Case 8:19-cv-02192-GW-AS Document 48 Filed 07/01/20 Page 1 of 27 Page ID #:491
`Case No. 8:19-cv-02192-GW(ASx)
`Consolidated Case No.:
`Case No. 2:20-cv-01252-GW(ASx)
`[Hon. George H. Wu]
`[Hon. Alka Sagar]
`Discovery in this action is likely to involve production of confidential, proprietary,
`or private information for which special protection from public disclosure and from
`use for any purpose other than prosecuting this litigation may be warranted.
`Accordingly, the parties hereby stipulate to and petition the Court to enter the
`following Stipulated Protective Order. The parties acknowledge that this Order does
`not confer blanket protections on all disclosures or responses to discovery and that the
`protection it affords from public disclosure and use extends only to the limited
`information or items that are entitled to confidential treatment under the applicable
`legal principles. The parties further acknowledge, as set forth in Section 12.3, below,
`that this Stipulated Protective Order does not entitle them to file confidential
`information under seal; Civil Local Rule 79-5 sets forth the procedures that must be
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`followed and the standards that will be applied when a party seeks permission from
`the court to file material under seal.
`This action is likely to involve trade secrets, customer and pricing lists and other
`valuable research, development, commercial, financial, technical and/or proprietary
`information for which special protection from public disclosure and from use for any
`purpose other than prosecution of this action is warranted. Such confidential and
`proprietary materials and information consist of, among other things, confidential
`business or financial information, information regarding confidential business
`practices, or other confidential research, development, or commercial information
`(including information implicating privacy rights of third parties), information
`otherwise generally unavailable to the public, or which may be privileged or otherwise
`protected from disclosure under state or federal statutes, court rules, case decisions,
`or common law. Accordingly, to expedite the flow of information, to facilitate the
`prompt resolution of disputes over confidentiality of discovery materials, to
`adequately protect information the parties are entitled to keep confidential, to ensure
`that the parties are permitted reasonable necessary uses of such material in preparation
`for and in the conduct of trial, to address their handling at the end of the litigation, and
`serve the ends of justice, a protective order for such information is justified in this
`matter. It is the intent of the parties that information will not be designated as
`confidential for tactical reasons and that nothing be so designated without a good faith
`belief that it has been maintained in a confidential, non-public manner, and there is
`good cause why it should not be part of the public record of this case.
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`2.1 Action: Case No.
`Consolidated Case No.: 2:20-cv-01252-GW-ASx.
`2.2 Challenging Party: a Party or Non-Party that challenges the designation
`of information or items under this Order.
`2.3a “CONFIDENTIAL” Information or Items: information (regardless of
`how it is generated, stored or maintained) or tangible things that qualify for protection
`under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(c), and as specified above in the Good Cause
`(hereinafter “COCO”): information (regardless of how it is generated, stored or
`maintained) or tangible things that are extremely sensitive and disclosure to persons
`other than the parties’ respective Outside Counsel of Record would create a substantial
`risk of injury, business loss or competitive disadvantage, including without limitation,
`trade secrets, sensitive financial information, and/or other proprietary information.
`2.3c “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – SOURCE CODE” Information or Items
`(hereinafter “HCSC”): documents or information containing or substantively relating
`to confidential, proprietary and/or trade secret source code or technical design
`documentation. See Section 11 of this Protective Order.
`2.4 Counsel: Outside Counsel of Record and House Counsel (as well as their
`support staff).
`2.5 Designating Party: a Party or Non-Party that designates information or
`it produces
`in disclosures or
`in responses
`to discovery as
`2.6 Disclosure or Discovery Material: all items or information, regardless of
`the medium or manner in which it is generated, stored, or maintained (including,
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`among other things, testimony, transcripts, and tangible things), that are produced or
`generated in disclosures or responses to discovery in this matter.
`2.7 Expert: a person with specialized knowledge or experience in a matter
`pertinent to the litigation who has been retained by a Party or its counsel to serve as
`an expert witness or as a consultant in this Action.
`2.8 House Counsel: attorneys who are employees of a party to this Action.
`House Counsel does not include Outside Counsel of Record or any other outside
`2.9 Non-Party: any natural person, partnership, corporation, association, or
`other legal entity not named as a Party to this action.
`2.10 Outside Counsel of Record: attorneys who are not employees of a party
`to this Action but are retained to represent or advise a party to this Action and have
`appeared in this Action on behalf of that party or are affiliated with or assisting a law
`firm which has appeared on behalf of that party, and includes support staff.
