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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document1-8 Filed 09/29/17 Page 1 of 23


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 1-8 Filed 09/29/17 Page 2 of 23
`US8,225,408 B2
`(10) Patent No.:
`a2) United States Patent
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Jul. 17, 2012
`5/1995 Hershey et al... 726/22
`5,414,833 A *
`1/1996 Guptaet al.
`5,485,409 A
`1/1996 Chesset al.
`5,485,575 A
`11/1996 Judson
`5,572,643 A
`11/1996 Furtney etal.
`5,579,509 A
`Inventors: Moshe Rubin, Jerusalem (IL); Moshe
`2/1997 Shwed
`5,606,668 A
`Matitya, Jerusalem (IL); Artem
`4/1997 Jietal.
`5,623,600 A
`Melnick, Beit Shemesh (IL); Shlomo
`6/1997 Rubin
`5,638,446 A
`Touboul, Kefar-Haim (IL); Alexander
`Yermakov, Beit Shemesh(IL); Amit 5,675,711 A*10/1997 Kephart etal... 706/12
`Shaked,Tel Aviv (IL)
`(73) Assignee: Finjan, Inc., San Jose, CA (US)
`(*) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term ofthis
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 1298 days.
`1091276 Al
`(21) Appl. No.: 10/930,884
`Aug. 30, 2004
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2005/0108554 Al
`May19, 2005
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 09/539,667,
`filed on Mar. 30, 2000, now Pat. No. 6,804,780, which
`is a continuation of application No. 08/964,388, filed
`on Nov.6, 1997, now Pat. No. 6,092,194.
`HOAL oy)06
`796/25: 713/153: 726/22
`50) US.CI
`i eeepire cscs
`(58) Field of Classification Search o0...0000..settee None
`See applicationfile for complete search history.
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`USA,p. 1-326.*
`Primary Examiner — Eleni Shiferaw
`Assistant Examiner — Jeffery Williams
`aenome. Agent, or Firm —~ Dawn-Marie Bey; King &
`A methodfor scanning content, including identifying tokens
`within an incoming byte stream, the tokens being lexical
`constructs for a specific language, identifying patterns of
`tokens, generating a parse tree from the identified patterns of
`tokens, and identifying the presence of potential exploits
`within the parse tree, wherein said identifying tokens, iden-
`tifying patterns of tokens, and identifying the presence of
`potential exploits are based upona setof rules for the specific
`language. A system and a computer readable storage medium
`are also described and claimed.
`35 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 1-8 Filed 09/29/17 Page 3 of 23
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 1-8 Filed 09/29/17 Page 3 of 23
`US 8,225,408 B2
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`6,339,829 Bl
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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 1-8 Filed 09/29/17 Page 4 of 23
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`US 8,225,408 B2
`Page 3
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`International Search Report for Application No. PCT/IB01/01138, 4
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`* cited by examiner


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 1-8 Filed 09/29/17 Page 5 of 23
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 1-8 Filed 09/29/17 Page 5 of 23
`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 17, 2012
`Sheet 1 of 7
`US 8,225,408 B2


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`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 17, 2012
`Sheet 2 of 7
`US 8,225,408 B2
`age c‘SIs


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`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 17, 2012
`Sheet 3 of 7
`US8,225,408 B2
`punctuation FIG.3
` [Apunctuation]


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`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 17, 2012
`Sheet 4 of 7
`US 8,225,408 B2


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`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 17, 2012
`Sheet 5 of 7
`US 8,225,408 B2
` .
`FIG. 5


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`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 17, 2012
`Sheet 6 of 7
`US 8,225,408 B2


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`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 17, 2012
`Sheet 7 of 7
`US 8,225,408 B2
`FIG. 7


