Case 8:19-cv-02192-GW-AS Document 64 Filed 10/29/20 Page 1 of 9 Page ID #:1644
`John P. Schnurer, Bar No. 185725
`Yun (Louise) Lu, Bar No. 253114
`Kyle R. Canavera Bar No. 314664
`11452 El Camino Real, Suite 300
`San Diego, CA 92130-2080
`Telephone: 858.720.5700
`Facsimile: 858.720.5799
`Attorneys for Defendants
`TCT Mobile (US) Inc., Huizhou TCL Mobile
`Communication Co., Ltd., and Shenzhen TCL
`Creative Cloud Technology Co., Ltd.
`CO., LTD.,
`Case No. 8:19-CV-02192-GW-ASx
`Case No. 2:20-cv-01252-GW-ASx
`Judge: Hon. George H. Wu
`Judge: Hon. Alka Sagar
`Case No. 8:19-CV-02192-GW-ASx


`Case 8:19-cv-02192-GW-AS Document 64 Filed 10/29/20 Page 2 of 9 Page ID #:1645
`The Court should grant TCL’s Motion to Stay Pending inter partes review.
`Two separate petitions are pending institution before the Patent Office, and for all
`claims of the only patent asserted in this lawsuit. Both petitions will receive
`institution decisions within five months. After accusing a third-party smartphone
`maker of infringing the asserted patent based on Android functionality, Ancora
`waited three years to bring nearly identical allegations against TCL in this lawsuit.
`Ancora waited so long that the patent had expired by the time it brought this
`lawsuit. There is no way that Ancora can reasonably claim that waiting a few more
`months in the name of conserving Court and party resources will effect any
`prejudice on a non-practicing entity like Ancora.
`Moreover, the change in policy by the Patent Office within the last year
`applying its NHK and Fintiv precedents warrants a pre-institution stay in a way that
`this Court did not have occasion to consider in its past decisions. As TCL
`explained in its opening brief, the Patent Office’s institution decisions are now
`highly dependent on the stage of the district court case, and denying a stay in this
`case is likely effective to cause denial of TCL’s inter partes review petition without
`the merits ever being considered. (TCL Opening Br. (Dkt. No 59-1) at 12–17.)
`Ancora’s primary responses are that this case is actually very far along
`(Opposition Br. (Dkt. No. 63) at 5–7), and that TCL should have filed its petition
`for inter partes review sooner. (Id. at 12–13.) Regarding the former, Ancora did
`not even bother to serve any discovery requests until two days before the instant
`motion was filed. This case is not far along. Regarding the latter, TCL filed its
`inter partes review petition within the one-year period that Congress saw fit to
`allow a defendant in a patent infringement lawsuit, and Ancora admits that TCL
`filed its petition based on prior art that it discovered about four months prior to the
`filing. (Opposition Br. at 6.) Ancora does not even attempt to reconcile its delay of
`Case No. 8:19-CV-02192-GW-ASx


`Case 8:19-cv-02192-GW-AS Document 64 Filed 10/29/20 Page 3 of 9 Page ID #:1646
`three years in bringing this lawsuit with its complaint about TCL taking a
`reasonable four months to file its petition for inter partes review.
`For the reasons stated in TCL’s Opening Brief and here, the unique facts of
`this case warrant the granting of a stay at this stage. TCL respectfully requests the
`Court grant the Motion on that basis.
`A. The Early Stage of the Case Favors a Stay.
`Ancora disagrees that this case is in its infancy, but the facts belie Ancora’s
`assertion. Where no depositions have been scheduled and expert and fact discovery
`will presumably not close for many months, a case is still in its earliest stages.
`Polaris PowerLED Techs., LLC v. Hisense Elecs. Mfg. Co. of Am. Corp. et al., No.