`2.11 Outside General Counsel: attorneys who are not employees of a party to
`this Action but are retained to represent or advise a party to this Action, including
`support staff.
`2.12 Party: any party to this Action, including all of its officers, directors,
`employees, consultants, retained experts, and Outside Counsel of Record (and their
`support staffs).
`2.13 Producing Party: a Party or Non-Party that produces Disclosure or
`Discovery Material in this Action.
`2.14 Professional Vendors: persons or entities that provide litigation support
`services (e.g., photocopying, videotaping,
`translating, preparing exhibits or
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`demonstrations, and organizing, storing, or retrieving data in any form or medium)
`and their employees and subcontractors.
`2.15 Protected Material: any Disclosure or Discovery Material that is
`designated as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “COCO” or “HCSC.”
`2.16 Receiving Party: a Party that receives Disclosure or Discovery Material
`from a Producing Party.
`The protections conferred by this Stipulation and Order cover not only
`Protected Material (as defined above), but also (1) any information copied or extracted
`from Protected Material; (2) all copies, excerpts, summaries, or compilations of
`Protected Material; and (3) any testimony, conversations, or presentations by Parties
`or their Counsel that might reveal Protected Material.
`Nothing in this Order shall bar or otherwise restrict Outside Counsel of Record
`for a party from rendering advice to his client with respect to this Action and, in the
`course thereof, relying upon his or her examination of materials designated
`“CONFIDENTIAL” or “COCO” or “HCSC,” provided that no disclosure of the
`substance of any such material shall be made except as (i) permitted herein or (ii) if
`such statement is a general conclusory statement indicating the nature and strength of
`the proofs the other party (or any third party) has offered.
`Any use of Protected Material at trial shall be governed by the orders of the trial
`judge. This Order does not govern the use of Protected Material at trial.
`Even after final disposition of this litigation, the confidentiality obligations
`imposed by this Order shall remain in effect until a Designating Party agrees otherwise
`in writing or a court order otherwise directs. Final disposition shall be deemed to be
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`the later of (1) dismissal of all claims and defenses in this Action, with or without
`prejudice; and (2) final judgment herein after the completion and exhaustion of all
`appeals, rehearings, remands, trials, or reviews of this Action, including the time limits
`for filing any motions or applications for extension of time pursuant to applicable law.
`5.1 Exercise of Restraint and Care in Designating Material for Protection.
`Each Party or Non-Party that designates information or items for protection under this
`Order must take care to limit any such designation to specific material that qualifies
`under the appropriate standards. The Designating Party must designate for protection
`only those parts of material, documents, items, or oral or written communications that
`qualify so that other portions of the material, documents, items, or communications
`for which protection is not warranted are not swept unjustifiably within the ambit of
`this Order.
`Mass, indiscriminate, or routinized designations are prohibited. Designations
`that are shown to be clearly unjustified or that have been made for an improper
`purpose (e.g., to unnecessarily encumber the case development process or to impose
`unnecessary expenses and burdens on other parties) may expose the Designating Party
`to sanctions.
`If it comes to a Designating Party’s attention that information or items that it
`designated for protection do not qualify for protection, that Designating Party must
`promptly notify all other Parties that it is withdrawing the inapplicable designation.
`5.2 Manner and Timing of Designations. Except as otherwise provided in
`this Order (see, e.g., second paragraph of section 5.2(a) below), or as otherwise
`stipulated or ordered, Disclosure or Discovery Material that qualifies for protection
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`under this Order must be clearly so designated before the material is disclosed or
`Designation in conformity with this Order requires:
`for information in documentary form (e.g., paper or electronic
`documents, but excluding transcripts of depositions or other pretrial or trial
`the Producing Party affix at a minimum,
`OUTSIDE COUNSEL ONLY” (hereinafter “COCO legend”) or “HIGHLY
`CONFIDENTIAL – SOURCE CODE” (hereinafter “HCSC legend”) to each page that
`contains protected material. If only a portion or portions of the material on a page
`qualifies for protection, the Producing Party also must clearly identify the protected
`portion(s) (e.g., by making appropriate markings in the margins).
