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`PAUL ANDRE (State Bar No. 196585)
`LISA KOBIALKA (State Bar No. 191404)
`JAMES HANNAH (State Bar No. 237978)
`KRISTOPHER KASTENS (State Bar No. 254797)
`990 Marsh Road
`Menlo Park, CA 94025
`Telephone: (650) 752-1700
`Facsimile: (650) 752-1800
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`FINJAN, INC., a Delaware Corporation,
`Case No.: 3:17-cv-05659-WHA
`3-1 AND 3-2
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`Pursuant to Patent Local Rules 3-1 and 3-2 of the United States District Court for the Northern
`District of California, Plaintiff Finjan, Inc. (“Finjan”) makes the following Initial Disclosure of
`Asserted Claims and Infringement Contentions and Document Production Accompanying Disclosure,
`including the attached claim charts (the “Disclosure”) to Juniper Networks, Inc. (hereinafter “Juniper”
`or “Defendant”).
`Finjan makes this Disclosure based upon information presently known and reasonably available
`to it as of this date, as Finjan’s investigations are ongoing and Defendant has yet to provide any
`discovery. Accordingly, Finjan reserves the right to amend, modify, supplement, or narrow any
`portion of this Disclosure, including, but not limited to, the identification of the claims infringed by
`Defendant, the products and/or services accused of infringement and the bases and manner of
`infringement described in this Disclosure. Finjan reserves the right to supplement this Disclosure as
`necessary and as appropriate in accordance with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and this Court’s
`Local Rules, including Patent Local Rule 3-6, in light of future document production, interrogatory
`responses, admissions, disclosures, contentions, fact witness testimony, expert discovery, any other
`discovery, future rulings from the Court (including claim construction), any amendments to the
`pleadings, any additional items of evidence, and/or for any other reason authorized by statute, rule, or
`applicable case law. Finjan further reserves the right to rely upon the opinions of one or more experts
`in support of its infringement contentions in accordance with the Court’s scheduling order.
`To the maximum degree allowed by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the Court’s Local
`Rules, Finjan reserves its right to supplement, amend, modify and/or narrow this Disclosure, as
`appropriate, as the extent of infringement becomes more fully known, the Court makes any relevant
`rulings (including claim construction), and the case develops over the course of discovery.
`Identification Of Asserted Claims And Applicable Subsections Of 35 U.S.C. § 271.
`Finjan provides the following contentions pursuant to Patent Local Rule 3-1(a):
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`Defendant directly infringed pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 271(a) claims 1, 15, and 41 of U.S. Pat.
`No. 6,154,844 (“the ‘844 Patent”), claims 1 and 9 of U.S. Patent No. 6,804,780 (“the ‘780 Patent”),
`claims 15 and 22 of U.S. Patent No. 7,613,926 (“the ‘926 Patent”); claims 1, 8, 14, and 19 of U.S.
`Patent No. 7,647,633 (“the ‘633 Patent”), claim 1 of U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154 (“the ‘154 Patent”),
`and claims 10, 14, 16, and 18 of U.S. Patent No. 8,677,494 (“the ‘494 Patent”), collectively (the
`“Asserted Claims”).
`Finjan reserves the right to amend, modify, supplement, or narrow these contentions, as
`appropriate, pursuant to Patent Local Rule 3-6, including identifying additional asserted claims, as it
`obtains additional information over the course of discovery and in light of the Court’s claim
`construction order.
`Identification Of Accused Instrumentalities.
`Finjan provides the following contentions pursuant to Patent Local Rule 3-1(b):
`Finjan accuses the following of Defendant’s products and/or services, and associated software
`and subscriptions, of infringing claims 1, 15, and 41 of the ‘844 Patent: SRX Gateways1, Space
`Security Director2, Sky ATP3, ATP Appliances4, and Spotlight Secure service identified in the
`attached Appendices A-1 through A-3 (“Accused Instrumentalities of the ‘844 Patent”).
`Finjan accuses the following of Defendant’s products and/or services, and associated software
`and subscriptions, of infringing claims 1 and 9 of the ‘780 Patent: SRX Gateways, Space Security
`Director, Sky ATP, ATP Appliances, and Spotlight Secure service, identified in the attached
`Appendices B-1 through B-3 (“Accused Instrumentalities of the ‘780 Patent”).
