


`Review Number:
`Dates of Submission(s) Covered by this Review
`Review Request
`29 MAR 2011
`30 MAR 2011
`20 APR 2011
`15 JUN 2011
`15 JUN 2011
`Assigned to Reviewer
`21 APR 2011
`Tibotec, Inc.
`1125 Trenton-Harbourton Rd.
`Tutusville, NJ 08560
`Charles Zezza, Ph.D.
`John W. Metcalfe, Ph.D.
`Recommend approval.
`Product Quality Microbiology Review
`09 August 2011
`Drug Product Name
`Name of Reviewer:
`Reference ID: 2998329


`NDA 202-895/N-000
`Product Quality Microbiology Data Sheet
`Microbiology Review #1
`SUBMISSION PROVIDES FOR: A pediatric formulation based on an
`approved tablet formulation (reference is made to NDA 21-976).
`Janssen Pharmaceutica NV
`Turnhoutseweg 30
`Beerse B-2340
`(cid:190) Suspension.
`(cid:190) Oral.
`(cid:190) 100 mg/mL.
`METHOD(S) OF STERILIZATION: The drug product is not sterile.
`The subject NDA is submitted electronically in the CTD format.
` A
` Microbiology Information request was forwarded to the applicant by the
`ONDQA Project Manager on 25 May 2011. Following is the reviewer comments
`and information requests:
`Reference is made to Table 1 (Specifications for the drug Product (F052))
`of Module 3.2.P.5.1 which states the following regarding the product
`specification and microbiological testing, “monitoring frequency based on
`microbiological risk assessment”. Further reference is made to Section 1.8
`of Module 3.2.P.5.6 (Justification of Specifications) which states, “the
`drug product is tested and validated for microbiological purity according
`to the requirements of current USP<61> and <62>”.
`This microbiology reviewer notes that the microbiological risk assessment
`referenced in the Product Specification was not provided in the
`application. In addition, the application lacks verification studies
`demonstrating the suitability of use of the stated microbial limits tests with
`the subject drug product. Finally, for aqueous non-sterile dosage forms,
`Reference ID: 2998329
`Page 2 of 11


`NDA 202-895/N-000
`Microbiology Review #1
`Burkholderia cepacia is considered to be an objectionable microorganism,
`in addition to the objectionable organisms listed in USP<1111>.
`(cid:190) Clarify whether microbial limits testing will be performed as part of
`the release testing of every product batch.
`(cid:190) Provide the microbial test methods and data sets which verify the
`suitability of use of these tests (both microbial enumeration and
`specified microbes) with the subject drug product.
`(cid:190) It is understood that the product specification references USP<1111>
`regarding microbial limits acceptance criteria. Modify the product
`specification to specify the numerical limits and identities of each of
`the organisms that will be tested for regarding microbial limits
`acceptance criteria.
`(cid:190) Provide test methods and acceptance criteria to demonstrate the
`product is free of the objectionable microorganism Burkholderia
`cepacia. We recommend that potential sources are examined and
`sampled as process controls, and these may include raw materials and
`the manufacturing environment. A risk assessment for this species in
`the product and raw materials is recommended to develop sampling
`procedures and acceptance criteria. Your test method should be
`validated and a discussion of those methods should be provided. Test
`methods validation should address multiple strains of the species and
`cells that are acclimated to the environments (e.g., warm or cold water)
`that may be tested.
`The applicant amended the application with responses to this Information Request
`on 15 June 2011. Applicant responses are summarized and reviewed in
`appropriate sections of this review.
` A
` second Microbiology Information Request was forwarded to the applicant on
`27 June 2011 by the OND Project Manager. Following is the Information
`Reference is made to the FDA Information Request dated 25 May 2011
`regarding microbial limits testing for Prezista®. Further reference is made to
`Tibotec’s responses to this request submitted on 15 June 2011.
`Tibotek’s responses to FDA Request # 1, and 2 are acceptable. Regarding
`FDA Request #3, add “absence of Burkholderia cepacia” to the list of
`Specified Microorganisms identified in the product specification. With
`regard to FDA Request #4, Tibotec has not demonstrated the ability to
`recover the objectionable organism Burkholderia cepacia from the subject
`drug product, nor has Tibotec provided a validated test for the detection of
`this organism, as requested. Provide a test method for detecting B. cepacia
`similar to the one you have provided for the specified organism, Escherichia
`coli. The original FDA Request #4 is copied below for Tibotec’s
`Page 3 of 11
`Reference ID: 2998329


