Statistical Review and Evaluation
`Review of Carcinogenicity Data
`Drug Name:
`21 —344, #000
`AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP
`Faslodex® (fulvestrant, ICl 182,780)
`Document Reviewed:
`Electronic submissions dated October 29 and December 1 l, 200].
`Lilliam Rosario, PhD. (HFD-lSO)
`Statistical Reviewer:
`Peiling Yang, PhD. (HFD-710)
`Project Manager:
`Amy Baird. (HFD-150)
`Peiling Yang, PhD.
`Mathematical Statistician
`' m
`Ms. R Kelly
`Pre-clinical Coordinator, DBI
`g i 2
`Dr. G. Chi
`Division Director, DB?“
`NDA# 21,344
`HFD-l SO/Amy Baird, CSO
`HFD—lSO/Division File
`HFD-l SO/Dr. L. Rosario
`HFD-lSO/Dr. D. Morse
`HFD-700/Dr. C. Anello
`HFD-710/Ms. R. Kelly
`HFD-71 O/Dr. G. Chen
`HFD-710/Dr. K. Mahjoob
`HFD-7lO/Dr. G. Chi
`HFD-7lO/Dr. P. Yang
`HFD-7l O/Chron


`BACKGROUND .................................................................................................................................. l
`INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. l
`SUMMARY OF SPONSOR’S ANALYSIS ...................................................................................... 2
`REVIEWER’S ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSIONS ......................................................................... 2
`4.] REVIEWER'S ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................................... 2
`Comparisons among the Three Controls .................................................................................. 2
`4.1. 1
`Comparisons among Vehicle Controls and Treated, Excluding Saline Control ....................... 5
`Comparisons among Vehicle Controls and Treated, Excluding Saline Control and High Dose
`Level, Male Rats Only ............................................................................................................................ 8
`4.2 REVIEWER’S CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................... 9
`Conclusions for Comparisons among the Three Controls ........................................................ 9
`Conclusions for Comparisons among the Two Vehicle Controls and the Treated.................... 9
`42.3 Overall Conclusions .................................................................................................................. 9
`APPENDIX ........................................................................................................................................ 10
`DOSE LEVEL, MALE RATS ONLY .............................................................................................................. 14
`Table I: Study Design ..........................................................................................................
`Table 2: Number of Deaths Per Control Group in Different Time Intervals. .....
`Table 4: Number of Deaths Per Treatment Group in Different Time Intervals, Excluding Saline ................. 6
`Table 5: Dose-Mortality Trend Tests, Excluding Saline ................................................................................. 7
`Table 6: Test for Dose-Tumor Positive Linear Trend in Tumors for Male Rats, Excluding Saline ............. 10
`Table 7: Test for Dose-Tumor Positive Linear Trend in Tumors for Female Rats, Excluding Saline .......... 12
`Table 8: Test for Dose—Tumor Positive Linear Trend in Tumors for Male Rats, Excluding Saline and High
`Dose ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
`Figure l: Kaplan-Meier Estimates of Survival Curves in Male Rats, Controls Only ...............
`Figure 2: Kaplan-Meier Estimates of Survival Curves in Female Rats, Controls Only....
`Figure 3: Kaplan-Meier Estimates of Survival Curves in Male Rats, Excluding Saline ..............
`Figure 4: Kaplan-Meier Estimates of Survival Curves in Female Rats, Excluding Saline ............................. 8
`NDA 21344 (Faslodex) Carcinogenicity Review


