Reviewer: David B. Hawver, Ph.D.
`NDA No. 21-926
` Reproductive and developmental toxicology
`Reviewer ’5 Note:
`The Sponsor was informed during the Pre-IND Meeting of 28 FEB 2002 for IND 68,436
`that a Segment II study in rabbits would suffice to evaluate the potential for additive or
`synergistic effects of the combination of SS and NAP on reproduction and development,
`since the components are currently marketed1n the U. S. for chronic or
`chron1c/1nterm1ttent use. Hence, the only studies submitted and reviewed below are a
`definitive embryo-fetal development study1n pregnant rabbits, and dose-r—anging embryo-
`fetal development studiesIn rabbit and rat.
`Oral (Stomach Tube) Developmental Toxicity Study of Sumatriptan Succinate
`Combined with Naproxen Sodium1n Rabbits
`Key study findings:
`o The maternal and developmental NOAELs were less than 9/5 mg/kg/day NAP/SS,
`due to significant reductions1n maternal and fetal weights observed at 9/5 mg/kg/day
`NAP/SS and all other treated groups.
`0 Groups 90/50 and 90/0 showed roughly equivalent significant reductions in litter size,
`and increases in total resorptions per litter, early resorptions per litter, percent of dead
`or resorbed conceptuses per litter, and in the number of does with any resorptions.
`0 Groups 9/5, 45/25, and 0/50 showed non--significant1ncreases in numbers of early or
`late resorptions, average number oftotal resorptions, and percent dead or resorbed
`conceptuses per litter.
`0 The highest percentage of fetal alterations was observed1n groups 90/50 and 90/0,
`with1ncreases in the incidences of specific malformations (interventricular septal
`defect1n group 90/50, and msed caudal vertebrae1n both 90/50 and 90/0 groups) and
`variations (absent intermediate lobe of the lung, irregular ossification of the skull, and
`incompletely ossified stemal centra in both groups).
`0 Except for the finding of isolated interventricular septal defects described above in
`group 90/50, the toxicities reported for groups 90/50 and 90/0 are quite similar in this
`study, suggesting that the combination of SS and NAP is not likely to induce greater
`reproductive and developmental toxicity than NAP alone.
`0 The safety margin between the NOEL for teratogenicity1n rabbits given the
`combination of NAP and SS and the expected plasma exposures in humans given one
`oral tablet of Trex1ma® are 20-28—fold for SS, and 1 -2-fold for NAP. However,
`teratogenicity was only observed at doses well above those that were maternally
`Study no.: POZEN Study #MT400-T12, - Study # 2216-010
`Volume #, and page #: eNDA 21 —,926 Module 4, Section 4.2, Page 6948
`Conducting laboratory and location:
`’ —
`Date of study initiation. 18 MAY 2002
`GLP compliance: Yes, statement signed 25 SEP 2003 by the Study Director


`Reviewer: David B. Hawver Ph.D. NDA No. 21-926
`QA reports: yes (X) no ( ), statement signed 25 SEP 2003 by the QA Principle Auditor
`Drug, lot #, and % purity: Sumatriptan Succinate (SS) Lot # QTO 1004, Purity 99.5%
`Naproxen Sodium (NAP) Lot #NPXNAM-127, Purity 99.3%
`' 7'
`Number of
`Assigned RabbitNumbets
`Main Study
`Satellite Study
`. Group
`0.9/0.5 -
`20 + 4
`201 -220
`321- 322
`221 -240
`241 -260
`323 -326
`327 -330
`261 -280
`331 - 334
`281 - 300
`335 — 338
`Expressed as naproxen sodium/sumauiptan base (NAP/SB).
`Rabbits assigned to toxicokinetic study.
`The test article was considered 100% pure for the purpose of dosage calculations.
`339 - 342
`301 - 320
`(reproduced directly from eNDA 21-926, Module 4, Section 4.2, Page 6965)
`Species/strain: New Zealand White [Hra:(NZW)SPF] pregnant female rabbits, 5-
`6 month old, 2.8-4.3 kg, from
`Number/sex/group: 20 F/group Main Study
`Route, formulation, volume, and infusion rate: oral (stomach tube) solution in
`reverse osmosis membrane processed deionized water; dosage volume was
`adjusted daily on the basis of individual body weight
`Satellite groups used for toxicokinetics:_ 4 F/group treated, 2 F control
`Study design: dosing occurred once daily from DGs 6-18 in main study, and DGs
`6-20 in the TK satellite study; main study rabbits were sacrificed by IV
`Beuthanasia®-D on DG 29, and fetuses were removed by C-section.
`' Parameters and endpoints evaluated: observations (0-60 min postdose, daily);
`body weight (BW, daily); food consumption (FC, daily); TK (DG 6 & 19; 0.5,
`l, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, and 24 hrs postdose; DG 20 ~1 hr postdose maternal & fetal);
`gross lesions were examined upon sacrifice and C-section for main study
`rabbits DG 29; number and distribution of corpora lutea; pregnancy status;
`number and distribution of implantation sites; number of early and late
`resorptions; number of live and dead fetuses; size, color, and shape of placenta;
`fetus weights; gross external alterations on fetus; fetus sex; fetal brain
`examination in situ after cross-section between parietal and frontal bones;
`examination for skeletal alterations after staining with alizarin red S;
`examination of rabbits found dead or sacrificed moribund or aborted; gross
`lesions were recorded and retained in fixative.


