Page 26 of 35
`Ranjit B. Mani. MD, HFD-120 Medical Review
`NDA 21196 (000). Xyrem, Orphan Medical, Inc.
`Body As A Whole
`N w—mmxwim«m.mehmw

`,flflfflwflw .fi\
`......~.-«.v. «M ”9,. Wv.~~mucmmfi{>*‘»wvm-fldw
`Digestive system
`, ,,....e.- e,_.d.e...<,.i ream-”M ‘Khmmsmfiww ._.., r
`.. ”Wow“ a
`.. N», MN . may». . ‘w~,<,»~...».
`. a u un‘ >>~N'N;»»-‘< n («-cy w-rqnusm—h—qM—W»r >5“
`Hemic and lymphatic system
`Anemia, ecchymosis, New” ieukocytosis, WWW
`lymphadenopathy, “Wm-«W ,polycythemia.
`Metabolic and nutritional
`Alkaline phosphatase increased,
`hypercholesteremiat; we
`, "mews“ ... “We; . _ _ “.53“fig =-=~_fiww._mw--m..”mumswnwa a»-
`, WW...“M.w.
`Musculoskeletal system
`gurwkmwz:w;~-wfi“” ’ “" ’
`Arthritis, arthrosis, M
`C['8 mpS , myopathyL.w\w>*4f‘¢§4"y«'f‘1v'l*v“""fM5NW§W$fl-erva W‘s-MS» saw.“ «Mam.1;“figs “5
`', leg


`Page 27 of 35
`Ranjit B. Mani, MD, HFD-120 Medical Review
`NDA 21196 (000), Xyrem, Orphan Medical, inc.
`Nervous system
`~ _‘
`__—7 7-
`convulsion,~ ~

`Respiratory system
`epistaxis, hiccup,
`e a W, ~» ~
`“MM, whwnxm .—\.
`. _,r.'-"-r'x,‘r~e:“""‘~»(*"V‘EI‘K’X’J'KF-‘fl‘rhere .,:~»,n-:». :»M—v—~:w,~. “w
`s V
`-»:-.vex.>~- {uh-,- ‘ .,
`Skin and appendages
`Acne, alopecia,
`,,.,,;.wmummu:as; ._.
` a“ mafia xgx-v .; :-
`AV e»
`,7, n e 2‘,» i...t .1... _e,__ uwrtr'évfl“ "‘
`taste loss,
`Urogenital system
`«JDVK'S:Nil.-Mmuuim. V
`~ albuminuria,
`rN-v.( .(a. &
`,,WM~menorrhagia',“““WW'WMNW.. »M
`papameeiau—Papamcolau smear suspicious, polyuria,WWW
` Ww~r~~uca » »: ...., “-‘vv‘Wn-vm
`A“wa. rcb -
`w‘mmwemewwwvwwmmm urine freq uency. wwmwmv
`- 3
`WW , “flaws-WW
`a N. samw 4w _
`"W .. -
`, _ mm x r
`A «a. use, mover) «
`4A “ya—fl m z weighs. 4c!
`m: nnzmm«A 2.23;!" .- 3,
`M,“ u m _.m
`mm”, ,.. r,


`Review and Evaluation of Clinical Data
`NDA (Serial Number)
`Proposed Indication:
`Material Submitted:
`Correspondence Date:
`Date Received I Agency:
`Date Review Completed
`21196 (000)
`Orphan Medical, Inc.
`Labeling Review
`Ranjit B. Mani, M.D.
`This submission contains an original New Drug Application for Xyrem® (sodium
`oxybate; y-hydroxybutyrate) oral solution.
`This document reviews the sponsor’s proposed labeling as proposed in the
`original application and as modified in a further submission dated 12/16/00.
`The safety and efficacy data in this application have each been reviewed by me
`in separate applications.
`The sponsor’s draft labeling, as edited by me, is presented below. My editing and
`review of the label have been confined to sections subsumed under my clinical
`Draft Professional Insert (December 15, 2000 Version) Modified to include
`information from Trial OMC-SXB-21 and OMC-SXB-20
`Rx only
`Xyrem® (sodium oxybate) oral solution
`Xyrem (sodium oxybate) is a neuroactive agent with effects on sleep architecture
`that include increased slow wave sleep, increased delta power, and decreased


