Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 394-1 Filed 03/18/19 Page 1 of 20
`Kastens, Kris
`Glucoft, Josh <>
`Sunday, March 17, 2019 10:59 PM
`Kastens, Kris
`Andre, Paul; Caire, Yuridia; Hannah, James; Hedvat, Shannon H.; Kobialka, Lisa; Lee,
`Hannah; Lee, Michael H.; Manes, Austin; Martinez, Cristina; Nguyen, Stephanie; Xu,
`Linda; Carson, Rebecca; Heinrich, Alan; Holland, Eileen; Isaac, Shawana; Kagan, Jonathan;
`Manzano, Jim; Petersen, Ingrid; Quarnstrom, Brian; Theilacker, Leah; Wang, Kevin;
`#Juniper/Finjan [Int]
`RE: [EXTERNAL] RE: Meet and confer / Mitzenmacher Deposition
`Regarding Dr. Mitzenmacher, we currently believe we can take his deposition on March 28, and we will confirm on
`As for the source code review, thank you for providing the explanation as to why you believe you must review the source
`code computer. We are looking into your request to review the source code on March 28 and 29 and will get back to you
`shortly. Additionally, Dr. Rubin attached as an exhibit some representative code for specific functions; we will produce
`the other code for functions that Dr. Rubin specifically cited but did not attach due to page limits.
`From: Kastens, Kris <>
`Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2019 3:13 AM
`To: Glucoft, Josh <>
`Cc: ~Andre, Paul <>; ~Caire, Yuridia <>; ~Hannah, James
`<>; ~Hedvat, Shannon <>; ~Kobialka, Lisa
`<>; ~Lee, Hannah <>; ~Lee, Michael <>;
`~Manes, Austin <>; ~Martinez, Cristina <>; ~Nguyen, Stephanie
`<>; ~Xu, Linjun <>; Carson, Rebecca <>; Heinrich,
`Alan <>; Holland, Eileen <>; Isaac, Shawana <>; Kagan,
`Jonathan <>; Manzano, Jim <>; Petersen, Ingrid <>;
`Quarnstrom, Brian <>; Theilacker, Leah <>; Wang, Kevin
`Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] RE: Meet and confer / Mitzenmacher Deposition
`Finjan is entitled to investigate Juniper’s allegations raised for the first time in its opposition before filing its reply
`brief. This includes source code that was cited, but not attached as an exhibit, and is only available on the source code
`review computer. We understand your email to be Juniper refusing to make the source code available on March 20th or
`the 21st. As I’ve requested repeatedly, explain, in writing, what this staffing issue is and why Juniper represents that it
`cannot host a source code review on either March 20th or 21st. Otherwise, Finjan will be required to bring this to the


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 394-1 Filed 03/18/19 Page 2 of 20
`Kris Kastens
`Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP
`990 Marsh Road, Menlo Park, California 94025
`T 650.752.1715 F 650.752.1815
`This communication (including any attachments) is intended solely for the recipient(s) named above and may contain information that is
`confidential, privileged or legally protected. Any unauthorized use or dissemination of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received
`this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by return e-mail message and delete all copies of the original communication.
`Thank you for your cooperation.
`From: Glucoft, Josh <>
`Sent: Friday, March 15, 2019 11:31 PM
`To: Kastens, Kris <>
`Cc: Andre, Paul <>; Caire, Yuridia <>; Hannah, James
`<>; Hedvat, Shannon H. <>; Kobialka, Lisa
`<>; Lee, Hannah <>; Lee, Michael H.
`<>; Manes, Austin <>; Martinez, Cristina
`<>; Nguyen, Stephanie <>; Xu, Linda
`<>; Carson, Rebecca <>; Heinrich, Alan <>; Holland,
`Eileen <>; Isaac, Shawana <>; Kagan, Jonathan <>; Manzano, Jim
`<>; Petersen, Ingrid <>; Quarnstrom, Brian <>;
`Theilacker, Leah <>; Wang, Kevin <>; #Juniper/Finjan [Int] <Juniper-
`Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] RE: Meet and confer / Mitzenmacher Deposition
`I received your voicemail. If Dr. Mitzenmacher will be in the Los Angeles area on March 21st, perhaps we could begin
`his deposition the afternoon of March 20 and complete it the morning of March 21, if necessary. Please let me know if
`that would work with his travel plans.
`I will also look into whether we could host a source code review on the 21st, but I am concerned about our staffing
`issues. Could you please provide me with some alternate dates in early April? We have always been able to work
`together to find mutually agreeable dates for source code review, and I am optimistic we can continue to do so—as long
`as we work cooperatively and do not try to threaten each other. Also, I understand that there is no imminent need for you
`to review the source code because the Court vacated the fact discovery cutoff date. If you disagree, please let me know.
`I am certain we can resolve these scheduling issue if we continue to work together cooperatively.
`From: Kastens, Kris <>
`Sent: Friday, March 15, 2019 5:20 PM
`To: Glucoft, Josh <>
`Cc: ~Andre, Paul <>; ~Caire, Yuridia <>; ~Hannah, James


