Case 2:17-cv-04263-JVS-JCG Document 39 Filed 11/06/17 Page 1 of 16 Page ID #:672
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` v.
` Discovery Cut−Off:
` November 23, 2018
` Pre−Trial Conference:
` June 3, 2019
` at 11:00 AM
` June 18, 2019
` at 08:30 AM
`II. Order for Preparation
`III. Order Governing Attorney and
` Party Conduct at trial.
` 1. In General: All motions to join other parties or to amend the
`pleadings shall be filed and served within sixty (60) days of the date of this order
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`and noticed for hearing within ninety (90) days hereof. All unserved parties shall
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`be dismissed no later than the date set for the Final Pre−Trial Conference.
` 2. Motions for Summary Judgment or Partial Summary Judgment:
`Motions for summary judgment or partial summary judgment shall be heard no
`later than the last day for hearing motions, as set forth in the accompanying minute
` 3. Motion Index: If any motion or set of motions concurrently
`noticed involves more than three pleadings, the moving party shall file within
`three days of filing an index of the moving papers (e.g., notice, memorandum of
`Points and authorities, declaration) with the names of each pleading and the docket
`number. Within three days of filing reply papers, the moving party shall file an
`updated index of all moving papers, all opposition papers, and all reply papers
`with the name of each pleading and the docket number. Where redacted pleadings
`have been filed, the index should refer to the undredacted version.
` 4. Discovery Cut−Off: The Court has established a cut−off date for
`discovery in this action. All discovery is to be completed on, or prior to, the cut−
`off date. Accordingly, the following discovery schedule shall apply to this case:
` A. Depositions: All depositions shall be scheduled to
`commence at least five (5) working days prior to the discovery cut−off date. All
`original depositions to be used in trial shall be lodged with the Courtroom deputy
`on the first day of trial or such earlier date as the Court may order.
` B. Interrogatories: All interrogatories must be served at least
`forty−five (45) days prior to the discovery cut−off date. The Court will not approve
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`stipulations between counsel that permit responses to be served after the cut−off
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`date except in extraordinary circumstances.
` C. Production of Documents, etc.: All requests for production,
`etc., shall be served at least forty−five (45) days prior to the discovery cut−off date.
`The Court will not approve stipulations between counsel that permit responses to
`be served after the cut−off date except in extraordinary circumstances.
` D. Request for Admissions: All requests for admissions shall
`be served at least forty−five (45) days prior to the discovery cut−off date. The
`Court will not approve stipulations between counsel that permit responses to be
`served after the cut−off date except in extraordinary circumstances.
` E. Discovery Motions: Any motion respecting the inadequacy
`of responses to discovery must be filed and served not later than ten (10) days
`after the discovery cut−off date. Whenever possible, the Court expects counsel to
`resolve discovery problems among themselves in a courteous, reasonable, and
`professional manner. Repeated resort to the Court for guidance in discovery is
`unnecessary and may result in the Court appointing a Special Master at the joint
`expense of the parties to resolve discovery disputes. The Court expects that
`counsel will strictly adhere to the Civility and Professional Guidelines adopted by
`the United States District Court for the Central District of California.
` F. Disclosure of Expert Testimony: The above discovery cut
`off date includes expert discovery, unless otherwise ordered by Court, and the
`Court orders the sequence of disclosures provided by Fed. R. Civ. Proc.
`26(a)(2)(C), unless the parties otherwise stipulate in writing and obtain the Court’s
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` This case has been placed on calendar for a Final Pre−Trial
`Conference pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 16. Strict compliance with the
`requirements of the Fed. R. Civ. P. and Local Rules are required by the Court.
