

`CMC Review Memo
`NDA: 209472 (SDN 30)
`Submission Date: 8/9/2019
`Drug Name: Pemfexy (Pemetrexed Injection)
`Dosage Form: 500 mg/20 mL (25 mg/mL)
`Applicant: Eagle Phannaceuticals, Inc.
`Submission Type: Resubmission/Class 1
`This is a 505(b) (2) application by Eagle Pharmaceuticals. The reference drug product is Eli Lilly
`and Company's Alimta (pemetrexed disodium) for injection (NDAs 021677 and 021462).
`PEMFEXY (pemetrexed injection) for intravenous use is a sterile, clear, colorless to yellow or
`green-yellow solution. Each mL contains: 25 mg pemetrexed diacid, 260 mg propylene glycol,
`up to 16.5-19.9 mg tromethamine, and water for injection. Additional tromethamine not
`exceeding 19.9 mg/mL and/or hydrochloric acid may be added for pH adju$tment. During last
`round of review, a shelf-life of 18 months was granted to the drug product, when packaged in the
`proposed packaging configuration and stored at 2-8°C (36-46°F). NDA 209472 is still under
`tentative approval.
`CMC information
`There is no new CMC information submitted in this resubmission.
`The updated revised labeling is acceptable from the CMC perspective.
`Reference ID: 4500770
`Reference ID: 4662511


`This is a representation of an electronic record that was signed
`electronically. Following this are manifestations of any and all
`electronic signatures for this electronic record.
`Signature Page 1 of 1
`10/02/2019 04:30:52 PM
`10103/2019 07:20:25 AM
`Reference ID: 4500770
`Reference ID: 4662511


`Review 1
`Route ofAdministration
`Intravenous In· ection
`Ea le Pharmaceuticals Inc
`0001 1
`December 30, 2016
`Februa 21, 2017
`Februa 22, 2017
`A ril 14, 2017
`A ril 18, 2017
`Mi 12, 2017
`Ma 31, 2017
`June 02, 2017
`June 12, 2017
`June 23, 2017
`Au st 18, 2017
`Se tember 08, 2017
`Se tember 15, 2017
`Dru Product andFacili
`Dru Substance
`Dru Substance
`Drug Master File/Drug
`Dru Product
`Haripada Sarker
`Ben Stevens
`OPQ-XOPQ-TEM-0001 v04
`Page 1 of2
`Effective Date: 14 February 2017


`Regulatory Business
`Process Manager
`Application Technical Lead
`Laboratory (OTR)
`ORA Lead
`Steve Kinsley
`Anamitro Banerjee
`Anamitro Baneriee
`Page 2 of2
`Effective Date: 14 February 2017


`Quality Review Data Sheet
`A. DMFs:
`Type II
`Type III
`Type III
`Drug Substance
`Y er_MAI>P
`B. 0ther Documents: IND, RLD, or sis er aoo,fications
`. t
`Listed drug (ALIMTA)
`OPQ-XOPQ-TEM-0001 v04
`Page 1of1
`Effective Date: 14 February 2017
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)


`Executive Summary
`Recommendations and Conclusion on Approvability
`This NDA is recommendedfor APPRO VALfrom the CMCperspective.
`Action letter language (to be communicated to the applicant):
`An expiry dating period of 18 months may be granted for this drug product when
`storedm the proposed container closure system at 2-8°C(1(4Ehfi-46°F)
`Summary of Quality Assessments
`A. Product Overview
`This submission is a 505(b)(2) application, referencing the lyophilized (b) ‘4)
`formulation, Alimta (NDA 21462). The listed drug (LD) Alimta is available in
`100 mg and 500 mg single dose vials.
`The proposed Pemetrexed (as diacid) for Injection is a sterile single dose ready to
`dilute solution with a concentration of 25 mg/mL (500 mg/vial), intended for IV
`use. The solution is further diluted with 5% Dextrose in Water to a maximum of
`final pemetrexed concentration of 15 mg/mL prior to administration.
`The drug product15 a clear, colorless to yellow or greben-yellow solution free from
`visible particles presented'1n Typos)EZCIear Glass
`“Bottles. The product'IS
`4contains no antimicrobial preservatives.
`The applicant is relying on FDA’s finding on safety and efficacy for the listed
`drug Alimta.
`Proposed Indication(s) including
`Intended Patient Population
`Duration of Treatment
`of each 21-day cycle.
`1. Locally Advanced or Metastatic Nonsquarnous
`Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
`Initial treatment in combination with
`. Maintenance treatment of patients whose
`disease has not progressed after four cycles
`of platinum-based first-line chemotherapy.
`Afier prior chemotherapy as a single-agent.
`2. Mesothelioma: in combination with cis . latin
`For Combination Use: 500 mg/m administered as
`an intravenous infusion over 10 minutes on Day 1
`Page 1 of 3
`Effective Date: 14 February 2017
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)