`Reference is made to the statistical consult request dated November 28, 2001, by Dr. Rosario, the
`reviewing pharmacologist, for a statistical review of the carcinogenicity study in the NDA
`The carcinogenicity data were first submitted on October 29, 2001. Since certain variables were
`not coded properly, a request was made by the Division on December 6 to ask the sponsor to re-
`examine and to re-submit the data. The updated data were submitted on December 1 l, 2001.
`This review is focused on dose—mortality and dose-tumor trends. Several comparisons are made
`for each sex: (1) the two vehicle controls and the saline group, (2) the two vehicle controls and
`the three lCI 182,780 groups, and (3) a pooled comparison of combined vehicles and combined
`In addition, in male rats, the comparison among the two vehicle controls and the low and
`middle dose levels of ICI 182,780 groups are also made.
`A carcinogenicity study was conducted in rats to assess the carcinogenic potential of ICI 182,780
`given intramuscularly at 15 or 30 day intervals. The study was designed as a 2-year study. Rats
`were randomly divided into 6 groups stratifying by sex. There were three controls and three
`separate dose level groups. The study design is listed in Table 1. It is noted, that the dosing
`schedule does not readily translate into an intuitive dose response, such as l, 2, 3. The low dose is
`given per kg of the animal but the medium and high doses are not adjusted by weight. As the
`animals grow, the low dose becomes much closer to the mid-dose when the 'per kg‘ dose is
`calculated. Therefore, this reviewer performed two analyses: one using 0, l, 2, 3 as weights in
`the dose-tumor trend tests and a pair-wise comparison of all controls with all treated, since final
`doses do not differ greatly from each other. No p-values are reported when the tumor findings
`depended on observing a gross lesion first in an area where tissues were not routinely collected
`(e.g. tail).
`In the study, all analyses were performed separately by sex. After the treatment period, all
`surviving animals were sacrificed. All animals were fully necropsied and histopathologically
`Table 1: Study Design
`Dose Levels
`Dose Volume
`Group No.
`Number of animals
`o-zmum _so
`Dose limited to maximum injection volume of 0.2mL/rat.
`NDA 21344 (Faslodex) Carcinogenicity Review


`An apparent reduction was seen in the mortality rate for animals receiving ICl 182,780. This
`reduction was observed in both sexes and attained statistical significance (p<0.05) for all treated
`groups compared to their respective controls.
`An increase in the incidence of ovarian benign granulosa cell tumors was only recorded in the
`high dose female animals. There was also evidence of an increase in the incidence of testicular
`interstitial Leydig cell tumors in male animals given ICI 182,780. Interstitial cell adenomas were
`absent in the vehicle control groups and present at a low incidence in the saline control group.
`The sponsor noted, that the incidence in the high dose group was similar to controls whilst in the
`two low dose groups the incidence was slightly increased although within the expected range for
`this age and strain ofrat.
`It was concluded by the sponsor that ICI 182,780 showed no evidence for direct carcinogenic
`activity. Induction of benign ovarian granulosa cell tumors and benign testicular Leydig cell
`tumors was consistent with the pharmacological activity of an anti-estrogen.
`P-values for dose-mortality pair-wise or trend analyses are two-sided and are compared with a
`significance level of 0.05. P-values from analyses of dose-tumor positive linear trend are one-
`sided and are compared with a significance level of 0.05 for rare tumors, defined as tumors in the
`control group with a spontaneous tumor rate of 1% or less, and with a significance level of 0.01
`for common tumors. Exact permutation trend tests are used unless both incidental and fatal tumor
`types are found in the same time interval, in which case a normal approximation is used, which
`gives the 'asymptotic' p-value. For pair-wise comparisons, the levels of significance are 0.05 and
`0.0] for rare and common tumors, respectively.
`4.1.1 Comparisons among the Three Controls
`The number of rats in each group who died in different time intervals appears in Table 2. The
`Kaplan-Meier estimates of the survival curves appear in Figure l and Figure 2. The table and
`figures did not suggest a difference in survival curves in male rats. However, in female rats there
`is a suggestion of decreased survival in saline control.
`As there is no inherent order among the two vehicle and the saline groups, the tests for
`homogeneity are appropriate. Table 3 shows that there was no statistically significant
`heterogeneity (p>0.245) among the survival patterns of the three groups for either sex. The
`apparent decreased survival in the female saline group seen in the Kaplan Meier curves was not
`borne out numerically. Results of pair-wise comparisons also show no statistically significant
`difference in survival in either sex.
`NDA 21344 (Faslodex) Carcinogenicity Review