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 394-1 Filed 03/18/19 Page 3 of 20
`<>; ~Hedvat, Shannon <>; ~Kobialka, Lisa
`<>; ~Lee, Hannah <>; ~Lee, Michael <>;
`~Manes, Austin <>; ~Martinez, Cristina <>; ~Nguyen, Stephanie
`<>; ~Xu, Linjun <>; Carson, Rebecca <>; Heinrich,
`Alan <>; Holland, Eileen <>; Isaac, Shawana <>; Kagan,
`Jonathan <>; Manzano, Jim <>; Petersen, Ingrid <>;
`Quarnstrom, Brian <>; Theilacker, Leah <>; Wang, Kevin
`Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] RE: Meet and confer / Mitzenmacher Deposition
`I just left you a voicemail. Let me know when you can talk tonight.
`Sent from my iPhone
`Kris Kastens
`Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP
`990 Marsh Road, Menlo Park, California 94025
`T 650.752.1715 F 650.752.1815
`This communication (including any attachments) is intended solely for the recipient(s) named above and may contain information that is
`confidential, privileged or legally protected. Any unauthorized use or dissemination of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received
`this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by return e-mail message and delete all copies of the original communication.
`Thank you for your cooperation.
`On Mar 15, 2019, at 5:04 PM, Kastens, Kris <> wrote:
`We could also make the 21st work for the source code review, but this is extremely
`inconvenient. Confirm immediately which date you want the 20th or the 21st. We will ask the court to
`intervene if you do not accept either.
`Kris Kastens
`Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP
`990 Marsh Road, Menlo Park, California 94025
`T 650.752.1715 F 650.752.1815
`This communication (including any attachments) is intended solely for the recipient(s) named above and may contain
`information that is confidential, privileged or legally protected. Any unauthorized use or dissemination of this communication is
`strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by return e-mail
`message and delete all copies of the original communication. Thank you for your cooperation.
`On Mar 15, 2019, at 4:57 PM, Kastens, Kris <> wrote:


