

`{including the Overall Manufacturing Inspection Recommendation!
`NDA 209091
`Review #1
`Review Date (see last page)
`Dru Name/Dosa_e Form saxagliptin and dapagliflozin tablets
`m_ 5/10 mg/mg
`Route of Administration_
`mm: mum _
`0 uali
`' Review Team
`Application Technical Lead
`Suong (Su) Tran
`New Drug Products H/ONDP
`Regulatory Business Process
`Anika Lalmansingh
`Regulatory Business Process
`Management I/OPRO
`Drug Product
`New Drug Products lI/ONDP
`Inspectional Assessment/OFF
`John Amartey
`Vipulchandra Dholakia


` “mt"
`Quality Review Data Sheet
`A. DMFs: Adequate (see OPQ review ofNDA-)
`B. Other Documents:
`saxagliptin and dapagliflozin tablets (same product, same applicant)
`2. CONSULTS: not applicable
`Executive Summary
`Recommendation and Conclusion on Approvability
`The recommendation from the Office of Pharmaceutical Quality (including the 11/21/16
`Overall Manufacturing Inspection Recommendation) is for APPROVAL.
`Summary of Quality Assessment
`A. Product Overview
`This is a 505(b)(l) application for a fixed dose combination of two approved drug
`substances, saxagliptin and dapagliflozin, 5 mg and 10 mg. This is not an NME
`application because the applicant has several approved NDAs for these drug
`The same product in this new NDA was previously submitted in NDA
`same a
`licant. NDA- received a Complete Response on 10/15 2015
`OPQ review recommended “approval” at the time of the action
`with no pending Quality issue.
`b the
`B. Quality Assessment Overview
`The CMC information in the new NDA and the reviousl
`reviewed NDA


`The OPQ review ofNBA 209091 consists of the drug product review of the new and
`ted information listed above and a cross-reference to the OPQ review ofNBA
`for the evaluation of all other Quality information. The Overall
`Manufacturing Inspection Recommendation is updated on 11/21/16 for “approval”.


`CHAPTERS: Primary Quality Assessment
`Chapter I: Drug Substance (see OPQ Review of NDA
`Chaper II: Drug Product
`Chapter 111: Environmental Assessment (see OPQ Review ofNDA
`Chapter IV: Labeling
`Chapter V: Process (see OPQ Review ofNDA
`Chapter VI: Facilities (see OPQ Review of NDA
`Chapter VII: Biopharmaceutics (see OPQ Review of NDA
`Chapter VIII: Iincrobiology (see OPQ Review of NDA
`Attachment 1: Final Risk Assessment (see OPQ Review ofNDA


`CHAPTER II: Drug Product
`CHAPTER IV: Labeling


`Drug Product Review – Memorandum
`John K. Amartey, PhD
`CMC-Reviewer/DNDPII/Branch VI
`THROUGH: Danae Christodoulou, PhD
`Acting Branch Chief/DNDPII/Branch VI
`NDA 209091
`Saxagliptin/Dapagliflozin Fixed-Dose Combination (5 mg/10 mg) tablets
`The NDA 209091 is seeking market approval for saxagliptin 5 mg and dapagliflozin 10 mg fixed-
`dose combination (FDC) tablet. The product is indicated as an adjunct to diet and exercise to
`improve glycemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Dapagliflozin is an
`inhibitor of the sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2). The SGLT2 inhibitors reduce
`hyperglycemia by promoting glucose excretion by the kidney. Saxagliptin is dipeptidyl peptidase
`4 (DPP4) inhibitor. DPP4 inhibitors improve the beta-cell sensitivity to glucose, increase insulin
`secretion, and decrease glucagon secretion. These inhibitors therefore complement the action
`of the SGLT2 inhibitors in reducing hyperglycemia. The two drug substances have been
`approved in several NDA such as in 2009 NDA 22350 to market Onglyza (saxagliptin), 2010 NDA
`200678 Kombiglyze XR (saxagliptin/metformin HCl). Dapagliflozin is approved as Farxiga in 2014
`NDA 202293. The FDC is submitted in NDA
`In NDA 209091 the applicant seeks approval for a single strength saxagliptin 5 mg/ dapagliflozin
`10 mg FDC. The drug product is packaged in the container closure systems: HDPE bottle and
` blisters. Portions of this NDA have been previously
`also in
`submitted to NDA
`Page 1 of 4
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)