`Results of the pair-wise comparisons among the three controls in male rats show no significant
`difference in tumor incidences at any tumor site.
`Results of the pair-wise comparisons among the three controls in female rats show no significant
`difference in tumor incidences at any tumor site, except for adenoma (pars distalis) of the
`pituitary. There were 37 incidences in the vehicle control 1 and 46 incidences in the saline group.
`Both exact and asymptotic p-values of the corresponding pair-wise comparison are identical and
`equal to 0.0124. This finding is nearly statistically significant at the significance level of 0.01
`when the tumor is considered common and when no further multiplicity adjustment for p-values
`is required.
`Table 2: Number of Deaths Per Control Group in Different Time Intervals.
`Vehicle Control 1
`Vehicle Control 2
`Saline Control
`0 — 52
`53 — 78
`79 — 91
`92 — 103
`104 — 104
`0 — 52
`53 — 78
`79 — 91
`92 — 103
`104 — 104
`NDA 21344 (Faslodex) Carcinogenicity Review


`Table 3: Dose-Mortality Trend Tests‘ for Control Groups
`Trend Test
`Dose-Mortality Trend
`Depart from Trend
`Dose-Mortality Trend
`Depart from Trend
`Dose-Mortality Trend
`Depart from Trend
`Dose—Mortality Trend
`from Trend
`Donald G. Thomas, National Cancer Institute.
`Figure l: Kaplan-Meier Estimates of Survival Curves in Male Rats’, Controls Only
`Kuhn—Muir fluvial “auction
`mm: RI
`2 ii E
`Due to limitation ofthe labeling, the saline control group is labeled as ‘2’ in the plot.
`NDA 21344 (Faslodex) Carcinogenicity Review


`Figure 2: Kaplan-Meier Estimates of Survival Curves in Female Ratd, Controls Only
`Kuhn—Man Suviul “auction
`Wed 9—0—0 my.“
`O-O-D (:7ng
`2 l1 5
`Due to limitation of the labeling, the saline control group is labeled as ‘2’ in the plot.
`4.1.2 Comparisons among Vehicle Controls and Treated, Excluding Saline Control
`In this section the saline control group is excluded from the analysis because saline only served as
`a comparator to potential vehicle effects.
`In addition, results are reported from the analyses with
`both vehicle control groups combined.
`The number of rats in each group who died in different time intervals appears in Table 4. The
`Kaplan-Meier estimates of the survival curves appear in Figure 3 and Figure 4. The table and
`figures suggest an increased trend with treatment in survival in either sex. However, in male rats
`the increased survival trend seems to be greatly influenced by the high-dose group, whereas in
`female rats the control groups overlap and the treated groups overlap separately.
`The p-values from the dose-mortality trend tests appear in Table 5. The results of these tests
`confirm what is visually apparent form the Kaplan-Meier curves and the number of deaths per
`time interval. The p-value for the dose-mortality trend test is significant (p-value < 0.001) in
`either sex.
`The entire table of comparisons of organ specific tumors appears in Appendix 5.1. In male rats,
`there are no sites with a significant dose-tumor positive linear trend. All eleven testicular
`interstitial Leydig cell tumors appear in the treated groups, but in a non—linear pattern. Therefore,
`the p-value for the linear trend is not significant (exact p-value = 0.3148). However, results of
`the pooled comparison between the combined vehicle controls and the combined treated groups
`show a significant difference (exact p-value = 0.0068). In addition, the trend for lipoma of the
`subcutaneous tissue in male rats approaches statistical significance (exact p-value = 0.0514, non-
`overlapping time intervals for fatal and incidental tumors) at a significance level of 0.05.
`NDA 21344 (Faslodex) Carcinogenicity Review


`In female rats, a positive linear trend for ovarian granulosa cell tumors is found statistically
`significant (exact p-value = 0.0001) at a significance level of 0.05. Results of the pooled
`comparison between the combined vehicle controls and the combined treated groups also show a
`significant difference (exact p-value = 0.0126). In addition, the trend for fibrosarcoma of the
`subcutaneous tissue in female rats is statistically significant (exact p-value = 0.0366, non-
`overlapping time intervals for fatal and incidental tumors) at a significance level of 0.05.
`Table 4: Number of Deaths Per Treatment Group in Different Time Intervals, Excluding
`Control 1
`Control 2
`0 — 52
`NDA 21344 (Faslodex) Carcinogenicity Review


