in Washington DC
`in December 2003; “Security Problems on the Web” to the AT&T EUA Customer conference in
`March, 2000; and “Security on the Internet” to the AT&T Security Workshop in June 1997. I
`also presented a talk about hacking devices at the TEDx conference in October 2011 and also
`another TEDx talk on the same topic in September 2015.
`I was founder and President of Independent Security Evaluators (ISE), a computer
`security consulting firm, from 2005-2011. In that capacity, I guided ISE through the qualification
`as an independent testing lab for Consumer Union, which produces Consumer Reports magazine.
`As an independent testing lab for Consumer Union, I managed an annual project where we tested
`all of the popular anti-virus products. Our results were published in Consumer Reports each year
`for three consecutive years.
`I am currently the founder and managing partner of Harbor Labs, a software and
`networking consulting firm.
`I am a named inventor on ten U.S. patents in the information security area.
`I have also testified before Congress regarding the security issues with electronic
`voting machines and in the U.S. Senate on the issue of censorship. I also testified in Congress on
`November 19, 2013 about security issues related to the government’s web site.
`I am author or co-author of five books regarding information security issues:
`Brave New Ballot, Random House, 2006; Firewalls and Internet Security (second edition),
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`Addison Wesley, 2003; White-Hat Security Arsenal, Addison Wesley, 2001; Peer-to-Peer,
`O’Reilly, 2001; and Web Security Sourcebook, John Wiley & Sons, 1997. I am also the author
`of numerous journal and conference publications, which are reflected in my CV.
`I have considered information from various sources in forming my opinions.
`Besides drawing from over two decades of experience in the computer industry, I also have
`reviewed the following documents: (a) the ’780 patent; (b) the prosecution file history (including
`IPRs); (c) Finjan’s Infringement Contentions (Exhibits B-1 and B-2); (d) the deposition
`transcripts of the Juniper engineers deposed in this matter, and (e) the other documents and
`references cited herein (not limited to the excerpt attached submitted with Juniper’s Motion). I
`have also reviewed the Declaration of Yuly Nerida Becerra Tenorio and spoken with Raju
`Manthena, Principal Engineer at Juniper, about the accused products.
`I have been advised that patent claims are reviewed from the point of view of a
`hypothetical person of ordinary skill in the art (“POSITA”) at the time of the filing of the patent.
`In my opinion, a POSITA for the ’780 patent would be a person with a Bachelor’s
`degree in computer science or related academic fields and three to four years of additional
`experience in the field of computer security or equivalent work experience. More education can
`substitute for work experience, and vice versa (e.g., a PhD without work experience outside of
`the university setting). In arriving at my opinions in this declaration, I have considered the issues
`from the perspective of a hypothetical POSITA. This level of skill is approximate and my
`opinion would not change if a somewhat lower or higher level of skill were adopted.
`I am informed that patent infringement under 35 U.S.C. § 271(a) consists of
`making, using, offering to sell, or selling a patented invention within the United States, or
`importing a patented invention into the United States, without authorization.
`I further understand that determining whether there is infringement of a patent
`includes two steps. First, each asserted claim must be construed to determine its proper scope
`and meaning to a POSITA. Second, I understand that once the scope of the asserted claims has
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`been determined, the construed claims are compared with the accused product or service to
`determine whether every limitation of the claims is found. Unless every limitation is present in
`the accused product or process, there is no infringement. For method claims, I understand that
`one infringes by performing each and every step in the patented method.
`I also understand that if literal infringement cannot be established because one or
`more elements are not literally present in an accused product or process, a product or process
`may nevertheless be found to infringe under the doctrine of equivalents. For infringement under
`the doctrine of equivalents, I understand that each accused product or process must contain an
`element at least equivalent to each and every limitation of the asserted claim. I also understand
`that one may, but is not required to, use the “function-way-result” test to determine equivalence.
`Under the function-way-result test, I understand that an inquiry is made into whether the accused
`product or service performs substantially the same function in substantially the same way to
`achieve the substantially same result as the claim element.