`Referenced DMFs: The cited DMFs are listed in the table below and are adequate.
`Revision of Drug Product sections:
`— The sample chromatogram presented indicated that the method is suitable
`for the intended use.
`There are no novel excipients. The non-compendial excipients are well controlled (CoA s are
`provided in the application). The analytical methods used are based on compendial procedures
`and no need for validation.
`Page 2 of 4


`Table 3.2.P.5.4—l: Batch Information {or San 5/Dapa10
`Site of
`Date of
`Drag Substance Batch Used
`Number —— Manulacture Manufacture
`Batch Size
`Use of Batch
`«38928014 3082341
`’ Coated -tablels
`b Clinical applies batch number - coated
`Long term stability:
`The long term stability data on three batches of the saxa 5 mg/ dapa10 mg product packaged in
`the- blisters (5°C, 25°C/60%RH and 30°C/75%RH), show that there is essentially little or
`no change in mean potency (saxa and dapa), impurities (saxa and dapa),—
`— mean hardness, disintegration time, or appearance through the 24
`months test period (the longest real time data). The data is evaluated in accordance with ICH
`Q1E. The results show that the predicted values at 36 months are within the acceptance limits
`under the long term stability storage conditions. Similar results are observed for the saxa 5 mg/
`dapa 10 mg tablets when packaged in the HDPE bottles and stored at the long term condition of
`25°C/60%RH for 24 months and at accelerated condition 40°C/75%RH for 6 months. Based on
`the real data presented the proposed 36 months shelf-life is justified.
`Post—approval stability protocol and commitment:
`The applicant commits to continue with the long-term stability studies following the protocol
`presented in the application.
`Comparability Protocol:
`Page 3 of 4


`The proposed- blisters package label is shown below. The label presented in the
`application is for a tablet count of 7 as a Physician sample. In the labeling the section 3: Dosage
`Forms and Strength and the section 11: Description lists only the 5 mg/10 mg strength. In
`section 16: How Supplied/Storage and Handling the three bottle size tablet counts of 30, 90 and
`500 are described.
`The carton has label is not changed
`Page 4 of 4


`Digitally signed by Danae Christodoulou
`Date: 10/04/2016 12 26:24PM
`GUID: 5050dd27000012a4c69bfc70b47660b7
`Digitally signed by John Amartey
`Date: 10/04/2016 10:18:35AM
`GUID: 54061eab0009a3906521deca6e5fda70


`Su (Suong)
`Digitally signed by Su (Suong) Tran
`Date: 1/04/2017 11:14:56AM
`GUID: 508da71f00029ec8b75e233f12b15339


`ApplIcatIon #' 209091
`Applicant: Astra Zeneca
`Submission Type:
`505 b 1 —not NME
`Chemical Type: 4
`Established/Proper Name:
`' tin and da a I liflozin
`Dosage Form: tablet
`Strength(s). 5 mgl10 mg
`Unapproved NDA
`Cross Referenced Applications:
`Approved NDA 22350, NDA 200678, NDA 202293, and NDA
`FILED? I Ifthe application is not fileable
`from the product quality
`perspective, state the reasons and
`provide filing comments to be
`sent to the A I.licant
`Are there any potential 1eview
`issues to be forwarded to the
`Applicant not including any
`til—incomments stated above?


`This is a 505(b)(I) applicationfor afixed dose combination oftwo approved drug substances,
`saxagliptin and dapagliflozin, 5 mg and 10 mg. This is not an NlllE application because the applicant
`has several approved NDAsfor these drugs.
`which received a Com Iete Res onse on 10/15/2015 due to
`o The newNDA 209091, with the onli one strenith oi 5/10, is ior the indication oftype 2 diabetes
`The CMC information
`Plan or the 0P review:
`with thefollowing addition:
`reference is made to the OPQ review ofNBA
`1. Drugproduct reviewer to evaluate the new/additional infomtation as summarized above.
`2. Facilities reviewer to evaluate all commercial testing, manufacturing, andpackagingfacilities
`currently in the NDA.