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`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 1-8 Filed 09/29/17 Page 12 of 23
`US 8,225,408 B2
`This application is a continuation-in-part of assignee’s
`application U.S. Ser. No. 09/539,667, filed on Mar. 30, 2000,
`now USS. Pat. No. 6,804,780, entitled “System and Method
`for Protecting a Computer and a Network from Hostile
`Downloadables,” which is a continuation of assignee’s patent
`application U.S. Ser. No. 08/964,388, filed on 6 Nov. 1997,
`now USS. Pat. No. 6,092,194, also entitled “System and
`Methodfor Protecting a Computer and a Network from Hos-
`tile Downloadables.”
`The present invention relates to network security, and in
`particular to scanning of mobile content for exploits.
`content, such as inter alia JavaScript, VBScript, URI, URL
`and HTML. ARBscannersdiffer from prior art scanners that
`are hard-codedfor one particular type of content. In distinc-
`tion, ARB scanners are data-driven, and can be enabled to
`scan any specific type of content by providing appropriate
`rule files, without the need to modify source code. Rule files
`are textfiles that describe lexical characteristics of a particu-
`lar language. Rule files for a language describe character
`encodings, sequences of characters that form lexical con-
`structs of the language, referred to as tokens, patterns of
`tokens that form syntactical constructs of program code,
`referred to as parsing rules, and patterns of tokens that corre-
`spond to potential exploits, referred to as analyzer rules.
`Rules files thus serve as adaptors, to adapt an ARB content
`scamnerto a specific type of content.
`The present invention alsoutilizes a novel description lan-
`guage for efficiently describing exploits. This description
`language enables an engineerto describe exploits as logical
`combinationsofpatterns of tokens.
`Thusit may be appreciatedthat the present invention is able
`to diagnose incoming content. As such, the present invention
`achieves very accurate blocking of content, with minimal
`over-blocking as compared with prior art scanning technolo-
`Conventionalanti-virus software scans a computerfile sys-
`There is thus provided in accordance with a preferred
`tem by searching for byte patterns, referred to as signatures
`embodimentofthe present invention a method for scanning
`that are present within knownviruses. Ifa virus signature is
`including identifying tokens within an incoming
`discovered within a file, the file is designated as infected.
`byte stream, the tokens being lexical constructs for a specific
`Content that enters a computer from the Internet poses
`language, identifying patterns of tokens, generating a parse
`additional security threats, as such content executes upon
`tree from the identified patterns oftokens, and identifying the
`entry into a client computer, without being saved into the
`presence of potential exploits within the parse tree, wherein
`computer’s file system. Content such as JavaScript and
`said identifying tokens, identifying patters of tokens, and
`VBScript is executed by an Internet browser, as soon as the
`identifying the presence of potential exploits are based upon
`contentis received within a web page.
`a set of rules for the specific language.
`Conventional network security software also scans such
`There is moreover provided in accordance withapreferred
`mobile content by searching for heuristic virus signatures.