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 394-1 Filed 03/18/19 Page 4 of 20
`We will look for dates if you confirm in writing that no one is available to host the
`source code review at your office, which we find hard to believe. As we’ve said, Dr.
`Mitzenmacher has very little time during this period and you, for some reason, haven’t
`been willing to confirm there is a basis for your refusal to make the code available as
`requested. He may be required to cancel classes to review now. We’ve also provided
`you with three potential dates for his deposition and you have yet to confirm any of
`them. As I said earlier, the deposition will take place on the 28th. If you confirm that
`none of the attorneys on your team are available on this date, we will look into
`Also, provide dates for every non-lawyer that submitted a declaration in support of your
`opposition to the 154.
`- Kris
`Kris Kastens
`Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP
`990 Marsh Road, Menlo Park, California 94025
`T 650.752.1715 F 650.752.1815
`This communication (including any attachments) is intended solely for the recipient(s) named above and
`may contain information that is confidential, privileged or legally protected. Any unauthorized use or
`dissemination of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error,
`please immediately notify the sender by return e-mail message and delete all copies of the original
`communication. Thank you for your cooperation.
`On Mar 15, 2019, at 4:18 PM, Glucoft, Josh <> wrote:
`It appears unlikely that March 20 will work for us to host the source code
`review, so please provide other dates. Because the Court vacated the fact
`discovery cutoff date, we should have no trouble finding mutually
`agreeable dates, even accommodating travel schedules.
`We will get back to you shortly on dates for Dr. Mitzenmacher. Are there
`any other possible dates for him before April 4?
`From: Kastens, Kris <>
`Sent: Friday, March 15, 2019 12:24 PM
`To: Glucoft, Josh <>
`Cc: ~Andre, Paul <>; ~Caire, Yuridia
`<>; ~Hannah, James
`<>; ~Hedvat, Shannon
`<>; ~Kobialka, Lisa
`<>; ~Lee, Hannah <>;
`~Lee, Michael <>; ~Manes, Austin
`<>; ~Martinez, Cristina


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 394-1 Filed 03/18/19 Page 5 of 20
`<>; ~Nguyen, Stephanie
`<>; ~Xu, Linjun <>;
`Carson, Rebecca <>; Heinrich, Alan
`<>; Holland, Eileen <>; Isaac,
`Shawana <>; Kagan, Jonathan <>;
`Manzano, Jim <>; Petersen, Ingrid
`<>; Quarnstrom, Brian <>;
`Theilacker, Leah <>; Wang, Kevin
`Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] RE: Meet and confer / Mitzenmacher
`We need an answer on Dr Mitzenmacher’s deposition today because he
`needs to cancel other arrangements. If we don’t hear back from you by
`5pm, then only the 28th will be kept open. Also, we will be at your
`office on the 20th for the source code review.
`Sent from my iPhone
`Kris Kastens
`Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP
`990 Marsh Road, Menlo Park, California 94025
`T 650.752.1715 F 650.752.1815
`This communication (including any attachments) is intended solely for the recipient(s)
`named above and may contain information that is confidential, privileged or legally
`protected. Any unauthorized use or dissemination of this communication is strictly
`prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify
`the sender by return e-mail message and delete all copies of the original
`communication. Thank you for your cooperation.
`On Mar 14, 2019, at 7:01 PM, Glucoft, Josh <> wrote:
`This is a simple scheduling issue and we are trying
`to work with you, so please give us alternate dates
`for Dr. Mitzenmacher’s deposition and your
`proposed source code review.


