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`Clinical Considerations
`Disease-associated maternal and/or embryo/fetal risk
`Untreated IDA in pregnancy is associated with adverse maternal outcomes such as post-
`partum anemia. Adverse pregnancy outcomes associated with IDA include increased risk
`for preterm delivery and low birth weight.
`Fetal/Neonatal adverse reactions
`Severe adverse reactions including circulatory failure (severe hypotension, shock
`including in the context of anaphylactic reaction) may occur in pregnant women with
`parenteral iron products (such as Injectafer) which may cause fetal bradycardia,
`especially during the second and third trimester.



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`Administration of ferric carboxymaltose to rats as an one-hour intravenous infusion up to
`30 mg/kg/day iron on gestation days 6 to 17 did not result in adverse embryonic or fetal
`findings. This daily dose in rats is approximately 40% of the human weekly dose of
`750 mg based on body surface area. In rabbits, ferric carboxymaltose was administered
`as a one-hour infusion on gestation days 6 to 19 at iron doses of 4.5, 9, 13.5, and 18
`mg/kg/day. Malformations were seen starting at the daily dose of 9 mg/kg (23% of the
`human weekly dose of 750 mg). Spontaneous abortions occurred starting at the daily
`iron dose of 4.5 mg/kg (12% of the human weekly dose based on body surface area).
`Pre-implantation loss was at the highest dose. Adverse embryonic or fetal effects were
`observed in the presence of maternal toxicity.
`Human Data
`Published data fiom randomized controlled studies, prospective observational studies and
`retrospective studies on the use of ferric carboxymaltose in pregnant women have not
`reported an association with ferric carboxymaltose and adverse developmental outcomes.
`However, these studies cannot establish or exclude the absence of any drug-related risk
`during pregnancy because of methodological limitations, including that the studies were
`not primarily designed to capture safety data nor designed to assess the risk of major birth
`defects. Maternal adverse events reported in these studies are similar to those reported
`during clinical trials in adult males and non-pregnant females [see Adverse Reactions
`Animal Data
`A pre- and post-natal development study was conducted in rats at intravenous doses up to
`18 mg/kg/day of iron (approximately 23% of the weekly human dose of 750 mg on a
`body surface area basis). There were no adverse effects on survival of offspring, their
`behavior, sexual maturation or reproductive parameters.



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`SHIRLEY, NY 11967

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`34"56%&"!#&#$ %&"#4%57!!#%889!:7;&4!<)):%#:=>'?: "#"5&%&"#)
`This Patient Information has been approved by the US. Food and Drug Administration.
`For more information go to or call 1-800-734-9236.
`Revised: 10/2020


`W Him 05}
`1H! m. I 5“! nus
`my pwfixoqm Jung
`' NDCfl51T-flfi1fl-fl1
`Injectafer"-' mam:
`' NDCfl51Nfi1fl-fl1
`3 usuaamm 2
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`[5|] mg .I' mL}
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`[5|] mg ImL}
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`. Fur Intravenous
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`! MW
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`! Usefl'mlyr
`I mahmljrgflmmmm
`I Effie-WIFE ‘
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`! Dlscmi Unused Putm I
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`I Rx Only
`AR smflnw 195:
`wil hep-inked hemdu'lng
`PadcagingThe expilatim
`chm wil be exp-553d as
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`Serialiratim irfnnmtim in
`acmrdmce wid'n H'IEDmg
`Chain SEflI'Ity'fif‘


`A? Each mL contains 50 mg iron {as
`ferric Gr‘boxymaltose} in water for
`injection. Also contains hydrochloric
`acid andxhr sodium hydroxide to
`adjust pH, if necrssary. Store at EU”
`to 2 ST. {63" to FEWF]; excursions
`permitted to 15" to HEP-C {59" to
`SEPFJ. {See USP Controlled Room
`Temperature}. Sterile, nonpyrogenic
`Recommended Dose: See PrEcrihing
`(ferric tarhpxymaltese injectiun)
`500 mg [10 ml.
`{50 mgme)
`Far Intravenous Use Only
`ingleD-ase 1iiial. Discard Unused Portion.
`SHIRLEY, lil'lr 1196?
`Lot # and
`date will be
`printed here
`date will be
`expressed as
`lnjectafer'R is manufactured under
`license from Uitor {International}, Inc.,
`RHI 1234-1.
`Rex. 91'2020

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