`NDA 202-895/N-000
`Microbiology Review #1
`Provide test methods and acceptance criteria to demonstrate the product is
`free of the objectionable microorganism Burkholderia cepacia. We
`recommend that potential sources are examined and sampled as process
`controls, and these may include raw materials and the manufacturing
`environment. A risk assessment for this species in the product and raw
`materials is recommended to develop sampling procedures and acceptance
`criteria. Your test method should be validated and a discussion of those
`methods should be provided. Test methods validation should address
`multiple strains of the species and cells that are acclimated to the
`environments (e.g., warm or cold water) that may be tested.
`The applicant amended the application with responses to Microbiology Information
`Request #2 on 29 July 2011. Applicant responses are summarized and reviewed in
`appropriate sections of this review.
`File Name: N202895N000R1.doc
`Reference ID: 2998329
`Page 4 of 11


`NDA 202-895/N—000
`Microbiology Review #1
`Executive Summary
`Recommendation on Approvability — NDA 202-895/N-000 is
`recommended for approval on the basis of product quality
`Recommendations on Phase 4 Commitments and/or
`Agreements, if Approvable — Not applicable.
`Summary of NIicrobiology Assessments
`Brief Description of the Manufacturing Processes that relate to
`Product Quality Microbiology -
`Brief Description of Microbiology Deficiencies — There are no
`microbiology deficiencies identified.
`Assessment of Risk Due to Microbiology Deficiencies — Not
`Reviewer's Signature
`John W. Metcalfe, Ph.D.
`Endorsement Block
`Bryan S. Riley, Ph.D.
`CC Block
`6 Page(s) has been Withheld in Full as b4 (CCI/TS) immediately following this page
`Reference ID: 2998329
`Page 5 of 11


`This is a representation of an electronic record that was signed
`electronically and this page is the manifestation of the electronic
`I concur.
`Reference ID: 2998329


`NDA: 202,895 SN: 000 DATE REVIEW COMPLETE: 4/29/11
`Virology Reviewer: Lisa K. Naeger, Ph.D.
`Serial #: 000
`NDA#: 202,895
`Reviewer's Name: Lisa K. Naeger, Ph.D.
`Sponsor’s Name and Address:
`Tibotec-Virco, USA
`2505 Meridian Parkway
`Suite 350
`Durham, NC 27713
`Important Dates:
`Correspondence Date:
`March 28, 2011
`CDER Receipt Date:
`March 30, 2011
`Assigned Date:
`March 30, 2011
`Review Complete Date: April 29, 2011
`PDUFA Date:
`September 30, 2011
`Amendments: none
`Related/Supporting Documents: IND-62477, NDA-21976 SN000, NDA-21976 SN006,
`SN007 and SN009
`Product Name(s)
`Proprietary: PREZISTA/rtv
`Non-Proprietary/USAN: Darunavir/rtv; darunavir
`Code Name/Number: TMC114
`Empirical formula: C27H37N3O7S .C2H5OH
`Chemical Name: {3-[(4-amino-benzenesulfonyl)-isobutyl-amino]-1-benzyl-2-hydroxy-
`propyl}-carbamic acid hexahydro-furo-[2,3-b]furan-3-yl
`Molecular mass: Relative molecular mass: 547.656 (active moiety) + 46.068 (ethanol,
`EtOH) = 593.724 (TMC 114-ethanolate)
`Structural Formula:
`Drug category: antiviral for HIV infection
`Dosage Form(s): Oral; co-administration with ritonavir
`Route(s) of Administration: Oral
`Reference ID: 2951349


