`Case 3:11-cv-02917-WHA Document 1 Filed 06/14/11 Page 1 of 28
`Case 3:11-cv-0' '917-WHA Document 1 Filed 06/146 Page 1 of 28
`I; 1 L L—- D
`m H
`~44?! Jail
`13 2: no
`1 14
`Edward w. Goldstein (TX Bag—NOTIIEIWO)
`Mark W. Good (SBN 218809)
`Benedict O’Mahoney (SBN 152447)
`177 Park Avenue, Third Floor
`San Jose, California 95113 ADR
`Tel: (408)299-1200
`Fax: (408) 998-4895
`Jody M. Goldstein (TX Bar No?“240021
`Alisa Lipski (TX Bar No. 24041345)
`Goldstein & Vowell, LLP
`1177 West Loop South, Suite 400
`Houston, Texas 77027
`Telephone: (713) 877-1515
`Facsimile: (713) 877-1737
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`Tranz-Send Broadcasting Network, Inc.
`NETWORK, INC., a Delaware Corporation,
`C Mselol _ 0 2 9 1 7
`J C
`BITTORRENT, INC., a California Corporation; DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL
`and KONTIKI, INC., a Delaware Corporation;
`Plaintiff Tranz-Send Broadcasting Network, Inc. (“Plaintiff’ or “Tranz-Send”), files this
`Original Complaint against BitTorrent, Inc. and Kontiki, Inc. (collectively “Defendants”) alleging
`as follows:
`] 167428


`Case 3:11-cv-02917-WHA Document 1 Filed 06/14/11 Page 2 of 28
`Case 3:11-cv-Oéa’gl7-WHA Document 1 Filed 06/1435 Page 2 of 28
`Plaintiff, Tranz-Send Broadcasting Network, Inc.
`is a corporation organized under
`the laws of the state of Delaware.
`Defendant BitTorrent, Inc. (“BitTorrent”), on information and belief, is a
`corporation organized and existing under the laws of California, with a principal place of business
`at 612 Howard Street, Suite 400, San Francisco, CA. 94104. BitTorrent can be served through its
`registered agent, James Eric Klinker at 612 Howard Street, Suite 400, San Francisco, CA, 94105-
`Defendant Kontiki, Inc. (“Kontiki”), on information and belief, is a corporation
`organized and existing under the laws of the state of Delaware, with a principal place of business
`at 1001 W. Maude Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94085. Kontiki, Inc. can be served through its registered
`agent, C T Corporation, 818 W. 7th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017-3407.
`This is an action for infringement of a United States patent. Accordingly, this
`action arises under the patent laws of the United States of America, 35 U.S.C. § 1 et seq., and
`jurisdiction is properly based on 35 U.S.C. § 271 and 28 U.S.C. § 1338(a).
`Venue is proper in this district under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1391(b—c) and 1400(b). Upon
`information and belief, each of the Defendants transacts or has transacted business in this judicial
`district, or committed and/or induced acts of patent infringement in this district.
`On November 27, 2007, United States Patent No. 7,301,944 (“the ‘944 patent”)
`entitled “Media File Distribution With Adaptive Transmission Protocols” was duly and legally
`issued. Tranz—Send holds the title by assignment from the inventor Scott Redmond, including the
`right to sue for past, present and future damages. A copy of the ‘944 patent is attached as Exhibit
`A. The ‘944 patent is directed to a software application to solve problems with sending large data
`over networks, accomplished by splitting data into smaller bits and spraying those bits across the
`networks, where the bits of data will reside and/or get redistributed on any requesting or accepting
`server and/or computer.
`1 167428


