`Ronald Farkas, MD, PhD
`Important Issues With Pharmacologically Related Products
`Recent concerns regarding the cardiovascular safety of NSAIDs as a class have arisen. See
`Section 1.1, Recomme/za’a/io/z 0/7 fiegzz/az‘agzflc/z’o/z, Section 1.3.3, 5494/, and Section 8.6,
`life/”all”? Rel/few.
`No new issues relate to triptans as a class.
`2.5 Presubmission Regulatory Activity
`Clinical development of Trexima originally was under IND 60,669. A second IND, 68,436 was
`submitted in December 2003 to conduct clinical studies on the fixed dose combination selected
`for further development (Table 3).
`Appears This Way
`On Original
`Clinical Review
`Ronald Farkas, MD, PhD
`Table 3: Presubmission Regulatory Activity
`August 2000
`October 2000
`60,669 (000), original lND
`Protocol MT 400—203
`EVa/Z/a/z'o/z of/mp/vxe/z and[/7212er 47/0/76 mm’
`1'17 coméz'lza/[o/z, 1'17 acme ngraz'lze
`60,669(001), Addendum (002)
`Protocol MT 400-204
`M2201" rewirz'wzy lopro/aco/Mfé’flfl-Zflf [0
`address 30—5/4 54 6 review [ISM/es
`December 2000
`60,669 (001)
`Statistical review, Dr. Yeh-Fong Chen
`1124/ 4715’film:forJ/zzq’y/l/f4flfl—Zfl4
`60669 (007)
`Pre-IND meeting
`(for new fixed dose, IND 68,436
`Bio harmaceutical uidance from OCPB
`February 2002
`68,436 (000)
`C/I'Izz'ca/J/zmfiés 0/1 lfleflxea’dare 60772512741sz
`May 2004
`ohase 2 meetin_
`April 2002
`July 2002
`August 2003
`December 2003
`October 2004
`Pozen clarification on Pre-IND Meeting
`60,669 (010)
`[7170/pflamzaco/ogy ylzzaj/ 1‘0 anyway
`VdJ’OC’O/ZS/f‘fé’lfllé late/71ml
`Biopharrnaceutical guidance
`Phase 3 efficac studies
`November 2004
`FDA Comments and reuest for information
`April 2005
`April 2005, HFD-86O Consult
`Pre-NDA meetin;
`Biopharrnaceutical guidance
`Secondary efficacy measures
`Biopharrnaceutical guidance
`Effect of mi_raine on harmacokinetics
`May 2005
`Below I note important issues raised during the pre—submission period, along with the associated
`submission or meeting. I generally limit my discussion to the clinical issues raised, but have also
`included important preclinical issues with direct bearing on the cardiovascular safety of Trexima.
`Clinical Review
`Ronald Farkas, MD, PhD
`Pre-IND meeting 160,669zlf0r IND 68,436, new fixed dose|
`February 28, 2002
`The lack of effective dose-finding studies was discussed with Pozen at the Pre-TND meeting:
`“There were two proposed dose—ranging studies for dose selection, and it was noted that
`this would not evaluate all possible dose-combinations for sumatriptan and naproxen.
`Likewise it was not apparent from the submission how the sponsor would determine
`which fixed dose combination ultimately considered optimal. The sponsor responded that
`they would most likely “eyeball” the studies looking for the combination product with the
`best response.”
`The Division requested a safety pharmacology study in dog to assess the effect of naproxen on
`the risk of sumatriptan-induced vasoconstriction of the coronary artery.
`End-of—Phase 2 Meeting
`May 6, 2004
`The Division stated data would be needed to support any statement
`The Division did not agree that the results of the dog cardiovascular study demonstrate that there
`is no evidence of an interaction between sumatriptan succinate and naproxen sodium on coronary
`, artery vasoconstriction.
`November 12, 2004
`FDA Clinical Guidance Letter, 68,436 $008, 0111
`“A Double—Blind, Multicenter, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Single Dose Study T0 Evaluate
`The Safety And Efi‘z‘cacy OfTrexima In The Acute Treatment OfMigraine Headaches”
`No major issues raised in this letter remain unaddressed in the NDA.