`1 A list of accused “SRX Gateways” (also called “SRX Series Services Gateways”) are provided in
`Exhibit A attached hereto, and are collectively referred to as “SRX Gateways” or “SRX Series
`Services Gateways.”
`2 A list of the accused “Space Security Director” products is provided in Exhibit A attached hereto, and
`are collectively referred to as “Space Security Director.”
`3 A list of the accused Sky ATP service is provided in Exhibit A attached hereto, and are collectively
`referred to as “Sky ATP.”
`4 A list of the accused ATP Appliance products is provided in Exhibit A attached hereto, and are
`collectively referred to as “ATP Appliances.”
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`Finjan accuses the following of Defendant’s products and/or services, and associated software
`and subscriptions, of infringing claims 15 and 22 of the ‘926 Patent: SRX Gateways, Sky ATP, ATP
`Appliances, Space Security Directory, and Spotlight Secure service, identified in the attached
`Appendices C-1 through C-3 (“Accused Instrumentalities of the ‘926 Patent”).
`Finjan accuses the following of Defendant’s products and/or services, and associated software
`and subscriptions, of infringing claims 1, 8, 14, and 19 of the ‘633 Patent: SRX Gateways, Sky ATP,
`and ATP Appliances, identified in the attached Appendices D-1 through D-3 (“Accused
`Instrumentalities of the ‘633 Patent”).
`Finjan accuses the following of Defendant’s products and/or services of infringing claim 1 of
`the ‘154 Patent: SRX Gateways, Sky ATP, ATP Appliances, and Spotlight Secure service, identified in
`the attached Appendices E-1 through E-3 (“Accused Instrumentalities of the ‘154 Patent”).
`Finjan accuses the following of Defendant’s products and/or services, and associated software
`and subscriptions, of infringing claims 10, 14, 16, and 18 of the ‘494 Patent: SRX Gateways, Sky ATP,
`ATP Appliances, and Spotlight Secure service, identified in the attached Appendices F-1 through F-3
`(“Accused Instrumentalities of the ‘494 Patent”) (collectively, the “Accused Instrumentalities”).
`The above identification is based on the information publicly available to Finjan as of the date
`hereof. Finjan anticipates that discovery may reveal additional products, features and/or services that
`infringe the patents-in-suit. Finjan reserves the right to amend, modify, supplement, or narrow these
`contentions pursuant to Patent Local Rule 3-6, if necessary and appropriate, including identifying
`additional products, features and/or services, as it obtains additional information over the course of
`discovery and in light of the Court’s claim construction order.
`Claim Charts Identifying Claim Elements Present In Accused Instrumentalities.
`Finjan provides the following appendices pursuant to Patent Local Rule 3-1(c):
`The attached Appendices A-1 through A-3 (which show how the Accused Instrumentalities of
`the ‘844 Patent and other products/services infringe each of the asserted claims of the ‘844 Patent),
`Appendices B-1 through B-3 (which show how the Accused Instrumentalities of the ‘780 Patent and
`other products/services infringe each of the asserted claims of the ‘780 Patent), Appendices C-1
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`through C-3 (which show how the Accused Instrumentalities of the ‘926 Patent and other
`products/services infringe each of the asserted claims of the ‘926 Patent), Appendices D-1 through D-3
`(which show how the Accused Instrumentalities of the ‘633 Patent and other products/services infringe
`each of the asserted claims of the ‘633 Patent), Appendices E-1 through E-3 (which show how the
`Accused Instrumentalities of the ‘154 Patent and other products/services infringe each of the asserted
`claims of the ‘154 Patent), and Appendices E-1 through F-3 (which show how the Accused
`Instrumentalities of the ‘154 Patent and other products/services infringe each of the asserted claims of
`the ‘154 Patent) (collectively, the “Appendices”).
`The Appendices are incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. Any citations
`included in the Appendices are exemplary. In the attached Appendices, Finjan has subdivided each
`Asserted Claim to explain where the respective Accused Instrumentalities and other products/services
`meet each claim element. The subdivisions in the Appendices are not to be taken as an indication of
`the boundaries of claim elements with respect to doctrine of equivalents, or any other issue.
`Additionally, the Accused Instrumentalities and Defendant’s other products/services may infringe the
`Asserted Claims in multiple ways.