` Reviewer: David B. Hawver Ph.D. NDA No. 21-926
`Mortality ( dams ):
`45/25 NAP/SS: 1/20 found dead (FD) DG 24; 1/20 aborted DG 26
`90/50 NAP/SS: 1/20 aborted DG 21
`90/0 NAP/SS: 1/20 FD DG19; 1/20 aborted DG 21
`0/50 NAP/SS: 2/20 FD DG 12 & 18; 2/20 sacrificed moribund (SM) D18 & 28; 1/20
`aborted DG 26; (1/20 FD DG 14 due to gavage error)
`Clinical signs (dams):
`Treatment-related increases were observed in the following signs:
`scant/sofi/liquid feces (9/5, 45/25/ 90/50, 90/0, and 0/50 groups)
`dehydration, emaciation, 1motor activity, clear perinasal substance, lateral
`recumbency (0/50 group only in does that were FD, SM, or aborted)
`Body weight (dams):
`Significant decreases in BW were observed in the following groups: 45/25 (18-11% DG
`1329), 90/50 (19-14% DG 1129), 90/0 (18-10% DG 16-28), and 0/50 (8-9% DG 15-
`Significant decrease in body weight gain (BWG) was observed in group 9/5 (DG 16-19),
`and significant BW losses were observed in the following groups: 45/25 (DG 9-12),
`90/50 (DG 6-12), 90/0 (DG 8-12, 15-19), and 0/50 (DG 9-12).
`Mean BWG (DG 0-29) was reduced significantly in a dosage-related manner in 9/5
`(124%), 45/25 (169%), 90/50 (156%), and 90/0 (153%) groups compared to the 0/0
`control group.
`Mean changes in BW from DG 6 to DG 19 (the dosing period) were:
`0/0 (16.8%), 9/5 (13.7%), 45/25 (10.3%), 90/50 (14.8%), 90/0 (12.2%), 0/50 (T4.0%).
`Examination of the graph of maternal body weight changes below suggests that BW
`reductions induced during the dosing period by HD NAP (90 mg/kg/day) and by HD SS
`(50 mg/kg/day) were additive. Mean maternal BW in the combined HD NAP/SS group
`(90/50) was clearly below those of both HD NAP and HD SS groups during the entire
`dosing period.


`Reviewer: David B. Hawver Ph.D. NDA No. 21-926
`mama: om. Mm mummasmmmm mmmm snow
`mmémsmouaan’ssmnvm: "HO-TI?)
`Figure 1
`(reproduced directly from eNDA 21-926, Module 4, Section 4.2, Page 6995)
`Food consumption (dams):
`Mean daily FC was significantly reduced DG 6-19 compared to group 0/0 in groups:
`9/5 (l14%), 45/25 (¢31%), 90/50 “62%), 90/0 ($3M)
`Appears This Way
`On Original


`Reviewer: David B. Hawvera Ph.D.
`NDA No. 21-926
`m m Don
`hu- MIC». M MIC“:
`(reproduced directly from eNDA 21-926, Module 4, Section 4.2, Page 7285)


