6/2/2023 | 82 | Strike, Summary Judgment |
6/2/2023 | 81 | Voluntary Dismissal of a Case (Pursuant to FRCP 41a (1)) |
6/2/2023 | 80 | Report |
5/30/2023 | 79 | Leave to File Document |
5/30/2023 | 78 | Dismiss Case |
5/2/2023 | 77 | For Order |
5/2/2023 | | Text Only Scheduling Notice |
5/1/2023 | 75 | Deficiency in Electronically Filed Documents (G-112A) - optional html form |
5/1/2023 | | Text Only Scheduling Notice |
5/1/2023 | 73 | Leave to File Document |
4/29/2023 | 72 | Declaration (Motion related) |
4/29/2023 | 71 | Appearance |
4/28/2023 | 70 | Strike |
4/28/2023 | 69 | Memorandum in Support of Motion |
4/21/2023 | 68 | Response in Opposition to Motion |
4/20/2023 | 67 | Reply (Motion related) |
4/15/2023 | 66 | Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
4/8/2023 | 65 | Order |
4/7/2023 | | Notice of Filing Transcript |
4/7/2023 | 63 | -Transcript |
4/5/2023 | 62 | -Transcript Order Form (G-120) |
4/1/2023 | 61 | For Judicial Notice |
4/1/2023 | 60 | Summary Judgment |
3/16/2023 | 59 | Extension of Time to Complete Discovery |
3/14/2023 | 58 | Extend Discovery Cut-Off Date |
2/23/2023 | 57 | Compel |
2/9/2023 | 56 | Motion Hearing, Compel Answers to Interrogatories |
2/9/2023 | 55 | Joint Stipulation re Discovery Motion (Rule 37) |
1/26/2023 | 54 | Reply (Motion related) |
1/20/2023 | 53 | Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
1/6/2023 | 52 | Compel Answers to Interrogatories |
1/6/2023 | 51 | Withdrawal (Document or Motion) |
1/6/2023 | 50 | Compel Answers to Interrogatories |
12/7/2022 | 49 | PROTECTIVE ORDER by Magistrate Judge Jean P. Rosenbluth re Order on Motion to Compel 48 . NOTE: CHANGES MADE BY THE COURT. See Order for details. (es) |
12/1/2022 | 48 | Compel |
11/30/2022 | 47 | Non-Opposition to Motion |
11/17/2022 | 46 | Compel |
6/7/2022 | 45 | ~Util - Set/Reset Deadlines/Hearings, Scheduling Order |
6/7/2022 | 44 | Order/Referral to ADR (No 3) (Private Mediator) (ADR-12) |
6/7/2022 | | Text Only Scheduling Notice |
6/4/2022 | 42 | Joint Report Rule 26(f) Discovery Plan |
5/24/2022 | | Text Only Scheduling Notice |
5/14/2022 | 40 | Reply (Motion related) |
5/11/2022 | | Text Only Scheduling Notice |
5/7/2022 | 38 | For Judicial Notice |
5/7/2022 | 37 | Memorandum in Opposition to Motion |
5/6/2022 | 36 | Deficiency in Electronically Filed Documents (G-112A) - optional html form |
5/6/2022 | 35 | Motion Related Document |
4/22/2022 | 34 | Errata |
4/22/2022 | 33 | Certificate/Notice of Interested Parties |
4/20/2022 | 32 | Deficiency in Electronically Filed Documents (G-112A) - optional html form |
4/20/2022 | 31 | Response By Court to Notice of Deficiencies (G-112B) - optional html form |
4/19/2022 | 30 | Deficiency in Electronically Filed Documents (G-112A) - optional html form |
4/19/2022 | 29 | Initial Order Setting R26 Scheduling Conference - form only |
4/19/2022 | 28 | Notice (Other) |
4/19/2022 | 27 | Dismiss Case |
3/7/2022 | 26 | REDACTED COMPLAINT against defendants Elizabeth A Flynt, individually and as Successor Trustee and Beneficiary of the The Larry Flynt Revocable Trust u/t/a November 18, 1988 and The Larry Flynt Revocable Trust u/t/a/ November 18, 1988 and John Does, 1-10 (unknown successor beneficiaries or distributee of the assets of the Larry Flynt Revocable Trust);Jury Demand filed by plaintiff Jimmy R. Flynt. (lc) (Entered: 03/07/2022) |
3/7/2022 | 25 | ORDER GRANTING STIPULATION TO SEAL ORIGINAL COMPLAINT AND FILE REDACTED COMPLAINT 24 by Judge Fernando L. Aenlle-Rocha: 1. Plaintiffs original Complaint (Dkt. 1), which was filed in this action on February 7, 2022, is to be SEALED; The proposed redacted Complaint (attached as Exhibit 1 to the Stipulation) is DEEMED to be filed as of this date and shall be entered on the docket in this action; and 3. Consistent with Defendant's Waiver of Service of Summons (Dkt. 13), Defendant's response to the Complaint remains due on April 18, 2022. (lc) Modified on 3/7/2022 (lc). (Entered: 03/07/2022) |
3/3/2022 | 24 | Corrected STIPULATION File Original Complaint Under Seal filed by Defendant Elizabeth A Flynt. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Proposed Order)(Bernstein, Whitney) (Entered: 03/03/2022) |
3/4/2022 | | Text Only Scheduling Notice |