`A “hashing function” is a mathematical operation that has been well-known since
`at least since the 1970s. See, e.g., Ex. 13 at, e.g., 507-08.1 At its most generic level, a hashing
`function is used to deterministically map an input to an output of a given size, known as a
`“hash.” Typically, hashing functions are designed to minimize “collisions,” meaning that each
`input hashes to a unique output. Additionally, in computer science applications, hash functions
`are expected to be non-invertible, meaning that it is computationally impractical to determine an
`input given only the corresponding hash. One corollary of this non-invertible property is that
`minor changes to an input produce drastically different hashes.
`Several hashing functions were well-known known by the 1990s, including the
`MD5 and SHA1 hashing functions. See, e.g., U.S. Patent No. 5,638,446 (filed Aug. 28, 1995) at
`4:59-61 (“a one-way hash function known in the art as MD-5 (Rivest, R., ‘The md5 message
`digest algorithm’, RFC 1321 (April 1992)”); U.S. Patent No. 5,815,709 (filed Apr. 23, 1996) at
`1 Citations to “Ex. __” refer to the Exhibits attached to the Declaration of Rebecca
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`7:39-40 (“Secure hashing algorithms such as the NISTA SHA…”). Another common hashing
`function is the SHA256 hashing function, developed by the U.S. National Security Agency, just
`like the SHA1 hashing function.
`The table below shows the MD5 Hash result for the words “Example” and
`“example,” which produce entirely different hashes even though the change in the input was
`relatively minor:
`MD5 Hash
`The table below illustrates that, even though hashing functions may have similar
`functions and properties, their results can differ dramatically. I have compared the hash of the
`same input—the word “Example”—to two different hashing functions, the MD5 and SHA256:
`Hash of “Example”
`These useful properties of hashing functions led to their routine use in a number
`of different ways in computer science and security, including data integrity, authentication, and
`data fingerprinting (e.g., antivirus checks). See, e.g., U.S. Patent No. 5,638,446.
`29. With respect to authentication, for example, publication of a file’s hash allowed a
`user who downloaded the file to independently confirm that the file was downloaded correctly.
`If the hash of the file as calculated by the user did not match the published hash, then there had
`obviously been some error or other issue in transmission.
`In light of the authentication use case described above, the benefit of using a hash
`as a file’s ID was well-known before the earliest claimed priority date of the ‘780 patent. In
`fact, the benefits of using a hash as a file’s ID were so well-known that hash identifiers were
`proposed as a candidate Uniform Resource Name as the Internet was being developed. See Ex.
`14 at 5-6.
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`Using a hash ID for “fingerprinting” was also well-known, particularly with
`respect to antivirus analyzers that would typically compare a file’s unique hash (hence
`“fingerprint) to a list of hashes for known malware. See, e.g., U.S. Patent No. 5,685,875 (filed
`Oct. 21, 1994) at 1:46-49 (“well-known method of detecting viruses calculates so-called
`‘fingerprints’ of files containing executable programs. Such tests as…hash functions[] . . . .”).
`Also relevant to the ‘780 patent (discussed further below) is the concept of
`“fetching,”2 which is a fundamental computing concept. In the context of the ‘780 Patent,
`fetching is used to retrieve the software components identified by references in a Downloadable.
`See, e.g., ‘780 Patent, 4:56-63 (“The ID generator [] preferably prefetches all components
`embodied in or identified by the code for Downloadable ID generation. For example…the ID
`generator 315 may retrieve all components listed in the INF file for an ActiveX™ control to
`compute a Downloadable ID.”). Information retrieval is one of the key underpinnings of the
`Internet, for example, and has been a routine part of networked computer operation for decades.
`See, e.g., U.S. Patent No. 5,694,546 (filed May 31, 1994) at 6:16-17 (teaching one method of
`“enabling information fetch operations to be easily executed by novice users”). By the time of
`the filing of the ’780 patent, executable software programs commonly included references to
`other software components, such as classes from the Java class library, that are required for
`execution but may not have been included in the code of the software program itself and thus
`needed to be fetched.