`Teleconference, clarifications from End-of—phase 2 meeting
`October 25, 2004
`The Division further clarified that at 2 hours a statistical advantage to Trexima on migraine
`associated symptoms was not required for approval, but that inferiority would suggest a
`‘pathological’ interaction of the components.
`Clinical Review
`Ronald Farkas, MD, PhD
`PIPE/V34 meeting
`Selected Issues:
`April 20, 2005
`0 The Division stated that chronic, intermittent use of naproxen may be an issue in light of
`the evolving cardiovascular safety concerns. DNDP is unsure how this will affect the
`Trexima application. The company indicated that the number of times Trexima could be
`used monthly might be limited by the limitations on the use of sumatriptan. DNDP
`suggested that the company present arguments to support the safety of chronic,
`intermittent administration at the level they intend for use and in the migraine population
`and suggested the company should include epidemiologic data in this presentation. The
`company noted that there are over the counter migraine products. DNDP noted that this
`did not speak to the question of long term use.
`Changes in the Conduct of the Study 0r Planned Analyses
`The SAP was changed between studies 30] and 302 to account for baseline imbalances in
`symptom severity, as follows:
`“If any of the baseline symptoms (i.e. pain,lnausea, photophobia and phonophobia)
`suggest a treatment imbalance, as evidenced by a p-value of <0.15 for overall treatment
`differences, then the primary analysis (Trexima versus placebo at 2 hours) for that
`symptom will be adjusted for baseline. Logistic Regression, with the baseline symptom
`and pooled investigator sites as covariates, will be done instead of the Cochran-Mantel-
`Haenszel tes .”
`The Division was not apprised of this change at the time, thus requiring additional evidence
`(below) that the change to the SAP was prospective.
`The Statistical Analysis Plan for MT400-3 02 was finalized on March 21, 2005, the database was
`locked on March 29, 2005 and the study unblinded to treatment assignments on March 30, 2005.
`Below is the signature approving the SAP, showing a date before database lock:
`Technical Approver:
`Susan E, Spruill, MS
`Senior Director of Biostatistics, POZEN, Inc.
`3 2.! was“
`Date of Approval
`Amendments Submitted to the Protocol V
`Amendments submitted to the phase III protocols are minor and do not represent review issues.
`Clinical Review
`Ronald Farkas, MD, PhD
`There were four amendments submitted for study 301:
`Amendment 1 June 22 2004 Prior to any subject enrollment, changed the sample size
`from 1200 (300 subjects per treatment arm) to 1400 (350 subjects per arm) and increased
`the approximate number of centers from 50 to 54. The rationale was to accommodate a
`higher-than-expected variability in the incidence of individual associated symptoms of
`migraine at baseline and to improve confidence in obtaining statistical significance for
`clinically meaningful changes regarding the outcome of one or more migraine endpoints.
`Amendment 2, August 19, 2004 allowed those subjects who had not treated with study
`drug for six weeks after screening to continue in the study until they had either treated an
`eligible migraine or until the study was terminated. The amendment also increased the
`number of sites participating in the study from approximately 54 to 60. Approximately .
`1074 subjects were enrolled in the study after this amendment was finalized.
`Amendment 3, September 23, 2004, added spermicide plus a mechanical barrier as an
`additional acceptable method of contraception. The amendment also added history of
`gastric bypass or stapling surgery as an additional exclusion criterion. Approximately 739
`subjects were enrolled in the study after this amendment was finalized.
`Amendment 4, January 31, 2005 added key secondary endpoints, changed the statistical
`methodology for analysis of key secondary endpoints and changed the size of sites to be
`pooled from < 25 subjects to < 20 subjects. The amendment specified time points and
`treatment comparisons to be used as key secondary and other supporting endpoints.
`Clinical disability categories Were defined, and details of health outcome measures
`analyses were specified. The study was fully enrolled prior to finalization of this
`Other key dates associated with the study included February 1, 2005, when the Statistical
`Analysis Plan was finalized and February 2, 2005 when the database was locked and the study
`unblinded to treatment assignments.