3/3/2022 | 23 | (IN CHAMBERS) ORDER STRIKING STIPULATION (DKT. 22 ) by Judge Fernando L. Aenlle-Rocha: The court STRIKES the parties' Stipulation to Seal Original Complaint and File Redacted Complaint for failure to attest on the signature page of the document that all other signatories listed, who electronically signed with a "s" and on whose behalf the filing is submitted, concur in the content of and have authorized the filing. See Local Rule 5-4.3.4. Any renewed stipulation must comply with all applicable statutes and Local Rules. Failure to comply with all applicable statutes and Local Rules in any renewed stipulation, including Local Rule 5-4.3.4, may result in the denial of the stipulation with prejudice. THERE IS NO PDF DOCUMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ENTRY. (tf) TEXT ONLY ENTRY (Entered: 03/03/2022) |
3/3/2022 | 22 | STIPULATION File Original Complaint Under Seal filed by Plaintiff Elizabeth A Flynt. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Proposed Order)(Bernstein, Whitney) (Entered: 03/03/2022) |
2/22/2022 | 21 | Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel: for attorney Michael Roy Williams counsel for Defendant Elizabeth A Flynt. Adding Michael R. Williams as counsel of record for Elizabeth A. Flynt, Individually and as Successor Trustee and Beneficiary of The Larry Flynt Revocable Trust u/t/a/ November 18, 1988 for the reason indicated in the G-123 Notice. Filed by Defendant Elizabeth A. Flynt, Individually and as Successor Trustee and Beneficiary of The Larry Flynt Revocable Trust u/t/a/ November 18, 1988. (Attorney Michael Roy Williams added to party Elizabeth A Flynt(pty:dft))(Williams, Michael) (Entered: 02/22/2022) |
2/22/2022 | 20 | Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel: for attorney Thomas H. Bienert, Jr counsel for Defendant Elizabeth A Flynt. Adding Thomas H. Bienert, Jr. as counsel of record for Elizabeth A. Flynt, Individually and as Successor Trustee and Beneficiary of The Larry Flynt Revocable Trust u/t/a/ November 18, 1988 for the reason indicated in the G-123 Notice. Filed by Defendant Elizabeth A. Flynt, Individually and as Successor Trustee and Beneficiary of The Larry Flynt Revocable Trust u/t/a/ November 18, 1988. (Attorney Thomas H. Bienert, Jr added to party Elizabeth A Flynt(pty:dft))(Bienert, Thomas) (Entered: 02/22/2022) |
2/22/2022 | 19 | Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel: for attorney Whitney Z. Bernstein counsel for Defendant Elizabeth A Flynt. Adding Whitney Z. Bernstein as counsel of record for Elizabeth A. Flynt, Individually and as Successor Trustee and Beneficiary of The Larry Flynt Revocable Trust u/t/a/ November 18, 1988 for the reason indicated in the G-123 Notice. Filed by Defendant Elizabeth A. Flynt, Individually and as Successor Trustee and Beneficiary of The Larry Flynt Revocable Trust u/t/a/ November 18, 1988. (Attorney Whitney Z. Bernstein added to party Elizabeth A Flynt(pty:dft))(Bernstein, Whitney) (Entered: 02/22/2022) |
2/18/2022 | 18 | ORDER GRANTING APPLICATION of Non-Resident Attorney Robert W. Hojnoski to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Plaintiff Jimmy R. Flynn and designating Albert K. Alikin as local counsel 16 by Judge Fernando L. Aenlle-Rocha (lc) (Entered: 02/22/2022) |
2/20/2022 | 17 | RESPONSE BY THE COURT TO NOTICE TO FILER OF DEFICIENCIES IN ELECTRONICALLY FILED DOCUMENTS RE: APPLICATION of Non-Resident Attorney Robert W. Hojnoski to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Plaintiff Jimmy R. Flynt (Pro Hac Vice Fee - $500 Fee Paid, Receipt No. ACACDC-32803698) 12 by Judge Fernando L. Aenlle-Rocha. The document is stricken. (lc) (Entered: 02/22/2022) |
2/18/2022 | 16 | APPLICATION of Non-Resident Attorney Robert W. Hojnoski to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Plaintiff Jimmy R. Flynt (Pro Hac Vice Fee - $500.00 Previously Paid on 2/16/2022, Receipt No. ACACDC-32803698) filed by plaintiff Jimmy R. Flynt. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order) (Alikin, Albert) (Entered: 02/18/2022) |
2/17/2022 | 15 | NOTICE of Deficiency in Electronically Filed Pro Hac Vice Application RE: APPLICATION of Non-Resident Attorney Robert W. Hojnoski to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Plaintiff Jimmy R. Flynt (Pro Hac Vice Fee - $500 Fee Paid, Receipt No. ACACDC-32803698) 12 . The following error(s) was/were found: Local Rule 5-4.3.4 Application not hand-signed. Other error(s) with document(s): Please note that electronic, image or stamp signatures are not allowed. (lt) (Entered: 02/17/2022) |