`The above identification is based on the information publicly available to Finjan as of the date
`hereof. Finjan reserves the right to provide an alternative claim mapping or infringement contentions
`for such Accused Instrumentalities or other products and/or services. Finjan further reserves the right
`to rely upon the opinions of one or more experts in support of its infringement contentions in
`accordance with the Court’s scheduling order.
`Identification Of Direct Infringement Underlying Allegations Of Indirect
`Infringement And Description Of Acts Of Indirect Infringement.
`Finjan provides the following contentions pursuant to Patent Local Rule 3-1(d):
`Finjan does not currently allege that Juniper indirectly infringes the Asserted Claims. The
`above identification is based on the information publicly available to Finjan as of the date hereof.
`Finjan reserves the right to amend, modify, supplement, or narrow these contentions, as appropriate,
`pursuant to Patent Local Rule 3-6, including providing additional manners of infringement, as it
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`obtains additional information over the course of discovery and in light of the Court’s claim
`construction order.
`Identification Of Elements Present Literally And Present Under The Doctrine Of
`Finjan provides the following contentions pursuant to Patent Local Rule 3-1(e):
`The Accused Instrumentalities literally meet each Asserted Claim. In addition, as detailed in
`the Appendices, Finjan asserts that the Accused Instrumentalities also infringe under the doctrine of
`equivalents for the Asserted Claims. Should Defendant contend that any element or limitation of the
`Asserted Claims is absent in an Accused Instrumentality, Finjan reserves the right to demonstrate that
`the allegedly missing element or limitation is present in the Accused Instrumentality under the doctrine
`of equivalents. Finjan further reserves the right to rely upon the opinions of one or more experts in
`support of its infringement contentions in accordance with the Court’s scheduling order.
`The above identification is based on the information publicly available to Finjan as of date
`hereof. Finjan reserves the right to amend, modify, supplement, or narrow these contentions, as
`appropriate, pursuant to Patent Local Rule 3-6, including providing additional bases of infringement,
`and/or applying the doctrine of equivalents to additional claim elements, as it obtains additional
`information over the course of discovery and in light of the Court’s claim construction order.
`Identification Of Priority Dates.
`Finjan provides the following contentions pursuant to Patent Local Rule 3-1(f):
`Because Patent Local Rule 3-1(f) requires disclosure of the claimed priority date and not of the
`date of conception or reduction, Finjan distinguishes between “priority date” and “invention date.”
`Finjan alleges that each of the asserted claims of the ‘844 Patent is entitled to the priority date
`of November 8, 1996.
`Finjan alleges that each of the asserted claims of the ‘780 Patent is entitled to the priority date
`of November 8, 1996.
`Finjan alleges that each of the asserted claims of the ‘926 Patent is entitled to the priority date
`of January 29, 1997.
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`Finjan alleges that each of the asserted claims of the ‘633 Patent is entitled to the priority date
`of January 29, 1997.
`Finjan alleges that each of the asserted claims of the ‘154 Patent is entitled to the priority date
`of December 12, 2005.
`Finjan alleges that each of the asserted claims of the ‘494 Patent is entitled to the priority date
`of November 8, 1996.
`Finjan reserves the right to amend, modify, supplement, or narrow these contentions pursuant
`to Patent Local Rule 3-6.
`Practice Of The Claimed Invention.
`Finjan provides the following contentions pursuant to Patent Local Rule 3-1(g):
`Finjan previously produced and sold Vital Security appliances version 7.0 and later versions
`(“Vital Security”). Vital Security incorporated or reflected claims 1, 15, and 41 of the ‘844 Patent.
`Vital Security incorporated or reflected claims 1 and 9 of the ‘780 Patent. Vital Security incorporates
`or reflects Claims 1 and 9 of the ‘633 Patent.
`Finjan has released its FinjanMobile VitalSecurity Browser, which was renamed the
`FinjanMobile VitalSecurityVPN Browser (collectively, the “FinjanMobile VitalSecurity Browser”).
`The FinjanMobile VitalSecurity Browser after October 25, 2016, incorporated or reflected Claim 10 of
`the ‘494 Patent. The FinjanMobile VitalSecurity Browser incorporates or reflects Claim 1 of the ‘154
`Finjan reserves the right to amend, modify, supplement, or narrow these contentions pursuant
`to Patent Local Rule 3-6.
