Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 624 Filed 09/30/19 Page 1 of 16
`Pages 1-16
`FINJAN, INC., a Delaware
`Delaware Corporation,
`For Plaintiff:
`For Defendant:
`Transcription Service:
`Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel, LLP
`990 Marsh Road
`Menlo Park, California 94025
`(650) 752-1700
`Irell & Manella, LLP
`1800 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 900
`Los Angeles, California 90067-4276
`(310) 277-1010
`Peggy Schuerger
`Ad Hoc Reporting
`2220 Otay Lakes Road, Suite 502-85
`Chula Vista, California 91915
`(619) 236-9325
`Proceedings recorded by electronic sound recording; transcript
`produced by transcription service.
`) Case No. 17-cv-05659-WHA
`San Francisco, California
`Courtroom A, 15th Floor
`Wednesday, July 31, 2019
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 624 Filed 09/30/19 Page 2 of 16
`WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 2019 3:32 P.M.
`(Call to order of the Court.)
`Okay, Counsel.
`The Judge has taken the
`We’re here in Civil Action 17-5659, Finjan, Inc. v.
`Juniper Networks, Inc. Counsel, please state your appearances for
`the record.
`Let’s start with Plaintiff, please.
`MR. ANDRE: Good afternoon, Your Honor. Paul Andre for
`Good afternoon, Your Honor.
`Mittleman for Juniper Networks.
`THE COURT: Good afternoon, Counsel.
`Mr. Glucoft, do you want to state your
`appearance as well, please.
`Mr. Joshua Glucoft on behalf of
`Defendant Juniper Networks, Inc.
`Good afternoon.
`I’m not sure which side
`wanted this call but, for whoever did, why don’t you introduce the
`MR. MITTLEMAN: Thank you very much, Your Honor. This
`is Harry Mittleman for Juniper Networks.
`We are the party
`requesting today’s call.
`The purpose of the call is to bring to
`Your Honor’s attention a very serious discovery issue and it’s an
`issue regarding Finjan withholding highly relevant ESI evidence.
`And so what we are requesting today is that the Court issue an
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`order that Finjan produce all of the responsive ESI information by
`close of business today, and I’d like to explain, if I may, the
`background for why this is being -- why this is so important.
`THE COURT: Yes. Please do so.
`So, Your Honor, back in June, the
`parties -- Juniper provided Finjan with final ESI search terms.
`This followed several rounds of narrowing and emailing, regarding
`narrowing, and so we served our final search terms on June 21st.
`We received the ESI earlier this month, on the 12th -- really the
`morning of Saturday, July 13th.
`We noted that no objections had been served and we asked them
`to confirm that nothing was being withheld on relevance grounds.
`And we also served a subpoena on the search party Cisco seeking
`The following day, we learned from Finjan for the first time
`that it is objecting to ESI production on relevance grounds. No
`specifics were provided.
`We asked for clarification immediately
`that day, Sunday. We then asked again on Monday for clarification
`as to what was being withheld as no objections had been served
`with specificity. That was the day that fact discovery closed.
`The very following day, we learned for the first time when
`Finjan states that, "Documents have been withheld on the basis of
`certain discovery objections."
`And it’s important to note the interplay with what was going
`on with Cisco.
`As I mentioned to Your Honor, Juniper had
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 624 Filed 09/30/19 Page 4 of 16
`subpoenaed Cisco. Finjan was simultaneously threatening Cisco not
`to produce documents, seeking sanctions and fees if they did
`produce documents. Finjan never moved for a protective order and
`Cisco produced documents.
`They produced those
`documents today.
`We began reviewing those documents today. And we immediately
`discovered highly relevant information that clearly reads on the
`ESI terms that we provided that should have been produced, that
`were not produced, that are core relevant documents and that it’s
`-- if they were withheld on intentional grounds as opposed to
`inadvertent grounds, the only inference that comes to mind is that
`they were withheld because they contain very -- they contain some
`unflattering statements that Finjan made that I believe patent
`litigation in jury cases is not decided on the merits, and that
`may have been why we decided to withhold it if it was done
`But whether it was done intentionally or whether it was the
`result of inadvertence, the fact remains that the production we
`received in response to the ESI is clearly and demonstrably
`And we can provide the Court with at least one
`example that we found already demonstrating that to be the case.
`We have no confidence in Finjan’s representation that it has
`properly withheld documents on relevance grounds. It’s Juniper’s
`position, Your Honor, that that objection is too late and, to the
`extent it’s not too late, it is an objection that is insupportable
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 624 Filed 09/30/19 Page 5 of 16
`in view of the fact that we now have concrete evidence that
`relevant ESI -- core relevant ESI has been withheld under the
`circumstances and this is an urgent matter.
`And this is why we ask that all of the ESI materials be
`produced by close of business today. We know it’s been collected.