`Reviewer: David B. Hawvera Ph.D.
`NDA No. 21-926
`Terminal and necroscopic evaluations: C-section data (implantation sites, pre- and post-
`implantation lossa etc):
`Treatment—related findings included the following:
`0 Groups 90/50 and 90/0 showed ~Llitter size, Tresorptions/litter, Tearly
`resorptions/litter, Tresorbed conceptuses/litter, and T# does with resorptions. These
`effects were slightly greater for the 90/0 group than the 90/50 group.
`0 Groups 9/5, 45/25, and 0/50 showed Tearly or late resorptions/litter, Ttotal resorption,
`and T % dead or resorbed conceptuses/litter; however, none of these increases were
`statistically significant compared to the 0/0 group.
`. Fetal BW/litter was reduced at 9/5 (t14%), 45/25 ($1104), and 0/50 012%) (lack of
`significant reductions in 90/50 and 90/0 groups was thought to be due to the smaller
`litter sizes in these two groups).
`No treatment-related changes were observed in fetal sex ratios, # of dead fetuses, or
`mm 2216-010: om (m m) ml. mam STUDY 0! mm succnmn mm um mm 5mm
`1' mm (sun's m man.
`mm 0 (PM! 1): m—smaflmmm- sum
`scam m
`mam: (us/mm“).
`mm m
`mun) mo
`mm men
`m m sacrum I")
`mm AID ”1'1ch X")
`(I DAY 2! 0, m“ H
`10.1 3
`5.5 g
`10.3 g
`10.9 g
`10.5 g
`00am mm.
`9.4 g
`0.2 g
`9.2 g
`10.3 2
`9.0 g
`mm Md).
`5.1 t
`5.2 *
`7.0 g
`I.‘ z
`0.3 x
`um 5:22.:
`LIV! m I
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`5.2 g
`7.0 g
`0.2 g
`0.2 g
`0.0 2
`0.0 t
`0.0 g
`0.4 2
`0.1 g
`4.1 g
`2., g
`2.2 g
`1.7 g
`0.0 g
`2.0 t
`2.2 g
`1.0 g
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`15( 00.2)
`121 55.1)
`5! 50.0)
`7( 30.0)
`nous mm Al! WW I")
`a. noun mod on by. 6 cm 1- of gestation. my. in expand a W loam/mtupun bi...
`' significantly auteur In. the which contxol group all): (950.05) .
`N 51.311111“an alum: Iron ch- vuhiclc control group value (930.01) .
`DIM must:
`M‘! Immune
`an hummus
`o( 0.0)
`0( 0.0)
`0( 0.0)
`1( 5.0)
`15( 55.0)
`0( 0.0)
`0( 0.0)
`l( 5.3)
`0( 0.0)
`1( 5.0)
`0! 0.0)
`1H 90.0)
`0( 0.0)
`0‘ 0.0)
`1( 5.5)
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`0( 0.0)
`0‘ 0.0)
`I 1‘ 5.5)
`0( 0.0)
`2| - "-
`15( 55.0)
`3( 15.2)
`2( 10.5)
`1( 5.3)
`0( 0.0)
`11.7 3
`10.5 :
`0.0 :
`0.5 :
`0.2 3
`1.7 :
`0.9 :
`0.0 g
`5( 46.2)
`(reproduced directly from eNDA 21-926, Module 4, Section 4.2, Page 7010)