`Timing of First Infringement and Damages.
`Finjan provides the following contentions pursuant to Patent Local Rule 3-1(h):
`Based on information presently known to Finjan, Finjan asserts that the date of first
`infringement for the ‘844, ‘926, and ‘780 is around December 12, 2008, or when Juniper released the
`first SRX Gateways. Finjan asserts that the date of first infringement for the ‘633 and ‘154 Patents is
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`around November 4, 2015, or when Juniper released Sky ATP. Finjan asserts that the date of first
`infringement for the ‘494 Patent is March 18, 2014, when the patent issued.
`Based on information presently known to Finjan, Finjan asserts that the date damages start for
`the ‘844 and ‘780 is around September 29, 2011, six years before the filing of the complaint. Finjan
`asserts that the date damages start for the ‘926, ‘633 and ‘154 Patents around November 4, 2015, or
`when Juniper released Sky ATP. Finjan asserts that the date damages start for the ‘494 Patent is
`March 18, 2014,when the patent issued.
`Based on information presently known to Finjan, Finjan asserts that the end of claimed
`damages for the ‘844, ‘926, and ‘494 Patents is January 29, 2017. Finjan asserts that the end of
`claimed damages for the ‘780 Patent is November 6, 2017. Finjan asserts that the end of claimed
`damages for the ‘633 Patent will be November 8, 2019. Finjan asserts that the end of claimed damages
`for the ‘154 Patent will be December 12, 2025.
`The above identification is based on the information publicly available to Finjan as of the date
`hereof. Finjan reserves the right to amend, modify, supplement, or narrow these contentions pursuant
`to Patent Local Rule 3-6.
`Willful Infringement.
`Finjan provides the following contentions pursuant to Patent Local Rule 3-1(i):
`Finjan does not currently allege that Juniper willfully infringes the Asserted Claims. The above
`identification is based on the information publicly available to Finjan as of date hereof. Discovery
`concerning Defendant’s communications, Defendant’s products and services, Defendant’s actions
`related to its products and services, Defendant’s actions related to and awareness of the patents-in-suit,
`and Defendant’s defenses in this case is still ongoing. Finjan reserves the right to amend, modify,
`supplement, or narrow these contentions, if necessary and as appropriate, pursuant to Patent Local
`Rule 3-6, including providing additional bases for willful infringement, as it obtains additional
`information over the course of discovery and in light of the Court’s claim construction order.
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`Disclosure, Transfer, Sale, Offers To Sell, Public Use Of Claimed Invention Prior
`To Application Date.
`Based upon information presently available or recalled and subject to the limitations and
`reservations set forth above, Finjan is not aware of any responsive, relevant, non-privileged, non-
`immune documents that correspond to the documents described in Patent Local Rule 3-2(a). Finjan
`reserves the right to supplement this disclosure if, and as, warranted.
`Conception And Reduction To Practice.
`Based upon information presently available or recalled and subject to the limitations and
`reservations set forth above, pursuant to Patent Local Rule 3-2(b), Finjan refers Defendant to the
`documents produced in conjunction with the service of this disclosure and identified by production
`numbers: FINJAN-JN 000021-442; FINJAN-JN 000461-617; FINJAN-JN 000644-953; FINJAN-JN
`000984-1367; FINJAN-JN 001401-2024; FINJAN-JN 002041-2608; FINJAN-JN 002631-3821;
`FINJAN-JN 003850-5184; FINJAN-JN 047910-47914; FINJAN-JN 047915-47918; as well as any
`deposition testimony from the inventors. Finjan reserves the right to supplement this disclosure if it
`becomes aware of any additional relevant information, as appropriate.
`File History.
`Based upon information presently available or currently recalled and subject to the limitations
`and reservations set forth above, pursuant to Patent Local Rule 3-2(c), Finjan refers Defendant to the
`file histories previously produced and identified by production numbers: FINJAN-JN 000021-442;
`FINJAN-JN 000461-617; FINJAN-JN 000644-953; FINJAN-JN 000984-1367; FINJAN-JN 001401-
`2024; FINJAN-JN 002041-2608; FINJAN-JN 002631-3821; FINJAN-JN 003850-5184. Finjan
`reserves the right to supplement this disclosure if it becomes aware of any additional relevant
`information, as appropriate.
