Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 335 Filed 12/17/18 Page 1 of 198
` Volume 1
` Pages 1 - 197
` )
` Plaintiff, )
` )
` VS. ) No. C 17-5659 WHA
` )
` )
` Defendant.
` ) San Francisco, California
` Monday, December 10, 2018
` 990 Marsh Road
` Menlo Park, California 94025
` 1177 Avenue of the Americas
` New York, New York 10036
`(Appearances continued on next page)
`Reported By: Katherine Powell Sullivan, CSR No. 5812, RMR, CRR
` Jo Ann Bryce, CSR No. 3321, RMR, CRR
` Official Reporters


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 335 Filed 12/17/18 Page 2 of 198
`For Defendant: IRELL & MANELLA LLP
` 1800 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 900
` Los Angeles, California 90067-4276
` 840 Newport Center Drive, Suite 400
` Newport Beach, California 92660


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 335 Filed 12/17/18 Page 3 of 198
`I N D E X
`Monday, December 10, 2018 - Volume 1
`Jury Voir Dire
`Preliminary Jury Instructions
`Opening Statement by Mr. Andre
`Opening Statement by Mr. Kagan
`Direct Examination by Mr. Andre


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`Monday - December 10, 2018
` 7:32 a.m.
`P R O C E E D I N G S
`THE COURT: Good morning. We're here for trial.
`We'll get started.
`THE CLERK: Calling Civil Case Number 17-5659, Finjan,
`Inc. versus Juniper Networks.
`Will counsel please step forward and state your
`appearances for the record.
`MR. ANDRE: Good morning, Your Honor. Paul Andre
`Andre for Finjan. And with me today is Lisa Kobialka, James
`Hannah, and Cristina Martinez.
`THE COURT: Welcome to all of you.
`MR. KAGAN: Good morning, Your Honor. Jonathan Kagan,
`of Irell & Manella, for defendant Juniper Networks. With me at
`counsel table today are Rebecca Carson.
`MS. CARSON: Good morning.
`MR. KAGAN: Alan Heinrich.
`MR. HEINRICH: Good morning.
`MR. KAGAN: Josh Glucoft, and Casey Curran.
`MS. CURRAN: Good morning.
`THE COURT: Okay. I guess with all the lawyers here
`this case must be worth millions of dollars. That's the way a
`jury is going to see it. Always works that way.
`All right. We're here for trial. We're going to call the
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`jury in in 30 minutes, get started. I want you to know, the
`way I run the courtroom, we don't dawdle.
`So what issues do you want to take up before we bring in
`the potential jury?
`MR. KAGAN: Your Honor, the first issue that the
`defendant would like to raise regards to insufficiency or lack
`of sufficiency of the offer of proof that Your Honor ordered to
`be served at 5 o'clock on Friday.
`The offer of proof was -- Mr. Heinrich can go into more
`detail on this, but the offer of proof, which was on damages,
`failed to include certain items such as the amount of damages
`that Finjan is seeking in this case.
`And, in addition, it included reference to evidence that
`they were going to introduce to support its damages claim that
`this Court expressly ordered excluded by the Daubert motion.
`So, for example, they are seeking, as evidence to support
`their damages claim, revenues for the SRX device by itself,
`which this Court has already ordered is not an accused product
`in this case.
`So what they've done is continued to advance a defunct
`theory to support damages. And they're still trying to hide
`the ball in terms of what damages they're actually seeking and
`what the basis is for the damages claim, which is why we
`requested the offer of proof in the first place.
`THE COURT: Okay. What do you say?


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`MR. ANDRE: Your Honor, we're not asking for damages
`based on SRX alone. Just the opposite. We actually -- at the
`pretrial conference you ordered the defendants to produce a
`witness on the late-disclosed spreadsheet, the 17,000-page
`spreadsheet. And they represented they were just adding one
`column to their spreadsheet they produced back in April, you'll
`Turns out that one column, or maybe two columns, had
`60,000 rows that we found out as we took the deposition on
`Friday afternoon.
`THE COURT: Wait. Wait. You're saying in addition
`to -- in addition to one new column, which was previously
`blank, they added 60,000 new rows?
`MR. ANDRE: Yeah. The original spreadsheet had
`30,000 --
`THE COURT: Is that true?
`MR. HEINRICH: No, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: He said it's not true.
`MR. ANDRE: Well, we asked at deposition -- the
`original deposition spreadsheet had 30,000 rows; the new one
`had 90,000. Now, my math --
`THE COURT: What do you say to that?
`MR. HEINRICH: So, it's not correct --
`THE COURT: Anytime a lawyer starts with "so," that
`means they are in trouble.


