Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 621 Filed 09/30/19 Page 1 of 32
`Pages 1-32
`FINJAN, INC., a Delaware
`Delaware Corporation,
`For Plaintiff:
`For Defendant:
`Transcription Service:
`Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel, LLP
`990 Marsh Road
`Menlo Park, California 94025
`(650) 752-1700
`Irell & Manella, LLP
`1800 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 900
`Los Angeles, California 90067-4276
`(310) 203-7092
`Peggy Schuerger
`Ad Hoc Reporting
`2220 Otay Lakes Road, Suite 502-85
`Chula Vista, California 91915
`(619) 236-9325
`Proceedings recorded by electronic sound recording; transcript
`produced by transcription service.
`) Case No. 17-cv-05659-WHA
`San Francisco, California
`Courtroom A, 15th Floor
`Wednesday, July 3, 2019
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 621 Filed 09/30/19 Page 2 of 32
`WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 2019 10:04 A.M.
`(Call to order of the Court.)
`Okay, everyone.
`This is the Courtroom
`The Judge has taken the bench.
`I’m going to call the
`case and then ask you to state your appearances. So we are here
`on Civil Action 17-5659, Finjan, Inc. v. Juniper Networks, Inc.
`Counsel, please state your appearances for the record. Let’s
`start with the Plaintiff.
`MS. CAIRE: This is Yuridia Caire from Kramer Levin on
`behalf of Finjan.
`Jon Kagan of Irell & Manella representing
`Juniper Networks.
`THE COURT: Good morning, Counsel. We are here on the
`joint discovery letter brief at ECF No. 860 (sic). I just thought
`I would tick through the various items, starting with Finjan’s
`Interrogatory Number 4.
`Juniper’s response is a Rule 33(d)
`Mr. Kagan, can you explain how Finjan can look at the charts
`you provided and determine the number of users per year of the
`accused instrumentalities, including the number of users for any
`specific component of it?
`MR. KAGAN: Sure. Well, so there are two spreadsheets
`We only provided an excerpt from one.
`I can describe the other
`one to you, Your Honor. But essentially when -- the spreadsheets
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 621 Filed 09/30/19 Page 3 of 32
`are divided up by what are called the free product and the premium
`So in the free product -- and that’s where the excerpt
`is located -- there is -- for every free license that was granted,
`there is -- the information that we provided of course included
`the -- the SKU, the date.
`Then there’s a serial number that
`corresponds to another document that shows where the -- who the
`end user is, the purchaser for each serial number.
`On the other spreadsheet, which is for the pay licenses,
`there’s actually a category on that spreadsheet that identifies
`the customer directly, so the -- the column heading there is
`called "End Customer - Long CAT (ph)." And so I’m looking at the
`spreadsheet now, and so the last column for the first entry says
`"Acme Networks, Ltd."
`And the second entry says by date (ph)
`So on the bigger spreadsheet directly included on the smaller
`spreadsheet, there’s a unique serial number that it uses to
`identify the end purchaser.
`Oh, I see.
`So the spreadsheet that’s not
`excerpted provides the link from serial number to end user; is
`that right?
`There is a separate -- yeah, that’s a
`separate docket.
`The docket that I was referencing, that I was
`just reading from, is actually -- there’s three documents total.
`One is the premium licenses, one is the paid licenses, and then
`there’s another document that links serial numbers to end users.
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`THE COURT: And how does it show user per year? I see
`the ship date but then, beyond that, are you just assuming it’s
`used continuously since the ship date?
`That’s correct.
`We don’t -- we don’t
`actually have documents where we track which user is using how
`So the documents we did provide just show essentially the
`date that they got the product and we’re assuming they used it
`starting on that date.
`Finjan, can you respond?
`It seems
`like -- from what they’re saying, it seems like you could figure
`this out from the two spreadsheets.
`Well, Your Honor, it’s actually more than
`just two or three spreadsheets. It’s -- and if you listen to Mr.
`Kagan’s explanation, it’s a little bit hard to follow, but
`basically we’re trying to match up one serial number to another
`spreadsheet -- and then what Mr. Kagan didn’t address was the SRX
`pay -- the ones that are associated with pay Sky ATP version. And
`the last spreadsheet, they’ve identified one spreadsheet -- which,
`if you look at their responses, the one ending in 819 -- as being
`the documents that identifies SRXs that were shipped with the pay
`Sky ATP version, and then there’s another spreadsheet that you’re
`supposed to match up serial numbers with to what’s been activated.
