Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 390-6 Filed 03/14/19 Page 1 of 4
`Exhibit C


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 390-6 Filed 03/14/19 Page 2 of 4
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 390-6 Filed 03/14/19 Page 3 of 4
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 390-6 Filed 03/14/19 Page 4 of 4
`Note: There may be other “clear” keys on the
`machine used to cancel specified functions.
`tion. . The primary purpose of client-side caching is to
`reduce access time to key information.
`cleartext Synonym for plaintext.
`clear user data In X.25 communications, data
`optionally included in the clear request packet by the
`user application.
`C library A system library that contains common C
`language subroutines for file access, string operators,
`character operations, memory allocation, and other
`click To press and release a button on a pointing
`device without moving the pointer off the choice. See
`double-click. See also drag select.
`client (1) A user. (2) A functional unit that receives
`shared services from a server. (T).
`(3) In an AIX
`distributed file system environment, a system that is
`dependent on a server to provide it with programs or
`access to programs. (4) In AIX Enhanced
`X-Windows, an application program that connects to
`an Enhanced X-Windows server by means of an inter­
`process communication (IPC) path, such as a Trans­
`mission Control Protocol (TCP) connection or a shared
`memory buffer. The program can be referred to as the
`client of the server, but it is actually the interprocess
`communication path itself. Programs with multiple
`paths open to the server are viewed as multiple clients
`by the protocol. (5) In AIX Enhanced X-Windows, a
`Toolkit routine that uses a widget in an application or
`for composing another widget. (6) In AlXwindows, a
`software application that fills the role of the client in
`the traditional client-server model upon which
`Enhanced X-Windows and AlXwindows are based.
`client agent See Location Broker Client Agent.
`client area In SAA Advanced Common User Access
`architecture, the part of the window inside the border
`that is below the action bar. It is the user’s work­
`space, where a user types information and selects
`choices from selection fields. In primary windows, it
`is the area where an application programmer presents
`the objects that a user works on.
`client end node An end node for which the network
`node provides network services.
`client-server In TCP/IP, the model of interaction in
`distributed data processing in which a program at one
`site sends a request to a program at another site and
`awaits a response. The requesting program is called a
`client; the answering program is called a server.
`client-side caching In the ADC operating system, a
`high-speed buffer storage that contains frequently
`accessed information associated with a client applica­
`client window The window in which the application
`displays output and receives input. This window is
`located inside the frame window, under the window
`title bar and any menu bar, and within any scroll bars.
`client workstation In the NetView Graphic Monitor
`Facility, a workstation that depends on a server work­
`station to provide it with views and status information.
`A client workstation receives status information from
`the server workstation over an LU 6.2 session.
`clip (1) In SAA Advanced Common User Access
`architecture, to truncate information by removing those
`parts of a displayed image that lie outside a given
`boundary. (2) In multimedia applications, a section of
`recorded, filmed, or videotaped material. See also
`audio clip, video clip.
`clip art In personal computer software applications,
`machine-readable artwork that can be retrieved from a
`file (a “clipboard file”) and used completely or in part
`to create graphics such as computer-generated foils,
`slides, and hardcopy or softcopy graphs, charts, or pic­
`clipboard In SAA Common User Access architecture,
`an area of computer memory, or storage, that tempo­
`rarily holds data. Data in the clipboard is available to
`other applications.
`clip list In AIX Enhanced X-Windows, a list of rec­
`tangles designated for clipping.
`clipping (1) In computer graphics, removing those
`parts of display elements that lie outside of given
`boundary. (I) (A)
`(2) In System/38 graphics, the
`process of cutting off the picture at the edge of the
`window but allowing the lines to be constructed on
`world coordinates that extend outside the window.
`(3) In AIX graphics, removal of parts of a primitive
`that overlap the boundaries of a window. The part of
`a primitive that appears in the window is displayed
`and the rest is ignored. There are several types of
`clipping that occur in the system. Three-dimensional
`drawing primitives are clipped to the boundaries of a
`frustum (for perspective transformations) or to a
`rhombohedron (for orthographic projections). This
`three-dimensional clipping applies as well to the origin
`of character strings, but not to the characters them­
`selves. A two-dimensional clipping is also performed,
`in which all drawing is clipped to the boundaries of
`the Enhanced X-Windows window. For character
`strings, clipping of the individual characters to the
`screenmask is performed. See fine clipping, gross
`clipping. See also clipping planes, screenmask, trans­
`formation, window. (4) Synonym for scissoring.

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