`We know that Finjan has reviewed it. And so we believe it can be
`withholding on the basis of purported relevance.
`THE COURT: Thank you. Mr. Andre.
`Thank you, Your Honor.
`First off, Your
`Honor, I do want to just address one thing.
`This is the second
`time that Juniper has foregone the briefing scheduling, provided
`any type of authority for what they’re talking about, and actually
`giving Finjan a head’s up what they’re actually specifically
`referring to; for example, a "docket" that patent cases are not
`decided on the merits.
`Now, why that is urgent and why that is
`relevant to anything is beyond me.
`But the fact that we’re skipping briefing schedules and to
`kind of meet the first schedule that we’ve set forward is
`problematic and I think it’s telling of the fact that they don’t
`have the authority to be asking what they’re asking for.
`Let me get into the meat of this motion now. The ESI request
`that is at issue here was -- they served the ESI discovery on the
`last day they could serve discovery in the case.
`ESI for the
`witnesses that they focused on were for witnesses that were
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`deposed nearly a year ago.
`So it was not before their
`depositions, after their depositions.
`As Your Honor is probably aware, under the ESI rules, there
`-- documents can be withheld on privilege and on relevance.
`that’s set out neatly within ESI.
`Also, under Rule 34, we have 30 days to file our objections,
`which we did file objections within that time period.
`The fact
`that they’re saying that you can’t withhold documents on relevance
`without objection is belied by the fact that Juniper and Finjan
`have had multiple meet-and-confers regarding Juniper withholding
`documents on relevance under ESI.
`Now, in this particular instance, their ESI was extremely
`broad and captured way too much information.
`For example, they
`used words like, you know, ESI -- search term for "mark."
`I’m sure that was looking for marking of patents.
`There’s also
`the name "Mark." They also have the search term "patent." Finjan
`has several patent litigations, and you can imagine the scope of
`documents that that covered. And, in fact, it did cover personal
`email, junk email, spam email, and thousands and thousands of not
`relevant documents that were withheld.
`I will just give you one example of a document that has the
`word Juniper in it. And this is a document that was withheld for
`And this was from Finjan’s Chief Legal Officer. And
`I’ll quote the email:
`"I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow followed by license
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 624 Filed 09/30/19 Page 7 of 16
`negotiation with Juniper, so I won’t be in the office. I remain
`accessible by phone or email."
`Now, if you look at the search word "Juniper," that logically
`comes from ESI.
`It was not produced because I don’t think it’s
`relevant for us to know a doctor’s appointment. In fact, it’s not
`relevant to anything.
`So the documents we withheld we don’t think are relevant.
`They were properly withheld on relevance grounds.
`The document
`he’s talking about now that shows what he called ESI evidence of
`core relevance, I don’t know what document he’s talking about.
`But if he’d send that over, we’d be glad to look at it and make
`that judgment call.
`I don’t know, but if it’s a document that
`says "patent cases are not judged on the merits," someone saying
`that, I don’t know how that is relevant to anything.
`THE COURT: I see. Okay. Let me ask --
`MR. MITTLEMAN: Your Honor, this is -- I’m sorry, Your
`THE COURT: Hold on one second. Juniper, can you speak
`to the -- why you need me to decide this today and why we can’t do
`this in a few more steps? I’m having trouble understanding that.
`Your Honor, there are issues that are
`coming up with respect to discovery that make this request
`particularly urgent.
`I’m going to ask, if I may, to have my
`colleague, Mr. Glucoft, speak to this since he’s been the person
`who’s most directly handled scheduling.
`But you will see that
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 624 Filed 09/30/19 Page 8 of 16
`there are numerous upcoming matters that require this issue to be
`resolved immediately.
`Your Honor, this is Joshua Glucoft from
`Irell on behalf of Juniper. So as Your Honor is aware, we are in
`the midst of expert depositions. For example, Dr. Kevin Butler is
`going to be deposed next Wednesday, August 7th on the invalidity
`of three of Finjan’s patents. One of the invalidity grounds that
`he is asserting is a so-called on-sale bar, which means Finjan
`sold its product, a product called Surfengate (ph), more than one
`year before any of the patent applications were on file.
`One of the search terms that we requested from Mr. Hartstein
`was "Surfengate." And so if there are documents that use the term
`"Surfengate" that talk about either (a) when Surfengate was first
`offered for sale or (b) whether Surfengate actually embodied the
`patent, those are -- those are emails that Mr. Butler should
`absolutely consider certainly before his report and he would have
`been able to had these been timely produced and certainly before
`his deposition as well.
`Continuing on, we have another expert deposition coming up
`the following week, Mr. Bob Sole (ph), the former Commissioner of
`the Patent Office, who is testifying regarding Juniper’s unclean
`hands and inequitable conduct defense.
