Case 8:19-cv-01151-JLS-DFM Document 12 Filed 07/02/19 Page 1 of 9 Page ID #:71
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`Case No.: 8:19−cv−01151−JLS−DFM
` v.
` This case has been assigned to the calendar of Judge Josephine L. Staton. Both
`the Court and counsel bear responsibility for the progress of this litigation in federal
`court. To “secure the just, speedy, and inexpensive determination” of this case, as
`called for in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 1, all parties or their counsel are
`ordered to become familiar with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the Local
`Rules of the Central District of California, and this Court’s Orders.
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`Case 8:19-cv-01151-JLS-DFM Document 12 Filed 07/02/19 Page 2 of 9 Page ID #:72
` Judge Staton’s Procedures web page is incorporated in this Order.
` The parties and counsel are ORDERED to review and comply with those
`procedures and notices, which may be accessed at:
`1. Filing of Civil Cases
` The initiating documents (e.g., complaints and notices of removal) of most
`civil cases must be e-filed. See Local Rule 3-2.
`2. Service of the Complaint
` Service is governed by Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 4. The plaintiff shall
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`promptly serve the complaint in accordance with Fed. R. Civ. P. 4 and file the
`proofs of service. Although Fed. R. Civ. P. 4(m) allows 90 days for service of the
`summons and complaint, the Court expects service to be effectuated more promptly.
`The Court will require plaintiffs to show good cause to extend the service deadline
`beyond 90 days.
`3. TROs and Injunctions
` Parties seeking emergency or provisional relief shall comply with Fed. R. Civ.
`P. 65 and Local Rule 65. The Court will not rule on any application for such relief
`for at least twenty-four (24) hours after the party subject to the requested order
`has been served, unless service is excused. Such party may file opposing or
`responding papers in the interim.
`4. Cases Removed from State Court
` All documents filed in state court, including documents appended to the
`complaint, answers, and motions, must be refiled in this Court as a supplement
`to the notice of removal. See 28 U.S.C. § 1447(b). If the defendant has not yet
`answered or filed a pre-answer motion, the defendant’s answer or motion must
`be filed in this Court and must comply with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
`and the Local Rules. If a motion was pending in state court before the case was
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`removed, it must be re-noticed for hearing in accordance with Local Rule 6-1.
`Counsel shall file with their first appearance a Notice of Interested Parties in
`accordance with Local Rule 7.1-1.
` If the complaint, answer, or any similar pleading in an action that is removed
`to this Court consists of only a form pleading in which boxes are checked, the party
`or parties utilizing the form pleading must file an appropriate pleading with this
`Court within thirty (30) days of the filing of the Notice of Removal. The new
`pleading must comply with the requirements of Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
`7 through 11.
`5. Status of Fictitiously Named Defendants
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` This Court intends to adhere to the following procedures where a matter is
`removed to this Court on diversity grounds with fictitiously named defendants.
`See 28 U.S.C. §§ 1441(b)(1) and 1447.
`a. Plaintiff is normally expected to ascertain the identity of and serve any
`fictitiously named defendants within 90 days of the removal of the action to this
`b. If plaintiff believes (by reason of the necessity for discovery or
`otherwise) that fictitiously named defendants cannot be fully identified within
`the 90-day period, an ex parte application or stipulation requesting permission
`to extend that period to effectuate service may be filed with the Court. Such
`application or stipulation shall state the reasons therefor, and will be granted only
`upon a showing of good cause. An ex parte application seeking such relief shall
`be served upon all appearing parties, and shall state that appearing parties may
`comment within seven (7) days of the filing of the ex parte application.
`c. If plaintiff wants to substitute a defendant for one of the fictitiously
`named defendants, plaintiff shall first seek the consent of counsel for all defendants
`(and counsel for the fictitiously named party, if that party has separate counsel).
`If consent is withheld or denied, plaintiff should file a motion on regular notice.
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`Case 8:19-cv-01151-JLS-DFM Document 12 Filed 07/02/19 Page 4 of 9 Page ID #:74
`The motion and opposition should address whether the matter should thereafter
`be remanded to the superior court if diversity of citizenship is destroyed by the
`addition of the newly substituted party. See U.S.C. § 1447(c), (d).
`6. Discovery
`a. Discovery Matters Referred to Magistrate Judge
` All discovery matters have been referred to the assigned United States
`Magistrate Judge, who will hear all discovery disputes. Any party may move for
`review and reconsideration of a discovery ruling within fourteen days after such
`ruling. See Local Rule 72-2. However, in accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 636(b)
`(1)(A), the Court will not reverse any order of the Magistrate Judge unless the
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`moving party demonstrates that the ruling is clearly erroneous or contrary to law.