` The Court ORDERS that all counsel comply with the following in
`their preparation for trial:
` All motions in limine must be filed and served a minimum of four (4)
`weeks prior to the scheduled pretrial date in accordance with Local Rule 6. Each
`motion should be separately filed and numbered. All opposition documents must
`be filed and served at least three (3) weeks prior to the scheduled pretrial date. All
`reply documents must be filed and served at least two (2) weeks prior to the
`scheduled pretrial date. Motions in limine should be used to raise legitimate
`evidentiary issues, and not as veiled motions for summary adjudication.
` The Court limits the number of in limine motions which a party or
`group of affiliated parties may file to four, not including (1) any in limine motion
`which seeks an exclusionary sanction under Rule 37(c)(1) of the Federal Rules of
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`Civil Procedure and (2) any in limine motion which invokes the Court’s power
`under Rule 702 of the Federal Rules of Evidence and Daubert v. Merrell Dow
`Pharmaceuticals, 509 U.S. 579, 597 (1993), to exclude or limit expert testimony.
`Motions made on the latter two grounds shall prominently state the basis for the
`motion in the title of the motion on the caption page. Any party desiring to tender
`any other in liminemotions shall file an ex parte application no later than seven
`days prior to the due date for such motions, attaching the proposed motion and
`making a showing why it is imperative that the issue be dealt with by a motion in
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
` The Court deems the following motions to have been made and
` • Exclusion of evidence of settlement talks, offers of compromise and
`similar evidence excludable under Federal Rule of Evidence 408 without an offer
`of proof first made outside the presence of the jury.
` • Exclusion of expert opinions not disclosed under Rule 26(a)(2) of
`the Federal Rule of Civil Procedure or otherwise subjected to examination at the
`expert’s deposition.
` All motions in limine will be heard on the scheduled pretrial date,
`unless the Court otherwise orders.
`Jury Instructions. Thirty days prior to trial, counsel shall meet and
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`confer for the purpose of submitting a single packet of proposed jury instructions
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`and objections. The packet shall contain all instructions desired by any party on
`all subjects, and shall be organized in the order to be given.
` • If an instruction is agreed and joint, it shall be so labeled.
` • If the parties submit alternatives instructions on a topic, they shall
` be labeled A, B, C etc. (e.g., Party A’s Proposed Instruction No. 2A).
` Immediately behind the instruction, the party shall provide a
` statement of law in support of its version and any legal objection to
` the other party’s proposal.
` • If only one party submits an instruction on a topic, the party shall
` provide immediately behind the instruction a statement of law in
` support of its instruction. If there is any opposition, it shall appear
` immediately behind the proponent’s statement.
`The single packet shall be filed no later than seven days prior to the trial. At the
`same time, the parties shall also submit a WordPefect version to the
` e−mail box. The Court will entertain such
`additional instructions as may be warranted by the evidence offered at trial.
` If a proposed instruction is a modification of a pattern instruction,
`such as a Ninth Circuit Model Instruction or a CACI instruction, the proponent
`shall also include in the packet a version showing all deletions and additions to
`the pattern instruction, using bolding, italic, strike outs or similar means.
` The parties need not submit preliminary instruction to be given at the
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`outset of trial, but they may submit additional instructions or revisions of the
`Court’s standard initial instructions. See the Court's website for set of Exemplar
`Initial Jury Instructions in pdf. at the bottom of the page:
`Proposed Verdict Form. On the first day of trial, plaintiff shall file
`and serve plaintiff’s verdict form on defendant.
`Voir Dire. At least four (4) court days prior to trial, each counsel
`shall file and serve on opposing counsel any special questions requested to be put
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
`to prospective jurors on voir dire.
` Counsel are to prepare their exhibits for presentation at the trial by
`placing them in binders that are indexed by exhibit number with tabs or dividers
`on the right side. Counsel shall submit to the Court an original and one copy of
`the binders. The exhibits shall be in a three−ring binder labeled on the spine
`portion of the binder showing both the volume number and the exhibit numbers
`and contain an index of each exhibit included in the volume. Exhibits must be
`numbered in accordance with Fed. R. Civ. P. 16, 26, and the Local Rules.