`Case 3:11-cv-02917-WHA Document 1 Filed 06/14/11 Page 3 of 28
`Case 3:11-cv-0g7-WHA Document 1 Filed 06/14/3 Page 3 of 28
`Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 282, the ‘944 patent is presumed valid.
`Each of the Defendants oversees and manages a peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing
`network, allowing users to download and upload large data files.
`On information and belief, BitTorrent implements, facilitates, oversees and
`5 manages a peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing network allowing users to download and upload large
`data files while redistributing and, thus, reducing upload/download costs and bandwidths, as well
`as alleviating the burden of having to provide multiple copies of requested files over a network.
`Through the use of the BitTorrent protocol, BitTorrent provides and implements
`various clients, i.e., computer programs, such BitTorrent Mainline, BitTorrent Software versions
`(6.0 and others), Mu (micro)Torrent, and more, adapted to be implemented by users and over the
`network for file sharing among peers. Accordingly, the above BitTorrent software (BTS) is
`implemented by users, such a companies, organizations, or individuals for distributing files across
`a network in response to multiple requests.
`By making, operating, using and/or selling the BTS and/or other software,
`15 BitTorrent has infringed and continues to infringe, contribute to the infringement of, or induce the
`1 7
`infringement of at least claim 1 of the ‘944 patent, either literally or under the doctrine of
`Accordingly, BitTorrent’s acts of infringement of the ‘944 patent, as alleged above,
`have injured Plaintiff and, thus, Plaintiff is entitled to recover damages adequate to compensate it
`for BitTorrent’s acts of infringement, which in no event can be less than a reasonable royalty.
`On information and belief, Kontiki’s Enterprise Content Delivery Network
`(ECDN) provides a combination of cloud-based centralized servers for video content and other
`rich data management for distributing client software. By hosting the centralized servers in their
`production cloud, Kontiki’s ECDN is able to efficiently deliver high quality video and other data
`to multiple users, including multiple personal computers (PCs) and mobile devices
`Kontiki applies peer-to-peer (P2P) software where one or more origin servers
`distribute single files among nodes, i.e., peers, so that the peers can share the file among


`Case 3:11-cv-02917-WHA Document 1 Filed 06/14/11 Page 4 of 28
`Case 3:11-cv-Oe’17-WHA Document 1 Filed 06/146 Page 4 of 28
`themselves until all the peers obtain a copy of the entire file.
`By making, operating, using and/or selling its ECDN and its P2P file sharing
`software, Kontiki has infringed and continues to infringe, contribute to the infringement of, or
`induce the infringement of at least claim 1 of the ‘944 patent, either literally or under the doctrine
`of equivalents.
`Accordingly, Kontiki’s acts of infringement of the ‘944 patent, as alleged above,
`have injured Plaintiff and thus, Plaintiff is entitled to recover damages adequate to compensate it
`for Kontiki’s acts of infringement, which in no event can be less than a reasonable royalty.
`Plaintiff hereby demands a jury trial on all claims and issues.
`Wherefore, Plaintiff prays for entry ofjudgment:
`that Defendant BitTorrent, Inc. has infringed one or more claims, specifically claim
`1, of the ‘944 patent;
`that Defendant BitTorrent, Inc. accounts for and pays to Plaintiff all damages
`caused by its infringement of the ‘944 patent, which by statute can be no less than a reasonable
`that Plaintiff be granted pre-judgment and post-judgment interest on the damages
`caused to it by reason of Defendant BitTorrent Inc.’s infiingement of the ‘944 patent;
`that Defendant Kontiki, Inc. has infringed one or more claims, specifically claim 1
`of the ‘944 patent;
`that Defendant Kontiki, Inc. accounts for and pays to Plaintiff all damages caused
`by its infringement of the ‘944 patent, which by statute can be no less than a reasonable royalty;
`that Plaintiff be granted pre—judgment and post-judgment interest on the damages
`caused to it by reason of Defendant Kontiki Inc.’s infringement of the ‘944 patent;
`that costs be awarded to Plaintiff; and


`Case 3:11-cv-02917-WHA Document 1 Filed 06/14/11 Page 5 of 28
`Case 3:11-cv-0é9j7-WHA Document 1 Filed 06/14/6 Page 5 of 28
`that Plaintiff be granted such other and further relief as the Court may deem just
`and proper under the current circumstances.
`Dated: June 14, 2011
`Respectfully submitted,
`B edict O’Mahoney (S N 152447)
`Mark W. Good (SBN 8809)
`ird Floor
`177 Park Avenue,
`San Jose, Califo
`a 95113
`Tel: (408) 299-1 00
`Fax: (408) 998-4895
`Email: mgood@terra—
`3 4
`5 6


