Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 465 Filed 05/10/19 Page 1 of 49
` Pages 1 - 49
` )
` Plaintiff, )
` )
` VS. ) No. C 17-5659 WHA
` )
` )
` Defendant.
` ) San Francisco, California
` Thursday, May 9, 2019
` 990 Marsh Road
` Menlo Park, California 94025
`For Defendant: IRELL & MANELLA LLP
` 1800 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 900
` Los Angeles, California 90067-4276
` 840 Newport Center Drive, Suite 400
` Newport Beach, California 92660
`Reported By: Katherine Powell Sullivan, CSR No. 5812, RMR, CRR
` Official Reporter


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`Thursday - May 9, 2019
` 7:59 a.m.
`P R O C E E D I N G S
`THE CLERK: Calling civil action 17-5659, Finjan, Inc.
`versus June, Inc.
`Counsel, please step forward and state your appearances
`for the record.
`MR. ANDRE: Good morning, Your Honor. Paul Andre,
`Lisa Kobialka, Kris Kastens, and Missy Brenner for plaintiff
`THE COURT: Welcome to you.
`MR. ANDRE: Thank you.
`MR. KAGAN: Good morning, Your Honor. Jonathan Kagan,
`of Irell & Manella. With me is Rebecca Carson.
`THE COURT: Welcome to you.
`MR. KAGAN: Thank you.
`THE COURT: We have two motions. We'll start with the
`motion by Finjan. Please, go ahead.
`MS. KOBIALKA: Your Honor, Lisa Kobialka on behalf of
`So Finjan brought this Rule 60 motion under two different
`grounds, one under 60(b)(2) and then one under 60(b)(3),
`because there were incredibly misleading omissions that were
`made throughout discovery with respect to Sky ATP.


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`And the first thing I can point to was an interrogatory
`that specifically asked about the databases in Sky ATP. That
`was in April of 2018, which would have given us plenty of time
`if they had been honest in their response about what those
`databases were.
`And what they did was they indicated what databases there
`were, that they're willing to tell us about, whether or not --
`THE COURT: Wait. See, you got a false start, and
`then I got confused.
`THE COURT: Give me the question and the answer again,
`but be clear-cut instead of false start.
`MS. KOBIALKA: Fair enough.
`Interrogatory No. 12 explicitly asked:
`"Identify and describe all databases that are
`incorporated or used by the accused products."
`They responded:
`"Based on an investigation to date, Sky ATP" -- so
`we're specifically talking about the product at issue that
`was at trial -- "does not store results from the
`adapter" -- and it gives the claim construction -- "in a
`collection of interrelated data organized according to a
`database schema to serve one or more applications."
`But it goes on, and this is where it's really misleading,
`because of the omission.


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`THE COURT: Now, read slowly then.
`MS. KOBIALKA: It goes on to say:
`"To the extent Sky ATP uses any other database that
`may or may not have had schema, such databases are
`irrelevant to this matter. Such as, for example, Customer
`Database, which is used to track information. Dynamo DB
`and Amazon RDS, which do store adapter results, are
`schema-less and, thus, do not fall within Finjan's
`definition of database, which is, quote, a collection of
`interrelated data organized according to a database schema
`to serve one or more applications."
`Nowhere is there any mention of the Joe Sandbox file
`database, which we discovered and were able to confirm, in
`February of this year, months after the trial, on this very
`issue, that, in fact, Joe Sandbox file database stores the
`results, and it has a database. And that's part of Sky ATP.
`They omitted it explicitly from their interrogatory response.
`Several months prior to this interrogatory request, we
`specifically asked for documents regarding Sky ATP, the
`operation of Sky ATP. And we were told throughout discovery,
`You have everything.
`They explicitly wrote in their interrogatory response --
`THE COURT: Is this the same one?
`MS. KOBIALKA: Oh, excuse me, document response.
`THE COURT: All right. Okay. Hold that thought.


