Sagers v. Arizona State University et al

2:21-cv-00294 | Arizona District Court

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Division Phoenix
Judge Judge Dominic W Lanza
Filed Feb. 17, 2021
Case Flags STD
Nature of Suit 442 Civil Rights - Jobs
Cause 28:1331 Federal Question: Other Civil Rights
Jury Demand Plaintiff
The docket is incomplete. Sign up for verified information.
Filing Date # Docket Text
10/11/2023Costs Taxed
8/28/2023Bill of Costs
8/28/2023Bill of Costs
8/14/2023Clerks Judgment
8/14/2023ORDER: Defendants' motion for summary judgment (Doc. 49 ) is granted. The Clerk shall enter judgment accordingly and terminate this action. Signed by Judge Dominic W Lanza on 8/14/2023. (KJ)
2/10/2023Reply to Response to Motion
1/26/2023Order on Motion for Extension of Time
1/25/2023Extension of Time
1/14/2023Response to Motion for Summary Judgment
12/19/2022Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply
12/19/2022Extension of Time to File Response/Reply
11/30/2022Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply
11/30/2022Extension of Time to File Response/Reply
11/7/2022Notice of Errata
11/4/2022Summary Judgment
10/6/2022Report - Settlement Talks/Discussions
8/23/2022Notice of Service of Discovery
8/10/2022Notice of Deposition
8/9/2022Notice (Other)
8/8/2022Notice of Deposition
8/4/2022Order on Motion for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery
8/4/2022Extension of Time to Complete Discovery
7/28/2022Notice of Service of Discovery
7/20/2022Notice of Deposition
7/20/2022Notice of Deposition
7/20/2022Notice of Deposition
7/20/2022Notice of Deposition
7/5/2022Notice of Deposition
6/28/2022Notice of Service of Discovery
6/7/2022Notice of Service of Discovery
5/16/2022Notice of Service of Discovery
5/6/2022Notice of Service of Discovery
4/19/2022Notice of Service of Discovery
12/21/2021Notice of Service of Discovery
12/17/2021Protective Order
12/17/2021Protective Order
12/7/2021Scheduling Order
12/7/2021~Util - Terminate Deadlines, Order
12/3/2021Report - Rule 26(f) Planning Meeting (Proposed Case Mgt Plan)
11/5/2021~Util - Set Deadlines, Order
11/3/2021Answer to Amended Complaint
10/20/2021 ORDER: IT IS ORDERED that Defendants' partial motion to dismiss (Doc. 17 ) is granted. Dr. Sagers's only remaining claims are (1) a § 1983 claim in Count One against Dr. Panchanathan; (2) a Title VII claim in Count Three against ABOR; and (3) a Title IX claim in Count Four against ABOR [see attached Order for details]. Signed by Judge Dominic W Lanza on 10/19/21. (MAW)
8/6/2021Reply to Response to Motion
7/31/2021Response to Motion
7/16/2021Dismiss Counts/Claims
7/3/2021Amended Complaint
7/3/2021Notice of Filing - Amended Pleading (LRCiv 15.1(b))
6/21/2021Order on Motion for Extension of Time
6/18/2021Notice of Errata
6/17/2021Extension of Time
5/25/2021Service Executed
5/25/2021Notice of Appearance/Association of Counsel
5/24/2021Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief , Order on Motion for Extension of Time
5/22/2021Notice (Other)
5/20/2021Service Executed
5/15/2021Extension of Time
2/18/2021PRELIMINARY ORDER: IT IS ORDERED: 1. That Plaintiff(s) must promptly serve a copy of this Order on Defendant (s) and file a notice of service with the Clerk of Court; 2. That, unless the Court orders otherwise, on May 19, 2021, the Clerk of Court shall terminate without further notice any Defendant in this action that has not been served pursuant to Rule 4(m) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure [see attached Order for details]. Signed by Judge Dominic W Lanza on 2/18/21. (MAW) (Entered: 02/18/2021)
2/18/2021Summons Issued as to Arizona State University, Sethuraman Panchanathan. (Attachments: # 1 Summons)(JAM). *** IMPORTANT: When printing the summons, select "Document and stamps" or "Document and comments" for the seal to appear on the document. (Entered: 02/18/2021)
2/17/2021Filing fee paid, receipt number 0970-19172574. This case has been assigned to the Honorable Dominic W Lanza. All future pleadings or documents should bear the correct case number: CV-21-294-PHX-DWL. Notice of Availability of Magistrate Judge to Exercise Jurisdiction form attached. (JAM) (Entered: 02/18/2021)
2/17/2021SUMMONS Submitted by Cynthia Sagers.(Semerdjian, Kiri) (Attachments: # 1 Summons)(JAM) (Entered: 02/18/2021)
2/17/2021COMPLAINT. Filing fee received: $ 402.00, receipt number 0970-19172574 filed by Cynthia Sagers.(Semerdjian, Kiri) (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet)(JAM) (Entered: 02/18/2021)