Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 572-1 Filed 07/02/19 Page 1 of 14
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 572-1 Filed 07/02/19 Page 1 of 14


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 572-1 Filed 07/02/19 Page 2 of 14
`Case: 17-2543 Document: 75 Page: 1 Filed: 07/02/2019
`NOTE: This disposition is nonprecedential.
`United States Court of Appeals
`for the Federal Circuit
`2017-2543, 2017-2623
`Appeals from the United States Patent and Trademark
`Office, Patent Trial and Appeal Board in Nos. IPR2016-
`00159, IPR2016-01174.


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 572-1 Filed 07/02/19 Page 3 of 14
`Case: 17-2543 Document: 75 Page: 2 Filed: 07/02/2019
`Appeal from the United States Patent and Trademark
`Office, Patent Trial and Appeal Board in Nos. IPR2015-
`01892, IPR2016-00890.
`Decided: July 2, 2019
`ORION ARMON, Cooley LLP, Broomfield, CO, argued for
`appellant Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
` PAUL J. ANDRE, Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP,
`Menlo Park, CA, argued for cross-appellant and appellant
`Finjan, Inc. Also represented by JAMES R. HANNAH.
` ROBERT MCBRIDE, Office of the Solicitor, United States
`Patent and Trademark Office, Alexandria, VA, argued for
`intervenor. Also represented by THOMAS W. KRAUSE, MAI-
` ______________________
`Before WALLACH, LINN, and HUGHES, Circuit Judges.
`HUGHES, Circuit Judge.
`This decision arises from the consolidated appeals of
`three inter partes reviews of a computer security patent.
`Symantec Corp., Blue Coat Systems LLC, and Palo Alto
`Networks, Inc., petitioned for inter partes review of U.S.
`Patent No. 8,677,494 B2. The Patent Trial and Appeal
`Board instituted partial review of the challenged claims.
`The Board found claims 3–5 and 10–15 to be not unpatent-
`able but determined that claims 1, 2, and 6 of the ’494 pa-
`tent are unpatentable as obvious over Swimmer. Palo Alto
`Networks appeals the Board’s decision on the ’494 patent’s
`priority date and the patentability of claims 10, 11, and 15.


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`Finjan, Inc. cross-appeals the Board’s finding that claims
`1, 2, and 6 are unpatentable. For the following reasons, we
`affirm the Board’s final decision.
`Finjan, Inc., owns the ’494 patent, which expired on
`January 29, 2017, and is directed to “protection systems
`and methods capable of protecting a personal computer []
`or other” devices from “‘malicious’ operations.” ’494 patent
`col. 2 ll. 51–56. The ’494 patent addresses issues in virus
`detection. Internet browsers allow individuals to attach
`executable programs to their websites, some of which may
`contain malicious code that runs automatically upon open-
`ing a website. Early antivirus software systems had trou-
`ble processing these programs, called Downloadables. The
`’494 patent describes a method to detect viruses within
`Downloadables using a two phased approach comprised of
`an inspection phase and a determination phase.
`Independent claims 1 and 10 of the ’494 patent are rep-
`resentative for purposes of this appeal and are reproduced
`1. A computer-based method, comprising the steps
`receiving an incoming Downloadable;
`deriving security profile data for the Downloadable,
`including a list of suspicious computer operations
`that may be attempted by the Downloadable; and
`storing the Downloadable security profile data in a
`’494 patent col. 21 ll. 19–25 (emphasis added).
`10. A system of managing Downloadables, compris-


