Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 171-25 Filed 07/27/18 Page 1 of 7






`Exhibit 30


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 171-25 Filed 07/27/18 Page 2 of 7
`Advanced Threat Prevention
`Advanced threat and malware detection, consolidated security analytics, and quick threat mitigation
`Organizations in sensitive or
`regulated industries that rely on
`first-line-of-defense security
`solutions are facing considerable
`risks. They need a new type of
`on-premise solution that can
`provide shared threat intelligence
`from the cloud.
`An advanced threat detection
`appliance, deployed locally and
`offering flexible deployment
`options, dynamic advanced
`attack analytics, and anti-
`malware techniques provides
`comprehensive protection
`against a sophisticated, ever-
`changing threat landscape.
`• Works across multiple
`locations, managed as a single
`• Protects against Web, e-mail,
`and lateral threats
`• Correlates and aggregates
`events and logs from multiple
`sources to add context
`• Provides a consolidated view
`of every incident and related
`events affecting targeted hosts
`• Offers one-touch mitigation
`to block attacks and isolate
`infected hosts
`The definition of a comprehensive security intelligence solution that detects, analyzes, and
`remediates advanced cybersecurity threats has changed in recent years. Organizations
`not only need deep and real-time visibility into their environment to detect cybersecurity
`attacks, their security teams must also be able to rapidly take remedial action to mitigate
`or eliminate discovered threats across the network.
`These organizations realize that network complexity and a lack of real-time security
`analytics influence the time it takes to respond effectively to detected threats. Traditional
`inline security devices, which use rules and signatures to make allow/block decisions, and
`systems that generate large numbers of alerts from several security devices negatively
`impact the effectiveness and productivity of security teams, increasing security risk
`levels. What’s needed are systems that continually learn about new threats and provide
`comprehensive and consolidated security analytics that allow security teams to detect and
`react to attacks faster, and with a better understanding of what they are facing.
`It’s equally important that customers have the flexibility to deploy solutions that best
`suit their needs. Customers who value the privacy of data and are reluctant to upload
`sensitive documents for analysis should have the option to deploy advanced threat
`solutions on-premise.
`The Challenge
`Sophisticated cyber criminals continue to evolve their techniques. In fact, most malware is
`seen only once, showing how quickly hackers modify their code packaging to make it look
`different enough to avoid detection by inline defenses that rely on rules and signatures to
`identify malicious code that has been seen and disseminated repeatedly. Attackers only
`have to succeed once to be successful, making it essential to empower security analysts
`and incident responders with the best defense strategies.
`According to the Verizon 2017 Data Breach Investigations Report, 75% of data breaches
`are attributed to external actors, while 73% of attacks were financially motivated. Cyber
`attackers continue to employ evasive, multipronged attacks that security teams can’t
`respond to quickly because they lack a holistic view of events.
`Their options are limited. They can continue relying on traditional inline systems, but that
`means there is a good chance that they will miss critical threats and alerts. If they perform
`deeper threat inspection, they introduce significant latency to the process, increasing the
`risk to the organization and compromising user experience and productivity.
`The Juniper Networks Advanced Threat Prevention Appliance
`Juniper Networks® Advanced Threat Prevention Appliance is an open, scalable software
`platform, available in both physical and virtual form factors, that works with the security
`products you already have in place to accelerate the productivity of security analysts
`and incident responders. Deployed quickly and easily, the ATP Appliance bolsters your
`organization’s security posture by offering advanced threat detection, consolidated security
`analytics, and one-touch threat mitigation to defend against advanced threats.
`Solution Brief


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 171-25 Filed 07/27/18 Page 3 of 7
`The ATP Appliance improves the productivity of security teams
`by detecting threats across Web, e-mail, and lateral traffic,
`ingesting logs from security devices throughout the network to
`present a consolidated view of all threats in the environment.
`The system collects information from multiple attack vectors,
`then uses advanced machine learning and behavioral analysis
`technologies to discover advanced threats. Detected threats are
`combined with data ingested from other security tools, analyzed,
`correlated by an internal analytics engine, and then presented to
`security analysts with a consolidated timeline view of all events
`related to the infected host. Once threats are discovered, “one-
`touch” policy updates are pushed to inline tools, strengthening
`them against a recurrence of advanced attacks.