`Has an environmental assessment report (NB/IE.
`API with estrogenic. androgenic. or thyroid activity;
`API derived from plants and animals) or appropriate
`categorical exclusion (21 CFR 25.31 AND 25.15(d)
`been provided?
`For DMFs. are DMF #5 identified and
`authorization letter(s) from the US agent provided
`in the a I
`I lication and referenced DMF?
`Is the Quality Overall Summary (QOS) organized
`adequately and legible? Is there sufiicient
`information in the Q08 to conduct a review?
`NDA 202293 is referenced for all CMC
`information on the drug substance
`NDA 22350 is referenced for all CMC
`infornmtion on the drug substance
`See the DRUG PRODUCT review of NDA
`(b) (4) for the same product- recommending
`approval with no pending issue.
`See the Biopharmaceutics review ofNDA
`('9 (4) for the same product— recommendin
`approval with no pending issue
`adequately and legible? Is there sufficient
`information in this section to conduct a review?
`IstheDrugProductsection[3.2.P]organized II.
`If the Biopharmaceutics team is responsible for
`reviewing the in vivo BA or BE studies:
`0 Does the application contain the complete BA/BE
`0 Are the PK files in the correct format?
`0 Is an inspection request needed for the BE
`study(ies) and complete clinical site information
`Are drug substance manufacturing sites, drug
`product manufacturing sites. and additional
`manufacturing. packaging and control/testing
`laboratory sites identified on FDA Form 356h or
`associated continuation sheet with complete
`identifying information?
`Is a statement provided that all facilities are ready
`for GMP inspection at the time of submission?
`For BLA:
`Is a manufacturing schedule provided?
`Is the schedule feasible to conduct an
`ins I ction within the review c cle?
`Is the Drug Substance section [3.2.S] organized
`adequately and legible? Is there sufficient
`information in this section to conduct a review?


`Are there adequate in vitro and/or in vivo data
`supporting the bridging of formulations throughout
`the drug product’s development and/or
`manufacturing changes to the clinical product?
`(Note whether the to-be—marketedproduct is the
`same roduct used in the ivotal clinical studies
`Does the application include a biowaiver request?
`If yes. are supportive data provided as per the type
`of waiver requested under the CFR to support the
`re a nested waiver? Note the CFR section cited.
`For a modified release dosage form. does the
`application include information/data on the in-vitro
`alcohol dose-d n n in 1 . tential?
`12. For an extended release dosage form.15 there
`enough information to assess the extended release
`desi-:41 tion claim as 1 a the CFR?
`Is there a claim or request for BCS I designation? If
`yes. is there sufficient permeability solubility
`. and dissolution data?
`Are any study reports or published articles in a
`foreign language? If yes. has the translated version
`been included in the submission for review?
`15. Are Executed Batch Records for drug substance (if
`applicable) and drug product available?
`If applicable. is the required information provided
`in 3.2.A for Biotech Products?
`7. For Biotech Products. is sufficient information
`provided1n compoliance with 21 CFR 610.9 and
`601 .2(a)?


`Suong {mat-umm
`Tran _S fifihmD‘ magnum.”
`Application Technical Lead
`Suong (Su) Tran, PhD


`(5) (4)
`Review #1
`ReVieW Date: (see page 5)
`Drug Name/Dosage
`saxagliptin and dapagliflozin tablets
`Route of
`5/10m 111
`Rx/OTC Dis - ensed
`a I
`I licable
`5 "I 12015
`Quali Review Team
`ORA Lead ——
`Business Process Manager
`Keni-Ann Jennings
`Anika Lalmansin n
`A lication Technical Lead
`OTR ——


` “me"
`Table of Contents
`Table of Contents .......................................................................................... 2
`SW........................................................................... 3
`Executive Summary ...................................................................................... 4
`uali Review............................................................................... 6
`ASSESSMENT OF THE DRUG SUBSTANCE ............................................................... 7
`ASSESSIVIENT OF THE DRUG PRODUCT .................................................................... 8
`ASSESSMENT OF THE PROCESS ................................................................................ 32
`ASSESSMENT OF THE FACILITHES ............................................................................ 64
`ASSESSIVIENT OF BIOPHARMACEUTIC S ................................................................. 68
`ASSESSMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY ........................................................................... 93
`APPENDICES .................................................................................................................. 96
`ASSESSMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS .................................................. 97
`Review of Common Technical Docmnent- uali
`Ctd- Module 1 ................ 98
`Labeling & Package Insert ................................................................................................ 99
`List of Deficiencies To Be Communicated......................................................... 106
`E Attachments ........................................................................................................ 106


