Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 182-10 Filed 08/20/18 Page 1 of 21
`Examiner: Christopher A. Revak
`Art Unit:
`In Re Patent Application of:
`Yigal Mordechai Edery
`Nimrod Itzhak Vered
`David R. Kroll
`Application No: 11/159,455
`June 22, 2005
`Commissioner for Patents
`P. 0. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`UNDER 37 C.F.R. §1.111
`In response to the Office Action dated February 25, 2009,
`applicants respectfully request that the above-identified application be
`amended as follows:
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`Please replace the first paragraph on page 2
`with the following:
`This application is a continuation of and incorporates
`by reference patent application serial number 09/861,229, now U.S.
`patent number 7,058,822, which claims benefit of reference provisional
`application serial number 60/205,591 entitled "Computer Network
`Malicious Code Runtime Monitoring," filed on May 17, 2000 by inventors
`Nimrod Itzhak Vered, et al.
`This application also incorporates by
`reference the provisional application serial number 60/205,591. This
`application is also a Continuation-In-Part of and hereby incorporates by
`reference patent application serial number 09/539,667, now U.S. Patent
`No. 6,804,780, entitled "System and Method for Protecting a Computer
`and a Network from Hostile Downloadables" filed on March 30, 2000 by
`inventor Shlomo Touboul. This application is also a Continuation-In­
`Part of and hereby incorporates by reference patent application serial
`number 09/551,302, now U.S. Patent No. 6,480,962, entitled "System
`and Method for Protecting a Client During Runtime From Hostile
`Downloadables", filed on April 18, 2000 by inventor Shlomo Touboul.
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`Please cancel claims 29, 60 and 76 without prejudice.
`Please substitute the following claims for the pending
`claims with the same number:
`1. ( currently amended)
`processor-based method,
`receiving, by a computer, downloadable-information;
`determininq, by the computer, whether the downloadable­
`information includes executable code; and
`based upon the determination, transmitting from the
`computer causing mobile protection code to be communicated to at least one
`downloadable-information is determined to include executable code.
`2. (previously presented)
`The method of claim 1, wherein the receiving
`includes monitoring received information of an information re-communicator.
`3. (previously presented)
`The method of claim 2, wherein the information
`re-communicator is a network server.
`4. (previously presented)
`The method of
`claim 1, wherein
`determining comprises analyzing the downloadable-information for an
`included type indicator indicating an executable file type.
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`5. (previously presented)
`The method of
`claim 1, wherein
`determining comprises analyzing the downloadable-information for an
`included type detector indicating an archive file that contains at least one
`6. (previously presented)
`The method of
`claim 1, wherein
`determining comprises analyzing the downloadable-information for an
`included file type indicator and an information pattern corresponding to one
`or more information patterns that tend to be included within executable
`7. (currently amended)
`The method of claim 1, further comprising
`receiving, by the computer, one or more executable code characteristics of
`executable code that is capable of being executed by the information­
`destination, and wherein the determining is conducted in accordance with the
`executable code characteristics.
`8. - 15. (canceled)
`16. (currently amended)
`computer processor-based
`computer security, the system comprising
`information monitor
`receiving downloadable­
`information by a computer;
`a content inspection engine communicatively coupled to the
`information monitor for determining, by the computer, whether the
`downloadable-information includes executable code; and
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`a protection agent engine communicatively coupled to the
`content inspection engine for causing mobile protection code ("MPC") to be
`communicated by the computer to at least one information-destination of the
`downloadable-information, if the downloadable-information is determined to
`include executable code.
`17. (previously presented) The
`system of claim 16, wherein
`information monitor
`intercepts received
`received by an
`information re-communicator.
`18. (previously presented) The
`system of claim 17, wherein
`information re-communicator is a network server.
`19. (previously presented) The system of claim 16, wherein the content
`inspection engine comprises a file type detector for determining whether the
`includes a
`indicating an
`executable file type.
`20. (previously presented) The system of claim 16, wherein the content
`inspection engine comprises a parser for parsing the downloadable­
`information and a content analyzer communicatively coupled to the parser
`for determining whether one or more downloadable-information elements of
`the downloadable-information correspond with executable code elements.
`21. - 27. (canceled)
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`28. (currently amended)
`A processor-based
`security, the system comprising:
`means for receiving downloadable-information;
`for determining whether
`the downloadable­
`information includes executable code; and
`for causing mobile protection code
`to be
`communicated to at least one information-destination of the downloadable­
`if the downloadable-information
`is determined to
`executable code.