`The ATP Appliance solution features three key components:
`1. Detection: The ATP Appliance monitors network traffic
`to identify external and internal threats such as exploits,
`malware downloads, and command and control (C&C)
`communications as they progress along the kill chain. It
`uses a multistage threat analysis process that includes
`static analysis, payload analysis, machine learning, and
`behavior and malware reputation analysis. The threat
`analysis process continuously adapts to the changing threat
`landscape using Juniper Global Security Services (GSS),
`which is updated with threat detection and mitigation
`data produced by Juniper ATP Labs, a team of security
`researchers, data scientists, and ethical hackers.
`2. Advanced Threat Analytics: The ATP Appliance provides
`a holistic view of identity information and threat activity
`gathered from diverse sources such as Active Directory,
`endpoint antivirus, firewalls, secure Web gateways, intrusion
`detection systems, and endpoint detection and response
`Capabilities, Features, and Benefits
`Table 1. ATP Appliance Features and Benefits.
`tools. By looking at the data, identifying advanced malicious
`traits, and correlating the events, the ATP Appliance
`provides complete visibility into the threat kill chain. A host
`and user timeline provides an overview of the events that
`have occurred on the host or to the user, focused around the
`day-to-day workflow of Tier 1 and Tier 2 security analysts
`who work on triaging and investigating malware incidents.
`3. Mitigation: The ATP Appliance‘s one-touch mitigation
`capability, performed through Juniper Networks SRX
`Series Services Gateways, gives organizations the ability to
`automatically mitigate threats inline and isolate infected
`hosts. The ATP Appliance also provides the ability to
`automatically quarantine e-mails on Google and Office 365
`using REST APIs. Communications between an infected
`endpoint and the command and control servers are blocked
`by pushing malicious IP addresses to firewall devices. The
`appliance can also work with SRX Series firewalls to isolate
`infected hosts. The ATP Appliance‘s open API architecture
`allows it to integrate with other security vendors to
`automatically mitigate threats.
`Advanced Threat Analytics
`Advanced Threat Detection
`One-Touch Threat Mitigation
`Figure 1: Juniper Networks Advanced Threat Prevention Appliance
`Multivector traffic inspection
`File upload
`Features and Benefits
`Inspects traffic across multiple vectors such as Web, e-mail, and lateral spread
`Inspects and analyzes files uploaded through the Web console
`Key operating systems supported
`• Supports Windows, MacOS
`Multiple file type analytics
`Effective detection techniques
`• Analyzes multiple file types including executables, DLL, Mach-o, Dmg, PDF, Office, Flash, ISO,
`ELF, RTF, APK, Silverlight, Archive, JAR
`Includes detection techniques such as exploit detection, payload analysis, C&C detection,
`YARA, and SNORT rules
`Extensive data correlation
`• Correlates events across kill chain stages to monitor threat progress and risk
`Contextual threat prioritization
`• Prioritizes threats based on risk score calculated from threat severity, threat progress, value of
`asset, and other contextual data
`Host behavior timeline
`• Provides timeline view of host to offer context about malware events that have occurred
`Comprehensive third-party API support
`Includes comprehensive and well-documented APIs that allow easy integration with third-party
`security devices
`Extensive automatic threat mitigation
`• Automatically works with most security vendors to block malicious IP addresses and URLs
`E-mail security on Office 365 and Gmail
`• Automatically quarantines e-mails on Office 365 and Gmail
`Endpoint integration
`• Uploads files from Carbon Black Response and Carbon Black Protect
`• Produces executive reports to help CISOs understand the overall malware activity within the
`• Provides detailed technical reports to track security incidents and infected hosts
`Advanced Threat Prevention Appliance
`Solution Brief


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 171-25 Filed 07/27/18 Page 4 of 7
`Use Cases
`The following three key use cases demonstrate how the ATP
`Appliance can protect your organization.
`Use Case 1: Advanced On-Premise Threat
`Protection for Highly Distributed Organizations
`Most large organizations have employees spread across multiple
`office locations, making it difficult for security teams to build a
`distributed, multisite security architecture that can be managed
`as a single system. This use case looks at how the ATP Appliance
`protects distributed organizations against advanced attacks that
`elude the first line of defense.