`There were 3 amendments submitted for study 302:
`Amendment 1, same as amendment 2 above, of August 19, 2004
`Amendment 2, same as amendment 3 above, September 23, 2004
`Amendment 3, dated March 8, 2005, was almost the same as amendment 4 of study 302,
`above. It added key secondary endpoints, changed the statistical methodology for
`analysis of key secondary endpoints and changed the size of sites to be pooled from < 25
`subjects to < 20 subjects. The amendment specified time points and treatment
`comparisons to be used as key secondary and other supporting endpoints. Clinical
`disability categories were defined, and details of health outcome measures analyses were
`specified. The study was fully enrolled prior to finalization of this amendment but was
`still ongoing and the blind had not been broken.
`Clinical Review
`Ronald Farkas, MD, PhD
`N21 -926
`2.6 Other Relevant Background Information
`3.1 CMC
`See CMC review.
`3.2 Animal Pharmacology/Toxicology
`The two components of Trexima, sumatriptan and naproxen, are currently FDA approved, with
`extensive post-marketing experience. As a result, the non-clinical studies of Trexima were
`designed primarily to evaluate the pharmacology/toxicology of their co-administration. As
`agreed with the Division, no primary or secondary nonclinical pharmacology studies,
`pharmacodynamic drug interaction studies, or pharmacokinetic studies (excluding kinetic
`support to toxicology studies) were conducted for the combination. Similarly, a standard battery
`of safety pharmacology studies (cardiovascular, CNS and respiratory) were not conducted.
`o Coronary vasoconstrictive potential of sumatriptan combined administration with
`naproxen (MT400-T15 and T17).
`A cardiovascular safety pharmacology study recommended by the Division examined changes in
`coronary and carotid artery diameter, resistance, and blood flow after intravenous administration
`of sumatriptan (80 ug/kg) alone and in combination with intravenous naproxen (20 mg/kg), in
`conscious, chronically instrumented beagle dogs. Vital signs, including blood pressure, were
`also evaluated.
`I find these experiments indicate a possible additive interaction of naproxen and sumatriptan on
`arterial vasoconstriction and blood pressure.
`The study consisted of three phases. Phase I examined the effect of sumatriptan alone.
`0 On Day 1, animals received a 1-minute infusion of vehicle followed by a bolus of 80
`ug/kg sumatriptan.
`- On Days 2 and 3, animals received only the bolus of 80 ug/kg sumatriptan.
`Five days after Phase 1, Phase II examined the interaction of naproxen and sumatriptan in the
`same animals.
`0 On Day 1, animals received 20 mg/kg naproxen followed by of 80 pg/kg sumatriptan.
`Clinical Review
`Ronald Farkas, MD, PhD
`o On Days 2 and 3, animals received only 80 ug/kg sumatriptan. Since naproxen has a
`long half-life in dogs (about 35 hours), the single dose during Day 1 of Phase 11 provided
`a declining daily blood level over the 3 days of the experiment.
`Phase III was amended to the study design to evaluate possible interaction of naproxen with a
`higher dose of sumatriptan, 200 ug/kg. However, this portion of the study is uninterpretable due
`to design issues. An initial dose of sumatriptan was used to establish the baseline sumatriptan
`response, and 60 minutes later sumatriptan was readministered in combination with naproxen.
`Possible tachyphylaxis of the sumatriptan response was not, however, accounted for, preventing
`separate estimate of the contribution of naproxen.
`Eyperzhey/a/fl‘lmflzgx '
`Cora/za/j/Ar/e/y Sumatriptan alone reduced coronary artery diameter by about 4%. Co-
`administration of naproxen and sumatriptan reduced coronary artery diameter about 8%. In 2 out
`of 6 animals (1101 and 1104), the ddafiz'o/m/reduction with the combined drugs, beyond that
`caused by sumatriptan alone, was almost 10% of total baseline vessel diameter (Table 4; all data
`tables express diameter in millimeters, not percent). Five of the 6 animals showed increased
`vasoconstriction from the combined drugs. Lower levels of naproxen (achieved by giving a
`single dose of naproxen day 1 and allowing for natural metabolism over 3 days after the initial
`dose) did not show this additive vasoconstrictive effect with sumatriptan (Table 5, Table 6).
`Corresponding to the decreased coronary vessel caliber was an increase in vessel resistance,
`greatest on day l of naproxen dosing (Table 7), and decreasing as the naproxen was metabolized
`over days 2 and 3 (not shown).
