

`Food and Dru , Administration
`Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
`Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis
`St. Louis, MO 63101
`Tel. (314) 539-3874
`October 12. 2012
`Caroline Strasinger. Review Chemist. ONDQA
`Benjamin Westenberger, Deputy Director. Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis
`Anna Wokow'ch. Chemist. Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis
`Crystal formation of
`“""Estradiol TDDS with elevated humidity
`To determine if crystals form when the
`elevated humidity.
`M“) estradiol transdermal drug delivery system is exposed to
`ONDQA Review Chemist. Dr. Caroline Strasinger, submitted a Methods Validation Request for NDA 203-752.
`Noven Pharmaceuticals’s
`“M" (Estradiol Transdermal System). The requested determinations were for
`Release Liner Peel Force, Shear Adhesion. Peel Adhesion. Probe Tack, and Cold Flow. Additionally, Dr.
`SlIasinger requested that samples (opened and with adhesive matrix exposed) be placed in a humid enviromnent
`for 2-5 days and examined for crystals using a microscope.
`No crystals were observed for the ambient Day 1- Day 4 samples with their release liners on and off. No crystals
`were observed for the chamber (32°C and 75% RH) Day 1- Day 4 samples with their release liners on and 011‘.
`Also, no crystals were observed for the chamber Day 1 - Day 4 samples that were in their intact pouches before
`NDA samples of 6.6 cm2, 3.3 cm2, 2.475 cm2, and
`systems. (See Attachment A.)
`(mu) estradiol transdermal
`For each dosage, systems removed from their pouches with their release liners intact, systems removed fiom their
`pouches with their release liners removed and systems in their intact (sealed) pouches were placed in an
`environmental test chamber at 32°C and 75% relative humidity for 4 days. Also, systems in their intact (sealed)
`pouches were placed on the lab bench at ambient conditions.
`Page 1 of 4
`Reference ID: 3202366


`Each test day, the designated samples were removed from the chamber as well as the designated ambient samples
`and examined for crystals macroscopically and microscopically. (See Attachment A.) After examination, the
`samples were returned to their storage conditions.
`Ambient conditions ranged from 17°C-22°C and 42%-66% relative humidity (RH), and the environmental test
`chamber was set to 32°C and 75% RH. No crystals were observed for the ambient Time 0, Day 1, Day 2, Day 3,
`and Day 4 samples with their release liners on and off. No crystals were observed for the chamber Day 1, Day 2,
`Day 3, and Day 4 samples with their release liners on and off. No crystals were observed for the chamber Day 1,
`Day 2, Day 3, and Day 4 samples that were in their intact pouches before opening. For the samples that had their
`release liners off, some dirt/threads from the air adhered to the adhesive. (See Attachment B.)
`Reference ID: 3202366
`Page 2 of 4
`2 Page(s) has been Withheld in Full as B4 (CCI/TS) immediately following this page


`This is a representation of an electronic record that was signed
`electronically and this page is the manifestation of the electronic
`Reference ID: 3202366


`NDA 203752
`Minivelle (estradiol transdermal system)
`Noven Pharmaceuticals Inc.
`Caroline Strasinger, Ph.D.
`Review Chemist
`Office of New Drug Quality Assessment
`Division of New Drug Quality Assessment II
`Branch IV
`CMC Review of NDA 203752
`For the Division of Reproductive and Urological Products
`Reference ID: 3194443


`Chemistry Review Data Sheet
`1. NDA
`2. REVIEW #:
`Caroline Strasinger, Ph.D.
`Previous Documents
`Quality Review #1
`Submission(s) Reviewed
`Amendment 0010
`Amendment 0011
`Document Date
`Noven Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
`Empire State Building
`350 Fifth Avenue, 37th Floor
`New York, NY 10118
`Sean M. Russell, Associate Director, Regulatory
`Reference ID: 3194443