`The concept of hashing files together with fetched software components to
`generate a file ID was also known in the art. For example, “Location-Independent Naming for
`Virtual Distributed Software Repositories” by Shirley Browne et al. (1995) (Ex. 15, “Browne”)
`in view of, for example, U.S. Patent No. 5,835,777 (“Staelin”) taught a “Location Independent
`File Name” (LIFN) for the files in its system, where the LIFN comprised an MD5 hash of the
`file’s contents. See, e.g., Browne at 181-83. A POSITA would have understood that new files
`2 “Fetching” as discussed herein and in the context of the ‘780 Patent is a distinct usage
`from “fetching” instructions from memory to be executed at the processor level, a term used by
`those in the processor arts like Intel. See, e.g., U.S. Patent No. 6,079,014 (assigned to Intel
`Corporation) at 1:24-26 (“processor usually fetches an instruction stream from a memory, and
`executes each instruction in the instruction stream”).
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`could also have incorporated publicly available software components that were intended to be
`reused, so in creating a complete software package, the prior art taught fetching those referenced
`software components and then calculating the MD5 to determine the LIFN for the complete
`package. See Browne at 179-184; Staelin at, e.g., columns 2-5.
`The ’780 patent, entitled “System and Method for Protecting a Computer and a
`Network from Hostile Downloadables,” issued on October 12, 2004 from U.S. Patent
`Application No. 09/539,667 (“the ’667 application”), which was filed on March 30, 2000.
`Claim 1 of the ‘780 patent is directed to generating an ID for a “Downloadable,”
`which the patent defines as “an executable application program, which is downloaded from a
`source computer and run on the destination computer.” ‘780 Patent, 1:50-53. The patent
`explains that a Downloadable is typically requested by running a process, such as a web browser,
`and provides several examples of Downloadables, specifically Java applets, JavaScript, ActiveX
`controls, and Visual Basic Script. ’780 Patent, 1:55-2:6.
`36. While the ’780 Patent is part of a larger patent family that generally relates to a
`system for protecting computers from suspicious Downloadables, the claims of the ’780 patent
`are directed to very narrow part of that system—i.e., the generation of a unique ID for the
`Downloadables that are processed by the security system. This is a simple concept that is not
`limited to the field of computer security applications. More specifically, the claims of the ’780
`Patent recite a method for generating an identifier for a Downloadable and its fetched software
`components using well-known hashing functions.
`The ’780 patent was prosecuted as the ’667 application. The Examiner rejected
`the claims in two rounds of office actions. In a non-final rejection, the Examiner found certain
`claims anticipated by U.S. Patent No. 5,978,484 (“Apperson”) and the remaining claims were
`rendered obvious by Apperson in view of “Microsoft Authenticode Analyzed” (“Khare”).
`The applicant amended the independent claims to add the requirement that the
`Downloadable “includes one or more references to software components required by the
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`Downloadable.” In attempting to distinguish the amended claims from Apperson and Khare, the
`applicant stated (Ex. 2 at 3):
`The present invention concerns generation of an ID for mobile
`code downloaded
`to a client computer, referred
`to as a
`Downloadable. Specifically, the present invention fetches software
`components required by the Downloadable, and performs a
`hashing function on the Downloadable together with its fetched
`components (original specification I page 3, lines II 14; page 15,
`lines 21- 24; page 19, line 21- page 20, line 6; FIG. 8). Thus, for a
`Java applet, the present invention fetches Java classes identified by
`the applet bytecode, and generates the Downloadable ID from the
`applet and the fetched Java classes; and for an ActiveX™ control,
`the present invention fetches components listed in its .INF file, and
`generates a Downloadable ID from the ActiveX™ control and the
`fetched components (original specification I page 9, lines 15 -18).