`Maximum Daily Dose
`For Single Use: 500 mg/m2 administered as an
`intravenous infusion over 10 minutes on Day 1 of
`each 21-day cycle.
`See above
`Alternative Methods of
`B. Quality Assessment Overview
`Drug substance:
`(LOA provided) for
`The applicant refers to
`general properties and manufacturing information for the drug substance. The DMF
`was last reviewed by Dr. Haripada Sarker on September 19, 2017 and found to be
`adequate. The applicant provided specifications and batch data, however referred to
`the DMF for all other information.
`the drug substance manufacturing facility was found
`acceptable based on its inspectional history.
`The drug substance and facility reviewers recommended approval for this NDA.
`Drug Product:
`The drug product is composed ofpemetrexed diacid (25 mg/mL), propylene glycol
`(260 mg/mL), tromethamine (for pH adjustment), hydrochloric acid (for pH
`adjustment), water for injection as a vehicle
`Registration batches were manufactured at
`proposed for commercial batches.
`scale. A batch size ofup to
`OPQ-XOPQ-TEM-0001 v04
`Page 2 of3
`Effective Date: 14 February 2017
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)


`Bottle stoppered
`The drug product is packaged in 20 mL Type Clear Glass
`with 20 mm Grey
`Stopper with a
`Blue 20 mm Flip-off seal.
`The applicant provided 12 months stability data under long term storage conditions,
`and 6 months stability data under accelerated storage conditions for three
`registration batches. Based on the data presented, 18 months ofexpiration dating
`period may be granted for the drug product when stored at 2°C to 8°C (36°F to 46°F).
`Based on in-use stability data provided in the application, the diluted solution may be
`stored under refrigerated conditions (2°C to 8°C) and at ambient conditions
`(temperature/light) for 48 hours.
`All the manufacturing and testing facilities were found acceptable based on inspection
`The applicant is requesting categorical exclusion for EA as per 21 CFR 25.21
`The drug product, process, microbiology, and facility reviewers recommended
`approval for this NDA.
`The biopharmaceutics review assessed the adequacy ofthe Applicant's biowaiver
`request for the proposed drug product, pemetrexed diacid. Per 21 CFR 320.24(b )( 6),
`the supporting data and information for the biowaiver request were evaluated and
`found to adequately support bridging ofthe proposed drug product to the LD
`(pemetrexed disodium).
`The Biopharmaceutics Reviewer recommends approval ofthis NDA.
`C. Special Product Quality Labeling Recommendations (NDA only)
`No labeling recommendations were made during this review cycle.
`The listed drug NDA holder is currently updating the PI. Hence, the labeling
`submitted in this application, which is consistent with the current label ofthe
`listed drug, was not reviewed.
`D. Final Risk Assessment (see Attachment)
`See attached.
`OPQ-XOPQ-TEM-0001 v04
`Page 3 of3
`Effective Date: 14 February 2017
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)


`E. List ofDeficiencies for Complete Response
`Application Technical Lead Name andDate: Anamitro Banel'jee, Ph.D., October 02,
`OPQ-XOPQ-TEM-0001 v04
`Page 1of1
`Effective Date: 14 February 2017


`Digitally signed by Anamitro Banerjee
`Date: 10/02/2017 10:27:33AM
`42 Page(s) has been Withheld in Full as b4 (CCI/TS) immediately following this page


`This NOA Application qualifies for categorical exclusion in accordance with 21 CFR
`25.31{a}, and as such, does not require the submission of an Environmental Analysis.
`To the best of Eagle Pharmaceuticals Inc. 's knowledge, no extraordinary circumstances
`exist, as described under 21 CFR 25.21 that would prohibit granting ofthe Claim of
`Categorical Exclusion.
`Reviewer's Assessment: Adequate
`The EA statement is adequate (confirmed with Dr. Raanan Bloom).
`Primary EA Reviewer Name and Date: Xing Wang, Ph.D., ONDP/DNDPl/NDPBll
`Secondary Reviewer Name and Date (and Secondary Summary, as needed):
`Anamitro Banerjee, Ph.D., Acting Branch Chiet ONDP/DNDPl/NDPBll