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 394-1 Filed 03/18/19 Page 6 of 20
`From: Kastens, Kris <>
`Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2019 2:29 PM
`To: Glucoft, Josh <>
`Cc: ~Andre, Paul <>; ~Caire,
`Yuridia <>; ~Hannah, James
`<>; ~Hedvat, Shannon
`<>; ~Kobialka, Lisa
`<>; ~Lee, Hannah
`<>; ~Lee, Michael
`<>; ~Manes, Austin
`<>; ~Martinez, Cristina
`<>; ~Nguyen, Stephanie
`<>; ~Xu, Linjun
`<>; Carson, Rebecca
`<>; Heinrich, Alan
`<>; Holland, Eileen
`<>; Isaac, Shawana
`<>; Kagan, Jonathan
`<>; Manzano, Jim
`<>; Petersen, Ingrid
`<>; Quarnstrom, Brian
`<>; Theilacker, Leah
`<>; Wang, Kevin
`Subject: RE: Meet and confer / Mitzenmacher
`Dr. Mitzenmacher is only available in Southern
`California on the 20th, and not even for the entire
`day. If you are refusing to make the source code
`available on the 20th, we need to know by the end of
`the day. Please also confirm, in writing, that there is
`not a single person available to staff the review, if that
`is your basis. We can then meet and confer tomorrow
`to seek a resolution.
`We will inquire about alternatives to the March 29th
`deposition date.
`Kris Kastens
`Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 394-1 Filed 03/18/19 Page 7 of 20
`990 Marsh Road, Menlo Park, California 94025
`T 650.752.1715 F 650.752.1815
`This communication (including any attachments) is intended solely
`for the recipient(s) named above and may contain information that
`is confidential, privileged or legally protected. Any unauthorized use
`or dissemination of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you
`have received this communication in error, please immediately notify
`the sender by return e-mail message and delete all copies of the
`original communication. Thank you for your cooperation.
`From: Glucoft, Josh <>
`Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2019 2:17 PM
`To: Kastens, Kris <>
`Cc: Andre, Paul <>; Caire,
`Yuridia <>; Hannah, James
`<>; Hedvat, Shannon H.
`<>; Kobialka, Lisa
`<>; Lee, Hannah
`<>; Lee, Michael H.
`<>; Manes, Austin
`<>; Martinez, Cristina
`<>; Nguyen, Stephanie
`<>; Xu, Linda
`<>; Carson, Rebecca
`<>; Heinrich, Alan
`<>; Holland, Eileen
`<>; Isaac, Shawana
`<>; Kagan, Jonathan
`<>; Manzano, Jim
`<>; Petersen, Ingrid
`<>; Quarnstrom, Brian
`<>; Theilacker, Leah
`<>; Wang, Kevin
`<>; #Juniper/Finjan [Int] <Juniper-
`Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: Meet and confer /
`Mitzenmacher Deposition
`We are still trying to determine if it is possible for us to
`host the source code review, including coordinating
`staffing logistics, on March 20. You might want to
`provide alternate dates for the code review in case we
`are not able to host it on March 20.
`We are also trying to work out whether we can
`accommodate a deposition in Boston on March 29, but
`we would appreciate it if you could provide alternative
`dates in case one is needed. How long does Dr.
`Mitzenmacher plan to be in southern California around
`March 20?


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 394-1 Filed 03/18/19 Page 8 of 20
`From: Kastens, Kris <>
`Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2019 9:38 AM
`To: Glucoft, Josh <>
`Cc: ~Andre, Paul <>; ~Caire,
`Yuridia <>; ~Hannah, James
`<>; ~Hedvat, Shannon
`<>; ~Kobialka, Lisa
`<>; ~Lee, Hannah
`<>; ~Lee, Michael
`<>; ~Manes, Austin
`<>; ~Martinez, Cristina
`<>; ~Nguyen, Stephanie
`<>; ~Xu, Linjun
`<>; Carson, Rebecca
`<>; Heinrich, Alan
`<>; Holland, Eileen
`<>; Isaac, Shawana
`<>; Kagan, Jonathan
`<>; Manzano, Jim
`<>; Petersen, Ingrid
`<>; Quarnstrom, Brian
`<>; Theilacker, Leah
`<>; Wang, Kevin
`Subject: RE: Meet and confer / Mitzenmacher
`Confirm the date for the source code review by noon
`today. If you contend that the code is unavailable on
`that day, provide an explanation why. As I stated in my
`previous email, let us know as soon as possible if you
`need us to look into alternative dates for Dr.
`- Kris
`Kris Kastens
`Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP
`990 Marsh Road, Menlo Park, California 94025
`T 650.752.1715 F 650.752.1815
`This communication (including any attachments) is intended solely
`for the recipient(s) named above and may contain information that
`is confidential, privileged or legally protected. Any unauthorized use
`or dissemination of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 394-1 Filed 03/18/19 Page 9 of 20
`have received this communication in error, please immediately notify
`the sender by return e-mail message and delete all copies of the
`original communication. Thank you for your cooperation.
`From: Kastens, Kris <>
`Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2019 4:27 PM
`To: Glucoft, Josh <>
`Cc: Andre, Paul <>; Caire,
`Yuridia <>; Hannah, James
`<>; Hedvat, Shannon H.
`<>; Kobialka, Lisa
`<>; Lee, Hannah
`<>; Lee, Michael H.
`<>; Manes, Austin
`<>; Martinez, Cristina
`<>; Nguyen, Stephanie
`<>; Xu, Linda
`<>; Carson, Rebecca
`<>; Heinrich, Alan
`<>; Holland, Eileen
`<>; Isaac, Shawana
`<>; Kagan, Jonathan
`<>; Manzano, Jim
`<>; Petersen, Ingrid
`<>; Quarnstrom, Brian
`<>; Theilacker, Leah
`<>; Wang, Kevin
`Subject: RE: Meet and confer / Mitzenmacher
`Dr. Mitzenmacher is not available in California for
`sufficient time to schedule his deposition on the
`20th. Further, I’m surprised you may have issues with
`the 29th, as we sent you that date weeks ago. That
`being said, we can ask look into alternative dates as a
`courtesy if necessary but let us know as soon as
`- Kris
`Kris Kastens
`Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP
`990 Marsh Road, Menlo Park, California 94025
`T 650.752.1715 F 650.752.1815
`This communication (including any attachments) is intended solely
`for the recipient(s) named above and may contain information that
`is confidential, privileged or legally protected. Any unauthorized use