`Case 3:11-cv-02917-WHA Document 1 Filed 06/14/11 Page 6 of 28
`cw Documrmmnnmlmm
` 1 llillilllllllll‘llllllllllllllllll
`USOO 01944Bl
`United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`US 7,301,944 B1
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Nov. 27, 2007
`Inventor: Scott D. Redmond, San Francisco, CA
`Assignee: Tranz-Send Broadcasting Network,
`Inc., San Francisco, CA (US)
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`Appl. No.: 09/295,000
`Apr. 16, 1999
`Related US. Application Data
`Continuation-impart of application No. 08/956,743,
`filed on Oct. 24, 1997, now Pat. No. 6,370,139.
`Int. Cl.
`H04L 12/56
`US. Cl.
`......................... 370/390; 709/203; 725/93
`Field of Classification Search ................ 370/352,
`370/354, 390; 707/9, 10; 709/203, 217,
`709/218, 219; 725/93, 96
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
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`3,746,780 A
`4,009,344 A
`4,009,346 A
`4,028,733 A
`4,062,043 A
`4,071,697 A
`4,122,299 A
`4,206,316 A
`4,295,154 A
`4,381,522 A
`4,400,717 A
`4,450,477 A
`8/1971 Jackson et a1.
`178/6.6 A
`7/l973 Stetten et al.
`179/15 BS
`2/1977 Flemming ........
`179/15 AQ
`2/1977 Parker et a1.
`......... 360/10
`6/1977 Ulicki
`12/1977 Zeidler et al.
`.......... 179/2 TV
`1/1978 Bushnell et a1.
`10/1978 Cannon .................... 178/26 A
`6/1980 Bumsweig et a1.
`10/1981 Hata et al.
`..................... 358/4
`.. 358/86
`4/1983 Lambert
`.......... 358/13
`8/1983 Southwonh et al.
`5/ 1984 Lovett
`......................... 358/86
`4,506,387 A
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`4,538,176 A
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`4,578,535 A
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`4,647,989 A
`4,659,876 A
`4,661,952 A
`3/1985 Walter
`5/1985 Yabiki et al.
`6/1985 Abraham .......
`7/1985 Block et a1.
`................ 358/122
`8/1985 Nakajima et a1.
`............. 358/86
`1/1986 Lockwood .........
`1/1986 Abraham ..................... 358/86
`3/1986 Simmons ................. 179/2 DP
`5/1986 Abraham
`....... 358/86
`3/1987 Geddes ..........
`4/1987 Sullivan et al.
`.......... 370/94
`4/1987 von Sichan et a1.
`0 355 697 A2
`Primary Examiner—Melvin Marcelo
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Carr & Ferrell LLP
`(5 7)
`A server/client media file distribution system is provided in
`which the server system is adapted to receive transmission
`requests from clients, status information from a network,
`and protocol information from each client. The server, based
`upon this information, adaptively transmits a given media
`file stored therein to one or more clients using the optimal
`transmission speed and/or network protocol based on the
`network status information and protocol information. Addi-
`the present
`invention provides a looping file
`arrangement in which a plurality of clients can receive the
`same media file on multiple network channels, without the
`need to provide multiple copies of the same media file for
`each request of that file.
`18 Claims, 14 Drawing Sheets


