Reviewer: Kathleen Young, Ph.D.
`NDA No. 22-304
`10 Maine
`35 HG/KG
`SRO”? 4
`120, an HG/KG
`usanr RAT:
`1h titer W
`P AMPLITka luv)
`1h after
`r» DURATION (nun
`P-u INTKKvaL (ma)
`1b a£ter
`1!: after
`0R5 INTERVAL (nu)
`1h after
`don ing
`5? .DEV.
`0-1 INTERVAL (ma)
`1!: aite:
`_ 10
`0 13
`0 08
`89 ,
`o 06
`'J"= Darnetz-test hasnd on pooled variancc gig. at 5* or ii Invel.
`= L:
`(«255: 51;n;f;:a:t at 59 n:
`ié Leveé: befcxe 23. after dggxng.


`Reviewer: Kathleen Young, Ph.D.
`NDA No. 22—304
`0 Hana;
`10 Home
`~-- .1..—.M.~uuw.~._.-
`35 name
`120, an MG/
`1!: after W
`P MP1.11092 (mVl
`1!: after W
`12: after
`Gas INTERVAL (as)
`12) alter
`1h- ulcer M
`1h after
`40 »
`237 N
`'f“: Bunnezt-tes: based onpooled variance uig. at. 51s or 1'! level.
`' Sign
`{:1 o: 1':
`level: 13:21:; "5.. 5.515" ussinz.


`Reviewer: Kathleen Young, Ph.D.
`NDA No. 22-304
`WEEK 13‘
`0 HG/XG
`10 HG/RQ
`120. 30 HGIK
`1:: arts:
`‘ ST.DBV.
`1h atcer
`1h after
`1h utter
`033 INTERVAL (ms)
`lb alter
`0-? INTERVAL (u)
`1h alter
`195 '
`Dunnett-tegt based on pooled vaxiincu 919. at 5% or 13 level.
`,_.g,.. =.-,....
`___. _-.u...:ax: a: S: 2: Es -ev.2; hkfbtt 2x. site:


`Reviewer: Kathleen Young, Ph.D.
`NDA No. 22-304
`WEEK 13
`0 MIG/KG‘
`20 HG/KG
`126.. 30 NGI'KU
`1h aftoz‘
`1}) nine:
`1’ DURATION (ma)
`1h after
`9-0 IRTBRVAL Km!) ‘
`scion-1 , W
`1h ulcer
`Dis KRTBRVAL {ma}
`' mm
`1h atcex
`do: ing
`ST. DEV .
`111 after W
`do: Lng
`3?. DEV .
`0 ‘
`120 v -‘.'z
` .
`s 1.;fzzanz a: 5- 0:
`1E levei: befzre rs. 51:2: 305;:c


`Reviewer: Kathleen Young, Ph.D.
`NDA No. 22—304
`10 FIG/KG
`35 RIG/XS
`120. BB HG/XG
`van de water's correction
`Yfidafieia'a correction
`35 NG/XG
`120. BO MGIKG
`Van de Water ' a correction
`Pretes I
`ST . DEV .
`Pridexxcia ' a correction
`Pretea :
`31' . DEV .
`1 2 5
`2 3 1


`Reviewer: Kathleen Young, Ph.D.
`NDA No. 22-304
`0 Hence
`10 216/116
`35 HG/KG
`63011? 4
`8’.) HG/KG
`Van de water's carnation
`ST . DEV.
`1!) nine: m
`i'ridszicia‘s con’ection
`1h alter
`254 '
`264 -
`35 MG/XG
`120, 50 313/116
`Van cle Water‘s correction
`3h attet
`Pridericia ' a corteation
`1h after
`246 '
`275 0 r
`28‘: ".2


`Reviewer: Kathleen Young, Ph.D.
`NDA No. 22-304
`WEEK 13
`35 HG/KG
`125. 80 HG/KG
`Van an Water's correction
`1h after
`Pridegicinis correction
`1h after
`256 '
`'lo': Dunnebt-test based on pooled variance gig. at 5% or 1% levei.
`r—zes: a:;nit;2&nt a: E9 :1 2% level; hetoze vs. size: dzsinq.
`WEEK 13
`10 XII/x1:
`35 ‘MG/KG
`GRCL’)‘ i
`120, 86 Mai)“:
`Van de Hacur’u co:re:tian
`Pridari:ia'n cotrlctinn
`211 after
`1h after
`51' . DEV.
`2 L
`HH: Eunnctt-tns: bnscd an pooled variancn wig. at 5% or 1% level.
`:a 5* a: 2' Laval: bofnzv vs‘ after


