

`(cid:1800) Approval
`☐ Approval with Post-Marketing Commitment
`(cid:1798) Complete Response
`NDA 213801
`MYRBETRIQ GRANULES (mirabegron for extended-release oral
`Assessment #1
`MYRBETRIQ Granules (mirabegron for extended-
`release oral suspension)
`Dosage Form
`For extended-release oral suspension
`8 mg / mL after reconstitution
`Route of Administration Oral
`Rx/OTC Dispensed
`Astellas Pharma Global Development, Inc.
`US agent, if applicable Not Applicable
`Drug Product Name
`Original Submission
`Amendment (0004)
`Amendment (0005)
`Amendment (0006)
`Amendment (0007)
`Amendment (0009)
`Amendment (0014)
`Amendment (0021)
`Amendment (0024)
`Amendment (0025)
`Amendment (0026)
`Amendment (0028)
`Amendment (0030)
`Amendment (0031)
`Amendment (0032)
`Amendment (0036)
`Amendment (0037)
`Amendment (0038)
`Document Date
`Discipline(s) Affected
`Drug Substance, Drug Product
`Micro; Drug Product
`Drug Product
`Biopharmaceutics; Drug Product
`Drug Product
`OPMA; Drug Product
`Drug Product
`OPMA, Drug Product
`OPMA; Drug Product
`OPMA, Drug Product,
`Drug Product
`Drug Product
`Drug Product
`Drug Product
`Drug Product
`Page 1
`Effective Date: February 1, 2019
`Reference ID: 4772718


`Drug Substance
`Drug Product
`Manufacturing Process
`Regulatory Business
`Process Manager
`Application Technical
`Laboratory (OTR)
`Primary Assessment
`Secondary Assessment
`Sukhamaya (Sam) Bain
`Donna Christner
`Mark Seggel
`Wendy Wilson-Lee
`Yong Wu
`Yubing Tang
`Yong Wu
`Yubing Tang
`Jason God
`Julie Nemecek
`Assadollah Noory
`Vidula Kolhatkar
`Marquita Burnett
`Hong Cai
`Mark Seggel
`Mark Seggel
`Wendy Wilson-Lee
`Wendy Wilson-Lee
`Reference ID: 4772718


`Astellas Pharmaceuticals’ 505(b)(2) New Drug Application 213801, for
`MYRBETRIQ Granules (mirabegron for extended-release oral
`suspension), 8 mg/mL of mirabegron after reconstitution, is recommended
`for APPROVAL from the OPQ perspective.
`Sufficient chemistry, manufacturing and controls information and
`supporting data have been provided in accordance with 21 CFR 314.50 to
`ensure the identity, strength, quality, purity, and bioavailability of the drug
`The prescribing information (PI) and patient package insert (PPI) as
`submitted on March 23, 2021 (0038) and the labels as submitted on
`March 17, 2021 (0036) and March 19, 2021 (0037) are accurate,
`complete and comply with the requirements under 21 CFR 201.
`All drug substance and product-related manufacturing, packaging and
`testing facilities have acceptable drug CGMP status. An overall
`manufacturing inspection recommendation of APPROVE was issued on
`March 17, 2021. The recommendation remains current as of this review.
`The claimed categorical exclusion from the environmental assessment
`requirements under 21 CFR Part 25.31(b) is acceptable.
`A. Product Overview
`The proposed drug product Myrbetriq Granules (mirabegron for extended-
`release oral suspension) is a new formulation of mirabegron developed
`for the treatment of neurogenic detrusor overactivity (NDO) for the
`pediatric patients aged 3 years and older. The active ingredient
`mirabegron is a beta-3 adrenergic agonists and approved in the US under
`Myrbetriq (mirabegron extended-release tablets), 25 mg and 50 mg, in
`June 28, 2012 (NDA 202611) for the adult patients and for the treatment
`of overactive bladder (OAB) with symptoms of urge urinary incontinence,
`urgency and urinary frequency. Myrbetriq and Myrbetriq Granules are not
`substitutable on a milligram-per-milligram basis.
`MYRBETRIQ Granules is supplied as granules in multi-dose bottles that
`are packaged in the aluminum pouches with desiccant. Each bottle is
`filled with approximately 8.3 g of yellowish white granules, which contain
`830 mg of mirabegron. After reconstitution with 100 mL water, Myrbetriq
`Granules is pale brownish yellow to yellow oral suspension with 8 mg/mL
`of mirabegron. The oral suspension can facilitate the recommended
`Page 3
`Effective Date: February 1, 2019
`Reference ID: 4772718