`Digitally signed by Xing Wang
`Date: 9/05/201712:13:25PM
`GUID: 525daca300039122a4daaad45e49c6fb
`Digitally signed by Anamitro Banerjee
`Date: 9/05/2017 01 :51 :04PM
`GUID: 5075764700003844b7bc89632228509f


`NDA 209472 Labeling Reivew
`1. Package Insert
`(Ji) "Hie:hlie:hts" Section (21CFR 201.57(a)_),____________ ____
`RO\ised: 1212016
`Reviewer's Assessment
`Provided in NDA
`Pemetrexed Injection,
`Proprietary name and
`Edit (see below)
`for intravenous use
`established name
`------------------------------ --------------------------- --------------------------------------------
`Dosage form, route
`See above
`of administration
`-------------------------------- ----------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
`Controlled drug
`substance symbol (if
`Dosage Forms and Strengths (201.57(a)(8))
`A concise summary
`500 mg vial for
`of dosage forms and
`Conclusion: Inadequate
`PEMFEXY (pemetrxed injection), for intravenous use
`Injection: 500 mg/20 mL (25 mg/mL) in a single-dose vial
`(b) (4)


`_ I formation Provided in NBA
`Available dosae forms
`500 m emetrexed 25 m/mL
`A description of the identifying Not provided.
`characteristics of the dosage
`forms, including shape, color,
`coating, scoring, and
`when a licable.
`(b) “Full Prescribing Information” Section
`# 3: Dosage Forms and Strengths 121CFR 201.57gqg4n
`i —
`#11: Description ngCFR 201.57§c[§12n
` has the
`chemical name N-[4-[2-(2-amino-4,7-dihydr0-4-oxo-lH-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidin-5-
`yl)ethyl]benzoyl]-L-glumatic acid.
`(b) (4) molecular formula 521C20H21N506 and fiimolecular weight of 427.41. The structural
`formula is as follows:
`(b) (4)
`ellow or green-
`Each mL contains: 25 mg pemetrexed diacid,
`(b) ‘4) and water for injection.
`(b) ‘4) tromethamine
`260 mg propylene glycol,
`Additional tromethamine and/or hydrochloric acid may be added for pH adjustment.
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)


`Proprietary name and established
`Dosage form and route of
`Active moiety expression of
`strength with equivalence statement
`for salt if a licable
`Inactive ingredient information
`(quantitative, if injectables
`21CFR201.100(b)(5)(iii)), listed by
`USP/NF names.
`Chemical name, structural formula, Pemetrexed
`(b) (4) is a folate
`molecular weight
`analog metabolic inhibitor.
`Pemetrexed diacid
`has the chemical name N-[4-[2-(2-
`yl)ethy1]benzoyl]-L-glumatic acid.
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`If radioactive, statement of
`im - ortant nuclear characteristics.
`Other important chemical or
`physical properties (such as pKa,
`solubility, or pH)
`Color of the solution is provided.
`Tromethamine and hydrochloric
`acid may be added for pH
`Add pharmacological/therapeutic class of the drug. Drug product components are edited.
`#16: How Supplied/Storage and Handling 121CFR 201.57gc1117n
`16.1 How Supplied
`PEMEFEXY (pemetrexed Injection) is a clear, colorless to yellow or green-yellow
`(b) ‘4) solution supplied in single-dose Vials for intravenous use
`NDC 42367-531-32: Carton containing one (1) single-dose Vial of 500 mg/20 mL (25
`(b) ‘4) ..
`16.2 Storage and Handling
`Refrigerate at 2° to 8°C (36° to 46°F). Pemetrexed is a citotoxic drug. Follow applicable
`special handling and disposal procedures.
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)


`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`1 Page(s) of Draft Labeling have been Withheld in Full as b4 (CCI/TS) immediately following this page


`w m no» no 4 imA'l,‘ m “borw
`omments on the Information Provided in
`500 mg/Vial
`500 mg/vial
`Not provided
`size and prominence (21
`CFR 201 . 10(g)(2))
`Strength (21CFR
`01.10(d)(1); 21.CFR
`I' oute of administration
`21.CFR 201.100(b)(3))
`et contentS* (21 CFR
`01.5 1(a))
`ame of all inactive
`I 0t number per 21 CFR Reseved space for lot number
`- C
`21 CFR 201.100 b 1
`not re: uired
`DC number
`(per 21 CFR 201.2)
`I equired for all labels or
`Not prov1ded
`Refrigerate at 2°C-8°C (36°F to 46°F)
`(b) ‘4)
`NDC 42367-531-32
`(b) (4)_
`Not provided
`I: ar Code per 21 CFR
`Marketed by: Eagle Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
`n anufacturer/distributor Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07677
`*21 CFR 201.51(h) A drug Shall be exempt from compliance with the net quantity
`declaration required by this section if it is an ointment labeled “sample’ ’, “physician’s
`sample”, or a substantially Similar statement and the contents of the package do not
`exceed 8 grams.
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)