`Appears This Way
`On Original
`Clinical Review
`Ronald Farkas, MD, PhD
`Table 4: Coronary artery Diameter, Day 1
`(NDA application ‘Study QCBW 106, Table 1.1)
`Maximum Refiuctions in
`Coronary Diameter (mm) on Day 1
`Phase I
`Phase II
`(Vehicle 4 80 pgikg Sumatrintan}
`(20 mglkg Naproxan + 80 pgikg Sumatriptan)
`Phase II -
`Baseline In}Diameter {b}Baseline [3]Baseline {clID Baseline [3] Diameter {b} Phase I
`95% CI
`(~O.3487, 0.0659)
`{a} The baseline values were obtained by taking the.mean of the data cgllected during the 5 minute interval
`immediately preceeding vehicle (Phase I) or naproxen (Phase II) administration.
`{b} Minimum Coronary Diameter during the first hour after sumatriptan administration.
`{0} Minimum Coronary Diameter ‘ Baseline Coronary niameter.
`{d} An outlier value of 5.4712 mm at the one minute ore-NAP sampling time was determined
`to be an outlier and was excluded from calculation of the baseline value
`Appears This Way
`0n Original
`Clinical Review
`Ronald Farkas, MD, PhD
`Table 5: Coronary artery diameter, day 2
`(NDA application ‘Study QCBW 106, Table 1.2)
`Maximum Reductions in
`Coronary Diameter (mm) on Day 2
`Phase II
`Phase I
`(80 ug/kg Sumatriptan)
`(80 uglkg Sumatriptan)
`Phase II -
`Baseline [a] Diameter {b}
`Baseline [0]
`Baseline [a]
`Diameter [b]
`Baseline [0]
`Phase I
`95% CI
`(~0.0761, 0.1156)
`[a] The baseline values were obtained by taking the mean of the data collected during the 5 minute interval
`immediately preceeding sumatriptan administration.
`[b] Minimum Coronary Diameter during the first hour after sumatriptan administration.
`[c1 Minimum coronary Diameter
`- Baseline Coronary Diameter.
`Table 6: Coronary artery diameter, day 3
`10 Baseline [3} Diameter {b}
`(NDA application ‘Study QCBW 106, Table 1.3)
`Maximum Reductions in
`Coronary Diameter (mm) on Day 8
`Phase I
`Phase II
`{80 ug/kg Sumatriptan}
`{80 pglkg Sumatriptan)
`Phase II -
`Baseline 10}
`Baseline [a]
`Diameter [b]
`Baseline [6]
`Phase I
`{a} The baseline values were obtained by taking the mean of the data collected during the 5 minute interval
`immediately preceeding sumatriptan administration.
`Eb) flinimum Coronary Diameter during the first hour after sumatriptan administration.
`{0] Minimum Coronary Diameter - Baseline Coronary Diameter.
`95% 01
`{-0.1408, 0.0972)
`Clinical Review
`Ronald Farkas, MD, PhD
`Table 7: Coronary artery Resistance
`(NDA application ‘Study QCBW 106, Table 2.1)
`Maximum Reductions in
`Phase I
`(Vehicle + 80 pglkg Sumatniptan)
`Coronary Resistance imLImmHg.min) on Day }
`Phase 11
`(20 mg/kg naproxen + 80 pgikg Sumatriptan)
`Phase II -
`Resistance Eb} Baseline to]Baseline [3]ID Baseline [a] Resistance to] Baseline [c] Phase I
`(~0.1144, 0.0271}
`95% CI
`(a) The baseline values were obtained by taking the mean of the data collected during the 5 minute interval
`immediately preceeding vehicle (Phase 3) or naproxen (Phase II) administration.
`[b] Minimum Coronary Resistance during the first hour after sumatriptan administration.
`to] Minimum coronary Resistance - Baseline Coronary Resistance.
`(o) Period t.) denotes a missing value.
`Caro/1%aria/y. Similarly, coadministration of sumatriptan and naproxen appeared to have an
`additive vasoconstrictive effect on the dog carotid artery. Sumatriptan alone caused about a 10%
`constriction, while naproxen + sumatriptan caused about 20% constriction (Table 8). The
`additive vasconstrictive effect was present in 5 of 6 animals, and approached statistical
`significance (p = 0.08) despite the small sample size. The additive effect was about the same one
`day after naproxen was given (12% sumatriptan alone; 22% sumatriptan + naproxen) (Table 9),
`while by the third day after naproxen the additive effect was not present (12% sumatriptan alone;
`16% sumatriptan + naproxen)(Table 10). The resistance of the carotid artery did not to increase
`as a result of the vasoconstriction (Table 11).