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 394-1 Filed 03/18/19 Page 10 of 20
`or dissemination of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you
`have received this communication in error, please immediately notify
`the sender by return e-mail message and delete all copies of the
`original communication. Thank you for your cooperation.
`From: Glucoft, Josh <>
`Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2019 3:53 PM
`To: Kastens, Kris <>
`Cc: Andre, Paul <>; Caire,
`Yuridia <>; Hannah, James
`<>; Hedvat, Shannon H.
`<>; Kobialka, Lisa
`<>; Lee, Hannah
`<>; Lee, Michael H.
`<>; Manes, Austin
`<>; Martinez, Cristina
`<>; Nguyen, Stephanie
`<>; Xu, Linda
`<>; Carson, Rebecca
`<>; Heinrich, Alan
`<>; Holland, Eileen
`<>; Isaac, Shawana
`<>; Kagan, Jonathan
`<>; Manzano, Jim
`<>; Petersen, Ingrid
`<>; Quarnstrom, Brian
`<>; Theilacker, Leah
`<>; Wang, Kevin
`Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: Meet and confer /
`Mitzenmacher Deposition
`The 20th may be problematic for us but we are looking
`into whether we can host a source code review that day.
`Has Dr. Mitzenmacher’s schedule opened up so that he
`is now available to be in California on March 20? If so,
`then perhaps we should schedule his deposition for that
`date because there may be conflicts with deposing him
`in Boston on the 29th. Please let us know as soon as
`From: Kastens, Kris <>
`Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2019 2:37 PM
`To: Glucoft, Josh <>
`Cc: ~Andre, Paul <>; ~Caire,
`Yuridia <>; ~Hannah, James