`And there’s about 3,500 rows in the one that’s activated and
`then there’s about 2500 rows in the one that was SRXs that were
`just shipped but that were associated from the paid version.
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 621 Filed 09/30/19 Page 5 of 32
`And so there’s a disconnect there. And having to go through
`and sort through all of these rows and match up the serial
`numbers, it’s very confusing, Your Honor, and we think that since
`it’s their information, they obviously have the ability to talk to
`their clients and decipher this information and provide an actual
`If there is --
`MS. CAIRE: And I would just like to say one more thing
`about this is there’s also, at least from what I reviewed, there
`is advertisements which would be in our footnote in our letter
`where they provide a pretrial version -- or, you know, like a 30-
`day or 60-day version of Sky ATP -- and we didn’t seek those --
`you know, the users that were associated with those versions
`anywhere in any of these, you know, four -- four by spreadsheets.
`Can you address that, Mr. Kagan?
`So there’s really just two
`spreadsheets and I’m not sure where the numbers are coming from.
`We are talking about end users.
`So any of the -- any of the free licenses and the premium
`licenses are going to be included in the spreadsheet we excerpted.
`And there a total of 373 of those for the relevant time period.
`That’s all.
`And the other spreadsheet, which shows -- so that’s anything
`from which it’s a free license, including a trial license.
`the other spreadsheet, there are a total -- there are more
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`And I’m scrolling through it right now to get to the
`There are a total of 1792 entries, but in that spreadsheet,
`the end users are actually identified by a column. So the total
`number of times that Finjan would have to look up a serial number
`is just for those free licenses, and that’s on that 373.
`So the other one lists the devices
`and then has the users on it; is that right?
`So in Column L of the other
`spreadsheet, it actually has the user name when matched -- for the
`free licenses which is on the excerpted one where we don’t
`directly track that and have to reference it by serial number.
`And what are the last three Bates numbers
`on the one that -- the pay -- the premium, what you are talking
`MR. KAGAN: So I believe the 079 -- yes, 079.
`THE COURT: Okay. So then let me ask for Finjan, what’s
`wrong with Document 079?
`MS. CAIRE: Well, Your Honor, I’m looking at the fourth
`supplemental response to Rog. 4 and this is what I was referencing
`with respect to the 3,000 and maybe to 2500. But, you know, Mr.
`Kagan just said that there were 1700 entries in the 079 document,
`and I’m sorry.
`I didn’t follow how that went with the 372 from
`his other spreadsheet that he was referencing.
`Which -- could we also get the Bates number for that to make
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`sure we’re on the same page?
`I think they’re different things.
`373 in
`the spreadsheet that’s excerpted in the letter is the free Sky ATP
`license. Whereas the 079 document is the premium Sky ATP license.
`MS. CAIRE: Okay.
`MR. KAGAN: That’s correct.
`MS. CAIRE: Got it, Your Honor. Yes. And so that’s not
`addressing what I’m raising, which is with respect to the SRX
`devices that go with the pay part of Sky ATP which is in their
`fourth supplemental and it’s on pages 12 and 13 on their fourth
`Which -- which exhibit are you -- which
`exhibit are you talking about now?
`MS. CAIRE: That would be included as 1, I believe.
`Fourth supplemental response.
`And which
`Bates number are you talking about?
`MS. CAIRE: It’s page 12.
`THE COURT: Uh-huh.
`It goes from the end of page 12 and onto
`page 13.
`The corrected fourth supplemental response.
`THE COURT: So you’re talking about 819 or 817?
`MS. CAIRE: Both, Your Honor, because this is where --
`819 has about 2500 rows. 817 has about 3400 rows. And from their
`response here, it says that you’re supposed to look at 819 to see
`any SRX that was (indiscernible) with a pay Sky ATP and then look
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`at 817 and match up serial numbers to figure out which ones were
`And the numbers don’t match up, so it would just be
`easier for Juniper to say there were this many SRX devices that
`correlated to a paid or a free version.
`THE COURT: Mr. Kagan, is the discrepancy that not all
`of them that were paid for were activated?