`Table 5: Dose-Mortality Trend Tests’, Excluding Saline
`Trend Test
`Dose-Mortality Trend
`Depart from Trend
`Kruskal-Wallis Dose-Mortality Trend
`Depart from Trend
`Dose-Mortality Trend
`from Trend
`Kruskal-Wallis Dose—Mortality Trend
`from Trend
`0 0001
`This test is run using Trend and Homogeneity Analyses ofProportions and Life Table Data Version 2.] by
`Donald G. Thomas, National Cancer lnstitute.
`Figure 3: Kaplan-Meier Estimates of Survival Curves in Male Rats, Excluding Saline
`Kaila—Man Swirl] Mancini:
`NDA 21344 (Faslodex) Carcinogenicity Review


`Figure 4: Kaplan-Meier Estimates of Survival Curves in Female Rats, Excluding Saline
`Karin—Muir Suvvd Mu
`4.1.3 Comparisons among Vehicle Controls and Treated, Excluding Saline Control
`and High Dose Level, Male Rats Only
`In the previous section, though there were eleven testicular interstitial Leydig cell tumors and all
`among the treated, the linear trend test did not reach statistical significance. In order to explore
`this finding, the dose-tumor trend analysis in male rats is repeated in this section but with the high
`dose level removed.
`The entire table of comparisons of organ specific tumors appears in Appendix 5.2. The p-value
`for the testicular interstitial Leydi g cell tumors now reaches statistical significance when the high
`dose level is removed from the analysis (p-value = 0.0206 as compared to 0.3148 when included).
`This reviewer is aware that the decision to exclude the high dose fi'om the analysis was post—hoe
`and is therefore, biased. However, as mentioned above, attributing a right order to the doses of
`ICI 182,780 administered to the rats is not straightforward in this study and the non-linear trend
`observed among the testicular interstitial Leydig cell tumors may reflect this problem. Also, the
`trend in lipoma in the subcutaneous tissue is no longer statistically significant at a significance
`level of 0.05 (p-value = 0.0682).
`NDA 21344 (Faslodex) Carcinogenicity Review


`4.2.] Conclusions for Comparisons among the Three Controls
`In male rats, results of the pair-wise comparisons among the three controls show no significant
`difference in tumor incidences at any tumor site.
`In female rats, 37 incidences of adenoma (pars distali) of the pituitary appear in the vehicle
`control 1 and 46 in the saline control. The pair-wise comparison approaches statistical
`significance (p-value = 0.0124) when the tumor is considered common and when no further
`multiplicity adjustment for p-values is required.
`4.2.2 Conclusions for Comparisons among the Two Vehicle Controls and the Treated
`In male rats, there is a statistically significant relationship between dose and increased length of
`survival (p-value < 0.001). There is also a statistically significant dose-tumor positive linear
`trend for the testicular interstitial Leydig cell tumors (p-value = 0.0206) when the high dose level
`is excluded from the comparison. The finding is not significant (p-value = 0.3148) when the high
`dose level is included into the analysis. However, results of the pooled comparison of this tumor
`between the combined vehicle controls and the combined treated groups show a significant
`difference (exact p-value = 0.0068).
`In addition, the trend for lipoma of the subcutaneous tissue
`approaches statistical significance (exact p-value = 0.0514) at a significance level of 0.05.
`In female rats, there is a statistically significant relationship between dose and increased length of
`survival (p-value < 0.001). There is also a statistically significant dose-tumor positive linear
`trend for the ovarian granulosa cell tumors (p-value = 0.0001) where 7 of the 10 incidences
`occurred in the high-dose group. Results of the pooled comparison in this tumor site between the
`combined vehicle controls and the combined treated groups also show a significant difference
`(exact p-value = 0.0126).
`In addition, the trend for fibrosarcoma of the subcutaneous tissue is
`statistically significant (exact p-value = 0.0366) at a significance level of 0.05.
`4.2.3 Overall Conclusions
`A nearly significant difference in tumor incidences is found in adenoma (pars distalis) of the
`pituitary in female rats between the vehicle control 1 and the saline control when the tumor is
`considered common and when no further multiplicity adjustment for p-values is required.
`The statistical findings in this review are similar to the sponsor’s report with respect to analyses
`of dose-mortality trend, of dose-tumor positive linear trend for the testicular interstitial Leydig
`cell tumors and for ovarian granulosa cell tumors. However, due to the difficulty in assigning
`proper dose levels reflecting the changing relationship of the doses administered, this reviewer
`considers the comparison of the combined vehicle controls and the combined treated as the most
`In these analyses, the differences in testicular interstitial Leydig cell tumors and in
`ovarian granulosa cell tumors reach statistical significance. Other factors associated with these
`NDA 21344 (Faslodex) Carcinogenicity Review


