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`Case 2:17-cv-04263-JVS-JEM Document 67-1 Filed 06/22/18 Page 2 of 5 Page ID #:1072
`Dictionary of


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`Copyright© 2009 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Main entry under title:
`Merriam-Webster's dictionary of basic English
`p. cm.
`ISBN-13: 978-0-87779-731-9 (pbk.: alk. paper)
`1. Basic English-Dictionaries
`I. Merriam-Webster, Inc.
`Dictionary of Basic English
`PE1628.M37 2009
`II. Title:
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`Case 2:17-cv-04263-JVS-JEM Document 67-1 Filed 06/22/18 Page 4 of 5 Page ID #:1074
`2trap vb trapped; trap,ping 1 : to catch or
`istate of being transparent 2 : a picture or
`be caught in a trap (Hunters were h'ap(cid:173)
`design on glass or film that can be viewed
`ping game.) (The animal was trapped.) 2
`.by shining a light through it
`: to put or get in a place or position from
`frans,par,ent \trans-'per-ant\ adj 1 : clear
`which escape Is not possible synonyms
`to be seen
`thin enough
`. enough or
`see CATCH -
`trap,per 11
`\through 2 : easily detected (a h·ansparellt
`trap,door \'trap-'d6r\ n : a lifting or sliding
`trans,par,ent-ly adv
`lie) -
`door covering an opening in a floor or
`lrans,pl,ra,tlon \ 1trans-pa-\ 11 : the
`'process by which plants give off water
`tra,peze \tra- 1pez\ 11 : a short horizontal
`vapor through openings in their leaves
`bar hung from two parallel ropes and
`irans,pire \trans-'pir\ vb trans,pired; trans(cid:173)
`used by acrobats
`plr,ing 1 : to come to pass : HAPPEN (Im-
`trap,e,zoid \'tra-pa- 1z6id\ 11 : a flat geomet(cid:173)
`/portant events transpired that day.) 2 : to
`ric figure with four sides but with only
`\ become known or apparent (It transpil'ed
`> that they had met before.) 3 : to give off
`two sides parallel
`water vapor through openings in the leaves
`trap,plngs \'tra-pit)z\ 11 pl 1 : ornamental
`covering especially for a horse 2 : out(cid:173)
`lrans,plant \trans-'plant\ vb trans,plant,ed;
`ward decoration or dress
`1 : to dig up and plant
`iagain in another soil or location (hw1s(cid:173)
`trash \'trash\ 11 1 : something of little or
`pla11t seedlings) 2 : to remove from one
`no value that is thrown away 2 : people
`>place and settle or introduce elsewhere
`who deserve little respect
`\(The beavers were tm11spla11ted to anoth(cid:173)
`1trav,el \ 1tra-val\ 1•b trav,eled or trav,elled;
`/ er part of the forest.) 3 : to transfer (a
`trav,el,ing or trav,eMing 1 :-to journey
`' body organ or tissue) from one part or in(cid:173)
`from place to place or to a distant place 2
`dividual to another
`: to get around : pass from one place to an(cid:173)
`lrans,plant \ltrans- 1plant\ 11 1 : something
`other (The news h·aveled fast.) 3 : to jour(cid:173)
`ior someone planted or moved elsewhere
`ney through or over (We're tra1•eli11g the
`<2 : the process or act of planting or mov(cid:173)
`trav,el,er 01· trav,eloler 11
`countryside.) -
`ing elsewhere (a heart tmnsplant)
`WORD HISTORY For many of us travel is
`vb trans,port,ed;
`lrans,port \trans-'port\
`usually for pleasure, so that we are un(cid:173)
`trans,port-ing 1 :·to carry from one place
`travel with hard
`to associate
`Jo another 2 : to fill with delight (The
`labor or torture. However, the ultimate
`(beautiful music transported me.)