`Quality Review Data Sheet
`Reviewed b Dru
`Product Reviewer
`I Adequate. Adequate with Information Request. Deficient. or N/A (There is enough data in the application.
`therefore the DMI" did not need to be reviewed)
`information in NDA
`NDA review date
`3M 1»"05
`NDA review date
`NDA review date
`information in NDA
`information in NDA
`Other Documents:
`22350 samea-”licant
`202293 same a licant
`Farxia daa-liflozin NDA
`205649 (same applicant)
`Xigduo (dapagliflozin/metformin hydrochloride
`extended release


`Executive Summary
`Recommendation and Conclusion on Approvability
`(m4) is recommended for approval from the Quality perspective.
`There is no unresolved deficiency.
`Labeling comments will be finalized via the 0ND Division review process.
`Recommendation on Phase 4 (Post-Marketing) Commitments, Agreements,
`and/or Risk Management Steps, if Approved — n/a
`Summary of Quality Assessment
`Drug Substance Quality Summary
`Reference is made to the Quality reviews of the approved NDA 22350
`saxagliptin and approved NDA 202293 dapagliflozin.
`Drug Product Quality Summary
`Strength: 5 /10 mg/mg saxagliptin/dapagliflozin
`Description/Commercial Image: light brown to brown, biconvex round fihn—
`coated tablets,
`(5)9) “1122” printed on the other side, in
`blue ink
`Summary of Product Design n/a
`List of Excipients: anhydrous lactose, croscannellose sodium, iron oxides,
`magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, polyvinyl alcohol, polyethylene
`glycol, silicon dioxide, talc, and titanium dioxide.
`Process Selection (see section “Process” in this review):
`Container Closure: bottles of 30-, 90-, and 500-count in bottles for commercial
`distlibution, and 7-count blisters as samples
`Expiration Date & Storage Conditions: 8 months when stored at room
`temperature (20-25 °C).
`List of co-packaged components n/a
`Summary of Drug Product Intended Use
`Proprietary Nameormenmgmaw —
`Non Proprietary Name of the Drug Substance
`Saxa . 1i .fin and (13.3 .
`5 /10m in saxali-Itin/daa 'flozin
`Provost"! Indifffionfi) including Intended
`Pam” Populamn
`Adjunct to diet and exercise to improve
`glycemic control in adutls with type 2
`diabetes mellitus


` """"‘
`Alternative Methods «Administration
`Biopharmaceutics Considerations (see section “Biopharmaceutics” in this
`1. BCS Classification: Saxagliptin BCS III, dapagliflozin BCS III
`2. Biowaivers/Biostudies
`The results from BE study CV181341 are acceptable. The Saxa
`5/ Dapa 10 mg FDC tablets are bioequivalent
`to the respective strengths of Saxa and Dapa mono-tablets in fasted
`healthy adults. There was no meaningful effect on the peak or total
`exposure of saxagliptin due to administration in the fed state. High fat
`meal, however, reduced the peak exposure of dapagliflozin by
`approximately 50%.
`In conclusion, the combination of both
`saxagliptin and dapagliflozin together in one FDC tablet obtains the
`similar conclusion of the food effect on respective mono-tablet stated
`in their labeling. See labeling details on food effects of respective
`l l.
`Novel Approaches n/a
`Any Special Product Quality Labeling Recommendations n/a
`Life Cycle Knowledge Information (see Attachment B)


`In this submission,
`and exercise to '
`the Applicant seeks approval for
`saxagliptin (5mg) and dapagliflozin (10 mg), as adjunct to diet
`rove l cemic contIol in adults with
`e 2 diabetes mellitus




`Similarl , durin the long-term stabili
`test for the ro
`sed formulations, the drug
`Table 8. Justification for Using Disintegration as a Surrogate for Dissolution for
`Saxagliptin/Dapagliflozin Proposed Commercial Tablets
`According to ICH Q6A guidance and its Decision Tree #7(1) (Table 8), the proposed
`Saxa/Dapa commercial tablets meet all the criteria shown in Table 8 below, and are
`considered qualified for using disintegration as a surrogate for dissolution.
`Criteria Jusflneaflon for Sangflptin/Dapagllflozil
`d Commercial Tablets
`ICH Q6A Decision Tree # 7(1)
`The drug solubility at 37:0.S°C is high (dose/solubility
`S ZSOmL) dironghout the physiological pH range (pl-I
`1.2 -6.8).
`Greater than 80% dissolution is achieved in 15 minutes
`at pH 1.2. 4.0. and 6.8.
`The Applicant tested the discriminability of both dissolution method and disintegration