`dosage which is determined based on patient weight. The liquid
`formulation will provide an alternative to the tablets for pediatric patients
`who have difficulties swallowing the tablets.
` This is considered crucial for the pediatric patients.
`Myrbetriq Granules has an extended-release profile. This is the result of
`its formulation
`The preparation of the suspension will be performed by pharmacists at
`the time of dispensing to the patients. The pharmacist should also provide
`an appropriate oral dosing device to the patient. The instructions for
`reconstitution of Myrbetriq Granules by the pharmacist and the
`instructions for patient use are driven by the physico-chemical properties
`of the drug product. From the CMC perspective, the instructions for
`pharmacists and patients in the Prescribing Information (PI) and Patient
`Package Insert (PPI) are adequate to ensure the quality of the delivered
`The manufacturing, primary packaging and release testing of
`MYRBETRIQ Granules will be conducted at Astellas Pharm Tech Co.,
`Ltd. Located at Yaizu-shi, Japan. The final packaging, labeling and
`release testing will be conducted at Astellas Pharma Europe B. V.,
`Meppel, The Netherlands.
`The expiration dating period is 24 months when MYRBETRIQ Granules is
`stored at 20ºC to 25ºC (68°F to 77°F) with excursions permitted from
`15°C to 30°C (59°F to 86°F) [see USP Controlled Room Temperature].
`The maximum patient use period is 28 days after reconstitution with water
`when stored at 20ºC to 25ºC.
`for the treatment of neurogenic detrusor overactivity
`(NDO) in pediatric patients aged 3 years and older.
`Proposed Indication(s)
`including Intended
`Patient Population
`Duration of Treatment As needed
`Maximum Daily Dose
`80 mg (10 mL)
`Alternative Methods of
`Not Applicable
`Reference ID: 4772718
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)


`B. Quality Assessment Overview
` for
`Drug Substance: Adequate
`The drug substance mirabegron is a white crystalline powder, practically
`insoluble in water, but soluble in dimethyl sulfoxide. It melts at about 144
`°C. Its two significant pKa’s are at 4.5 (thiazol -NH2) and 8.0 (amine -NH).
`It is not hygroscopic. Two polymorphic forms have been identified, the
` form is the drug substance.
`The applicant cross-references NDA 202611 for practically all mirabegron
`drug substance information. The original NDA 202611 was approved on
`June 28, 2012. All API-related supplements to NDA 202611 have been
`approved by the Agency – the latest one was on January 22, 2021.
`The drug substance batch data submitted in the present NDA 213801 on
`October 29, 2020 are within the current specification in the cross-
`referenced NDA 202611, which includes 4 impurities which are at not
`more than the ICH M7 TTC of 30 ppm.
`There are three suppliers of the drug substance, mirabegron: Astellas
`Pharma located at Takahagi-shi, Japan; Astellas Ireland Co., Ltd. located
`at Mulhuddart, Ireland, and
`. The retest period is
`Mirabegron when stored at
`The drug substance reviewer Dr. Sukhamaya (Sam) Bain finds the
`information on the drug substance mirabegron is adequate to support the
`approval of the NDA. See IQA Chapter Drug Substance I for details.
`Drug Product: Adequate
`MYRBETRIQ GRANULES (mirabegron for extended-release oral
`suspension) is supplied as the
` non-sterile and non-aqueous
`granules which contains the
` active ingredient
`mirabegron and
`diluted hydrochloric acid, xanthan gum,
`hypromellose, mannitol, magnesium stearate, acesulfame potassium,
`methylparaben, ethylparaben, simethicone, and silicon dioxide. All
`excipients are of compendial grade and acceptable from the quality
`The specification includes the tests, analytical procedures and
`acceptance criteria, necessary to ensure the identity, strength, quality,
`purity and bioavailability of the drug product.
`The microbiological contamination is controlled by the
`testing of microbial limit and the assays of
`. A within-bottle uniformity is included
`to demonstrate the suspendability and the dose accuracy for this
`Reference ID: 4772718
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`(b) (4)


