Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-8 Filed 05/30/19 Page 1 of 26
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-8 Filed 05/30/19 Page 2 of 26
`Inc., a Delaware
`Case No. 3:17-cv-05659-WHA
`INC., a
`Delaware corporation
`Thursday, May 24, 2018
`Reported by:
`CSR No. 4096
`Job No, 2923791
`Pages 1
`- 258
`Page 1
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`866 299-5127


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-8 Filed 05/30/19 Page 3 of 26
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-8 Filed 05/30/19 Page 3 of 26
`another whether the Finjan
`VitalSecurity Appliance embodied
`the invention that's described in
`the '926 patent?")
`I'm sorry, one more.
`the reporter read back
`the record as follows:
`"So you don't know one way or
`another whether the Finjan
`VitalSecurity Appliance embodied
`the invention that's described in
`the '926 patent?")
`I don't -- I'm not
`I mean,
`I don't know.
`Page 192
`Do you know whether Finjan or any of its
`licensees sold any commercial embodiment of the '926
`from the date it issued until the date it
`MS. KOBIALKA: Objection to form.
`I don't.
`Did you personally participate in any
`discussions with Juniper prior to Finjan filing this
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`866 299-5127


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-8 Filed 05/30/19 Page 4 of 26
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-8 Filed 05/30/19 Page 4 of 26
`Can you describe for me your
`So I participated in a call in November of
`2015 with Scott Coonan.
`So I
`think I originally reached out to
`Meredith McKenzie because there is -- Phil Hartstein
`and Juhlie Mar-Spinola, Meredith in some way in the
`professional world. And Meredith,
`think I -- so I
`remember I started in licensing around August of
`2015, and I know,
`I assume in the negotiation that
`had started sometime in 2014 with Ivan Chaperot and
`included some meetings took place with Scott Coonan
`And in preparation for that call with
`in November,
`just kind of received the
`download on Juniper in terms of its product offering
`and the negotiation history, as well as, you know,
`potential patents it's utilizing.
`So eventually arrange a call with Scott,
`and it's late November, it's near a day or two
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`and correspondence back and forth with Meredith and
`Scott Coonan in 2014 and meeting in 2014, as well as
`one in January of 2015.
`So then I kind of pick up
`again in the fall.
`Ivan's no longer with the


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-8 Filed 05/30/19 Page 5 of 26
`before Thanksgiving,
`is kind of my recollection.
`recall him being a half hour late to the call.
`asked me to postpone it 30 minutes.
`We had the call.
`It was an awkward call,
`not on my part, on his part.
`It was clear that --
`it's clear to me and it's later documented in an
`I sent
`to Meredith that Scott had an apparent
`bias on the call,
`just in terms of some of the
`phrase and I would say treatment
`I was receiving.
`I was very clear with him that if Finjan
`had, you know, had legitimate, had done good work
`and had a legitimate claim of infringement on at
`least six patents,
`the three that we had claim
`charted against the SRX series gateway product as
`well as the Sky Advanced Threat Protection, ATP
`product, and that we were willing to -- I was
`trying -- the purpose of the call was to arrange a
`meeting since we were both in the Valley,
`just a
`meeting where we could go through in a conference
`room and present our findings, we were open to, you
`know, Juniper's feedback, push-back, whatever, see
`if the parties could just reach a conclusion.
`not an atypical approach that
`I have taken with
`other companies in the security industry.
`Scott was against it.
`He was vehemently
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`ely Sas
`Page 194


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-8 Filed 05/30/19 Page 6 of 26
`against it,
`that there was no way he was going to
`sign an NDA, and requested, you know, why don't
`just send him the claim charts that I had alluded to
`and the patents I had alluded to which is the '968,
`'454 and '154.
`And I said well,
`I'm kind of reluctant to
`do it because either -- I don't think it's the kind
`of thing that you just email somebody,
`think it's
`better to just have a conversation over it, we'd
`like to present it and present it in a room where we
`can have a dialogue and answer any of your
`an Se:
`aS) :
`Page 195
`And so I just said just for the sake,
`humor me if I send you the claim chart or one claim
`chart and I said I'd have to review it with Juhlie
`because it wasn't our standard practice, what you
`would do with it.
`And in the call he had early in the call
`had indicated that there was this, I'll use his
`words, quote "incredibly unified defense group" that
`was working against Finjan and was doing everything
`in its power to bleed Finjan dry, and that if I sent
`him the claim chart, he would share it.
`And I just said I don't think it's
`appropriate. This is a matter that's between, you
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-8 Filed 05/30/19 Page 7 of 26
`know, Finjan and Juniper. And you know, we just had
`a difference of opinion in terms of how to proceed.
`And I said, oh,
`I'11 think about it
`internally, we'll get back to him.
`And so I mean,
`that's just kind of a
`summary of the call.
`It was probably on the order
`of a half hour, maybe, 45 minutes, possibly an hour
`in duration.
`Did you ever speak to him again after
`I have reached out
`to Meredith
`because I told her that I would be willing to work
`with Scott, but that the call I
`thought was strange,
`Page 196
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`somebody who has been in this industry for a long
`time. And so she told me to work through Scott.
`And what ended up happening was Juhlie
`like was unfamiliar with Meredith and just meet with
`Meredith and have coffee with her and just see
`whether, you know, we would have more of a meet and
`greet and just try to get a -- see if there is a
`common approach to having a meaningful exchange of
`information, meaning the claim charts.
`And they had trouble scheduling it.
`were back and forth on it on the correspondence.
`think it's all been produced.


