Case 2:17-cv-04263-JVS-JCG Document 30-3 Filed 09/25/17 Page 1 of 16 Page ID #:569
` Exhibit 2


`clD-ap110 rev 0
`Case 2:17-cv-04263-JVS-JCG Document 30-3 Filed 09/25/17 Page 2 of 16 Page ID #:570
`AppLiCAtion notE
`Cree® XLamp® XB-D LED
`75-watt Equivalent A19 Lamp Reference Design
`tABLE of ContEnts
`Introduction ........................................................ 1
`Design approach/objectives .................................. 2
`The 6-step methodology ....................................... 2
`1. Define lighting requirements ............................ 2
`2. Define design goals ........................................ 4
`3. Estimate efficiencies of the optical, thermal &
`electrical systems .......................................... 4
`4. calculate the number of leDs .......................... 8
`5. consider all design possibilities ........................ 9
`6. Complete the final steps: implementation and
`analysis .......................................................10
`conclusions .......................................................14
`Special thanks ...................................................15
`This application note details the design of a 75-watt
`equivalent a19 replacement lamp using cree’s Xlamp
`XB-D LED. The XLamp XB-D LED is designed specifically
`for high lumens/dollar applications, such as the price-
`sensitive replacement lamp market. This XB-D a19 lamp
`is intended to be a replacement for incandescent a19
`lamps in omnidirectional indoor lighting applications.
`many replacement lamps currently on the market use a
`snow cone design and do not replicate the light pattern
`of an incandescent lamp. This reference design betters
`the snow cone design to produce a lamp that matches
`the light pattern of an incandescent, enabling its use in
`omnidirectional applications and also enabling it to meet
`eNerGY STar® intensity distribution requirements.
`The high flux output and efficacy offered by the XB-D
`leD make it a particularly strong candidate for use in
`an a19 lamp. The performance of the XB-D leD means
`that a small number of leDs can be used to create an
`a19 lamp that meets the eNerGY STar light distribution
`requirements for a 75-watt equivalent replacement
`copyright © 2012 cree, Inc. all rights reserved. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. cree®, the cree logo
`copyright © 2010 cree, Inc. all rights reserved. The information in this document is subject to change without notice.
`and Xlamp® are registered trademarks of cree, Inc. This document is provided for informational purposes only and is not a warranty or a
`cree, the cree logo and Xlamp are registered trademarks of cree, Inc.
`specification. For product specifications, please see the data sheets available at For warranty information, please contact
`cree Sales at other trademarks, product and company names are the property of their respective owners and do not imply
`specific product and/or vendor endorsement, sponsorship or association.
`cree, Inc.
`4600 Silicon Drive
`Durham, Nc 27703
`USa Tel: +1.919.313.5300