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`I just want to hear on the interrogatory answer. What is
`your response on the interrogatory answer?
`MR. KAGAN: So the first -- the thing that the Court
`may recall but I will remind the Court of is that Sky ATP is a
`program that was written by Juniper Networks.
`What that program does is it licenses certain components
`or features that it uses from other companies, but it does not
`have the source code for those. They're not a part of Sky ATP.
`They're licensed third-party components. One of those is Joe
`So what Juniper knows is what Juniper's product does. It
`knows where Sky ATP stores information. What Joe Sandbox does
`internally, which is now something that Finjan is focusing on,
`is not something that Juniper knows.
`Juniper does not have the source code for Joe Sandbox.
`Juniper does not -- Juniper's prohibited from doing any reverse
`engineering to try to figure out what Joe Sandbox does
`And, also, this -- we can get more complex on this. Sky
`ATP doesn't store anything in Joe Sandbox. So Joe Sandbox does
`an analysis and it sends information to Sky ATP, but it's a
`one-way connection.
`Sky ATP then takes that data, analyzes it, and stores it
`in precisely the locations that were described in the
`interrogatory. Sky ATP never goes back and stores anything in


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`Joe Sandbox.
`What they're talking about is two different things,
`talking about apples and oranges. They're talking about what
`Joe Sandbox does internally, in terms of its analysis, which is
`something that Juniper explained numerous times, in numerous
`depositions, that it's what we call a black box. We really
`don't know what Joe Sandbox does internally.
`THE COURT: Okay. Hold that thought.
`What do you say to that?
`MS. KOBIALKA: It doesn't excuse them for not
`searching the server with the documents regarding Joe Sandbox,
`which we received in February of this year, that actually
`detail about the Joe Sandbox file database that stores the
`THE COURT: What server are you talking about?
`MS. KOBIALKA: It is the server that they referred to
`as their iWeb server.
`THE COURT: Their what?
`MS. KOBIALKA: The iWeb server that they refer to in
`their briefing.
`THE COURT: Is that one that's owned by Juniper?
`MS. KOBIALKA: It has all of Juniper's content on it.
`THE COURT: Is it like the cloud?
`MS. KOBIALKA: Yes. So if I have a Google Docs
`account, and I have documents I create and put them up on


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`Google, I'm able to say that's my content. I'm able to
`download it.
`That's what they were able to do in this instance. They
`have information that gets put on the server that serves them.
`THE COURT: Go over there, Ms. Kobi- -- sorry.
`MS. KOBIALKA: Kobialka.
`THE COURT: Kobialka. Go get the -- draw me a cartoon
`so that I can understand your argument on why they should have
`been able to turn these documents over.
`He says it's a black box and they didn't have the
`materials. And you say they did have the material. So
`somebody is lying to me.
`Go over there.
`MS. KOBIALKA: Okay. I don't know if I have --
`THE COURT: What? Just draw it for me. I can't
`understand your argument. It's too complicated.
`Bring it over here so that I can see it better.
`THE COURT: Thank you.
`Pull it in a little closer.
`What does that say there, "JPR"?
`MS. KOBIALKA: Juniper, it stands for Juniper.
`THE COURT: What's that?
`MS. KOBIALKA: That's their server that they were able
`to download information from to produce in this case once we


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`pointed out that they hadn't gotten that information. This is
`a server with information --
`THE COURT: Give me -- all right. Give me one example
`of the information that is so earth shattering now.
`MS. KOBIALKA: The user guide and the interface guide,
`that was produced in February of 2019, that actually describes
`the database, the file database in Joe Sandbox.
`THE COURT: And that was --
`MS. KOBIALKA: And they never searched --
`THE COURT: That was resident there all along?
`So they have their declarations that they testified they
`didn't search for it until late 2018, early 2019. That's
`Mr. Aquino's declaration and Mr. Islah's declaration.
`They said they weren't even asked to look for this
`particular information. We had specific requests asking for
`manuals, guides. They represented to us in fact discovery that
`everything, all technical production, has been done for Sky
`ATP. You have everything.
`That turned out not to be true. And the information that
`they provided wasn't in any other documentation that had been
`THE COURT: Read to me where they said you have
`See, now, it's got to say that. If you're putting a spin