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`a receiver for receiving an incoming Downloadable;
`a Downloadable scanner coupled with said re-
`ceiver, for deriving security profile data for the
`Downloadable, including a list of suspicious com-
`puter operations that may be attempted by the
`Downloadable; and
`a database manager coupled with said Down-
`loadable scanner, for storing the Downloadable se-
`curity profile data in a database.
`Id. col. 22 ll. 7–16 (emphasis added).
`Only the inspection phase is relevant to this appeal. It
`entails three steps. First, the computer receives a Down-
`loadable from an external network. Second, the system an-
`alyzes the executable code of the Downloadable to generate
`Downloadable security profile (DSP) data. The Down-
`loadable scanner in claim 10 is a code scanner that gener-
`ates the DSP data by decomposing the code using
`conventional parsing techniques. The code scanner identi-
`fies suspicious computer operations in the Downloadable
`code and lists them as DSP data. Finally, the DSP data for
`the Downloadable is stored in a database.
`On March 6, 2014, Finjan filed a Petition to Accept an
`Unintentionally Delayed Priority Claim pursuant to 37
`C.F.R. § 1.78 to fix a break in the ’494 patent’s priority
`chain. Finjan sought to include U.S. Patent Nos. 6,092,194
`(Touboul) and 6,167,502 as parent applications in U.S. Pa-
`tent No. 7,058,822, which is a parent of the ’494 patent. On
`February 16, 2016, the Patent Office issued a reexamina-
`tion certificate amending the specification of the ’822 pa-
`tent. Because the ’494 patent is a continuation of the ’822
`patent, this certificate effectively amended the specifica-
`tion of the ’494 patent to incorporate Touboul by reference
`and change its priority date to 1997.


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` On September 10, 2015, Symantec filed a petition for
`inter partes review of the ’494 patent.1 The Board insti-
`tuted a trial with respect to claims 1, 2, 5, 6, 10, 11, 14, and
`15 on the grounds that those claims are obvious over a pa-
`per presented at the September 1995 Virus Bulletin Con-
`ference entitled “Dynamic Detection and Classification of
`Computer Viruses Using General Behavior Patterns”
`On November 6, 2015, Palo Alto Networks, Inc. (PAN),
`filed a petition for inter partes review (IPR2016-00159).
`PAN asserted that claims 1–8 and 10–17 are obvious over
`various combinations of prior art references, including
`Swimmer and Touboul, and that Touboul anticipates
`claims 1, 3–6, 19, 12–15, and 18. The Board instituted re-
`view of claims 1, 2, 6, 10, 11, and 15 over Swimmer. The
`Board declined to institute on any of the grounds that re-
`lied on Touboul because it determined that the ’494 pa-
`tent’s priority date predated Touboul.
`Swimmer teaches a dynamic generalized antivirus sys-
`tem that generates and analyzes an audit trail of opera-
`tions attempted by the Downloadable. The system does
`this by using an emulator to simulate executing the Down-
`loadable. While the emulator executes the Downloadable,
`the Swimmer system creates a log entry in the audit trail
`whenever the Downloadable attempts to invoke certain op-
`erating system functions.
`Touboul discloses searching Downloadables for mali-
`cious code. Like the ’494 patent, Touboul generates DSP
`data. Compare J.A. 1337 with ’494 patent col. 21 ll. 21–23.
`In the preferred embodiment, Touboul teaches that the
`DSP data is derived using a “code scanner[, which] uses
`joined this petition
`1 The Board subsequently
`(IPR2015-01892) with Blue Coat Systems’ petition
`(IPR2016-0890) for inter partes review.


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`conventional parsing techniques to decompose the code . . .
`of the Downloadable.” J.A. 1335. The DSP data is gener-
`ated “as a list of all operations in the Downloadable code
`which could ever be deemed potentially hostile and a list of
`all files to be accessed by the Downloadable code.” Id.
`The Board issued separate written decisions making
`similar findings on unpatentability. In both decisions, the
`Board found claims 1, 2, and 6 unpatentable as obvious
`over Swimmer. It observed that Swimmer teaches the rel-
`evant limitations of claim 1. For example, Swimmer’s col-
`lection of system activity data and conversion into an audit
`trail for assessment by an analysis tool discloses the gen-
`eration and storage of DSP data claimed by the ’494 patent.
`In IPR2016-00159, the Board determined that PAN failed
`to show that claims 3–5 and 10–15 are unpatentable.2 In
`particular, the Board noted that Swimmer does not render
`claims 10, 11, and 15 obvious because it does not teach us-
`ing a Downloadable scanner or a database manager as re-
`cited in those claims.
`PAN now appeals the Board’s determinations that
`PAN failed to establish that claims 10, 11, and 15 are un-
`patentable and that the ’494 patent was entitled to a 1997
`priority date. Finjan cross-appeals, challenging the
`Board’s decision on claims 1, 2, and 6.3 We have jurisdic-
`tion under 28 U.S.C. § 1295(a)(4)(A).
`In IPR2015-01892, the Board determined that the
`petitioners had not shown that claims 5, 10, 11, 14, and 15
`are unpatentable over Swimmer.
` After the appeals were filed, Symantec Corp. and
`Blue Coats withdrew as parties. The U.S. Patent and
`Trademark Office has intervened to defend the Board’s de-
`cision in IPR2015-01892 under 35 U.S.C. § 143.
` 3