`The motion must specify which portions of the ruling are clearly erroneous or
`contrary to law and support the contention with points and authorities. As to all
`filings related to motions for review and reconsideration of a discovery order,
`counsel shall deliver mandatory chambers copies to both the District Judge and
`the Magistrate Judge.
`b. Compliance with Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(a)
` The parties shall comply fully with the letter and spirit of Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(a).
`The Court’s Scheduling Order will impose firm deadlines to complete discovery.
`7. Applications to Seal
` Counsel are directed to consider carefully whether to seek leave to file
`documents under seal. The procedure for obtaining leave is lengthy. Applications
`must in all instances be supported by good cause, and at times are subjected to an
`even higher standard. Most of the time, documents may not be filed under seal
`in their entirety, and appropriately redacted documents must still be filed on the
`public docket.
` When seeking leave to file any material under seal in a civil case, the parties
`and counsel are directed to fully comply with all steps of the multi-step procedure
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`set forth in Local Rule 79-5. The parties are directed to carefully review the
`Court’s Local Rule 79-5 Overview and to follow the instructions in the Guide to
`Electronically Filing Under-Seal Documents in Civil Cases, both of which are
`attached in PDF format to Judge Staton’s Procedures web page.
` Counsel are reminded that there is a strong presumption that the public has
`a right of access to records in civil cases. For materials related to non-dispositive
`motions, the Designating Party must show good cause for the materials to be
`filed and maintained under seal. For materials related to dispositive motions, the
`standard is higher, and the Designating Party must articulate compelling reasons
`for maintaining the confidentiality of the document(s) and must seek relief that is
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`narrowly tailored to the protected interest. See Pintos v. Pacific Creditors Ass’n,
`605 F.3d 665, 667-79 (9th Cir. 2010).
`8. Motions
`a. Time for Filing and Hearing Motions
` Motions shall be filed in accordance with Local Rule 7. This Court hears
`motions on Fridays, beginning at 10:30 a.m. It is not necessary to clear a hearing
`date with the Court Clerk before filing a motion in a civil motion. Counsel
`must check the Court’s website for Closed Motion Dates.
`b. Pre-Filing Requirement To Meet and Confer
` Counsel must comply with Local Rule 7-3, which requires counsel to
`engage in a pre-filing conference “to discuss thoroughly . . . the substance of the
`contemplated motion and any potential resolution.” Counsel should discuss the
`issues to a sufficient degree that if a motion is still necessary, the briefing may
`be directed to those substantive issues requiring resolution by the Court. Counsel
`should resolve minor procedural or other non-substantive matters during the
`conference. This provision applies even to self-represented parties; there is no
`exception to this rule for parties who appear pro se.
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`c. Supporting Evidence
` Parties shall not proffer evidence other than the specific items of evidence
`testimony in support of or in opposition to a motion. For example, the parties
`should provide excerpts rather than entire deposition transcripts or entire sets
`of interrogatory responses. Where a motion must be supported by admissible
`evidence, authenticity must be established by stipulation of the parties, declaration,
`or other appropriate means.
`d. Citations to Legal Authority
` Citations to legal authority should include pinpoint citations to specific
`page(s), section(s), and subsection(s) referenced. Citations to secondary sources
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`such as treatises, manuals, and other materials should include the volume, section,
`and page(s) cited.
`9. Specific Motions
`a. Motions Pursuant to Rule 12
` Many motions to dismiss or to strike can be avoided if the parties confer in
`good faith (as required by Local Rule 7-3), especially for pleading deficiencies
`that could be corrected by amendment. See Chang v. Chen, 80 F.3d 1293, 1296
`(9th Cir. 1996) (where a motion to dismiss is granted, a district court should
`provide leave to amend unless it is clear that the complaint could not be saved by
`any amendment). Moreover, a party has the right to amend the complaint “once
`as a matter of course” within 21 days after service of the answer or Rule 12(b)
`motion. Fed. R. Civ. P. 15(a)(1)(A)-(B).
`b. Motions to Amend
` In addition to meeting the requirements of Local Rule 15-1, counsel shall
`attach as an appendix to the moving papers a “redlined” version of the proposed
`amended pleading indicating all additions and deletions of material. All motions
`to amend pleadings shall: (1) state the effect of the amendment and (2) identify
`the page and line number(s) and wording of any proposed change or addition
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`of material. The proposed amended pleading shall be serially numbered to
`differentiate it from previously amended pleadings (e.g., “Second Amended
`Complaint” or “Third Amended Answer and Counterclaims”). If leave to amend
`is granted, the filing party must comply with Local Rule 15-1 through 15-3 in filing
`the amended pleading.