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`on it then I start losing faith in what you're saying. Read to
`me where they said you have everything.
`MS. KOBIALKA: Okay. So for Request 89,
`specifically -- so I'll just use that one. There's a couple
`others, but I'll use 89.
`MS. KOBIALKA: (Reading)
`"All documents, manuals, guides or other documents
`provided by Joe Security to Juniper, including document
`description, the operation, use or API of any Joe Security
`product, including its Joe Sandbox and Joe Static
`THE COURT: Somebody is clicking a notebook. Who is
`doing that?
`MR. KASTENS: Sorry.
`THE COURT: It's like a thunderstorm going on over
`there. Meanwhile your partner is trying to explain something
`to me and you're destroying the effectiveness of it.
`MR. KASTENS: Sorry.
`THE COURT: Please stop and let her have my undivided
`All right. Continue, please.
`MS. KOBIALKA: The response that they provided to that
`specific request asking for all documents, manuals, guides that
`Joe Security provided to Juniper was:


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`"Subject to the specific objections and general
`objections incorporated herein, Juniper responds that it
`has already completed its technical production detailing
`the operation of Sky ATP, which includes both the complete
`Sky ATP source code as well as many thousands of pages of
`technical specifications, design and development documents
`and administration guides."
`It goes on:
`"Juniper further responds, subject to its objections,
`that it has also produced licenses with Joe Security" --
`THE COURT: Wait. Say that again. It has already
`produced what?
`MS. KOBIALKA: "Licenses with Joe Security for
`products used by Sky ATP."
`THE COURT: Uh-huh.
`MS. KOBIALKA: This response does not say, as
`required --
`THE COURT: Well, you said it said, "We have given you
`everything." Where does it say that?
`MS. KOBIALKA: Juniper responds that it has already
`completed its technical production detailing the operation of
`Sky ATP.
`THE COURT: That's not the same words. That doesn't
`say we have given you everything. It says we have completed


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`MS. KOBIALKA: They said they gave us everything about
`Sky ATP in response to a specific request about Sky ATP
`relating to Joe Security documents to Juniper.
`THE COURT: See, when you put spin on it then I don't
`know how much I can trust a word you say.
`MS. KOBIALKA: Your Honor, there's no dispute that Joe
`Security Sandbox is part of Sky ATP. They're not disputing
`that. They didn't dispute it in their briefing. That's not at
`issue here. It is one of the databases of Sky ATP, which was
`the key focus of our December trial.
`There are pictures in their brief. On page 13 of their
`brief they show how Joe Security, which has the database that
`we're talking about, is part of Sky ATP. That's what this
`cloud is (indicating).
`THE COURT: Let me see that document.
`Which one of these is Joe Security?
`MS. KOBIALKA: There are two boxes on that, that says
`"Joe Security." If you look in the upper left-hand corner, the
`second --
`THE COURT: I see one that says --
`MS. KOBIALKA: Second and fourth.
`MR. KAGAN: It's the second one in from the left, and
`the fourth one in.
`THE COURT: All right. Go back and read that
`interrogatory and the answer again.


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`MS. KOBIALKA: The interrogatory versus the request
`for documents?
`THE COURT: Yeah. Start with the interrogatory.
`MS. KOBIALKA: The Interrogatory No. 12:
`"For each accused instrumentality identify and
`describe all databases that are incorporated or used
`either directly or indirectly by the accused
`There's more to it about identifying and describing the
`type of database, et cetera, but the key to that interrogatory
`is: Identify all databases that are used directly or
`indirectly by the accused instrumentalities.
`THE COURT: Okay. What was the answer?
`MS. KOBIALKA: (Reading)
`"Based on investigation to date, Sky ATP does not
`store results from the adapters in, quote, a collection of
`interrelated data organized according to a database schema
`to serve one or more applications, closed quote. To the
`extent Sky ATP uses any other database that may or may not
`have schema, such databases are irrelevant to this matter,
`such as, for example, Customer Database, which is used to
`track customer information. Dynamo DB and Amazon RDS,
`which do store adapter results are schema-less and, thus,
`do not fall within Finjan's definition of, quote,
`database, end quote, which is, quote, a collection of