`An advantage of the present invention is that it produces the same
`ID for a Downloadable, regardless of which software components
`included with
`the Downloadable and which software
`components are only referenced (original specification I page 9,
`lines 18- 20; page 20, lines 5 and 6). The same Downloadable may
`be delivered with some required software components included
`and others missing, and in each case the generated Downloadable
`ID will be the same. Thus the same Downloadable is recognized
`through many equivalent guises.
`The Examiner, however, issued a final rejection finding all claims obvious in
`view of the same two references. Thereafter, the applicant amended the claims further to require
`that the software components are required “to be executed” by the Downloadable.
`The Examiner also entered an Examiner’s Amendment to require the use of a
`“hashing” function rather than any type of function that could be used to generate an identifier.
`I understand that the Court has not yet construed the claims of the ’780 patent. I
`understand that Finjan has taken the position that “Downloadable” should be construed as “an
`executable application program, which is downloaded from a source computer and run on the
`destination computer,” and that Juniper does not dispute this construction.
`I further understand that Finjan has not yet provided Juniper with its proposed
`construction for any other terms of the ’780 Patent, but that Finjan has proposed constructions
`for some of the terms in other litigations and inter partes review (“IPR”) proceedings.
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`I understand that claim construction is an issue of law, which the Court decides by
`interpreting claim terms as they would have been understood by a POSITA at the time of the
`invention. Under this standard, I understand that courts consider the specification, the
`prosecution history, and any extrinsic evidence regarding how a POSITA would interpret the
`claims in view of the intrinsic record. For purposes of my analysis in this case, I have interpreted
`the claims under this standard.
`I understand that a different standard—referred to as the broadest reasonable
`interpretation (“BRI”)—is applied in other forums, such as in an IPR proceeding. My opinions
`regarding the terms below may differ under the BRI standard.
`“software components required to be executed by the Downloadable”
`A POSITA would understand this term to mean “software components that are
`needed to execute the Downloadable” in view of the specification and file history.
`46. When the application that matured into the ‘780 Patent was filed, the first iteration
`of claim 1 was directed to “obtaining a Downloadable” and “fetching, if the Downloadable
`includes one or more references to a component, at least one component identified by the one or
`more references.” Ex. 2 at 1. As I noted above, in subsequent amendments, the applicant added
`the limitation that the Downloadable “includes one or more references to software components
`required to be executed by the Downloadable.” Ex. 2 at 2. Finjan stated during prosecution that
`“the present invention fetches software components required by the Downloadable” and offered
`two examples of such software components: (1) “for a Java applet, the present invention fetches
`Java classes identified by the applet bytecode” and (2) “for an ActiveX control, the present
`invention fetches components listed in its .INF file.” Ex. 2 at 3.3 A POSITA would understand
`that, when a Java applet identifies a class, it must obtain that class to execute; the same is true for
`ActiveX files with respect to entries in the corresponding .INF file. The two examples provided
`by Finjan during prosecution (which are also the only examples of “fetching” provided in the
`specification at column 4, lines 56-63) therefore correspond to exactly how Finjan described
`these components during prosecution, namely components required by the executable.
`3 All emphasis to quotations is added, unless otherwise noted.
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`Consistent with this, Finjan’s Infringement Contentions accuse Juniper of
`obtaining Downloadables that contain references to software components “required to execute
`the Downloadables” and that “are used by” the Downloadable. Ex. 3 at 5, 10; see also Ex. 3 at 6
`(accusing “components that are used by the downloaded content”). My construction of the term
`is therefore consistent with Finjan’s own application of the term in this matter.
`“fetching at least one software component identified by the one or more
`A POSITA would understand this term to mean “retrieving at least one software
`component that is referenced but not included in the content of the Downloadable” in view of the
`specification and prosecution history.