`20-00123, 2020 WL 6064638, at *2 (C.D. Cal. Aug. 26, 2020). The Court here has
`yet to set a trial date and deadlines for fact and expert discovery. As TCL pointed
`out in its opening brief (see TCL Opening Br. at 7), courts have routinely stayed
`cases at this stage of the litigation. See Wonderland Nursery Goods Co. v. Baby
`Trend, Inc., No. 14-01153, 2015 WL 1809309, at *3 (C.D. Cal. Apr. 20, 2015)
`(finding the stage of litigation weighed in favor of a stay where fact discovery was
`underway, expert discovery had not begun, and a trial date had not yet been set);
`PersonalWeb Techs., LLC v. Facebook, Inc., 2014 WL 116340, at *3 (N.D. Cal.
`Jan. 13, 2014) (granting stay although “a claim construction order has been issued
`and the close of fact discovery is fast approaching” because “a substantial portion
`of the work—expert discovery, summary judgment, pre-trial preparation, and trial
`itself—lies ahead”).
`The cases Ancora cites in the Opposition are inapposite. (See Opposition Br.
`at 7 (Dkt. No. 63).) For instance, in the DMF, Inc. v. AMP Plus, Inc. case, trial was
`approximately four months away, fact discovery had closed, and expert discovery
`was scheduled to close in two weeks from when the Court issued its order denying
`defendant’s motion for a stay. No. 2:18-cv-07090, 2019 WL 9077477, at *7 (C.D.
`Case No. 8:19-CV-02192-GW-ASx


`Case 8:19-cv-02192-GW-AS Document 64 Filed 10/29/20 Page 4 of 9 Page ID #:1647
`Cal. Dec. 13, 2019). In Interwoven, Inc. v. Vertical Computer Sys., Inc., it was the
`plaintiff who moved to stay the case pending reexamination, which it sought a year
`and three months into litigation and to obtain a tactical advantage after receiving an
`unfavorable claim construction order. No. C 10-04645, 2012 WL 761692, at *2
`(N.D. Cal. Mar. 8, 2012).
`In contrast, the instant case is in its early stages. The parties have performed
`mandatory exchanges of infringement contentions and invalidity contentions, but
`neither party has supplemented those disclosures. Neither party had exchanged
`written discovery prior to the filing of the Motion other than: (1) TCL seeking the
`previous invalidity contentions Ancora received in its many other lawsuits, and (2)
`Ancora serving its first discovery requests two days before the filing of the instant
`Motion, to which TCL’s response is not due until two weeks from now (November
`12, 2020). Ancora clearly took its time in conducting discovery and cannot
`credibly deny the discovery is far from complete.
`This factor weighs strongly in favor of a stay.
`B. A Stay Pending Inter Partes Review Would Simplify the Issues in
`This Case.
`Ancora argues that it is merely speculative that inter partes review trial will
`be instituted. But any stay is at least in part speculative. A stay pending settlement
`speculates on the possibility that the parties will finalize settlement papers. A stay
`pending appeal speculates on affirmance of the court’s decision. A stay pending
`inter partes review is speculative of the results of the inter partes review
`proceeding, regardless of whether the stay occurs pre-institution or post-institution.
`TCL’s request for a stay is of course at least in part speculative, because it is a
`request for stay and not dismissal.
`Ancora further argues that the Court must deny TCLs’ motion because the
`’941 Patent “has already withstood significant scrutiny before both the USPTO and
`courts including twice before the Federal Circuit.” (Opposition Br. at 8.) Ancora
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`has conveniently omitted the fact that the ’941 Patent has never been the subject of
`inter partes review. Only in the ex parte reexamination did the tribunal in question
`consider prior art-based invalidity of the ’941 Patent. The tribunal in an ex parte
`reexamination is a single patent examiner with no participation by the adverse
`party. Notably, TCL’s petition for inter partes review does not rely on any of the
`prior art considered during that ex parte reexamination. In fact, the prior art
`references cited in TCL’s inter partes review petition have never been before the
`USPTO in any prior proceeding. The inter partes review proceeding has a high
`likelihood of success as the prior art references disclose every element of every
`asserted claim.