`Advanced Cyber Attacks and Their Growing Damage: Security
`teams are hard-pressed to stop advanced malware attacks,
`especially when trying to protect thousands of employees across
`multiple locations. Each location has different requirements
`when it comes to form factor and available resources, and such
`practical considerations must be taken into account to ensure
`that all locations are protected. Cyber attackers look for the
`weakest link to penetrate a network; most often, malware is
`delivered via e-mail or Web traffic (or a combination of both) and
`quickly spreads laterally once a host is compromised. Eventually,
`communications with a C&C server are established, enabling
`attackers to pursue their objectives of surveillance and theft.
`The Juniper Solution: The ATP Appliance is an innovative,
`distributed, software-layer solution that safeguards your
`organization and addresses the critical detection gaps in your
`security architecture. The appliance collects, correlates, and
`analyzes Web, e-mail (including cloud-based), and lateral-
`spread traffic throughout the network, using advanced detection
`technology to quickly alert security teams. The ATP Appliance
`includes a multistage detection engine with payload analysis
`(powered by machine learning and behavioral detection),
`heuristic-based exploit detection, and ransomware-focused
`threat identification, giving users the ability to customize
`detections via Snort and YARA rules.
`The ATP Appliance also features a distributed architecture and
`centralized management, giving you the flexibility to leverage
`VMs, commercial servers, and cloud resources to ensure that all
`locations and users are protected.
`Use Case 2: Advanced Threat Protection for
`Enterprise E-Mail
`E-mail continues to be the go-to delivery vehicle for cyber
`attacks. Whether your organization use an on-premise or cloud-
`based e-mail system, these channels need to be secured. This
`use case shows how the ATP Appliance, with its integrated
`advanced threat detection fabric, helps you defend against these
`attacks to maintain productivity, establish comprehensive and
`advanced protection, and ensure that compliance obligations are
`being met.
`Continued Dependence and Dangers Associated with E-Mail:
`While many aspects of IT have experienced a fundamental
`paradigm shift in recent years, one reality remains: e-mail
`continues to be the primary tool for personal and business
`communications. Organizations typically employ inline security
`tools that rely on static, rules-based approaches to protect on-
`premise e-mail systems. Without a solution that can correlate
`intelligence across multiple threat vectors such as endpoints,
`Web, and e-mail to quickly respond to threats, security teams
`must perform deep inspection which introduces considerable
`latency, increases security risks, and compromises productivity.
`The Juniper Solution: The ATP Appliance detects malicious
`attachments and URL links and can automatically quarantine
`dangerous e-mails in near real time. Its flexible implementation
`allows it to integrate easily with any existing cloud-based e-mail
`system, including Microsoft Office 365 or Google Gmail, without
`having to change any network or e-mail infrastructure, including
`routing and mail exchanger (MX) records.
`The rich intelligence correlation on the ATP Appliance gives your
`team a single management console for viewing and tracking
`threats, including those coming through e-mail and Web traffic.
`The ATP Appliance also delivers robust scalability, with a
`capacity to process up to 2.4 million e-mails a day.
`Use Case 3: Advanced Threat Analytics for Insight
`into Compromised Users and Endpoints
`For many security teams, fighting cyber attacks is only part of
`the battle; they also struggle with their current tools and their
`limited expertise. This use case shows how the ATP Appliance
`aggregates distributed security intelligence gathered throughout
`the network to gain a unified, contextual view and timeline
`of all activities related to advanced attacks on users and
`endpoint devices, reducing workloads for second-level staff and
`maximizing existing investments.
`Demand for Unified Visibility and Context: Organizations
`spend considerable time manually collecting, aggregating, and
`correlating data from different tools and resources. When threats
`are detected, teams are forced to scramble to answer critical
`questions such as which host and user were infected, did any
`device block the threat, and whether the threat has spread. Not
`only do security teams dedicate a lot of time and effort to these
`activities, they lack any threat context or alert prioritization,
`placing an additional burden on the staff to optimize their ability
`to analyze and respond to security alerts.
`The Juniper Solution: The ATP Appliance provides a holistic view
`of threat activity from diverse sources such as Active Directory,
`endpoint antivirus, firewalls, secure Web gateways, intrusion
`detection systems, and endpoint detection and response tools.