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`MR. HEINRICH: No, Your Honor.
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`THE COURT: I've learned that the hard way. That
`means they don't want to give you a direct answer.
`Give me a direct answer. Is it true that there are more
`rows or not?
`THE COURT: He says no.
`All right. What else do you want to say?
`MR. ANDRE: We then talked to their witness and said,
`Tell us the revenues for the SRX and Sky ATP combined, both the
`ones you give away for free and ones you charge a license for.
`And she created two spreadsheets. One was the price of
`$15.9 million for those two combined. The other was
`7.2 million.
`The 7.2 was when they went back and tried to recalculate
`the free versions of the Sky ATP with SRX, the sales of SRX for
`7.2 million. So roughly over $23 million in revenue of
`spreadsheets that their witness created. They say that that is
`SRX by itself.
`We have the spreadsheets. We have the exhibits. And it
`says "Sky ATP and SRX." And that's the best that she could do.
`They said, well, she couldn't verify the accuracy of that
`information on their own spreadsheets. I'm like, well, she's a
`30(b)(6) witness. I don't know what else to do here.
`We found out that they have been advancing a total revenue
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`number of 1.8 million. And no one knows how they got to
`1.8 million. And we figured it out at this deposition.
`They had their expert write a piece of software, some
`script, to run a program to gin up this $1.8 million revenue
`based on average cost and expectation and whatnot.
`We've never been provided that piece of software or script
`to test it on our own and see even what it was about. But
`their witnesses or fact witnesses could not re-create that
`So not only do we have a lot of additional information on
`the spreadsheet that was produced very late in the case, then
`they used that spreadsheet, without us having access to it, to
`write a piece of software to gin up a number of $1.8 million,
`to sandbag us with our damages expert.
`We went in --
`THE COURT: Well, but even if it was 7.2, your number
`was 70 million. You still came up with an astronomical number.
`So how would the 7.2 even get you close to 70 million?
`MR. ANDRE: It wouldn't, Your Honor. We're not saying
`that. The 7.2 and the 15.9, the 23 million total, it would
`be -- still our number would be high. But the numbers we had
`in the original spreadsheets, you couldn't even decipher the
`23 million. The number we had in the original spreadsheet was
`several-hundred million. So our 60 to 70 million wasn't
`outrageous when you looked at the several-hundred million.


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`But we're not arguing that now. We're arguing this offer
`of proof. And this offer of proof is we took the deposition on
`Friday. Their witness came up with a couple of spreadsheets.
`They're objecting to the spreadsheet, saying she could not test
`the authenticity -- couldn't say that she was -- it was
`accurate numbers. She just couldn't tell. So that was their
`30(b)(6) witness.
`That's what they are saying that we are now offering SRX
`by itself.
`THE COURT: What do you say to this?
`MR. HEINRICH: So many inaccuracies.
`I'm going to start with the 7.2 million. So we provided a
`wealth of information in that spreadsheet. We were able to
`determine that there were only 120 SRX devices that were used
`in combination with Sky ATP during the damages period.
`So what we did is we used the Juniper financial
`information to determine the price and the net sales of those
`120 --
`THE COURT: How do you know if it was used or not?
`MR. HEINRICH: Well, because that information is in
`the Cloud. We're able to determine which devices actually --
`it's called bootstrap to Sky ATP.
`So our fact -- our engineers were able to write a script
`that derived that information, what were the devices actually
`bootstrapping to Sky ATP. And we used the serial number for


