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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 1 of 64


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 2 of 64
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 2 of 64
`| Dp
`| 23914
`Saaiment Tie| ditinerAdvanoedAni-WialwarsSeniker
`| on SRX
`ve? WORKS
`‘Hopper Wang, Xiaosong Yang,Ping
`Wu, Andrew Onofreychuk, Lydia Zhao
`Version Date
`| 0540/2523/20142015
`Juniper Advanced Anti-Malware Service on SRX
`Software Functional Specification
`Hopper Wang ho
`Xiaosong Yang
`Ping Wu
`Andrew Onofreychuk
`Lydia Zhao
`Bruce Kao
`The revision history is available through the version control function of the application hosting this template.
`Please read the file named: README_BEFORE_EDITING_TEMPLATES.tttin the templates folder BEFORE
`making changes to this template, ensure you check the accuracy of both contents and format:
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`© Copyright 2012 Juniper Networks,Inc. all rights reserved— Proprietary and Confidential —
`Do not distribute outside of the company without the permission of Juniper Networks engineering
`Printed or downloaded copies are for reference only!
`Template: J3.02.P05.T01—Ver. 14
`Template Owner: Ramesh RN
`JNPR-FNJN_29002 00173278


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 3 of 64
`RL! Number
`| Service on SRX
`Hopper Wang, Xiaosong Yang, Ping
`Wu, Andrew Onofreychuk, Lydia Zhao
`| 0810/2523/20442015
`Version Date
`Table of Contents
`Introduction...» cabatd nad cngaatengahicnp pa nslantaaiianiahvei walacugiacagabdapsuageaaVense Sas aids a’ 1
`ccncaenivecsnesennivsnnsivanindanevtesn tiv eeviiten iitesanitene ts eneiivraniiesoneysoe ic anniudensive esevsonnicsomyvean unaninits
`Feature Parity‘Traceability...
`2.3 Assumptions...
`Functional competitive‘data.
`APls/Messages ...
`2.6 Manageability...
`Examples or InteractionDescriptions...
`Supportability (Serviceability, Diagnose-ability and‘FaultHandling) awaits
`x 34
`Dependencies and Interactions with other Components in the System.
`Legal Com siGe@raticis ssccinnsscnnssesscesesanscnaaterndaashanenidandiasannsanespaans idaadpadaspaasespazedihdnedsaaatnsaassn Me
`Other Requirements ...........cccccccneeees subvisupivectbrdsanecaniedsassnsahespureunvenr’ eddunvite' 44
`System Resource Estimation .............:.s:sssecseseseereseecesecesssseseeeesereceenenenenes45
`Performance Related RESOUICES.......scsueperenestenescanesenereesceenentenearennedesesneesentensitennsenne BO
`5.—-Scaling ANd Performance.......cccescceesseessnrsssareesrenserenosreeseneeseesesenanseaser ceasesFO
`Target Scaling..........:scecsceene
`Target Performance..
`Compatibility ISSUCS.........ccecccecteneeesneeeneenenenseneeeenenanneneneeseneseneeeensaes wih rahsea47
`High Availability (HA)............00.00
`9.2 Aggregated Ethernet/ SONET/ IRB ‘Support...
`Services/JSF (JUNOS Serviceseae) impact.
`9.4 Multi-Chassis Suprett-
`64-Bit Support...
`IPv6 Support....
`We SOK Mi paebes cisccte Sige igcsrrestiarete ih aenanaidtneswensaasmieres 53
`SDK Customer Usage...
`JUNOS Ready Softwareaanehianiions..
`Rize|INS as coeie ss canoes ayecaproterggesteeteagaegeadsenamnziaeest
`Security CONSIderations..........cscccecnsssscereesensssrcetesssseaeeessseesersesereseesesseO
`«—-—Platforms SUPPOrted .......cccseeccessssensseenesseneesnsnensnesensneeterstascenesenseeeeneeesneeens4
`COMMON INFrastrUcture .......ccccecceesecessenseecseesevevecseeeesucusesseeesunssevsseevereeeneel T
`14. Design Specification Exception ........cccccececccccesceeeneneesenecneeeeseereeeeOL
`© Copyright 2012 Juniper Networks,Inc. all rights reserved— Proprietary and Confidential —
`Do not distribute outside of the company without the permission of Juniper Networks engineering
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`Template Owner: Ramesh RN
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 4 of 64
`| 23914
`Service on SRX
`Hopper Wang, Xiaosong Yang, Ping
`Wu, Andrew Onofreychuk, Lydia Zhao
`Version Date
`15. Functional Specification Approver Checklist......cccsccesesseersnereseeereeeSO
`Functional SeeeDocument!Checklist
`© Copyright 2012 Juniper Networks,Inc.all rights reserved— Proprietary and Confidential —
`Do not distribute outside of the company without thepermission of Juniper Networks engineering
`Printed or downloaded copies are for reference only!
`Template: J3.02.P065.701—Ver. 1.1
`Template Qwner: Ramesh RN
`JNPR-FNJN_29002 00173280


