

`DRUG: Zomig ® (Zolmitriptan)
`NDA: 21-450
`TYPE: NDA Amendment
`APPLICANT: Astra Zeneca
`STRENGTH: 0.5 , 2.5 , 5.0 mg
`SUBMISSION DATE: Nov 11, 2002
`INDICATION: Migraine Headache
`Generic Name: Zolmitriptan
`The firm has submitted an amendment to their NDA 21-450 to address
`5.0 mg nasal
`deficiencies in the in vitro data for their
`sprays. There was no new data in the submission only the firm's re—
`interpretation of the previously submitted data.
`The major points made were:
`1.The firm takes exception to the particle size distribution data at the -‘—‘
`'—-n———“——————*"—*———*”-—————————— . They state that --r is the
`industry standard. At the present time this can not be confirmed. Literature
`for the '————-*. pump used in their studies recommend standard operating
`procedures for testing droplet size distribution (BSD) by
`when using the *
`(the most common brand, at least in
`the US).
`(for a unit dose system. and for two multidose pumps)
`W The problem i s
`that the firm did not use an —-—._..—«
`so it is difficult to
`validate their argument.
`2.The firm also contends that differences in span measurements would not
`effect the delivery of the spray since they maintain a routine specification
`that not more than
`of droplets below »—-——are contained in the product.
`I: W:
`3.The firm also argues that plume geometry and spray pattern are also not
`meaningful since the limited volume of the nasal cavity does not allow the
`plume to fully develop. This may also be true, but spray pattern and plume
`geometry analysis are current in vitro requirements for nasal sprays.
`Therefore the arguments presented by the firm provide no compelling new
`evidence to support the in vitro equivalence of the commercial device to the
`clinical device.
`Andre Jackson
`RD/FT Initialed by Raman Baweja, Ph.D.
`CcNDA 21450, RFD—120, HFD—BGO{Jackson,Baweja,Mehta), Central Documents Room


`This is a representation of an electronic record that was signed electronically and
`this page is the manifestation of the electronic signature.
`Andre Jackson
`12/2/02 12:22:43 PM
`Raman Baweja
`12/2/02 02:31:12 PM
`Mums :4
`{m magma


`DRUG: Zomig ® (Zolmitriptan)
`NDA: 21-450
`TYPE: NDA Amendment
`APPLICANT: Astra Zeneca
`INDICATION: Migraine Headache
`Generic Name: Zolmitriptan
`, 5.0 mg
`The firm conducted a double—blind placebo, double-dummy parallel group multi—center
`trial to compare the efficacy and two open—label safety studies with Zomig nasal spray in
`subjects with migraine headaches.
`Zomig nasal spray is a unit dose system designed to deliver zolmitriptan to the nasal cavity.
`The sponsor changed the outer body of the clinical trial nasal spray device used to deliver
`zolmitriptan to the nasal cavity. These changes included a safety feature to prevent removal of
`the filled vial and a thumb push was added to ease firing. The bioequivalence of the clinical
`device and commercial device will be determined based upon in vitro performance of these two
`This Clinical Pharmacologleiopharmaceutics review will evaluate whether the applicant has
`adequately demonstrated in vitro that the commercial device is bioequivalent to the clinical
`In vitro product performance data was determined based upon the following in vitro tests:
`1.Dose or spray content uniformity
`2.Droplet size distribution
`3.Particle size distribution
`'4.Drug and aggregate particle size density
`5.3pray pattern(Dmax, Dmin, Ovality)
`6.Plume geometry
`Bioequivalence was based upon the ratio of geometric means (Testheference) being within the
`interval of -——"-"'
`The following in vitro tests had ratios for geometric means that
`exceeded the limits of
`.. These were:
`Median Diameter
`Median Diameter
`Plume Geometry-Length
`Dose Size
`0.5 mg droplet size
`2.5 mg droplet size
`0.5 mg droplet size
`2.5 mg droplet size
`0.5 mg spray pattern
`0.5 mg spray pattern
`5.0 mg


`Plume Geometry-Spray Angle
`5.0 mg
`Appears This Way
`On Original
`Based upon these findings the Office of Clinical Pharmacology and Biopharmaceutics (OCPB)
`recommends that the clinical and commercial devices are deemed not to be bioequivalent.
`1.1 Recommendation: The in vitro product performance studies provided in this study
`amendment to the Division of Neuropharmacological Drug Products does not provide in vitro
`evidence supporting the bioequivalence of the to be marketed commercial nasal spray device to
`the clinical Zomig nasal spray device. This submission is not acceptable from the OCPB
`Please see comments to the firm on pages 33 and 34 and forward these to the sponsor.
`APPEL‘ZETF? we: we
`GEE .°;"'rn-,s.