`suspension packaged in the multi-dose container. The dissolution test is
`included for quality control of the extended-release formulation (see IQA
`Chapter VI Biopharmaceutics). Other tests include related substances,
`pH and
` The proposed acceptance criteria for all the
`attributes are acceptable from the quality perspective.
`The applicant’s proposal of not
` elemental impurities in
`including the test for the
`drug product release specification is acceptable per ICH
` and Q3D,
`The batch data for the registration batches as well as supportive clinical
`batches all conform to the specifications. The analytical methods used in
`analysis of the drug product batches, at release and in stability studies,
`were suitably validated and deemed adequate for the intended purpose.
`MYRBETRIQ Granules is supplied as granules in bottles packaged in an
`aluminum pouch with desiccant. Each bottle is filled with approximately
`8.3 g of granules, which contain 830 mg of mirabegron. The reconstituted
`suspension will be prepared by the pharmacists and stored in the same
`bottle. The suitability of the container closure system has been
`demonstrated through the appropriate long-term, accelerated, and
`photostability studies.
`The stability data support the proposed expiration dating period of 24
`months when MYRBETRIQ Granules is stored at 20ºC to 25ºC with
`excursions permitted from 15°C to 30°C (59°F to 86°F) [see USP
`Controlled Room Temperature] in the proposed container closure system.
`The applicant has provided adequate data to support the 28 days patient
`use period when stored at 20ºC to 25ºC after the reconstitution with
`The applicant has requested a categorical exclusion from the requirement
`to prepare an environmental assessment under 21 CFR § 25.31(b).
`Astellas states that there are no extraordinary circumstances associated
`with the use of mirabegron. The categorical exclusion is granted.
`In summary, Dr. Mark Seggel has recommended approval for this
`application from the drug product perspective. See IQA Chapter II, Drug
`Product for details.
`Labeling: Adequate
`During the initial assessment of the labeling (prescribing information (PI),
`patient package insert (PPI), and container/carton labels), several
`deficiencies were identified and conveyed to the Applicant with the
`collaboration with DMEPA and the clinical review team. All of the
`Reference ID: 4772718
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)


`previously identified deficiencies have been satisfactorily resolved. The
`prescribing information (PI) and patient package insert (PPI) as submitted
`on March 23, 2021 (0038) and the labels as submitted on March 17, 2021
`(0036) and March 19, 2021 (0037) are accurate, complete and comply
`with the requirements under 21 CFR 201.
`From the ONDP perspective, this application is deemed ready for
`approval in its present form per 314.125(b)(8). Refer to IQA Labeling
`Chapter IV for details.
` Manufacturing Integrated Assessment: Adequate
`Process: adequate
`The manufacturing process for MYRBETRIQ Granules involves the
`following steps:
` kg which is the same
` are proposed.
` The size of the registration batches is
`for the proposed commercial batch size. No
`The applicant has investigated the critical manufacturing process
`parameters (e.g.
` etc.), testing of the critical quality attributes of the drug products
`(e.g. the
` content uniformity of mirabegron,
`, pH,
`preservative assays, particle size distributions and fill weight, etc.). Proper
`acceptance criteria and the sampling plan has been established. The
`overall manufacturing process and control is deemed adequate.
`Although the assays met the acceptance criteria of the specification, it is
`noted that the variability in assays for mirabegron and
`were observed with one of the process performance
`qualification (PPQ) batches. The applicant proposed to
` as the
`mitigation strategy. This potential assay variability concern is further
`addressed by
`to ensure the requisite quality
`and performance of the finished product.
`The finished drug product granules are manufactured at Astellas Pharma
`Tech Co., Ltd. located at Shizuoka, Japan.
`Facilities: adequate
`Pre-approval inspections (PAI) were conducted via 704(a)(4) due to
`COVID-19 travel restrictions for the following three facilities: Astellas
`Reference ID: 4772718
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`(b) (4)