`Appears This Way
`On Original.
`Clinical Review
`Ronald Farkas, MD, PhD
`Table 8: Carotid Diameter, Day 1
`(NDA application ‘Study QCBW 106, Table 4.1)
`Maximum Reductions in
`Carotid Diameter (mm) on Day 1
`Phase I
`Phase II
`(20 mg/kg Naproxen + 80 yg/kg Sumatriptan)
`(Vehicle ¢ 80 pgikg Sumatriptan)
`Baseline (a1 Diameter 1b;
`Baseline 193
`Baseline 13}
`Diameter [b]
`Baseline [c]
`Phase II -
`Phase I
`95% CI
`~0.7680 '
`{-1.6831, 0.1471)
`[a] The baseline values were obtained by taking the mean of the data collected during the 5 minute interval
`immediateiy proceeding vehicle (Phase I) or naprnxen (Phase II) administration.
`in} minimum carotid Diameter during the first hour after sumatriptan administration.
`[0} minimum Carotid Diameter - Baseline Carotid Diameter.
`Table 9: Carotid Diameter, Day 2
`(NDA submission ‘Study QCBW 106, Table 4.2)
`Maximum Reductions in
`Carotid Diameter (mm) on Day 2
`Phase I
`Phase II
`(80 yglkg Sumatriptan)
`(ao pgkkg Sumatriptan)
`Baseline {a}
`Baseline [c]
`Diameter {b}
`Baseline {3!
`Phase II -
`Diameter [b]
`Baseline [c]
`Phase I
`[a] The baseline values were obtained by taking the mean.of the data collected during the 5 minute interval
`immediately preceeding sumatriptan administration.
`[b] Minimum Carotid Diameter during the first hour after sumatriptan administration.
`In] Minimum Carotid Diameter - Baseline Carotid Diameter.
`95% CI
`(«1.2530, 0.1331)
`Clinical Review
`Ronald Farkas, MD, PhD
`Table 10: Carotid Diameter, Day 3
`(NDA application ‘Study QCBW 106, Table 4.3)
`aaximum Reductions in
`carotid Diameter (mm) on Day 3
`Phase 1
`?hase TI
`(80 nglkg Sumatriptan)
`(80 pg/kg Sumatriptan}
`...__.a.._,a__._m_____._._~_,,.__,,‘___.Mm _-__~.a..._wa______._._._._____.__.___“_,
`Phase II -
`Diameter- [bl
`Baseline [33
`Baseline 10]
`Baseline {c}
`Baseline [a] Diameter {b}
`95% 01
`(«0.9328, 0.5441)
`- 0.5286
`[a] The baseline values were obtained by taking the mean of the data collected during the 5 minute interval
`immediately preceeding sumatriptan aominisrration.
`[b1 Hinimum Carotid Diameter during the first hour after sumatriptan administration.
`[c] Minimum Carotid Diameter ~ Baseline Carotid Diameter.
`Table 11: Carotid Resistance
`(NDA application ‘Study QCBW 106, Table 5.1)
`Maximum Increases in
`Carotid Resistance (mLimmHg.min) on Day 1
`Phase I
`Phase II
`(Vehicle + 80 pgikg Sumatriptan}
`(20 mglkg Naproxen + 80 ugikg Sumatriptan)
`Phase II ~
`Phase I
`Baseline 13]
`Baseline [a] Resistance [bi Baseline 1c]
`Resistance to} Baseline 163
`95% CI
`(~0.1050, 0.1148)
`la} The baseline values were obtained by taking the mean of the data collected during the 5 minute interval
`immediately preceeding vehicle (Phase I} or naproxen (Phase II) administration.
`[bl Maximum Carotid Resistance during the first hour after sumatriptan administration.
`[cl Maximum carotid Resistance ~ Baseline Carotid Resistance.