`MR. KAGAN: Yes. We know -- I’m not sure if that’s 100
`percent of the discrepancy.
`We also have things like returns,
`defective products, so there’s a number of reasons why the numbers
`may not correlate but one of them is certainly that it requires a
`user activation and we know for a fact that not every user that is
`eligible to activate actually activates.
`THE COURT: So but you say the 817 document is the ones
`that you know were used?
`We can’t say for certain that they were
`used, but they were sold.
`Those were certainly sold.
`So if we
`look at make, use, or sell, the terms in patent liability, those
`would all be a subject of a (indiscernible).
`THE COURT: I’m just looking back at Rog. 4.
`We would presume they use, but we don’t
`actually track that data.
`So the log as to the accused
`instrumentalities sold and then the number of users each year, are
`you saying that the number of users each year is -- that’s
`imperfectly captioned in your data because you don’t really track
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`MR. KAGAN: Yes.
`MR. KAGAN: There are a number of problems as to why we
`don’t track the number of users, but we simply don’t track that
`Well, Finjan, given what -- do you
`have any indication that they track it or that they’re saying they
`don’t track?
`MS. CAIRE: Well, they definitely have information about
`who has signed up and who has paid for something. And so, at the
`very least, they could identify that.
`Just going back to these spreadsheets, Your Honor, the
`discrepancy is that there appear to be, at least just looking at
`the number of rows, more activation than SRXs that were shipped.
`And so that’s kind of where the disconnect is occurring. And so
`that’s why we’re asking them to provide a complete response rather
`than having to match things up on different spreadsheets.
`THE COURT: I thought you were saying that 819 has more
`rows than 817.
`I’m sorry if I misspoke, Your Honor.
`819 has 2500 rows and that’s supposed to be the one that
`identifies the ones that were shipped.
`And then the document
`ending in 817 had about 3500 rows.
`Oh, I see.
`Mr. Kagan, why would 817 have
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`more rows than 819?
`MR. KAGAN: Well, one of the things in terms of number
`of rows -- and I’m not a hundred percent certain -- but in 817,
`where we have multiple activations, we put them on the same row.
`So, for example, I’m looking at Row 200. There were 88 products
`that are captured on that one row.
`So the customer there is
`Yahoo. And they purchased or they -- they did 88 activations. So
`that’s a single row, and it could be that when -- when we’re
`tracking by individual device, we will track -- we may track it
`separately because it’s a per device unit.
`This is -- this is
`sort of amalgamating by customer.
`THE COURT: So -- wait.
`So look at the rows --
`MS. CAIRE: I’m sorry, but --
`Can I -- in 817, did the rows represent
`customers, or what did the rows represent?
`So there the rows represent -- it has a
`customer -- they’re essentially amalgamated by customer but also
`by ship, so there could be -- there could be an instance where the
`same customer gets two different shipments and those might be on
`separate rows.
`I’m not certain about that.
`But where we have multiple instances of a customer purchase,
`we generally
`amalgamate then into a single line on that
`And so then what did the rows in 819
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`MR. KAGAN: I don’t have 819 in front of me. I believe
`819 is by device. But I’m not a hundred percent certain of that,
`Your Honor.
`Well, if you’re not quite sure what these
`rows represent, what is Finjan supposed to do with this?
`Well, what we did was 817 was the last
`document we produced where we said, Look, this is for this
`particular type of information you’re looking for, which is you
`want to know the number of customers. So that’s what we said to
`them. This is the spreadsheet that you could look at to get that
`We reference other data on other spreadsheets.
`And so
`because of the formatting of that, it may be different. But what
`they asked for, they said, Tell us the customers.
`So we’ve
`produced this spreadsheet that shows exactly by customer what they
`purchased, when they purchased it, number of licenses, how much
`they paid.
`So that spreadsheet answers that question.
`There are other questions that they’ve asked about the data
`where we’ve produced different spreadsheets. It’s all coming from
`the same data pool.
`In other words, there’s one database that
`we’re pulling all the information from.
`It’s just represented
`Oh, I see.
`So --
`So Rog. 4 asks about the number of units
`that were sold, and that I guess would be 819, and then it asks
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`about the number of the users, and that would be 817?
`MR. KAGAN: Yeah. 817 is actually the number of users.