`Case 2:17-cv-04263-JVS-JCG Document 30-3 Filed 09/25/17 Page 3 of 16 Page ID #:571
`DEsign AppRoACh/oBjECtivEs
`In the “leD luminaire Design Guide”1 Cree advocates a six step framework for creating LED luminaires and lamps. All
`cree reference designs use this framework, and the design guide’s summary table is reproduced below.
`1. Define lighting requirements
`2. Define design goals
`3. Estimate efficiencies of
`thermal & electrical systems
`the optical,
`4. calculate the number of leDs needed
`5. consider all design possibilities and
`choose the best
`6. Complete final steps
`• The design goals can be based either on an existing fixture or on the application’s lighting
`• Specify design goals, which will be based on the application’s lighting requirements.
`• Specify any other goals that will influence the design, such as special optical or environmental
`• Design goals will place constraints on the optical, thermal and electrical systems.
`• Good estimations of efficiencies of each system can be made based on these constraints.
`• The combination of lighting goals and system efficiencies will drive the number of LEDs needed
`in the luminaire.
`• Based on the design goals and estimated losses, the designer can calculate the number of leDs
`to meet the design goals.
`• with any design, there are many ways to achieve the goals.
`• LED lighting is a new field; assumptions that work for conventional lighting sources may not
`• complete circuit board layout.
`• Test design choices by building a prototype luminaire.
`• make sure the design achieves all the design goals.
`• Use the prototype to further refine the luminaire design.
`• record observations and ideas for improvement.
`table 1: Cree 6-step framework
`thE 6-stEp mEthoDoLogy
`The goal of the design is an Xlamp XB-D leD-based 75-watt equivalent a19 lamp that can replace incandescent lamps in
`omnidirectional applications. as a replacement lamp, this design uses the a19 form factor that is familiar to consumers.
`1. DEfinE Lighting REquiREmEnts
`Table 2 shows a ranked list of desirable characteristics to address in an high-bay luminaire design.
`Illuminance distribution
`footcandles (fc)/lux (lx)
`electrical power
`Luminous flux
`Luminous efficacy
`operating temperatures
`operating humidity
`watts (w)
`lumens (lm)
`% relative humidity
`correlated color temperature (ccT)
`Color rendering index (CRI)
`100-point scale
`table 2: Ranked design criteria for a high-bay luminaire
`LED Luminaire Design Guide, Application Note AP15,
`XLamp XB-D 75-Watt equivaLent a19 Lamp RefeRence Design
`Copyright © 2012 Cree, Inc. All rights reserved. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Cree®, the Cree logo and XLamp® are registered trademarks
`of Cree, Inc. This document is provided for informational purposes only and is not a warranty or a specification. For product specifications, please see the data sheets available at
` For warranty information, please contact Cree Sales at


`Case 2:17-cv-04263-JVS-JCG Document 30-3 Filed 09/25/17 Page 4 of 16 Page ID #:572
`Table 3 below summarizes the eNerGY STar requirements for all integral leD lamps.2
`lamp must have one of the following designated ccTs (per aNSI c78.377-2008) consistent with the 7-step
`chromaticity quadrangles and Duv tolerances below.
`ccT and Duv
`Nominal ccT
`Target ccT (K) and Tolerance
`Target Duv and Tolerance
`2700 K
`3000 K
`3500 K
`4000 K
`2725 ± 145
`3045 ± 175
`3465 ± 245
`3985 ± 275
`0.000 ± 0.006
`0.000 ± 0.006
`0.000 ± 0.006
`0.001 ± 0.006
`color maintenance
`The change of chromaticity over the minimum lumen maintenance test period (6,000 hours) shall be within 0.007
`on the cIe 1976 (u’, v’) diagram.
`minimum crI (ra) of 80. r9 value must be greater than 0.
`lamps may be dimmable or non-dimmable. product packaging must clearly indicate whether the lamp is dimmable
`or not dimmable. manufacturers qualifying dimmable products must maintain a web page providing dimmer
`compatibility information.
`3-year warranty
`allowable lamp bases
`must be a lamp base listed by aNSI.
`power factor
`Lamp power < 5 W and low voltage lamps: no minimum PF
`Lamp power > 5 W: PF > 0.70
`minimum operating temperature
`-20 °c or below
`leD operating frequency
`electromagnetic and radio-
`frequency interference
`≥ 120 Hz
`Note: This performance characteristic addresses problems with visible flicker due to low frequency operation and
`applies to steady-state as well as dimmed operation.
`Dimming operation shall meet the requirement at all light output levels.
`Must meet appropriate FCC requirements for consumer use (FCC 47 CFR Part 15)
`audible noise
`class a sound rating
`Transient protection
`operating voltage
`power supply shall comply with Ieee c62.41-1991, class a operation. The line transient shall consist of seven strikes
`of a 100 kHz ring wave, 2.5 kV level, for both common mode and differential mode.
`lamp shall operate at rated nominal voltage of 120, 240 or 277 vac, or at 12 or 24 vac or vDc.
`table 3: EnERgy stAR requirements for integral LED lamps
`2 eNerGY STar® program requirements for Integral leD lamps eligibility criteria – version 1.4, Table 4,
`XLamp XB-D 75-Watt equivaLent a19 Lamp RefeRence Design
`Copyright © 2012 Cree, Inc. All rights reserved. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Cree®, the Cree logo and XLamp® are registered trademarks
`of Cree, Inc. This document is provided for informational purposes only and is not a warranty or a specification. For product specifications, please see the data sheets available at
` For warranty information, please contact Cree Sales at