`findings (such as attributing the findings to the pharmacological activity of an anti-estrogen) are
`beyond this review.
`Table 6: Test for Dose-Tumor Positive Linear Trend in Tumors for Male Rats, Excluding
`xac! As m
`“-3378 0.2237
`”.7568 08286
`_I_0000 0.9237
`”1.0000 0.9228
`I. 1 '0000
`Mal1gnant schwannoma:
`[-_0.7871 07916
`arcinoma: heatocellular
`0.3 350
`Adenoma: heatocellular
`“0.5270 0.5410
`_-0.7579 0.7613
`denoma: islet cell
`__O.3378 0.2287
`-denoma: acinar cell
`arcinoma: islet cell _ 0.7264
`_[_1.4000 0.3973
`denoma: tubular ch1
`“0.5270 0.5410
`“1.0000 0.9637
`I .0000
`0 .5589
`denoma: interstitial cel _
`. steosarcoma
`denoma: oars distalis m
`Adenoma: narsintennedia _
`Adenoma: C—cell _
`O kl! 00 U).
`O i5 oo
`[-5603 0.5613
`NDA 21344 (Faslodex) Carcinogenicity Review


`I 9483
`_ 0.1967
`_ 0.6975
`_ .0000
`_ .69l7
`_ .0000
`_ .1692
`Inheochromoc om
`pheochromoc oma
`MAMMARY GLAND Adenocarcinoma
`_F1broma: dermal
`_Adenoma‘ sebaceous
`-Pa illoma' s uamous cell
`' q
`C-rcinoma' squamous cell
`NDA 21344 (Faslodex) Carcinogenicity Review
`1 1


`Table 7: Test for Dose-Tumor Positive Linear Trend in Tumors for Female Rats, Excluding
`WWW 0.9285
`MENINGES __l-_l-E-E-E--
`CAVITY ORAL ___E_Ll-__-
`0—---.715I 0.7197
`_denomazisletcell mow”
`—Carcinoma: Islet cell ---l-_I-_-
`'denomazrubularcell mnmooo 0.9597
`arcinoma:mbularcell _____0.03 0.7272
`Pol :endometrial stroma _____-0.9996
`UTERUS mmmo .9340
`PITUITARY —----I.oooo
`PITUITARY 0—_-.9669
`THYROID 0_|-l---l-.5840 0.5924
`Carcinoma: follicularcel __I___—f--
`denomazfollicularcell _--_—-_l-
`Am “II-I'm
`ADRENAL —-_i-l-I-l.6677
`HEMOLYM. TISSUE m-l---_-_E_l-
`HEMOLYM. TISSUE 0-1—-_I-_8312
`HEMOLYMTISSUE mum-02000 0.1325
`MAMMARY GLAND __--fl-ll-_l-_
`MAMMARY GLAND _lls---{I-_l---
`MISCELLANEOUS —-..' --9490
`heochromoc oma
`NDA 21344 (Faslodex) Carcinogenicity Review


`Pa ilIoma' s uamous cell
`' q
`Carcmoma. squamous cell
`O steosarcoma metastasis EIIIII
`NDA 21344 (Faslodex) Carcinogenicity Review