`Reviewer: Kathleen Young, Ph.D.
`NDA No. 22-304
`Enncmoczxnnxocmns (Q—T CORRECTED) summzy
`BRO!!!“ d
`120. 80 MG/KG
`Van de flater'a correction
`Prideticia‘n curtactinn
`' amour 1
`axon? 4
`3.20. 80 DIG/KG
`Van de Water's correccion
`Fridericia's confection
`Hematology: Slight Tred blood cell count, hematocrit and hemoglobin in HD M (120/80
`mg/kg/day) compared to controls (not significant, as the pre-test values in the HD
`animals were higher than in control pre-test values) in Weeks 6 and 13, higher in Week
`13; no treatment-related findings after 4-week recovery.
`Clinical chemistfl: Slight Tsodium compared to baseline in HDM and HDF in Weeks 6
`and 13, with minimal increases at the MD in Week 13; no associated changes in
`electrolytes, no treatment-related findings after the 4-week recovery period.
`Urinalysis: No treatment-related effects.
`Gross pathology: No treatment—related effects. 2 HD M that died or were sacrificed
`during the study (No.5 18 and 20) showed dark red thymus and jejunum discoloration,
`associated with acute congestion/hemorrhages commonly found in animals found dead or
`incompletely exsanguinated.


`Reviewer: Kathleen Young, Ph.D.
`NDA No. 22-304
`Organ weights: No treatment-related effects, as all differences from controls were
`within range of normal biologic variation.
`0 TIncidence and severity of-thymic atrophy
`0 Several M given 35 (2/4) and 120/80 (3/4) mg/kg/day, vs. 2/4 in the
`controls and 1/4 in the LD male dogs
`0 Mean severity 1.0, 1.0, 3.0, and 2.3 in the control, LD, MD, and HD dogs,
`respectively (scale of 0-4 with increasing severity)
`0 Possibly associated to treatment-induced stress response
`0 Tlncidence of chronic inflammation of the prostate ’
`0 Several M given 35 (4/4) and 120/80 (4/4) mg/kg/day, compared to
`finding1n 2/4 controls and 1/4 LD M
`o No treatment-related effects on severity: mean severity 2.5, 1.0, 2.0, and
`2.3 in the control, LD, MD, and HD dogs, respectively (scale 0-4)
`0 Probably not a direct treatment effect, but due to poor general health
`condition, also common in sexually mature M dogs
`0 TIneidence and severity of adrenal corticocellular hypertrophy
`o M given 35 (2/4) and 120/80 (4/4) mg/kg/day, vs. 1/4 in the controls
`0 No treatment-related effects in the MD and HD F
`0 within normal range of biological variation
`0 without correlation to adrenal weight in the affected animals
`0 No histopathology findings in the 4-week recovery animals
`The notable histopathology findings are presented in the following table:
`Daily Dose (mg/kg)
`Number oi'Animals
`Thymus - :tixophy
`Prostate gland— chronic inflammation
`n.d. = not determined.
`0 (Conxrgn
`Toxicokinetics: Test article exposure was demonstrated in all treated dogs, with high
`intra-individual variability in plasma concentrations, particularly at the HD. There was a
`greater than dose-proportional increase in plasma concentrations. Peak plasma
`tapentadol concentrations observed at approximately 0.5-1 h after dosing. The results of
`the toxicokinetic evaluation are presented in the following table (provided from the
`original NDA submission):
`5 nus WM
`cit ORlGlNM