`Case 3:11-cv-02917-WHA Document 1 Filed 06/14/11 Page 7 of 28
`Case 3:11-cv-C617-WHA Document 1 Filed 06/146 Page 7 of 28
`US 7,301,944 B1
`Page 2
`............ 370/76
`5/1987 Mlddleton et 8.1.
`7/1987 Can'os et a].
`............... 358/135
`8/1987 Eilers et al.
`................... 380/9
`M987 5&0“ -----------
`-- 358/135
`10/1987 ng§aet at ..
`. 358/133
`12/1987 Billmgs ........
`.. 364/200
`3/1988 Okada etal -
`- 358/102
`4/1988 Dumas ............
`549“ Nichols 6‘ 31‘
`- 358/256
`6/1988 Martinez ............
`.. 358/147
`-- 353/86
`7/1988 Besfler et 81-
`7/1988 O'Connell 6‘ a“ ----------- 358/86
`8/1988 Gordon et 3.1. ................ 358/86
`.. 364/415
`8/1988 Haskin ............
`. 379/105
`9/1988 Farleigh et al.
`11/1988 Keith ct 3.1.
`12/1988 Bush ...............
`1211988 McCalley ct 81-
`211989 Bestler et al.
`.......... 340/82554
`4/1989 Chang et a1.
`54989 H’frashima
`------ 380/20
`7/1989 Glfi'ord .........
`.. 364/900
`7/1989 Music et al.
`7/1989 Hayashi ct 81-
`. 369/284
`. 358/133
`9/1989 Golin et 81.
`12/1989 Monslow 9‘ 81‘
`3/1990 0km“! et a1.
`. 358/133
`4/1990 Mus1c et al. .....
`4/1990 Essers et al. .............. 360/33-1
`6/1990 Boulton ...................... 370/124
`8/1990 Fenwick et a].
`80990 Lumelsky et 81-
`8/1990 Cohen .
`.. 358/335
`10/1990 Lang ............
`.. 358/335
`2/1991 Walker et 31.
`. 380/239
`5/1991 Tompkins et a].
`7/1991 Watanabe et al.
`........... 358/335
`7/1991 Tseung ............
`.. 358/335
`10/1991 Lang
`12/1991 Mallia ......................... 455/58
`4,665,516 A
`4,679,079 A
`4,688,246 A
`45391633 A
`4.703.348 A
`4,714,989 A
`4734.765 A
`4,736,407 A
`417485“ A
`4,750,036 A
`4755372 A
`47601442 A
`4,763,191 A
`4,764,870 A
`4,769,833 A
`4,785,349 A
`4,789,863 A
`4.7921849 A
`4,807,023 A
`4,818,984 A
`4,833,710 A
`4,845,658 A
`4.8471677 A
`4.8471827 A
`4,868,653 A
`4.890320 A
`49071031 A
`4,914,508 A
`4.920,432 A
`4,937,821 A
`4,947,244 A
`4,949,169 A
`4,949,187 A
`4963.995 A
`4,991,208 A ‘
`5,014,267 A
`5,032,927 A
`5,036,518 A
`5,057,932 A
`5,077,830 A
`5,093,718 A
`5,130,792 A
`5,132,992 A
`5.133979 A
`5,164,839 A
`5,191,573 A
`5,195,092 A
`5,247,664 A
`5,253,275 A
`5,262,875 A
`5,420,942 A
`5,440,334 A
`5,550,577 A
`5,550,863 A
`5557320 A
`5,583,561 A
`5,606,359 A
`5,608,448 A
`5,675,734 A
`5,710,970 A
`5.727002 A
`5,734,781 A
`5,778,187 A
`5‘305‘304 A
`5,809,145 A
`5,818,512 A
`5,826,261 A
`5,832,499 A
`5,841,979 A
`5,859,972 A
`5,881,232 A
`5,884,312 A
`5.890.129 A
`5,966,440 A
`7,073‘191 132‘
`2007/0083667 A1‘
`................. 358/84
`3/1992 Homy e131.
`.. 358/85
`7/1992 Tindelletal.
`7/1992 Yuri et 3.1.
`7/1992 Ballantyne et a].
`. 455/4J
`. 358/335
`“/1992 Lang
`3/1993 Hair ............................ 369/84
`3/1993 Wilson et al.
`............. 37l/94.2
`9/1993 Thompson et a].
`.. 395/600
`10/1993 Yun et a1.
`“/1993 Mincer et 3.1,
`5/1995 Levit .............
`8/1995 Walters et al.
`8/1996 Verbiestetal.
`8/1996 Yun etal.
`.................. 375/240
`9/1996 Krebs .........
`.. 348/12
`1211996 Baker et 31‘
`211997 Youden et a" .
`3/1997 SmoraJ et 8.1.
`10/1997 Hair ..............
`‘ 395/200
`1/1998 Walters et al.
`.. 371/32
`3/1998 Miller et 3.].
`3/1998 Cantone ............. 386/46
`...... 395/20061
`7/1998 Monteiro eta].
`. 395/200.”
`9/1993 Laursen eta].
`9/1998 Slik et a1. ........... 380/25
`10/1998 Fuller ......
`10/1998 Spencer
`. 707/5
`11/1998 Gustman ................. 707/103
`11/1998 Schulhof et al.
`....... 395/20067
`1/1999 Subramaniam et 31. 395/2003
`3/1999 Cheng et a].
`.......... 395/20047
`____ 707/10
`3/1999 Dustan et 31‘
`3/1999 Spurgeon .......
`10/1999 Hair ...........
`7/2006 Srikantan et 3.1.
`.. 725/87
`4/2007 Cooper ....................... 709/231
`$8 23/3333
`* cited by examiner