`Pharma Tech Co., Ltd. Japan (FEI: 3002809620) for the drug product
`manufacturing; Astellas Pharma Europe B.V. (FEI: 3002808518), The
`Netherlands for the drug product packaging/labeling, release and stability
`testing and storage;
` for the drug substance microbiological testing. Other
`manufacturing facilities related to the commercialization of the drug
`product are acceptable based on the compliance history, acceptable
`profile codes and experience in the proposed responsibilities to support
`this application.
`The OPMA reviewer, Dr. Yong Wu, has concluded that the overall
`manufacturing process, controls and the facilities are adequate to support
`the approval of this NDA from OPMA perspective. See IQA OPMA
`Chapter V for manufacturing process and facilities for details.
`Reference ID: 4772718
`(b) (4)


` Biopharmaceutics: Adequate
`The control of the mirabegron release is based on
`. The following two step
`dissolution testing method and the acceptance criteria has been
`established for the routine quality control (QC) of the drug product
`Myrbetriq Granules at batch release and during stability testing:
`This 2-step method utilizes 500 mL of pH 6.8 USP phosphate buffer that
`contains 0.036 mol
` (step 1), which is followed by the addition of
`500 mL of 0.108 mol (step 2) to obtain almost complete release of
`mirabegron. Note that the
` concentration added in the step 2 is
`three times as that in the step 1 phosphate buffer medium. Dissolution
`data from clinical batches and registration batches support the proposed
`dissolution acceptance criteria. Different particle sizes of mirabegron or
` did not significantly affect the dissolution
`rate of mirabegron from MYRBETRIQ Granules. However, the dissolution
`profile is faster with
` particle size. The biopharmaceutics information
`provided in this application has been reviewed by Dr. Assadollah Noory
`and concluded the dissolution method is adequate for the quality control.
`The applicant has studied the impact of the dissolution rate of mirabegron
`from MYRBETRIQ Granules with the addition of alcohol (alcohol dose
`dumping study). The addition of alcohol (5, 10, 20, and 40%) increases
`the dissolution rate of mirabegron from MYRBETRIQ Granules at pH 6.8,
`but there is no increase at pH1.0. This study results have been
`communicated to the clinpharm review team.
`Dr. Assad has recommended the approval of this application from
`biopharmaceutics perspective. See IQA Biopharmaceutics Chapter VI for
` Microbiology (if applicable): Adequate
` non-sterile and
`MYRBETRIQ Granules is manufactured as a
`non-aqueous drug product. However, it is reconstituted with water as a
`suspension in the primary container closure system at the time of
`dispensing to the patient by the pharmacist.
`Reference ID: 4772718
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`The applicant has provided the microbial limits testing of TAMC and
`TYMC per USP<61> and E. coli per USP<62> in mirabegron granules
`release and stability specification. The proposed microbial limits and
`testing procedures comply with regulatory expectations for a non-
`aqueous, oral product.
` of the
`reconstituted suspension was assayed at the time of reconstitution and at
`the end of the 28 day in-use period and the results met the specification.
` effectiveness for the duration of the 28-day in-use period has
`been shown at the minimum label claim
`The applicant has met regulatory expectations with regard to the design of
`the stability testing program to support the drug product’s microbiological
`quality throughout its shelf life. In addition, the stability data submitted to
`date support the microbiological quality of the drug product and 28-day
`patient in-use period of the reconstituted suspension when stored at the
`proposed condition in the product labeling.
`The microbiology information submitted in this application has been
`reviewed by the microbiology reviewer Dr. Jason God who has found the
`information provided in the application adequate to support the approval
`of this application from the microbiology perspective. See the detailed
`review from Dr. Jason God in the Microbiology Chapter VII of the IQA.
`Reference ID: 4772718
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)