`The Chemistry Review for NDA 203752
`The Executive Summary
`I. Synopsis of Information
`Several clarifications were required regarding the Applicant’s commitment to qualify
`a more distinguishable ink (
` provided to the NDA on 27-AUG-2012 and
`previously discussed in Review #1.
`In summary, the Applicant will launch their commercial product utilizing
` ink and continue to utilize
` ink while completing their qualification and
`stability work of the more distinguishable ink. The Applicant confirmed they do not
`intend to switch between
` and
` based on the concern for
`potential patient confusion.
`II. Recommendations
`A. Recommendation and Conclusion on Approvability
`This NDA has provided sufficient information to assure the identity, strength, purity,
`and quality of the drug product.
`The Office of Compliance has issued an “ACCEPTABLE” overall recommendation
`on all the manufacturing facilities.
`The labels/labeling have adequate information.
`Therefore, from the ONDQA perspective, this NDA is recommended for approval.
`B. Recommendation on Phase 4 (Post-Marketing) Commitments, Agreements,
`and/or Risk Management Steps, if Approvable
`Reference ID: 3194443
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)


`Chemist_rg Assessment
`NDA 203752 which provides for the Minivelle (estradiol transdermal system) was
`originally submitted 29-DEC-2012.
`This addendum to the Quality Review dated 30-AUG-2012 addresses the following:
`(m4) versus
`0 An assessment of the risk of using the ink
`including a summary of extractables and leachables testin as well as an up dated
`Letter of Authorization (LoA) to reference the
`(m ) ink.
`0 Clarifications regarding the use of
`launch and during the qualification period.
`mm) versus
`(m4) at product
`Assessment of Risk
`The Applicant provided information in amendments dated 17—SEP—2012 and l9—SEP—
`2012 demonstrating that the change in ink from
`M“) to
`M“) is not of
`significant risk to implement. The applicant provided and updated LoA to reference the
`appropriate inks in DMF
`(m4) and stated that
`Additionally, the applicant provided a smnmary of
`extractable and leachable testing of systems printed with
`(m4) and no peaks were
`detected above the LOQ of :2} ppm.
`(hm) improves the readability of the identifying label.
`Reviewer Evaluation:
`Based on the risk analysis provided by the Applicant, implementing
`(mo in
`the manufacturing process does not present a safety risk nor is it considered a major
`amendment to Application. The Applicant has committed to conducting concurrent
`stability studies to qualify the
`(mm as indicated in the amendment
`dated 27-AUG—2012.
`In a teleconference on 20-SEP-2012 it was confmned that
`(hm) ink would be used
`to print the identifying label on the transdermal system at product launch, once the
`product is branded
`(m4) and during the on-going
`qualification and stability assessment of
`"W" The Applicant confmned they do
`not intend to switch between
`(m4) and
`M“) based on the concern for
`potential patient confusion despite both inks being approved for use.
`Reviewer Evaluation: The information is adequate.
`Reference ID: 31 94443


`This is a representation of an electronic record that was signed
`electronically and this page is the manifestation of the electronic
`Reference ID: 3194443


`Public Health Service
`Food and Drug Administration
`Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
`Caroline Strassinger, CMC Reviewer
`Office of New Drug Quality Assessment (ONDQA)
`E-mail Address:
`Phone: (301)-796-3776
`Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis
`Michael Trehy, MVP Coordinator
`Suite 1002
`1114 Market Street
`St. Louis, MO 63101
`Phone: (314) 539-3815
`Through: Benjamin J. Westenberger, Deputy Director
` Phone: (314) 539-3869
`SUBJECT: Methods Validation Report Summary
`Application Number: 203-752
` (Estradiol transdermal System);
`Name of Product:
`Applicant: Noven Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
`Applicant’s Contact Person: Sean M. Russell
`Address: 350 Fifth Avenue, 37th Floor, New York, NY 10118
`, 0.0375, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1 mg/day
`Telephone: (212) 229-4208
`Fax: NA
`Date Methods Validation Consult Request Form Received by DPA: 5/7/2012
`Date Methods Validation Package Received by DPA: 5/7/2012
`Date Samples Received by DPA: 7/3/2012
`Date Analytical Completed by DPA: 9/19/2012
`Laboratory Classification: 1. Methods are acceptable for control and regulatory purposes.
`2. Methods are acceptable with modifications (as stated in accompanying report).
`3. Methods are unacceptable for regulatory purposes.
`See attached memo for analyst’s comments.
`Reference ID: 3192302
`Page 1 of 7
`Version: 7/13/2011
`(b) (4)
`(b) (4)


