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`Matthew G. Berkowitz (SBN 310426)
`Yue (Joy) Wang (SBN 300594)
`1460 El Camino Real, 2nd Floor
`Menlo Park, CA 94025
`Telephone: 650.838.3600
`Fax: 650.838.3699
`L. Kieran Kieckhefer (SBN 251978)
`535 Mission Street, 25th Floor
`San Francisco, CA 94105
`Telephone: 415.616.1100
`Fax: 415.616.1199
`Attorneys for Defendant NetSuite Inc.
`Additional Counsel Listed on Signature Page
`Case No. 8:19-cv-01151-JLS-DFM
`Hearing: November 1, 2019
`Courtroom: 10-A
`Joseph L. Staton
`Pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 26 and 34, Plaintiff, Uniloc
`2017 LLC, and Defendant, NetSuite Inc., file this Joint Rule 26(f) Report, per the
`Court’s Order, Dkt. No. 25.
`A. Uniloc’s Position
`This is a patent infringement action. Uniloc 2017 accuses NetSuite of
`infringing United States Patent Nos. 6,344,578 and 7,069,293. NetSuite denies
`infringement and alleges the patents are invalid.
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`In an earlier action in the Eastern District of Texas, the judge had issued an
`interlocutory claim construction order, and the Uniloc plaintiffs then filed a Motion
`for Reconsideration to correct several errors. Before the motion could get resolved,
`the case went up on appeal to the Federal Circuit on eligibility grounds. The case
`has now returned to the district court, which will, in time, consider and decide the
`issues raised by the Motion for Reconsideration. It appears NetSuite wants this
`Court to jump ahead of the Texas court, by moving up its own claim construction.
`That seems counter-intuitive to Uniloc 2017.
`B. NetSuite’s Position
`The litigation history on the asserted patents is highly-relevant to this matter
`and to the schedule that NetSuite believes should be set in this case. See D.I. 27.
`Of particular relevance is Uniloc USA, Inc. et al. v. ADP, LLC, 16-cv-00741-
`RWS (E.D. Tex.) (“ADP cases”).1 On August 17, 2017, Judge Schroeder issued a
`Markman order in the ADP cases construing numerous claim terms of the ’293 and
`’578 patents (the “Markman Order”). That Markman Order continues to govern in
`those ongoing cases.
`NetSuite believes that it does not infringe either of the Asserted Patents,
`under the Markman Order or otherwise, and that, in view of Judge Schroeder’s
`prior work, this Court can implement streamlined claim construction proceedings
`(as outlined in the attached Exhibit B) on a single term, “application program(s)”
`that will be case-dispositive if construed in a manner consistent with the Markman
`NetSuite also contends that the claims are invalid under 35 U.S.C. §§ 101,
`102, 103, and/or 112, particularly when read as broadly as Uniloc implies in its
` 1
` This case was consolidated for discovery purposes with 16-cv-00744-JRG; 16-cv-
`00858; 16-cv-00859; 16-00860; and 16-cv-00863, all in the Eastern District of
`Texas and involving the ’578 and ’293 patents.
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`first Amended Complaint and when ignoring the Federal Circuit’s guidance about
`claim scope (as Uniloc has done in the first Amended Complaint).
`A. Uniloc’s Position
`The key legal issues will include the construction of the asserted claims. The
`other issues NetSuite lists are primarily factual.
`B. NetSuite’s Position
`NetSuite agrees with Uniloc that claim construction is critical. In addition,
`and depending on the outcome of claim construction, the key legal issues will also
`1. Whether Defendant has infringed the patents-in-suit in violation of 35 §§
`U.S.C. 271(a), (b);
`2. Whether the patents-in-suit meet the conditions for patentability and
`satisfy all of the requirements set forth in the provisions of 35 U.S.C. §§
`101, 102, 103, and/or 112;
`3. Whether Uniloc has standing to assert the patents-in-suit;
`4. Whether the patents-in-suit are enforceable;
`5. whether Uniloc is collaterally estopped, either now or at a later time, in
`view of other litigation history on the patents-in-suit;
`6. The amount of damages, if any, under 35 U.S.C. § 284;
`7. Whether Uniloc’s alleged damages are limited under 35 U.S.C. § 287;
`8. Whether attorneys’ fees, costs, or expenses are recoverable under 35
`U.S.C. §§ 284 and/or 285; and
`9. In the event that the patents-in-suit are found not infringed,
`unenforceable, and/or invalid, the relief, if any, to be awarded to
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`A. Uniloc 2017’s Position
`Uniloc 2017 seeks damages in the nature of a reasonable royalty for
`infringing use. As there has been no discovery as yet as to the extent of use of the
`accused products, the parties cannot presently give a realistic range of provable
`B. NetSuite’s Position
`NetSuite does not believe that Uniloc is entitled to damages.