`pln Se:
`Page 197
`Did you ever meet with anyone in person
`from Juniper?
`I didn't.
`I mean,
`the purpose of the
`call in November was to try to arrange -- similar to
`what we do, arrange with other companies in the
`just arrange a serious -- you know,
`initial meeting and then from there set up followup
`Meetings or calls.
`Okay. All right.
`So thanks for that kind
`of little summary.
`I want
`to kind of unpack a few
`things now.
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`866 299-5127
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-8 Filed 05/30/19 Page 8 of 26
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-8 Filed 05/30/19 Page 8 of 26
`So all of that correspondence with
`Meredith was done via email?
`MS. KOBIALKA: Objection to form.
`a 1
`It could be a call between
`Juhlie and Meredith as well and they may have seen
`each other at a conference.
`Did you have any called with Meredith?
`So in terms of telephone calls, you only
`had a call with Scott once in the November 2015 time
`frame, after that there were no phone calls that you
`had with anyone at Juniper?


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-8 Filed 05/30/19 Page 9 of 26
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-8 Filed 05/30/19 Page 9 of 26
`And you don't know whether it was in
`person or over the phone?
`Okay. And then you see a little bit below
`it says "Finjan provided further notice of Finjan's
`patents and Juniper's infringements of those patents
`during a November 2015 phone call between John
`Garland of Finjan and Mr. Coonan of Juniper. During
`this call Mr. Garland stated that Finjan had at
`least six patents that Finjan believed Juniper
`infringed and had claim charts directed to Juniper's
`security products,
`including the SRX gateways and
`Sky ATP --"
`any of those six patent numbers?
`So I -- I'm fairly certain I shared the
`'494 and the 1 --
`'154, and he had the '968, and all
`of those were in -- converted to the new format.
`And there is one other patent that's not
`listed here that's also claim charted that makes up
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`Page 211
`"-~ and can share them with Juniper so
`long as Juniper treated the charts as confidential."
`Do you see that?
`During your phone call did you identify


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-8 Filed 05/30/19 Page 10 of 26
`the sixth patent,
`I want
`to say '086 or something,
`but I'm doing that from memory,
`so it's soft.
`So it's your testimony that you're fairly
`certain that you shared the specific patent numbers
`of the ‘494,
`'968 and --
`'968 he already had. But
`the reason I
`recall it is -- is, you know, it was the strange
`call where I was really trying to convince Scott on
`behalf of Juniper that we were legit. Like we had
`engineers, we had done analysis, and it was worth --
`it was worth his time and effort.
`It was a serious, you know, a serious
`outreach to Juniper to engage and similar to that we
`were engaging with others in the industry to have
`this exchange of information.
`And we were open to his feedback or
`comments or non-infringement arguments or whatever
`he wanted to present. But we wanted to at least get
`an opportunity to present
`the case.
`And so, you know,
`this is stealing.
`I -- you know,
`so -- so there is an unwillingness to
`do it under an NDA.
`So I'm trying to probe around
`to try and figure out how else can we do it, how can
`we get this where rather than giving us this
`attitude of disdain and unworthiness what we can
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-8 Filed 05/30/19 Page 11 of 26
`kind of get over this hurdle and convince you that,
`you know, we have a legitimate claim of infringement
`and we just want
`to present it and see if we can
`reach an amicable resolution.
`And so by sharing a little bit more
`information, not sharing all six, but giving him an
`idea of the patents we had and the products that
`were infringing, you know,
`the hope was that I could
`turn him to say like yeah, okay, I'll -- I'll
`take -- we'll take the meeting.
`But you know, it gets awkward when he
`said, you know,
`"We are never going to sign an NDA,
`we have an extremely complex trade secret process,"
`Because I was saying "Well, how does your process
`If I mail you the -- a claim chart, what
`happens to it?"
`He's like "Well, it's trade secret and
`it's -- you know, it's this expansive process that I
`can't reveal."
`And I was just saying "Well, what happens
`with the information? Does it -- like you call me
`in a year from now or six weeks from now? Like I'm
`trying to get a sense of -- of timeframe."
`And you know, his answer is -- because we
`were debating this, seriously debating whether we
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`866 299-5127