`Table 8: Test for Dose—Tumor Positive Linear Trend in Tumors for Male Rats, Excluding
`Saline and High Dose
`CI” "2'“ LowMM
`Malinantanularcellt MLOOOO 0.9428
`-_t-i-Il-l_.6327 0.6986
`I—.0000 0.9353
`_M-E-IDOOO 0.9192
`_Mali an: schwannoma: endMIMI) 0.9436
`Carcinoma: heatoccllular _--_0.5795 0.5906
`Adenoma: he-atocellular _O-_-4365
`Cholan ioma M02857 I .2347
`Adenoma: islet cell
`_m0.8987 I.8967
`Carcinoma: islet cell __--0. I4 I 8
`I . I 394
`Li oma
`____0.2395 0.2303
`Adenoma: tubular cell M02857
`Paleloma. transmonal c III. [.0000
`Adenoma: interstitial cel M00206 {EH-—
`SEMINAL VESICLE -—E-l-E-_I.oooo 0.9I92
`Rhabdomyosarcoma In“. I .0909
`Squamous cell carcinoma: “-“10000 0.9245
`Adenoma: ars distalis m 0.9843
`PITUITARY __I__l_l-2895 I.2303
`Adenoma: C-cell
`l-_-- I .6272
`I .634 I
`HYROID _l-_--I.5192 .5254
`Adenoma: follicular cell ____ .2857
`Mali-unanthcochromoc o ___-0.7l43 I.7227
`- DRENAL o—l-.5030 .5113
`- DRENAL “mo-.0775 I.0760
`homa Wmooo I.9453
`MAMMARY GLAND __EI-__ I .0000
`MAMMARY GLAND—L-i-l-_I.4359 0.5393
`MAMMARY GLAND__l-__ I .0000
`NDA 21344 (Faslodex) Carcinogenicity Review


`I.EOa Q. (17aa
`O \D
`l 0000 _-
`I 0000
`N N
`.W _uu-nl-I
`ISCELLANEOUS ---.°-8797
`Leiom osarcoma _____-
`0——M5941 06838
`NDA 21344 (Faslodex) Carcinogenicity Review


`This is a representation of an electronic record that was signed electronically and
`this page is the manifestation of the electronic signature.
`Peiling Yang
`12/20/01 11:42:22 AM
`Roswitha Kelly
`12/20/01 12:05:12 PM
`George Chi
`12/21/01 11:32:21 AM


`Executive CAC
`Date of Meeting; December 4, 2001
`Rat Carcinogenicity Study
`Joseph DeGeorge, Ph.D., HFD-024, Chair
`Joseph Contrera, Ph.D., HFD-901, Member
`Timothy McGovern, Ph.D., HFD—l 70, Alternate Member
`David Morse, Ph.D. Supervisory Pharmacologist, HFD-ISO
`Lilliam Rosario, Ph.D., Pharm-Tox Reviewer, HFD-l 50
`Author of Draft: Lilliam Rosario, PhD.
`The following information reflects a brief summary of the Committee discussion and its
`recommendations. Detailed study information can be found in the individual review.
`NDA # 21,344
`Drug Name: Faslodex (Fulvestrant; ICI 182,780
`Sponsor: Astra Zeneca Pharmaceuticals
`Mouse Carcinogenicity Study: Not conducted
`This 2-year carcinogenicity study in rats was submitted to NDA 21,344. This NDA proposes the
`use of ICI 182,780 (fulvestrant) for the treatment 01 -
`The recommended dose of Faslodex is 250 mg to be administered intramuscularly (IM)
`The Sponsor indicates fulvestrant is an antiestrogenic agent, which acts by downregulation of the
`estrogen receptor (ER). Fulvestrant binds ER in a competitive manner with a high affinity
`comparable to estradiol. Further, the Sponsor suggests that Fulvestrant is a non-agonist
`antiestrogen which blocks the uterotrophic action of estradiol in mice, rats and monkeys without
`itself having any partial agonist estrogen— like activity.
`The mutagenic and clastogenic potential of ICI 182,780 has been studied in bacterial mutation
`assays in strains of Salmonella typhimurium and Escherischia coli, an in vitro cytogenetics assay
`in cultured human lymphocytes, 3 mouse lymphoma mutation assay, and an in vivo rat
`micronucleus test. ICI 182,780 has shown no evidence of genotoxic/clastogenic potential in this
`battery of tests.