`Clinical Review
`Ronald Farkas, MD, PhD
`Blood Pressure
`The variation was very large in the response of dog mean arterial pressure to sumatriptan and
`I sampled the raw blood pressure data, and find that a striking degree of baseline
`instability, or ‘noise,’ was present. Given such limitations of the data, however, strikingly 3 of 6
`dogs had a large increase of blood pressure attributable to the combination gshown as ‘change,
`phase 11- phase 1’), of from 18 mm Hg to more than 30 mm Hg mean arterial pressure (Table 12),
`and 4 of 6 had some increase.
`Table 12: Mean Arterial Pressure
`Study 0081‘! 106
`7able 8.1
`Maximum Increases in
`MAP (mmHg) on Day 1
`Phase II
`Phase I
`{Vehicle + 80 yg/kg Sumatriptan)
`(20 mg/kg Naproxen + 80 yg/kg Sumatriptan)
`Baseline [c]
`Baseline [c3
`Baseline {a} WP [b]
`Phase II -
`Phase I
`Baseline [a]
`95% CI
`(47.23, 31.13}
`4.1 Sources of Clinical Data
`Most data, including all efficacy data, was derived from trials of Trexima conducted by Pozen.
`Some safety data was derived from other studies of sumatriptan and naproxen used individually.
`4.2 Tables of Clinical Studies
`See Table 1: Overall Clinical Development Program for Trexima, and Table 62: Phase I studies:
`objectives, design, patient enumeration, Table 63: Phase 2 studies: objectives, design, patient
`enumeration, and Table 64: Phase 3 studies: objectives, design, patient enumeration.
`Clinical Review
`Ronald Farkas, MD, PhD
`N21 -926
`4.3 Review Strategy
`The main efficacy trials reviewed were MT400-301 and MT400-302. Trial MT400-204 was
`conducted with a different formulation and dose of sumatriptan, but was used to assess safety
`and dose/response.
`4.4 Data Quality and Integrity
`4.4.1 Randomization
`Treatment randomization is shown in Table 13 (study 301), and Table 14 (study 302), and was
`balanced within sites.
`Clinical Review
`Ronald Farkas, MD, PhD
`Table 13: Enrollment by site, study 301
`(NDA submission Table 14.1.1, study MT400-301)
`?otal vageccs
`{sue number-
`> ~
`3 ( <13)
`3 1 (1%}
`2 ( «am;
`t <13)
`5 <
`6 i
`22 ( 1%)
`3.. §._<13)
`5 (
`:8 (
`» ,1.l <13)
`2 ( <13)
`3 (»<1%1
`’ $172502?
`9 t
`11 ‘1
`.‘éG (
`‘39 »(
`: 5 g
`27 i
`38 (
`[6 l
`i 23....)
`6 (
`26 i
`( (:33
`:3 {<13}
`3 ( <13.)
`2 ( {1%)
`( <33.)
`6 (
`3 '1
`5 1
`22 (
`:1 .
`3 (
`7 l
`2g (
`9 (
`2% ( “33): J.
`30 ( 3%),.;;'
`37 1
`3 t 52.131
`3 ((1%)
`S (
`g’g 1%;
`a (
`2%) ;='
`26 i
`35 l
`3? (
`£6 (
`‘43} H
`.63 (
`7 1
`? (3
`8 (
`2%i-v '
`28 l
`1'1 .1
`32 (
`44 L
`7 C
`.24 t
`5 I
`'.’3 (<13)
`2 (
`( UNI '
`10 1
`7 i'
`10 (
`6 (
`E (
`'15 (
`5 1 ~13}.
`5 (
`4 1
`20 (
`:11 '
`5 c
`26 (
`2 ( <13)
`( as)
`l 3.13;
`5 1 <1?»
`1 "34%).
`1 c
`(' 23V.
`‘7’{ a
`26.1 '2%¥
`.30 t
`42 (
`,4 1
`24 (,
`5.1 ‘33}
`l 2%) ..
` snaas‘a
`s: .
`g._ $53283:
`vs: 3’236
`' 3L
`G .
`’ 3 -5:
`.333: «3'2?!
`.. $333338 .