`**For solid oral dosage forms, CDER policy provides for exclusion of"oral" from the
`container label
`**Not required for Physician's samples. The bar code requirement does not apply to
`prescription drugs sold by a manufacturer, repacker, relabeler, or private label distributor
`directly to patients, but versions of the same drug product that are sold to or used in
`hospitals are subject to the bar code requirements.
`Conclusion: Inadequate
`The changes/edits will be conveyed to the applicant by OND.
`1 Page(s) of Draft Labeling have been Withheld in Full as b4 (CCI/TS) immediately following this page


`Comments on the Information Provided in
`Proprietary name, established PEMFEXY (PEMETRXED INJECTION)
`name (font size and
`prominence (FD&C Act
`502(e)(l)(A)(i), FD&C Act
`502(e)(l)(B), 21 CFR
`Strength (21CFR 201.lO(d)(l);
`21.CFR 201.100((d)(2))
`Net contents (21CFR201.51(a))
`Lot number per 21 CFR
`Expiration date per 21 CFR Not provided
`Name of all inactive ingredients are provided. Quantitavie
`Name of all inactive
`ingredient information is not provided.
`ingredients (except for oral
`drugs); Quantitative ingredient
`information is required for
`injectables)[ 201.IO(a),
`21CFR201.100( d)(2)]
`Not provided
`(25 mg/mL)
`See above
`Sterility Information (if
`"Rx only" statement per 21
`CFR 201.100(d)(2), FD&C
`Act 503(b)(4)
`Storage Conditions
`(per 21 CFR 201.2)
`(requested, but not required
`for all labels or labeling), also
`see 21 CFR 207.35(b)(3)
`Rx ONLY provided
`Refrigerate at 2°C-8°C (36°F to 46°F)
`NDC 42367-531-32
`UPC code space reserved but not provided
`Only provided "Marketed by"
`Bar Code per 21 CFR
`Name of
`manufacturer/ distributor
`"See package insert for dosage Provided
`information" (21 CFR 201.55)
`"Keep out of reach of
`children" (optional for Rx,
`required for OTC)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)


`Route of Administration (not
`required for oral, 21 CFR
`201.lOO(d)(l) and (d)(2))
`Must be futher diluted before administration
`Conclusion: Inadequate
`The changes/edits will be conveyed to the applicant by OND.
`Reviewer's Assessment and Signature:
`Secondary Review Comments and Concurrence:
`(b) (4)


`Digitally signed by Xing Wang
`Date: 9/05/201712:14:15PM
`GUID: 525daca300039122a4daaad45e49c6fb
`Digitally signed by Anamitro Banerjee
`Date: 9/05/2017 01 :50:48PM
`GUID: 5075764700003844b7bc89632228509f
`33 Page(s) has been Withheld in Full as b4 (CCI/TS) immediately following this page


`Product Background:
`NDA/ANDA: 209472
`Drug Product Name I Strength: Pemetrexed Injection 25 mg/mL, Injection
`Route of Administration: Intravenous
`Applicant Name: Eagle Pharmaceuticals, Inc
`Review Summary:
`Eagle Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 's proposed Pemetrexed Injection, 25 mg/mL, is a ready-to
`dilute (RTD) new formulation submitted in accordance with Section 505(b)(2) of the
`Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The listed drug (LD) is Eli Lilly's Alimta®
`(pemetrexed) for injection (NDA 021462, approved on 2/4/2004), 100 and 500 mg.
`The Applicant requests to bridge the proposed drug product to Alimta® under 21 CFR
`320.24 (b) (6) as stated in FDA's WRO letter dated 9/23/2016 (IND 126831)1•
`The proposed Pemetrexed Injection, 25 mg/mL is intended for the same indications as
`Alimta®. It is noted that the proposed pemetrexed injection is to be diluted directly with
`5% Dextrose
`in water, while Alimta®
`is supplied as
`lyophilized powder for
`reconstitution with 0.9% sodium chloride. The Applicant did not conduct any clinical
`This review evaluates the following data in support of the Applicant's bridging request.
`• Drug substance
`The comparison between the pemetrexed diacid in the proposed drug product
`and pemetrexed disodium in Alimta® demonstrate that the structures of the
`drug substance are equivalent.
`• Drug product formulation
`Two excipients, Propylene Glycol and Tromethamine, are present in the
`proposed drug product and found not likely to affect the in vivo disposition of
`pemetrexed. The proposed formulation is therefore acceptable.
`• Physicochemical characteristics
`The proposed drug product has higher osmolality than Alimta® due to the
`the Applicant's
`presence of propylene glycol, which was evaluated in
`Hemolysis study and does not cause safety concerns. In addition, the
`physicochemical characteristics of the admixtures of Eagle's proposed drug
`product and Alimta® are similar.
`OPQ-XOPQ-TEM-0001 v04
`Page 1of8
`Effective Date: 14 February 2017