`Reviewer: Kathleen Young, Ph.D.
`NDA No. 22-304
`Table A:
`Mean Cmax and AUCM values of CGS503 base
`day 1
`4.19: 1.19
`4.42: 1.34
`26.9: 13.6
`86.0: 7.25
`day 91
`37.1: 19.1
`40.5: 11.1
`101 : 14.2
`110: 42.3
`day 91
`310: 382
`491: 447
`511 : 469
`1) The dose had to be reduced from 120 mglkg to 80 mglkg starting with day 22
` 17.5 i 3.85
`13.7: 12.6
`10.1: 3.22
`30.9: 16.7
`18.9: 3.31
`17.1: 2.98
`Other: Evaluation of hepatic microsomal enzymes showed significant induction of
`aminopyrine N-demethylase activity in M and F. Also, glucuronyltransferase activity
`was inhibited in the M. There were no treatment-related effects on O-deethylase activity.
`The results of the enzyme activity analyses are presented in the following tables
`(provided from the original NDA submission):
`The mean (2‘. SD.) P450 contents and enzyme activities in male dogs were:
`475 t 87
`25.0 i 3.3
`not significant not significant
`ANOVA p—values
`Induction is expressed as 120 mglkg vs. control ratio
`31.1 : 1.5
`40.2 i 1.4
`17.5 : 0.4
`13.2 i 1.?
`The mean P450 contents and enzyme activities in female dogs were:
`586 :r 81
`51.8 i 14.1
`55.7 i 10.9
`14.9 i 3.3
`not significant
`induction [%]
`ANOVA p—values
`Induction is expressed as 120 mglkg vs. control ratio


`Reviewer: Kathleen Young, Ph.D.
`NDA No. 22—304
`Study title: CG5503: 52-Week Oral (Gavage) Toxicity Study in the Dog
`Key study findings:
`The target organs were the CNS and cardiovascular system
`Convulsions at the HD in 2 F (80 mg/kg/d, exposure slightly less than that at the
`clinical MRHD on an AUC basis, and approximately 2 times the exposure on a
`Cmax basis)
`0 Resulted in sacrifice in extremis in one of the dogs
`0 Known effect of opioid receptor agonists
`o Reversal by naloxone supports relationship to opioid pharmacological
`0 Not observed after the recovery period
`, T includin
`ridericia’s and Van de Water’s corrections
`prolongation at the HD
`0 Observed throughout the study1n nearly all of the HD M and F
`o Reversible; not observed after the 4—week recovery period
`Slight, minimal decrease in partial thromboplastin time in the HD M and-F
`throughout the treatment period, not reversible (observed at end of recovery)
`Slight increase in plasma sodium at the HD, compared to controls but not to
`baseline measurements, and with no associated changes in other electrolytes
`Minimal to slight focal gliosis with perivascular mononuclear cell infiltration
`in the medulla oblongata and/or pons in 1 HD F and in 2 MD F and 1 MD M,
`without relationship to convulsions and considered to be spontaneous, in
`agreement with the pathologist
`No treatment-related effects on P450 content; however, dose-related increases in
`O-deethylase activity were observed in F and dose-related increases in N-
`demethylase activity were observed in M and F.. 2—amin0phenol
`glucuronyltransferase activity was decreased in M and F.
`The NOAEL was 10 mg/kg/day
`The systemic exposure to the parent drug at the NOAEL (AUC = 23.3 mcg.h/ml
`in the males and 16.6 mcg.h/m1 in the females) represented approximately 0.05
`times the clinical exposure (=500 ng.h/ml) at the MRHD of 600 mg/day.
`The peak plasma tapentadol concentrations (Cmax) at the NOAEL (6.8 meg/L in
`M and 6.3 mcg/L in F) represented approximately 0.06 times the Cmax (z 118
`ng/ml) at the MRHD of 600 mg/day.
`Exposure to the O-glucuronide metabolite at the NOAEL represented
`approximately 1.5 times the clinical exposure at the MRHD, AUC basis
`0 Demonstrates lower metabolic transformation to the glucuronide in dog,
`when compared to rat which showed considerably higher glucuronide
`Study no.: TP2441