`3. Current Submission
`4.6.2 SPAN
`1 2
`1 6


`2. Introduction and Background:
`Zolmitriptan ( ZOMIG®) is a selective 5-HT1B/1D receptor agonist for the acute treatment
`of migraine. The efficacy and safety of the conventional oral tablet formulation of zolmitriptan
`has been demonstrated, and this formulation is indicated for the acute treatment of migraine with
`or without aura in adults (NDA 20-768, approved 25 November 1997). In addition, an orally
`disintegrating tablet (ZOMIG-ZMT®) has been developed, which dissolves rapidly in the mouth
`and is swallowed with the patient’s saliva, obviating the need for access to water or other fluids
`(NDA 21—231, approved 13 February 2001).
`The ongoing development of zolmitriptan has identified intranasal delivery as a clinically
`desirable additional method of drug administration for migraine sufferers. Drug absorption
`directly across the nasal mucosa allows rapid access into the systemic circulation, which would
`result in the intranasally absorbed proportion of a zolmitriptan dose initially avoiding the first-
`pass metabolism undergone by oral formulations of zolmitriptan. Consequently, compared to
`oral delivery, zolmitriptan nasal spray has the potential to provide faster onset of action and more
`rapid relief of migraine symptoms. Furthermore, intranasal administration offers effective
`delivery of zolmitriptan for patients affected by migraine-related gastric stasis, nausea or
`vomiting (any of which can limit or delay absorption of oral medication), and for patients with
`an aversion to swallowing tablets.
`AstraZeneca has developed an alternative formulation, ZOMIG Nasal Spray, to provide a non-
`oral route of dosing that may be particularly useful in patients who experience nausea (a
`common symptom associated with migraine) or other difficulties with oral formulations.
`addition, intranasal dosing offers the potential for rapid absorption of drug, and possibly faster
`onset of migraine relief, compared with oral dosing.
`The clinical pharmacology of zolmitriptan after oral administration has been well characterized
`in the previous NDA submission for the conventional oral tablet formulation (NDA 20-768,
`approved 25 November 1997). Studies conducted for the nasal spray NDA were therefore
`complementary to previous studies with the oral tablet, and were designed to select an
`appropriate formulation of the nasal spray, define the absorption characteristics of zolmitriptan
`after intranasal dosing, and confirm the similarity of distribution, metabolism and elimination of
`zolmitriptan after oral and intranasai dosing. This document summarizes all available
`information on the pharmacokinetics of zolmitriptan nasal spray, and refers to relevant data on
`the phannacokinetics of oral zolmitriptan. It was shown after the administration of single and
`multiple doses (0.5, 1, 2.5 and 5 mg) of the clinical intranasal formulation that the
`pharmacokinetics are dose proportional. A second study showed that zolmitriptan was primarily
`distributed to the nasoPharynx region. A third study indicated that the absorption and
`distribution of zolmitriptan was identical after a single dose of either zolmitriptan 5 mg nasal
`Spray 30 minutes after a single dose of intranasal xylometazoline{ --- weight/volume solution),
`or zolmitriptan 5 mg nasal spray alone. Together these data comprise the normal components of
`a new drug application (NDA).