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 5 of 64
`RLINumber—| 23914 | 1.62 | 1
`J | DocumentTitle|JuniperAdvanced Anti-Malware| DpeCfi
`Service on SRX
`Hopper Wang, Xiaosong Yang, Ping
`Wu, Andrew Onofreychuk, Lydia Zhao
`| Version Date|0610/2523/20142015
`® Copyright 2012 Juniper Networks,Inc.all rights reserved— Proprietary and Confidential —
`Do not distribute outside of the company without thepermission of Juniper Networks engineering
`Printed or downloaded copies are for reference only!
`Template: J3.02.P06.701 —Ver. 1.1
`Template Owner: Ramesh RN
`JNPR-FNJN_29002 00173281


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 6 of 64
`| 23914
`J | DocumentTitle|JuniperAdvanced Anti-Malware| Dpefi
`Service on SRX
`Hopper Wang, Xiaosong Yang, Ping
`Wu, Andrew Onofreychuk, Lydia Zhao
`Version Date|0510/2523/20142015
`© Copyright 2012 Juniper Networks,Inc.all rights reserved— Proprietary and Confidential —
`Do not distribute outside of the company without thepermission of Juniper Networks engineering
`Printed or downloaded copies are for reference only!
`Template: J3.02.P065.701—Ver. 1.1
`Template Owner: Ramesh RN
`JNPR-FNJN_29002 00173282


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 7 of 64
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 7 of 64
`Wu, Andrew Onofreychuk, Lydia Zhao
`RLI Number
`| 1.67
`| 1
`J | DocumentTitle|JuniperAdvanced Anti-Malware| Defi
`2 = —
`Service on SRX
`Hopper Wang, Xiaosong Yang, Ping
`| Version Date|010/2523/20142015
`Juniper Advanced Anti-Malware solution can differentiate Juniper from competitors and prevent
`Juniper's products, solutions and services fram commoditization. It is a scalable and high performing
`designed to:


`Inline blocking of known malware downloads
`Eventual notification of previously unknown malware downloads
`Eventual notification of clients which have become infected
`Juniper Advanced Anti-Malware (AAMW) solution integrates with SRX (sensor & enforcer), Argon Cloud
`Server (detection engine, web portal, host analyzer, connector and so on) to achieve both ingress and
`egress visibilities and enforcement capabilities.
`Argon cloud server implements variety of techniques including fast checking, Anti-virus signatures to the
`comprehensive sandboxing technologies that trick and watch malware exploding, and scores the threat
`and renders a verdict for sensor (SRX) to enforce a policy, either inline block for the current and/or for
`future conversation. Argon cloud is an important part of this solution but should be transparent to the
`customer in many ways when the solution is complete.
`5RX acts as a telemetry/inspection sensor and dynamic action enforcer. As the sensor, SRX inspects beth
`ingress and egress network traffic, extracts the interested file content and passes it to Argon cloud
`server. Argon cloud analyzes thefile input from SRX through series of advanced detection technologies
`and returns a verdictof the file indicating if the file is malicious. As the enforcer, SRX takes action based
`on the verdict/threat-level and SRX policy settings.
`There are two sets of connections between SRX and Argon cloud. One is on SRX control plane, which is
`used for SRX to download configurations that include file type/categoryfilters, white/black list,file
`magic DB from the Argon Cloud, and send health status/counter reports to the Argon Cloud. Another
`one is on SRX data plane, which is used for SRX to submitfiles and meta-data to the Argon Cloud and to
`receive verdicts returned from the Argon Cloud. All the persistent connections will be re-connectedifit’s.
`broken or timeout for some reason,syslog will be generated and connection counters will be increased.
`Figure 1 showsthe high-level architecture of the Argon solution.
`© Copyright 2042 Juniper Networks, inc. — Proprietary and Confidential —
`Do not distribute outside of the company without the permission of Juniper Networks engineering
`Printed copies are for reference only!
`Template: J3.02,P05.707 =—Ver 1.1
`Template Owner: Ramesh RN
`Page 1
`JNPR-FNJN_29002 00173283