`Based upon information presently available or currently recalled and subject to the limitations
`and reservations set forth above, pursuant to Patent Local Rule 3-2(d), Finjan refers Defendant to the
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`assignment record produced in conjunction with the service of this disclosure and identified by
`production numbers: FINJAN-JN 005185-5200. Finjan reserves the right to supplement this disclosure
`if it becomes aware of any additional relevant information, as appropriate.
`Practice Of The Invention.
`Based upon information presently available or currently recalled and subject to the limitations
`and reservations set forth above, pursuant to Patent Local Rule 3-2(e), Finjan refers Defendant to the
`documents produced in conjunction with the service of this disclosure and identified by production
`numbers or reference: FINJAN-JN 009928-929, FINJAN-JN 009930-931, FINJAN-JN 009932-35,
`FINJAN-JN 009936-37, FINJAN-JN 009938-939, FINJAN-JN 009940-941, FINJAN-JN 009942-947,
`FINJAN-JN 009948-953, FINJAN-JN 009954-55, FINJAN-JN 009956-957, FINJAN-JN 009958-959,
`FINJAN-JN 009961-962, FINJAN-JN 009963-964, FINJAN-JN 009965-968, FINJAN-JN 009969-
`970, FINJAN-JN 009971-972, FINJAN-JN 009973-978, FINJAN-JN 009979-980, FINJAN-JN
`009986-987, FINJAN-JN 009988-991, FINJAN-JN 009992-97, FINJAN-JN 14923-15250, FINJAN-
`JN 015593-5614, FINJAN-JN 015615-5740, FINJAN-JN 015757-5771, FINJAN-JN 015772-785,
`FINJAN-JN 15786-799, FINJAN-JN 15800-814, FINJAN-JN 015815, FINJAN-JN 015816, FINJAN-
`JN 015846-860, FINJAN-JN 015861-875, FINJAN-JN 015876-877, FINJAN-JN 015878, FINJAN-JN
`020469-474, FINJAN-JN 023240-242, FINJAN-JN 023251-253, FINJAN-JN 023269-271, FINJAN-
`JN 023272-279, FINJAN-JN 023280-283, FINJAN-JN 023284-292, FINJAN-JN 023293-3308,
`FINJAN-JN 023309-3336, FINJAN-JN 023372-387, FINJAN-JN 023388-395, FINJAN-JN 023396-
`3412, FINJAN-JN 023413-425, FINJAN-JN 023426-3445, FINJAN-JN 023446-3469, FINJAN-JN
`023470-485, FINJAN-JN 023486-498, FINJAN-JN 023499-3513, FINJAN-JN 023514-542, FINJAN-
`JN 023543-552, FINJAN-JN 023553-569, FINJAN-JN 023570-579, FINJAN-JN 023580-596,
`FINJAN-JN 023597-3613, FINJAN-JN 023614-629, FINJAN-JN 02630-640, FINJAN-JN 023641-
`649, FINJAN-JN 023650-651, FINJAN-JN 023652-658, FINJAN-JN 023659-679, FINJAN-JN
`023700-716, FINJAN-JN 023717-728, FINJAN-JN 023729-751, FINJAN-JN 023752-766, FINJAN-
`JN 023767-789, FINJAN-JN 023790-3801, FINJAN-JN 023802-815, FINJAN-JN 023816-817,
`FINJAN-JN 023818-819, FINJAN-JN 024325-351, FINJAN-JN 026957-980, FINJAN-JN 027202-
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`276, FINJAN-JN 027277-347, FINJAN-JN 027348-423, FINJAN-JN 027424-7504, FINJAN-JN
`027505-585, FINJAN-JN 027586-7682, FINJAN-JN 027683-7845, FINJAN-JN 027846-8018,
`FINJAN-JN 028019-8205, FINJAN-JN 028206-8402, FINJAN-JN 028403-8675, FINJAN-JN 028676-