`Case 3:11-cv-02917-WHA Document 1 Filed 06/14/11 Page 8 of 28
`Case 3:11-cv-0w7-WHA Document 1 Filed 06/1411 Page 8 of 28
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 27, 2007
`Sheet 1 of 14
`US 7,301,944 B1
`(‘10 ’62).


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`US. Patent
`Nov. 27, 2007
`Sheet 2 of 14
`US 7,301,944 B1
`8 :


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`US. Patent
`Nov. 27, 2007
`Sheet 3 of 14
`US 7,301,944 B1
`03823:: gt5.8:in


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`US. Patent
`Nov. 27, 2007
`Sheet 4 of 14
`US 7,301,944 B1


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`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 27, 2007
`Sheet 5 of 14
`US 7,301,944 B1


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`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 27, 2007
`Sheet 6 of 14
`US 7,301,944 B1
`Figure 4c


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`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 27,2007
`Sheet 7 of 14
`US 7,301,944 B1
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`Case 3:11-cv-02917-WHA Document 1 Filed 06/14/11 Page 15 of 28
`Case 3:11-cv-0i91117-WHA Document 1 Filed 06/14@ Page 15 of 28
`US. Patent
`Nov. 27, 2007
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`Case 3:11-cv-02917-WHA Document 1 Filed 06/14/11 Page 16 of 28
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`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 27, 2007
`Sheet 9 of 14
`US 7,301,944 B1


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`Case 3:11-cv-(i;29_17-WHA Document 1 Filed 06/15/15} Page 17 of 28
`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 27, 2007
`Sheet 10 of 14
`US 7,301,944 B1


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`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 27, 2007
`Sheet 11 of 14
`US 7,301,944 B1


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`US. Patent
`Nov. 27, 2007
`Sheet 12 of 14
`US 7,301,944 B1


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`US. Patent
`Nov. 27, 2007
`Sheet 13 of 14
`US 7,301,944 B1