`The ATP Appliance fully automates the collection, correlation,
`and analysis of logs, events, and alerts, providing response teams
`with rich data that includes the threat context, the host identity,
`Advanced Threat Prevention Appliance
`Solution Brief


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 171-25 Filed 07/27/18 Page 5 of 7
`and the end-user identity—with no manual data aggregation
`and analysis required. The ATP Appliance includes a host and
`user timeline that includes the evolution and the correlation
`of advanced threats. With this view, Tier 1 teams now have the
`information they need to determine the exact nature of the threat
`and whether it requires escalation to a Tier 2 team for mitigation.
`The ATP Appliance easily integrates with security information
`and event management (SIEM) platforms through its open API,
`allowing you to use your SIEM for prioritization and incident
`handling while leveraging the ATP Appliance to provide complete
`context of advanced threats.
`Deployment Options and Solution
`The Juniper Networks Advanced Threat Prevention Appliance
`can be deployed in two different modes, each requiring certain
`ATP Appliance in Standalone Mode
`When deployed in standalone mode, the ATP Appliance is ideal
`for organizations that struggle to gain network-wide visibility into
`existing or potential threats due to the large number of point
`products, a lack of data correlation and actionable intelligence,
`limited expertise, and the number of steps required to identify
`and mitigate threats. The ATP Appliance is a distributed
`software platform that combines advanced threat detection,
`consolidated security analytics, and one-touch threat mitigation
`Table 2: SmartCore Multistage Threat Analysis
`to protect organizations from advanced threats and improve
`the productivity of security teams. The ATP Appliance detects
`threats across Web, e-mail, and lateral traffic, ingesting logs from
`security devices to present a consolidated view of all threats
`within the environment.
`The following components are required for this deployment mode:
`• Collectors: The ATP Appliance architecture consists of
`collectors that are deployed at critical points in the network,
`including remote locations, where they capture Web, e-mail,
`and lateral traffic data.
`• SmartCore Management and Analytics: Data and related
`executables continuously collected across the fabric
`are delivered to ATP Appliance SmartCore, which is the
`analytics engine, as well as the management platform.
`Along with traffic from native collectors, the ATP Appliance can
`also ingest logs from other identity and security products such
`as Active Directory, endpoint antivirus, firewalls, secure Web
`gateways, intrusion detection systems, and endpoint detection
`and response tools. The logs can be directly ingested from third-
`party security devices or forwarded from existing SIEM/system
`logging servers.
`With data collected from various sources, the SmartCore analytics
`engine performs the following multistage threat analysis.
`Static analysis
`Payload analysis
`• Applies continuously updated rules and signatures to look for known threats that may have
`eluded inline devices.
`• Leverages an intelligent sandbox array to gain a deeper understanding of malware behavior by
`detonating suspicious Web and file content which would otherwise target Windows, OSX, or
`Android endpoint devices.
`Machine learning and behavioral analysis
`• Uses the ATP Appliance machine learning and threat behavioral analysis technologies (such as
`multicomponent attacks over time) to quickly detect previously unknown threats.
`Malware reputation analysis
`• Compares analysis results to similar known threats to determine whether the new attack is a
`variant of an existing threat or something new.
`Prioritization, risk analysis, correlation
`• After the analysis, prioritizes threats based on risk severity, asset targets in the network,
`endpoint environment, and progress moving through the kill chain.
` For example, high-severity Windows malware landing on a Mac is given a lower risk score than
`medium-severity malware landing on a protected server.
` All malware events from the ATP Appliance and other security devices are correlated based on
`endpoint hostname and time, and plotted on a host timeline.
` This enables security teams to assess the severity of a threat, as well as determine if a threat
`requires attention.
`It also allows security teams to go back in time to look at all the malicious events that occurred
`on an infected host.
`Advanced Threat Prevention Appliance
`Solution Brief


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 171-25 Filed 07/27/18 Page 6 of 7
`Advanced Threat
`Prevention Appliance
`File Upload
`Machine learning
`based analysis
`Lateral Detection
`Lateral Spread
`Endpoint Detection and Response*
`Figure 2: Deployment Option 1—Standalone Advanced Threat Prevention Appliance
`ATP Appliance with SRX Series Services Gateways
`as Collectors
`When using SRX Series Services Gateways as collectors, the ATP
`Appliance is ideal for organizations that have already deployed, or
`are planning to deploy, SRX Series firewalls in their environment
`and are specifically looking for an on-premise solution for
`advanced threat detection and analysis. Unlike standalone mode,
`in this deployment the SRX Series firewalls act as collectors,
`uploading suspicious files to the SmartCore analytics engine for
`analysis. Standalone collectors are optional and can be deployed
`in conjunction with those running on the SRX Series gateways.