`As of 03/24/2021
`Reference ID: 4772718
`(b) (4)


`C. Risk Assessment
`Initial Risk
`drug product
`drug product
` via
`drug product
`Formulation with
`and drug
`process and
`drug product
`In-use stability
`process and
`drug product
`In-use stability
`Dose Uniformity M
`PSD of the
`Reference ID: 4772718
`Updated Risk
`Ranking after
`Cycle #1
`and uniformity of
`IFU details steps
`to ensure
`prior to dosing
`Not a narrow
`index drug, but
`dosing remains
`dependent on
`In vivo release
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)


`primarily for
`In vitro release
`rate increase at
`pH 6.8 but NOT
`in 0.1 N HCl;
`control via
`and control via
` the
`drug product
`control via
`In-use stability
`assessment per
`Oral use only.
`storage of solid
`granules; but
`NMT 28 days.
`Alcohol Dose
`Microbial Limits
`L (granules)
`M (reconstituted
`Lifecycle Management Considerations
`Any proposed change to component quality, formulation or manufacturing
`process should be carefully assessed for impact on
` and on the in vitro dissolution profile
`should be carefully addressed under both long-term storage conditions and in-
`Reference ID: 4772718
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)


`D. List of Deficiencies for Complete Response
`1. Overall Quality Deficiencies (Deficiencies that affect multiple sub-
`2. Drug Substance Deficiencies
`3. Drug Product Deficiencies
`4. Labeling Deficiencies
`5. Manufacturing Deficiencies
`6. Biopharmaceutics Deficiencies
`7. Microbiology Deficiencies
`8. Other Deficiencies (Specify discipline, such as Environmental)
`Application Technical Lead Name and Date:
`Hong Cai, Ph.D.
`CMC Lead (acting)
`Reference ID: 4772718


`A. DMFs:
`DMF #
`N/A: There is enough data in the application, therefore the DMF did not need to
`be reviewed during the current review cycle.
`Application Number
`IND submissions,
`IND 069416
`Investigational use of
`associated reviews, and
`Mirabegron for the
`treatment of an overactive
`Myrbetriq (mirabegron
`extended-release tablets),
`25- and 50-mg; Astellas;
`AP 06/28/2012
`NDA 202611
`NDA application(s)
`Pharmacology/Toxicology na
`Page 15
`Effective Date: February 1, 2019
`Reference ID: 4772718
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)


`CHAPTERS: Primary Quality Assessment
`CHAPTER I: Drug Substance
`CHAPTER II: Drug Product
`CHAPTER III: Environmental Assessment (see Chapter II)
`CHAPTER IV: Labeling
`CHAPTER V: Manufacturing Integrated Assessment
`CHAPTER VI: Biopharmaceutics
`CHAPTER VII: Microbiology
`CHAPTER VIII: Additional Quality Disciplines Not applicable
`Reference ID: 4772718


`Digitally signed by Hong Cai
`Date: 3/24/2021 04:03:16PM
`GUID: 55919d6500e16bdaad5825645e4f22ff
`Reference ID: 4772718
`40 Page(s) have been Withheld in Full as b4 (CCI/TS) immediately following this page


`Assessment of Product Quality Related Aspects of the Prescribing
`MYRBETRIQ Granules (mirabegron for extended-release oral suspension) is
`supplied as granules in multi-dose bottles that are packaged in aluminum
`pouches with desiccant. After reconstitution with 100 mL of water by the
`pharmacist, the oral suspension has 8 mg/mL mirabegron. Unused suspension
`should be discarded after 28 days. This labeling review covers the CMC-related
`sections of the prescribing information (PI), the carton label, bottle label, and the
`aluminum pouch label.
`Note that the prescribing information has been designed to cover both
`MYRBETRIQ Granules (mirabegron for extended-release oral suspension) and
`MYRBETRIQ (mirabegron extended-release tablets). (MYBETRIQ was
`approved under NDA 202611; see also efficacy supplement S-017, which is
`currently under review for the treatment of NDO in pediatric patients, and the
`associated CMC review.)
`This assessment is based on the revised PI submitted on March 23, 2021
`(SN0038). The labeling review team (ONDP, OPPQ, DMEPA and clinical) has
`provided the comments to the applicant on January 29, 2021, February 23 and
`24, 2021, and March 17, 18, and 22, 2021. The following submissions were
`Labeling Submissions Assessed
`Original Submission (SN0001)
`Amendment (SN0009)
`Amendment (SN0031)
`Amendment (SN0032)
`Amendment (SN0036)
`Amendment (SN0037)
`Amendment (SN0038)
`Document Date
`September 28, 2020
`December 15, 2020
`March 04, 2021
`March 05, 2021
`March 17, 2021
`March 19, 2021
`March 23, 2021
`Page 1
`Reference ID: 4772718