`In vitro Protein binding study
`Results of an in vitro protein binding study indicate that the proposed product is
`comparable to Alim ta®.
`Review Recommendation:
`From the Biopharmaceutics perspective, the Applicant has bridged the proposed drug
`product to Alimta® (pemetrexed disodium) IV injectable (infusion) under 21CFR
`320.24 (b) (6) and thus NDA 209472 for Pemetrexed for Injection is recommended for
`List Submissions being reviewed: Original submission (12/30/2016)
`Highlight of Key Outstanding Issues from Last Cycle: NIA (First cycle)
`Concise Description of Outstanding Issues : None
`This proposed drug product was previously discussed in IND 126831 1. The Applicant
`was advised to bridge the proposed drug product to the listed drug, Eli Lilly and Co.'s
`NDA 021462 Alimta® (pemetrexed disodium) IV injectable (infusion), under 21CFR
`320.24 (b) (6).
`The firm provided the following data in this application.
`Drug Substance
`The drug substance in the proposed drug product is pemetrexed diacid, while the API in
`the listed drug Alimta® is pemetrexed disodium.
`Effective Date: 14 February 2017
`(b) (4)
`5 Page(s) has been Withheld in Full as b4 (CCI/TS) immediately following this page


`List ofDeficiencies: None
`Recommendation: From the Biopharmaceutics perspective, the Applicant has bridged
`the proposed drug product to Alimta® (pemetrexed disodium) IV injectable (infusion)
`under 21CFR 320.24 (b) (6) and NDA 209472 for Pemetrexed for Injection is therefore
`recommended for APPROVAL.
`Primary Biopharmaceutics Reviewer Name and Date: Zhuojun Zhao, Ph.D. 812312017
`Secondary Reviewer Name and Date: Okpo Eradiri, Ph.D.812412017
`OPQ-XOPQ-TEM-0001 v04
`Page 8of8
`Effective Date: 14 February 2017
`(b) (4)


`Digitally signed by Zhuojun Zhao
`Date: 8/24/2017 03:57: 13PM
`GUID: 508da6fd000284770cf4eecbae074722
`Digitally signed by Okponanabofa Eradiri
`Date: 8/25/2017 11 :23:58AM
`GUID: 50bdfe8d00003559ede66be3fd299f65


`Product Background: This is a chemotherapy agent for the treatment of locally advanced or
`metastatic Non-squamous Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer and Mesothelioma. It is manufactured
`as a ready to dilute solution and provided in 20 mL vials
`(b) ‘4) (500 mg/vial).
`Drug Product Name / Strength: Pemetrexed Injection 25 mg/mL
`Route of Administration: Intravenous
`Applicant Name: Eagle Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
`Manufacturing Site:
`(b) (4)
`Method of Sterilization:
`(b) ‘4)
`Review Recommendation: Adequate
`Review Summary: The drug product
`(b) (4)w; H)
`Highlight Key Outstanding Issues from Last Cycle: NA
`(b) ‘4) was recently reviewed by the Division of Microbiology
`The proposed manufacturer
`(b) ‘4). The DMA review (File
`(b) (4)) was used to
`Assessment for NDA
`supplement the manufacturing information for the subject NDA.
`Concise Description Outstanding Issues Remaining: NA
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)