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 8 of 64
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 8 of 64
`RLI Number
`| 1.67
`| 1
`J | DocumentTitle|JuniperAdvanced Anti-Malware| | Pe(
` DataPlane
`Service on SRX
`Hopper Wang, Xiaosong Yang, Ping
`Wu, Andrew Onofreychuk, Lydia Zhao
`Senet _strer_| seer paar feedSoner
`Version Date
`Juniper Advanced Anti-Malware Solution
`Text 1
`Argon Cloud
`User Portal —
`(Extracted File Contents)
`(Mota Gata)
`(Fast File Cheek Table)|Health Status. (C&C Eventiog)
`HTTP(s) Server
`End Users
`Log Notification
`Figure 1 Juniper Advanced Anti-Malware Solution Architecture
`© Copyright 2012 Juniper Networks,Inc. - Proprietary and Confidential —
`Do not distribute outside of the company without the permission of Juniper Networks engineering
`Printed copies are for reference only!
`Template: J3.02.P05.T01 —Ver, 1.1
`Template Owner; Ramesh RN
`Page 2


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 9 of 64
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 9 of 64
`J[ | DocumentTitle|JuniperAdvancedAnti-Malware|De(
`RLI Number
`| 1.67
`Semis) SIN
`Hopper Wang, Xiaosong Yang, Ping
`Wu, Andrew Onofreychuk, Lydia Zhao
`| Version Date|0510/2523/20142015
`This document and RLI only focus on the advanced anti-malware service running on the SRx. Details of
`Argon solution can be referred to "Argon Solution Overview" and "Argon SRX Architecture".
`1.1. Reference
`1. Market Requirements Document (MRD)
`ms.aspx?R ootFolder=/sites/Projects'/etp/supporting/Requirements %20and%20ENG%20Response&Fold
`rCTID=0x01 20004340991 E98C61 B45A93890B65A8EAAS38View=%7B3ESF02B4-1 CEA-46E3-8E4B-
`2. Argon SRX Architecture
`ents/Random%2O0technical%20docs/Argon%20SRX%20Architecture. pdf
`3. Argon System Specification
`4. BrEGN Solution Overviey
` FECFBA F2-183F-46F0-A6AQ-
`D4336573C57F %/7D&file=Argon%20Solution %20v9%208.docx&action=default
`5. Argon Sample API
`https ://
`36468-6F E0-47FA-A011-7EC03B754FD3}&file=Argon%20Client%20APIs.docx&action=default
`6. Argon Soft Configuration
` C337A-757D-4B1E-9D11 -59D2B8332A8E file=A on%20Soft%20Confi uration.docx&action=default
`he RLI23819-Move WFto RTCOM Branch FS
` Move WF to RSeBranch_FS,docx
`JUNOS Qosmos DPI Integration Design Specification
`https ://matrix juniper net/docs/DOC-148132
`9. NextGen Common Protocol Parser
`10. Syslog over TLS RESONand SSL Enhancements
` SEEraeneatereran Gom%20and%20SSL%20Enhancements,docx
`11. JSF SSL Functional Spec
`© Copyright 2012 Juniper Networks, Inc. — Proprietary and Confidential —
`Do not distribute outside of the company without the permission of Juniper Networks engineering
`Printed copies are for reference only!
`Template: J3.02,P05,T01 —Ver. 1.1
`Template Owner: Ramesh RN
`Page 3
`JNPR-FNJN_29002 00173285