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` We review the Board’s legal conclusions de novo and its
`factual findings for substantial evidence. Dynamic Drink-
`ware, LLC v. Nat’l Graphics, Inc., 800 F.3d 1375, 1378
`(Fed. Cir. 2015). “A finding is supported by substantial ev-
`idence if a reasonable mind might accept the evidence to
`support the finding.” Id.
`We first address the ’494 patent’s priority date. PAN
`argues that that the Board erred in retroactively applying
`the 1997 priority date to the ’494 patent. We hold that PAN
`cannot appeal this determination because it is only rele-
`vant to the Board’s decision not to institute inter partes re-
`The 1997 priority date is not relevant to the grounds on
`which the Board instituted; it only affects whether Touboul
`qualifies as prior art. The Board, however, declined to in-
`stitute review on any grounds relying on Touboul. When
`the Board declines to institute on a ground for unpatenta-
`bility, issues collateral to only that non-instituted ground
`cannot be challenged on appeal because the decision not to
`institute is not reviewable. See 35 U.S.C. § 314(d); Cuozzo
`Speed Techs., LLC v. Lee, 136 S. Ct. 2131, 2139 (2016). Be-
`cause the Board did not institute on any ground relying on
`Touboul, PAN’s challenge to the priority date determina-
`tion amounts to a challenge of the Board’s institution deci-
`sion and is therefore not reviewable.
`PAN alternatively contends that we should remand to
`the Board because the Board failed to institute review on
`all the grounds raised in the petition, as required by SAS
`Institute, Inc. v. Iancu, 138 S. Ct. 1348 (2018). Because
`PAN raised this argument for the first time during oral ar-
`guments, Oral Arg. at 7:40–8:00, http://oralargu-
`we find that it has waived any request for SAS-based relief.


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`See Mylan Pharm. Inc. v. Research Corp. Techs., Inc., 914
`F.3d 1366, 1376 (Fed. Cir. 2019). We thus reject PAN’s
`suggestion that we should remand.
`We next address the Board’s determination that PAN
`failed to show that claims 10, 11, and 15 are obvious over
`Swimmer. PAN argues that Swimmer discloses both the
`code scanner and the database manager limitations. We
`disagree as substantial evidence supports the Board’s de-
`termination that Swimmer does not disclose the code scan-
`ner limitation.4
`A patent claim is obvious under 35 U.S.C. § 103 “if
`the differences between the subject matter sought to be pa-
`tented and the prior art are such that the subject matter as
`a whole would have been obvious at the time the invention
`was made to a person having ordinary skill in the art to
`which said subject matter pertains.” 35 U.S.C. § 103(a).
`Obviousness is a question of law based on underlying fac-
`tual findings, which include the scope and content of the
`prior art. Rapoport v. Dement, 254 F.3d 1053, 1057–58
`(Fed. Cir. 2001).
`“In an IPR, the petitioner has the burden from the on-
`set to show with particularity why the patent it challenges
`is unpatentable.” Harmonic Inc. v. Avid Tech., Inc., 815
`F.3d 1356, 1363 (Fed. Cir. 2016). “To satisfy its burden of
`proving obviousness, a petitioner cannot employ mere con-
`clusory statements. The petitioner must instead articulate
`specific reasoning, based on evidence of record, to support
`the legal conclusion of obviousness.” In re Magnum Oil
`4 Because substantial evidence supports the Board’s
`determination that Swimmer does not disclose a code scan-
`ner, we do not address whether Swimmer teaches using a
`database manager.