`A Party or Non-Party that makes original documents available for inspection
`need not designate them for protection until after the inspecting Party has indicated
`which documents it would like copied and produced. During the inspection and before
`the designation, all of the material made available for inspection shall be deemed
`– SOURCE CODE.” After the inspecting Party has identified the documents it wants
`copied and produced, the Producing Party must determine which documents, or
`portions thereof, qualify for protection under this Order. Then, before producing the
`specified documents, the Producing Party must affix the “CONFIDENTIAL legend”
`or the “COCO legend” or the “HCSC legend” to each page that contains Protected
`Material. If only a portion or portions of the material on a page qualifies for protection,
`the Producing Party also must clearly identify the protected portion(s) (e.g., by making
`appropriate markings in the margins).
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`for testimony given in depositions, that the Designating Party
`identify the protected testimony on the record before the close of the deposition, or
`within 21 days after receipt of the final transcript of the deposition.
`for information produced in some form other than documentary
`and for any other tangible items, that the Producing Party affix in a prominent place
`on the exterior of the container or containers in which the information is stored the
`legend “CONFIDENTIAL” or “COCO” or “HCSC.” If only a portion or portions of
`the information warrants protection, the Producing Party, to the extent practicable,
`shall identify the protected portion(s).
`Inadvertent Failures to Designate. If timely corrected, an inadvertent
`failure to designate qualified information or items does not, standing alone, waive the
`Designating Party’s right to secure protection under this Order for such material. Upon
`timely correction of a designation, the Receiving Party must make reasonable efforts
`to assure that the material is treated in accordance with the provisions of this Order.
`6.1 Timing of Challenges. Any Party or Non-Party may challenge a
`designation of confidentiality at any time that is consistent with the Court’s
`Scheduling Order.
`6.2 Meet and Confer. The Challenging Party shall initiate the informal
`dispute resolution process set forth in the Court's Procedures and Schedules. See
` The burden of persuasion in
`any such challenge proceeding shall be on the Designating Party. Frivolous
`challenges, and those made for an improper purpose (e.g., to harass or impose
`unnecessary expenses and burdens on other parties) may expose the Challenging Party
`to sanctions. Unless the Designating Party has waived or withdrawn the
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`confidentiality designation, all parties shall continue to afford the material in question
`the level of protection to which it is entitled under the Producing Party’s designation
`until the Court rules on the challenge.
`7.1 Basic Principles. A Receiving Party may use Protected Material that is
`disclosed or produced by another Party or by a Non-Party in connection with this
`Action only for prosecuting, defending, or attempting to settle this Action. Such
`Protected Material may be disclosed only to the categories of persons and under the
`conditions described in this Order. When the Action has been terminated, a Receiving
`Party must comply with the provisions of section 15 below (FINAL DISPOSITION).
`Protected Material must be stored and maintained by a Receiving Party at a
`location and in a secure manner that ensures that access is limited to the persons
`authorized under this Order.
`7.2 Disclosure of “CONFIDENTIAL” Information or Items. Unless
`otherwise ordered by the court or permitted in writing by the Designating Party, a
`Receiving Party may disclose any information or item designated “CONFIDENTIAL”
`only to:
`the Receiving Party’s Outside Counsel of Record in this Action,
`as well as employees of said Outside Counsel of Record to whom it is reasonably
`necessary to disclose the information for this Action;
`the Receiving Party’s Outside General Counsel in this Action, as
`well as employees of said Outside General Counsel to who it is reasonably necessary
`to disclose the information for this Action and who have signed the “Acknowledgment
`and Agreement to Be Bound” (Exhibit A);
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`the officers, directors, and employees (including House Counsel)
`of the Receiving Party to whom disclosure is reasonably necessary for this Action;
`Experts (as defined in this Order) of the Receiving Party to whom
`disclosure is reasonably necessary for this Action and who have signed the
`“Acknowledgment and Agreement to Be Bound” (Exhibit A);
`the court and its personnel;
`court reporters and their staff;
`jury or
`trial consultants, mock
`jurors, and
`Professional Vendors to whom disclosure is reasonably necessary for this Action and
`who have signed the “Acknowledgment and Agreement to Be Bound” (Exhibit A);
`the author or recipient of a document containing the information
`or a custodian or other person who otherwise possessed or knew the information;
`during their depositions, witnesses, and attorneys for witnesses, in
`the Action to whom disclosure is reasonably necessary provided: (1) the deposing
`party requests that the witness sign the form attached as Exhibit A hereto; and (2) they
`will not be permitted to keep any confidential information unless they sign the
`“Acknowledgment and Agreement to Be Bound” (Exhibit A), unless otherwise agreed
`by the Designating Party or ordered by the court. Pages of transcribed deposition
`testimony or exhibits to depositions that reveal Protected Material may be separately
`bound by the court reporter and may not be disclosed to anyone except as permitted
`under this Stipulated Protective Order; and
`any mediator or settlement officer, and their supporting personnel,
`mutually agreed upon by any of the parties engaged in settlement discussions.