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 10 of 64
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 10 of 64
`RL! Number
`| 1.62
`| 1
`| Document Title|Juniper Advanced Anti-Malware| De fi
`Service on SRX
`Hopper Wang, Xiaosong Yang, Ping
`Wu, Andrew Onofreychuk, Lydia Zhao
`| Version Date|0810/2523/20142015
`12. WebSocket RFC
`1.2 RLIList
`Juniper Advanced Anti-Malware Service on SRX
`1.3. Feature Parity Traceability
`This feature is not for Parity purpose.
`© Copyright 2012 Juniper Networks, Inc, — Proprietary and Confidential —
`Do not distribute outside of the company without the permission of Juniper Networks engineering
`Printed copies are for reference only!
`Template: J3.02,P05 701 —Ver. 1.1
`Template Owner; Ramesh RN
`Page 4
`JNPR-FNJN_29002 00173286


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 11 of 64
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 11 of 64
`RL! Number
`| 1
`Document Title|Juniper Advanced Anti-Malware
`Service on SRX
`Hopper Wang, Xiaosong Yang, Ping
`Wu, Andrew Onofreychuk, Lydia Zhao
`Version Date
`~ Control Plane
`To enable Juniper Advanced Anti-Malware service on SRX, customer needs to go to the Argon cloud
`web portal to register an accountfirst, apply for the license (freemium or premium), get the httplink of
`the bootstrap packages, then use Junos "op url" command to download Argon bootstrap package and
`script to SRX. The bootstrap package includes related security certificates (e.g., SRX key/certificate,
`Argon Cloud server's CA certificate) for upcoming mutual authentications between 5RX and the Cloud.
`The script will install related security certificates on the SRX and commit the configuration for Argon
`cloud connection includes Argon server's URL and the tls-profile. Once the related certificates are
`installed on SRX, AAMWD daemonstarts to establish the secure connections between SRX and the
`Argon Cloud.
`In future, Security Design (SD) will integrate with Argon Cloud, so at that time customer no
`needs to use Argon cloud web portal, but can use SD for centralized management.
` Argon Cloud
`RE a
`cul . =>
`eeeioRAC B/W list
`Sn I Pl ll acl
`USP lec
`FW Policy Module | | JSF_AAMW Plugin
`Figure 2 SRX Advanced Anti-Malware Service & Control Connections with Argon Cloud
`Figure 2 shows JunOS modules running on SRX for advanced anti-malware service and control
`connections with the Argon Cloud.
`From this diagram, we can see there are twological connections between SRX and Argon cloud:
`1. Bootstrap connection
`© Copyright 2012 Juniper Networks, Inc. — Proprietary and Confidential —
`Do not distribute outside of the company without the permission of Juniper Networks engineering
`Printed copies are for reference only!
`Template: J3.02.P05.T01 —Ver, 1.1
`Template Owner: Ramesh RM
`JNPR-FNJN_29002 00173287


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 12 of 64
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 12 of 64
`| 1.62
`| 1
`RL Number
`Document Title
`Juniper Advanced Anti-Malware
`Service on SRX
`Hopper Wang, Xiaosong Yang, Ping
`Wu, Andrew Onofreychuk, Lydia Zhao
`Version Date
`The user will use “op url" script to download theinstall package. This is a temporary https
`connection. In this connection, there is not a certificate-based mutual authentication between
`SRX and the Argon Cloud. However, "op url" command can verify file’s integrity by checking
`md5/sha1/sha-256 result after downloading. For example:
`“https: //e
`op url
`> key
`The url ana key
`na crested and copied From cloud I.
`In order to do mutual authentications between SRX and Argon Cloud, SRX needs to have SRX-
`cert and private key, and Cloud server's CA cert. These certificates and private key will not
`be available to SRX till the 1st connection is set up, from which Cloud will push the info to the
`SRX. The URLin "op url"is the place to which SRX sets up the 1st connection. In addition, it is
`the user whowill generate the URL (in “op url") in the Cloud web portal and manually copy &
`paste it to the SRX CLI (i-e., in the command of 'op url’). It is assumed the mutual authentication
`is assured consideringit is the same user who performs the actions on creating the URL and
`inputting it on SRX. In addition, the URL (in the "op url") has been designed as a one-time URL,
`meaningthat it will be invalid after the 1use.
`2. AAMW Control Plane connection
`A persistent TLS connection is set up between AAMWD daemonand Argon Cloud. This secure
`connection is used for SRX to receive soft-configurations (including file type/category mapping,
`customizedprofile,file magic DB, white/black list from the Argon Cloud and send health data to
`the Argon Cloud, A certificate-based mutual authentication is performed between SRX and
`Argon Cloud during the secure channel establishment. At the transport protocol level,
`WebSocketis used as it supports bi-directional real time communication.
`1) File categories mapping
`This is the global file categories configure which defines category / file type mapping. The
`mappingtable includes category name, mime type, file extension, minimum/maximum size
`of each file type and submission sample rate.
`® Copyright 20412 Juniper Networks, Inc. — Proprietary and Confidential -
`Do not distribute outside of the company without the permission of Juniper Networks engineering
`Printed copies are for reference only!
`Template Owner: Ramesh RN
`Temptate: J3.02,F05,T01 —Ver. 1.1
`Page 6
`JNPR-FNJN_29002 00173288


