Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 393-27 Filed 03/14/19 Page 1 of 4
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 393-27 Filed 03/14/19 Page 1 of 4


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 393-27 Filed 03/14/19 Page 2 of 4
`Document 393-27 Filed 03/14/19 Page 2 of 4
`oh aeA Lh)
`ofthe English Language, Fourth Edition
`Based on The American Heritage” Dictionary


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 393-27 Filed 03/14/19 Page 3 of 4
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 393-27 Filed 03/14/19 Page 4 of 4
`embellish / emir
`emebelslish (Em-bElish) »y, 1. To make
`ment, contention, or hostile actions. 2. To
`beautiful, as by ornamentation: decorate. 2. To
`throw into confusion or disorder; entangle. [Fr,
`add fictitious details to, [< OFr. embellir < bel,
`embrouiller.) —em+broll'mentn.
`beautiful.) —emsbellish»ment n.
`emebryeo (ém'bre-0) ern, pl. -o8 1. An or-
`omeber (ém'bor) ey, 1. A picee oflive coal or
`gunism in its early stapes of development, esp.
`wood from a fire. 2. embers The smoldering
`before it has reached a distinctively recogniz-
`remains of a fire, [< OF w#inerge,]
`able form. 2, A tudimentary or beginning
`emebezezig(tm-béz'al) » v. -zled,-zling. To
`stage. [< Gk. embruon,] —em'bryron'ic
`take (e.g., money) for one's own use in viola-
`(-Gn'Tk) sedi. —embry-on‘iecalsly adv.
`lion of a trust. [< AN enbesiler.] —amebez'-
`zlasment n, —emebez'zler n.
`omebry-oleasgy (im'bre-6V'o-je) en. The
`branch ofbiology that deals with the formation,
`emsbiteter (ém-bit'or) > v. 1, To make bitter.
`early growth, and development ofliving organ-
`2. To arouse bitter feelings in, —emebit'ters
`isms. —em'brysoslogfic (-s-16j'k), em’-
`auf. —em'brysol’o+gist
`em-blaszon (ém-bia'zan) & v1. To omament
`richly, esp. with heraldic devices. 2. To make
`emcee (mse) en, A master of ceremonies,
`resplendent with brilliant colors. 3, To mark or
`»y. ceed, -ceesing.To act as master of cere.
`inscribe boldly. —emsbla’zonser n,—eame
`bla’‘zon-ment n.
`monies (of). [Pronunciation of M.C., abbr. of
`master ofceremonies.)
`emeblem (m'blam) 7. 1.An object or repre-
`eemend (F-ménd’) & y, To improve (a text) bs
`sentation that functions as a symbol. 2. A dis-
`critical editing, [< Lat.émendare.| onion
`i. —@emand’ar n;
`tinctive badge, design, or device, f< Gk. em-
`bléma, embossed design. —em'blemeat‘ic,
`omeersald (Emfar-ald, émfrald) rn. 1. A bril-
`adj. —em'blemeat'i«
`calely au.
`liant transparent green beryl, used as 9 gem-
`slone. 2. A strong yellowish green. f< Gk. sana
`(tm-bod's) my, -bodsied, -bods
`ragdos,) —emfereald adj,
`y*ing 1.
`To give a bodily form to. 2. To per-
`eemerge (i-mir’) », eeme:
`, aemerge
`sonify. 3. To make part of = system or whole;
`ing 1. Torise up or come forth; issue 2, To be-
` incomporaté. —ame!
`‘i*ment x,
`come evident. 3. To'come into existence. (Lat,
`em*boldeen (én. coho +v. To foster bold-
`émergere.| —eemer'gence n. —e«mer'-
`Nuss of courage in.
`Syns at encourage,
`emeborlism @m'bo-liz'om) en. 1. Obstric-
`e*mersgenscy (-mor'jan-sa) em pl. -cles, A