`Food and Dru Administration
`Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
`Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis
`St. Louis. MO 63101
`Tel. (314) 539-3874
`September 20. 2012
`Dr. Caroline Strasinger, Reviewer, Office of New Drug Quality Assessment
`Benjamin Westenberger, Deputy Director, Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis
`Anna Wokovich. Chemist, Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis
`Method Validation for NDA 203-752
`NDA 203-752,
`0"" transdennal drug delivery system
`Probe Tack. Peel Adhesion, Release Liner Peel Force, Cold Flow, and Shear Adhesion
`The following methods were evaluated:
`Probe-Tack Test for Transdermal Systems GDOCUMENT NO STP-QC-0516 REVISION 1
`Peel Adhesion Test for Transdermal Systems (DOCUMENT NO ST‘P-QC-0514 REVISION 2
`Determination of the Peel Force from Release Liner for Transdermal Systems with small Area- Peel
`Flow test for Transdermal Systems)
`Shear Adhesion of Transdermal Systems with Small Area— Shear Test O)OCUMENT NO STP 411
`The following methods are acceptable for quality control and regulatory purposes:
`Probe-Tack Test for Transdermal Systems (DOCUMENT NO STP-QC-0516 REVISION 1
`The following method was evaluated and is acceptable for quality control and regulatory purposes with
`Peel Adhesion Test for Transdermal Systems (DOCUMENT NO STP-QC-0514 REVISION 2
`5 Page(s) has been Withheld in Full as B4 (CCIITS) immediately following this page
`Page 2 of 7
`Version: 7/13/2011
`Reference ID: 31 92302


`This is a representation of an electronic record that was signed
`electronically and this page is the manifestation of the electronic
`Reference ID: 3192302


`NDA 203-752
`Minivelle (estradiol) Transdermal System
`Noven Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
`Caroline Strasinger, Ph.D.
`Review Chemist
`Office of New Drug Quality Assessment
`Division of New Drug Quality Assessment II
`Branch IV
`CMC Review of NDA 203-752
`For the Division of Reproductive and Urological Products
`Reference ID: 3181383


`Table of Contents
`Table of Contents .....................................................................................................2
`Chemistry Review Data Sheet.................................................................................3
`The Executive Summary .........................................................................................7
`I. Recommendations ...................................................................................................................... 7
`A. Recommendation and Conclusion on Approvability ....................................................................... 7
`B. Recommendation on Phase 4 (Post-Marketing) Commitments. Agreements. and/or Risk
`Management Steps. if Approvable ................................................................................................... 7
`II. Summary of Chemistry Assessments......................................................................................... 7
`A. Description of the Drug Product(s) and Drug Substance(s) ............................................................. 7
`B. Description of How the Drug Product is Intended to be Used.......................................................... 8
`C. Basis for Approvability or Not-Approval Recommendation ............................................................ 8
`III. Administrative........................................................................................................................... 8
`A. Reviewer’s Signature ........................................................................................................................ 8
`B. Endorsement Block........................................................................................................................... 9
`C. CC Block .......................................................................................................................................... 9
`Chemistry Assessment ........................................................................................... 10
`1. Review Of Common Technical Document—Quality (Ctd—Q) Module 3.2: Body Of Data ....... 10
`“("1 ................................................................................. 10
`P DRUG PRODUCT [Minivelle, Transdennal System] ................................................................. 17
`A APPENDICES .............................................................................................................................. 67
`R REGIONAL INFORMATION ..................................................................................................... 68
`II. Review Of Common Technical Document-Quality (Ctd—Q) Module 1 ..................................68
`A. Labeling & Package Insert ............................................................................................................ 68
`B. Environmental Assessment Or Claim Of Categorical Exclusion ................................................... 78
`List Of Deficiencies To Be Communicated ....................................................................... 79
`Reference ID: 3181383