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`those devices, and we extracted financial information.
`And what we included in that financial information was
`information on the shipments that those units that were
`actually used in combination with Sky ATP were included in.
`So, for example, the customer orders 200 SRX devices. We're
`able to determine that only one of those devices was ever used
`in combination with Sky ATP.
`What they did is they included the entire revenues from
`those 200 devices to come up with their 7.2 million. They were
`manipulating the spreadsheet in a way that ignored the 120
`units that were actually used and, instead, included the
`revenues for all of the SRXs included together in the same
`And that's exactly the problem that -- I mean, it's the
`same problem that the Court resolved in the Daubert ruling,
`which is that they can't include revenues for SRX devices alone
`that were never used in combination with Sky ATP.
`That's just one example. The fundamental problem here is
`that their offer of proof confirms that they don't have a
`legally viable damages opinion. They say, oh, well, we can put
`on evidence of an $8 per user license.
`That's -- they already floated that theory in another
`trial. The Federal Circuit vacated the jury verdict because
`the Federal Circuit said they just plucked that out of thin


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`THE COURT: Which trial was that?
`MR. HEINRICH: That was the Finjan v. Blue Coat trial.
`THE COURT: That verdict got reversed.
`MR. HEINRICH: That's correct. Now they say they want
`to do the same $8 per user license model again. They're also
`saying a 32-cent-per-scan license, where they've never actually
`done a per-scan license at all. It's just another number that
`was plucked out of thin air as well. It fails under Finjan v.
`Blue Coat.
`Evidence -- they have a starting point license of
`8 percent for hardware. But now they say they want to apply
`that to the revenues for the entire security division of
`Juniper, which not only includes SRX devices alone, but it also
`includes the site for ATP appliance, that the Court excluded,
`but they cite for revenues in their offer of proof as the basis
`for a damages claim. They're flouting the Court's orders.
`They're ignoring and flouting the Federal Circuit's rulings.
`And the problem here is that in a few moments we're going
`to have folks coming in here, taking time away from work, away
`from their family, and their offer of proof confirms that they
`don't have a damages case that would withstand a Rule 50(a)
`motion. That's the problem.
`THE COURT: Well, there are other issues to try.
`MR. HEINRICH: If they --
`THE COURT: There's infringement to try.


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`MR. HEINRICH: If they don't have damages, then this
`whole case is moot. The patent is expired.
`THE COURT: Now that we have gotten this far, I'm not
`going to dismiss the jury.
`Look, I'm going to deny your motion. I'm going to explain
`It's not -- I want to tell Mr. Andre first, I have grave
`doubt that you're going to have a damages case after I hear it
`all. And I may have to direct a verdict against you on the
`issue of damages. I want to be very clear about that.
`Let's just start with one word: apportionment. All right.
`That right there may be a deal killer for you.
`But here's the problem: This is coming up to me out of
`left field by the defendant, and it's a problem that you caused
`by coming up with this last-minute spreadsheet that you
`yourself injected into it. So I allowed a deposition to try to
`cure your default with a last-minute disclosure.
`And then on Friday night -- this is Monday. I'm talking
`to the Court of Appeals now. This is Monday morning, at
`7:45 a.m. And -- on Friday -- is it Friday night? I think it
`was Friday night, Juniper filed this massive motion to knock
`out the entire damages case.
`I've done the best I can to assess it. I think there are
`a lot of good points in that motion. But is it good enough to
`say that they -- that I can cut them off at the knees now? No.


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`It may be. It may be that I will be convinced in
`Juniper's favor after hearing the evidence. So at the end of
`the plaintiff's case I may direct a motion for directed verdict
`on that issue. But we've got a lot of other issues to try in
`this case, and we're going to do it.
`This is Juniper trying to swing for the fences. You're
`trying to swing for the fences. You're trying to eliminate the
`fact that you may well infringe this thing, and avoid that.
`The jury may rule against you on that point. We're going to
`find out. So that motion is denied.
`However, again, Mr. Andre, don't take heart in this. I
`think you've got an uphill battle, and you may win on
`infringement but lose on damages because you don't have a case.
`You swung for the fences and struck out like Babe Ruth.
`So that's the end of that one.
`Now, what's next?
`MR. ANDRE: Your Honor, this is the deposition we took
`on Friday. And this is where the 60,000 lines come from.
`THE COURT: I don't want to hear about it now.
`MR. ANDRE: Okay.
`THE COURT: I want to say one other thing. I want to
`say one other thing.
`If we go all the way through and you lose in this case, it
`would be -- if you could genuinely prove to me that the people
`from Irell & Manella lied to you and lied to me, that would be