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 394-1 Filed 03/18/19 Page 11 of 20
`<>; ~Hedvat, Shannon
`<>; ~Kobialka, Lisa
`<>; ~Lee, Hannah
`<>; ~Lee, Michael
`<>; ~Manes, Austin
`<>; ~Martinez, Cristina
`<>; ~Nguyen, Stephanie
`<>; ~Xu, Linjun
`<>; Carson, Rebecca
`<>; Curran, Casey
`<>; Heinrich, Alan
`<>; Holland, Eileen
`<>; Isaac, Shawana
`<>; Kagan, Jonathan
`<>; Manzano, Jim
`<>; Petersen, Ingrid
`<>; Quarnstrom, Brian
`<>; Theilacker, Leah
`<>; Wang, Kevin
`Subject: RE: Meet and confer / Mitzenmacher
`Finjan requests to review Juniper’s source code on
`Wednesday, March 20th. Michael Mitzenmacher,
`Michael Lee, and Kris Kastens will attend.
`Kris Kastens
`Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP
`990 Marsh Road, Menlo Park, California 94025
`T 650.752.1715 F 650.752.1815
`This communication (including any attachments) is intended solely
`for the recipient(s) named above and may contain information that
`is confidential, privileged or legally protected. Any unauthorized use
`or dissemination of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you
`have received this communication in error, please immediately notify
`the sender by return e-mail message and delete all copies of the
`original communication. Thank you for your cooperation.
`From: Glucoft, Josh <>
`Sent: Wednesday, March 6, 2019 5:15 PM
`To: Kastens, Kris <>
`Cc: Andre, Paul <>; Caire,


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 394-1 Filed 03/18/19 Page 12 of 20
`Yuridia <>; Hannah, James
`<>; Hedvat, Shannon H.
`<>; Kobialka, Lisa
`<>; Lee, Hannah
`<>; Lee, Michael H.
`<>; Manes, Austin
`<>; Martinez, Cristina
`<>; Nguyen, Stephanie
`<>; Xu, Linda
`<>; Carson, Rebecca
`<>; Curran, Casey
`<>; Heinrich, Alan
`<>; Holland, Eileen
`<>; Isaac, Shawana
`<>; Kagan, Jonathan
`<>; Manzano, Jim
`<>; Petersen, Ingrid
`<>; Quarnstrom, Brian
`<>; Theilacker, Leah
`<>; Wang, Kevin
`<>; #Juniper/Finjan [Int] <Juniper-
`Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Meet and confer /
`Mitzenmacher Deposition
`We disagree with your position and can discuss further
`when I call you on Friday at 11 am Pacific.
`On Mar 6, 2019, at 3:01 PM, Kastens, Kris
`<> wrote:
`Finjan requests that we also meet and
`confer regarding Juniper’s late
`production of documents about Joe
`Sandbox. In particular, Juniper did not
`produce documents showing that Joe
`Sandbox had a database for storing
`results of its dynamic analysis until
`February 4, 2019, despite the fact that
`these documents were requested a
`year ago. See, for example, JNPR-
`FNJN_29043_01517143-144. Finjan
`intends to move that the Court set
`aside judgment from trial under FRCP
`I am available to meet and confer on
`both topics on Friday at 11AM.


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 394-1 Filed 03/18/19 Page 13 of 20
`Kris Kastens
`Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP
`990 Marsh Road, Menlo Park,
`California 94025
`T 650.752.1715 F 650.752.1815
`This communication (including any attachments)
`is intended solely for the recipient(s) named
`above and may contain information that is
`confidential, privileged or legally protected. Any
`unauthorized use or dissemination of this
`communication is strictly prohibited. If you have
`received this communication in error, please
`immediately notify the sender by return e-mail
`message and delete all copies of the original
`communication. Thank you for your cooperation.
`From: Glucoft, Josh
`Sent: Wednesday, March 6, 2019 9:42
`To: Kastens, Kris
`Cc: Andre, Paul
`<>; Caire,
`Yuridia <>;
`Hannah, James
`Hedvat, Shannon H.
`Kobialka, Lisa
`<>; Lee,
`Hannah <>;
`Lee, Michael H.
`<>; Manes,
`Austin <>;
`Martinez, Cristina
`Nguyen, Stephanie
`<>; Xu,
`Linda <>;
`Carson, Rebecca <>;
`Curran, Casey <>;
`Heinrich, Alan <>;
`Holland, Eileen <>;
`Isaac, Shawana <>;