`And as Your Honor is also aware from prior motions to compel
`in this case, Mr. Touboul, the product Surfengate, and this notion
`of claiming priority, all of which are, again, search terms that
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 624 Filed 09/30/19 Page 9 of 16
`we requested from Mr. Hartstein, Mr. Sole is going to be opining
`on the issues that directly hit on these search terms.
`I think
`the concern is not suggesting that a hundred percent of the emails
`that Finjan may have withheld are -- that Finjan may have withheld
`aren’t all relevant; in fact, we know with certainty that at least
`some of what they withheld for relevance is in fact relevant, and
`it’s because -- and, again, this is just the example we were
`talking about earlier -- it specifically talks about royalty rate
`for the Juniper Networks-Palo Alto Networks litigation, and so
`that’s something that the -- that Finjan itself had previously
`moved to obtain.
`Finjan previously did obtain those after a
`successful motion to compel. And now we have a document where Mr.
`Hartstein is saying, Here’s what the appropriate royalty rate is,
`what I estimate the appropriate royalty rate is for -- for NextGen
`firewalls in the Juniper-Palo Alto Networks case.
`And so, again, to clarify what Mr. Mittleman said earlier,
`that it’s not that we believe this relevant because it’s
`unflattering to Finjan; we believe that it was withheld because it
`was -- immediately withheld because it was unflattering to Finjan
`and it happens to be directly relevant to damages.
`With that, I would turn it back to Mr. Mittleman.
`MR. MITTLEMAN: So, Your Honor, those are -- those are
`the considerations regarding scheduling that have come up today.
`And I would just simply conclude by noting that the reason why
`we’re asking for the production to be made without continued
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 624 Filed 09/30/19 Page 10 of 16
`withholding on relevance grounds is that we -- we have -- we now
`determinations that were just made are, at minimum, insupportable
`and unreliable, and we are more than happy to accept irrelevant
`documents in order to get the relevant documents and we think that
`what should be done right now is to respond to documents that hit
`on the ESI should be produced to us because whatever criteria has
`been used to withhold documents under relevance, they are way off
`the mark by withholding damages documents of the very sort that
`Finjan themselves only two months ago sought and moved for and was
`THE COURT: Okay. Thank you. Let me -- it seems like
`the basic issue here, if I’m understanding you correctly, is that
`Cisco produced to you documents.
`You saw them and, due to the
`other people, for example, copied on emails, you think Finjan
`should also have produced them to you so that gave you a tipoff,
`Hey, wait a second. Some relevant stuff is missing. Is that the
`gist of what happened?
`That is -- that is what we discovered
`this morning, Your Honor.
`How many Cisco documents are we talking
`about that fell into that category?
`MR. MITTLEMAN: We’re still in the process of reviewing
`the production, Your Honor.
`We just got it today.
`But we were
`able to identify this morning in time to request this hearing a
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 624 Filed 09/30/19 Page 11 of 16
`document that on its face relates to damages and is of the very
`sort of document that Finjan itself asked for in a motion in June.
`And so we don’t know how many others there are, but we know that
`Finjan has, because Finjan I
`understand produced this very document to Cisco only six months
`ago, and why it was not produced and if it was produced on the
`grounds that it’s purportedly irrelevant, that just tells me that
`the criteria being used for relevance simply cannot be accepted
`and we should just get all their documents.
`THE COURT: I have to say just because they might have
`made the wrong call on one document does not persuade me that all
`of their relevance determinations are just garbage and I should
`order that objection waived.
`That seems like an extreme outcome
`from one call.
`When will you have completed your review of Cisco production
`so you’ll be able to tell me that maybe there are some additional
`Your Honor, I have to confer with
`colleagues, but we may be able to finish that by the end of
`business tomorrow. I would have to figure it out because I am not
`the only person who will be looking at these.
`THE COURT: Okay. Well, what I think you should do is
`go through the Cisco documents, identify any ones that you believe
`Finjan should have produced to you.
`And the first step is you
`should email those to Finjan and say, "Please explain this."
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 624 Filed 09/30/19 Page 12 of 16
`Because I do want Finjan to have an opportunity to, before
`there’s a hearing with me, to look through the documents that
`you’ve found and they can go back through their document
`production and decide maybe they did make a mistake; if so, what
`it was, or maybe they didn’t and they stand their ground and they
`don’t think those documents are relevant.
`I would like to have
`that kind of exchange.
`And then if there’s still a dispute, to
`have the parties send a letter brief my way.
`Right now, we’re skipping that in-between part where you go
`to Finjan and give them a chance to explain, and just the relief
`you’re asking for when you found one document so far that you
`think is in error is a little much.