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`a grounds for a new trial if it was material. If it was
`material and they pulled the wool over my eyes in the way that
`you're accusing them of, maybe that would be a ground for a new
`trial. I would give that serious consideration.
`You patent lawyers do this to each other and to the judges
`all the time. You misdirect the Court. And I can't tell who's
`telling me the truth here. One of you is fudging, and I don't
`know who it is. But it's too -- I'm going to hear the
`evidence. I will understand it better at the end of the trial.
`And if it turns out you can demonstrate to me that in a
`material way Irell & Manella -- that's your firm; right? --
`that your firm misled me, that could be grounds for a new
`trial. So I put that out there.
`So we're -- your damages case, you can put it in to the
`jury the best -- you know, whatever you can muster. And it
`could be that at the end of that I'm going to say "not good
`enough." And it may be your remedy at the end is a motion for
`a new trial.
`I'm not going to say you're going to win it, Mr. Andre,
`I'm just saying to you, when I get these kinds of accusations
`of misconduct by the other side, it troubles me. And I don't
`know if you're telling me the truth or the other side, or
`whether or not that truth, if I finally understand it, would be
`material enough.
`But that's -- we're dealing -- all of this is coming to me


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`in a flurry over the weekend, and you expect me to sort it out
`in 30 minutes before the jury comes in? I can't do that.
`We're going to go through this. You put in your case as best
`you can.
`All right. What's the next issue?
`MR. ANDRE: Your Honor, I think the only thing that
`will probably come today is there are some objections to the
`demonstrative slides.
`THE COURT: Let's go through them. I looked at them
`briefly. I looked at them briefly.
`MR. ANDRE: If you have --
`THE COURT: All right. Number 1, Ugone, is that his
`MR. KAGAN: Ugone, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Ugone. What's wrong with letting him
`testify? You're --
`MR. ANDRE: Well, Your Honor, he's a rebuttal witness.
`THE COURT: That's a phony-baloney argument. Think of
`how phony that is.
`MR. ANDRE: Okay.
`THE COURT: You're saying that Ugone is relevant only
`if your guy testifies. Well, certainly would be if your guy
`testifies. But your guy's history now, because he swung for
`the fences and struck out. Or he did. Maybe you -- you


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`All right. So, then, okay. But I'm letting you put on a
`damages case anyway. Well, this is their response to your
`damages case.
`MR. ANDRE: That's fair enough, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: All right. Yeah, it is fair enough.
`MR. ANDRE: Thank you.
`THE COURT: Okay. What's the next problem?
`This one right here, I'm going to let them use it because
`if it turns out to be a lie, and you can prove it's a lie, then
`you're going to get a home run, probably, out of this case
`after all. So you should be praying that they put in a false
`statement. Okay. So I'm overruling that objection.
`Okay. What's next?
`MR. ANDRE: It is the accused product revenues.
`THE COURT: Yes, same thing.
`MR. ANDRE: Okay.
`THE COURT: Same thing.
`I want the other side to know I'm not here to protect
`Irell & Manella. I'm going to let them try to show that these
`numbers are as false as the day is long.
`And so I'm not saying that they are false, but it's not my
`job to protect you from discovery abuse or whatever. So no.
`If you can prove that these numbers are false, God bless you.
`Okay. Now, what's next? Noninfringing alternative. This
`one I do have a problem. Didn't I throw this out?
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`MR. ANDRE: You did, your Honor.
`THE COURT: We had an agreement here, right in the
`court, that this was not going to come into evidence.
`MR. KAGAN: No, Your Honor, there are two different
`THE COURT: See, this is the kind of slick behavior.
`I was right here and I heard you say noninfringing should come
`out; and you agreed.
`MR. KAGAN: Your Honor, what we agreed, there are two
`different motions in limine. The first was to exclude
`Dr. Cole, who is Finjan's expert, from talking about
`noninfringing alternatives because Your Honor had excluded the
`damages expert who is going to be discussing noninfringing.
`That was one motion, and that's what we had said was out.
`Our expert has his analysis of noninfringing alternatives,
`which is different than their expert's noninfringing
`THE COURT: I will consider it at the time he
`testifies, but this will not -- n-o-t -- be used in the opening
`MR. KAGAN: Yes, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: All right. Same thing on the next one,
`called "Juniper had many noninfringing alternatives."
`MR. KAGAN: Understood, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Maximum royalty. What's wrong with this?