`Reviewer: David B. Hawver, Ph.D.
`NDA No. 21-926
`moon 2216-010: on». (m 1'08!) 0mm TOXICITY arm Of Mmm 0mm "11'! mm scum
`II “1.15 (M's 511:)! m1 "GOO-HZ)
`man I (I’m 2); m-zmmmmmm-M
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`n 5.6)
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`00m amp
`003m (balm/m).
`mm m
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`um men:
`m m mum mu
`pm no men )m)
`lam-rs mm- m
`on m 29 or ans-mum
`nous m an. mm
`N 11.0)
`1( 5.9)
`0( 0.0)
`0( 0.0)
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`mm onnsoaun
`15( 00.2)
`ut 90.1)
`0035 wrm mm me am
`PM mm mum. 10 um
`a. Dongs occun‘d on day- 6 through 1! at gunner). Doug- LI expand 0.- mm mull-maul“ bun.
`b. Excludes do“ with .11 only mucus.
`19( 95.0)
`3( 15.0)
`at 10.5)
`u 5.1)
`N 0.0)
`(reproduced directly from eNDA 21-926, Module 4, Section 4.2, Page 7011)
`Offspring (malformations, variations, etc. 23
`Treatment-related changes observed:
`0 T# litters with fetuses with any alterations (9/5, 45/25, 90/50, and 90/0)
`0 T# fetuses with any alterations (9/5, 45/25, 90/50, and 90/0)
`1% fetuses with any alterations/litter (90/50 and 90/0)
`my 2216-010: ORAL (m was) mm mm: my 0' mm succmn m ”If! m 500ml
`1! mm (W‘s STD! m: moo-m)
`mm (M 1): MENUS-m
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`mam (mlm/m).
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`um mum» n W N
`mm mm
`nm'ns um 1mm m
`m ABM" m I“)
`m In! An unnum-
`I m m m
`32.0 2 27.59
`33.2 g 26.5.
`10.2 g 20..
`23.0 t 30.3
`10.? 2 23.5
`a. mango occur-d on day. 5 though 1. o! gut-den. noun 1.- emu-u :- moron: mammalian bus.
`19. Exclude- men- :13. which counted at light Wim- Inrl one dead lotus.
`an nu. 22.
`. Dad locus“ «on excluded £20- gzoup avenge: and nan-um manly-up ohm-deu- lot thou conceptual are cited

`significantly «Home Iro- thn which control 52m “In. (50.0!) .
`" significantly dittamt fra- thc vehicl- cmtzo]. group valu- (pg-0.01) .
`S( 31.6)
`11‘ 61.1)“
`11( 61.1)“
`13‘ 01.2)"
`1“ 93.3)"
`5‘ 30.5)
`"(0) 111 7.1)
`32( 215)"
`2‘( 10-5)"
`II( 31...)"
`23( 35.5)“
`6.7 g 10.5
`(reproduced directly from eNDA 21-926, Module 4, Section 4.2, Page 7013)
`Specific malformations increased: (% of fetuses)
`fused caudal vertebrae (3.4% 90/50, 2.2% 90/0, 0% 0/0)
`interventricular septal defect (3.4% 90750, 0% 0/0)
`Specific variations increased: (% of fetuses)
`absent intermediate lobe of the lung (9.1% 90/50, 4.4% 90/0, 1.3% 0/0)
`irregular ossification of the skull (6.8% 90/50, 5.6% 90/0, 1.3% 0/0)
`incompletely ossified sternal centra (3.4% 90/50, 4.4% 90/0, 0% 0/0)


`Reviewer: David B. Hawver, Ph.D.
`NDA No. 21-926
`Sponsor’s Conclusions:
`The maternal NOAEL was less than 9/5 mg/kg/day NAP/SS, due to reduced maternal
`body weight gain and food consumption in the 9/5 group during the dosing period
`compared to control group values. Cmax of SS at 9/5 was ~2.5-fold greater than human
`exposure to SS after a single dose of 100 mg SS, and Cmax of NAP was 03-fold of the
`human exposure after a single dose of 500 mg NAP.
`The developmental NOAEL was also less than 9/5 mg/kg/day NAP/SS, due to significant
`reduction in fetal weight in this group.
`Groups 90/50 and 90/0 showed significant reductions in litter size, and increases in total
`resorptions per litter, early resorptions per litter, percent of dead or resorbed conceptuses
`per litter, and in the number of does with any resorptions.
`Groups 9/5, 45/25, and 0/50 showed non-significant increases in numbers‘of early or late
`resorptions, average number of total resorptions, and percent ‘dead or resorbed
`conceptuses per litter.
`The highest percentage of fetal alterations was observed in groups 90/50 and 90/0, with
`increases in the incidences of specific malformations (interventricular septal defect in
`group 90/50, and fiised caudal vertebrae in both 90/50 and 90/0 groups) and variations
`(absent intermediate lobe of the lung, irregular ossification of the skull, and incompletely
`ossified sternal centra in both groups).
`The finding of two fetuses with isolated interventricular septal defects at 90/50 (and none
`in any other group) was thought to be possibly related to the increased exposures to NAP
`(AUC T43%) and SS (AUC 158%) compared to exposures in groups 90/0 and 0/50,
`respectively. [Ifevz'ewer’s./Vo/e.' [haveAUCa’zf/Qre/zces are éasea’012 Day 614065.“,
`values; however, on Day 19, AUC0_¢,, values in the 90/50 group were $6. 7% SS and
`7‘8. 7% NAP compared to those in groups 0/50 and 90/0, respectively.
`Reviewer ’s Comments:
`Except for the finding of isolated interventricular septal defects described above in group
`90/50, the toxicities reported for groups 90/50 and 90/0 are quite similar in this study,
`suggesting that the combination of SS and NAP is not likely to induce greater
`reproductive and developmental toxicity than NAP alone.
`It is not clear why treatment with SS alone (0/50) induced greater mortality, since,
`otherwise, it appeared to be less toxic than treatment with NAP or NAP/SS.
`No-effect levels for maternal and fetal toxicity (decreased body weight) were not
`established in this study. The lowest dose that induced maternal and fetal toxicity (9/5
`mg/kg NAP/SS) was associated with mean plasma exposures (AUCOM) that were 0.14
`and 1.4 times the exposures to NAP and SS, respectively, observed in humans at the
`recommended dose of TREXIMA®. However, this study did demonstrate that significant
`teratogenic effects only occurred at doses that were maternally toxic.