`Briefly, the pharmacokinetics, metabolism and elimination profiles of zolmitriptan when taken
`orally or intranasally are similar. This suggests that prescribing information relating to drug-drug
`interactions and drug-demographic interactions for ZOMIG oral tablet is equally relevant for
`ZOMIG Nasal Spray. The rapid intranasal absorption of zolmitriptan afier intranasal
`administration indicates that ZOMIG Nasal Spray should have a faster onset of action with
`earlier relief of migraine symptoms than the ZOMIG oral tablet.
`The objective of this study was to generate data to confirm the in vitro bioequivalence (BE) of
`ZOMIG Nasal Spray delivered via 2 nasal Spray devices - the clinical trial device, used during
`the initial dose-finding efficacy study (Trial 31 NIL/0077) for ZOMIG Nasal Spray, and the
`commercial device which is the device proposed for commercialization.
`ZOMIG Nasal Spray is a unit dose system designed to deliver zolmitriptan to the nasal cavity.
`The device proposed for commercialization '(‘commercial’ device) is comprised of a clear neutral
`USP Type 1 glass vial sealed with a
`' rubber stopper, assembled into a vial holder and
`an actuation device. The solution is contained within the glass vial. A protection cap is fitted
`over the device.
`Both ‘clinical trial’ and ‘commercial’ devices are identical with respect to device firing
`mechanism and contact materials, however the appearance of the outer body of the ‘commereial’
`device has been modified to incorporate a safety feature preventing removal of the filled vial. A
`thumb push has also been added to ease firing and the protection cap has been designed to
`prevent actuation of the device prior to patient use. An exploded diagram illustrating both
`devices is shown in Figure 1.
`0N GEiGlivlill.


`Figure 1
`Exploded View of clinical trial device and commercial device
`______——-— @ Prat-dicecap
`“HI mg Vialhold-r
`@ umpush
`Clinical trial device
`Commercial device
`In-vitro equivalence testing was performed according to the Center for Drug Evaluation and
`Research (CDER) document: Guidance for Industry, ‘Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Studies
`for Nasal Aerosols and Nasal Sprays for Local Action’, June 1999. ZOMIG Nasal Spray is a
`unit dose rather than a multi-dose system, and as such not all tests described in the guidance are


`appiicable. Testing on ZOMIG Nasal Spray 5 mg‘ r/F’ _
`consistent with the CDER Draft Guidance, are described
`4.1 General Attributes
`Equivalence of Clinical and Commercial Spray Devices
`4.2 What were the formulations for the Clinical and Commercial Spray Devices?
`The quantitative composition of the formulations for the clinical and commercial lots used in
`ZOMIG Nasal Spray 5, ""
`mg are identical (see Table l to Table 3).
`Table 1
`Quantitative composition of ZOMIG Nasal Spray 5 mg used in clinical
`and commercial lots
`Quantity (mg per nominal
`100 u! dose)
`Citric acid. anhydrous
`theme sodium phosphate
`Purified water
`E 7
`Drug substance
`" '
`Table 2
`Quantitative composition of Zomig Nasal Spray 2.5 mg used in clinical
`and commercial lots-__——|
`Quantity (mg per nominal
`100 pl dose)
`Citric acid. anhydrous
`'Dibasic sodium phosphate C
`Purified water
`Nitrogen E E j
`Drug substance
`' " '


`Table 3
`Quantitative composition of ZOMIG Nasal Spray 0.5 mg used in
`clinical and commercial lots
`Quantity (mg per nominal
`[00 pl dose)
`Drug substance
`Citric acid, anhydrous
`Dibasic sodium phosphate
`Purified water W
`Water for injection'
`Nitrogen , - ‘L’,_
`Solvent used in batch PHIIOBZBI‘DS.
`4.3 What were the specifications for the components for the Clinical and Commercial
`Spray Devices?
`The specifications for all the internai components for the clinical and commercial devices are
`identical. Individual specifications for each of the components are shown (see Table 4 to
`Table 7).
` Table 4 Specification for vial
`Height (mm)
`Clear glass vial. free from any critical defects
`Clem Type 1 (USP) neutral glass
`19.5 10.5
`Intemal body diameter (mm) 5.0 :tO.
`The vial is regarded as the metered chamber volume for ZOMIG Nasal Spray
` Table 5 Specification for rubber stopper
`Rib diameter (mm)
`Height (mm)
`Diaphragm thickness (mm)
`Specific gravity
`Black rubber stopper, free from any critical defects
`Type l (USP) . ..—-— ‘ rubber
`5.300 10.075
`6.0 :l:0.l
`_.0 10.
`Hardness (Shore A) -—._.-


`Table 6 Specification for vial holder sub-assemblyWan—"W
`Plastic vial holder with thumb push attached“, free from
`any critical defects
`Break ring diameter (min)
`Actuation force (N)
`l4.0 10.]
`The thumb push attachment is for the commercial device
`Table 7
`Specification for actuator sub-assembly
`Plastic actuator sub-assembly. free from any critical
`Body/needlciigi ail—T"
`Needle; .—______
`Orifice diameter (mm) 0.3l 31105
`Both clinical and commercial devices have the same specifications for the actuation force but it
`is highly likely that any combination of manuai actuation differences and batch to batch
`variation of the break ring (which appears to be part of a pre—compression mechanism) could
`in large variation in the median dropiet size of particles delivered from study to study with
`different lots of the spray device.
`4.4 Was a properly validated analytical method used for the analysis of the in vitro
`content uniformity and '
`AFPEf‘flS HHS to?
`Oh! F”