`In the past, Finjan has taken the position that “fetch” in the context of the claims
`means to “retrieve.” Finjan, Inc. v. Bitdefender Inc., Case No. 4:17-cv-04790-HSG, Dkt. No. 76
`at 11 (N.D. Cal. May 4, 2018). This meaning is consistent with the specification, which appears
`to use the terms interchangeably. See ‘780 Patent, 4:56-63 (“The ID generator [] preferably
`prefetches all components embodied in or identified by the code for Downloadable ID
`generation. For example…the ID generator 315 may retrieve all components listed in the INF
`file for an ActiveX™ control to compute a Downloadable ID.”). It is also consistent with the
`way that a POSITA would have understood the term in the context of the claim.
`50. With regard to the rest of the term, Finjan described the “software components” as
`follows during prosecution: “[t]he same Downloadable may be delivered with some required
`software components included and others missing.” Ex. 2 at 3; see also id. (“An advantage of
`the present invention is that it produces the same ID for a Downloadable, regardless of which
`software components are included with the Downloadable and which software components are
`only referenced.”). Finjan also stated during prosecution that one of the benefits of the invention
`was that “the Downloadable ID may be used to recognize the ‘same’ Downloadable regardless of
`how the Downloadable is subdivided and/or downloaded.” Ex. 2 at 6. Based on these
`statements, a POSITA would understand that the software components to be fetched refer to
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`pieces of the Downloadable that were not included (i.e., “missing”) in the content of the original
`The specification supports this interpretation, in that it teaches the inclusion of the
`fetched software components within the Downloadable itself prior to hashing. See, e.g., Fig. 8
`(“Include Fetched Components in The Downloadable”). A POSITA would understand that one
`would only “include” components “in” the code if they were part of the same file, not disparate
`files. The specification therefore makes clear that the software components to be fetched are the
`missing components that are “referenced” but not included in the content of the Downloadable.
`I understand that Finjan has previously argued that one can “fetch” software
`components already included within the content of the Downloadable. In particular, I understand
`that in Finjan, Inc. v. Bitdefender Inc., Case No. 4:17-cv-04790-HSG, Dkt. No. 76-1 at ¶ 27
`(N.D. Cal. May 4, 2018), Finjan’s claim construction expert, Dr. Nenad Medvidovic testified:
`“As was well known at the time [of the ‘780 Patent], Java applets were distributed as
`Downloadables as a single JAR file with referenced software components included in the JAR
`file. Therefore, the ‘780 Patent includes a specific example where ‘fetching’ refers to retrieving
`software components included in the Downloadable.” I disagree with Dr. Medvidovic. He
`appears to have misread the specification, which states that “the ID generator [] may prefetch all
`classes embodied in or identified by the Java™ applet bytecode.” ‘780 Patent, 4:59-60. Since
`all Java applets must refer to at least one or more classes present in the Java Runtime
`Environment distributed by Oracle, fetching “all” classes identified in a Java applet necessarily
`requires reaching outside of the JAR file in which the applet was packaged and retrieving the
`classes for the Java Runtime Environment.
`In the past, Finjan has also pointed to the portion of the specification that states
`that “the ID generator [] may prefetch all classes embodied in or identified by the Java™ applet
`bytecode.” ‘780 Patent, 4:59-60. However, even if one could “fetch” classes embodied in the
`Java applet bytecode, those are not the classes that are required to be fetched as recited in the
`claim. Claim 1 requires “fetching at least one software component identified by the one or more
`references” in the Downloadable, not fetching components embodied in the Downloadable, and
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`the patent itself appears to draw a distinction between software components that are “identified
`by” versus “embodied in” the Downloadable. Id. at 4:59-60 (“embodied in or identified by”).
`Given the context of the claim, file history, and specification, a POSITA would
`not understand what was required to meet this claim limitation if asked to “fetch” software
`components referenced by the Downloadable if those components were already included within
`the contents of the Downloadable.4 It does not make sense to “fetch” a software component that
`is already included within the Downloadable.
`55. Moreover, if the contents of the software components that were being fetched
`were already included within the Downloadable, then any “fetching” would not change the
`content of the Downloadable, so the hashing function would produce the very same hash ID as it
`would have produced without any alleged “fetching.” This would render the

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