`Reviewer: David B. Hawvera Ph.D.
`NDA No. 21-926
`The Sponsor’s conclusions omitted the findings that the number of litters with fetuses
`with any alterations, the number of fetuses with any alterations and the percentage of
`fetuses per litter with any alterations was increased with the dose of NAP i SS.
`Based on the pharmacokinetic information presented in the table below, the highest no-
`effect level for teratogenicity in rabbits given the NAP/SS (45/25 mg/kg) was associated
`with mean plasma exposures (AUCOm) that were 0.84 and 14 times the exposures to NAP
`and SS, respectively, observed in humans at the recommended dose of TREXIMA®.
`Sumatriptan Exposure Ratios
`MT400-101 *
`5 mg/kg 55
`5 mg/kg 55
`Rabbit NOEL
`45 mg/kg NAP
`Rabbit NOEL
`0 mg/kg NAP
`90 mg/kg NAP
`5 mg/kg 55
`5mg/kg SS
`45 mg/ngAP
`90 mg/ngAP
`(*Human Values are Geometric Means (N=8) from Clinical Study Report MT400-101)
`(Rabbit values are fi'om Day 19; Reviewer’s Tables)


`Reviewer: David B. Hawver, Ph.D.
`NDA No. 21-926
`Additional details on does found dead, sacrificed early, or aborting:
`45/25 NAP/SS: 1/20 found dead (FD) DG 24; 1/20 aborted DG 26
`(Doe 259: FD DG 24; soft/liquid feces DG 20-24; scant feces DG 23-24; head tilt DG
`24; BW loss DG 17-24; JrFC DG 18-24; black regions in all areas of stomach; 2 cm
`perforation in cardiac region of stomach, with thin surrounding tissue; litter consisted
`of 3 early and 4 late resorptions)
`(Doe 257: aborted & sacrificed DG 26; soft/liquid feces DG 13-18, 22-25; scant feces
`Dg 19-21, 23-25; red substance in cage pan DG 26; BW loss DG 9-26, JvFC DG 10-26;
`red substance in stomach; 2 early resorptions, 2 implantation sites assumed
`cannibalized, 3 fetuses (partly cannibalized) and one placenta found in cage pan; 2
`fetuses had unossified pubic bones, 3 appeared normal)
`90/50 NAP/SS: 1/20 aborted DG 21
`(Doe 276 aborted & sacrificed DG 21; scant feces DG 10-15, 19-21; no feces DG 16-
`18; soft/liquid feces DG 20-21; red substance in cage pan DG 21; BW loss, JrFC DG7-
`21; 9 implantation sites and 8 placentas found in cage pan)
`90/0 NAP/SS: 1/20 FD DG19; 1/20 aborted DG 21
`(Doe 300: FD DG 19; soft/liquid feces DG 12-18; scant feces DG 14-18; dehydration
`and red substance found in cage pan DG 18; BW loss DG 7-18; iFC DG 6-19; not
`(Doe 296 aborted & sacrificed DG 21; soft/liquid feces DG 18-21; scant feces DG 10,
`20-21; red substance in cage pan DG 21; 1 conceptus, 1 early resorption, 1 late
`resorption found in utero, and 1 conceptus and 1 placenta found in cage pan; remaining
`4 conceptuses presumed cannibalized)
`0/50 NAP/SS: 2/20 FD DG 12 & 18; 2/20 sacrificed moribund (SM) D18 & 28; 1/20 FD
`DG 14 (Doe 313: dosing accident); 1/20 aborted DG 26
`(Doe 314: SM DG 28; soft/liquid feces DG 15, 23-26; scant feces DG 27; tan
`gelatinous substance in cage pan DG 28; BW loss and iFC DG 22-28; tan areas on all
`lobes of liver; black areas in stomach; tan caseous material adhered to lining of uterus;
`rough mottled placenta; pale spleen; litter consisted of 7 apparently normal live fetuses
`and 4 late resorptions)
`(Doe 317: FD DG 18; soft/liquid feces DG 12-15, 17; scant feces DG 16; dehydration,
`salivation DG 17; BW loss and lFC DG 11-18; 9 fetuses in litter)