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 13 of 64
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 13 of 64
`RLI Number
`| 1.67
`| 1
`Document Title
`Juniper Advanced Anti-Malware
`Service on SRX
`Hopper Wang, Xiaosong Yang, Ping
`Wu, Andrew Onofreychuk, Lydia Zhao
`Version Date
`Table 1 File Category Mapping Table
`2) Updatable fast file check table
`There is a static fastfile check table forfile fast identifying. It's generated and managed
`by cloud which include some static signature for popular file types.
`< Eg Indent: Left: 0.75", No bulletsor |
`3) Customer specific profile configuration
`Customer is allowed to configure for each profile via Argon Web portal is the file types,
`extensions or file categories that won't be scanned and per-category sample size thresholds.
`For the detailed info, please refer to the document <Argon_Soft Configuration>.
`4) Whitelist & Blacklist
`Whitelist defines list of file downloading sources from which files downloaded are not
`needed for an anti-malwareinspection. Blacklist defines the list of sources that need to be
`block for file downloading. Therewill be 4 lists: Customer White List, Customer Black list,
`Global White List and Global Black List. Argon cloud will send these 4 lists to SRX.
`In each list, there will be 3 types of entries:

`URLs can be defined as basic patterns (* and ? wildcards only) or as exactliteral
`matches. The url pattern must start with “http://”, both http and https traffic will be
`The maximum length of each URL entry is 2048 Bytes.

`IPs can be defined as subnet masks, ranges, or full |P addresses.
`* Hostnames
`Hostnames can be defined as basic patterns (* and ? wildcards only), as
`partial/subdomains (e.g. all subdomains of, or all subdomains of
`, or as literal exact matches.
`The maximum length of each Hostname entry is 128 Bytes.
`Juniper White List or Juniper Black List JNPR B/W List has up to 3K entries; Customer White
`list or Black list has up to 1K entries. Customer can define whitelist and blacklist in Argon
`web portal, which always have higherpriority than other lists.
`© Copyright 2012 Juniper Networks, Inc. — Proprietary and Confidential -
`Do notdistribute outside of the company without the permission of Juniper Networks engineering
`Printed copies are for reference only!
`Template: J3.02,P05,T01—Ver, 1.1
`Template Owner: Ramesh RN
`Page 7
`JNPR-FNJN_29002 00173289