`(Please see alternate instructions at Page 15 if the total number of exhibits,
`for all parties exceeds 10 volumes.)
` The Court requires that the following be submitted to the Courtroom
`Deputy Clerk on the first day of trial:
` A. The original exhibits with the Court’s exhibit tags shall be
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`stapled to the front of the exhibit on the upper right−hand corner with the case
`number, case name, and exhibit number placed on each tag.
` B. One bench book with a copy of each exhibit for use by the
`Court, tabbed with numbers as described above. (Court’s exhibit tags not
` C. Three (3) copies of exhibit lists, plus an electronic copy in
`WordPerfect® 6.0 or later generations of WordPerfect®. E−mailing the electronic
`copy to the Courtroom Deputy is the most convenient to accomplish this.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
` D. Three (3) copies of witness lists.
` E. A joint statement of the case suitable for reading by the
`Court to the prospective panel of jurors prior to the commencement of jury
`selection. Counsel are ordered to confer and agree to a one−page joint statement of
`the case no later than five (5) days prior to the trial date.
` All counsel are to meet not later than ten (10) days before trial and to
`stipulate so far as is possible as to foundation, waiver of the best evidence rule,
`and to those exhibits which may be received into evidence at the start of trial. The
`exhibits to be so received will be noted on the extra copies of the exhibit lists.
`Opening Statements, Examining Witnesses, and Summation
` A. Unless otherwise ordered, the trial day will be 9:00 a.m. to noon
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`and 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. with a 15 minute break during each session.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
` B. At the end of each day, counsel presenting his or her case shall
`advise opposing counsel of the witnesses anticipated the following day with an
`estimate of the length of direct examination. Opposing counsel shall provide an
`estimate of the length of cross–examination. Cooperation of counsel will ensure a
`smooth flow of witnesses.
` C. Opening statements, examination of witnesses, and summation
`will be from the lectern only. Counsel must not consume time by writing out
`words or drawing charts or diagrams. Counsel may do so in advance and explain
`that the item was prepared earlier as ordered by the Court to save time.
` D. In final argument of jury cases, counsel must avoid addressing
`any juror by name and avoid any appeal to a juror to put himself or herself in the
`position of a party, such as "What would you take for such pain?" or "What would
`you expect your son or daughter to do in the same circumstances?"
` E. In criminal cases, defense counsel should avoid asking their client
`self−serving questions such as whether the client is married, has children, has a
`war record or has ever been arrested. Such questions are almost always irrelevant
`Where such information would be relevant in counsel’s opinion, counsel should
`obtain permission from the Court prior to making such inquiries.
` F. Never strike the lectern for emphasis.
` G. The Court will honor reasonable time estimates for opening and
`closing addresses to the jury. Please be advised this Court will not require a jury
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`to sit longer than 60 minutes in any one session during counsel’s summation.
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`Objections to Questions:
` A. Counsel must not use objections for the purpose of making a
`speech, recapitulating testimony, or attempting to guide the witness.
` B. When objecting, counsel must rise to state the objection and state
`only that counsel objects and the legal ground of objection. If counsel wishes to
`argue an objection further, counsel must ask for permission to do so; the Court
`may or may not grant a request for conference at sidebar. The Court strongly
`discourage sidebars because they represent an inefficient use of jury time when
`matters can be anticipated.
`General Decorum:
` A. Please keep the trial low−key. It is not a contest of dramatic ability or
`an oratorical contest. It is to be a dignified search for the truth.
` B. Counsel must not approach the Clerk or the witness box without
`specific permission. When permission is given, please return to the lectern when
`the purpose of the permission is finished. Counsel must not engage in questioning
`a witness at the witness stand.
` C. Please rise when addressing the Court and rise when the jury enters or
`leaves the courtroom.