`embodimentof the present invention a system for scanning
`However, in order to be as protective as possible, virus sig-
`content, including a tokenizerfor identifying tokens within an
`natures for mobile content tend to be over-conservative,
`incoming byte stream, the tokens being lexical constructs for
`which results in significant over-blocking of content. Over-
`a specific language, a parser operatively coupledto the token-
`blocking refers to false positives; i.e., in addition to blocking
`izer for identifying patterns of tokens, and generating a parse
`of malicious content,prior art technologies also block a sig-
`nificant amount of content that is not malicious.
`tree therefrom, and an analyzer operatively coupled to the
`parser for analyzing the parse tree and identifying the pres-
`ence of potential exploits therewithin, wherein the tokenizer,
`the parser and the analyzerusea set of rules for the specific
`language to identify tokens, patterns and potential exploits,
`There is further provided in accordance with a preferred
`embodiment of the present invention a computer-readable
`storage medium storing program code for causing a computer
`to perform the steps of identifying tokens within an incoming
`byte stream, the tokens being lexical constructs for a specific
`language, identifying patterns of tokens, generating a parse
`tree from the identified patterns oftokens, and identifying the
`presence of potential exploits within the parse tree, wherein
`said identifying tokens, identifying patters of tokens, and
`identifying the presence of potential exploits are based upon
`a set of rules for the specific language.
`There is yet further provided in accordance with a preferred
`embodimentofthe present invention a method for scanning
`content, including expressing an exploit in terms of patterns
`of tokens and rules, where tokens are lexical constructs of a
`specific programming language, and rules are sequences of
`tokens that form programmatical constructs, and parsing an
`incoming byte source to determine if an exploit is present
`therewithin, based on said expressing.
`There is additionally provided in accordance with a pre-
`ferred embodiment of the present invention a system for
`Another drawback with priorart network security software
`is that it is unable to recognize combinedattacks, in which an
`exploit is split among different content streams. Yet another
`drawbackis that prior art network security software is unable
`to scan content containers, such as URI within JavaScript.
`All of the above drawbacks with conventional network
`security software are due to an inability to diagnose mobile
`code. Diagnosisis a dauntingtask,since it entails understand-
`ing incoming byte source code. The same malicious exploit
`can be encoded in an endless variety of ways, so it is not
`sufficient to look for specific signatures.
`Nevertheless, in order to accurately block malicious code
`with minimal over-blocking,
`a thorough diagnosis
`The present invention provides a method and system for
`scanning content that includes mobile code, to produce a
`diagnostic analysis of potential exploits within the content.
`The present invention is preferably used within a network
`gateway or proxy, to protect an intranet against viruses and
`other malicious mobile code.
`The content scanners of the present invention are referred
`to as adaptive rule-based (ARB) scanners. An ARB scanneris
`able to adapt itself dynamically to scan a specific type of