`3. Disintegration acceptance criteria
`The maximum disintegration time was
`minutes at initial and showed some
`Disintegration in lieu of dissolution is used as QC method because of meeting the criteria
`as shown in Table 8. The proposed acceptance criterion for disintegration time is-
`minutes at 37°C water.
`tablets stored under all long-term storage conditions through 12 months.
`variability with values ranging from
`minutes with no major trend observed for




`Furthermore, the statistical analysis conducted by the Applicant based on stability data
`shows that
`M“) the disintegration time at release is
`minutes. The upper side of the 95% confidence/99% coverage tolerance interval of the
`release disintegration time is m<9minutes Statistical analysis of the trend of
`disintegration over time found no significant increase in the disintegration time. Overall,
`the proposed acceptance criterion «0(4) minutes at 37°C of water is acceptable.
`PART 2. Review of BE studies and Biowaiver request
`BE Studies
`Bioequivalence study CV181341 has been conducted to demonstrate bioequivalence
`M" Saxa 5/ Dapa 10 mg tablets compared with the
`(m4) Saxa and Dapa in fasted state. The food effect on the FDC tablets
`was also studied.
`The saxagliptin and dapagliflozin in study CV181341 were analyzed by LC/MS/MS, and
`the Applicant provided the validation report and summary as follows:
`Assay precision
`(° u( V)
`II" iztinn)
`0 L50
`. . _
`74 1'.
`0 I 100
`1.' I
`‘V 3
`subnhly for
`saxagliptin and 4 ‘
`hr {0, BM$751084A9
`401 dav; LTS al -
`.‘0"(' 6 ryrlex PT
`a! 20°C post
`prepauuu- \labllllv
`31 h: at RT
`RT = .‘4 h 5 cyclrs
`FfT al »10‘C & -
`70”C 337 divs LTS
`:1 -_‘0‘(' & -70”C,
`Posl Preparative
`mum \Inlulm' 7.‘
`hm RT and H] h Ill
`3 lo 81‘
`cvcles at 20’( J:
`7012 m daVs
`LTE II 301' and
`615 a.» at .70°('.
`Post Preparative
`cxuncl sllbllrlv,
`9| 3* "mm at .’ lo
`CV13] '91
`“C out!
`Luna“. l x1
`l u m“
`1 “("01)“-
`The incurred sample reproducibility is determined with 10% of the study sample
`reassayed, the ISR met the acceptance criteria of ”(0%. The analytical report for the BE
`study is acceptable.
`The harmacokinetic PK results from the stud cohort l are shown as below:
`1 Page has been Withheld in Full as B4 (CCI/TS) immediately following this page
`_ 85 _


`Table 2 : Statistical Analysis Results of Dapagliflozin for Cohort 2 (dosed with Saxa
`5/Dapa 10 FDC or Saxagliptin 5 +Dapaglifloxin 10 mg)
`PK Parameter
`(‘nnx (ng‘mL)
`(“5“ “'L)
`Treatment and
`D (Sm - Dapa fasted)
`E(Sa.u.Dapa fasted)
`F (SmDapz fed)
`E versus D
`F versus E
`D (Sax: « Dapa firsted)
`E (Sm Dapa fasted)
`F (Sm Dapa fed)
`E wrsus D
`F versus E
`Adj listed Geometric
`0 9-16
`0 648
`90' o ('1
`(134. 166)
`(0 878‘ 1.019)
`(0 565. 0 743)
`(542. 615)
`(562. 636)
`(5:6. 589)
`(1010. 1062)
`(0 908. 0955)
`(559‘ 635)
`D61“ - Dapa filsted)
`(579. 656)
`E (Saanapa fasted)
`(550. 615)
`I -
`F (SamDapa fed)
`(1008‘ 1.063)
`E versus D
`(0 919‘ 0 968)
`0 943
`1' versus E
`Treatment D: 5mg saxagliptin - 10mg dapagltflozin tablets under tasted conditions
`Treatment E San S'Dapa IO FDC tablet under fasted conditions
`Treatment F' Sun 5 Dip: 10 FDC tablet lmder fed conditions
`The reviewer’s own analysis is as follows:
`—— 0.944
`—— 0.648
`—— 0.949
`1 Page has been Withheld in Full as B4 (CCI/TS) immediately following this page
`_ 87 _