` D. Counsel must address all remarks to the Court. Counsel are not to address
`the Clerk, the Reporter, persons in the audience, or opposing counsel. If counsel
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`wishes to speak with opposing counsel, counsel must ask permission to talk off the
`record. Any request for the re−reading of questions or answers shall be addressed to
`the Court.
` E. Counsel must not address or refer to witnesses or parties by first names
`alone. Young witnesses (under 14) may, however, be addressed and referred to
`by their first name.
` F. Counsel must not make an offer of stipulation unless counsel has conferred
`with opposing counsel and has reason to believe the stipulation will be acceptable.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
` G. While Court is in session, counsel must not leave counsel table to
`confer with any personnel or witnesses in the back of the courtroom unless
`permission has been granted in advance.
` H. Counsel should not by facial expression, nodding or other conduct
`exhibit any opinion, adverse or favorable, concerning any testimony being
`given by a witness. Counsel should admonish counsel's own client(s) and
`witnesses to avoid such conduct.
` I. Where a party has more than one lawyer, only one may conduct the
`direct or cross−examination of a given witness.
`Promptness of Counsel and Witnesses:
` A. The Court makes every effort to commence proceedings at the time
`set. Promptness is expected from counsel and witnesses. It is counsel’s duty of the
`first day of trial to advise the Court on the first day of any commitments that may
`result in counsel’s absence or late arrival.
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` B. If a witness is on the stand when a recess is taken, it is counsel’s duty
`to have the witness back on the stand, ready to proceed, when the court session
` (1) If a witness was on the stand at adjournment, it is counsel’s
`duty to have the witness adjacent to, but not on, the stand, ready to proceed
`when the court session resumes.
` (2) It is counsel’s duty to notify the courtroom deputy clerk in
`advance if any witness should be accommodated by use of the witness stand’s
`automated platform which lowers and raises to accommodate witnesses who are
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
`unable to otherwise take the witness stand.
` C. No presenting party may be without witnesses. If counsel has no
`more witnesses to call and there is more than a brief delay, the Court may deem
`that the party has rested.
` D. The Court attempts to cooperate with physicians, scientists, and
`all other professional witnesses and will, except in extraordinary circumstances,
`accommodate them by permitting them to be put on out of sequence. Counsel
`must anticipate any such possibility and discuss it with opposing counsel. If there
`is objection, confer with the Court in advance.
` A. Each counsel should keep counsel’s own list of exhibits and
`should keep track when each has been admitted in evidence.
` B. Each counsel is responsible for any exhibits that counsel secures
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`from the Clerk and, during all recesses and noontime and afternoon adjournments,
`counsel must return all exhibits in counsel’s possession to the Clerk.
` C. An exhibit not previously marked should, at the time of its first
`mention, be accompanied by a request that the Clerk mark it for identification. To
`save time, counsel must show a new exhibit to opposing counsel before it is
`mentioned in Court.
` D. Whenever in counsel’s opinion a particular exhibit is admissible,
`it should be offered unless tactical considerations dictate otherwise. The motion
`to admit will be dealt with at the next available recess if there is objection. No
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
`exhibit shall be read or displayed to the jury until admitted.
` E. When referring to an exhibit, counsel should refer to its exhibit
`number whenever possible. Witnesses should be instructed to do the same.
` F. The Court resists taking time to pass an exhibit among the jury
`for viewing when it is admitted. A request to do so should be made to the Court in
`a recess period preceding introduction of the exhibit.
` G. Absent unusual circumstances, counsel must not ask witnesses to
`draw charts or diagrams nor ask the Court’s permission for a witness to do so. If
`counsel wishes to question a witness in connection with graphic aids, the material
`must be fully prepared before the court session starts.
` H. Exhibit Binders.