`Linearity of zolmitriptan peak area response versus zolmitriptan content has been
`demonstrated over the rangr -—'_—-'-T"1 (see Table 9).
` Table 9 Droplet size by——-._.-___ - linearity of zolmitriptan
`Zolmitriptan concentration (ugh!!!)
`' " *1
`A 1
`Peak area
`The linearity data was from: _f“ however, the firm claimed a sensitivity of
`*r-‘E‘ curve data {
`needs to be supplied by the firm to support their claim.
`The current data submitted by the firm does not support the ’ r-fi
`LOQ claimed by the firm
`for their assay.
`4.5 Was the uniformity of the dosage units consistent with the % label claim for the
`clinical and commercial spray devices?
`Dose content uniformity was performed as a single test per device; the firm did not conduct
`‘through container iife’ testing as described in the CDER Draft Guidance because ZOMIG Nasai
`Spray is a unit dose system.
`Assay (mg/mi) and uniformity of dosage units (% label claim) for the reference and test batches
`of ZOMIG Nasal Spray 5 mg and ZOMIG Nasal Spray 0.5 mg are shown, see Table 6 and Table
`niformi of dosa_e units % label claim for ZOMIG Nasal S u ra 5 in
`atch number
`- M
`itcomets 100ul __-E
`niformi of dosa_e units (% label claim — —


`_ ‘-
`— \
`— Mil“
`i “a
`— L
`1101 101
`, __ WW #:7‘
`Ratio of Geometric mean (Test/Reference) for the ‘—- batches = 4.61/4.615:l .0
`niformi of dosae units % label claim for ZOMIG Nasal Sra
`_I 1 —--—_
`_-H10323/95 1-11598116
`I'll631/O6 1-11593133
`- nit comets lOOul
`nifonni of dos _e units % label claim


`Ratio of Geometric means (Test/Reference) for the t -’ catches = 4.62/4.62:1.0
`The test and reference formulations both exhibit acceptable content uniformity. The ratios of
`geometric mean values for the """—0.5 mg and “—35 mg dose lots are within the acceptable
`ratio of ——--—'"-
`4.6 Do the summary parameters for the particle size distribution data collected with the
`.. support bioequivalence between the clinical and commercial
`spray devices?
`4.6.1 Median Droplet Size
`Laser diffraction is a non-aerodynamic optical method of droplet sizing which measures the
`geometric size of droplets in flight. Laser instrumentation provides plots of obscuration( optical
`concentration) or per cent transmission and droplet size distribution over the entire life of a
`single spray.
`Summary data for median droplet size for the 3 doses 5 mg, 2.5 mg and 0.5 mg are presented
`for the 3 distances from the Laser beam \
`_ which represent different stages
`of plume formation after actuation. Data is presented for between and within lot % CV for the 3
`lots '«édevices per lot) at the different distances (N=30) that were tested. Summary statistics
`are presented for the ratio of geometric means and the F-test comparison of variances. The
`median diameter, ---'- l “- of the particles, referred to the volume, have a diameter 5
`indicated value. Units are in um.) is presented in the following tables.


`—-———-,‘ 30.5))
`,--——. (iota
`Within lot % CV (n=10)
`% CV
`., L.
`Mean of log
`Between lot
`% CV
`W —-_'—-_.‘
`1’; '
`‘ "1
`u R
`h L
`Arithmetic mean
`Geometric mean
`T/R ratios
`Distance (cm)
`F—test comparison of variances
`Distance (cm)


`~'—-"*- 05))
`Within lot % CV (n=10)
`51.05 ,
`% CV
`Mean of log
`Between lot
`% CV
`1 .8079
`1.7001 W
`1.8039 f
`____,_———__________‘3 K
`x.) fl
`T/R ratios
`Distance (cm)
`Arithmetic mean
`Geometric mean
`Jest comparison of variances
`Distance (cm)
`*TIR ratio outside '