`Table 4 : Statistical Analysis Results of Saxagliptin for Cohort 2 (Dosed with Saxa 5
`mg/Dapa 10 mg FDC or Saxagliptin 5 mg + Dapaglifloxin 10 mg)
`90' 'o (“I
`Adjusted Geometlit
`Treatment and
`PK Parameter
`D (Sax: — Dapa fasted)
`26 1
`Cmax (ng'mL)
`(23 7. 28 8)
`E (SauDapa tasted)
`F (San-Dam fed)
`F versus E
`D (Sm - Dapa fasted)
`E (SmDapa fasted)
`F (San Dapa fed)
`1a vetsus D
`35 6
`0 925
`95 s
`96 4
`(2512. 30.3)
`(23 3. 28 2)
`(0 9911 139)
`(0 8371 11022
`(90 3. 10:)
`(90,71 10:)
`(1061 117)
`(0.973. 1704:)
`(91 ,81 IO!)
`97 3
`D (Sax: - Dapa fasted)
`(9191 104)
`97 6
`E (SnaDapa fasted)
`(107. 119)
`F(Sa.ulDapa fed]
`(01969. 1,038)
`E \‘eisus D
`(11181 1194)
`Treatment D: S—mg sasagliptin — 10mg dapagliflozin lablets under fasted conditiom
`Treatment E‘ Sam 5 Dapa 10 FDC tablet under fasted conditions
`Imminent F. Sam 5 Dapa 10 FDC tablet undet fed condiums
`The reviewer’s own analysis is as follows:
`Geometric mean
`90% CI


`As all above tables show, although there are slightly diflerences in the values calculated
`by the reviewer and values provided by the Applicant, the overall trend and conclusion
`are the same:
`1. The
`Saxa 5/ Dapa 10 mg FDC tablets are bioequivalent to the
`Saxa an Dapa mono-tablets in fasted healthy adults.
`2. There was no meaningful effect on the peak or total exposure of saxagliptin due to
`administration in the fed state.
`3. High fat meal, however, reduced the peak exposure of dapagliflozin by approximately
`In conclusion, the combination ofboth saxagliptin and dapagliflozin together in
`one FDC tablet obtains the similar conclusion of the food effect on respective mono-
`Saxa 5.0 mg
`tablet stated in their labeling. Please refer to labeling details on food effects of respective
`Biowaiver Issues
`The bioequivalence studies on]


`Studies Submitted in NDAs or DVDs-General Considerations, the justifications from the
`Applicant are acceptable.
`Table 5 The Com osition 0f Saxa/Da a FDC Tablet


`Reviewer’s Assessment and Si nature: (Peng Duan)
`Digitally signed by Peng Duan -5
`ON: c:US. o:US. Government. ou:HHS, ou=FDA,
`Pe n g Du a n — ”lemma
`Date: 2015.07.20 1023:41 -04‘00'
`1. The dissolution method (as below) and the application of disintegration test in lieu
`of dissolution method are acceptable.
`2. The acceptance criterion for disintegration time
`(m4) minutes at 37°C of water is
`3. The results from BE study CV181341 are acceptable;
`a. The
`M4) Saxa 5/ Dapa 10 mg FDC tablets are bioequivalent
`to the
`(m4) Saxa and Dapa mono-tablets in fasted healthy adults.
`b. There was no meaningful effect on the peak or total exposure of saxagliptin due
`to administration in the fed state.
`c. High fat meal, however, reduced the peak exposure of dapagliflozin by
`approximately 50%.
`In conclusion, the combination of both saxagliptin and
`dapagliflozin together in one FDC tablet obtains the similar conclusion of the food
`effect on respective mono-tablet stated in their labeling. Please refer to labeling
`details on food effects of respective mono-tablets.
`5. The following dissolution method is reviewed and accepted.
`USP Apparatus
`Agitation Speed
`Media Volume
`( C)
`6. Finally, the proposed disintegration method and its acceptance criterion (W)
`minutes at 37°C of water are acceptable for implementation upon NDA approval.
`Supervisor Comments and Concurrence: (Tien Mien Chen)
`The Biopharmaceutics review is complete and I concur.
`Digitally signed by Tlenmien Chen -S
`I e n m I e n DN:c=US, o=U.S.Govemment,
`ou=HHS, ou=FDA, ou=People,
`cn=Tienmien Chen -S,
`Date: 2015.08.10 11:50:01 —04'00'
`C h e n S