`29. (canceled)
`30. (currently amended)
`A computer program product, comprising a
`computer usable medium having a computer readable program code therein,
`the computer readable program code adapted to be executed for computer
`security, the processor based method, comprising:
`providing a system, wherein the system comprises distinct
`software modules, and wherein the distinct software modules comprise an
`information re-communicator and a mobile code executor:
`receiving, at a-A
`downloadable-information including executable code; and
`causing mobile protection code to be executed by [[a]] the
`mobile code executor at a downloadable-information destination such that
`one or more operations of the executable code at the destination,
`attempted, will be processed by the mobile protection code.
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`31. (previously presented) The method of claim 30, wherein the mobile
`code executor is a Java Virtual Machine.
`32. (previously presented) The method of claim 30, wherein the mobile
`code executor is the operating system, running native code executables.
`33. (previously presented) The method of claim 30, wherein the mobile
`code executor is a subsystem of the operating system.
`34. (previously presented) The method of claim 30, wherein the mobile
`code executor is a scripting host.
`35. - 43. (canceled)
`43. (previously presented) The method of claim 30, wherein the re­
`communicator is at least one of a firewall and a network server.
`44. - 45. (canceled)
`46. (previously presented) The method claim 30, wherein executing the
`mobile protection code at the destination causes downloadable interfaces to
`resources at the destination to be modified such that at least one attempted
`operation of the executable code is diverted to the mobile protection code.
`47. (currently amended)
`for computer
`security, the system comprising :
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`receiving means for receiving, at an
`information re­
`of a
`computer, downloadable-information,
`executable code; and
`mobile code means communicatively coupled to the
`receiving means for causing. by the computer. mobile protection code to be
`executed by a mobile code executor at a downloadable-information
`destination such that one or more operations of the executable code at the
`destination, if attempted, will be processed by the mobile protection code.
`48. (previously presented) The system of claim 47, wherein the mobile
`code executor is a Java Virtual Machine.
`49. (previously presented) The system of claim 47, wherein the mobile
`code executor is an operating system, running native code executables.
`SO. (previously presented) The system of claim 47, wherein the mobile
`code executor is a subsystem of the windows operating system.
`51. (previously presented) The system of claim 47, wherein the mobile
`code executor is a scripting host.
`52. - 57. (canceled)
`58. (previously presented) The system of claim 47, wherein the re­
`communicator is at least one of a firewall and a network server.
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`59. (previously presented) The system of claim 47, wherein executing the
`mobile protection code at the destination causes downloadable interfaces to
`resources at the destination to be modified such that at least one attempted
`operation of the executable code is diverted to the mobile protection code.
`60. (canceled)
`61. (currently amended)
`A processor-based method, comprising:
`receiving a sandboxed package that
`includes mobile
`protection code ("MPC") and a Downloadable and one or more protection
`policies at a computer at a Downloadable-destination;
`causing, by the MPC on the computer, one or more
`operations attempted by the Downloadable to be received by the MPC;
`receiving, by the M PC on the computer, an attempted
`operation of the Downloadable; and
`initiating, by the MPC on the computer, a protection policy
`corresponding to the attempted operation.
`62. (canceled)
`63. (previously presented) The method of
`claim 61, wherein
`sandboxed package is configured such that the MPC is executed first, the
`Downloadable is executed by the MPC and the protection policies are
`accessible to the MPC.
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`64. (previously presented) The method of claim 61, wherein the causing
`comprises modifying, by
`the MPC,
`interfaces of a corresponding
`downloadable to resources at the destination.
`65. (previously presented) The method of claim 64, wherein the modifying
`is accomplished by initiating a loading of the Downloadable, thereby causing
`a mobile code executor to provide and initialize the interfaces, modifying one
`or more interface elements to divert corresponding attempted Downloadable
`operations to the MPC, and initiating execution of the Downloadable.
`66. (previously presented) The method of claim 64, wherein the interfaces
`comprise an
`import address table ("IAT") of a native code executable
`67. (previously presented) The method of claim 64, wherein modifying the
`installs a
`filter-driver between the downloadable and the
`68. (currently amended)
`A processor-based
`security. the system comprising:
`a mobile code executor on a computer
`received mobile code; and
`a sandboxed package capable of being received and
`initiated by the mobile code executor on the computer, the sandboxed
`package including a Downloadable and mobile protection code ("MPC") for
`causing one or more Downloadable operations to be intercepted by the
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`computer and for processing the intercepted operations by the computer, if
`the Downloadable attempts to initiate the operations.