`Page 2 of 35
`Ranjit B. Mani, MD. HFD-120 Medical Review
`NDA 21196 (000), Xyrem. Orphan Medical, lnc. 6/14/01
`nocturnal awakenings. Xyrem is intended for oral administration. The chemical
`name for sodium oxybate is gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB), sodium. The
`molecular formula is NaC4H703 and the molecular weight is 126.1 grams/mole.
`The chemical structure is:
`Sodium oxybate is a white to off-white, crystalline powder that is very soluble in
`aqueous solutions. Xyrem contains 500 mg of sodium oxybate per milliliter of
`USP purified water, neutralized to pH 7.5 with malic acid.
`Mechanism of Action


`Page 3 of 35 -
`Ranjit B. Mani, MD, HFD-120 Medical Review
`NDA 21196 (000). Xyrem. Orphan Medical, Inc.
`. .a,
`v 9
`“flu”, flu; ¢r&&Wfl.wwWM‘mwa“wm:wr‘vur-
`Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism
`W is M absorbed following oral administration. The average =
`W ‘peak plasma concentration.m
`~ ”we. 'after a high fat meal resulted in M average
`Administration of
`Tmax increasing from 0.75 hr to 2.0 hr and a ““
`reductions in peak plasma levels
`(Cmax) of 58% and systemic exposure (AUC) by 37%.
`Wwfizxovx‘finflv-«uwsma >
`E 5'” MV~N*W‘~W.W»WW—M


`Ranjit B. Mani, MD, HFD’120 Medical Review
`NBA 21196 (000), Xyrem. Orphan Medical, lnc.
`Page 5 of 35
`a )4,:A:'61L‘Lr-’.-un-l'l:
`The clearance of oxybate is almost entirely by biotransformation to carbon.
`dioxide, which is then eliminated by expiration. On average, less than 5% of
`unchanged drug appears in human urine within 6 to 8 hours after dosing. Fecal
`excretion is negligible.
`Special Populations
`The pharmacokinetics of sodium oxybate in patients greater than the age of 85
`years has not been studied.
`The pharmacokinetics of sodium oxybate in pediatric patients under the age’of
`18 years has not been studied.
`in a study of 18 female and 18 male healthy adult volunteers, no gender
`differences were detected in the pharmacokinetics of sodium oxybate following a
`single oral dose of4.5 grams.


`Page 6 of 35
`Ranjit B, Mani, MD, HFD-120 Medical Review
`NDA 21196 (000). Xyrem. Orphan Medical, Inc.
`Renal Disease
`Because the kidney does not have a significant role in the excretion of oxybate,
`no pharmacokinetic study in patients with renal dysfunction has been conducted.
`Hepatic Disease
`Oxybate undergoes srgnifcant presystemic (hepatic first-pass) metabolism.
` ‘ .
`AUC values were doublein the cirrhotic patients,
`7. wapparent oral clearance from 9.1 in healthy adults to 4. 5 and 4 l
`mL/min/kg W-7-~m4"““M"
`patients, respectively. Elimination half-life
`was sionificantlv lonoer'in ,
`7 77”,.
`.7 7 7;. :"~.- tn 7'
`, 7...». ,,-__7vn_,7...7_7v~__.
`~32,» ., _

`‘ " ‘ M ~/-—-.. ~W~A<
`*' >"~-~—wwmrwu=gwemwm%«m,V.,_ ~er~Wcmy»; x .,,,
`. ,W4'
`_~-;-m .'~;~>7~‘>:~r>n'-’J‘:<~’ ”.77. ,~—.,..;,¢1.,.\.7;7,7_;7.,\ geg,”;m—==~§wmafclmwg7-Bfic""Svr‘4="'~ >-» >
`.7... WWWWMWWWszM-‘r
`" "W N»... y A 7.


`(0 page(s) of
`revised draft labeling
`has been redacted
`frOm this portion of
`the review.


`Page 13 of 35
`Ranjit BA Mani. MD, HFD-120 Medical Review
`NDA 21196 (000), Xyrem. Orphan Medical. Inc. 6/14/01M
`m w»,
`‘ “Aw \m “N
`w-<~.,.s.~....._A? ....
`3 fl
`,, .
`x W _. - - _.
`*~ w: 4 .m.
`,7 :a.,\x.~,~.: 1-13?!» flap-"WW ”7.6.9,...“mw1-ws>‘wwg¢,;g,m "m”
`a ”1’:
`,>:55zMaLG_M«i~;fi—Wuv . «up--

`M N]. m-m»
`fgrwr "‘
`aanwfihw w“ W q
`...‘,»7,_;.,\»41¢;.._.(,,~-;_ MN —-.1~é,m‘v ‘jzwlflr'tw‘ v31» WM / ,,,, W
`.7! . H .;_.r.-WW.W\st—¢-rmw—_WV..W~‘
`....<Av."w«r~\w"‘“”"" "
`' ‘
`~ S<mw-°* was ”or
`.wanna” » .mnv
` ~r mm”‘4:,vxw.wmwmm.wwmM»,«goo-mW a -‘
`Xyrem® (sodium oxybate) oral solution is indicated ‘W IfCTt‘he
`treatment of cataplexwaW~*


`3 page(s) of
`revised draft labeling
`has been redacted
`from this portion of
`the review.