`:’ ’531‘1'2342
`3 " 31:33:; 1
`. 33’:an 1
`Clinical Review
`Ronald Farkas, MD, PhD
`Table 14: Enrollment by site, study 302
`(NDA submission Table 14.1.1? study MT400-302)
`902233, line»
`Vex 1.4;} .l
`All Sub§ecps znxthg Saiety Population
`Total, Subfiegts '
`Sumtripuan ’
`Naproxan ‘
`, Site Number
`Study number MTIEOOJDZ
`.» 3mm
`1‘ 31323135
`» spray/4
`41:1, 1%:
`" . «1%)
`, 4j<'
`‘_3 <
`4 £1: 1%):
`. 3 {1‘ 4.1%)3'
`3*} sis)? .
`S'.{ 4%); “ '
`~14‘s‘3fi39 g
`s {3 123-,
`6 1‘” 12%)..
`a z
`2 l as)
`5 <
`3 i as)
`;;>‘~{ <33)
`:13; g' um
`‘ Mk.)
`avg),- '
`“33 l
`2%.)? -'
`7 {
`‘13" (-41%)
`{1 (1’s)
`3 ( <13)- _
`3 (1 {12;}.
`4 l Eggs}
`5 l' 131
`l? f
`s l
`6 ;‘
`4 l
`' 319 l
`1 l
`l :33
`o l
`1} i
`3 ‘i
`‘{ $3.3)
`8 i
`_9 .4
`6 z
`7 l
`f 15%)
`s 5
`a": V
`_, 3 1'
`9 (
`a i,
`7 g
`2 l
`5 :1
`3 l
`‘ 4
`6 (
`2 i
`8 i
`.5 x:
`7 ,(
`is {I
`'2 Z.
`12 l
`2 I
`.1‘ ;.
`engage, . I
`2 amass"
`Trexima -‘
`‘ Sumatriptan
`E'mgal Subjects
`'.-1 l
`i i <1%.)
`S .
`:151T330 i.
`; 51133199
`3: nga‘o's
`i- 4%)
` fv’sifi‘gass
`Clinical Review
`Ronald Farkas, MD, PhD
`4.4.2 Subject Disposition
`The disposition of all subjects is shown in Table 15 (study 301) and Table 16 (study 302). The
`attrition between ‘randomized’ and ‘treated’ populations was about equal between groups in both
`studies (about 15%). Almost all treated patients submitted treatment diaries and were included
`in the ITT population.
`Table 15: Subject Disposition, Study 301
`Table 16: Subject Disposition, Study 302
`DA submission Table 14.1.2, Stud 302
`Sumatriptan Naproxen
`Efficacy Intent-to-Treat
`Population 1
`3 64
`3 61
`3 56
`3 60
`ilncludes all subjects who took study drug, recorded moderate or severe pain at baseline and recorded at
`least one post-dose pain assessment 2Excludes all subjects with a major protocol violation and all subjects
`at site 355.
`Clinical Review
`Ronald Farkas, MD, PhD
`4.4.3 Examination of Major Outcome Variables by Study Site
`Both study 301 and 302 were conducted at more than 50 sites each. No site in either study
`contributed more than 56% of total study enrollment.
`Large site outcomes
`Immediately below I examine the major outcome variables of “2 hour pain” and “Sustained Pain
`Free, 2-24 hrs” for the largest sites in study 301 (sites 146 and 338) and study 302 (sites 100,
`304, 351, and 358). Treatment outcomes were approximately as expected from overall study
`Slzmj/ M74000?!
`Site 146: 4-5% of total enrolment
`~ ,
`Pain Score 2 hours”
`Site 3378
`Clinical Review
`Ronald Farkas, MD, PhD
`527/51} MTé’flfl-JflZ
`Site 100: 4-5% of total enrollment
`Pain Score ‘2 hours _
`Site 100
`Na-roxen .
`Site 100
`. 5
`. '
`:IreXima '
`Site 304: 4-5%
`Pain Score 2 hours
` 0
`Site 351: 5%
`' —~
`Clinical Review
`Ronald Farkas, MD, PhD
`Pain Score 2 hours
`Site 3 5 l
`Sustained ain free, 2-24 hours
`Site 351-—--
`Placebo -
`Slimatriptan V
`_._ .
`Site 358: 5-6%
`Pain Score 2 hours
`Site 358
`" ”
`Placebo ‘
`Outcomes at all sites
`I examined for all sites the major outcome variable for satisfying the combina