`And I’m not exactly sure the particular request that they asked
`for which we generated 819. It’s going to show the information in
`a different format.
`Finjan, can you respond to that?
`Sure, Your Honor.
`So I wasn’t sure which
`spreadsheet Mr. Kagan was referring to with respect to Yahoo, but
`I was looking at the 819 and I understand that Your Honor doesn’t
`have it in front of him, so -- but I’m looking at the columns and
`there’s not a quantity listed there.
`It’s just SKU, ship date,
`and customer type, net price, cost, and country.
`And then this is supposed to be the number of SRX devices
`that were shipped with -- you know, with some sort of paid Sky ATP
`license attached to it.
`And then we’re supposed to, from their
`discovery request is what they tell us, is to go to the other
`spreadsheet and determine whether or not the customer actually
`activated to find out I’m assuming the number of users.
`And so
`why there would be one device -- you know, a certain number of
`devices but then a certain number of activations still doesn’t
`make sense to me.
`You know, still having to match up serial
`numbers to another spreadsheet is very tedious.
`And we want to
`make sure we’ve got the right information.
`Well, I get the tediousness point.
`doesn’t 819 tell you how many users and -- sorry -- how many units
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`were sold in 817 and how many users?
`817 is supposed to tell us the number of
`users -- or not the number of users, Your Honor -- the dates that
`the SRX actually activated these license to Sky ATP. That’s what
`they said in their response is what the purpose of 817 is.
`Oh, I see.
`Can you speak to that, Mr.
`Kagan? It’s a little hard with me not having this in front of me.
`I understand.
`And if Your Honor wants us
`to provide these, we can. But I think by describing the problems,
`we may be able to get around it.
`817 shows everything amalgamated by customer and by shipment.
`So that’s why we have -- because what they were asking for there,
`we understood, was what’s the number of users -- who are the users
`of this product?
`So that’s what we gave them in 817.
`We gave them the spreadsheet with the (indiscernible) and the
`paid licenses.
`We gave them the other spreadsheet with the 373
`users earlier, and that’s why that only has serial numbers which
`are making them match up.
`So as far as -- we’re trying to make it as easy as possible
`for them to, you know, pull this data. And I think it -- I don’t
`think it’s that difficult -- and I appreciate that Your Honor
`doesn’t have 819 in front of him.
`But I’m telling you the last
`column -- and Finjan can probably confirm this -- it has the
`identity of the customers.
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`So there are --
`THE COURT: So -- sorry. This 817 -- does 817 both have
`date and user?
`Is it meant to show both of those?
`There is --
`Your Honor, I can address that we did say
`that there would be end user on both of those spreadsheets.
`least from their discovery response, what they say the purpose of
`it -- and these are all in response to Rog. 4 -- which was that
`what are the number of units and the number of users for the
`accused products.
`And so they said, Look, if you want to find out the number
`of SRX devices that were shipped with a pay license, look at 819.
`MS. CAIRE: If you want to look at when the activation
`of the license occurred, look at 817.
`So as far as identifying
`customers, neither of those in fact is what the purpose is, at
`least from what they -- from what Juniper has said in their
`discovery response.
`Right, 817 has the user in it; right?
`And so does 819, Your Honor.
`difference was supposed to be that somebody activated the license.
`But -- which doesn’t make sense.
`Why would there be more
`activations than devices shipped?
`THE COURT: Oh, I see. Mr. Kagan, can you explain that?
`MR. KAGAN: Well, I can explain some of it, but I don’t
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 621 Filed 09/30/19 Page 15 of 32
`-- but this is sort of a different issue.
`But a lot of the
`activations are actually internal Juniper activations. So within
`Juniper, then when there is an activation, that has to be tracked
`as well. So we can do a product -- there’s no end user. There’s
`no customer. It’s an internal Juniper product. And that’s being
`And that’s certainly -- we know that there are a number of
`activations that have not -- kind of forced on customer shipping.
`THE COURT: Oh, I see.
`MS. CAIRE: Sorry, Your Honor. Can I just address that?
`THE COURT: Yes. Sure.
`These are supposed to be paid for Sky ATP
`purchase, and I didn’t see Juniper listed as a customer in any o
`So I’m not sure --
`THE COURT: Well, they’re not a customer.