` 1. Where the volume of exhibits is less than ten binders, Counsel
`are to prepare exhibits for trial by placing them in three ring binders that are
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`indexed by exhibit number with tabs or dividers on the right side and indicating on
`the spine of the binder the exhibit numbers contained and the volume number. The
`exhibits must be numbered in accordance with Fed. R. Civ. P. 16, 26 and the Local
`Rules. Counsel shall have the original set (with the exhibit tags affixed to the
`upper or lower right hand corner) and a bench copy on the exhibits, three (3)
`copies of the exhibit list and three (3) copies of the witness list to the Courtroom
`Deputy Clerk on the first day of trial.
` 2. Where the volume of exhibits is greater than ten binders Counsel
`are to prepare one (1) full set of the exhibits in three ring binders that are indexed
`by exhibit number with tabs or dividers on the right side and indicating on the
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
`spine of the binder the exhibit numbers contained and the volume number. Each
`exhibit shall have an exhibit tag placed in the upper or lower right hand corner of
`the first page of the exhibit. (These are the exhibits that will go to the jury during
`deliberations). With regard to exhibits for the Judge and witnesses, there should
`be a book for each witness that contains only the exhibits needed for that specific
`witness with dividers on the right side. This book should be presented to the
`witness when the witness is called. A copy of this book should be provided to the
`Judge at the time the witness is called. The Court requires counsel to submit the
`full set of exhibits, three (3) copies of the exhibit list and three (3) copies of the
`witness list to the Courtroom Deputy Clerk on the first day of trial.
` A. All depositions that will be used in the trial, either as evidence or
`for impeachment, must be signed and lodged with the Courtroom Deputy on the
`first day of trial or such earlier date as the Court may order. For any deposition in
`which counsel is interested, counsel should check with the clerk to confirm that
`the clerk has the transcript and that the transcript is properly signed.
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` B. In using depositions of an adverse party for impeachment,
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`counsel shall first announce the page and line reference of the passage desired to
`be read, and allow opposing counsel an opportunity to state any objection.
`Counsel shall use either of the following procedures:
` (1) If counsel wishes to read the questions and answers as
`alleged impeachment and ask the witness no further questions on that subject,
`counsel may merely read the relevant portions of the deposition into the record.
` (2) If counsel wishes to ask the witness further questions on
`the subject matter, the deposition is placed in front of the witness and the witness
`is told to read silently the pages and lines involved. Then counsel may either ask
`the witness further questions on the matter and thereafter read the quotations or
`read the quotations and thereafter ask further questions. Counsel should have an
`extra copy of the deposition for this purpose.
` C. Where a witness is absent and the witness’ testimony is offered
`by deposition, please observe the following procedure. A reader should occupy
`the witness chair and read the testimony of the witness while the examining lawyer
`asks the questions.
`Using Numerous Answers to Interrogatories and Requests for Admissions:
` Whenever counsel expects to offer answers to interrogatories or
`requests for admissions, the desired discovery shall be read to the jury. Any
`objections shall be resolved in advance.
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`Advance Notice of Evidentiary or Difficult Questions:
` If counsel has reason to anticipate that a difficult question of law or
`evidence will raise legal argument, requiring research and/or briefing, counsel
`must give the Court advance notice. Counsel are directed to notify the Clerk at the
`day’s adjournment if an unexpected legal issue arises that could not have been
`foreseen and addressed by a motion in limine (see Fed. R. Evid. 103). To the
`maximum extent possible such matters shall be taken outside normal jury hours
`(e.g., recess, before or after the trial day).
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
`Juror Questionnaires:
` The Court discourages the use of juror questionnaires except in
`complex cases or cases involving juror privacy issues. If a party intends to
`propose a questionnaire, the party shall meet and confer with all parties with the
`goal of arriving at a joint questionnaire. Any proposed questionnaire shall be
`submitted to the Court not later than thirty days prior to trial. The particulars for
`administering a questionnaire will be discussed at the pretrial conference.
` The Clerk is ordered to serve a copy of this Order on counsel/parties
`in this action.
`DATED: November 6, 2017
`James V. Selna
`United States District Judge
`Revised December 5, 2013
` −16−

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