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`Tools Int'l, Ltd., 829 F.3d 1364, 1380 (Fed. Cir. 2016). We
`agree with the Board that PAN failed to meet its burden.
`Although the Board noted that Swimmer does not
`teach away from using scanners generally, the Board con-
`cluded that the
`emulator in [Swimmer’s] auditing system . . . cor-
`responds to the recited Downloadable scanner . . . .
`The fact that Swimmer’s emulator might serve the
`recited function of “deriving security profile data
`for the Downloadable” . . . does not establish that a
`person of ordinary skill in the art would under-
`stand it to teach or suggest a “scanner.”
`J.A. 3587–88. The record supports this interpretation. Alt-
`hough PAN emphasizes the Board’s finding that Swim-
`mer’s emulator serves the same function as the claimed
`scanner, we reject the notion that this finding is disposi-
`PAN’s argument depends on interpreting the “code
`scanner” limitation as a functional, rather than structural,
`limitation. But the fact that a claim uses functional lan-
`guage is not sufficient to convert the limitation into a func-
`tional limitation. See Greenberg v. Ethicon Endo-Surgery,
`Inc., 91 F.3d 1580, 1583 (Fed. Cir. 1996) (noting that ob-
`jects like a screw driver have functional names but would
`refer to a structure when invoked). Instead, “[w]ords of
`limitation that can connote with equal force a structural
`characteristic of the product or a process of manufacture
`are commonly and by default interpreted in their struc-
`tural sense.” 3M Innovative Properties Co. v. Avery Den-
`nison Corp., 350 F.3d 1365, 1371 (Fed. Cir. 2003). As a
`result, the Board’s finding that the “code scanner” and em-
`ulator perform the same function does not show that they
`are structural equivalents. Other than functional equiva-
`lency, the record contains no evidence that the “code scan-
`ner” and emulator are structurally equivalent. Thus, we
`find substantial evidence supporting
`the Board’s


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`determination that PAN failed to show that Swimmer
`teaches a code scanner.
`Finally, we turn to Finjan’s cross-appeal of the Board’s
`decision finding claims 1, 2, and 6 of the ’494 patent obvious
`over Swimmer. Finjan argues that the Board erroneously
`construed the claim terms “list of suspicious computer op-
`erations” and “storing the Downloadable security profile
`data in a database.” We disagree.
` We construe the terms according to the principles set
`forth in Phillips v. AWH Corp., 415 F.3d 1303 (Fed. Cir.
`2005) (en banc). In re Rambus, Inc., 753 F.3d 1253, 1255
`(Fed. Cir. 2014). Under Phillips, we give words their ordi-
`nary and customary meaning as they would be understood
`by a person of ordinary skill in the art at the time of the
`invention and in light of the entire patent. Phillips, 415
`F.3d at 1312–13. “Claim construction begins with the
`words of the claim, which ‘must be read in view of the spec-
`ification, of which they are a part.’” Wi-Lan, Inc. v. Apple,
`Inc., 811 F.3d 455, 462 (Fed. Cir. 2016) (quoting Phillips,
`415 F.3d 1312–15).
`First, we address the Board’s construction of “list of
`suspicious computer operations.” The Board construed it to
`mean “list of all operations that could ever be deemed po-
`tentially hostile.” J.A. 12. Finjan contends that this con-
`struction is overly broad and ignores the word “suspicious.”
`Finjan argues that the proper construction is “a list of com-
`puter operations deemed suspicious,” i.e., that the system
`finds operations suspicious before adding them to the list.
`J.A. 8. We reject this construction.
`Finjan relies on a description of a preferred embodi-
`ment in Touboul, which was incorporated by reference into
`the ’494 patent. Touboul discloses that after the code scan-
`ner identifies a command in the Downloadable’s code, it