`Chemistry Review Data Sheet
`Chemistry Review Data Sheet
`1. NDA
`2. REVIEW #:
`August 20, 2012
`Caroline Strasinger, Ph.D.
`Previous Documents
`Document Date
`Submissions 3 [ Reviewed
`Amendment 0002
`Amendment 0005
`Amendment 0006
`Amendment 0007
`Document Date
`29-DEC-201 l
`Noven Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
`Empire State Building
`350 Fifth Avenue, 37th Floor
`New York, NY 10118
`Sean M. Russell, Associate Director
`Reference ID: 3181383
`Page 3 of 84


`Chemistry Review Data Sheet
`a) Proprietary Name:
`b) Non-Proprietary Name (USAN):
`c) Code Name/#: N/A
`(1) Chem. Type/Submission Priority:
`0 Chem. Type: 3
`0 Submission Priority: Stande
`estradiol transdermal system
`505 (b)(1)
`10. PHARMACOL. CATEGORY: Steroid hormones
`Transdermal System
`"”“’, 0.0375, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1
`X Rx
`SPOTS product — Form Completed
`X Not a SPOTS product
`Estra—l,3,5(10)—t1iene—3,17—diol, (l7|3)
`Molecular Formula: C13H2402
`Molecular Weight: 272.38
`Reference ID: 3181383
`Page 4 of 84


`A. DMFs:
`-- m
`Dr. S. Dhanesar
`for NDA 203752
`Dr. R. Shaltnaz for
`for NDA 203—752
`Dr. D. Klien for
`for NDA 203752
`Dr. X L1 for
`1Action codes for DMF Table:
`1 — DMF Reviewed.
`Other codes indicate why the DMF was not reviewed, as follows:
`2 —Type 1 DMF
`3 — Reviewed previome and no revision since last review
`4 — Sufficient information in application
`5 — Authority to reference not granted
`6 — DMF not available
`7 — Other (explain under "Comments")
`2Adequate, Inadequate, or N/A (There is enough data in the application, therefore the DMF did
`not need to be reviewed)
`B. Other Documents:
`Reference ID: 3181383
`Page 5 of 84


`Chemistry Review Data Sheet
`18. STATUS:
`Methods Validation
`To be done per
`ONDQA’s policy
`Submitted 7-MAY-2012
`_exclusion15 u anted
`Microbiology ———
`Reference ID: 3181383
`Page 6 of 84


`Executive Summary Section
`The Chemistry Review for NDA 203-752
`The Executive Summafl
`I. Recommendations
`A. Recommendation and Conclusion on Approvability
`The Applicant of this NDA has provided sufficient information to assure the identity,
`strength, purity, and quality of the drug product.
`The Office of Compliance has issued an overall “Acceptable” recommendation for the
`facilities involved in the NDA. The labels have adequate information as required.
`Therefore, from the ONDQA perspective, this NDA is recommended for approval.
`. Recommendation on Phase 4 (Post-Marketing) Commitments, Agreements, and/or
`Risk Management Steps, if Approvable
`No CMC related Phase 4 are proposed at this time.
`H. Summary of Chemistry Assessments
`A. Description of the Drug Product(s) and Drug Substance(s)
`Drug Substance:
`The drug substance, estradiol, is a white to practically white crystal or powder with a
`melting point of l73-179°C. It has an empirical formula of C18H2402 and a molecular
`weight of 272.38. The drug substance will be manufactured and packaged at
`The drug substance contams
`no changes
`In 30 years of manufacturing experience at
`(hm) have arisen. Estradiol is used in several currently
`approved FDA products including the referenced NDA 20-538 for Vivelle-Dot. The
`references DMF
`for all
`information pertaining to the
`manufacture, control and release of the drug substance. DMF M“) was most recently
`reviewed and deemed adequate on 24-MAY-2011; no changes to the DIVIF have been
`made since this review, therefore DMF m4) is deemed adequate to support NDA 203-
`“" Fl
`Drug Product:
`Minivelle is a transdennal drug delivery system (TDDS) designed to continuously
`release l7B-estradiol when applied to intact skin. mu) systems are proposed for market
`in this application ranging in strength from (m4) mg/day to 0.1 mg/day containing mm
`Reference ID: 3181383
`Page 7 of 84