`Product Title in Highlights
`Proprietary name
`Established name(s)
`Information Provided in
`the NDA
`(mirabegron for extended-
`release oral suspension)
`Route(s) of administration
`Dosage Forms and Strengths Heading in Highlights
`Summary of the dosage
`For extended-release
`form(s) and strength(s)
`oral suspension: 8
`mg/mL of mirabegron
`in metric system.
`after reconstitution
`Assess if the tablet is
`scored. If product meets
`guidelines and criteria for a
`scored tablet, state
`“functionally scored”
`Assessor’s Comments
`Reference ID: 4772718
`Page 2
`(b) (4)


`For injectable drug
`products for parental
`administration, use
`appropriate package type
`term (e.g., single-dose,
`multiple-dose, single-
`patient-use). Other
`package terms include
`pharmacy bulk package
`and imaging bulk package.
`Page 3
`Reference ID: 4772718


`Information Provided in
`the NDA
`Special instructions for
`See proposed Section
`product preparation (e.g.,
`” above
`reconstitution and resulting
`copied from the proposed
`concentration, dilution,
`compatible diluents,
`storage conditions needed
`to maintain the stability of
`the reconstituted or diluted
`Assessor’s Comments
`Reference ID: 4772718
`Page 4
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)


`in the NDA
`Available dosage form(s)
`for extended-
`release oral
`8 mg/mL of
`Assessor’s Comments
`yellowish white
`After reconstitution
`with 100 mL water,
`the oral
`suspension is pale
`brownish yellow to
`yellow with 8 mg/mL
`of mirabegron
`Strength(s) in metric system
`If the active ingredient is a salt,
`apply the USP Salt Policy per FDA
`A description of the identifying
`characteristics of the dosage
`forms, including shape, color,
`coating, scoring, and imprinting
`Assess if the tablet is scored. If
`product meets guidelines and
`criteria for a scored tablet, state
`“functionally scored”
`For injectable drug products for
`parental administration, use
`appropriate labeling term (e.g.,
`single-dose, multiple-dose, single-
`patient-use). Other package type
`terms include pharmacy bulk
`package and imaging bulk
`Reference ID: 4772718
`Page 5


`1.2.3 Section 11 (DESCRIPTION)
`Page 6
`Effective Date: February 1, 2019
`Reference ID: 4772718
`(b) (4)


`Proprietary and established
`Dosage form(s) and route(s)
`of administration
`If the active ingredient is a
`salt, apply the USP Salt
`Policy and include the
`equivalency statement per
`FDA Guidance.
`List names of all inactive
`ingredients. Use USP/NF
`names. Avoid Brand names.
`For parenteral injectable
`dosage forms, include the
`name and quantities of all
`inactive ingredients. For
`ingredients added to adjust
`the pH or make isotonic,
`include the name and
`statement of effect.
`If alcohol is present, must
`provide the amount of
`alcohol in terms of percent
`volume of absolute alcohol
`Statement of being sterile (if
`Information Provided
`in the NDA
`(mirabegron for extended-
`release oral suspension)
`for extended-release oral
`acesulfame potassium,
`diluted hydrochloric acid,
`ethylparaben, hypromellose,
`magnesium stearate,
`mannitol, methylparaben,
`silicon dioxide,
`simethicone, sodium
`polystyrene sulfonate, and
`xanthan gum
`Assessor’s Comments
`beta-3 adrenergic agonist
`Reference ID: 4772718
`Page 7