`Reviewer: David B. Hawver Ph.D. NDA No. 21-926 _
`(Doe 319: SM DG 18; soft/liquid feces DG 12—13, 15-17; scant feces DG 12-14, 16-18;
`~Lmotor activity, clear perinasal substance, lateral recumbency, labored breathing DG
`18; BW loss and JrFC DG 10-18; thin area in mucosal lining within cardiac region of
`stomach; 3 dead fetuses and five late resorptions in litter)
`(Doe 320: FD DG 12; soft/liquid feces DG 6-11; Jvmotor activity DG 10; dehydration,
`emaciation, scant feces DG 10-11; BW loss and ~LFC DG 6-12; 12 early resorptions in
`(Doe 316 aborted & sacrificed DG 26; soft/liquid feces DG 13-19, 22-24; scant feces
`DG 16-24; dehydration, emaciation DG 25-26; red substance in cage pan DG 26; BW
`loss and loFC DG 9-21; red substance in stomach; dark firm areas in lungs; 6 late
`resorptions found in cage pan; 1 more late resorption aborted prior to sacrifice)
`Appears This WGV
`On Original


`Reviewer: David B. Hawver Ph.D. NDA No. 21-926
`Oral (Stomach Tube) Dosage-Range Developmental Toxicity Study of MT 400 in
`(POZEN Study #MT400-T10; — Protocol #2216-010P; Completed 10 OCT
`2003; GLP; QA; Naproxen Sodium (NAP) Lot #NPXNAM-126, Purity 99.5%;
`Sumatriptan Succinate (SS) Lot QTO 1002, Purity 99.4%, dosed calculated as base;
`eNDA 21-996, Module 4, Page 6794)
`Five presumed pregnant F New Zealand White [Hra:(NZW)SPF] rabbits were assigned to
`each of the following groups: 0/50, 90/1, 90/5, 90/ 15, 90/50, and 90/0 mg/kg/day
`NAP/S S, and treated via gavage at 10 mL/kg once daily on DG 6-18 (days of gestation).
`Observations included viability checks (2X/day), clinical signs (for ~1 hr postdose), body
`weight (BW, daily), and food consumption (FC, daily). All surviving rabbits were
`sacrificed on DG 29 and examined for the number and distribution of corpora lutea,
`implantation sites, and uterine contents. Gross necropsy of the thoracic, abdominal, and
`pelvic viscera was performed. Fetuses were weighed and examined for gross external
`alterations and sex.
`No mortality or abortions were observed, except for one at 90/ 15 , which aborted and was
`sacrificed DG 24, with soft/liquid feces DG17-20 and 22-24, fluctuating BW, and
`reduced FC during the dosing period. Necropsy of this doe showed firmness and
`discolorations (dark red, tan, green) in right cardiac and distal end of lefi apical lobes of
`lung. The litter consisted of two dead fetuses (appearing normal) and three late
`resorptions in utero (too much autolysis for examination).
`Treatment-related clinical signs included sofi/liquid/scant feces in 1-3 does/group at 90/5,
`90/ 15, and 90/50, and ungroomed coat in 1/5 at 90/50. Maternal BWG was dose-
`dependently reduced in combination groups during the dosing period (+0.13, +0.14,
`+0.07, and -0.12 kg in groups 90/ 1, 90/5, 90/ 15, and 90/50, respectively, compared to
`+0.25 and +0.23 kg in groups 0/50 and 90/0, respectively). No significant differences in
`final BW were observed. Food consumption was reduced in groups 90/1, 90/ 15, and
`90/50 vs. comparators, but only during the dosing period.
`Increases in numbers of early resorptions, numbers of litters with resorptions, and
`percentage of resorbed conceptuses per litter were observed in groups 90/1, 90/5, 90/15,
`90/50, and 90/0 compared to group 0/50. These parameters showed greater increases in
`the 90/50 group compared to the 90/0 group. Mean fetal BW was reduced only at 90/50
`(based on only 14 fetuses). Gross external malformations were observed in two fetuses at
`90/1 (one with gastroschisis and one with a short tail), and in two fetuses (one with
`gastroschisis and one with a short tail) and two late resorptions (one with acrania,
`gastroschisis, medial rotation of right hindlimb, short tail, and fused forepaw digits; and
`one with gastroschisis, downward flexed forepaws, absent tail, no anal opening, and no
`external urogenital area) at 90/50.