`Supporting Documents:
`for the Bacterial Endotoxin Reduction
`: DMF update dated
`family of stoppers. The DMF was reviewed by
`studies for the
`the Division of Microbiology Assessment for the
`family on
`determined that the DMF was adequate.
`: DMA review dated
`was a review of
`the same manufacturing facility and manufacturing line. The facility was acceptable.
`(Reviewer Note: there are instances where the subject application only provided the most recent
`process. In those instances, the cited DMA review
`re-qualifications to support the
`supports the facility and therefore additional information was not requested).
`List Number of Comparability Protocols (ANDA only): NA
`S Drug Substance: NA
`Reviewer's Assessment: Drug substance is not sterile.
`P Drug Product
`P.1 Description of the Composition of the Drug Product
`• Description of drug product - Sterile ready to dilute solution. The product is to be
`stored at 2-8°C. Provided as a 20 mL fill in a 20 mL vial. Diluted in -
`of 5%
`dextrose in water for administration.
`• Drug product composition - The composition of the drug product is in table 1 below
`(copied from Application Section 3.2.P.3.2 Table 1):
`Table 1: Batch Formula
`Propylene Glycol, USP/EP
`Trnmethamine, USP/EP
`Hydrnchloric Acid. NF/EP
`Water for Injection, USP/EP
`NDA Registration
`Pmposed Commercial
`mg/ mL
`QS to pH
`Q_S_ to pH
`OPQ-XOPQ-TEM-0001 v04
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)


`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`13 Page(s) has been Withheld in Full as b4 (CCI/TS) immediately following this page


`Reviewer's Assessment: Adequate; the study supports the proposed
`storing the diluted drug product in 5% Dextrose.
`time limit for
`Post-Approval Commitments: NA
`List ofDeficiencies: NA
`Primary Microbiology Reviewer Name and Date:
`Denise A. Miller 07128117
`Senior Microbiologist
`Secondary Reviewer Name and Date:
`Bryan Riley Ph.D.
`Acting Branch Chief
`OPQ-XOPQ-TEM-0001 v04
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)


`Digitally signed by Denise Miller
`Date: 8/02/2017 08:48:35AM
`GUID: 508da7280002a5d546459b998253d1aa
`Digitally signed by Bryan Riley
`Date: 8/02/2017 08:54: 15AM
`GUID: 503450f200004f5816a1d3ae902b5e91


`ATTACHMENT I: Final Risk Assessments
`A. Final Risk Assessment - NDA
`a) Drug Product
`From Initial Risk Identification
`Review Assessment
`Endotoxin Pyrogen
`Factors that
`can impact the
`• Formulation
`• Container closure
`• Process parameters
`• Scale/equipments
`• Formulation
`• Container closure
`• Process parameters
`• Scale/equipments
`Assay (API),
`Assay (anti­
`Uniformity of Dose
`• Formulation
`• Container closure
`• Raw materials
`• Process parameters
`• Scale/equipment
`• Formulation
`• Raw materials
`• Process parameters
`• Formulation
`• Container closure
`• Process parameters
`• Scale/equipment
`• Formulation
`• Raw materials
`• Process parameters
`• Scale/equipment
`Initial Risk
`Final Risk
`Testing included Acceptable
`in DP release
`supported by
`Included in DP
`Large amount of Acceptable
`propylene glycol
`in formulation
`which has anti­
`oxidant property.
`DP stability data
`is ok.
`Fill volume
`Included in DP
`The sponsor
`provided a
`hemolysis study
`report. Phann
`Tox assessed and
`had no concern
`because there
`were no
`OPQ-XOPQ-TEM-0001 v04
`Page 1 of2
`Effective Date: 14 February 2017
`(b) (4)


`detected in the
`potential and
`compatibility of
`Injection in
`human whole
`blood relative to
`Included in DP
`Included in DP
`Included in DP
`Extractable study
`reports ofglass
`vials and
`stoPI>ers from
`Included in DP
`pH (High)
`pH (Low)
`Particulate Matter
`• Formulation
`• Container closure
`• Raw materials
`• Process parameters
`• Scale/equipment
`• Formulation
`• Container closure
`• Raw materials
`• Process parameters
`• Scale/equipment
`• Formulation
`• Container closure
`• Raw materials
`• Process parameters
`• Scale/equipment
`• Formulation
`• Container closure
`• Raw materials
`• Process parameters
`• Formulation
`• Raw materials
`• Process parameters
`• Scale/equipment
`Anamitro Banerjee -5 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1 =2000423276, cn=Anamilro Banerjee -s
`Digitally signed byAnamllro Bane<Jee·S
`DN:e=US, 0=US. Gmlemml!Tll,o<>:HHS,OU=FDA, OU=Pl!Ople,
`Date: 2017 .10.02 15:37:58--04'00'
`Page 2 of2
`Effective Date: 14 February 2017
`(b) (4)

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