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`Case 3:11-cv-02w-WHA Document 1 Filed 06/14/i1J Page 21 of 28
`US. Patent
`Nov. 27, 2007
`Sheet 14 of 14
`US 7,301,944 B1
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`Case 3:11-cv-02917-WHA Document 1 Filed 06/14/11 Page 22 of 28
`Case 3:11-cv-02w-WHA Document 1 Filed 06/14/3 Page 22 of 28
`US 7,301,944 Bl
`The present invention is a continuation-in-part of patent
`application Ser. No. 08/956,743 filed Oct. 24, 1997 now US.
`Pat. No. 6,370,139 and assigned to the same assignee.
`1. Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates to media file distribution,
`and, more particularly, to a media file distribution system
`with adaptive transmission protocols in a networked client/
`server environment which provides automated, highly com-
`pressed, user-selectable media file distribution. Particular
`utility of the present
`invention is in less-than real-time
`server-client audio/video file distribution over conventional
`networks; although the present invention has equal utility in
`still image and/or high-resolution image file data distribution
`(e.g., x-ray, MRI, etc.).
`2. Description of Related Art
`Multimedia file distribution systems, which include dis-
`tribution of audio and/or video information, are well known
`in the art. Examples include video—on-demand systems and
`network-based real-time streaming video systems and meth-
`odologies. Recent developments in high-speed network
`communications (e.g., ISDN, DSL, cable modems, etc.)
`have permitted the development of real-time streaming
`video data distribution in a client/server environment. Such
`systems typically employ extensive video file server systems
`that can transmit streaming video file data directly to a user’s
`television set or PC (via, for example, Internet communica-
`tions protocols (e.g., TCP/1P connections based on HTTP or
`FTP file transfer protocols). These systems typically trans-
`mit a separate copy of the streaming video file to each
`receiver. This uses additional network bandwidth for each
`additional receiver. This can quickly lead to saturated net-
`works, degrading the quality of the streaming video
`received, as well as impacting other users and uses of the
`network. Examples of such file distribution systems are
`described in US. Pat. Nos. 5,132,992; 5,253,275; and 5,550,
`863 issued to Yurt et al., and hereby incorporated by
`Conventional file transfer techniques use either the Trans-
`mission Control Protocol (TCP) or User Datagrarn Protocol
`(UDP) for the transmission of the data. These two protocols
`are part of the standard TCP/IP protocol suite. TCP is a
`connection-based protocol, meaning that there is a logical
`connection opened between the two systems involved in the
`transfer. Because of the connection, and the TCP protocol
`process, this connection is a “reliable connection.” This
`means that packets are guaranteed to be received, intact and
`in order, or the connection is broken. Examples of common
`use of TCP would be browsing on the World Wide Web, File
`Transfer Protocol, sending and reading email, etc.
`UDP is a connectionless protocol, meaning that there is no
`open connection as you would find in a TCP session. Packets
`are transmitted by the sender and addressed to the receiver.
`UDP is not a “Reliable protocol”. Packets in a UDP session,
`may be received out of sequence and may even be lost.
`Applications must either accept this loss, or implement some
`other means for ensuring reliability. Examples of common
`use of UDP would be Domain Name Service queries,
`RealAudio/RealVrdeo, network management functions, etc.
`Both TCP and UDP are designed for use between two
`systems. UDP can also be used for “Broadcast”. Broadcast
`packets are limited to a single Local Area Network (LAN),
`and so will not cross any routers connected to that LAN.
`Current development in the area of IP Multicasting are
`improving the art in areas such as reliability, performance,
`session management, network management,
`research, router management, routing protocols, and other
`areas required for the smooth operation of IP Multicasting
`on public networks (e.g., The lntemet). However, this art has
`not overcome the aforementioned problems: either the band-
`width requirements for multiple client access are too large,
`or the transmission protocol becomes unreliable. Moreover,
`the prior art is incapable of providing a system which can
`analyze client transmission demands and adaptively adjust
`the transmission protocols to most effectively accommodate
`a plurality of users.
`Accordingly, the present invention solves the aforemen-
`tioned drawbacks of the prior art by providing a server/client
`media file distribution system in which the server system is
`adapted to receive transmission requests from clients. The
`server also receives status information from a network, and
`protocol information from each client. The server, based
`upon this information, adaptively transmits a given media
`file stored therein to one or more clients using the optimal
`transmission speed and/or network protocol based on the
`network status information and protocol information.
`In the preferred system, the present invention provides a
`media file distribution system having a file distribution
`server system comprising a media file archive database in
`communication with one or more users over a network, said
`media file archive comprising one or more precompressed
`and pre-encrypted media data files, said server being for
`receiving one or more transmission requests for a selected
`media file from a plurality of users, the improvement com-
`prising a file distribution system being adapted to receive a
`plurality of said transmission requests from a plurality of
`users, the transmission protocols of said plurality of said
`users and status information from said network and opti-
`mally simultaneously transmit said media file to each user
`based on said transmission protocols and said status infor-
`Additionally, the present invention provides a looping file
`arrangement in which a plurality of clients can receive the
`same media file on multiple network channels, without the
`need to provide multiple copies of the same media file for
`each request of that file. Also, the present invention provides
`multiple-level encryption technology that permits the server
`system to fully control both access and use of a given media
`It will be appreciated by those skilled in the art that
`although the following Detailed Description will proceed
`with reference being made to preferred embodiments and
`methods of use, the present invention is not intended to be
`limited to these preferred embodiments and methods of use.
`the present
`invention is of broad scope and is
`intended to be limited as only set forth in the accompanying
`Other features and advantages of the present invention
`will become apparent as the following Detailed Description
`proceeds, and upon reference to the Drawings, wherein like
`numerals depict like parts, and wherein:


`Case 3:11-cv-02917-WHA Document 1 Filed 06/14/11 Page 23 of 28
`Case 3:11-cv-Ozw-WHA Document 1 Filed 06/1443 Page 23 of 28
`US 7,301,944 B1
`FIG. ] is a block diagram of the media file client/server
`system of the present invention;
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram of the preferred network
`arrangement of the file distribution server system of the
`present invention;
`FIG. 3 is a block diagram of the preferred media file
`database system of the present invention;
`FIG. 4A is a block diagram of the preferred media file
`distribution system of the present invention;
`FIG. 4B is a flow chart diagram ofthe preferred media file
`distribution system of FIG. 4A;
`FIG. 4C is a flow chart diagram ofthe preferred media file
`transmission protocol of the present invention;
`FIG. 4D is a flow chart diagram of the preferred file
`transmission of the present invention.
`FIG. 5 is a block diagram of one embodiment of the media
`file playback system of the present invention;
`FIG. 6 is a block diagram of another embodiment of the
`media file playback system of the present invention.
`FIG. 7 is a block diagram of another embodiment of the
`media file playback system of the present invention; and
`FIG. 8 is a block diagram of the user control interface
`system of the present invention;
`FIG. 9A is a block diagram of convention network data
`FIG. 9B is the preferred network data transmission of the
`present invention; and
`FIG. 10 is a flowchan of the preferred server-client data
`transmission including the preferred de-encryption process
`of the present invention.
`It will be appreciated by those skilled in the art that
`although the following Detailed Description will proceed
`with reference being made to preferred embodiments, the
`present invention is not intended to be limited to these
`embodiments. For example, it should be understood from
`the outset that although preferably the functional compo-
`nents of the preferred embodiments of the system of the
`present invention are embodied as one or more distributed
`computer program processes running on one or more con-
`ventional general purpose computers (e.g., IBM-compatible,
`Apple Macintosh, and/or RISC microprocessor-based com-
`puters), conventional telecommunications (e.g., modem and/
`or ISDN means), networked together by conventional net-
`work hardware and software, other types of computers and
`network resources may be used without departing from the
`present invention. It should also be understood that
`media file playback devices herein described can be embod-
`ied in various hardware forms,
`including: RAM/ROM
`drives, removable and/or permanent disk drives (including,
`but not limited to, hard disk drives, Jazz drives, and/or other
`removable media known in the art). Furthermore, it should
`be appreciated from the outset that one or more of the
`functional components may alternatively be constructed out
`of custom, dedicated electronic hardware and/or software,
`without departing from the present
`invention. Thus,
`present invention is intended to cover all such alternatives,
`modifications, and equivalents as may be included within
`the spirit and broad scope ofthe invention as defined only by
`the hereinafter appended claims.
`Additionally, as used herein, the term “Unicast” describes
`a file transfer session between a single server and a single
`client receiver, using either TCP or UDP. The term “Multi-
`cast” (or more specifically “1P Multicast”) describes a file
`transfer session between a single server and a plurality of
`client receivers. Because of the additional clients, all Mul—
`ticast sessions must be based on the UDP protocol as the
`TCP protocol specification does not allow for more than two
`endpoints for the connection.
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram of the media file client/server
`system of the present invention. Shown in FIG. 1 is a file
`distribution server 12 (which includes media file database
`system 18 and client database 20), a client (user) system 14
`(which includes a media file playback system 24), connected
`via a network system 16. As an overview,
`the present
`invention is intended to provide media file distribution in a
`server/client environment. Media files can be any of feature
`films, television programs, audio files, or any other combi-
`nation of audio and/or video programming. Further, media
`files can also contain non-media data. The following detailed
`description will be in reference to audio/video file distribu-
`tion, and in particular, to fiJll-length video file (i.e., feature
`film) distribution. The present
`invention is intended to
`permit a user to access the file distribution server, order an
`event (a movie), pay for the transaction via the financial
`transaction server 22 (more fiJlly described in copending
`application serial number

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