`Reviewer: David B. Hawvera PhD.
`NDA No. 21-926
`The proposed high dose of 90/50 mg/kg/day NAP/SS is expected to produce tolerable
`maternal and fetal toxicity in the definitive developmental toxicity study in rabbits
`(reduced maternal BWG during treatment at 90/ 1, 90/5, 90/15, and 90/50; reduced fetal
`BW in at 90/50 mg/kg/day NAP/SS ; and increased malformations at 90 mg/kg/day NAP
`i SS).
`«mm mmwulm: KIND-“U!
`Figure 1
`(reproduced directly from eNDA 21-996, Module 4, Page 6803)
`Appears This Way
`0n Original


`Reviewer: David B. Hawvera Ph.D.
`NDA No. 21-926
`Emmi: 2215-0100: can cm 1'00!) "-00“ mm mm m 01' '1' 000 11! 0000175
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`(reproduced directly from eNDA 21-996, Module 4, Page 6812)
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`(reproduced directly from eNDA 21-996, Module 4, Page 6812)


`Reviewer: David B. Hawver Ph.D. NDA No. 21-926
`Oral (Gavage) Dosage-Range Developmental Toxicity Study of MT 400 in Rats
`(POZEN Study #MT400-T09; — Protocol #2216-009P; Completed 10 OCT
`2003; GLP; QA; Naproxen Sodium (NAP) Lot #NPXNAM-l26, Purity 99.5%;
`Sumatriptan Succinate (SS) Lot QTO 1002, Purity 99.4%, dosed calculated as base;
`eNDA 21-996, Module 4, Page 6647)
`Five presumed pregnant F ‘CD®(SD)IGS BR VAF/Plus® rats were assigned to each
`of the following groups: 0/1000, 25/50, 25/250, 25/500, 25/ 1000, and 25/0 mg/kg/day
`NAP/SS, and treated via gavage at 10 mL/kg once daily on DG 7-17 (days of gestation).
`Observations included viability checks (2X/day), clinical signs (for ~1 hr postdose), body
`weight (BW, daily), and food consumption (DG 0, 7, 10, 12, 15, 18, and 21). All
`surviving rats were sacrificed on DG 21 and examined for the number and distribution of
`corpora lutea, implantation sites, and uterine contents. Gross necropsy of the thoracic,
`abdominal, and pelvic viscera was performed. Fetuses were weighed and examined for
`gross external alterations and sex.
`No treatment-related mortality or clinical signs were observed. Maternal body weight
`gains were reduced during the dosage treatment period (DG 7-18) in combination dosage
`groups (68.0, 57.4, 66.2, and 41.6 g at 25/50, 25/250, 25/500, and 25/ 1000 mg/kg/day
`NAP/SS, respectively) compared to NAP alone (73.0 g at 25/0) and SS alone (70.4 g at
`0/ 1000) groups. No significant differences in final BW were observed (”o/e [fie lack ofd
`Vééz'c/e comm/grog”). Food consumption was reduced in the 25/ 1000 groups compared
`to all other groups, but only during the dosing period. No dead fetuses were observed. All
`C-section and litter parameters examined were comparable among groups, except that
`fetal body weights were dose-dependently reduced in the 25/250, 25/500, and 25/ 1000
`mg/kg/day groups compared to groups 0/ 1000 and 25/0. No treatment-related fetal gross
`external malformations or variations were observed. One fetus with a cleft palate from a
`dam treated at 25/5 00 mg/kg/day was not considered treatment-related.
`Based on these results, dosages of up to 25/ 1000 mg/kg/day NAP/SS are expected to
`produce tolerable maternal and fetal toxicity in rats (reduced maternal BWG during
`treatment, and reduced fetal BW at ,>_ 25/250 mg/kg/day NAP/S S).