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`determines “whether the command is one of the operations
`identified” as suspicious. J.A. 1337. As an example, Tou-
`boul points to a list of suspicious operations articulated
`elsewhere in the patent.
`Finjan’s construction is too narrow in light of Touboul.
`Touboul explains that DSP data “includes the list of all po-
`tentially hostile or suspicious computer operations that
`may be attempted by a specific Downloadable.” J.A. 1335.
`Touboul further emphasizes that the suspicious operations
`in the DSP can include all operations that “could ever be
`deemed potentially hostile.” Id. Given this disclosure, we
`agree with the Board that the scope of the DSP extends be-
`yond operations that are known to be potentially hostile
`and includes operations that are not currently, but may in
`the future become, hostile.
`Thus, the DSP includes operations that have not yet
`been deemed hostile when the list is generated. Because
`Finjan’s construction excludes operations not already
`known to be potentially hostile, it conflicts with the speci-
`fication and must be rejected. And because the Board’s
`construction encompasses operations that could be deemed
`potentially hostile in the future, we agree that the Board’s
`construction is the proper construction of the term under
`Second, we address the Board’s construction of “storing
`the Downloadable security profile data in a database.” Fin-
`jan argued in its Patent Owner’s Response that this phrase
`should be construed to limit “storing” as only occurring af-
`ter the DSP is derived. The Board disagreed and deter-
`mined that the phrase is properly construed as “placing the
`derived DSP data into the database.” J.A. 17. The Board
`explained that the storing step of claim 1 was separate
`from the step where the DSP is fully derived and could
`begin before the derivation step was complete. We agree
`with the Board’s determination and adopt its construction.


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`Finjan argues that the claim’s syntax supports the con-
`struction it argued before the Board. According to Finjan,
`the use of the definite article “the” in “storing the Down-
`loadable security profile data” references “‘the’ DSP data
`derived in the previous step.” Resp. Br. 34; see also Wi-
`Lan, Inc. v. Apple, Inc., 811 F.3d 455, 462 (Fed. Cir. 2017)
`(noting that, when a definite article is used in a claim,
`“[s]ubsequent use of the definite article[] ‘the’ . . . in a claim
`refers back to the same term recited earlier in the claim”).
`Thus, they argue that the system cannot begin storing the
`DSP data until the derivation step is completed. We are
`not persuaded by this argument.
` While we agree with Finjan that “the Downloadable se-
`curity profile data” in the storing step refers to the data
`generated in the “deriving” step, we disagree that this re-
`quires the DSP to be fully derived before the storing step
`can begin. The effect of the definite article on the step is
`simply that all of the DSP data generated in the deriving
`step must be stored in order for the storing step to be com-
`pleted. It does not dictate when the process of storing can
`begin. Thus, while the storing step cannot be completed
`before the deriving step is completed, the claim does not
`prohibit the storing process from starting before the DSP
`data is fully derived. As such, we agree with the Board’s
`claim construction of “storing the Downloadable security
`profile data in a database.”5
`5 Because we affirm the Board’s construction of the
`terms “list of suspicious computer operations” and “storing
`the Downloadable security profile data in a database,” we
`need not address the validity of the ’494 patent under Fin-
`jan’s proposed construction.


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`Because the priority date is not material to any
`grounds that the Board instituted on, it is not reviewable.
`We also find substantial evidence in the record that a “code
`scanner” is not structurally equivalent to an “emulator.”
`Thus, we affirm the Board’s decision that PAN failed to es-
`tablish that claims 10, 11, and 15 of the ’494 patent are
`unpatentable. Finally, we agree with the Board’s construc-
`tion of “list of suspicious computer operations” and “storing
`the Downloadable security profile data.” Therefore, we af-
`firm the Board’s finding that claims 1, 2, and 6 of the ’494
`patent are unpatentable as obvious.
`No costs.

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