`69. (currently amended)
`The system of claim 68, wherein the MPC
`an MPC installer for causing MPC elements to be installed;
`a Downloadable installer communicatively coupled to the
`MPC element installer for installing the Downloadable;
`a resource access diverter communicatively coupled to the
`MPC installer for causing the Downloadable operations to be intercepted;
`a resource access analyzer communicatively coupled to the
`MPC installer for receiving an intercepted Downloadable operation and
`determining a protection policy corresponding
`Downloadable operation; and
`a policy enforcer communicatively coupled to the resource
`access analyzer for processing the intercepted Downloadable operation.
`70. (previously presented) The system of claim 69, wherein the resource
`access diverter modifies one or more elements of an interface usable by the
`Downloadable to effectuate the Downloadable operations.
`71. (previously presented) The system of claim 69, wherein the mobile
`code-executor is a Java Virtual Machine.
`72. (previously presented) The system of claim 69, wherein the mobile
`code executor is an operating system, running native code executables.
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`73. (previously presented) The system of claim 69, wherein the mobile
`code executor is a subsystem of the operating system.
`74. (previously presented) The system of claim 69, wherein the mobile
`code executor is a scripting host.
`75. (currently amended)
`A processor-based
`security. the system comprising:
`receiving means for receiving a sandboxed package that
`include includes mobile protection code ("MPC") and a Downloadable and one
`or more protection policies at a Downloadable-destination;
`monitoring means for causing, by the MPC, one or more
`operations attempted by the Downloadable to be received by the MPC;
`second receiving means receiving, by
`the MPC, an
`attempted operation of the Downloadable; and
`initiating means for initiating, by the MPC, a protection
`policy corresponding to the attempted operation.
`76. (canceled)
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`Applicants have carefully studied the outstanding Office
`Action. The present amendment is intended to place the application in
`condition for allowance and is believed to overcome all of the objections and
`rejections made by the Examiner. Favorable reconsideration and allowance
`of the application are respectfully requested.
`The undersigned representative reminds the Examiner that
`a Preliminary Response was filed on June 22, 2005. Those arguments have
`not been considered and have been incorporated herein.
`Applicants have canceled claims 29, 60 and 76, and have
`amended claims 1 - 7, 16, 28, 20, 47, 61, 68, 69 and 75 to more properly
`claim the present invention. No new matter has been introduced. Claims 1
`- 7, 16 - 20, 28, 30 - 34, 43, 46 - 51, 58, 59, 61 and 63 - 75 are
`presented for examination.
`In Paragraph 1 of the Office Action, the Examiner has
`objected to the specification because an informality. Applicants have
`amended the specification accordingly.
`In Paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Office Action, the Examiner
`has rejected claims 1 - 7, 16 - 20, 28 - 34, 43, 46 - 51, 58 - 61 and 63
`- 76 on the ground of non-statutory obviousness-type double patenting as
`being unpatentable over claims 1 - 35 of U.S. Patent No. 7,058,822.
`Although the Examiner also listed 62 under this rejection, that claim was
`previously canceled. Applicants are accordingly filing a terminal disclaimer
`concurrent with this response.
`In Paragraphs 4 and 5 of the Office Action, the Examiner
`has rejected claims 1, 2, 4 - 7, 16, 17, 19, 20, 28, 30 - 34, 46 - 51, 59,
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`61 and 63 - 76 under 35 U.S.C. §101 as being directed to non-statutory
`matter. Although the Examiner also listed claims 8, 52 - 57 and 62 under
`this rejection,
`those claims were previously canceled.
`applicants have amended all of the pending claims in view of controlling
`case law, including Ex Parte Bo Li, Appeal No. 2008-1213 (BPAI Nov. 6,
`In Paragraphs 6 and 7 of the Office Action, the Examiner
`has rejected claims 1 - 7, 16 - 20, 28 - 34, 43, 46 - 51, 58 - 61 and 63
`- 76 under 35 U.S.C. §102(e) as being anticipated by Golan, U.S. Patent
`No. 5,974,549 ("Golan"). Although the Examiner also listed claim 62 under
`this rejection, that claim was previously canceled. Applicants have canceled
`claims 29, 60 and 76 without acquiescence to the Examiner's reasons for
`rejection, and respectfully submit that rejection of these claims is thus
`rendered moot. Therefore only claims 1 - 7, 16 - 20, 28, 30 - 34, 43, 46
`- 51, 58, 59, 61 and 63 - 75 remain rejected in these Paragraphs under
`35 U.S.C. § 1 02(e).