`Reviewer: David B. Hawver Ph.D. NDA No. 21-926
`PMOW. 221m»: ORAL (MVA-a)W“ MOPMALmmm 0' mm '0 M78
`momma STUDYman: Inmm!)
`Figure 1
`I. mauwmm
`1mm MGMAV a
`(reproduced directly from eNDA 21-996, Module 4, Page 6656)
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`15.5 t
`10.0 g
`17.5 g
`11.0 g
`55.7 g 12.0
`00.1 3 11.5
`00.9 g 10.7
`50.5 g 15.5
`50.1 t 20.0
`05.5 t
`nous W/mm)£,h
`W 031'! ml 02
`m 1.1“ rams
`mm mun:
`hm nu mm
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`mm WJD.
`nm rm ND! man:
`(mm “5.0.
`mums WA).
`man man: m.0.
`5.23 g 0.23
`5.30§ 0.21
`5.10 g 0.25
`5.11 g 0.33
`5.21; 0.31
`5.02 g 0.37
`0.95 g 0.50
`5.05 g 0.10
`5.505 0.20 \ 5.00. 0.52
`5.33 g 0.12
`0.05 g 0.55
`0.00 g 0.20
`5.00; 0.15
`0.72 g 0.20
`0.05 g
`0.92 g 0.05
`0.01 g 0.02
`mum "55.0.
`I. non-gt «and on day- ‘l m 11 of gauntlet.
`b. bound on Inputs “flu/muim bun.
`(reproduced directly from eNDA 21-996, Module 4, Page 6665)


`Reviewer: David B. Hawvera Ph.D.
`NDA No. 21-926
` Local tolerance
`No local tolerance studies were submitted.
` Special toxicology studies
`No special toxicology studies were submitted.
`Appears This way
`On Original


`Reviewer: David B. Hawver, Ph.D.
`NDA No. 21-926
` Discussion and Conclusions
`Repeat-Dose Toxicology Studies
`In the pivotal 90-day repeat-dose toxicology study in mice (MT400-T19), high dose
`naproxen sodium (NAP) induced gastrointestinal toxicity characteristic of NSAIDs:
`ulcer, erosion, and inflammation of the glandular stomach. In female mice, the GI
`toxicity induced by NAP (50 mg/kg/day) was observed in the presence or absence of high
`dose sumatriptan sodium (SS, 320 mg/kg/day reduced to 210 mg/kg/day in Wk 4), but
`was increased in incidence and severity in the presence of SS, despite a 31% lower Day
`90 NAP AUC in the presence of SS. In the absence of other explanations, the
`exacerbation of NAP-induced GI toxicity by SS must be considered as a real possibility.
`Male mice in study MT400-T19 treated with HD NAP (100 mg/kg/day) alone showed no
`GI toxicity, while those given the HD combination (320/100 mg/kg/day SS/NAP)
`characteristic NAP-related toxicity. The difference in toxicity between these two groups
`could be related to the 37.5% higher NAP exposure in the SS/NAP group (Day 90 AUC).
`Also, it is not clear why females in the HD SS/NAP group showed greater toxicity than
`the males, since their NAP exposures appeared to be similar (Day 90 AUC0_0° = 381
`ug*hr/mL F, 363 ug*hr/mL M).
`Other treatment-related findings in study MT400-T19 were consistent with compensatory
`changes secondary to the GI toxicity induced by NAP: mild increases in WBC count,
`neutrophils, reticulocytes and platelets; increased absolute and relative spleen weights
`(correlated with increased erythroid extramedullary hematopoiesis); mild reductions in
`RBC count, HGB, and HCT;

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