`MS. CAIRE: Right.
`THE COURT: He’s saying that they --
`MS. CAIRE: And then they -- they don’t show up in the
`row either. And I don’t understand why they would be in the case
`THE COURT: I thought he was just saying there was some
`kind of internal activation within Juniper.
`MS. CAIRE: For the paid version? We would like to know
`what the -- what customer name that would be under because I think
`we continue representing Juniper in this particular way.
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`Is it -- Mr. --
`I think Juniper units are generally
`represented in the -- I think most of the Juniper users would be
`represented on the 373 that were in the -- on the smaller
`So let me see if I can -- let me just ask
`Is the -- is the issue here that there are more
`activations in 817 than in 819 and you want that discrepancy
`MS. CAIRE: Yes, Your Honor. That’s part of it. That
`was one of the things -- we’re trying to figure out how many SRX
`devices went with the paid part.
`You know, we realize that they
`claim that there were records to activate the ships and that were
`actually tied to an activation. And so we’re trying to understand
`that discrepancy.
`And giving us time to understand the spreadsheet, it just
`seems like if they would just provide the actual numbers
`themselves, it would be a lot easier than us having to go through
`it and decipher these things.
`THE COURT: What are the other -- so one issue is that
`you don’t understand why there are more activations in 817 than
`What are the other issues you don’t understand?
`MS. CAIRE: Just trying to -- their response says that
`we should match up serial numbers.
`And so we weren’t sure why
`they were referencing having to match up serial numbers.
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`so --
`I thought -- I thought the serial numbers
`were for the 373 that were free.
`It was also with respect to these, Your
`Honor. The response at the end of page 12, it says that we should
`match up serial numbers to find out when the particular license
`was activated for the date.
`THE COURT: Oh, that’s on page 13 it looks like.
`MS. CAIRE: The last sentence.
`Oh, the date that it was located -- well,
`That’s 817.
`MS. CAIRE: Right. We’re supposed to match that serial
`number with the serial numbers that were in 819 which were the
`dates that these things were shipped.
`And what’s the confusion there?
`Not necessarily a confusion, Your Honor.
`More that the rows don’t match and we don’t know if when we’re
`going through that task, whether that’s actually going to be
`something we can do.
`And so that’s why with all of these
`different spreadsheets that were identified, we wanted them to
`just provide the actual numbers.
`If they’re able to provide the discrepancy and how we’re
`supposed to do it, then that would be fine, too.
`So far, the only discrepancy you’ve
`identified is why there were more activations in the 817 than the
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`819, and the rest you’re just saying takes a lot of work.
`Are there other discrepancies you need explained?
`Well, also to figure out which of the --
`none of these spreadsheets tie in the virtual version, the SRX,
`with the free trials that are given.
`And so we’d like to know
`where those users for the people that signed up for free trials or
`that were given free trials is located.
`THE COURT: Do you mean like the free trial as part of
`a bundle?
`No, not as a bundle, Your Honor.
`advertise that when you buy the virtual version of SRX, you
`automatically get 30 -- I don’t remember if it’s 30 days or 60
`days free of Sky ATP.
`After that, I think you have to pay to
`continue using that.
`And so we haven’t seen the activation with
`respect to that.
`THE COURT: Mr. Kagan, can you speak to that?
`MR. KAGAN: The best thing I would say, Your Honor, is
`these are things that did not come up during the meet-and-confer.
`The best thing I can say -- you know, we’re happy to try to answer
`those questions.
`I can go back and get information from the
`engineers and from the financial people on exactly where these
`things show up.
`I honestly cannot do it on this -- on this call
`because I would not want to give a less-than-complete answer.
`THE COURT: Okay. Just to make sure I’ve got the right
`terminology, is it if they buy a virtual version of Sky ATP and
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`your question, Finjan, is where does the free trial show up?
`MS. CAIRE: No, Your Honor. The virtual SRX, the SRX.
`THE COURT: And --
`And the other thing -- I’m sorry -- but I
`don’t have --
`THE COURT: And then what did -- sorry. Then they get
`a free trial to Sky ATP; is that the idea?
`MS. CAIRE: Yes.
`And then what else do you -- is
`unclear to you?
`One more thing, Your Honor.
`In their
`position of their brief, they said that they included instances
`where it was sold as a bundle.