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`MR. ANDRE: Your Honor, given previous rulings, we'll
`withdraw our objection to this.
`THE COURT: Thank you.
`Look at that. They're shaking hands. They're shaking
`hands. That's the first time I've seen that in this case.
`All right. Finjan's assertion of history for the '494.
`What's wrong with this one?
`MR. ANDRE: Well, a lot of these people we didn't have
`to assert the patents against. They say "settled." We didn't
`settle the case. We entered into a license agreement. We
`never sued them. This is just some false information on here.
`We had some cases, but they say "cases settled." And I don't
`think that's accurate.
`THE COURT: I don't understand your point. You're
`saying that some of these were never litigated?
`MR. ANDRE: I believe that's correct, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Was that after a demand letter?
`MR. ANDRE: Negotiations, yeah, talks. Your Honor,
`we'll -- if they want to play this game, we'll withdraw the
`THE COURT: Thank you.
`What's next?
`MR. ANDRE: Well, they're trying to put in an
`exhibit --
`THE COURT: By the way, you can explain that. You can
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`say that. You can say: They're going to put this chart up
`there. Be aware that those were never even litigated.
`What's next?
`MR. ANDRE: Last one is an email from John Garland.
`This is an exhibit that's not in evidence yet, and we're going
`to object to the exhibit most likely. Mr. Garland --
`THE COURT: Tell me, who is who here? I don't know
`these people.
`MR. ANDRE: John Garland, he is sitting back in the
`courtroom. He's our director of licensing. Not a good picture
`of him. They tend to do that as well.
`THE COURT: They probably went through -- I could see
`this was what they told the legal assistant: Go through that
`video and find the worse picture you can of Mr. Garland.
`I've had that happen in other cases. But it's not such a
`bad picture. What's wrong with that picture? That's not so
`bad. I'm not going to dig in on that ground.
`Okay. So it's a statement by your own guy. It's going to
`come into evidence. How can you avoid it not coming into
`MR. ANDRE: Well, it's not in evidence yet. And, you
`know, I think opening statement --
`THE COURT: What is your objection to it then? How
`can it not come into evidence? It's from your own guy.
`MR. ANDRE: Well, Your Honor, I think there is -- it's


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`not relevant to anything, because this is a statement by
`Mr. Garland to Juniper. And this is prejudicial, saying that
`he somehow reneged on the offer and accusing the other side
`from doing some bad behavior. I believe what they're going to
`try to do, Your Honor --
`THE COURT: It's your guy -- who is Scott, anyway?
`MR. ANDRE: He's the guy who recorded the phone
`conversation of Mr. Garland. I think they're going to try to
`explain that away by saying he recorded it because he wanted to
`protect himself because he thought Mr. Garland was being
`THE COURT: They can use this because it's so clearly
`going to come into evidence. They can use this slide in the
`opening statement.
`MR. ANDRE: Okay.
`THE COURT: Is that it?
`MR. ANDRE: That's it from our side.
`THE COURT: All right. Good. What else do I need to
`Tracy, would you call over there and see if the jurors are
`ready yet.
`THE CLERK: They are ready.
`THE COURT: Anything else before we bring in the jury?
`MR. ANDRE: Your Honor, I think the last thing is some
`deposition clips that were submitted to you.
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`THE COURT: Yes. I want to say something to you
`lawyers. Don't do it the way you did it. You were supposed to
`give me the hard copies with the color coding. And, instead,
`you took it upon yourself to send an email to my CRD that came
`in all redacted. I can hardly read it. It was blocked out.
`And I spent a lot of time on it, trying to read through the
`darkness, to see what you all were fighting over.
`And your excuse was, well, it was the weekend. Too bad.
`You've got to do it earlier than the weekends if you want it.
`Now, I read every one of those, and I'm overruling every
`objection to everything on the original one.
`Then after I go through all that trouble, my law clerk
`said, oh, they submitted a revised version which they
`I don't know what you stipulated to, but on the original
`version I overruled every objection. And I read every one of
`them, and it's proper testimony on both sides.
`So you all fix it up. I spent a lot of time. You've got
`to do it my way. You can't take it upon yourself to run the
`courtroom. All right. This applies to both of you.
`MR. ANDRE: And, Your Honor, I think the biggest issue
`was with the counter-designations --
`THE COURT: I'm not going to hear it. I've already
`ruled. They're all coming in.
`MR. ANDRE: Okay.