`7.3 Disclosure of “COCO” Information or Items. Unless otherwise ordered
`by the court or permitted in writing by the Designating Party, a Receiving Party may
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`disclose any
`information or
`item designated “CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE
`COUNSEL ONLY” or “COCO” only to those individuals identified in paragraphs
`7.2(a)-(b), and (d)-(j) above.
`7.4 Disclosure of “HCSC” Information or Items.
`Unless otherwise ordered by the court or permitted in writing by the
`Designating Party, a Receiving Party may only disclose any information or items
`designated “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – SOURCE CODE” only to those
`individuals identified in paragraphs 7.2(a), (d)-(f), and (h) above. A Receiving Party
`may additionally disclose any
`information or
`items designated “HIGHLY
`CONFIDENTIAL – SOURCE CODE” to those individuals identified in paragraph (i)
`above, but only to the extent that the witness has knowledge regarding the source code
`at issue or is a witness designated by the Designating Party under Federal Rule of Civil
`Procedure 30(b)(6) to testify on its behalf. Further, the Receiving Party must comply
`with all provisions for disclosing source code as set forth in Section 11 of this
`Protective Order. In addition, a party seeking to disclose to an expert retained by
`outside counsel of record any information or item that has been designated “COCO”
`or “HCSC” must first make a written request to the designator that (1) sets forth the
`full name of the expert and the city and state of his or her primary residence, (2)
`attaches a copy of the expert’s current resume, including identification of any person
`or entity from which the expert has received substantial compensation in the last five
`years, (3) identifies the expert’s current employer(s), (4) identifies (by name and
`number of the case, filing date, and location of court) any litigation where the expert
`has offered expert testimony, including by declaration, report, or testimony at
`deposition or trial, in the past four years. If the expert believes any of this information
`at (2) - (4) is subject to a confidentiality obligation to a third party, then the expert
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`should provide whatever information the expert believes can be disclosed without
`violating any confidentiality agreements, and the party seeking to disclose the
`information to the expert shall be available to meet and confer with the designator
`regarding any such confidentiality obligations.
`7.5 Written Objections from Designator
`A party that makes a request and provides the information specified in
`paragraph 7.4. may disclose the designated material to the identified expert unless,
`within seven days of delivering the request, the party receives a written objection from
`the designator providing detailed grounds for the objection. All challenges to
`objections from the designator shall proceed according to the informal dispute
`resolution process set forth in the Court’s Procedures and Schedules. See
`If a Party is served with a subpoena or a court order issued in other litigation
`that compels disclosure of any information or items designated in this Action as
`“CONFIDENTIAL,” “COCO,” or “HCSC” that Party must:
`promptly notify in writing the Designating Party. Such notification
`shall include a copy of the subpoena or court order;
`promptly notify in writing the party who caused the subpoena or
`order to issue in the other litigation that some or all of the material covered by the
`subpoena or order is subject to this Protective Order. Such notification shall include a
`copy of this Stipulated Protective Order; and
`cooperate with respect to all reasonable procedures sought to be
`pursued by the Designating Party whose Protected Material may be affected.
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`If the Designating Party timely seeks a protective order, the Party served with
`the subpoena or court order shall not produce any information designated in this action
`as “CONFIDENTIAL,” “COCO,” or “HCSC” before a determination by the court
`from which the subpoena or order issued, unless the Party has obtained the
`Designating Party’s permission. The Designating Party shall bear the burden and
`expense of seeking protection in that court of its confidential material and nothing in
`these provisions should be construed as authorizing or encouraging a Receiving Party
`in this Action to disobey a lawful directive from another court.
`(a) The terms of this Order are applicable to information produced by
`a Non-Party in this Action and designated as “CONFIDENTIAL,” “COCO,” or
`“HCSC.” Such information produced by Non-Parties in connection with this litigation
`is protected by the remedies and relief provided by this Order. Nothing in these
`provisions should be construed as prohibiting a Non-Party from seeking additional
`In the event that a Party is required, by a valid discovery request,
`to produce a Non-Party’s confidential information in its possession, and the Party is
`subject to an agreement with the Non-Party not to produce the Non-Party’s
`confidential information, then the Party shall:
`promptly notify in writing the Requesting Party and the
`Non-Party that some or all of the information requested is subject to a
`confidentiality agreement with a Non-Party;
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`promptly provide the Non-Party with a copy of the
`Stipulated Protective Order in this Action, the relevant discovery request(s), and
`a reasonably specific description of the information requested; and
`(3) make the information requested available for inspection by
`the Non-Party, if requested.