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 14 of 64
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 14 of 64
`RLI Number
`| 1.62
`| 1
`| DocumentTitle|Juniper Advanced Anti-Malware| Pe (
`a eee
`Service on SRX
`Hopper Wang, Xiaosong Yang, Ping
`Wu, Andrew Onofreychuk, Lydia Zhao
`| Version Date|0810/2523/20442015
`The order of Black/Whitelist checking is as follows:
`Customer WhiteList
`Customer Black List
`Global WhiteList
`Global Black List
`During the matching, First match wins.
`The Whitelist and Blacklist of AAMW service are only focused on inspectingfiles
`downloaded from servers against malwares. While the Whitelist and Blacklist of security
`intelligence are focus on enforcements on the connections from/to C&C servers.
`5) Health Data
`Health data collected by AAMWD will be sent to Argon Cloud via the same connection every
`5 minutes, andit includes below contents:
`Software version
`Serial number
`Table 2 SRX Health &Telemetry data table
`+ Data Plane
`Acting as a telemetry sensor and dynamic action enforcer of Juniper Advanced Anti-Malware solution,
`SRX needsto extract the interested file content from HTTP/HTTPs traffic and pushes them to Argon
`Cloud for inspections,, and take enforcement based on the policy settings and the verdict-
`number/threat-level returned from Argon cloud.
`® Copyright 2012 Juniper Networks, Inc. — Proprietary and Confidential —
`Do not distribute outside of the company without the permission of Juniper Networks engineering
`Printed copies are for reference only!
`Template: J3.02,P05,T01 —Ver, 1.1
`Template Gwner: Ramesh RN
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 15 of 64
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 15 of 64
`| 23914
`[ez |i
`Document Title|Juniper Advanced Anti-Malware
`Service on SRX
`Hopper Wang, Xiaosong Yang, Ping
`Wu, Andrew Onofreychuk, Lydia Zhao
`Version Date
`There are multiple connections lunched from SRX PFE side via RTCOM plugin and used for sendingfile
`sample data to Argon cloud and receiving verdicts. It uses the same mutual authentication methods and
`protocol as control plane connection,i.e., TLS + WebSocket. For performance considerations, each SPU
`mightinitialize 16 TCP persistent connections.
`© Copyright 2012 Juniper Networks, Inc, —- Proprietary and Confidential —
`Do not distribute outside of the company without the permission of Juniper Networks engineering
`Printed copies are for reference only!
`Template: J3.02,P05.701—Ver 1.1
`Template Owner; Ramesh RN
`JNPR-FNJN_29002 00173291