`Reviewer: Kathleen Young, Ph.D.
`NDA No. 22-304
`Conducting laboratory and location: C
`j _
`Date of study initiation: June 10, 2002
`GLP compliance: Yes
`QA report: yes (x) no ( )
`Drug tapentadol (here also referred to as BN200 and/or CG5503), lot # (Batch
`CEWSl 12, and % purity: 98.3%
`Doses: 0, 10, 30, and 80 mg/kg/day; the doses were selected based on the results
`of the 13-week study in Beagle dogs (See Study TP2415). The animal allocations are
`presented in the following table (provided from the original NDA submission):
`Dose Levei
`Male Numbers
`Group 1
`Group 2
`Group 3
`Group 4
`. 0 mglkglday
`10 mglkglday
`30 mglkglday
`80 mgI-kglday
`Female Numbers 35-40 21—26 27-30 31-34
`Dose levels are expressed in terms of the material as supplied
`Animal Nos. 5, 6, 19, 20, 25, 26, 38 and 39 In Groups 1 and 4 were allocated to a 4-weeK
`recovery period following the treatment period.
`Species/strain: Pure—bred Beagle dogs (C
`against distemper, leptospirosis, parainfluenza, contagious hepatitis, bordetella, canine
`papilloma virus, rabies and parvovirus)
`Number/sex/group or time point (main study): 4/sex/dose
`Route, formulation, volume, and infusion rate: The test article was dissolved
`in tap water, and administered by oral gavage at 2 ml/kg, once daily. Dose formulations
`were analyzed using triplicate samples (2 ml/sample) on Day 1 and during Weeks 6, 26,
`32, 45, and 52.
`Satellite groups used for’toxicokinetics or recovery: 2 additional dogs/sex/dose
`controls and HD for 4-week evaluation of reversibility
`Age: 6-8 months
`Weight: 7.7-11.7 kg
`Unique study design or methodology: The dogs were housed in group pens,
`although separated during feeding and observations, and were fed 350 g/day pelleted
`standardp: '
`:ldog maintenance diet at 1h after dosing. The feed was removed
`from access after 3 hours. Tap drinking water was provided ad libitum. Microsomes
`were prepared from the livers of 3 males and females in the groups administered 0, 30,
`and 80 mg/kg/day CG5503, for analysis of P450 content, and N-dealkylation, O-
`dealkylation, and glucuronyltransferase activities.


`Reviewer: Kathleen Young, Ph.D.
`NDA No. 22-304
`Observation times:
`Mortalifl: Twice daily.
`Clinical signs: Twice daily.
`Body weights: Baseline and once weekly.
`Food consumption: Baseline and once daily.
`Ophthalmoscopy: Baseline, during Dosing Weeks 13, 25, 39, and 52, Recovery Week 5.
`EKG: Before dosing and at 1 hour post dose at baseline and during Dosing Weeks 1, 13,
`25, 39, and 51, and Recovery Week 5.
`Hematology: Blood samples collected from the jugular vein at baseline and during
`Weeks 6, 13, 25, 39, 52 and recovery Week 5, from all fasted-overnight animals;
`standard parameters were evaluated.
`Clinical chemistry: Blood samples collected from the jugular vein at baseline and
`during Weeks 6, 13, 25, 39, 52 and recovery Week 5, from all fasted-ovemight animals;
`standard parameters were evaluated.
`Urinalysis: Urine was collected using a catheter from all dogs during Weeks 6, 13, 25,
`39, 52 and recovery Week 5; standard parameters were evaluated.
`Gross pathology: All animals were examined, including decedents. The surviving dogs
`were examined after 52 weeks treatment and 4 weeks recovery.
`Organ weights: The following organs were weighed, from all dogs at necropsy: adrenal
`glands, brain (including brainstem), heart, kidneys, liver, ovaries, pituitary gland, prostate
`gland, spleen, testes with epididymides, thymus, thyroid gland with parathyroid and
`Histogathology: Adequate Battery: yes ( x ), no( )
`Peer review: yes ( ),
`rig ( x)
`Principal Investigator: L
`The following organs and tissues were examined microscopically: adrenal glands, aorta,
`bone (femur with articular surface), bone marrow (sternum), brain (including
`medulla/pons, cerebral and cerebellar cortex), epididymides (fixed in Bouin’s solution),
`esophagus, eyes (with optic nerve, Heidenhains’s Susa solution), female mammary gland
`area, male mammary gland area, gallbladder, heart, kidneys with ureters, large intestine
`(cecum, colon, rectum), larynx, liver, lungs (with bronchi and bronchioles, infused with
`formalin), lymph nodes (retropharyngeal, mesenteric), ovaries, pancreas, Peyer’s patches,
`pituitary gland, prostate gland, salivary glands (mandibular, parotid, sublingual), sciatic