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 1-8 Filed 09/29/17 Page 13 of 23
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 1-8 Filed 09/29/17 Page 13 of 23
`US 8,225,408 B2
`from malicious mobile code originating from the Internet.
`scanning content, including a parser for parsing an incoming
`Mobile code is program code that executes on a client com-
`byte source to determine if an exploit is present therewithin,
`puter. Mobile code can take many diverse forms, including
`based on a formal description of the exploit expressed in
`inter alia JavaScript, Visual Basic script, HTML pages, as
`termsofpatterns oftokens andrules, where tokensare lexical
`well as a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).
`constructs of a specific programming language,and rules are
`Mobile code can be detrimental to a client computer.
`sequences of tokens that form programmatical constructs.
`Mobile code can access a client computer’s operating system
`There is moreover provided in accordance with a preferred
`and file system, can open sockets for transmitting data to and
`embodiment of the present invention a computer-readable
`from a client computer, and can tie up a client computer’s
`storage medium storing program code for causing a computer
`processing and memory resources. Such malicious mobile
`to perform the steps of expressing an exploit in terms of
`code cannot be detected using conventional anti-virus scan-
`patterns of tokens and rules, where tokens are lexical con-
`ners, which scan a computer’s file system, since mobile code
`structs of a specific programming language, and rules are
`is able to execute as soon asit enters a client computer from
`sequences of tokens that form programmatical constructs,
`the Internet, before being savedtoafile.
`and parsing an incoming byte source to determine if an
`Manyexamples ofmalicious mobile code are knowntoday.
`exploit is present therewithin, based on said expressing.
`Portions of code that are maliciousare referred to as exploits.
`For example, one such exploit uses JavaScript to create a
`windowthatfills an entire screen. The user is then unable to
`access any windowslying underneath thefiller window. The
`following sample code showssuch an exploit.
`<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC *-//W3C//DTD HTML4.0 Transitional//
`op=window.createPopup( );
`function oppop( )
`if (top.isOpen)
`w = screen.width;
`h = screen.height;
`function doit ()
`oppop( );
`setInterval(“window.focus( ); {oppop( );}”,10);
`<FORM method=POSTaction=“">
`<INPUTtype=“button” name=“btnDolt” value=“DoIt”onclick=“doit( )’>
`Thus it may be appreciated that the security function ofnet-
`work gateway 110 is critical to a corporate intranet.
`In accordance with a preferred embodimentofthe present
`invention, network gateway 110 includes a content scanner
`130, whose purpose is to scan mobile code andidentify poten-
`tial exploits. Content scanner 130 receives as input content
`containing mobile code in the form of byte source, and gen-
`erates a security profile for the content. The security profile
`indicates whetheror not potential exploits have been discov-
`ered within the content, and, if so, provides a diagnostic list of
`one or more potential exploits and their respective locations
`within the content.
`Preferably, the corporate intranet uses a security policy to
`decide whetheror not to block incoming content based on the
`content’s security profile. For example, a security policy may
`block content that may be severely malicious, say, content
`that accesses an operating system ora file system, and may
`The present invention will be more fully understood and
`appreciated from the following detailed description, taken in
`conjunction with the drawings in which:
`FIG.1 is a simplified block diagram of an overall gateway
`security system that uses an adaptive rule-based (ARB) con-
`tent scanner, in accordance with a preferred embodimentof
`the present invention;
`FIG.2 is a simplified block diagram of an adaptive rule-
`based content scanner system, in accordancewith a preferred
`embodimentof the present invention;
`FIG.3 is an illustration of a simplefinite state machine for
`detecting tokens “a” and “ab”, used in accordance with a
`preferred embodimentofthe present invention;
`FIG.4 is an illustration of a simplefinite state machine for
`a pattern, used in accordance with a preferred embodiment of
`the present invention;
`FIG. 5 is a simplified flowchart of operation of a parser for
`a specific content language within an ARB content scanner, in
`accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present
`FIG.6 is a simplified block diagram of a system forseri-
`alizing binary instances of ARB content scanners, transmit-
`ting them to a client site, and regenerating them back into
`binary instances at the client site, in accordance with a pre-
`ferred embodimentofthe present invention; and
`FIG.7 illustrates a representative hierarchy of objects cre-
`ated by a builder module, in accordance with a preferred
`embodimentof the present invention.
`Appendix A is a source listing of an ARBrule file for the
`JavaScript language, in accordance with a preferred embodi-
`mentof the present invention.
`The present invention concerns scanning of content that
`contains mobile code, to protect an enterprise against viruses
`and other malicious code.
`Reference is now made to FIG. 1, which is a simplified
`block diagram of an overall gateway security system that uses
`an adaptive rule-based (ARB) content scanner, in accordance
`with a preferred embodimentofthe present invention. Shown
`in FIG. 1 is a network gateway 110 that acts as a conduit for
`content from the Internet entering into a corporate intranet,
`and for content from the corporate intranet exiting to the
`Internet. One of the functions of network gateway 110 is to
`protect client computers 120 within the corporate intranet