`Neither party has insurance coverage
`A. Uniloc 2017’s Position
`Uniloc 2017 does not contemplate motions to add parties or claims, or to file
`amended pleadings.
`B. NetSuite’s Position
`NetSuite has filed a motion to dismiss Uniloc’s First Amended Complaint.
`NetSuite anticipates filing (1) a motion to stay discovery pending an abbreviated
`claim construction proceeding and/or (2) a motion for summary judgment after
`claim construction proceedings. NetSuite does not anticipate any other motions at
`this stage.
`The parties agree that the Manual for Complex Litigation need not be used
`in this case.
`A. Uniloc 2017’s Position
`No discovery has taken place, as yet, except Uniloc 2107 has served Rule 34
`trequests.. Uniloc 2017 has made its initial disclosures.
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`B. NetSuite’s Position
`Uniloc 2017 served NetSuite with two sets of Requests for Production of
`Documents and Electronically Stored Information pursuant to Federal Rule of
`Civil Procedure 26(d)(2) on August 8 and October 4, 2019. NetSuite has not yet
`served written discovery. NetSuite believes that discovery should be stayed except
`as may be relevant to the initial claim construction proceedings outlined in the
`attached Exhibit B. NetSuite will make its initial disclosures by October 25, 2019.
`A. Uniloc 2017’s Position
`The subjects on which discovery may be needed are the patents and
`inventors, the accused products, infringement, damages, prior art, and validity.
`Discovery should not be conducted in phases.
`There are no issues about disclosure, discovery, or preservation of
`electronically stored information.
`There are no issues about claims of privilege, or of protection on trial-
`preparation materials. Privilege logs need not include any documents or
`information dated or created after August 2, 2016.
`The parties do not propose changes to the limitations on the scope of
`discovery imposed by the local and Federal rules.
`Uniloc 2017 will submit to the Standing Protective Order Judge Guilford
`Uniloc 2017 proposes a discovery cutoff date in the attached Exhibit B.
`B. NetSuite’s Position
`Initial Disclosures: The parties do not propose any changes to the initial
`disclosure schedule under the Federal Rules.
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`Subjects of discovery: NetSuite contends that discovery should be phased,
`and that, in view of Judge Schroeder’s Markman Order, all discovery should be
`stayed except as it may relate to claim construction proceedings.
`Any issues about the disclosure, discovery, or preservation of ESI: None to
`NetSuite proposes that, in view of the limited scope of this case, the parties
`should, in the first instance, be limited to 5 depositions per side, with the right to
`seek additional depositions for good cause. More specifically, this case involves
`only two patents accused against a single software platform. Uniloc is only
`seeking a reasonable royalty as damages, meaning that the parties will not need to
`take discovery on complicated lost profits issues (such as discovery on the market,
`and causation of potential lost customers).
`NetSuite also anticipates submission of a Proposed Protective Order and
`Proposed e-Discovery Order, wherein it will propose reasonable limits on the
`scope of electronic discovery including email.
`The parties propose the default schedule for expert disclosures and discovery
`in the attached Exhibit B, except that NetSuite believes that expert reports should
`come 1 week prior to the deadline for summary judgment motions, so that the
`parties can avoid filing motions where there may be an unexpected factual dispute.
`NetSuite also proposes that the deposition of any expert be limited to 7 hours
`per primary report (e.g., if an expert offers a report on infringement issues and the
`same expert offers a report on validity issues, then that expert would be subject to
`14 hours of deposition and an expert that offers a report on damages will be subject
`to 7 hours of deposition). NetSuite also proposes that if any of the parties uses two
`or more experts on any individual issue (the issue of infringement, the issue of
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`validity, or the issue of damages), the parties agree to work cooperatively to fairly
`adjust the above hour limits.
`A. Uniloc 2017’s Position
`No motions for summary judgment or partial summary judgment are currently
`B. NetSuite’s Position
`NetSuite believes that, in the event its Motion to Dismiss the First Amended
`Complaint (D.I. 27) is not granted, this case will be ripe for resolution after claim
`construction of a on a single claim term, “application program(s),” as outlined in
`the attached Exhibit B. NetSuite is not anticipating any other summary judgment
`motions at this time.