2/16/2022 | 14 | WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed filed by plaintiff Jimmy R. Flynt. upon The Larry Flynt Revocable Trust u/t/a/ November 18, 1988 waiver sent by Plaintiff on 2/16/2022, answer due 4/18/2022. Waiver of Service signed by Whitney Z. Bernstein. (Alikin, Albert) (Entered: 02/16/2022) |
2/16/2022 | 13 | WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed filed by plaintiff Jimmy R. Flynt. upon Elizabeth A Flynt waiver sent by Plaintiff on 2/16/2022, answer due 4/18/2022. Waiver of Service signed by Whitney Z. Bernstein. (Alikin, Albert) (Entered: 02/16/2022) |
2/16/2022 | 12 | (STRICKEN PER 2/20/22 COURT'S G112B RESPONSE DOCKET NO. 17). APPLICATION of Non-Resident Attorney Robert W. Hojnoski to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Plaintiff Jimmy R. Flynt (Pro Hac Vice Fee - $500 Fee Paid, Receipt No. ACACDC-32803698) filed by plaintiff Jimmy R. Flynt. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order) (Alikin, Albert) Modified on 2/22/2022 (lc). (Entered: 02/16/2022) |
2/15/2022 | 11 | NOTICE OF DEFICIENCIES in Request to Issue Summons RE: Summons Request 10 , Summons Request 9 . The following error(s) was found: The caption of the summons must match the caption of the complaint verbatim. If the caption is too large to fit in the space provided, enter the name of the first party and then write see attached.Next, attach a face page of the complaint or a second page addendum to the Summons. The summons cannot be issued until this defect has been corrected. Please correct the defect and re-file your request. (lom) (Entered: 02/15/2022) |
2/11/2022 | 10 | Request for Clerk to Issue Summons on Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening) 1 filed by plaintiff Jimmy R. Flynt. (Alikin, Albert) (Entered: 02/11/2022) |
2/11/2022 | 9 | Request for Clerk to Issue Summons on Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening) 1 filed by plaintiff Jimmy R. Flynt. (Alikin, Albert) (Entered: 02/11/2022) |
2/10/2022 | 8 | INITIAL STANDING ORDER upon filing of the complaint by Judge Fernando L. Aenlle-Rocha. (tf) (Entered: 02/10/2022) |
2/9/2022 | 7 | CERTIFICATE of Interested Parties filed by plaintiff Jimmy R. Flynt, identifying no oher parties. (Alikin, Albert) (Entered: 02/09/2022) |
2/9/2022 | 6 | NOTICE OF DEFICIENCIES in Attorney Case Opening. The following error(s) was found: No Notice of Interested Parties has been filed. A Notice of Interested Parties must be filed with every partys first appearance. See Local Rule 7.1-1. Counsel must file a Notice of Interested Parties immediately. Failure to do so may be addressed by judicial action, including sanctions. See Local Rule 83-7. (jtil) (Entered: 02/09/2022) |
2/9/2022 | 5 | NOTICE OF PRO HAC VICE APPLICATION DUE for Non-Resident Attorney Robert W. Hojnoski. A document recently filed in this case lists you as an out-of-state attorney of record. However, the Court has not been able to locate any record that you are admitted to the Bar of this Court, and you have not filed an application to appear Pro Hac Vice in this case. Accordingly, within 5 business days of the date of this notice, you must either (1) have your local counsel file an application to appear Pro Hac Vice (Form G-64) and pay the applicable fee, or (2) complete the next section of this form and return it to the court at cacd_attyadm@cacd.uscourts.gov. You have been removed as counsel of record from the docket in this case, and you will not be added back to the docket until your Pro Hac Vice status has been resolved. (jtil) (Entered: 02/09/2022) |
2/9/2022 | 4 | Notice to Counsel Re Consent to Proceed Before a United States Magistrate Judge. (jtil) (Entered: 02/09/2022) |
2/9/2022 | 3 | NOTICE TO PARTIES OF COURT-DIRECTED ADR PROGRAM filed. (jtil) (Entered: 02/09/2022) |
2/9/2022 | 2 | NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT to District Judge Fernando L Aenlle-Rocha and Magistrate Judge Jean P. Rosenbluth. (jtil) (Entered: 02/09/2022) |
2/7/2022 | 1 | SEALED DOCUMENT-COMPLAINT Receipt No: ACACDC-32752485 - Fee: $402, filed by plaintiff Jimmy R. Flynt. (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet) (Attorney Albert K Alikin added to party Jimmy R. Flynt(pty:pla))(Alikin, Albert) Modified on 3/7/2022 (lc). (Entered: 02/07/2022) |