`1. Are the tests and proposed acceptance criteria for microbial burden adequate for
`assuring the microbial quality of the drug product?
`Applicant’s Response: This can be adopted fiom the QbR-QOS and Module 3 provided
`fiom the firm.
`Reviewer’s Assessment: Adequate
`0 The excipients used in the manufacture of Saxa/Dapa are tested for microbial
`b theirre
`- and in- blister packs
`0 Bulk contaian of tablets at the manufac
`site include
`r appropriate packaging
`- The Saxa/Dapa tablets are packaged in HDPE bottles




`space and change control program in terms of validation?
`Is the proposed container/closure system for the drug product validated to
`flmction as a barrier to microbial ingress? What is the container/closure design


`Applicant’s Response: This can be adopted from the QbR—QOS and Module 3 provided
`from the firm.
`Reviewer’s Assessment: Adequate
`The commercial presentation for Saxa/Dapa tablets is
`(HDPE) bottle
`(I’m high density polyethylene
`Saxa/Dapa tablets may also be presented in
`The suitability of the packaging components and container closure systems has been
`demonstrated by the results of the stability studies reported in Section 3.2.P.8, Stability.
`The materials used in the fabrication of the packaging components conform to the
`requirements in the applicable sections of the Code of Federal Registration, Title 21,
`Indirect Food Additives. Letters from the vendors with the specific references of
`compliance are provided on the following pages. The Drug Master Files (DMF) and
`Letters of Authorization (LOA) for the primary packaging components are provided in
`Module 1.4.1.
` A
`Adventitious Agents Safety Evaluation
`3. Are any materials used for the manufactlu'e of the drug substance or drug product
`of biological origin or derived from biological som‘ces? If the drug product
`contains material som‘ced from animals, what docmnentation is provided to
`assure a low risk of virus or prion contamination (causative agent of TSE)?
`Applicant’s Response: This can be adopted from the QbR-QOS and Module 3 provided
`from the film.
`Reviewer’s Assessment: Adequate
`ma) statements are rovided.
`The adventitious Agents
`Safety Evaluation reports are provided in 3.2.R. Regional Information section. The
`If any of the materials used for the manufactlu'e of the drug substance or drug
`product are of biological origin or derived from biological sources, what diug
`substance/drug product processing steps assure microbiological (viral) safety of


`the component(s) and how are the viral inactivation/clearance capacity of these
`processes validated?
`Applicant’s Response: This can be adopted from the QbR-QOS and Module 3 provided
`from the firm.
` Reviewer’s Assessment: NIA
`Is the applicant’s claim for categorical exclusion acceptable?
`Is the applicant’s Environmental Assessment adequate for approval of the


`I. Review of Common Technical Document-Quality (Ctd-Q) Module 1
`Labeling & Package Insert
`1. Package Insert
`(a) “Highlights” Section (21CFR 201.57(a))
`Lmntatlonso Use:
`If 7
`net title,D .
`; name 201.57 a2
`established name
`Established Name:
`Saxagliptin/Dapagliflozin Fixed Dose
`Contmlled drug
`substance symbol (if
`my licable
`Route: Oral
`A concise summary of Fixed dose combination tablets have
`been developed
`5 mg saxagliptin/lo mg
`Dapagliflozin).'l‘he information
`is adequate.
`the applicant
`(b) “Full Prescribing Information” Section
`# 3: Dosage Forms and Strengt_hs [21CFR 201.571cfl4n
`QTERN tablets containing 5
`round, film-coated tablet, with
`' tin and 10
`' ozin are light brown to brown, biconvex,
`“l 122” printed on the other side, in blue ink.


`\ “emu...“
`_ Information Provided in NBA
`Available dosa ~ e forms
`QTERN Tablets
`Strengths: in metric system
`5 mg Saxa/10 mg Dapa
`A description of the identifying Table 3.3.P. l-l of the application
`characteristics of the dosage
`describes in detail the information.
`forms, including shape, col

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