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 394-1 Filed 03/18/19 Page 14 of 20
`Kagan, Jonathan <>;
`Manzano, Jim <>;
`Petersen, Ingrid <>;
`Quarnstrom, Brian
`<>; Theilacker,
`Leah <>; Wang,
`Kevin <>;
`#Juniper/Finjan [Int] <Juniper-
`Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: Meet and
`confer / Mitzenmacher Deposition
`Finjan’s motion for summary judgment
`improperly presents at least the
`following new theories that were not
`disclosed in Finjan’s infringement
`“Http” as the claimed “first
` The “verdict engine” and “chain
`heuristics” as the claimed
`“security computers”
`“Whitelisting,” starting/stopping
`file sample analysis, marking an
`object as “clean,” and moving
`an object to “END” state as the
`claimed “second function”
`SmartCore as the claimed
`“content processor”
` Transmitting a verdict that is
`independent of the client
`computer’s security policy as
`infringing under the doctrine of
`Please provide times on Thursday that
`you are available to confer about these
`new theories.
`From: Kastens, Kris
`Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2019 11:34 AM
`To: Glucoft, Josh <>
`Cc: ~Andre, Paul
`<>; ~Caire,
`Yuridia <>;
`~Hannah, James


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 394-1 Filed 03/18/19 Page 15 of 20
`<>; ~Hedvat,
`Shannon <>;
`~Kobialka, Lisa
`<>; ~Lee,
`Hannah <>;
`~Lee, Michael
`<>; ~Manes,
`Austin <>;
`~Martinez, Cristina
`~Nguyen, Stephanie
`<>; ~Xu,
`Linjun <>; Carson,
`Rebecca <>; Curran,
`Casey <>; Heinrich,
`Alan <>; Holland,
`Eileen <>; Isaac,
`Shawana <>; Kagan,
`Jonathan <>;
`Manzano, Jim <>;
`Petersen, Ingrid <>;
`Quarnstrom, Brian
`<>; Theilacker,
`Leah <>; Wang,
`Kevin <>
`Subject: RE: Meet and confer /
`Mitzenmacher Deposition
`Your response doesn’t provide any
`information. What are you going to say
`during the meet and confer isn’t
`disclosed? I can’t prepare for our call
`until I have this information. I’m not
`available anymore tomorrow, but I
`should be able to provide times within
`1-2 days of you providing the
`contentions you allege are not
`- Kris
`Kris Kastens
`Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP
`990 Marsh Road, Menlo Park,
`California 94025
`T 650.752.1715 F 650.752.1815
`This communication (including any attachments)
`is intended solely for the recipient(s) named
`above and may contain information that is


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 394-1 Filed 03/18/19 Page 16 of 20
`confidential, privileged or legally protected. Any
`unauthorized use or dissemination of this
`communication is strictly prohibited. If you have
`received this communication in error, please
`immediately notify the sender by return e-mail
`message and delete all copies of the original
`communication. Thank you for your cooperation.
`From: Glucoft, Josh
`Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2019 10:44 AM
`To: Kastens, Kris
`Cc: Andre, Paul
`<>; Caire,
`Yuridia <>;
`Hannah, James
`Hedvat, Shannon H.
`Kobialka, Lisa
`<>; Lee,
`Hannah <>;
`Lee, Michael H.
`<>; Manes,
`Austin <>;
`Martinez, Cristina
`Nguyen, Stephanie
`<>; Xu,
`Linda <>;
`Carson, Rebecca <>;
`Curran, Casey <>;
`Heinrich, Alan <>;
`Holland, Eileen <>;
`Isaac, Shawana <>;
`Kagan, Jonathan <>;
`Manzano, Jim <>;
`Petersen, Ingrid <>;
`Quarnstrom, Brian
`<>; Theilacker,
`Leah <>; Wang,
`Kevin <>;
`#Juniper/Finjan [Int] <Juniper-
`Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Meet and
`confer / Mitzenmacher Deposition


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 394-1 Filed 03/18/19 Page 17 of 20
`Finjan’s motion for summary judgment
`presents a large number of new theories,
`including identifying new components
`as comprising the claimed “content
`processor” and “security computer.” I
`will call

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