`Executive Summary Section
`mg to 1.65 mg estradiol. Minivelle has the same multipolymeric adhesive platform as
`the currently marketed Vivelle-Dot and has a been designed to deliver the same
`therapeutic levels of estradiol as Vivelle and Vivelle—Dot, but from a smaller active
`surface area. The TDDS are circular in shape and translucent to slightly opaque white.
`The TDDS is manufactured at Noven Pharmaceuticals in Miami, FL. Two additional
`facilities have been listed for raw material and finished product microbial testing all of
`which are domestic. It was noted during review, that the maximum storage time for the
`raw material
`(m4) is
`M“) from the date of manufacture. Use within iii
`(prevents the impurity
`(m4) from rising above USP acceptance criterion of
`The quality of the drug product is controlled by tests for appearance, assay, content
`uniformity, identification, adhesion, drug release, impurities, cold flow, pouch seal
`integrity and microbial limits. Each carton will contain eight TDDS of one strength. A
`24 month expiration date has been granted based on 12 months of provided stability
`data and supporting Vivelle-Dot data.
`B. Description of How the Drug Product is Intended to be Used
`Minivelle (estradiol)
`M“) 0.0375, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1 mg/day is a multipolymeric
`adhesive system that releases estradiol continuously upon application to intact skin for
`the treatment of severe vasomotor symptoms associated with menopause. The adhesive
`side of Minivelle should be placed on a clean, dry area of the trunk of the body
`(including the adbdomen or buttocks). Minivelle should not be applied to the breast.
`The transdermal delivery system is designed for continuous wear with application of a
`new system twice weekly to a different site with each application. The product should
`be stored at room temperature.
`. Basis for Approvability or Not-Approval Recommendation
`From the ONDQA perspective, this NDA is recommended for Approval.
`information on raw material controls,
`The Applicant has provided sufficient
`manufacturing processes and process controls, and adequate specifications for assuring
`consistent product quality of the drug substance and drug product. Also sufficient
`stability information is provided on the drug product in the NDA to assure strength,
`purity, and quality of the drug product during the expiration dating period (24 months).
`Office of Compliance has issued an “Acceptable” overall recommendation for all
`facilities involved.
`Labels/labeling have the required information.
`111. Administrative
`A. Reviewer’s Signature
`Reference ID: 3181383
`Page 8 of 84


`Executive Summary Section
`B. Endorsement Block
`Chemist Name/Date: Caroline Strasinger, PhD 27-AUG-2012
`ChemistlyTeamLeaderName/Date: Donna Christner, PhD; 27-AUG-2012
`ProjectManagerName/Date: Rebecca McKnight; 27-AUG-2012
`C. CC Block
`Reference ID: 3181383
`Page 9 of 84


`This is a representation of an electronic record that was signed
`electronically and this page is the manifestation of the electronic
`Reference ID: 3181383