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 16 of 64
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 16 of 64
`RLI Number
`J | DocumentTitle|JuniperAdvanced Anti-Malware| | De(
`Service on SRX
`Hopper Wang, Xiaosong Yang, Ping
`Wu, Andrew Onofreychuk, Lydia Zhao
`Version Date
`Formatted: Font: Calibri, 1.1 pt, Font color:
`Text 1
`Plugin Framework
`| Action|
`File Filter
`._.-PolleyLookup .
`JSF AAMW Plugin
`© Copyright 2012 Juniper Networks, Inc. ~ Proprietary and Confidential -
`Do not distribute outside of the company without the permission of Juniper Networks engineering
`Printed copies are for reference only!
`Template: J3.02.F05.T01 —Ver, 7.1
`Template Owner; Ramesh RN
`Page 10
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 17 of 64
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 17 of 64
`[ez 1
`RLI Number
`Document Title
`Juniper Advanced Anti-Malware
`Service on SRX
`Hopper Wang, Xiaosong Yang, Ping
`Owner Wu, Andrew Onofreychuk, Lydia Zhao
`|Version Date 0510/2523/204.42015
`JSF AAWPlugin
`Action ©
`Plugin Frarcewerk
`ih setae |
`‘SaabPolicy Lopkwp, |
`© Transport
`Call WebSocket APL
`Socket Simulation
`Figure 3 SRX Advanced Anti-Malware Packets and Event Process Diagram
`Figure 3 shows the packets and events workflow on SRX PFE, specifically,
`a. Aclientsends HTTP(s) packets to server, the traffic will pass through SRX plugin list.
`JDPI plugin gets interest check event for this session, and will query other plugins if having an
`interest in this session.
`c. Only when the SRX Advanced Anti-Malware (AAMW) application service has been configured on the
`matched FW policy, and Argon file filters have been downloaded and installed on SRX, the AAMW
`plugin will notify JDP! plugin that it is interested in this session if the session is HTTP(s), and also
`© Copyright 2012 Juniper Networks, Inc. — Proprietary and Confidential —
`Do not distribute outside of the company without the permission of Juniper Networks engineering
`Printed copies are for reference only!
`Template Owner: Ramesh RN
`Temptate: J3.02,P05,T01 —Ver. 1.1
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 18 of 64
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 18 of 64
`| Defi
`J |
`RLI Number
`| 1ez
`JuniperAdvanced Anti-Malware
`Version Date
`Service on SRX
`Hopper Wang, Xiaosong Yang, Ping
`Wu, Andrew Onofreychuk, Lydia Zhao
`registers with JDPI for the protocol contexts that it needs. SRX AAMW plugin also registers with JSF
`framework for being interested in this session.
`d. After interest check, JDPI plugin will call Qosmos engine to identify the protocol and parse the
`contexts of this session. As AAMW service focuses on the ingress file downloading, SRX will only
`inspectthe file from server to client.
`SRX AAMW plugin will hold the last one or two data packets before taking policy action.
`For each packet, JDPI module will copy the packet to Qosmos engine and query Qosmos if any
`application/contextis ready or not.If it is ready, then JDP! sends Application Filter Classification (AFC)
`events or Parsed Context Propagation (PCP) events to each registered plugin. For an AFC event,it
`includes the application type (e.g., HTTP or HTTPs).For a PCP event,it includes the protocol type,
`context type, content length and content. AAMW plugin module will copy and manage interested
`file contents extracted from HTTP/HTTPs traffic.
`SRX AAMW plugin processes these events. If it's not HTTP(s), then SRX AAMW plugin ignoresthis
`session and notifies JDP| to deregister HTTP protecal/context. Otherwise, SRX AAMW plugin will
`create a buffer management object to maintain the URI and file context buffers.
`5RX will look up Argon Whitelist and Black list IP table first, if not match, then waiting for URL event
`from JOPI. When getting URL event, AAMW plugin will lookup Argon URL/host white list and black
`list. lf the URL or host matches the whitelist, then permitsthis file. If matching the blacklist, then
`block the session.
`i. Once the accumulated buffer size is larger than 8192 bytesor file end is reached, SRX AAMW plugin
`will call file identification module to identify the file type. Once getting the file type, SRX AAMW
`plugin will look it up in the file type filters. When.a match is hit, it will send the file content to Argon
`cloud through secure (RTCOM+TLS) connections from SRX SPU. Otherwiseit ignoresthis file content,
`but still inspects this session because there might be HTTPpipeline requests.
`Ifthe file size exceeds the maximum file-size-limit defined in file filter, SRX will stop sending the file
`to Argon cloud and ignore the restoffile contents. A file terminate notification will be sent to Argon
`cloud. From http header, SRX may get the length of the file content and will ignore it before sending
`to Argon cloud in this case.
`k. Before sendingfile contents to Argon cloud, SRX will check the sample rate of the file type. The
`default sample rate is 100%. The sample rate of each file category is defined in the Argon Cloud and
`can be modified by Argon cloud. It is pushed to SRX through control plane connection. If the
`submission sample rate is not 100% (1.0), e.g. 50% (0.5), SRX will send one of this category/typefile
`to Argon and ignore the next one on the same SPU. The sample rate check interval is 5 minutes.
`© Copyright 2012 Juniper Networks, Inc. — Proprietary and Confidential —
`Do not distribute outside of the company without the permission of Juniper Networks engineering
`Printed copies are for reference only!
`Template: J3.02,P05.707 =—Ver 1.1
`Template Owner; Ramesh RN
`Page 12
`JNPR-FNJN_29002 00173294


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 19 of 64
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 470-15 Filed 05/13/19 Page 19 of 64
`Wu, Andrew Onofreychuk, Lydia Zhao
`RLI Number
`| 162
`| 1
`J | DocumentTitle|JuniperAdvanced Anti-Malware| Defi
`Service on SRX
`—_ eS
`Hopper Wang, Xiaosong Yang, Ping
`Version Date 0510/2523/20442015
`The cannections to Argon cloud is launched on-demand. It is only established when a SRX AAMW
`policy is matched and SRX needs to sendafile to the Argon Cloud. SRX will keep these connections
`alive after they are established. Once advanced-anti-malwareurl configuration deleted or
`deactivated,all these connections will be shutdown.
`m. After getting the file, Argon cloud will conduct malware inspection on it. For each file, Argon cloud
`will return a result with a verdict-number to SRX, If it returns “undetermined”, then SRX will ignore
`the file but still monitoring the session. If it returns a verdict-number, SRX wi

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