`Case 2:17-cv-04263-JVS-JCG Document 30-3 Filed 09/25/17 Page 5 of 16 Page ID #:573
`Table 4 summaries eNerGY STar requirements for omnidirectional replacement lamps.3
`Criteria item
`Minimum luminous efficacy
`• leD lamp power < 10 w: 50 lm/w
`• LED lamp power ≥ 10 W: 55 lm/W
`Lamp shall have minimum light output (initial total luminous flux) at least corresponding to the target wattage of
`the lamp to be replaced, as shown below. Target wattages between the given levels may be interpolated.
`minimum light output
`Nominal wattage of lamp to be replaced
`minimum initial light output of leD lamp
`luminous intensity distribution
`products shall have an even distribution of luminous intensity (candelas) within the 0° to 135° zone (vertically
`axially symmetrical).
`luminous intensity at any angle within this zone shall not differ from the mean luminous intensity for the entire 0°
`to 135° zone by more than 20%.
`At least 5% of total flux (lumens) must be emitted in the 135° to 180° zone.
`Distribution shall be vertically symmetrical as measured in 3 vertical planes at 0°, 45° and 90°.
`Maximum lamp diameter
`Not to exceed target lamp diameter
`Maximum overall length (MOL)
`lumen maintenance
`rapid-cycle stress test
`Not to exceed MOL for target lamp
`≥ 70% lumen maintenance (L70) at 25,000 hours of operation
`cycle times must be 2 minutes on, 2 minutes off. lamp will be cycled once for every 2 hours of l70 life.
`table 4: EnERgy stAR requirements for replacement omnidirectional lamps
`2. DEfinE DEsign goALs
`Table 5 shows the design goals for this project.
`light output
`Luminaire efficacy
`Intensity distribution
`power factor
`100-point scale
`minimum goal
`target goal
`> 1100
` < 20
`> 55
`eNerGY STar requirement
`> 80
`> 0.9
`table 5: Design goals
`3. EstimAtE EffiCiEnCiEs of thE optiCAL, thERmAL & ELECtRiCAL systEms
`we used cree’s product characterization Tool (pcT) tool to determine the drive current for the design.4 For the 1100-lm
`target, we estimated 87% optical efficiency and 90% driver efficiency. We also estimated a solder point temperature of
`90 °c.
`The PCT output highlighted in Figure 1 shows that, at 750 mA, eight XB-D LEDs provide sufficient light output to meet
`the design goals.
`Ibid., Table 7a
`pcT is available at
`XLamp XB-D 75-Watt equivaLent a19 Lamp RefeRence Design
`Copyright © 2012 Cree, Inc. All rights reserved. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Cree®, the Cree logo and XLamp® are registered trademarks
`of Cree, Inc. This document is provided for informational purposes only and is not a warranty or a specification. For product specifications, please see the data sheets available at
` For warranty information, please contact Cree Sales at