`Distinctions between Claimed Invention and U.S. Patent No.
`5,974,549 to Golan
`The claimed invention
`rovides a
`of mobil
`rotection code with a downloadable intended for a destination com uter
`when the downloadable is deemed sus icious The acka e is structured so
`that when it is received at its intended destination com uter the mobile
`protection code
`is executed prior to executing the downloadable, as
`illustrated in elements 340 - 343 of FIGS. 3 and 4 of the present
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`Golan describes a security monitor that creates a sandbox
`around an application, such as a web browser, and controls the behavior of
`software components, such as ActiveX controls, that are operative in
`conjunction with the application. Specifically, Golan re-directs API calls of
`the application and the software components to corresponding monitored API
`functions (Golan/ FIGS. 10 and 14). Golan also re-directs non-API calls of
`the software components, in order to further protect against indirect calls to
`API functions (Golan/ FIGS. 11 and 15). Re-direction of API and non-API
`calls is performed by modifying function addresses within function import
`tables (Golan/ FIG. 4).
`In distinction with the claimed invention, Golan does not
`describe the packaging of protection code.
`Instead, Golan discusses a
`situation whereby a security monitor
`is already resident on a client
`computer, as illustrated in FIGS. 2, 5 and 9 of Golan, without concerning
`itself as to how the security monitor was installed. In fact, prima facie the
`methodology of the claimed invention, of packaging mobile protection code
`with downloadable information, seems wasteful and counter-intuitive, since
`such protection code is typically re-transmitted to the client computer many
`times - in particular, each time a downloadable with executable code is
`downloaded. However, the advantage of this methodology is control over
`the ability to customize the mobile protection code and to update it as
`necessary, thus obviating the need for a user to be responsible for ensuring
`that his security code be appropriate to his computer and up to date.
`Response to Examiner's Arguments
`In Paragraph 7 of the Office Action, the Examiner, citing
`col. 2, lines 12 - 28, col. 3, lines 45 - 58 and col. 4, line 50 - col. 5, line 14
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`of Golan, indicated that Golan discloses " ... causing mobile protection code to
`be communicated to one information-destination of the downloadable
`if the downloadable-information
`is determined to
`executable code. " Applicants respectfully submit that Golan does not
`describe causing mobile protection code, which corresponds to Golan's
`security monitor, to be communicated.
`The rejections of claims 1 - 7, 16 - 20, 28 - 34, 43, 46
`- 51, 58 - 61 and 63 - 76 in pars. 6 and 7 of the Office Action will now be
`dealt with specifically.
`As to amended
`independent claim 1 for a computer­
`readable storage medium, applicants respectfully submit that the limitation
`in claim 1 of
`"based upon the determination, transmitting from the
`computer mobile protection code to at least one information-destination of
`the downloadable-information, if the downloadable-information is determined
`to include executable code"
`is neither shown nor suggested in Golan, as explained hereinabove.
`Because claims 2 - 7 depend from claim 1 and include
`additional features, applicants respectfully submit that claims 2 - 7 are not
`anticipated or rendered obvious by Golan.
`Accordingly claims 1 - 7 are deemed to be allowable.
`As to amended independent claim 16 for a computer­
`readable storage medium, applicants respectfully submit that the limitation
`in claim 16 of
`"a protection agent engine communicatively coupled to the
`content inspection engine for causing mobile protection code ("MPC") to be
`communicated by the computer to at least one information-destination of the
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`downloadable-information, if the downloadable-information is determined to
`include executable code"; and
`is neither shown nor suggested in Golan.
`Because claims 17 - 20 depend from claim 16 and include
`additional features, applicants respectfully submit that claims 17 - 20 are
`not anticipated or rendered obvious by Golan.
`Accordingly claims 16 - 20 are deemed to be allowable.
`As to amended independent claim 28 for a computer­
`readable storage medium, applicants respectfully submit that the limitation
`in claim 28 of
`"means for causing mobile protection code
`to be
`communicated to at least one information-destination of the downloadable­
`if the downloadable-information
`is determined to
`executable code"
`is neither shown nor suggested in Golan.
`Accordingly claim 28 is deemed to be allowable.