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-8 Filed 05/30/19 Page 12 of 26
`would send one additional one which I
`thought was in
`a better format and a more compelling claim chart
`And you know, it kind of ends when -- or
`at least, you know, when he says he is -- he would
`wouldn't honor it in terms of its confidentiality
`and he would share it, he would absolutely share it
`with Finjan's defendants.
`And so...
`Why did Finjan care if it got shared with
`other defendants?
`MS. KOBIALKA: Objection to form.
`So how would Juniper feel if
`I published the infringement on the Website? Sol
`think -- I
`think there is a -- a civil way to handle
`this kind of issue. Right? And I
`think I have
`handled it for 25 years in a fashion where it can be
`done and it can be done with and without NDA,
`to be
`think that's why you would ask the
`question like what if I give you the information,
`what are you going to do with it.
`And it's not an answer that I have
`typically heard or have heard in the past, which is
`I have certain suppliers and I may want to share it
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-8 Filed 05/30/19 Page 13 of 26
`I'm going
`to share it, publish it, I'd like to put Finjan on
`It's just a disrespectful answer. And
`as I said, it had a bias.
`So I went back to Meredith saying I didn't
`love the call, but I'm not giving up.
`You know,
`it's the same kind of thing,
`I forget when the email
`got written.
`We have a legitimate case, we are
`transparent, we'll show you how the patents are
`reading on your products and services.
`And if you want me to still deal with
`like it wasn't a great start, definitely got
`off on the left foot. But if you want me to deal
` with my suppliers. This was an overt
`| KS
`Sr is
`15) 5
`Page 215
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`with Scott,
`I'm happy to deal with Scott. And like
`I said,
`she said "Yeah, you should deal with Scott."
`At that point Juhlie made a decision and
`said "Let me have coffee or lunch or something with
`let me see if we can get this kind of
`animosity or tension out of the room or discussion."
`When you had your call with Mr. Coonan,
`did you tell him about any specific infringement
`claims related to the '494 for specific products?
`MS. KOBIALKA: Objection,
`I know for sure going into
`the call that I knew it, what
`the three patents were


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-8 Filed 05/30/19 Page 14 of 26
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-8 Filed 05/30/19 Page 14 of 26
`mapped to. And, you know,
`the '968 is somewhat a
`nonstarter because the parties kind of disputing
`over it.
`I believe I gave him a product for
`the '154 and the '494.
`Did you describe Finjan's infringement
`theory for either of those patents other than the
`'968 which Juhlie had already had a claim chart for?
`MS. KOBIALKA: Objection to form.
`I mean, again,
`I mean,
`I was, you know, my preference was to actually meet,
`our preference, Finjan's preference was to meet with
`Juniper like we met with other companies and go
`through this and not just go three the three
`patents, but
`to go through all six. And we were
`just trying to schedule and agree on a mutual
`process of how we can exchange this information.
`But as I said, you know,
`the reason to
`share the information was to try to get some
`seemed like we lacked credibility, and
`maybe Scott was unimpressed with the first two
`I'm not sure,
`I don't know what his
`perspective was.
`I was trying to, as I said, provide
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`866 299-5127
`; Sy
`Page 216


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-8 Filed 05/30/19 Page 15 of 26
`legitimacy and come up with a format that would work
`for both companies to allow this exchange.
`And so for sure I can recall, you know,
`sharing some information as a way, meaning patents
`and specific products, as a way of convincing him
`that we had legit analysis and we were willing to
`share it.
`Can you describe for me everything you
`remember specifically about disclosing the '494
`patent during your phonecall with Mr. Coonan?
`MS. KOBIALKA: Objection to form.
`So it would be the ‘494 and
`it relates to the SRX gateways or Sky ATP,
`I don't
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`three more that were going to be converted to the
`Page 217
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`recall which it is, have to look at the claim chart,
`and then the vice versa for the '154.
`The one was
`mapped to SRX and one was mapped to the ATP.
`Can you recall anything else that you
`specifically told Mr. Coonan during your phone call
`the '494 or
`'154 patents?
`MS. KOBIALKA: Objection,
`I stated,
`I knew
`that I had those three ready to go,
`I knew I had