`Case 2:17-cv-04263-JVS-JCG Document 30-3 Filed 09/25/17 Page 6 of 16 Page ID #:574
`Target Lumens :
`Optical Efficiency:
`Electrical Efficiency:
`LED System Comparison Report
`LED 2
`LED 3
`LED 1
`Cree XLamp XB-D {AWT}
`Q4 [100]
`Tsp (ºC)
`Current (A)
`Major Challenges - 1
`Tj (ºC)
`Tj (ºC)
`SYS # LED SYS lm tot
`•Problem: the major challenge for the A19 Energy Star is the intensity distribution beyond 90o, meaning light
`travelling back toward the screw base. Most LED light bulbs on market are “snowcone” design where light is
`figure 1: pCt view of the number of LEDs used and drive current
`mostly directed forward and not able to meet this requirement.
`•Solution: this reference design utilized an unique TIR optics specially designed for XB-D and a heatsink
`optical Requirements
`perhaps the major challenge for an leD-based a19 lamp intending to meet eNerGY STar light output requirements is
`design that allows light from the LED to be thrown back toward the screw base and meeting this requirement.
`the intensity distribution beyond 90°, i.e., light emitted back toward the lamp base. Figure 2 is a graphic representation
`of the eNerGY STar luminous intensity distribution requirement.5 most leD lamps on the market have a snow cone
`design in which light is directed mainly forward and therefore are not able to meet this requirement.
`This document is provided for informational purposes only and is not a warranty or a specification. For product specifications, please see the data sheets available at
`Copyright © 2009-2012 Cree, Inc. All rights reserved. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Cree, the Cree logo and XLamp are registered trademarks of Cree, Inc.
`figure 2: EnERgy stAR luminous intensity distribution requirement
`Copyright © 2010, Cree, Inc. Cree Proprietary & Confidential
`pg. 3
`5 Op. cit., Appendix B
`XLamp XB-D 75-Watt equivaLent a19 Lamp RefeRence Design
`Copyright © 2012 Cree, Inc. All rights reserved. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Cree®, the Cree logo and XLamp® are registered trademarks
`of Cree, Inc. This document is provided for informational purposes only and is not a warranty or a specification. For product specifications, please see the data sheets available at
` For warranty information, please contact Cree Sales at


`Case 2:17-cv-04263-JVS-JCG Document 30-3 Filed 09/25/17 Page 7 of 16 Page ID #:575
`The heart of this reference design is a unique polycarbonate Total Internal Reflection (TIR) optic, shown in Figures 3 and
`4, custom designed for the XB-D leD.6 The lens is designed to direct the light from the leD in an omnidirectional pattern.
`figure 3: XB-D A19 optic (top view)
`figure 4: XB-D A19 optic and clear cover
`Electrical Requirements
`another challenge for an leD-based a19 lamp design is the driver lifetime. a lamp design will not be successful if the
`driver has a much shorter lifetime than the leDs.
`a major component of most driver designs is a capacitor to minimize ripple current from the ac input cycle. Normal
`electrolytic capacitors fail at high temperatures, increasing ripple, which may result in noticeable flickering. Further, to
`meet eNerGY STar requirements, a lamp operating at more than 10 w must be tested in a 45 °c environment between
`measurements, further challenging a driver’s ability to maintain performance under high temperature. The a19 form
`factor provides limited space for components such as the heat sink and driver, leading to a high solder point temperature
`(TSp) and driver operating temperature. This reference design needs a driver efficiency of 90% to meet the efficacy
`requirement. We selected a driver, shown in Figure 5, able to operate at high temperatures and be 90% efficient.7
`6 model STar0080, aether Systems Inc.,
`7 model Ncl30002leD1GevB, oN Semiconductor,
`figure 5: Driver and driver housing
`XLamp XB-D 75-Watt equivaLent a19 Lamp RefeRence Design
`Copyright © 2012 Cree, Inc. All rights reserved. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Cree®, the Cree logo and XLamp® are registered trademarks
`of Cree, Inc. This document is provided for informational purposes only and is not a warranty or a specification. For product specifications, please see the data sheets available at
` For warranty information, please contact Cree Sales at