`694, FINJAN-JN 028695-8813, FINJAN-JN 028814-929, FINJAN-JN 028930-049, FINJAN-
`JN029050-9200, FINJAN-JN 029534-535, FINJAN-JN 029536-537, FINJAN-JN 035778-793,
`FINJAN-JN 029541-542, FINJAN-JN 029543-544, FINJAN-JN 030361-0426, FINJAN-JN 030427-
`439, FINJAN-JN 031566-1609, FINJAN-JN 031610-620, FINJAN-JN 031801-08, FINJAN-JN
`031809-822, FINJAN-JN 031823-838, FINJAN-JN 031839-846, FINJAN-JN 031847-857, FINJAN-
`JN 031858-866, FINJAN-JN 031891-92, FINJAN-JN 031967-979, FINJAN-JN 031980-2003,
`FINJAN-JN 032004-013, FINJAN-JN 032014-023, FINJAN-JN 032024-040, FINJAN-JN 032041-
`056, FINJAN-JN 032396-2411, FINJAN-JN 032412-439, FINJAN-JN 032440-456, FINJAN-JN
`032457-479, FINJAN-JN 032480-494, FINJAN-JN 032495-2517, FINJAN-JN 032518-529, FINJAN-
`JN 032743-759, FINJAN-JN 032760-773, FINJAN-JN 032774-778, FINJAN-JN 032779-793,
`FINJAN-JN 032794-2813, FINJAN-JN 032814-830, FINJAN-JN 032835-850, FINJAN-JN 032851-
`863, FINJAN-JN 035081-096, FINJAN-JN 035258-285, FINJAN-JN 035392-5412, FINJAN-JN
`035506-535, FINJAN-JN 035540-597, FINJAN-JN 035598-5666, FINJAN-JN 035778-793, FINJAN-
`JN 035851-852, FINJAN-JN 037920-933, FINJAN-JN 045244-45245, FINJAN-JN 045246-45247,
`FINJAN-JN 045248-45249, FINJAN-JN 045250-45251, FINJAN-JN 045252-45253, FINJAN-JN
`045254-45263, FINJAN-JN 045264-45269, FINJAN-JN 045270-45277, FINJAN-JN 045278-45283,
`FINJAN-JN 045284-45291, FINJAN-JN 046236-046246, FINJAN-JN 046247-46252, FINJAN-JN
`046253, FINJAN-JN 046254-046256, FINJAN-JN 046257-46259, FINJAN-JN 046260, FINJAN-JN
`046261, FINJAN-JN 046262, FINJAN-JN 046263-46966, FINJAN-JN 046967, FINJAN-JN 046968,
`FINJAN-JN 046969, FINJAN-JN 046970, FINJAN-JN 046971, FINJAN-JN 046972, FINJAN-JN
`046973, FINJAN-JN 046974-47140, FINJAN-JN 047141-47274, FINJAN-JN 047275-47303,
`FINJAN-JN 047304-47306, FINJAN-JN 047307, physical copies of the Vital Security Appliance,
`FinjanMobile VitalSecurity Browser, and source code for the Vital Security Appliances and
`FinjanMobile VitalSecurity Browser. Source code and physical copies of the Vital Security Appliance
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`and FinjanMobile VitalSecurity Browser are available for inspection upon request. Finjan reserves the
`right to supplement this disclosure if it becomes aware of any additional relevant information, as
`Transfer of Interest Agreements.
`Based upon information presently available or currently recalled and subject to the limitations
`and reservations set forth above, pursuant to Patent Local Rule 3-2(f), Finjan refers Defendant to the
`documents produced in conjunction with the service of this disclosure and identified by production
`numbers: FINJAN-JN 005185-5200. Finjan reserves the right to supplement this disclosure if it
`becomes aware of any additional relevant information, as appropriate.
`License Agreements.