`Rat Carcinogenicig Study:
`Study Design:
`Dose concurrence was obtained on July 28, 1998.
`The Sponsor selected the high dose level to represent the maximum possible dose by the IM
`route (maximum feasible dose).
`There were 6 groups (50 sex/group); Sprague Dawley rats . ”IL——
`Control-l (Cl):
`Vehicle/15 days
`Control-2 (C2):
`Vehicle/3O days
`Control-3 (C3):
`Saline/15 days
`Low Dose (LD):
`15 mg/kg/3O days
`Middle Dose (MD):
`10 mg/rat/30 days
`High Dose- (HD);
`10 mg/rat/ 15 days
`The following table shows the ~ actual dose (mg/kg) administered to Groups V (10
`mg/rat/30days) and Group VI (10 mg/rat/l 5 days). For comparison purposes, these values have
`also been normalized for frequency of administration (from every 15 days to every 30 days)
`Group V
`10 m_/rat/30 da 5
`Group V1
`10 m/rat/lS da s
`Sex Week Body
`30 days
`mg/kg/ mg/kg/30
`15 days
`Statistical Methods:
`All tests for tumor incidence were one—sided looking for an increase in response/incidence.
`The Haseman (1983) principle of statistical significance was adopted; a rare tumor (<1%
`spontaneous incidence) will be deemed statistically significant if p<0.05, and a common
`tumor shall be deemed significant if p<0.01.
`The statistical comparisons of interest were implemented using Peto’s survival-adjusted trend
`Note that the significance values used by the Sponsor are in accordance with those employed
`by CDER when only a single carcinogenicity study is conducted. The probability levels for
`determining significance of tumor incidence has not been adjusted for multiple statistical
`comparisons as would be appropriate to maintain a constant error rate over multiple studies.


`It appears that the IM administration of ICI 182,780 (fulvestrant) for 24 months increased the
`incidence of ovarian granulosa cell tumors and testicular Leydig cell tumors in female and male
`rats, respectively.
`A 14% increase in the incidence of a rare ovarian granulosa cell tumors in the high dose
`female animals (7/50 rats at 10 mg/rat/l 5d; p=0.01887).
`Spontaneous incidence of granulosa cell tumors for this strain of rat is 0.06% (n=1729)
`(Giknis and Clifford, 2001 ‘P—-""-"""—'“
`The conducting laboratory reports background instances varying from O/ 120 to 1/120 (0.2%).
`Another study (n=4493) with the same strain and source reports 0.3% (Gregson and Abbott,
`There was increase incidence (2-12%) of interstitial Leydig cell tumors (adenomas-common)
`in drug-treated animals.
`These tumors were present at a low incidence (4%) in the saline control group and absent in
`the vehicle control groups. The incidence in the high dose group was similar to controls (2%)
`while slightly increased (8-12%) in the two low dose groups,
`In Group 4 (15 mg/kg/30 days), interstitial cell tumors were increased significantly
`Spontaneous incidence for this strain of rat is 2.35% 1 m
`The reviewer proposed 3 questions for the EXEC CAC committee:
`1. Are the survival rates observed in control and drug-treated groups adequate to determine the
`carcinogenic potential of ICI 182,780 (fulvestrant)?
`0 Even though survival rates appear lower than expected for control males, the Committee
`agreed that the rate of mortality is adequate to determine the carcinogenic potential of ICI
`Does the Committee agree that administration of ICI 182,780 increases the incidence of
`granulosa cell tumors and interstitial Leydig cell tumors?
`The Committee
`agreed that administration of ICI 182,780 increases the incidence of both granulosa cell
`tumors and interstitial Leydig cell tumors, in females and males, respectively.
`recommended the statistical evaluation of these results take into consideration that only
`one carcinogenicity study was submitted.
`recommended to carefully examine the pharmacological data submitted to support the
`claim that ICI 182,780 is a “non-agonist” antiestrogen. The increase incidence of
`interstitial Leydig cell tumors in males may suggest a drug-induced estrogenic effect.
`noted that while the carcinogenicity study was acceptable, the Sponsor did not perform
`the defining s

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