`Case 2:17-cv-04263-JVS-JCG Document 30-3 Filed 09/25/17 Page 8 of 16 Page ID #:576
`thermal Requirements
`Heat is always a major concern in an LED-based lamp or luminaire design. We estimate that 70% of the 21 W of input
`power, or about 15 w, will be converted to heat that must be dissipated.
`The thermal solution is a key factor in the success of this reference design. To make this design feasible, we worked with
`two partners to design and fabricate a custom metal core printed circuit board (mcpcB) and heat sink.
`As shown in Figure 6, this A19 lamp design has eight XLamp XB-D LEDs arranged
`in a circular pattern with a precise diameter matching the TIr optic.
`although not addressed in this reference design, using a different number of
`leDs to achieve other lumen output levels is possible with this optic as long as
`the leD layout diameter is maintained.
`To aid heat dissipation we used a special copper mcpcB from rayben.8 as shown in
`Figure 7, where a typical MCPCB has a copper trace layer and a dielectric layer to
`transfer heat to the aluminum base layer and on to the surrounding environment, the
`Rayben MCPCB in this design has a “micro heat exchanger” (MHE) layer to transfer
`heat to the copper base layer and offers greater heat transfer capability. The electrically
`neutral thermal path of the XB-D leD makes this possible.
`figure 6: mCpCB
`figure 7: mhE thermal
`Heat Sink
`This reference design uses a custom heat sink and driver housing designed by cree and fabricated by TaiSun precision
`Parts, shown in Figure 8.9 The lightweight heat sink has slender fins that allow light to be directed back toward the lamp
`base. The driver is contained in the driver housing that fits into the heat sink and serves as the lamp base.
`8 Model R13648AA-1F1-06K, Rayben,
`9 Model A19-HS-XBD-W1, TaiSun Precision Parts,
`XLamp XB-D 75-Watt equivaLent a19 Lamp RefeRence Design
`Copyright © 2012 Cree, Inc. All rights reserved. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Cree®, the Cree logo and XLamp® are registered trademarks
`of Cree, Inc. This document is provided for informational purposes only and is not a warranty or a specification. For product specifications, please see the data sheets available at
` For warranty information, please contact Cree Sales at


`Case 2:17-cv-04263-JVS-JCG Document 30-3 Filed 09/25/17 Page 9 of 16 Page ID #:577
`figure 8: XB-D A19 heat sink and driver housing
`We performed thermal simulation to verify this thermal design is sufficient. Figure 9 shows a cross section view of the
`thermal simulation. The simulated solder point temperature (TSp) was 107 °c.
`figure 9: thermal simulation of XB-D A19 lamp
`4. CALCuLAtE thE numBER of LEDs
`Using Cree’s PCT, we determined that 8 XLamp XB-D LEDs produce sufficient light to meet the 1100-lm design goal.
`The XB-D leD offers a wide range of color temperatures. we selected a warm white leD for this a19 lamp design, shown
`highlighted in Table 6.
`XLamp XB-D 75-Watt equivaLent a19 Lamp RefeRence Design
`Copyright © 2012 Cree, Inc. All rights reserved. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Cree®, the Cree logo and XLamp® are registered trademarks
`of Cree, Inc. This document is provided for informational purposes only and is not a warranty or a specification. For product specifications, please see the data sheets available at
` For warranty information, please contact Cree Sales at