`So if you think by the end of the day tomorrow, which is
`August 1, you can have gone through the Cisco documents, so what
`I’m inclined to do is to order you to notify Finjan by end of the
`day tomorrow of the documents from Cisco’s production that you
`believe indicate Finjan should have produced to you.
`Is that a deadline that you can follow?
`MR. MITTLEMAN: Your Honor, we’ll make every effort to
`do it.
`And if it’s not possible to do it by the end of the day
`tomorrow, I will certainly advise both counsel for Finjan and the
`Court of when we believe it will be possible, but we’ll certainly
`endeavor in every respect to do it by then.
`Your Honor, just -- the one issue I just want to clarify is
`our concern is not simply that there are documents in Cisco’s
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 624 Filed 09/30/19 Page 13 of 16
`production that should have been produced; the concern is that
`there may be relevant documents that visit on all sorts of search
`terms that we had finally agreed upon that themselves were also
`not produced, and that will not be determined fully by looking at
`the Cisco production.
`So our issue regarding the withholding of relevant documents
`is highlighted by the Cisco production, but it is not limited by
`THE COURT: I understand that, but that’s a little hard
`for me to know what universe is there and, frankly, hard for you
`to know what universe is there. Normally when a party says, We’ve
`reviewed the documents and here are the relevant ones, what
`they’ve withheld is kind of a black box which raises its own
`But I’m not sure what to do with that.
`I mean, if you just have a couple that come out of Cisco’s
`production, how does that tell me that it invalidates the entirety
`of what Finjan has done?
`Well, again, Your Honor, to take this
`particular example, the one we were able to find just this
`morning, is I believe so egregious that it really raises a
`question as to inadvertence. It raises a question as to what kind
`of criterion -- (indiscernible) and criterion that may have been
`used for relevance in this case because it’s a for damages
`document and it’s very troubling.
`THE COURT: Okay. Okay. Well, here’s what I’m thinking
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 624 Filed 09/30/19 Page 14 of 16
`of doing and both sides can tell me if they don’t like this plan
`I’m going to order Juniper to use best efforts to identify to
`Finjan documents produced by Cisco that you believe indicate
`there’s a problem with Finjan’s relevance determinations, order
`you to use best efforts by the end of the day tomorrow. The "best
`efforts" language gives you some wiggle room if it’s not quite
`able to be done by tomorrow.
`And then I want the parties by the end of the day Friday,
`August 2nd to submit a joint letter brief -- feel free to attach
`and file under seal the Cisco documents if you want -- in which
`you should brief any inadequacies that Juniper finds in Finjan’s
`relevant determinations. That can include discussion of the Cisco
`documents and go beyond that to address your larger concerns about
`how Finjan may have been determining relevance.
`But this will
`also give Finjan an opportunity to look at those documents and
`then to explain why it may believe that there’s no problem with
`the relevance determination. And I’m inclined to set a telephonic
`hearing for Monday, August 5th.
`Finjan, what’s your reaction to that?
`MR. ANDRE: Your Honor, we’re fine with that. I -- this
`is Paul Andre.
`I’m not sure I will make it -- I’ll try to make
`I will be in Israel doing depositions but I’ll try and call
`in from overseas if it’s possible.
`If not, I’ll have one of my
`colleagues on the call.
`THE COURT: All right. And Juniper?
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`MR. MITTLEMAN: Your Honor, yes. There’s just one issue
`that I want to ask clarification on.
`There are limits on the
`pages that can be submitted in connection with these discovery
`And we believe that there are email strings of many
`pages in length that would demonstrate the relevance of this.
`With the Court’s permission, we would ask that in this case we be
`allowed to attach more than -- you know, exhibits that would
`exceed the ordinary page limits as exemplars.
`Yes. That’s fine.
`Thank you, Your Honor.
`Would Monday at -- let me see.
`I want to
`give myself a fighting chance to read something if you file it at
`midnight on Friday.
`How is Monday at 2:00 p.m.?
`MR. ANDRE: That’s fine with Finjan, Your Honor. Thank
`Your Honor, we’re just checking right
`That would work, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Okay. Then I will write up a minute order
`and we will set up a telephonic hearing for Monday at 2:00 p.m.
`Thank you, Your Honor.
`Thank you, Your Honor.
`Thank you, Counsel.
`THE CLERK: Thank you, Counsel. We’re off the record.
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 624 Filed 09/30/19 Page 16 of 16
`(Proceedings adjourned at 3:54 p.m.)
`I, Peggy Schuerger, certify that
`the foregoing is a
`correct transcript
`from the official electronic sound recording
`provided to me of the proceedings in the above-entitled matter.
`Signature of;/Approved Transcriber
`September 29, 2019
`Peaqgy Schuerger
`Typed or Printed Name
`Ad Hoc Reporting
`Approved Transcription Provider
`for the U.S. District Court,
`Northern District of California

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