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`interrelated data organized according to a database schema
`to serve one or more applications, closed quote.
`And they cite a number of Amazon Web pages.
`THE COURT: All right. So, now, in the material that
`you got in February, explain to me in one or two sentences why
`that was such earthshaking information.
`MS. KOBIALKA: Because for the first time in the
`material that they provided, which is the user guide and the
`installation guide, it identified databases that had a schema
`that stored the results. The very issue that we had talked
`about in the December trial.
`And at no point did Juniper say "We omitted this
`information." At no point. We figured it out because we had
`seen a document, after they had told us they didn't have any
`further documents, that was attached. Looked like some sort of
`installation guide from Joe Security. And we said, Wait a
`minute, it looks like you do, in fact, have Joe Security
`documents. They haven't been produced.
`That was provided to us among 36,000 pages of documents in
`November, right before trial. So we followed up with them as
`soon as we reasonably could in this case and said, It looks
`like you've got more information.
`In February they suddenly produce the user guide and the
`interface. And I can give you specific pages. We cited to it
`explicitly in our brief.


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`It talks about the file database format and this strict
`structure, the very structure that was the basis of their
`non-infringement case. Right? They couldn't have made this
`non-infringement argument that they did in the December trial
`if they had produced these documents.
`THE COURT: Why is that?
`MS. KOBIALKA: Because their whole basis was it's a
`schema-less -- right? -- it's a schema-less database; it's a
`database without this structure.
`But it turns out, in fact, no, they had a database within
`Sky ATP that they failed to identify to us that, in fact, has a
`strict structure.
`It follows the very definition that Dr. Rubin used and
`applied throughout trial. So it absolutely is a material issue
`that occurred. And we didn't get these documents, which were
`in their possession and control, because they didn't search for
`it, according to their own declarations that they submitted,
`until after trial.
`And these documents detail where these databases are, how
`they are structured.
`THE COURT: All right.
`MS. KOBIALKA: And they don't dispute it. It's not
`disputed in their briefing.
`THE COURT: What's not disputed?
`MS. KOBIALKA: That, in fact, these databases meet the


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`definition of Dr. Rubin.
`THE COURT: Is that not true, Mr. Kagan?
`MR. KAGAN: We do not address it because we don't have
`enough information to know. We still don't have the source
`code for those databases. These are just user guides and
`THE COURT: Wait. She just got through reading
`something to me that said "databases."
`MR. KAGAN: Your Honor, there is no dispute that there
`are databases located within the Joe Sandbox. We do not
`dispute that.
`THE COURT: Well, then what-- wouldn't this be
`relevant to the trial?
`MR. KAGAN: Well, it wouldn't for a number of reasons.
`But one fact that may make this whole issue moot is we
`disclosed in July of 2018 that there was, in fact, a database
`in Joe Sandbox.
`We gave a document, the license agreement, that
`specifically says that there is a database, that the Joe
`Sandbox includes a database. It's called an H2 Database. And
`it provides a link.
`And we cited this in our brief, describing what the H2
`Database is. And if you just bothered to click on that link,
`it says this is a SQL database. That's capital S-Q-L database.
`So this is the same type of database that existed in what's


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`been referred to in trial as the Results Database.
`So as of July, Finjan was absolutely aware that this
`database existed.
`In May of 2018, we informed Finjan -- they deposed
`numerous of our witnesses, and they asked them: Tell us about
`the operation of Joe Sandbox.
`And each of the witnesses said: We don't know. We do not
`have access to the source code. We don't know exactly what is
`THE COURT: What was it that was up in that box up in
`the sky there?
`MR. KAGAN: Well, this diagram is not exactly
`May I?
`MR. KAGAN: Okay. So these three boxes on the bottom
`represent Juniper's technical repositories.
`So all of Juniper's technical information for Sky ATP is
`maintained on three separate servers. One is called
`Confluence; one is called Jira; and one is called Gnat. So
`this is where Juniper stores its technical information about
`Sky ATP.
`You have to remember that Sky ATP is the product that
`Juniper designed. We license product from third parties such
`as Joe Sandbox.