`lion or occlusion of a blood vessal by sn embo-
`serious, unexpected situation or occurrence
`lus, e: An embolus. [< Gk. embolismos,inser-
`that demands immediate action,
`e*mersietus (i-mér/i-tas) » adj, Retired but re-
`emeborlus (Gin’bo-les) mn, pl li Cl). A
`taining an honorary title: a professor emeritus,
`_ muss in the bloodstream. that lodges so as to
`(Lat. emeritus, p.part. of emerére, cam by
`block a blood vessel. [< Gk. embolos, stopper. ]}
`am+boss (@m-bis’, -hds!) »y. 1. To mold or
`Emerson (¢mar-son),
`Ralph Waldo.
`“carve in relief. 2. To decorate with a raised de-
`1803-82. Amer. writer
`and philosopher.
`sign. [< OFr. embover < boce, knob.]
`—Em’ereso’niean (-s0'ne-on) adj’
`emebourchure (Um’beb-sheor’) &n, 1. The
`emeerey (m'o-re, ém!re) en, A fine-grained
`mouthpiece of a wind instrament. 2. The man-
`impure corundum used for grinding and polish-
`nerin whichthe lipsand tongue are applied to
`ing. [< Lot, smericulwn < Gk. smiris.|
`such a mouthpiece. |< OFr, emboucher, put in
`esmetele (f-met'ik) » adj, Causi
`vomiting, [<
`the mouth < bouche, mouth.|
`Gk. emein, to vomit.) —e*mettic n,
`em+bowser (ém-bou'or) »y, To enclose in or EMF
`®abbr, electromotive force
`as if in a bower,
`~emia or -hemia or also -aemia or
`embrace (ém-bris’)» v. -braced, -braceing
`~haemia suff Blood:
`le Gk.
`1. To clasp or hold close with the arms, 2. To
`Haima, blood.)
`surround; enclose: The warm water embraced emelegrate (ém'i-prat') & y, -grat-ed, -grat+
`us, 3. To include as part of something broader,
`ing. To leave one country or region to settle in
`another. See Usa
`4. To tuke up willingly or eagerly: embrace a
`Note at migrate. [Lat, 2-
`eaiixe. er. An act of embracing. [< OFr, em-
`migrare.| —emiegrant (-grant) n. —om'le
`‘tlon n.
`bracer < brace,
`the two ams.] —eme
`denicors (ém9-gri) mn. One who has left a
`brace’asble adj. —em+brace’mentn.
`emebrassure (¢m-bri'zhar) en. 4. An opening
`native country, esp, for political reasons. (Fr
`in athick wall fora door or window. 2.flared emeienence (ém’o-mans) en 1. A position of
`opening for gun in.a wall or parapet. (Fr.
`great distinction or superiority, 2. A rise of
`emebroscate (Gm’bro-kal’) py,
`ground; hill. 3. A person of high station or
`-cateing, To moisten and rub (a part of the
`great achievements.
`body) with a Tiniment. or lotion. f< Gk. em- emeienant (@m'o-nant) adj. 1. Rising above
`brekhein.] —em'bro-ca'tion 7,
`others; prominent. 2: OF high rank orstation, 3.
`em«broieder (&m-broi/dar) my. 1. To oma-
`distinguished, See‘¢
`noted. [< Lat.
`ment with needlework. 2. To ddd embellish-
`éminére, sland out.) —em‘ir
`nentely dav,
`ments or fanciful details to: embroider the
`(ME. embrouderen.) —emebro
`dere eminent domain & x, The right of a govern-
`ment lo appropriate private Property for public
`em+broi-dersy (ém-broi'do-ré) n., pi. -les 1,
`The act or art ofembroidering. 2. Something
`e>mir(-mir’, amir’) en. A prince, chieftain, or
`that has been embroidered.
`governor, especially in ihe Middie East. [< Ar.
`emebroll (¢m-broil’) » v. 1. To involve in argu-
`‘amir, commander,

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