`% CV
`Mean of log
`Between lot
`% CV
`r H ' '
`1.83 76 J
` ‘
`Within lot % CV (n=10)
`TI’R ratios
`Distance (cm)
`Arithmetic mean
`Geometric mean
`F-test comparison of variances
`Distance (cm)
`*TIR ratio outside --—


`4.6.2 Span \
`Summary data for particle size span for the 3 doses 5 mg, 2.5 mg and 0.5 mg are presented for
`the 3 distances from the Laser beam \
`which represent different stages of
`plume formation after actuation. Data is presented for between and within lot % CV for the 3
`lots ’—- devices per tot) at the different distances (N=30) that were tested. Summary statistics
`are presented for the ratio of geometric means and the F—test comparison of variances.
`it???§:2$ “”3 WAY
`“wan“ : =1; 9.
`{Jig UiitGEaA.-:L


`Span 5 mg Dose
`Span data
`Within lot % CV (n=10)
`% CV
`Mean of log
`Between lot
`% CV
`2.19 f -
`0.341 \
`,_____—-—v-'— /
`Range k
`W— ,
`w R
`TIR ratios
`Distance (cm)
`Arithmetic mean
`Geometric mean
`F-twt comparison of variances
`Distance (cm)
`1 .59
`0. 1 85
`0. 109
`but not considered pivotal due to the close —-- distance
`*‘TIR ratio outside
`from the laser beam which does not give plume sufficient time to form and results in
`highly variable data


`Span 2.5 mg Dose
`Span data
`% CV
`Mean of log
`Between lot
`% CV
`Within lot % CV (n=10)
`T/R ratios
`b1 . a
`Distance (cm)
`I Arithmetic mean
`Geometric mean
`/ .
`F-test comparison of variances
`Distance (cm)
`‘ V
`*TIR ratio outside
`"TIR ratio outside ‘ —4- but not considered pivotal due to the close E'-
`from the laser beam which does not give plume sufficient time to form and results in
`highly variable data


`Span 0.5 mg Dose
`Span data
`% CV
`Mean of log
`Between let
`% CV
`Within lot % CV (n=10)
`T/R ratios
`*1 w
`Distance (cm)
`Arithmetic mean
`Geometric mean
`F-test comparison of variances
`Distance (cm)
`*TIR ratio outside “—7-—
`a distance
`**TIR ratio outside x but not considered pivotal due to the close t—-
`from the laser beam which does not give plume sufficient time to form and results in
`highly variable data


`The following testlreference geometric mean ratios related to particle size exceeded _
`Median Diameter
`Median Diameter
`Dose Size
`0.5 mg droplet size@
`2.5 mg droplet size@I ._.
`0.5 mg droplet size@,I ,
`2.5 mg droplet size@i
`2.5 mg droplet size@
`Based upon these results, the firm has failed to demonstrate that the commercial
`product is bioequivalent to the clinical product based upon median particle size diameter
`and particle span.
`4.7 Do the summary data for the -~————----————-———-———- indicate that the
`clinical device and the commercial device result in the same deposition pattern
`within the '
`.._.—_-——-—-—-"'““—' measures aerodynamic
`The sizing of droplets or particles by
`diameter based upon i c—-—-—~1, an important factorIn the deposition of drug in the nasal
`hi)?i.» reap Tic-“n “’5‘;
`“it L::...;.‘-r.1!5


`5 MG DROPLET SIZE BY‘ _ ——"—‘———"—_ DATA
`f A data
`Mean n=9
`Total % cv Mean of log n=9
`Between lot % cv
`4 L.‘
`-l .699
`Within lot "A: cv (n=3)
`- r—1
`M "
`. Ln:
`Range L J
`fly??? a? 3:155" 1519wa
`K r


` TIR ratios
`Size (micron)
`Arithmetic mean
`Geometric mean
`_ L—J
`F—test comparison of variances
`Size (micron)
`‘ LJ
`The 0.76 ratio at -". um is not considered pivotal since ’-~.. of the applied dose was
`recovered in the ;.——. for the“‘- for the clinical and commercial spray devices.
`The data for the 5 mg spray indicates that for the _.. and particles --‘ and larger, the
`commercial and clinical devices arebioequivalent. Recovery data indicated that ._.... of the
`applied dose was recovered in the f—‘for the.
`for the clinical and commercial spray
`4.8 Does the comparative spray pattern summary data for the clinical device and the
`commercial device support the bioequivalence of the two products.