`Case 2:17-cv-04263-JVS-JCG Document 30-3 Filed 09/25/17 Page 10 of 16 Page ID
` #:578
`CCt Range
`Base order Codes
`min. Luminous flux
`@ 350 mA (lm)
`Calculated minimum
`Luminous flux (lm)*
`order Code
`flux (lm)
`700 mA
`1000 mA
`cool white
`5,000 K
`8,300 K
`70 crI minimum
`cool white
`5,000 K
`8,300 K
`Neutral white
`3,700 K
`5,000 K
`80 crI minimum
`2,600 K
`4,300 K
`warm white
`2,600 K
`3,700 K
`table 6: XB-D order codes
`5. ConsiDER ALL DEsign possiBiLitiEs
`There are many ways to design an leD-based a19 lamp. This reference design aims to show that the XB-D leD enables
`an a19 lamp offering superior performance.
`Figure 10 shows the how the challenges of this design have
`been met.
`• custom optics direct the light output of the XB-D leDs
`into an omnidirectional pattern.
`• a custom heat sink not only dissipates heat, but its thin
`fins also enable light to be directed toward the lamp
`Space available
`for heat sink
`• The driver must operate at high temperatures and fit
`within a housing that is contained within the heat sink.
`Driver housing
`figure 10: XB-D A19 lamp design
`XLamp XB-D 75-Watt equivaLent a19 Lamp RefeRence Design
`Copyright © 2012 Cree, Inc. All rights reserved. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Cree®, the Cree logo and XLamp® are registered trademarks
`of Cree, Inc. This document is provided for informational purposes only and is not a warranty or a specification. For product specifications, please see the data sheets available at
` For warranty information, please contact Cree Sales at


`Case 2:17-cv-04263-JVS-JCG Document 30-3 Filed 09/25/17 Page 11 of 16 Page ID
` #:579
`6. CompLEtE thE finAL stEps: impLEmEntAtion AnD AnALysis
`Using the methodology described above, we determined a suitable combination of leDs, components and drive conditions.
`This section describes how cree assembled the a19 lamp and shows the results of the design.
`prototyping Details
`1. We verified the component dimensions to ensure a correct fit.
`2. Following the recommendations in Cree’s Soldering and Handling Application Note for the XB-D LED, with an
`appropriate solder paste and reflow profile, we reflow soldered the LEDs to the MCPCB.10 We cleaned the flux residue
`with isopropyl alcohol (Ipa).
`3. we applied a thin layer of thermal conductive compound to the back of mcpcB and secured it to the heat sink with
`screws.11 consult cree’s chemical compatibility application Note for compounds safe for use with Xlamp leDs.12
`4. we inserted the driver into the driver housing and made a solder connection to the screw base.
`5. we potted the driver in the driver housing with electronics potting silicone.13 This is an optional step, however the
`silicone helps to even out the heat load on the driver and ensures electrical insulation. It also provides a better
`thermal path to the housing than air does.
`6. We applied adhesive (an epoxy or silicone-based adhesive is acceptable) to the driver housing groove and slid the
`housing into the heat sink, feeding the driver output wires through the heat sink to the top of the mcpcB.14 consult
`cree’s chemical compatibility application Note for adhesives safe for use with Xlamp leDs.15
`7. we waited for the adhesive to dry before proceeding. Depending on the adhesive used, heat may be applied to
`shorten the drying time.
`8. we soldered the driver output wires to the mcpcB.
`9. aligning the TIr optic to the alignment holes in the heat sink, we secured the optic to the heat sink with adhesive.
`10. we secured the clear cover to the heat sink with adhesive.
`11. We performed final testing.
`10 Cree XLamp XB-D LED Soldering and Handling, Application Note AP54,
`11 Timtronics Silver Ice 710,
`12 Cree XLamp LEDs Chemical Compatibility, Application Note AP63,
`13 Dow Corning Sylgard 160,
`14 Dow corning rTv Silicone,
`15 Loc. cit.
`XLamp XB-D 75-Watt equivaLent a19 Lamp RefeRence Design
`Copyright © 2012 Cree, Inc. All rights reserved. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Cree®, the Cree logo and XLamp® are registered trademarks
`of Cree, Inc. This document is provided for informational purposes only and is not a warranty or a specification. For product specifications, please see the data sheets available at
` For warranty information, please contact Cree Sales at