`Chemical name, structural
`formula, molecular weight
`The chemical name of
`mirabegron is 2-(2-
`nyl]acetamide having an
`empirical formula of
`C21H24N4O2S and a
`molecular weight of
`396.51. The structural
`formula of mirabegron is:
`If radioactive, statement of
`important nuclear
`Other important chemical or
`physical properties (such as
`pKa or pH)
`Mirabegron is a white
`powder. It is practically
`insoluble in water (0.082
`mg/mL). It is soluble in
`methanol and dimethyl
`Section 11 (DESCRIPTION) Continued
`Information Provided
`in the NDA
`For oral prescription drug
`products, include gluten
`statement if applicable
`Remove statements that
`may be misleading or
`promotional (e.g.,
`“synthesized and developed
`by Drug Company X,”
`“structurally unique
`molecular entity”
`Assessor’s Comments
`Reference ID: 4772718
`Page 8


`Reference ID: 4772718
`Page 9
`(b) (4)


`Information Provided in
`the NDA
`Available dosage form(s)
`for extended-release oral
`Strength(s) in metric system 8 mg/mL of mirabegron Satisfactory
`Available units (e.g., bottles
`of 100 tablets)
`Assessor’s Comments
`Each bottle is filled with
`approximately 8.3 g of
`which contain 830 mg of
`mirabegron. After
`reconstitution with 100
`mL water, the oral
`suspension is pale
`brownish yellow
`to yellow with 8 mg/mL of
`mirabegron.1 Carton
`Containing 1 Bottle
`Each bottle is filled with
`approximately 8.3 g of
`yellowish white granules,
`which contain 830 mg of
`mirabegron. After
`reconstitution with 100
`mL water, the oral
`suspension is pale
`brownish yellow to yellow
`with 8 mg/mL of
`Assess if the tablet is scored. na
`If product meets guidelines
`and criteria for a scored
`tablet, state “functionally
`For injectable drug products
`for parental administration,
`use appropriate package
`type term (e.g., single-dose,
`multiple-dose, single-patient-
`use). Other package terms
`include pharmacy bulk
`package and imaging bulk
`Identification of dosage
`forms, e.g., shape, color,
`coating, scoring, imprinting,
`NDC number
`Page 10
`Reference ID: 4772718


`Information Provided in
`Assessor’s Comments
`the NDA
`Special handling about the
`supplied product (e.g.,
`protect from light,
`refrigerate). If there is a
`statement to “Dispense in
`original container,” provide
`reason why (e.g. to protect
`from light or moisture, to
`maintain stability, etc.)
`If the product contains a
`desiccant, ensure the size
`and shape differ from the
`dosage form and desiccant
`has a warning such as “Do
`not eat.”
`Storage conditions. Where
`applicable, use USP
`storage range rather than
`storage at a single
`Latex: If product does not
`contain latex and
`manufacturing of product
`and container did not
`include use of natural
`rubber latex or synthetic
`derivatives of natural rubber
`latex, state: “Not made with
`natural rubber latex. Avoid
`statements such as “latex-
`Reference ID: 4772718
`Granules at 20°C to 25°C
`(68°F to 77°F) with
`excursions permitted from
`15°C to 30°C (59°F to
`86°F) [see USP Controlled
`Room Temperature].
`Store the reconstituted
`suspension at 20°C to
`25°C (68°F to 77°F) for up
`to 28 days. Discard the
`unused portion after 28
`Page 11


`Include information about
`child-resistant packaging
`1.2.5 Other Sections of Labeling
`There may be other sections of labeling that contain product-quality related
`information. For example, there are specific required/recommended warnings
`for certain inactive ingredients [e.g., aspartame, aluminum in large and small
`volume parenterals, sulfites, FD&C Yellow Number 5 (tartrazine), and benzyl
`alcohol]. Please notify the prescription drug division if the product contains any
`of th

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