`If the Non-Party fails to seek a protective order from this court
`within 14 days of receiving the notice and accompanying information, the Receiving
`Party may produce the Non-Party’s confidential information responsive to the
`discovery request. If the Non-Party timely seeks a protective order, the Receiving
`Party shall not produce any information in its possession or control that is subject to
`the confidentiality agreement with the Non-Party before a determination by the court.
`Absent a court order to the contrary, the Non-Party shall bear the burden and expense
`of seeking protection in this court of its Protected Material.
`If a Receiving Party learns that, by inadvertence or otherwise, it has disclosed
`Protected Material to any person or in any circumstance not authorized under this
`Stipulated Protective Order, the Receiving Party must immediately (a) notify in
`writing the Designating Party of the unauthorized disclosures, (b) use its best efforts
`to retrieve all unauthorized copies of the Protected Material, (c) inform the person or
`persons to whom unauthorized disclosures were made of all the terms of this Order,
`and (d) request such person or persons to execute the “Acknowledgment and
`Agreement to Be Bound” that is attached hereto as Exhibit A.
`For Protected Material designated “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – SOURCE
`CODE,” which shall mean documents or information containing or substantively
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`relating to confidential, proprietary and/or trade secret source code or technical design
`documentation (“Source Code Material”), the following additional restrictions apply:
`11.1 Access to a party’s Source Code Material shall be provided only on a
`“standalone” computer (that is, the computer may not be linked to any network,
`including a local area network, an intranet or the Internet) (“Source Code Computer”)
`that is password protected and maintained in a secure room (“Source Code Review
`Room”). The Source Code Computer shall be located at the offices of outside counsel
`for the Producing Party. For TCL: Perkins Coie LLP, 11452 El Camino Real, Suite
`300, San Diego, CA 92130-2080. No recordable media or recordable devices,
`including without limitation sound recorders, computers, cellular telephones,
`peripheral equipment, cameras, CDs, DVDs, or drives of any kind, shall be permitted
`into the Source Code Review Room;
`11.2 The Source Code Computer will only be available during normal business
`hours, which for purposes of this paragraph shall be 9:00 a.m. through 6:00 p.m. on
`business days (i.e., weekdays that are not federal holidays). Prior to the first inspection
`of any requested Source Code Material, the Receiving Party shall provide twenty-one
`(21) days’ notice of the Source Code Material that it wishes to inspect. The Receiving
`Party shall provide five (5) days notice prior to any subsequent inspections;
`11.3 The Producing Party shall provide the Receiving Party with information
`explaining how to start, log on to, and operate the Source Code Computer in order to
`access the produced Source Code Material on the Source Code Computer. The
`Producing Party may visually monitor the activities of the Receiving Party’s
`representatives during any Source Code Material review, but only to ensure that no
`unauthorized electronic records of the Source Code Material and no information
`concerning the Source Code Material are being created or transmitted in any way;
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`11.4 The Producing Party will produce Source Code Material in computer
`searchable format on the Source Code Computer as described above and will, upon
`request from the Receiving Party, install freely available software tools on the Source
`Code Computer for purposes of the review (including but not limited to software to
`perform searches of the Source Code Material), if such tools exist and are in
`possession of the Producing Party at the time the first request to review Source Code
`Material is received;
`11.5 The Receiving Party may request that the Producing Party install software
`on the Source Code Computer to perform searches of the Source Code Material or to
`review the Source Code Material consistent with all of the protections herein. The
`Receiving Party shall timely request that common review software be installed on the
`computer but must provide the Producing Party with removable electronic media (e.g.,
`a CD, DVD, or flash memory “stick”) containing any such software tools not
`commonly available at least fourteen (14) days in advance of the date upon which the
`Receiving Party wishes to have the additional not commonly available software
`available for use on the Source Code Computer. Reasonable and timely requests for
`the installation of such search software will not be denied. If the Receiving Party
`requests installation of review software that requires a paid license, the Receiving
`Party must obtain that

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