`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 1-8 Filed 09/29/17 Page 14 of 23
`Case 3:17-cv-05659-WHA Document 1-8 Filed 09/29/17 Page 14 of 23
`US 8,225,408 B2
`permit contentthat is less malicious, such as contentthat can
`consume a user’s computer screen as in the example above.
`The diagnostics within a content security profile are com-
`pared with the intranet security policy, and a decision is made
`to allow or block the content. When contentis blocked, one or
`morealternative actions can be taken, such as replacing sus-
`picious portions of the content with innocuous code and
`allowing the modified content, and sending a notification to
`an intranet administrator.
`Scanned content and their corresponding security profiles
`are preferably stored within a content cache 140. Preferably,
`network gateway 110 checks if incoming content is already
`resident in cache 140, and, if so, bypasses content scanner
`130. Use of cache 140 saves content scanner 130 the task of
`re-scanning the same content.
`Alternatively, a hash value of scanned content, such as an
`MDShashvalue, can be cachedinstead of caching the content
`itself. When contentarrives at scanner 130, preferably its hash
`value is computed and checked against cached hash values. If
`a match is found with a cached hash value, then the content
`does not haveto be re-scannedandits security profile can be
`obtained directly from cache.
`Consider, for example, a complicated JavaScriptfile that is
`scanned and determined to contain a known exploit there-
`within. An MDShashvalueofthe entire JavaScriptfile can be
`stored in cache, together with a security profile indicating that
`the JavaScript file contains the known exploit. If the same
`JavaScript file arrives again, its hash value is computed and
`foundto already reside in cache. Thus, it can immediately be
`determined that
`the JavaScript
`file contains the known
`exploit, without re-scanningthefile.
`Tt may be appreciated by those skilled in the art that cache
`140 mayreside at network gateway 110. However,it is often
`advantageous to place cache 140 as close as possible to the
`corporate intranet, in order to transmit content to the intranet
`as quickly as possible. However, in order for the security
`profiles within cache 140 to be up to date, it is important that
`network gateway 110 notify cache 140 whenever content
`scanner 130 is updated. Updates to content scanner 130 can
`occurinter alia when content scanner 130 is expanded(1) to
`cover additional content languages; (ii) to cover additional
`exploits; or (111) to correct for bugs.
`Preferably, when cache 140 is notified that content scanner
`130 has been updated, cache 140 clears its cache, so that
`content that was in cache 140 is re-scanned uponarrival at
`network gateway 110.
`Also, shown in FIG.1 is a pre-scanner 150 that uses con-
`ventional signature technologyto scan content. As mentioned
`hereinabove, pre-scanner 150 can quickly determine if con-
`tent is innocuous, but over-blocks on the safe side. Thus
`pre-scanner 150 is useful for recognizing content that poses
`no security threat. Preferably, pre-scanner 150 is a simple
`signature matching scanner, and processes incoming content
`at a rate of approximately 100 mega-bits per second. ARB
`scanner 130 performs much moreintensive processing than
`pre-scanner 150, and processes incoming contentat a rate of
`approximately 1 mega-bit per second.
`In order to accelerate the scanning process, pre-scanner
`150 acts as a first-pass filter, to filter content that can be
`quickly recognized as innocuous. Contentthat is screened by
`pre-scanner 150 as being potentially malicious is passed
`along to ARB scanner 130 for further diagnosis. Content that
`is screened by pre-scanner 150 as being innocuous bypasses
`ARBscanner 130. It is expected that pre-scanner 150 filters
`90% of incoming content, and that only 10% of the content
`requires extensive scanning by ARB scanner 130. As such,
`the combinedeffect ofARB scanner 130 and pre-scanner 150
`provides an average scanning throughoutof approximately 9
`mega-bits per second.
`Use of security profiles, security policies and caching is
`described in applicant’s U.S. Pat. No. 6,092,194 entitled
`in applicant’s U.S. Pat. No. 6,804,780
`DOWNLOADABLES, and in applicant’s U.S. Pat. No.
`7,418,731 entitled METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR CACH-
`Reference is now made to FIG. 2, which is a simplified
`block diagram of an adaptive rule-based content scannersys-
`tem 200, in accordance with a preferred embodimentof the
`present invention. An ARB scanner system is preferably
`designed as a generic architecture that is language-indepen-
`dent, and is customizedfor a specific language through use of
`a set of language-specific rules. Thus, a scanner system is
`customized for JavaScript by means of a set of JavaScript
`rules, and is customized for HTML by meansofa set of
`HTMLrules. In this way, each set of rules acts as an adaptor,
`to adapt the scanner system to a specific language. A sample
`rule file for JavaScript is provided in Appendix A, and is
`described hereinbelow.
`Moreover, in accordance with a preferred embodiment of
`the present
`invention, security violations, referred to as
`exploits, are described using a generic syntax, which is also
`language-independent.It is noted that the same generic syn-
`tax used to describe exploits is also used to describe lan-
`guages. Thus, referring to Appendix A, the same syntax is
`used to describe the JavaScript parser rules and the analyzer
`exploit rules.
`It may thus be appreciated that the present invention pro-
`vides a flexible content scanning method and system, which
`can be adapted to any language syntax by meansofa set of
`rules that serve to train the content scanner how to interp

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