`c. Summary Judgment Motions
` A party may file only one summary judgment motion in a case. Parties need
`not wait until the motion cutoff date to bring motions for summary judgment or
`partial summary judgment. The parties should prepare papers in a fashion that will
`assist the Court in absorbing the facts (e.g., generous use of tabs, tables of contents,
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`headings, indices, etc.).
`i. Statements of Uncontroverted Facts and Genuine Issues
` The Statement of Uncontroverted Facts and Conclusions of Law (“Statement
`of Uncontroverted Facts”), as required by Local Rule 56-1 shall be formatted based
`on the following example:
` 1. (Moving party’s first uncontroverted
` fact)
` 2. (Moving party’s second undisputed
` fact)
` (Supporting evidence
` citation(s))
` (Supporting evidence
` citation(s))
` The opposing party’s Statement of Genuine Disputes of Material Fact
`(required by Local Rule 56-2) must be in two columns and track the movant’s
`Statement of Uncontroverted Facts exactly as prepared, but must combine the
`moving party’s fact statements and the supporting evidence into one column.
`Thus, the first column must restate the allegedly undisputed fact and the alleged
`supporting evidence, and the second column must state either that the fact
`proffered by the moving party is undisputed or disputed. The opposing party may
`dispute all or only a portion of the statement, but if disputing only a portion, it
`must clearly indicate what part is being disputed. Whenever all or part of a
`proffered fact is disputed, the opposing party must briefly state why it disputes
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`the moving party’s proffered fact, cite to the relevant exhibit(s) or other evidence,
`and must describe what it is in that exhibit or evidence that refutes the proffered
`fact. To illustrate:
` 1. (Moving party’s first uncontroverted
` fact). (Supporting evidence citation(s)).
` 2. (Moving party’s second undisputed
` fact). (Supporting evidence citation(s)).
` 1. Undisputed.
` 2. Disputed. Plaintiff’s Rule
` 30(b)(6) witness testified to the
` contrary. (Pltf’s Ex. 14, Clark
` Depo. at 24:5-26:17.)
` The opposing party may submit additional material facts that bear on or relate
`to the issues raised by the movant. Presentation of those additional material facts
`by the non-moving party shall follow the format described above for the moving
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`party’s Statement of Uncontroverted Facts. These additional facts shall continue
`in sequentially numbered paragraphs and shall set forth in the right hand column
`the evidence that supports that statement. A Reply fact statement may be filed by
`the moving party.
`No legal argument should be set forth in the Statement of Uncontroverted
`Facts or the Statement of Genuine Disputes of Material Fact. Legal argument
`should be reserved for the parties’ briefs. Objections and the relevant Federal
`Rule of Evidence or other basis therefor may be noted, but citations to case law
`and/or legal argument should be presented in the separate document described
`ii. Objections to Evidence
` If a party relies in whole or in part on an evidentiary objection to dispute
`a material fact, the ground(s) of the objection(s) shall be succinctly stated in a
`separate statement of evidentiary objections in a two-column format. The left
`column should identify and describe the item(s) objected to (including page and
`line number if applicable) and the right column should set forth a concise objection
`(e.g., hearsay, lacks foundation, etc.) with a citation to the Federal Rules of
`Evidence or, where applicable, a case citation. Any response to the objections shall
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`incorporate and build upon the two-column format set forth in the objections in the
`same manner as the Statement of Genuine Disputes of Material Fact incorporates
`and builds upon the Statement of Uncontroverted Facts.
` The Court will expressly rule on objections only when it deems it necessary
`to do. Generally, the Court will expressly rule on objections only as to evidence
`that factors into the Court’s rationale for its rulings.
`d. Daubert Motions
` Unlike other motions in limine, Daubert motions are usually due to be filed
`within seven days after the expert discovery cut-off date set in the Scheduling
`Order.1 The parties shall notice Daubert motions for hearing on the first available
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`motions date at the time of their filing, unless that date is after the final pretrial
`conference date, in which case the Daubert motions will be heard at the final
`pretrial conference.
`10. Notice of This Order
` Plaintiff’s counsel or plaintiff (if appearing on his or her own behalf) shall
`immediately serve this Order on all parties, including any new parties to the action.
`If this case was removed from state court, the removing defendant(s) shall serve
`this Order on all other parties.
`Dated: July 2, 2019
`Revised: October 1, 2018
`United States District Judge
`1 In some instances, a later date may be set.
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