`source of h·avel is a spoken Latin verb
`11 1 : the act of
`trans,port \'trans-,p6rt\
`trepaliare, "to torture," derived from
`from one place -to anothe1·
`trepalium, a name for an instrument of
`2 :ashipforcarrying
`torture. Trepaliare developed into me(cid:173)
`soldiers or military equipment 3 : a vehi(cid:173)
`dieval French fl'm•ailler, which meant "to
`cle used to carr~· people or goods from
`< one place to another 4 : a state of great
`torture or torment," as well as "to suffer
`or labor." Middle English borrowed the
`\joy or pleasure
`French verb as fl'availe11 with the same
`\,trans-par-\ 11 1
`sense. But the difficulties of getting from
`0 : an act, instance, or means of carrying
`place to place in the Middle Ages, when
`\ people or goods from one place to anoth(cid:173)
`any journey was an exhausting effort,
`} er or of being carried from one place to
`led medieval speakers of English
`>another 2 : public carrying of passengers
`apply fl'availe11 to making a trip. We still
`\ or goods especially as a business
`use the word, though travel is now much
`vb trans,posed;
`> trans,pos,lng 1 : to change the position
`the letters
`\ or order of (Transpose
`2travel n 1 : the act or a means of journey(cid:173)
`/ "tow" to spell "two.") 2 : to write or per(cid:173)
`ing from one place to another (Air trai•el
`\ form in a different musical key
`often used
`is fast.) 2: 1mURNBY, TRIP -
`\trans-'v:.irs\ a<U : lying or
`in pl. (I've collected many souvenirs from
`..... being across : placed crosswise -
`my tmvels.) 3 : the number journeying
`; verse,ly ad1•
`(There is heavy trm•el around Thanksgiv(cid:173)
`!trap \'trap\ 11 1 : a device for catching ani(cid:173)
`'i •· mals 2 : something by which one is
`< caught 01· stopped by smprise (Police set
`\ a trap for the criminal.) 3 : a light one(cid:173)
`•·,··· horse carriage with springs 4 : a device
`< that allows something to pass through but
`> keeps other things out (a trap in a drain)
`\::,\abut \"\kitten
`\e\easy \g\go \I\ tlp \lr\near \i\llfe \[)\sing
`\i'i\ bone \6\saw \6i\coln \6r\door
`\lh\thls \il\food \f1\foot \i1\tour \zh\ vision
`passing through or across (the transit of
`satellite's signals) 2 : the act or methci'
`of carrying things from one place to all
`other (The goods were lost in tmnsit.) <
`: local transportation of people in publi
`vehicles 4 : a surveyor's instrument fo
`measurlng angles
`tran,sr.tion \tran-'sl-shan, -'zi-\ 11 : an act ci"
`the process of passing from one state
`to anothe
`stage, place, or subject
`tm11sitio11 from high
`school to college was easy for her.) <
`tran,sr.tive \ 'tran-sa-tiv, -za-\ a<U : havin'
`or containing a direct object (tmnsitiv
`trans,Jate \trans-'lat\ 1•b trans,lat,ed; tra --(cid:173)
`lat.Ing 1 : to tum from one language int
`another 2 : to change from one form to a
`other (Let's translate words into action.)}
`\trans-'\ 11 : the ac"
`process, or result of changing from o ·
`form or language into another
`: U
`tra11S•IU•C8Jlt \trans- 1Ui-s0nt\ adj
`transparent but clear enough to allo{
`rays of light to pass through
`\trans-'\ 11 1 : Ii'
`act or process of transmitting, spreading;
`or passing along (the transmission oLa
`disease) 2 ! the gears that pass power'
`from the engine to the axle that gives m '
`tion to a motor vehicle
`1•b trans,miMed
`1 : to transfer, pass, o
`spread from one person or place to an
`other (transmit Information) (fl'ansmit
`disease) 2 : to _pass on by or as if by in
`heritance (Parents transmit traits to the··
`offspring.) 3 : to pass or cause to pass
`through space or through a materia
`light.) 4 : to send out (
`(Glass tmnsmlts