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`THE COURT: All right. I considered it. I considered
`your objection. You said it was not responsive, so forth. I
`thought it was responsive enough. Okay.
`Anything else?
`MR. KAGAN: Your Honor, there are some interrogatories
`that were going to be read into the record or that were
`THE COURT: Give them to me. I'm sorry, what do you
`want me to do with them?
`MR. KAGAN: Well, we may not need to deal with it
`right now because I don't believe they will be coming in
`immediately. But there were -- we've been having some
`difficulty working together in terms of getting the items to
`the Court. There are some corrections --
`THE COURT: Your thing has a handshake.
`THE COURT: You all are so good.
`MR. KAGAN: One thing we'll be able to agree at, by
`the end of trial, is that the maximum royalties in this case
`are less than a hundred thousand dollars and be able to shake
`on that.
`THE COURT: So what? $1, they get the $1. So what's
`your problem?
`MR. KAGAN: We don't have a problem with that. There
`were some interrogatory discovery responses submitted to the


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 335 Filed 12/17/18 Page 23 of 198
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`Court, and the package was not complete. Finjan submitted the
`package. There were some additional materials that weren't
`included in that.
`So perhaps our request from the Court is to have the
`parties try to work together to correct that situation so all
`the materials are submitted to the Court.
`THE COURT: Please do that. I want you to meet and
`confer and reduce to a minimum the problems you two have before
`you serve it up to me. But I will then give it priority
`treatment so you can be ready.
`You've got to give me enough time, at least overnight, to
`be able to rule on the objections.
`MR. KAGAN: Understood, Your Honor.
`MR. ANDRE: And, Your Honor, I think with the
`interrogatory responses, the one issue that has come up is they
`want to change one of their responses we intend to read.
`THE COURT: You do not get to change a response.
`MR. KAGAN: Your Honor, there was -- there was a
`typographical error on one --
`THE COURT: Too bad. You read it the way it is. And
`put the witness on the stand, and they can explain it away.
`They always say it's a typo.
`MR. KAGAN: Well --
`THE COURT: But no.
`MR. KAGAN: Understood.
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`THE COURT: All right.
`MR. KAGAN: The other problem was they have an
`interrogatory response where they want to submit the response.
`And they defined a term in a particular way in their
`interrogatory, and they don't want the jury to know the
`THE COURT: The definition has to be part of it.
`Obviously, you've got to read -- if a definition is used in the
`interrogatory, before you can read it to the jury you must read
`the definitions. Then you read the response.
`MR. KAGAN: We'll meet and confer and clean that up
`for the Court, Your Honor.
`MR. KAGAN: Your Honor, we do have -- you had asked
`for a binder of key documents. We have our binder.
`THE COURT: That's great. Thank you.
`All right.
`MR. ANDRE: Your Honor, is that board placed okay for
`you, the timeline you asked for?
`THE COURT: I can't read it from over here.
`MR. ANDRE: We can move it closer with an easel. We
`didn't know if you were using that easel for the voir dire.
`THE COURT: We don't need -- we'll find a good place
`for the timeline.
`Tracy, can you bring the names and all that over.


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`By the way, the way this is going to work is that -- a
`couple of things to be aware of. Couple of things to be aware

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