`As to amended independent claim 30 for a computer­
`readable storage medium, applicants respectfully submit that the limitation
`in claim 30 of
`"causing, by the processor of the computer, mobile
`protection code to be executed by a mobile code executor at a
`downloadable-information destination such that one or more operations of
`the executable code at the destination, if attempted, will be processed by the
`mobile protection code"
`is neither shown nor suggested in Golan.
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`Because claims 31 - 34, 43, and 46 depend from claim 30
`and include additional features, applicants respectfully submit that claims 31
`- 34, 43 and 46 are not anticipated or rendered obvious by Golan.
`Accordingly claims 30 - 34, 43 and 46 are deemed to be
`As to amended independent claim 47 for a computer­
`readable storage medium, applicants respectfully submit that the limitation
`in claim 47 of
`"mobile code means communicatively coupled to the
`receiving means for causing, by the computer, mobile protection code to be
`executed by a mobile code executor at a downloadable-information
`destination such that one or more operations of the executable code at the
`destination, if attempted, will be processed by the mobile protection code"
`is neither shown nor suggested in Golan.
`Because claims 48 - 51, 58 and 59 depend from claim 47
`and include additional features, applicants respectfully submit that claims 48
`- 51, 58 and 59 are not anticipated or rendered obvious by Golan.
`Accordingly claims 47 - 51, 58 and 59 are deemed to be
`As to amended independent claim 61 for a computer­
`readable storage medium, applicants respectfully submit that the limitation
`in claim 61 of
`"receiving a sandboxed package that includes mobile
`protection code ("MPC") and a Downloadable and one or more protection
`policies at a computer at a Downloadable-destination"
`is neither shown nor suggested in Golan. In rejecting claim 62 on page 7 of
`the Office Action, the Examiner cited Golan, col. 1, lines 34 - 43; col. 2, lines
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`12 - 28; and col. 5, lines 60 - 67. Applicants respectfully submit that,
`although Golan does describe a sandbox, the limitation of a sandboxed
`package that includes mobile protection code and a Downloadable and one or
`more protection policies does not appear at the locations cited.
`Because claims 63 - 67 depend from claim 61 and include
`additional features, applicants respectfully submit that claims 63 - 67 are
`not anticipated or rendered obvious by Golan.
`Accordingly claims 6 1 and 63 - 67 are deemed to be
`As to amended independent claim 68 for a computer­
`readable storage medium, applicants respectfully submit that the limitation
`in claim 68 of
`"a sandboxed package capable of being received and
`initiated by the mobile code executor on the computer, the sandboxed
`package including a Downloadable and mobile protection code ("MPC") for
`causing one or more Downloadable operations to be intercepted by the
`computer and for processing the intercepted operations by the computer, if
`the Downloadable attempts to initiate the operations"
`is neither shown nor suggested in Golan.
`In rejecting claim 68, the
`Examiner cited Golan, col. 1, lines 34 - 43; col. 2, lines 12 - 28; col. 3, lines
`45 - 58; col. 4, line 50 through col. 5, line 14; and col. 5, lines 60 - 67.
`Applicants respectfully submit that, although Golan does describe a sandbox,
`the limitation of a sandboxed package including a Downloadable and mobile
`protection code does not appear at the locations cited.
`Because claims 69 - 74 depend from claim 68 and include
`additional features, applicants respectfully submit that claims 69 - 74 are
`not anticipated or rendered obvious by Golan.
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`Accordingly claims 68 - 74 are deemed to be allowable.
`As to independent system claim 75, applicants respectfully
`submit that the limitation in claim 75 of
`"receiving means for receiving a sandboxed package that
`include mobile protection code ("MPC") and a Downloadable and one or more
`protection policies at a Downloadable-destination"
`is neither shown nor suggested in Golan.
`Accordingly claim 75 is deemed to be allowable.
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`The undersigned
`respectfully submits
`application is in condition for allowance, and such disposition is earnestly
`solicited. If the Examiner believes that the prosecution might be advanced
`by discussing the application with the undersigned representative, in person
`or over the telephone, we welcome the opportunity to do so. In addition, if
`any additional fees are required in connection with the filing of this response,
`the Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge the same to Deposit
`Account 50-4402.
`Respectfully submitted,
`Date: May 26, 2009
`1700 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 200
`Washington, DC 20006
`( 202) 626-8980
`By: /Eric Sophir, Reg. No. 48,499/
`Eric L. Sophir
`Registration No. 48,499
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