`signal) by means of radio waves
`trans,mlMer \trans-'mi-tor\ 11 1 : someo~
`or something that transmits something (
`: the part of a telephone
`that includes the mouth-
`piece and a device that
`picks up sound waves and
`sends them over the wire
`3 : a device that sends out
`radio or television signals
`\'\ 11 1
`: a piece that lies crosswise
`(as in the
`in a structure
`frame of a window or of a
`door that has a window
`above it) 2 : a window
`above a door or another
`an-se\ n, pl trans,par,en(cid:173)
`cies 1 : the quality or
`t 0 1\


`Case 2:17-cv-04263-JVS-JEM Document 67-1 Filed 06/22/18 Page 5 of 5 Page ID #:1075
`or dry by rubbing (Will you wipe the
`dishes?) 2 : to remove by or as if by rub(cid:173)
`bing (Wipe away your tears,) - wlp,er 11
`- wipe out : to destroy completely
`2wipe 11 : an act of wiping : Run
`1wlre \'wir\ 11 1 : metal in the form of a
`thread or slender rod 2 : a number of
`strands grouped together and used to send
`or receive electrical signals 3 : TELEGRAM
`2wire vb wired; wlr,lng 1 : to provide or
`equip with wire (An electrician wil'ed the
`house.) 2 : to bind with wire 3 : to send
`or send word to by telegraph
`1wire,less \'wir-1:)s\ adj : relating to com(cid:173)
`munication by electromagnetic waves but
`without connecting wires : RADIO
`2wlreless 11 : a computer,
`telephone, or net(cid:173)
`work that uses radio waves to send and
`receive electronic signals
`wiry \'wir-e\ adj wlr,l,er; wir,i,est 1 : being
`slender yet strong
`and muscular
`: coarse and stiff (wily hair)
`Wis., Wisc. abbr Wisconsin ·
`wis,dom \ 1wiz-dam\ 11 1 : knowledge or
`learning gained over time 2 : good sense
`3 : a wise attitude, belief, or course of ac(cid:173)
`wisdom tooth 11 : the last tooth of the full
`set of teeth on each side of the upper and
`lower jaws
`1wlse \'wiz\ adj wis,er; wls,est 1 : having
`or showing good sense or good judgment
`: SENSIBLE (a wise woman) (a wise deci(cid:173)
`sion) 2 : having knowledge or infonna(cid:173)
`tion (I was wise to their trick.) 3 : rude
`or insulting in speech - wlse,ly adv
`2wise II : MANNER 2, WAY -
`used In phras(cid:173)
`es such as in (Illy wise, i11110 wise, or in this
`-wise \iwiz\ adv suffix 1 : in the manner of
`2 : in the position or direction of (clock(cid:173)
`wise) 3 : with regard to
`\'wTz-,krak\ 11 : a clever and
`often insulting statement usually made ln
`i•b wished; wish,lng 1 : to
`1wish \'wish\
`have a desire foi· : WANT 2 : to fonn or ex(cid:173)
`press a desire concerning
`(He wished
`them both good luck.) 3 : to request by
`expressing a desire (I wish you to go
`now.) synonyms see DESIRE
`2wish 11 1 : an act or instance of having or
`expressing a desire usually in the mind
`(Close your eyes and make a wish.) 2
`: something wanted (I got my wish.) 3 : a
`desire for happiness or luck (Send them
`my best wishes.)
`wish,bone \ 1wlsh-1bon\ 11 : a bone in front of
`a bird's breastbone that is shaped like
`wlsh,ful \'wish-fol\ adj : having, showing,
`or based on a wish
`also wls,tar,fa
`-,wa-\ adj
`: lacking spirit, courage, or determination
`wisp \ 1wlsp\ 11 1 : a thin piece or strand
`(wisps of hair) 2 : a thin streak (wisps of
`smoke) 3 : a small amount of something
`wispy \'wl-spe\ adj wlsp,l,er; wlsp,l,est
`: being thin and light (a wispy mous(cid:173)
`\-'stir-e-:), -'ster-\ 11
`: a woody vine that
`is grown for its long
`clusters of violet,
`white, or pink flow(cid:173)
`wlst-ful \'wist-fa!\ adj
`: feeling or showing
`a quiet longing espe(cid:173)
`cially for something
`in the past - wist(cid:173)
`ful,Jy \-fo-le\ adv -
`wlst-ful,ness 11
`wit \'wit\ 11 1 : nor(cid:173)
`mal mental slate -
`usually used In pl.