`Ranjit B. Mani. MD, Hszo Medical Review
`NBA 21196 (000), Xyrem, Orphan Medical. lnc.
`Page 17Vof 35
`Daily sodium intakeiIn patients taking sodium oxybate ranges from 0. 5 g (for 3 g
`Xyrem dose) to 1.6 g (for 9 g Xyrem dose), thereforeeeesideratien—teand the
`implications of—sueh that sodium load must be given—consideredIn hypertensive
`patients or patients with compromised renal function.
`Patients with compromised liver function will have increased elimination half-life
`and systemic exposure M -7 (see Pharmacokinetics
`WM‘W _
`Renal Insufficiency
`less than
`No studies have been conducted in renal failure W"; ’
`5% of sodium oxybate is excreted via the kidney
`no dose adjustment
`should be necessary in patients with renal impairment. The sodium load ~—
`associated with administration 01 ,....._._ should be considered in patients with
`renal insufficiency.
`.—. , Lawnmu-ngsxpmaaw: made. .7 .


`Ranjit B. Mani, MD, HFD-120 Medical Review
`NBA 21196 (000), Xyrem, Orphan Medical, Inc.
`Page 18 of 35
`Drug Interactions
`_ n ,
`, M “misc, c,
`N1; We xermeficu'a:ye:thz-nuVM‘n'fi-‘z‘ii‘r-fiflxt‘,‘Mr'r‘“,“‘»"/"/HI“.W‘J- e
`«r;.wane:—wr:gq-w—‘ww,_‘.—n~eve--» We /.<>‘,‘4>“,.¢\1>.-r--2. M. WWW W
`In animal models, oxybate and depressant drug combinations generally WWW
`greater ”WWW depressant effectst ”We either drug alone. Concomitant
`administration of oxybate and benzodiazepines, barbiturates, or ethanol
`increases sleep duration.
`In primates, oxybate blood levels were elevated with
`phenytoin pretreatment and reduced with L-Dopa and ethosuximide, and
`Carcinogenicity, Mutagenicity, Impairment of Fertility
`_,=w7s..g.~/W ‘
`H g... .m, mw-w ~ ,
`« elm-q. mew,”
`, W ~ as» m ‘35 w ’25.:e‘132‘12-“W w ~"
`W 1,, W -_, ,vamwwwme s. «mm, W
`v W W” WW.\ W I
`.. rfl

`.W. y»
`P, _
`«L w" W —-
`"W axe», 1 “st )r-Maw
`-ks 4’"
`‘Mz~‘ ”~24 WW
`“a. x may
`"I v
`week.»»— u .D, W


`Ranjit B. Mani, MD. HFD-120 Medical Review
`NDA 21196 (000). Xyrem. Orphan Medical. Inc.
`Page 20 of 35
`Approximately "
`‘ “Wk-3M ( mum.
`of patients ( min 3 controlled clinical trials (n= M)
`e W: “WM h»v>:.~1_-_:L‘Ia‘.’n;".'l9v:r¢'32(£A;vazw:mwis~3m.ntkm
`. .V w
`, T 4.“, Yua~£9wsa~u moi-4w“ .. h
`MAM «run-«Agra,
`“mm at“,
`Incidence in Controlled Clinical Trials
`Most Commonly Reported Adverse Events in Controlled Clinical Trials
`The most commonly reported adverse events associated with the use of sodium
`oxybate and occurring with at lea‘St 5% greater frequency than seen in placeho-
`treated patients were dizziness (23%), headache (20%), nausea (16%), pain
`(12%), sleep disorder (9%), confusion (7%), infection (7%), vomiting (6%), and
`urinary incontinence (5%). These incidences are based on combined data from
`Trial 1 and two smaller randomizedI double-blind, placebo-controlled. cross—over
`trials (n=181)
`Trial 1, the parallel-group, placebo-controlled trial, M used 3"
`fix d
`doses of sodium ogvbate (30. 60. and 9,c1)l__x In that trial
`._ _,- e
`-- V - summer. m... -.a...~;--..-- ..
`~ ‘ v-v»»-v~-m-»«~w~~w-M»~wr-v-N...
`dizziness, nausea, urinary incontinence, and vomiting were more common at