`And so they have these bundles
`that -- I stated and I put it in the footnote of the letter
`briefing -- you know, we wanted to make sure that they had
`provided all instances where it was included in the bundle.
`THE COURT: And, Mr. Kagan, I thought you said you did.
`MR. KAGAN: I -- I believe, based on the -- encompassed
`in one or the other on the spreadsheet; in other words, every
`activation or use would be captured somewhere.
`So it -- I don’t believe there’s any -- any -- for this
`bundling, instances are excluded from the data we provided.
`mean, if there’s some reason to -- if there’s some reason to
`believe there is, I’m happy to investigate.
`I’ll be taking all of these questions, Your Honor -- this is
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`really not something that has been keyed up in terms of putting
`this information in front of you.
`The information -- the problem with this request, I thought,
`and the reason that we were coming in front of you, was Finjan was
`saying, We need to figure out who the users are. Now what they’re
`essentially doing is raising a number of other issues, which I
`think it would actually be a benefit for us to meet and confer
`where they can ask us, Why is there a discrepancy, and we can
`investigate it. We’re -- I’m essentially being asked now on this
`call for the first time these questions from Finjan which really
`are unrelated to the question of who -- what is the number of
`Now they’re just asking questions where they have
`issues that I think are unrelated to the actual number of
`MS. CAIRE: Your Honor, could I respond to that, please?
`Go ahead.
`MS. CAIRE: Yes. So, Your Honor, we actually did meet
`and confer on these issues and we’ve actually put it in our -- in
`our letter briefing what the issue was, and they responded and
`provided what they said includes instances where Sky ATP was sold
`as part of a bundle.
`But that didn’t address our concern about
`the virtual.
`It completely ignored that.
`And it also -- the
`language that was used was -- included inferences, so that doesn’t
`actually say whether or not they produced everything.
`And so I
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 621 Filed 09/30/19 Page 21 of 32
`don’t believe that Mr. Kagan’s statement about not meeting and
`conferring about these is accurate because it’s clearly in our
`letter briefing.
`It’s not something we just said with Juniper
`previous to today.
`Fair enough.
`I do think, though,
`that we’re having a good discussion about discrepancies where
`Finjan isn’t able to understand the 33(d) reference.
`And, Mr.
`Kagan, there are some things that maybe you’re trying your best
`where you don’t have the answers ready at hand. This does sound
`to me like the parties need to meet and confer some more and, Mr.
`Kagan, you may be able to answer Finjan’s questions. So I think
`I’m going to -- I’m likely to direct the parties to do that.
`MR. KAGAN: Very well, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Let’s move on. The RFPs 119, 121, this is
`a question for Finjan.
`They say they gave you raw data and they
`don’t have anything more in terms of documents they could give you
`to identify the total number of files submitted to or processed by
`Sky ATP.
`Focusing on the RFPs, you know, they’re not obligated to
`create new documents. Do you have any reason to think they have
`more in terms of documents? I’ll get to the Rog. in a second but,
`in terms of documents, is there anything else they could give you?
`MS. CAIRE: Well, with respect to the information that
`they produced, Your Honor, they produced it on a source code
`And so we do believe that they could actually provide
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 621 Filed 09/30/19 Page 22 of 32
`that to us rather than having to go through the source code
`So that would be one thing.
`And the fact that they had created documents previously where
`they said that they were able to identify 40 percent of the
`samples being analyzed for dynamic analysis, and so we assume
`there would be a document associated with that. If there isn’t,
`then they need to represent that. But that was where we’re coming
`with respect to documents, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: I see. And, Mr. Kagan, it sounds like with
`the prior analysis, I mean, you could create a document and maybe
`you will later on but you haven’t yet and you don’t think you’re
`obligated to.
`Is that right?
`Yes, although a slight caveat.
`We did
`actually do some more analysis for Finjan in response to the
`So we did ask -- we did have an intern that we
`put on the project to determine the number of files that were
`processed by each adaptor. This was a new discovery interrogatory
`last month.
`Now, we responded July 1st.
`So we actually did some
`interrogatory about the number of files that are analyzed by each
`THE COURT: Okay. I didn’t see a reference to that in
`the letter brief, though.
`MR. KAGAN: There was not. We -- it was a more recent
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