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`When we get -- we just get the object code. It's like
`buying the Microsoft Word program or something. We just get
`it, install it. That is not on a Juniper network. We don't
`put that in our system.
`THE COURT: Which program?
`MR. KAGAN: That's Joe Sandbox.
`So we go to Joe Sandbox, and we say we want a program --
`they say, we have a program that it will do a dynamic analysis
`for you. We say, Oh, that's great. We'll license it from you.
`So they say, okay, here's -- if you want the information,
`you pay us some money, you can use our program. You don't get
`the source code. You don't really get to know what's going on
`under the hood, but you can use it so you can send an input,
`send a file, and we'll tell you what the file is doing.
`So that's what our engineers call a black box. They don't
`really know how it works, they don't know how it operates.
`They know they send a file and get back a result. That's
`consistent. All the engineers said that. Cited in Finjan's
`moving papers, in fact.
`When they sent the program for Juniper to load onto the
`server, they did send some other files. Those were these user
`guides and installation guides. But they stayed up here
`(indicating). Juniper never put them in its technical
`THE COURT: What do you mean they stayed up there?


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`MR. KAGAN: So all of -- these are computer servers
`MR. KAGAN: So all the information about Sky ATP
`Juniper stores here, okay. So when it writes source code, when
`it has bug reports, all that information is stored and tracked
`within Juniper.
`When we get third party -- when we license product from a
`third party, that's over here (indicating). It's outside of
`Juniper's network.
`So there was some other information that came with the
`program, like a user guide, but Juniper never moved that data
`from this database, which is outside of Juniper, into its
`THE COURT: Where is it resident?
`MR. KAGAN: It's resident up here on this Web server
`that's outside of Juniper's network.
`THE COURT: Who owned that web server?
`MR. KAGAN: It's a third party. Juniper just rents
`space on it.
`THE COURT: But Juniper rented the space where that
`information was?
`MR. KAGAN: Yes. So we rented a little corner of this
`Web server up here. And we did have -- that's where we hosted
`Joe Sandbox. And that's where these documents were located.


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`In other words, Juniper did have the user guide, the
`installation guide for Joe Security. We did have it. It was
`located on the Web server.
`THE COURT: All right. So you could have produced it.
`MR. KAGAN: We could have. But here's what happened:
`Remember in this case, Your Honor, things are happening in
`parallel. We were doing discovery on the issues for the '494
`patent, which is going to trial, but we're simultaneously doing
`discovery for all the other patents that are not going to trial
`immediately. So we were prioritizing, and Finjan is
`prioritizing discovery.
`What happened here, the way we found these documents is
`actually an example of how discovery should work. Discovery
`worked -- there's discussions of omissions and withdrawals and
`delays. None of that is true. These documents were discovered
`in the way that documents should be discovered in discovery.
`What happened was Finjan served us a document request,
`massive document request for all the Sky ATP documents.
`We searched. We gave them everything. We gave them the
`source code. We gave them a computer to review that had all
`the files on it. Every single thing. And we gave them the
`license with Joe Security, and we told them we don't actually
`have the source code for Joe Security. And this was true.
`And we told them that -- about our search. We said we're
`going to search our network drives, which is what these are.


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`These are not a Juniper network drive.
`So we had our internal technical paralegal work with a
`digital forensics team. They searched everything. And we
`produced everything we had, including the Joe Security license.
`Then there was another phase of discovery which related to
`ESI. That's the electronically stored information. And in
`October -- so this gets emails and electronic files.
`In October, Finjan gave us the terms that they wanted for
`us to do a search for that ESI. I think it was October 16th.
`So we did that search.
`THE COURT: On which servers?
`MR. KAGAN: On everything.
`THE COURT: Including the one up there?
`MR. KAGAN: Well, this really is internal for Juniper.
`So -- but if it goes outside or inside, it will pick it up. In
`other words, anything going in or out of Juniper will get
`picked up by that search.
`So in that search, and under this court's order and what
`we agreed to, we have 21 days to provide that information. And
`we told Finjan that the search terms they were using were too
`broad and they were going to generate too many results. And we
`actually told them how many documents they were going to get if
`they didn't narrow their search terms.
`And we strongly advised them to narrow their search terms.
`But they didn't. At a certain point they said, no, we