`NDA: 202,895 SN: 000 DATE REVIEW COMPLETE: 4/29/11
`Virology Reviewer: Lisa K. Naeger, Ph.D.
`Dispensed: Rx X OTC
`Abbreviations: ABC, abacavir; APV, amprenavir; ATV, atazanavir; AZT, zidovudine;
`Control, comparator PI arm; ddI, didanosine; d4T, stavudine; DRV, darunavir; EFV,
`efavirenz; ETR, etravirine; FTC, emtricitabine; HAART, highly active antiretroviral
`therapy; HIV-1, human immunodeficiency virus-1; IC, inhibitory concentration; IDV,
`indinavir; LAM, lamivudine; LPV, lopinavir; NFV, nelfinavir; NVP, nevirapine; NNRTI,
`non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; NRTI, nucleoside reverse transcriptase
`inhibitor; OBT, optimized background therapy; PBMC, peripheral blood mononuclear
`cells; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; PI, protease inhibitor; /rtv, ritonavir-boosted; RT,
`reverse transcriptase; SQV, saquinavir; ENF, enfuvirtide; TDF, tenofovir; TPV, tipranavir
`Darunavir (DRV) is an inhibitor of the HIV-1 protease. It selectively inhibits the cleavage
`of HIV encoded Gag-Pol polyproteins in infected cells, thereby preventing the formation
`of mature virus particles. It was approved June 23, 2006 for combination antiretroviral
`treatment of HIV-1 infected treatment-experienced adult subjects. The supplemental
`NDA with 96-week data of DRV/r treatment from studies of treatment-experienced
`subjects and 48-week data of DRV/r treatment from studies of treatment-naïve subjects
`was approved October 21, 2008. DRV is currently approved for treatment-experienced
`HIV-1 infected children >6 years old. This supplemental pediatric NDA seeks approval
`for treatment-experienced children 3 to <6 years old.
`This submission contains Week 24 efficacy, safety and PK data from the open-label
`Phase II trial TMC114-C228 (ARIEL) to support the selected pediatric doses of darunavir
`with low-dose ritonavir (DRV/r), by body weight, in combination with other antiretroviral
`(ARV) products, in treatment-experienced HIV-1-infected children from 3 to <6 years of
`age and weighing between 10 and <20 kg. Approximately 24 children, on a stable ARV
`treatment for ≥12 weeks but who needed to change their ARV regimen because it was
`currently failing (plasma viral load >1,000 copies/mL), and who had <3 DRV resistance-
`associated substitutions, were planned to be included in the trial with ≥10 and maximally
`14 children for each of the 2 following weight bands: 10 to <15 kg and 15 to <20 kg.
`Subjects were initially to be given a dose of DRV/r 20/3 mg/kg twice daily, together with
`an OBR consisting of ≥2 active ARVs with available pediatric dose recommendations.
`At baseline, 2 subject isolates harbored DRV substitutions (PID 228-0009 had L33F and
`L76V, and PID 228-0015 had L76V). Both subjects responded virologically (HIV-1 RNA
`<50 copies/mL) at Week 24.
`Post-baseline resistance testing was performed on samples with plasma viral load ≥50
`copies/mL. There were 11 (41%) never-suppressed subjects, when using the virologic
`response parameter plasma viral load <50 copies/mL (TLOVR non-VF censored) over
`time (1 subject discontinued due to an AE). When using the virologic response
`parameter confirmed plasma viral load <400 copies/mL (TLOVR non-VF censored), 9
`out of these 11 never-suppressed subjects were considered responders, of whom 7 had
`Reference ID: 2951349


