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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 349-2 Filed 01/04/19 Page 4of5
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 349-2 Filed 01/04/19 Page 4 of 5
`Microsoft Press
`A Division of Microsoft Corporation
`One Microsoft Way
`Redmond, Washington 98052-6399
`Copyright © 1994 by Microsoft Press
`All rights reserved. No part ofthe contents ofthis book may be reproduced or
`transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
`library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`the comprehensive standard for
`Microsoft Press computer dictionary :
`business, school, library, and home / Microsott Press. -- 2nded.
`ISBN 1-55615-597-2
`2. Microcomputers.
`1. Computers--Dictionaries.
`E. Microsoft Press.
`Il. Tithe: Computer dictionary.
`Printed and hound in the United States of America.
`36789 MLML 98765
`Distributed to the book trade in Canacla by Macmillan of Canada. a division of Canada
`Publishing Corporation.
`Distributed to the book trade outside the United States and Canada by
`Penguin Books Ltd.
`Penguin Books Itd., Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England
`Penguin Books Australia Ltd., Ringwood, Victoria, Australia
`Penguin Books N.Z, Ld., 182-190 Wairau Road, Auckland 10, New Zealand
`British Cataloging-in-Publication Data available,
`Project Editor: Cascy D. Doyle
`Manuscript Editor: Alice Copp Smith
`Technical Editors: Mary DeJong,JeffCarey, Dail Magee,Jr., Jim Fuchs, Seth McEvoy


`a c
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 349-2 Filed 01/04/19 Page 5of5
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 349-2 Filed 01/04/19 Page 5 of 5
`C A programming language developed by Dennis
`Ritchie at Bell Laboratories in 1972; so named he-
`cause its immediate predecessor was the B pro-
`gramming language. Although C is considered by
`many to be more a machine-independent assem-
`bly language than a high-level language, its close
`association with the UNIX Operating system, its
`enormous popularity, and its standardization by
`the American National Standards Institute (ANSD
`have made it perhaps the closest thing to a stan-
`dard programming language in the microcom-
`puter/workstation nrarketpluce, C is a compiled
`language that contains 2 small set of built-in
`functions that are machine dependent. The rest
`of the C functions are machine independent and
`are contained in libraries that can be accessed
`from C programs, C programs are composed of
`one or more functions defined by the program-
`thus C is a structured programming lan-
`guage. See also C++, compiled language, brary,
`Objective-C, structured programming.
`C++ An object-oriented version of the C program-
`ming language, developed by Bjarne Stroustrup
`in the early 1980s at Bell Laboratories and
`adopted by a number of vendors,
`Apple Computer and Sun Microsystems. See also
`C, Objective-C, object-oriented programming.
`cable 4 collection of wires shielded within a pro-
`tective tube, uscd to connect peripheral devices
`to a computer. A mouse, a keyboard, and a
`printer might all be connected to a computer with
`cables. Printer cables typically implement a serial
`(bit-by-bit) or a parallel (byte-by-byte) path for
`data to travel along. Computercables are of dit-
`ferent sizes and connect the parts of a system.
`through a seeming myriad of round and oblong
`connectors. The pins and sockets in these con-
`nectors carry specific signals and are used to link
`specific types of hardware.
`cable connector The connector on cither end of
`a cable. See also DB connector, DIN connector,
`RS-232-C standard, RS-422/423/449,
`cable matcher A device that allows the use of a
`cable that has slightly different wire connections
`from these required by the device(s) to which it
`is attached.
`cabling diagram A plan that shows the path of
`cables that attach computer system components
`Or peripherals. Cabling diagrams are particularly
`important for explaining the connection of disk
`drives to a disk controller.
`cache A special memory subsystem in which fre-
`quentlyused data values are duplicated for quick
`access, A memory cache stores the contents of
`frequently accessed RAM locations and the ad-
`dresses where these clata items are stored, When
`the processor references an address in memory,
`the cache checks to see whetherit holds that ad-
`dress. If it does hold the address, the data is re-
`turned to the processor;
`if it doesn't, a regular
`memory access occurs. A cache is useful when
`RAMaccesses are slow compared with the micro
`processor speed because cache memory is al-
`ways faster than main RAM memory. See also disk
`cache, wait state.
`cache memory See cache.
`CAD Rhymes with “lad.” Acronym for computer
`aided design, a term applied to programs (and
`workstations) used in designing engineering, ar-
`chitectural, and scientific models ranging from

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