`Even if, arguendo, the simplification of issues is speculative, the potential to
`save judicial resources favors a stay. Polaris PowerLED Techs., LLC, 2020 WL
`6064638, at *2 (granting motion to stay despite denials of institution in prior inter
`partes review proceedings). Because TCL has petitioned for review of all the
`claims asserted in this action, the outcome of the inter partes review may
`significantly narrow the scope and complexity of the litigation and the parties’ and
`Court’s resources are likely to be conserved. And even if some asserted claims
`survive, this case would be narrowed substantially—and inconsistent positions
`taken by Ancora as to claim scope in attempting to survive inter partes review
`could be addressed by this Court or a jury. See PersonalWeb Techs., LLC v.
`Facebook, Inc., No. 5:13-CV-01356-EJD, 2014 WL 116340, at *4 (N.D. Cal. Jan.
`13, 2014) (“Even if the PTAB affirms the validity of every asserted claim … these
`cases would still benefit as such a strong showing would assist in streamlining the
`presentation of evidence and benefit the trier of fact by providing the expert opinion
`of the PTO. Indeed, allowing these invalidity arguments to be determined once,
`employing the specialized expertise of the PTO, produces the exact results—
`avoiding duplicative costs and efforts and averting the possibility of inconsistent
`judgments—intended by the AIA and previous procedures.”)
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`Ancora’s argument that inter partes review would not resolve TCL’s pleaded
`affirmative defenses and counterclaims is non-sensical as they all are dependent on
`the validity of the asserted claims and will become moot if the claims are
`invalidated during the inter partes review. Further, Ancora’s reliance on
`Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. v. Apple, Inc., No. 1:13-cv-0633, 2014 WL 201965
`(N.D.N.Y. Jan. 14, 2014), is misplaced, because invalidity is likely to be the most
`significant affirmative defense presented at trial. Thus, resolution of all or part of
`that affirmative defense would result in a significant simplification of issues for
`trial. In any case, Ancora’s argument that a delay in resolving TCL’s affirmative
`defenses works a “sever prejudice” on Ancora makes no sense. They are TCL’s
`affirmative defenses. If there is any greater difficulty in proving those affirmative
`defenses due to the passage of time during a stay, that only benefits Ancora, not
`Accordingly, this factor weighs in favor of a stay.
`C. Ancora Would Suffer No Undue Prejudice from a Stay.
`As TCL argued in its opening brief (TCL’s Opening Br. at 11), Ancora is a
`non-practicing entity and does not risk prejudice from additional lost sales or
`revenue should this action be stayed. See Polaris PowerLED Techs., 2020 WL
`6064638, at *3; Prime Focus Creative Servs. Canada Inc. v. Legend3D, Inc., No.
`CV-15-2340, 2015 WL 12746207, at *7 (C.D. Cal. Sept. 23, 2015) (“Courts have
`consistently found that a patent licensor cannot be prejudiced by a stay because
`monetary damages provide adequate redress for infringement.”) (quoting
`Evolutionary Intelligence, LLC v. Facebook, Inc., No. 13–4202, 2014 WL 261837,
`at *3 (N.D. Cal. Jan. 23, 2014)). In fact, because the ’941 Patent expired before
`Ancora brought this lawsuit, it was legally impossible for TCL to infringe the ’941
`Patent by the date on which this lawsuit was commenced. Ancora is only, and can
`only, seek damages for activities performed by TCL entirely before this lawsuit
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`Ancora protests that a stay of the case pending inter partes review is “highly
`prejudicial.” (Opposition Br. at 10.) Yet, Ancora cannot and does not specify how
`or why it would suffer prejudice, or why damages are insufficient to compensate a
`non-practicing entity like itself. Ancora argues that it has an interest in the timely
`enforcement of its patent rights and that a stay would delay the conclusion of the
`case. (Id.) But, as Courts have repeatedly found, “[t]he mere possibility of delay,
`inherent in all proceedings, is insufficient to constitute undue prejudice.” Polaris
`PowerLED Technologies, LLC, 2020 WL 6064638, at *3 (citing PersonalWeb
`Techs., LLC v. Apple Inc., 69 F. Supp. 3d 1022, 1029 (N.D. Cal. 2014).