`NDA: 202,895 SN: 000 DATE REVIEW COMPLETE: 4/29/11
`Virology Reviewer: Lisa K. Naeger, Ph.D.
`achieved an unconfirmed undetectable plasma viral load (<50 HIV-1 RNA copies/mL) on
`treatment. The 2 subjects (PID 228-0012 and 228-0033) considered never-suppressed
`when using the virologic response parameter plasma viral load <400 copies/mL had no
`relevant baseline resistance characteristics.
`Paired baseline/endpoint genotypes (all Week-24 samples) were available for 6
`subjects, 5 of whom did not achieve a confirmed undetectable viral load (plasma viral
`load <50 copies/mL). No development of any IAS-USA PI or NRTI substitutions was
`detected. All 6 subjects with paired baseline/endpoint phenotypes were susceptible to all
`commercially available PIs and NRTIs in the OBR at baseline and remained susceptible
`to those PIs and NRTIs post-baseline.
`This NDA for DRV/r is approvable with respect to virology for combination antiretroviral
`treatment of HIV-1-infected treatment-experienced children 3 to <6 years old. There are
`no virology post-marketing commitments or requirements for this approval and there are
`no virology changes to the package insert.
`Recommendation and Conclusion on Approvability
`This NDA for DRV/r is approvable with respect to virology for combination
`antiretroviral treatment of HIV-1-infected treatment-experienced children 3 to <6
`years old.
`Recommendation on Phase 4 (Post-Marketing) Commitments, Agreements,
`and/or Risk Management Steps, if Approvable.
`There are no virology post-marketing commitments or requirements for this
`3.1. Reviewer’s Signature(s)
`____ Lisa K. Naeger __________
`Lisa K. Naeger, Ph.D.
`Sr. Microbiologist, HFD-530
`3.2. Concurrence
`Reference ID: 2951349
`HFD-530/Micro TL__________________________Signature____________Date


`This is a representation of an electronic record that was signed
`electronically and this page is the manifestation of the electronic
`Reference ID: 2951349


`Applicant: Tibotec
`NDA Type: Pediatric
`Stamp Date: March 29, 2011
`NDA Number: 202-895
`Drug Name: Prezista
`On initial overview of the NDA application for filing:
`Content Parameter
`Is the virology information (nonclinical and clinical)
`provided and described in different sections of the NDA
`organized in a manner to allow substantive review to
`Is the virology information (nonclinical and clinical)
`indexed, paginated and/or linked in a manner to allow
`substantive review to begin?
`Is the virology information (nonclinical and clinical)
`legible so that substantive review can begin?
`4 On its face, has the applicant submitted cell culture data in
`necessary quantity, using necessary clinical and non-
`clinical strains/isolates, and using necessary numbers of
`approved current divisional standard of approvability of the
`submitted draft labeling?
`5 Has the applicant submitted any required animal model
`studies necessary for approvability of the product based on
`the submitted draft labeling?
`6 Has the applicant submitted all special/critical studies/data
`requested by the Division during pre-submission
`7 Has the applicant submitted the clinical virology datasets in
`the appropriate format as described in the relevant guidance
`documents and are the datasets complete?
`8 Has the applicant used standardized or nonstandardized
`methods for virologic outcome measures? If
`nonstandardized methods were used, has the applicant
`included complete details of the method, the name of the
`laboratory where actual testing was done and performance
`characteristics of the assay in the laboratory where the
`actual testing was done?
`9 Has the applicant submitted draft labeling consistent with
`current regulation, divisional and Center policy, and the
`design of the development package?
`10 Has the applicant submitted annotated microbiology draft
`labeling consistent with current divisional policy, and the
`design of the development package?
`11 Have all the study reports, published articles, and other
`Yes No
`File name: 5_Microbiology Filing Checklist for a NDA or Supplement 010908
`Reference ID: 2938339


`Content Parameter
`references been included and cross-referenced in the
`annotated draft labeling or summary section of the
`12 Are any study reports or published articles in a foreign
`language? If yes, has the translated version been included
`in the submission for review?
`Yes No
`If the NDA is not fileable from the microbiology perspective, state the reasons and provide
`comments to be sent to the Applicant.
`Please identify and list any potential review issues to be forwarded to the Applicant for the 74-
`day letter.
`Lisa K. Naeger
`Reviewing Microbiologist
`Microbiology Team Leader
`File name: 5_Microbiology Filing Checklist for a NDA or Supplement 010908
`Reference ID: 2938339


`This is a representation of an electronic record that was signed
`electronically and this page is the manifestation of the electronic
`Reference ID: 2938339

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