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-8 Filed 05/30/19 Page 16 of 26
`new format that we had high confidence on
`And the whole plan was to get a meeting
`scheduled where we could present it we were just
`debating about who should be present, whether
`Juniper engineers would be present, whether -- well,
`had questions, he had questions whether Finjan even
`had engineers, which of course we did, and his
`comment was well, I'd like to meet
`the inventor, can
`you bring the inventor to the meeting.
`And I said no,
`I'm not bringing the
`inventor to the meeting.
`I did licensing for AT&T
`for a lot of patents where really smart people are
`the inventor, and we used the same thing, we used
`knowledgeable engineers in the industry to explain
`the patent or to help us in the analysis of these
`patents and answer questions at these meetings, and
`there is no reason for the inventor, which in this
`case is in Israel,
`to fly across for this meeting.
`So I mean, you know, as I said, it was
`kind of a -- a strange call in some respects. Not
`on my part,
`I don't think.
`But yeah, as I stated in the emails
`followup there is certainly a bias or prejudice or
`something that existed and I don't know what it's
`il ks
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-8 Filed 05/30/19 Page 17 of 26
`Did Mr. Coonan ask you for any additional
`information about
`the patents that you supposedly
`identified in this phone call?
`MS. KOBIALKA: Objection to form.
`Suppose it's a nice word,
`take offense to that.
`think I asked if there was anything
`additional he wanted to add.
`I already told him I
`would think about whether we would mail
`the claim
`chart, definitely he was off-putting when he was
`planning to share it with others.
`He had nothing
`: SPS)
`5 ©
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`pls See
`| SIS
`additional to add.
`I had asked him if we could get a business
`person involved that he had litigation in his title,
`and he seemed to come at it with offense,
`litigator's attitude. Not all,
`So just kind of it ended.
`remember it ended sort of abruptly.
`It was...
`Did you ever send Mr. Coonan or anyone at
`Juniper the claim charts that Finjan had prepared
`for the '494 or
`'154 patents?
`We didn't send them any. We were
`Veritext Legal Solutions
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`| ORS
`ay) ©
`se Si/as
`Page 219


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-8 Filed 05/30/19 Page 18 of 26
`confident that based on the meetings and his own
`prior art analysis on the Finjan portfolio and
`his -- his own admitted knowledge of our litigations
`and the fact that he was talking to our defendants
`that he knew our patents and the patents that we
`were litigating under and most likely the patents he
`was infringing on beyond the three that we had
`And then, you know, and I
`think there is
`some difficulty of whether we were dealing with
`Juniper or multiple parties,
`like we were still
`trying to figure that out based on some of his
`think in our mind we felt that he
`; Oma:
`: Swi
`; Swi
`knew enough about our patent portfolio, our
`litigations at the time that were active that, you
`I don't
`I don't -- we would have sent it if
`we thought we needed it.
`think we thought we were
`that he knew what -- he knew what we had, and
`we think, we are guessing, but we are thinking he
`knew he had a problem and he needed a license.
`I just don't think he likes our business
`model or something about Finjan.
`Did Finjan ever send Juniper a claim chart
`for any of the patents-in-suit prior to the
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`Page 220


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-8 Filed 05/30/19 Page 19 of 26
`litigation being filed?
`MS. KOBIALKA: Objection,
`think you know the
`answer to
`Did you ever send Mr. Coonan an email or
`letter confirming what you had spoken about on the
`2015 phone call?
`tend to follow-up with Meredith,
`it's pret
`ty clear, and it definitely refers to that
`I mean, you didn't identity the '494 or
`'154 patents in that followup correspondence, did
` Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-8 Filed 05/30/19 Page 19 of 26
`Do you have any notes from your phone call
`with Mr. Coonan?
`I need help on this one.
`have --
`; 5
`Is it a privilege issue?
`So can I help you
`through this? Or -- otherwise he is not going to
`answer the question -- which is she is only asking a
`yes-or-no question,
`so either you can answer yes or
`; SIS
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`-- would be privileged,
`especially like if these are the issues I need to
`talk about with counsel.
`MS. CARSON: Okay. Well, we'll just start
`with a yes or no, do they exist.
`She is just asking whether
`or not
`they exist.
`You can answer that yes or no if
`you know one way or the other, you don't know, and
`then we'll take from it there.
`I don't want you to
`expound on it,
`is -- because I
`think that does get
`Page 222
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-8 Filed 05/30/19 Page 20 of 26
`no or you don't know.
`I'm not trying to direct his answer, but
`I'm trying to work through the privilege.
`If you
`are going to object, Counsel, I'll just stop and
`: S19)
`T'll just make an instruction.
`So I'm just trying to think
`through the issue because if he took like
`contemporaneous notes with a phone call he had with
`I'm not sure how that would fall within the
`scope of privilege.
`If his question's for
`counsel, absolutely.
`think absolutely if you
`would take notes for purposes of getting legal
`I do think that those notes --
`9 0


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 500-8 Filed 05/30/19 Page 21 of 26
`into privilege issues.
`I documented the summary of
`that call --
`MS. KOBIALKA: Well, okay,
`so now,
`I want
`you to very careful because it starts to get into
`privilege issues.
`So you can answer the question yes or no
`or if you don't know, one way or the other. But
`don't want
`to get --
`I'm n

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