`Based upon information presently available or currently recalled and subject to the limitations
`and reservations set forth above, pursuant to Patent Local Rule 3-2(g), Finjan refers Defendant to the
`documents produced in conjunction with the service of this disclosure and identified by production
`numbers, which includes Finjan’s license agreements, including agreements that are comparable to a
`license that would result from a hypothetical reasonable royalty negotiation: FINJAN-JN 020859-
`20872; FINJAN-JN 046177-46195; FINJAN-JN 019089-19098; FINJAN-JN 019099-19127; FINJAN-
`JN 022426-22451; FINJAN-JN 020462; FINJAN-JN 022452-22461; FINJAN-JN 039749-39768;
`FINJAN-JN 039769-39783; FINJAN-JN 039794-39876; FINJAN-JN 039826-39840; FINJAN-JN
`039841-39863; FINJAN-JN 039864-39876; FINJAN-JN 046087-46134 (to be produced upon third
`party consent); FINJAN-JN 039877-39890; FINJAN-JN 039891-39896; FINJAN-JN 039897-039911;
`FINJAN-JN 046159-46176 (to be produced upon third party consent); FINJAN-JN 039948; FINJAN-
`JN 039949-39978; FINJAN-JN 039989-40017; FINJAN-JN 046196-46125 (to be produced upon third
`party consent); FINJAN-JN 046135-46158 (to be produced upon third party consent); FINJAN-JN
`040018-40032; FINJAN-JN 40033-40048; FINJAN-JN 40049-40067; FINJAN-JN 046216-46235 (to
`be produced upon third party consent); FINJAN-JN 047919-47927; FINJAN-JN 047928-47931.
`Finjan reserves the right to supplement this disclosure if it becomes aware of any additional relevant
`information, as appropriate.
`CASE NO. 3:17-cv-05659-WHA


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 67-12 Filed 04/19/18 Page 14 of 19
`Other Agreements.
`Based upon information presently available or currently recalled and subject to the limitations
`and reservations set forth above, pursuant to Patent Local Rule 3-2(h), Finjan refers Defendant to the
`documents produced in conjunction with the service of this disclosure and identified by production
`numbers: FINJAN-JN 026266-26268; FINJAN-JN 026270-26274; FINJAN-JN 026262-26265;
`FINJAN-JN 006685-6688; FINJAN-JN 026302-26343; FINJAN-JN 021192-21317; FINJAN-JN
`007227-7256; FINJAN-JN 005579-5581; FINJAN-JN 005461-5464; FINJAN-JN 005579-5581;
`FINJAN-JN 005958-5964; FINJAN-JN 005965-5985; FINJAN-JN 19286-19418; FINJAN-JN
`019151-19191; FINJAN-JN 020051-20052; FINJAN-JN 020651-20657; FINJAN-JN 020658-20661;
`FINJAN-JN 022053-22070; FINJAN-JN 022071-22090; FINJAN-JN 022091-22106; FINJAN-JN
`022415-22425; FINJAN-JN 022463-22571; FINJAN-JN 023820-23822; FINJAN-JN 005835;
`FINJAN-JN 005836-5837; FINJAN-JN 009258-9276; FINJAN-JN 009940-9941; FINJAN-JN
`033587-33660; FINJAN-JN 006981-7002; FINJAN-JN 006977-6980; FINJAN-JN 18891-18931;
`FINJAN-JN 020728-20759; FINJAN-JN 020859-20872; FINJAN-JN 046177-46195; FINJAN-JN
`019089-19098; FINJAN-JN 019099-19127; FINJAN-JN 022426-22451; FINJAN-JN 020462;
`FINJAN-JN 022452-22461; FINJAN-JN 039749-39768; FINJAN-JN 039769-39783; FINJAN-JN
`039794-39876; FINJAN-JN 039826-39840; FINJAN-JN 039841-39863; FINJAN-JN 039864-39876;
`FINJAN-JN 046087-46134 (to be produced upon third party consent); FINJAN-JN 039877-39890;
`FINJAN-JN 039891-39896; FINJAN-JN 039897-039911; FINJAN-JN 046159-46176 (to be produced
`upon third party consent); FINJAN-JN 039948; FINJAN-JN 039949-39978; FINJAN-JN 039989-
`40017; FINJAN-JN 046196-46125 (to be produced upon third party consent); FINJAN-JN 046135-
`46158 (to be produced upon third party consent); FINJAN-JN 040018-40032; FINJAN-JN 40033-
`40048; FINJAN-JN 40049-40067; FINJAN-JN 046216-46235 (to be produced upon third party
`consent); FINJAN-JN 047919-47927; FINJAN-JN 047928-47931; FINJAN-JN 047308-47309,
`FINJAN-JN 047310-47337, FINJAN-JN 047338-47350, FINJAN-JN 047351-47753, FINJAN-JN
`047754-47759, FINJAN-JN 047760-47907, FINJAN-JN 047908-47909. Finjan reserves

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