`Spray pattern studies characterize the spray either during the spray prior to ' ~..___,
`following ———-..,
`L on an appropriate target such as thin-layer chromatography. The test is
`done at different distances from the TLC plate. Spray pattern analysis allows for comparison of
`shapes, measurement of area or maximum diameter‘(Dmax), minimum diameter (Dmin), and
`ovality ( Dmaxlein).
`‘fl‘fiif‘fim h
`At”? Li':§g{;
`;“ 5f m .H
`Uffi ‘3“:Cér! “2'


`Ovality ratio
`Ovality ratio data
`% cv
`Mean of log
`Between lot
`% cv
`Within lot 9/. cv (n=10)
`1. J
`TIR ratios
`Geometric mean
`Arithmetic mean
`. Distance (cm)
`I1 /‘
`0.935 0.984
`F—test comparison of variances
`7 Distance (cm)
`1 v
`$5.111: Rum:
`APPE 1‘
`35*}‘121fl' 1..
`0:11 D 111.1“;


`D“, data
`Mean of log
`Between lot
`% cv
`% cv
`JI.4.90 ._.l 0.686 L.
`Within lot % cv (n=10)
`( —-——;—’————-—-\
`u R
`TIP. ratios
`Distance (cm)
`Arithmetic mean
`Geometric mean
`0.995] 0.9984
`F—tect comparison of variances
`' D
`istance (cm)
`I .08
`1.39 0.191


`Dmin data
`'/o cv
`Mean of log
`Between lot
`o/o cv
`Within lot % cv(n=10)
`a .
`TIR ratios
`Distance (cm)
`Arithmetic mean
`Geometric mean
`F—test comparison of variances
`Distance (cm)
`H“ 1'; 3-} §
`m .
`“a ;?--?”‘ My


`Ovality ratio
`Ovality ratio
`% cv
`Mean of log
`Between lot
`% cv
`Within lot % cv (n=10)
`Lot fl
`TIR ratios
`Distance (cm)
`Arithmetic mean
`Geometric mean
`F-test comparison of variances
`Distance (cm)
`. 0 0.002 3.06


`% CV
`Mean of log
`Between lot
`% CV
`Within lot % CV (n=10)
`TfR ratios
`Distance (cm)
`Arithmetic mean
`Geometric mean
`F-test comparison of variances
`Distance (cm)
`i .81
`*TIR ratio outside


`r ‘ _ '
`Wlthln lot % CV (n=10)
`M L
`TIR ratios
`Distance (cm)
`Arithmetic mean
`Geometric mean
`r-test comparison of variances
`Distance (cm)
`*TIR ratio outside " ,'__...—-
`Mean of log
`Between lot
`% CV
`% CV


`The spray pattern data for the 5 mg dosage strength is acceptable. For the 0.5 mg dose, the
`Dmin and Dmax Testheference geometric means ratios exceed the 5-— Iimit at the
`distance. At the -/ ‘ distance Dmin and Ovality were within the established limits.
`4.9 Does the comparative plume geometry summary data for the 0“ degree and 90"
`angles for the clinical device and the commercial device support the bioequivalence
`of the two products.
`Overall cv with raw data
`Total cv
`Product Degree
`Position Mean
`Total cv Mean
`Total cv Mean
`I 19.73
`167.93 F"
`5 I .47
`I \._1
`29.40 v _
`:| J; .4: «gulmtma


`Mean of log 10 of data
`Product Degree
`Position Mean of log width Mean of leg length Mean of log spray
`n0 “UH” ‘
`A 1‘5? in
`{Jill Ulisfliw '~


`T/R ratios raw mean
`‘ Degree
`TIR arithmetic mean
`TIR arithmetic mean
`TfR arithmetic mean
`spray angle
`TIR ratios log data
`TIR geometric mean
`T/R geometric mean
`T/R geometric mean
`spray angle
`1 . 1285*
`*TfR ratio is less than or greater than ‘-————
`The plume geometry data for the 5 mg nasal spray indicates that the TesUReference geometric
`means are outside of the acceptable limits. The firm should submit plume geometry data on the
`0.5 mg dosage strength.
`4.10.0verall Conclusions:
`The in vitro results for the following tests comparing the c

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