`In this mode, the ATP Appliance also provides threat intelligence
`to the SRX Series firewalls to block callbacks to malicious C&C
`servers. The ATP Appliance also sends a list of infected hosts
`requiring immediate attention so the SRX Series can isolate
`those devices. The SRX Series device and security policies can be
`configured on Juniper Networks Junos Space® Security Director to
`quarantine or block identified threats.
`The following components are required for this deployment mode:
`• SRX Series Physical and vSRX Virtual Firewalls: Juniper’s
`physical SRX Series gateways and vSRX Virtual Firewalls
`provide next-generation firewall (NGFW)-level protection
`with integrated application awareness, intrusion prevention,
`and role-based user controls, plus best-in-class unified
`threat management (UTM) to protect and control business
`assets. This solution is centrally managed using Junos
`Space Security Director.
` To learn more about the SRX Series and vSRX virtual
`NGFWs, visit
`• Junos Space Security Director: With Juniper’s scalable
`and intuitive Security Director solution, enterprises can
`make precise security decisions and achieve end-to-end
`visibility into applications, users, and threats through their
`physical and virtual SRX Series devices. Offering a holistic
`view, rich security feature set, and easy-to-use actionable
`intelligence such as threat intelligence received from
`Juniper Sky ATP and ATP Appliances, Security Director lets
`you create security policies that allow you to immediately
`take remedial action and block high-risk applications and
`threats. With a single pane-of-glass management solution,
`an easy-to-use intelligent security rule creation wizard,
`and an auto-rule placement, you can create less complex
`security policies faster.
`To learn more about Security Director, visit
`* The ATP Appliance solution can be integrated with Carbon Black for endpoint detection
`and response. The solution does not require Carbon Black on the endpoint.
`Advanced Threat Prevention Appliance
`Solution Brief


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 171-25 Filed 07/27/18 Page 7 of 7
`Advanced Threat
`Prevention Appliance
`File Upload
`Machine learning
`based analysis
`Lateral Detection
`Lateral Spread
`SRX Series Gateways
`Endpoint Detection and Response*
`Figure 3: Deployment Option 2—ATP Appliance with SRX Series Services Gateways as collectors
`Summary—A Local, Highly Effective Threat
`Intelligence and Security Solution
`Virtually every enterprise security architecture begins with a strong
`first line of defense. As threats evolve, however, it is getting more
`difficult for traditional “first line of defense” solutions to effectively
`defend the network. As effective as these tools are, none of them
`can fully protect you against the advanced threats targeting your
`network. Once these threats gain access to internal resources, they
`can operate in stealth mode for months undetected. By the time
`the breach is discovered, the damage is already done.
`The Juniper Networks Advanced Threat Prevention Appliance
`provides comprehensive, local threat intelligence, detection,
`and protection against today’s continuously evolving threats.
`Compared to traditional inline products, the ATP Appliance
`correlates and aggregates threat intelligence from multiple
`sources, adding context to threats and protecting your organization
`from Web, e-mail, and lateral threats. Flexible deployment options,
`dynamic advanced threat analytics, and extensive one-touch
`threat mitigation capabilities on the ATP Appliance allow you to
`adapt to the ever-changing threat landscape.
`Next Steps
`For more information on Juniper Networks Advanced Threat
`Prevention Appliance, please visit us at
`products-services/security and contact your Juniper Networks
`About Juniper Networks
`Juniper Networks challenges the status quo with products,
`solutions and services that transform the economics of
`networking. Our team co-innovates with customers and partners
`to deliver automated, scalable and secure networks with agility,
`performance and value. Additional information can be found at
`Juniper Networks or connect with Juniper on Twitter and Facebook.
`* The ATP Appliance solution can be integrated with Carbon Black for endpoint detection
`and response. The solution does not require Carbon Black on the endpoint.
`Get the App.
`Advanced Threat Prevention Appliance
`Solution Brief
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`3510633-001-EN Nov 2017

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