`The parties believe ADR Procedure No. 2 is best suited for this case. Uniloc
`2017 requests that the mediation be held before the end of 2019. NetSuite requests
`that the mediation be held after resolution of an abbreviated claim construction
`proceeding on a single claim term, “application program(s),” as outlined in the
`attached Exhibit B.
`A. Uniloc 2017’s Position
`The parties have not had any substantive settlement discussions or had
`written communications concerning settlement.
`B. NetSuite’s Position
`Uniloc’s counsel contacted NetSuite’s counsel regarding the possibility of
`settlement on August 9, 2019. NetSuite’s counsel responded later the same day
`indicating that it was happy to hear proposals. Uniloc did not respond again after
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`that. NetSuite believes that an early, abbreviated claim construction as outlined in
`the attached Exhibit B will be useful for purposes of settlement efforts.
`The parties estimate 4-5 days will be needed for trial, which will be to a jury.
`Uniloc 2017 expects to call five witnesses. NetSuite expects to call 4-5 witnesses.
`James J. Foster will appear as trial counsel for Uniloc 2017. Matthew G.
`Berkowitz and L. Kieran Kieckhefer will appear as trial counsel for NetSuite.
`A. Uniloc 2017’s Position
`This is not a case in which a master or independent scientific expert should
`be appointed.
`B. NetSuite’s Position
`No independent expert needed.
`A. Uniloc 2017’s Position
`Uniloc does not currently see any other issues affecting the status or
`management of the case.
`B. NetSuite’s Position
`As indicated above, and as reflected in the proposed schedule, NetSuite
`believes that discovery should be stayed pending resolution of an abbreviated and
`expedited claim construction proceeding on a single claim term, “application
`program(s),” as outlined in the attached Exhibit B.
`There is precedent for courts taking this same approach in similar situations.
`See Judge Alan Albright, Order Governing Proceedings – Patent Case, W.D. Tex.
`available at
`orders/index.html (select “Waco Division”) (“Except with regard to discovery
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`necessary for claim construction, all other discovery is stayed until after the
`Markman hearing.”); Vivid Techs., Inc. v. Am. Sci. & Eng’g, Inc., 200 F.3d 795,
`803-804 (Fed. Cir. 1999) (affirming stay of discovery pending resolution of early
`claim construction); Tech. Innovations Assocs. v. Google, Inc., No. 13-0355-LPS,
`2014 WL 3896121 (D. Del. Aug. 7, 2014) (Judge Stark noting that he stayed
`discovery pending limited Markman concerning a single claim term because it
`would likely “facilitate the just, speedy, and inexpensive determination of these
`actions, even if the Court’s construction did not prove to be case dispositive.”);
`Oral Order, Tech. Innovations Assocs. v. Google, Inc., No. 13-0355-LPS, D.I. 33
`(D. Del. Jun. 9, 2014); Tyco Healthcare Retail Servs. AG v. Kimberly-Clark Corp.,
`No 06–3762, 2007 WL 2155571 at *1-2 (E.D. Penn. July 24, 2007) (construing a
`single disputed term early because it “may prove dispositive” and furthers the
`“salutary goals of speed and economy”).
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`Dated: October 18, 2019
`Respectfully submitted,
`/s/ James J. Foster
`Aaron S. Jacobs (Cal. Bar No. 214953)
`James J. Foster
`One International Place, Suite 3700
`Boston, MA 02110
`Tel: (617) 456-8000
`Matthew D. Vella (Cal. State Bar No. 314548)
`357 S. Coast Highway, Suite 200
`Laguna Beach, CA 92651
`Tel: (949) 232-6375
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`/s/ Matthew G. Berkowitz
`Matthew G. Berkowitz (SBN 310426)
`Yue (Joy) Wang (SBN 300594)
`1460 El Camino Real, 2nd Floor
`Menlo Park, CA 94025
`Telephone: 650.838.3600
`Fax: 650.838.3699
`L. Kieran Kieckhefer (SBN 251978)
`535 Mission Street, 25th Floor
`San Francisco, CA 94105
`Telephone: 415.616.1100
`Fax: 415.616.1199
`Attorneys for Defendant NetSuite Inc.
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`I hereby attest that all other signatories listed, and on whose behalf the filing
`is submitted, concur in the filing’s content and have authorized the filing.
`/s/ Matthew G. Berkowitz
`Matthew G. Berkowitz
`CASE NO. 8:19-cv-01151-JLS-DFMx
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