`Further, because Ancora waited three years after filing a nearly identical
`lawsuit against HTC based on the same Android functionality, it is clear that
`Ancora will not be prejudiced by a stay of approximately five months pending an
`institution decision on TCL’s inter partes review petition.
`Ancora further argues it would be prejudiced by a stay because “Defendants
`waited until the very last day of their statutory cut-off to file their IPR petition,”
`referencing the Telesign Corp. factors for weighing prejudice to the non-moving
`party. (Opposition Br. at 11.) Contrary to Ancora’s argument, TCL acted
`diligently in filing its inter partes review petition. TCL filed the IPR petition less
`than six months after Ancora served its Disclosure of Asserted Claims and
`Infringement Contentions on April 1, 2020. There is nothing wrong with filing the
`IPR before the statutory bar date, a time period set by Congress. Ancora’s lack of
`diligence argument is misplaced.
`The “time of the request for the stay” factor favors TCL as it sought a stay of
`the case within approximately one month after filing its inter partes review petition.
`See Polaris PowerLED Techs., 2020 WL 6064638, at *3 (finding defendants acted
`diligently in filing its IPR petition within three to four months of plaintiff
`identifying asserted claims and in moving to stay the case shortly after filing its IPR
`petition); see also Evolutionary Intelligence LLC v. Yelp Inc., No. 13-03587, 2013
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`Case 8:19-cv-02192-GW-AS Document 64 Filed 10/29/20 Page 8 of 9 Page ID #:1651
`WL 6672451, at *9 (N.D. Cal. Dec. 18, 2013) (granting stay where moving party
`filed IPR petition five months after service of infringement contentions); Cypress
`Semiconductor Corp. v. GSI Tech., Inc., No. 13-CV-02013, 2014 WL 5021100, at
`*4 (N.D. Cal. Oct. 7, 2014) (“[P]rovided an accused infringer is diligent, delay due
`to preparing an inter partes review petition, ascertaining the plaintiff's theories of
`infringement, or otherwise researching the patents that have been asserted in an
`action does not unduly prejudice the patent owner.”) (quoting Asetek Holdings, Inc
`v. Cooler Master Co., No. 13-CV-00457-JST, 2014 WL 1350813, at *5 (N.D. Cal.
`Apr. 3, 2014)). Given TCL’s diligence in pursuing inter partes review, Ancora
`cannot credibly allege that TCL engaged in tactical gamesmanship in seeking this
`The “relationship of the parties” factor strongly favors a stay. As noted
`above, Ancora is a non-practicing entity and delayed filing this case until the patent
`had long expired. Ancora cannot reasonably argue it will be prejudiced by a few-
`months stay given that it waited years before filing this lawsuit. The “status of
`review proceedings” factor is at most neutral or tilts in favor of a stay because
`denying a stay in this case would in effect deny TCL’s right for seeking an inter
`partes review on the asserted claims given the NHK/Fintiv precedent.
`Thus, this factor strongly weighs in favor of a stay.
`For the reasons stated above and in its Opening Brief, TCL requests that the
`Court stay this case pending inter partes review of the ’941 Patent.
`Case No. 8:19-CV-02192-GW-ASx


`Case 8:19-cv-02192-GW-AS Document 64 Filed 10/29/20 Page 9 of 9 Page ID #:1652
`DATED: October 29, 2020
`Respectfully submitted,
`/s/ Kyle R. Canavera
`John P. Schnurer, Bar No. 185725
`Yun (Louise) Lu, Bar No. 253114
`Kyle R. Canavera, CA Bar No. 314664
`11452 El Camino Real, Suite 300
`San Diego, CA 92130-2080
`Tel.: 858.720.5700
`Fax.: 858.720.5799
`Attorneys for Defendants
`TCT Mobile (US) Inc., Huizhou TCL
`Mobile Communication Co., Ltd., and
`Shenzhen TCL Creative Cloud Technology
`Co., Ltd.
`Case No. 8:19-CV-02192-GW-ASx

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