`Initial Quality Assessment
`Branch IV
`Division of New Drug Quality Assessment II
`0ND Division: Division of Reproductive and Urologic Products
`203 752
`Applicant: Noven Pharmaceuticals
`Stamp Date:
`29-Dec-20] 1
`PDUFA Date:
`Established Name: Estradiol
`Dosage Form: Transdermal system
`Route of Administration: Transdermal
`Indication: Treatment of VMS
`CMC Lead: Donna F. Christner, Ph.D.
`ONDQA Fileability: X
`Comments for 74-Day Letter X
`Summary and Critical Issues:
`A. Summary
`The drug product is a translucent, round, estradiol trandermal system available in :2} sizes
`as follows, with the following estradiol concentrations. The patch is applied twice
`Table 2:
`Strengths of Estradiol Transdermal System
`Patch Size
`Estradiol Concentration
`in Adhesive Blend
`Estradiol Content per
`0.0375 mg/day
`2.48 cm2
`0.62 mg
`3.30 cm2
`4.95 cm2
`6060 cm2
`0.05 mgr'day
`0075 mgf'day
`0.1 lug/day
`Each transdermal system is composed of three layers as follows:
`Reference ID: 3092318


`Proceeding from the visible surface toward the surface attached to the skin. these layers are:
`lb) (4)
`Layer 1:
`Layer 2:
`Layer 3:
`“Wprinted backing film.
`The active layer consisting of an acrylic adhesive. silicone adhesive. oleyl
`alcohol. povidone. dipropylene glycol and estradiol. with a
`((2; mg cm‘
`coat weight.
`m“) release liner.
`tb)( )
`lb) (4)
`Each estradiol transdermal system is sealed in one pouch. There are two different pouch sized to
`accommodate difi‘erent patch sizes. Patches are provided in “Calendar Packs” of 8 systems and in
`cartons containing 3 “Calendar Packs.”
`B. Critical issues for review
`The applicant has performed a pivotal bioequivalence study, N28-004. which evaluated the
`highest dosage strength of
`m4) of 1.65 mg estradiol/6.6 cm2 (0.] mg/day). They have also
`provided a supportive dose-proportionality study, N28—005, on three dosed of
`0.827 mg estradiol/3.3 cm2, and 1.65 mg estradiol/6.6 cm2 patches. They are
`requesting a biowaiver of the lower dosage strengths. Tapash Ghosh, Ph.D. has been assigned to
`address all BioPharmaceutic issues.
`The applicant has used a bracketing design for their stability studies, since the different strengths
`are the same formulation and differ only by the size of the patch cut from the roll. This will
`require careful review.
`C. Comments for 74-Day Letter
`See ATTACHMENT 1 for comments to be conveyed to the sponsor.
`D. Recommendation:
`This NDA is fileable from a CMC perspective. Caroline Strasinger, PhD. is the primary CMC
`reviewer. Tapash Ghosh, Ph.D. is the assigned BioPharm reviewer.
`REGULATORY BRIEFING RECOMMENDATION: Branch-level. since the formulation is
`highly similar to the approved Vivelle-Dot patch.
`Donna F. Christner. Ph.D.
`Reference ID: 3092318


`NDA Number: 203752
`Type: 5
`Established/Proper Name:
`estradiol transdermal system
`Applicant: Noven
`Pha1 macentlcals
`Letter Date: 29—Dec—2011
`Stamp Date: 29—Dec—2011
`The following parameters are necessary in order to initiate a full review, i.e.. complete enough to
`review but may have deficiencies. On initial overview of the NDA application for filing:
`11 IsWW Il—adeuatel
`Is the CMC section indexed
`and paginated (including all
`PDF files) ade uatel ?
`Are all the pages in the CMC
`section le- 'ble?
`Has all information requested
`dining the IND phase and at
`the pre-NDA meetings been
`Drug substance information15 provided1n
`Module 3
`Drug product informationrs provided as
`attachment to 356h andm Module 3
`Is a single comprehensive list
`of all involved facilities
`availablein one locationin the
`a 1 lication?
`For a naturally-derived API
`only are the facilities
`responsible for critical
`intermediate or crude API
`manufacturing or performing
`upstream steps specifiedin the
`application? Ifnot has a
`justification been provided for
`this omission9 This question
`is not applicable 1‘01
`synthesized API.
`Reference ID: 3092318