`Case 2:17-cv-04263-JVS-JCG Document 30-3 Filed 09/25/17 Page 12 of 16 Page ID
` #:580
`Figure 11 shows that the XB-D A19 lamp is a near match for the form factor of the familiar incandescent lamp.
`Additionally, Figure 12 shows the size of this lamp compared to the ANSI standard.16 Dimensions are given in millimeters.
`figure 11: XB-D A19 lamp and incandescent lamp
`figure 12: A19 lamp dimensions
`Thermal Results
`Cree verified the board temperature with a thermocouple and an infrared (IR) camera to confirm that the thermal
`dissipation performance of the heat sink aligns with our simulation.
`figure 13: thermal measurement with thermocouple
`figure 14: thermal measurement with iR camera
`16 Figure 78.20-211, ANSI C78.20-2003 - Revision of ANSI C78.20-1995
`XLamp XB-D 75-Watt equivaLent a19 Lamp RefeRence Design
`Copyright © 2012 Cree, Inc. All rights reserved. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Cree®, the Cree logo and XLamp® are registered trademarks
`of Cree, Inc. This document is provided for informational purposes only and is not a warranty or a specification. For product specifications, please see the data sheets available at
` For warranty information, please contact Cree Sales at


`Case 2:17-cv-04263-JVS-JCG Document 30-3 Filed 09/25/17 Page 13 of 16 Page ID
` #:581
`As shown in Figure 13, the solder point temperature measured with a thermocouple was 107 °C, an exact match with
`the simulation and which shows that the heat sink is sufficient for this design.
`Based on the measured solder point temperature, the junction temperature (TJ) can be calculated as follows.
`TJ = TSp + (leD power * leD thermal resistance)
`TJ = 107 °c + ((19 w/8) * 6.5 °c/w)
`TJ = 122 °c
`As shown in Figure 14, we measured a Tj of 112 °c with an Ir camera, reasonably close to the calculated value.
`Estimated LED lifetime
`Based on thousands of hours of long-term testing of the XB-D leD at operating conditions similar to those of this a19
`lamp, Cree expects an L70 lifetime significantly longer than the 25,000-hour goal for this design.
`Optical and Electrical Results
`photometric and performance measurements were collected using cree’s commercially available thermal, electrical,
`mechanical, photometric and optical (Tempo) SpoT B Service.17
`We determined the optical efficiency of the XB-D A19 lamp in the instant-on condition.
`Optical efficiency = lumen output with optics / lumen output without optics
`Optical efficiency = 1381 lm / 1519 lm
`Optical efficiency = 91%
`we obtained the results in Table 7 by testing the lamp in a 2-meter sphere at steady state after a 60-minute stabilizing
`time.18 The values in the table meet eNerGY Star performance metrics for a 75-w equivalent lamp.
`light output
`Lamp efficacy
`power factor
`100-point scale
`table 7: XB-D A19 lamp steady-state results
`18 Testing was performed at cree’s Santa Barbara Technology center.
`XLamp XB-D 75-Watt equivaLent a19 Lamp RefeRence Design
`Copyright © 2012 Cree, Inc. All rights reserved. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Cree®, the Cree logo and XLamp® are registered trademarks
`of Cree, Inc. This document is provided for informational purposes only and is not a warranty or a specification. For product specifications, please see the data sheets available at
` For warranty information, please contact Cree Sales at


`Case 2:17-cv-04263-JVS-JCG Document 30-3 Filed 09/25/17 Page 14 of 16 Page ID
` #:582
`Luminous Intensity Distribution
`Figure 15 shows that the XB-D A19 lamp meets
`the eNerGY STar
`intensity distribution
`10 15 20
`XB-D A19 Luminous Intensity Distribution
`Upper 20% Limit of 0-135deg Average
`Lower 20% Limit of 0-135deg Average
`figure 15: Luminous intensity distribution of XB-D A19 lamp
`The 3-D wire diagram in Figure 16 is a graphical representation of the
`candela intensity values for the XB-D a19 lamp.19
`figure 16: 3-D wire diagram of XB-D A19
`candela intensity values
`19 Testing was performed in a

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