`(He scared me out
`of my wits.) 2 : power to think, reason, or
`decide (He had the wit to leave.) (The
`chess player matched wits with a comput(cid:173)
`er.) 3 : clever and amusing comments,
`expressions, or talk 4 : a talent for mak(cid:173)
`ing clever and usually amusing comments
`5 : a person with a talent for making
`clever and amusing comments
`witch \'wich\ n 1 : a person and especially
`a woman believed to have magic powers
`2 : an ugly or mean old woman
`wltch,craft \'wich-,kraft\ 11 : the use of sor(cid:173)
`cery or magic
`witch doctor n : a person who uses magic
`to cure illness and fight off evil spirits
`witch,ery \ 1wi-cha-re\ 11, pl wltch,er,ies 1
`: WITCHCRAFT 2 : power to charm or fas(cid:173)
`witch ha,zel \'wlch-,hii-zal\ 11 1 : a shrub
`with small yellow flowers hi late fall or
`early spring 2 : a soothing alcoholic lo(cid:173)
`tion made from the bark of the witch
`• WORD HISTORY The witch in witch hazel
`·.. has nothing to do with sorcery, but is
`'.Tather a now uncommon word meaning
`"shrub with pliable branches." It goes
`/back to Old English wice, which may be
`'.related to modem English weak. As for
`the better-known witch meaning "sor(cid:173)
`·. )ceress,"
`it goes back
`to Old English
`jvicce, a counterpart
`to the masculine
`\noun wicca, "sorcerer."
`with \ 1wlth, 'with\ prep 1 : in the compa(cid:173)
`the show with a
`(I went
`ny of
`2 : by the use of (I measured
`with a ruler.) 3 : having in or as part
`of it (coffee with cream) 4 : in regard
`5 : in
`to (He is patient with children.)
`(animals with · horns)
`arrived with good ne,vs.)
`: AGAINST 1 (The boy fought with his
`7 : in shared relation
`to (I
`like to talk with friends.) 8 : compared
`to (Thls sock Is identical with the rest.)
`9 : in the opinion or judgment of (Is
`the party all right with your parents?)
`10 : so as to show (Her mother spoke
`with pride.)
`11 : as well as (She hits
`the ball with
`the best of them.)
`: FROM 2 (I hated
`to part with my
`13 : because of (I was pale
`with ange1·.) 14 : DESPITE
`(With all
`15 : if given
`your tricks you failed.)
`(With your permission,
`I'll leave.) 16
`: at the time of or shortly after (We'll
`need to get up with the dawn.). (With
`that, I paused.)
`17 : In support of (I'm
`with you all the way.) 18 : in the direc(cid:173)
`tion of (Sall with the tide.)
`wlth,draw \wifu-'dro, with-\ vb wlth,drew
`\- 1drii\; with,drawn
`\-'dron\; wlth 0draw(cid:173)
`lng 1 : to draw back : take away (I with(cid:173)
`drew money from the bank.) 2· : to take
`back (as something said or suggested) 3
`: to go away especially for privacy or safe(cid:173)
`wilh,draw,al \with-'dr6-al, with-\ 11 : an act
`or instance of withdrawing
`vb wlth,ered; wlth,er(cid:173)
`wlth,er \'wl-thar\
`: to shrivel or cause
`to shrivel
`from or as if from
`loss of moisture
`wlth,ers \ 1wHharz\ n pl: the ridge between
`the shoulder bones of a horse
`with,hold \wlth-'hold, with-\ vb wlth 0held
`\-'held\; with,hold,lng : to refuse to give,
`grant, or allow (The teacher withheld per(cid:173)
`\with-'in, with-\ adv : 21NSIDE
`(Sounds came from withill.)
`2wlthln prep 1 : 4INSIDB 1 (Stay within the
`house.) 2: not beyond the limits of (You
`should live within your income.) 3 : be(cid:173)
`fore the end of (I'll be there within a
`1wlth,out \with-'aut, with-\prep 1 : not ac-
`\a\abut \•\kitten \;,r\further \a\mat \a\take
`\e\ easy \g\ go \i\ tip \Ir\ near \I\ life \u\ sing
`\o\bone \o\saw \oi\coln \or\door

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