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`understand we're going to get 36,000 documents, but that's what
`we want. We are said okay. And we then ran a search and gave
`them the documents.
`THE COURT: But was the universe searched? Did it --
`was it just down there on the bottom, or did it also include
`the iWeb?
`MR. KAGAN: It would include everything. Because this
`includes emails. So anything coming -- if there were emails
`bouncing back and forth with information, anything would be
`covered. Anything coming in and out of Juniper.
`THE COURT: Including those manuals?
`MR. KAGAN: Well, ESI, just emails.
`THE COURT: What? Oh, it's just the emails.
`MR. KAGAN: It just does emails.
`THE COURT: Oh, all right.
`MR. KAGAN: So in the emails some documents were found
`that referred to these documents.
`THE COURT: The manuals.
`MR. KAGAN: So there was a -- there was an
`installation guide, but it's just an earlier version of one of
`these documents.
`And then Finjan came to us. We produced this in November,
`before the trial and within the deadline, exactly where we were
`supposed to. Finjan came to us on December 17th, after the
`trial, and they said, You know, you refer to these other


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`documents that weren't produced. Can you do an additional
`search to find these documents, to see if you have them, and
`produce them by January 28th? And we said, Sure, we'll do it.
`We didn't produce by January 28th. It took us until
`February 4th, but that's when we produced these documents.
`So what we did was we said, okay, maybe even though our
`initial search was reasonable, given everything in the case,
`seemed like it was going to catch everything, we missed a
`couple of documents. A handful of documents.
`Those are documents that were sitting up there in a zipped
`file, so they were compressed. People hadn't used them, but
`they were there. We identified them and we gave them to
`Finjan. Finjan had them by February 4th.
`Now, this is not -- there are no discovery motions filed.
`There were no claims of improper behavior. There was nothing
`until after Finjan lost their Rule 59 motion. And that
`happened on March 11th, okay. That was when this court issued
`the order.
`Finjan had all the documents, including these documents,
`by February 4th. The hearing on the Rule 59 motion was not
`until February 21st.
`If these documents were the smoking gun documents that
`Finjan claims, if they blew the whole case open and they had
`those documents on February 4th, they're required, under Rule
`60, to raise them before the Rule 59 hearing.


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`THE COURT: Read that part of the rule to me.
`MR. KAGAN: Your Honor, I do not have the rule in
`front of me. I'm sorry. I can get that to the Court.
`THE COURT: Here. I'll hand it to you.
`MR. KAGAN: Okay. So under Rule 60(b)(2) -- this is a
`listing of some of the reasons:
`"Newly discovered evidence that with reasonable
`diligence could not have been discovered in time to move
`for a new trial under Rule 59(b)."
`And there is a case.
`THE COURT: Can you hand that up to me?
`MR. KAGAN: Yeah.
`And there is a case which I would direct Your Honor to,
`that we cited in our brief, called Devera, D-e-v-e-r-a, vs.
`Japan Airlines.
`Well, let me back up.
`Your Honor, they were actually aware that Joe Security had
`some type of a database by at least as early as July of 2018,
`when we -- when we disclosed the license agreement which
`expressly says Joe Sandbox includes this H2 Database. And it
`has a link. All they had to do was click on that link. They
`didn't do that. They never contacted --
`THE COURT: What do you mean click on a link? Are you
`saying Finjan could have clicked on a link?
`MR. KAGAN: Yes.


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`So if you look on page 5 of our brief, it says, for the
`Joe Sandbox:
`"This software contains unmodified binary
`redistributions for H2 Database engine.
`So they are aware that there is a database within the Joe
`Sandbox software as of July of 2018. They are further aware,
`even before this, in May of 2018, that Juniper does not have
`the source code for this product and does not know how it
`Rule 60 requires reasonable diligence.
`THE COURT: Is this where the source code is, at that

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