`Reviewer: Kathleen Young, PhD.
`NDA No. 22-304
`nerve, skeletal muscle, skin, small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, ileum), spinal cord
`(cervical, mid-thoracic, lumbar), spleen, stomach, testes (fixed in Bouin’s solution),
`thymus, thyroid gland including parathyroid gland, tongue, trachea, urinary bladder,
`uterus with cervix and oviducts, vagina and all'gross lesions.
`Toxicokinetics: Blood samples (4 ml from the jugular vein) were collected on Day 1 and
`in Weeks 26, 39, and 52, at 0.5, 1, 3, 6, 8, 12, and 24 hours afier dosing
`Other: Liver samples collected from all dogs at necropsy, for enzyme activity analysis.
`Mortality: There was one death in. a HD F (#40), which was sacrificed in extremis on
`Study Day 12 following observations of convulsions on 2 days (Days 4 and 12).
`Clinical signs:
`0 Convulsions were observed in 2 HD (80 mg/kg/day) F
`. 0 Days 4 and 12, 30 minutes after dosing in dog #40
`resultingin sacrifice in extremis
`dosing stopped from Days 5-7, resumed on Day 8
`no abnormal necropsy findings1n this dog
`0 Days 178, 308, 316, 344, 345, and 358, starting 20-30 minutes after
`dosing, and lasting 5 hours in dog #37
`o Convulsions accompanied by paddling movements, muscle twitching,
`tremor, recumbency and decreased activity with deep respiration.
`o Reversed by naloxone administration
`- Decreased activity and salivation daily throughout study "at 30 and 80 mg/kg/day
`Frequent recumbency, vomiting, and tremor, and occasional whimpering at 30
`and 80 mg/kg/day
`Fearfiilness, occasionally at 80 mg/kg/day
`0 Clinical signs started at 15-30 minutes after dosing and lasted up to 5 hours.
`The treatment-related clinical signs during the study are summarizedin the following
`table (provided from the original NDA submission):
`Dally dnse (mg/kg)
`Xumber or Animals
`('liniml Obsen-nlious
`Decreased acriviry
`F.ces ccummg mucus
`0 (Control
`m 1;:
`— = No note.V.‘;.-'o:th findings += Mild .—‘ = Modem“: —-L-Z- =Marked


`Reviewer: Kathleen Young, Ph.D.
`NDA No. 22-304
`Body weights: Slight reduction in BW (-0.2 to -0.8 kg) at 80 mg/kg/day during first 2
`study weeks. Body weights reduced in F at 10 (-1.0%), 30 (-4.0%), and 80 (-4.0%)
`mg/kg/day compared to controls, at end of study. The body weight evaluation results are
`presented in the following table (provided from the original NDA submission):
`Daily dose (mg/kg)
`m g
`Number of animals
`Bully weight (kg’)
`a) at the end ofdosing period. For controls= means are shown. For treated groups, percentage differences from controls are $110wa 1

`Food consumption:~ Slight reduction in food consumption at the highest dose during the
`first 2 weeks of the study (-11% to -23% in M and -9% to‘ -11% in F). At the end of the
`study, food consumption was reduced in the HD M and HD F, compared to controls. The
`results of the food consumption measurements are presented in the following table
`(provided from the original NDA submission):
`‘ Daily dose (111ka
`NW“? 01 Min-“‘5
`Food consumption (animal/day“)
`M 9.5
`a) at the end of dosing period. For controls: means are shown. For treated groups, percentage differences fi'om controls are shown.
`Ophthalmoscopy: There were no treatment-related effects.
`EKG: Dose-related prolonged QT
`beginning at 1 hour after closing in almost all HD animals
`observed throughout the study
`increased corrected QTc interval values at the HD (80 mg/kg/day), suggesting QT
`prolongation effect not related to heart rate fluctuations
`reversible, no treatment-related effects during and after the recovery period.
`no other treatment-related effects in the ECG evaluation
`The results of the EKG observations for QT interval (in ms., iS.D.) are presented in the
`following tables (provided from the original NDA submission):
`QT Interval Observation Summary: Males
`6101!? 3
`6303? 4
` 0 Fifi/KG 10 file/KG 30 £6le ' 80 ”6/16


`Reviewer: Kathleen Young, Ph.D.
`NDA No. 22-304
`11m (in Nauru: correction
`Erato-t W .
`rfldexlcil‘ I corn: um:
`Prom“: W
`Week 1
`our xmuvu (m)
`sue:- m
`51' . DEV .
`in at“: W
`Van do Nacot'l cognuuon
`3010!! M
`31' .3)“.
`1h litcx W
`iridoxtch‘ a cots-action
`Bulozn m
`1!: 51:1: W
`137 ‘
`23 S
`0-1 INTERVAL (m)
`Week 13
`um ‘
`1h aftor
`APPEARS nus my