`Are drug substance
`manufacturing sites identified
`on FDA Form 356h or
`associated continuation sheet?
`For each site, does the
`application list:
`• Name of facility,
`• Full address of facility
`including street, city, state,
`• FEI number for facility (if
`previously registered with
`• Full name and title, telephone,
`fax number and email for on-
`site contact person.
`• Is the manufacturing
`responsibility and function
`identified for each facility?,
`• DMF number (if applicable)
`Are drug product
`manufacturing sites are
`identified on FDA Form 356h
`or associated continuation
`sheet. For each site, does the
`application list:
`• Name of facility,
`• Full address of facility
`including street, city, state,
`• FEI number for facility (if
`previously registered with
`• Full name and title, telephone,
`fax number and email for on-
`site contact person.
`• Is the manufacturing
`responsibility and function
`identified for each facility?,
`• DMF number (if applicable)
`Information provided in Module 3
`Information provided on attachment to 356h
`Reference ID: 3092318


`Are additional manufacturing.
`packaging and control/testing
`laboratory sites are identified
`on FDA Form 35611 or
`associated continuation sheet.
`For each site. does the
`application list:
`0 Name of facility.
`0 Full address of facility
`including street. city. state.
`Information provided 011 356h
`0 FBI number for facility (if
`previously registered with
`0 Full name and title. telephone.
`fax number and email for on-
`site contact person.
`0 Is the manufacturing
`responsibility and function
`identified for each facility?.
`Is a statement provided that all
`facilities are ready for GMP
`inspection at the time of
`If any information regarding the facilities is omitted. this should be addressed ASAP with the
`applicant and can be a potential filing issue or a potential review issue.
`u rovided? Has an environmental
`assessment report or
`categorical exclusion been
`Categorical exclusion requested as per 21
`CFR 25.31(b) and 25.15(a)
`Reference ID: 3092318


`Does the section contain a
`description of the DS
`manufacturin‘ rocess?
`Does the section contain
`Cross-reference to DMF (m4)
`Cross-reference to DMF (m4)
`Cross-reference to DMF (m4)
`identification andcontrols.Of
`critical steps and intermediates
`of the DS?
`Does the section contain
`information regarding the
`characterization of the DS?
`Has stability data and analysis
`17. Quality by Design (QbD)
`information re . ardin. the DS?
`Does the application contain
`Process Analytical
`Technology (PAT)
`information re ardin the DS?
`Not a filing issue
`Not a filing issue
`Reference ID: 3092318


`PlV otal BE study performed usmg highest dosage
`strength of l 65 mg estradiol/6 6 cm (0 1 mg/day)
`Requests biowan er of lower dosage strengths
`o 0.62 mg/2.48 cm: (0.375 mg/day)
`o 0.83 mg/3.30 cm2 (0.05 mg/day)
`o124m 495cm2 0075m da
`Executed batch records are provided.
`Proposed MBR will be requested.
`Applicant has used a bracketing desrgn Since the
`fonnulatron and packaging of each patch are the
`same and differ only by the punch srze 24 month
`expiry requested based on 9 months data on three
`batches and reference to V“, elle-Dot dru o roduct
`Not a filing issue
`Not a filmg issue
`Is there a description of
`manufacturing process and
`methods for DP production
`through finishing. including
`formulation, filling, labeling
`and acka - in- ?
`Does the section contain
`identification and controls of
`critical steps and intermediates
`of the DP. including analytical
`procedures and method
`validation reports for assay
`and related substances if
`a licable?
`Is there a batch production
`record and a proposed master
`batch record?
`Has an investigational
`formulations section been
`provided? 15 there adequate
`linkage between the
`investigational product and the
`r0 osed marketed roduct?
`Have any biowaivers been
`Does the section contain
`description of to-be-marketed
`container/closure sys

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