`Reviewer: Kathleen Young, Ph.D.
`NDA No. 22-304
`Vim d. uncaz's con-action
`3.1an m
`11; um:
`l'ridezicia'a ”traction
`actors W
`ID “to:
`254 .
`259 0
`9-1 Imnvm.
`Week 25
`1!: liter
`Va: is “new: con-action
`actors W
`1h fiftix
`Iridexicia ' a cotton tlon
`11" liter
`9-1 IM'K'RVAL (nu)
`1]: liter


`Reviewer: Kathleen Young, Ph.D.
`NDA No; 22-304
`V“ dc Water's “traction
`Solon m
`in In" W
`3111)“ .
`iridoricia' ; cot-nation
`1]: nits: m
`249 .
`155 ' i
`9—! IMSRVRL (an)
`anion m
`203 .
`11: nice:
`, 5 4 4n s
`vnn at Water's cox-nation
`3.10?! W
`1h if“: m
`mastieia' a correction
`Sikh” .
`11: liter
`$1.9“ .
`6 F
`ollowing 4-Week Recovery
`anon? ‘
`80 KG/Xa
`9-1 xmxmm. {an


`Reviewer: Kathleen Young, ‘Ph.D.
`NDA No. 22-304
`Van do "not": cart-cum:
`Racovory m
`51‘ .0“.
`"id-dun: correction
`ST .9”.
`2N I
`v": Dmitt~to|t bnaa on paona mama‘s ulc- inst o: H mm.
`QT Interval Observation Summary: Females
`no» 1
`' may 2
`snow 3
`new a
`ll DEG/KG
`1.0 Mlle
`30 nan/m
`9-! zmnvm. (nfl
`van do “not": «traction.
`thaorictn'l emulation
`0-! INTERVAL (In!)
`Week 1
`227 ' l
`1!: after m
`‘ 14
`Van do Haror'c correction
`1h alter
`Priduricln'l carnation
`u; an“ m '
`269 .. I
`232 n .


`Reviewer: Kathleen Young, PhD.
`NDA No. 22-3 04
`Week 13
`1h nu: W
`don 1:19
`3': . mzv .
`Van dc "aux”. carnation
`ST . DIV .
`1h Altar
`Priduricia ' a correction
`don my
`31'. DIV.
`1!: like: W
`262 ‘1.
`.212 D. .
`0-7 INTXRVAL (ma)
`Week 25
`Eclorc m
`1h utter
`$1 . D317 .
`Van do interim corructlon
`Eoforb m
`1h at“: W
`Pridortcia'l correction
`111 after W
`0-1 INTERVAL (m)
`1h utter W
`Week 39
`‘ S
`180 '
`193 "


`Reviewer: Kathleen Young, Ph.D.
`NDA No. 22—304
`Van do Water's correction
`Bifon W
`1h lit-r W
`Rid-data ‘ I cart-etion
`Before m
`1h altar W
`51‘ . va .
`our zmznwu.
`in am:-
`3‘: . DEV .
`Van do HIEBE'S corraction
`m an“
`tridericia': correction
`230 "
`188 4
`11: “cu-
`23: '
`5 F
`ollowing 4-Week Recovery Period
`a mine
`so Helm
`0-? INTERVAL (n5,
`Van do Water'l correction
`Iridancin'n corroction


`Reviewer: Kathleen Young, Ph.D.
`NDA No. 22-304
`"9-: manager-test based on pooled variance 319. at 5! or 1% 1W6].—
`a!!.:: bias: significant at 53 or 1! level.- bear-‘4 v5. after dosing.
`Hematology: Partial thromboplastin time (PTT) was decreased in the HD M and F
`throughout the study, compared to controls. The PTT values are presented in the
`following tables (provided from the original NDA submission):
`H .1
`1831 13
`£131 25
`111511 S
`sax &
`m was
`amp 11am;
`1m m1
`Rap 1
`1 m
`amp 2
`Lu Dose
`111 nuns;
`cm; :1
`11111 case
`31 1191119
`amp 4
`1119*» nose
`an m
`211.139 11
`2.83 _
`1* = 1741.11
`2M .
`6111;: 4
`m 3
`mm 2
`(mm 1
`111m Dose
`11111 nose
`L114 nose
`(m: We
`80 119119
`:51 1191119
`10 WM
`11 1191119
`Dose 151131


`Reviewer: Kathleen Young, PhD.
`NDA No. 22-304
`fl -1
`m 6
`“391 13
`PB 25
`IE! 39
`sex 52
`P8204911 “£1 5
`EM _
`17.35 a
`16.3? a
`15.08 3
`18.fi3 a
`$.70 a

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