`Ranjii B. Mani, MD, HFD—120 Medical Review
`NDA 21196 (000). Xyrem, Orphan Medical, Inc.
`Page 22 of 35
`Digestive System
`Nausea and Vomiting
`2 (6%)
`2 (6%)
`o (0%)
`o (0%)
`2 (6%)
`3 (9%)
`o (0%)
`2 (6%) W2(3%)WW 5(15%) 12 (34%)
`0 (0%)
`0 (0%)
`2 (6%)
`2 (6%)
`o (0%)
`o (0%)
`2 (6%)
`4 (11%)
`\xmmwmm»mwgmmmww~ww mp
`~ ”7 WWW".
`Musculoskeletal System
`I'mw...«Mn—MWWMMMWm-» ‘W\V_,~___j
`Nervous System
`'0337550}W W
`Dream Abnormal
`o (0%)
`1 (3%)
`1 (3%)
`2 (6%)
`O (0%)
`2 (6%)
`o (0%)
`1 (3%)
`2 (6%)
`o (0%)
`1 (3%)
`5 (14%)
`1 (3%)
`8 (24%) 16 (36%) W 12 (34%)
`0 (0%)
`3 (9%)
`1 (3%)


`Ranjit B. Mani, MD, HFD-120 Medical Review
`NDA 21196 (000). Xyrem, Orphan Medical. inc.
`Page 23 of 35
`1 (3%)
`0 (0%)
`o (0%)
`2 (6%)
`2 (6%)
`0 (0%)
`o (0%)
`O (0%)
`Sleep Disorder
`1 (3%)
`2 (6%)
`4 (12%)
`5 (14%)
`4 (12%)
`5 (15%)
`4 (12%)
`5 (14%)
`Thinking Abnormal
`0 (0%)
`1 (3%)
`O (0%)
`2 (6%)
`"‘w—nr.w,w..M.N»MMvmem—mmw, ,
`‘ ——»WWW ,
`WM”, m h
`4 . a,”
`am ”W W w “a k ”W
`. a
`,. —~-memwmqub(-Mturx~W.W _ m-V-‘WV‘J'”0'W'HK‘W»
`Special Senses
`1 (3%)
`2 (6%)
`O (0%)
`O (0%)
`o (0%)
`2 (6%)
`0 (0%)
`o (0%)
`Urogenital System
`Incontinence Urine
`1 (3%)
`0 (0%)
`1 (3%)
`0 (0%)
`0 (0%)
`2 (6%)
`2 (6%)
`5 (14%)


` 2 page(s) of
`revised draft labeling
`has been redacted
`frOm this portion of
`the review.


`Page 26 of 35

`Raniit B. Mani. MD. HFD-120 Medical Review
`NBA 21196 (000). Xyrem, Orphan Medical, inc. 6/14/01
`Body As A Whole
`Hemic and lymphatic system
`Ieukocytosis, "W“
`Anemia, ecchymosis. Meme“
`Iymphadenopathy, Aw‘m—W , polycythemia.
`Metabolic and nutritional
`Alkaline phosphatase increased,
`“wfilwfiaqW, ”an“... Reva“ ,mfix‘a —fi~.-'ymlrdmii~l€su:~mljyg”(.51 y MS“; NW “
`,_L:;-...,.;._.,,»1...... g; .,. »
`‘A “A, mvamvhmmWM‘ , "mu“.yrw ,
`Musculoskeletal system
`Arthritis, arthrosis,


`Page 27 of 35
`Ranjit B. Mani, MD, HFD—120 Medical Review
`NBA 21196 (000), Xyrem, Orphan Medical. Inc. 6/14/01
`Nervous system
`. -» ~
`Agitation, -~ »
`convulsion; MM
`_.. |
`1m,,_.5,._~.myrx’mV‘MMVMMMM~.-N.N ~ w-»>M‘MMM::;->:-s;~~_:NNN~NN.NeN:
`Respiratory system
`__V>MM,>_,‘._,.NNN-,N.NV .NN,
`,N’epistaxis hiccup,
`”aN...N.»Nv;N,-.—.—,NN.N_NNNN mu. ..N...”W‘MN,___‘_ “(MN . NNN VHN . NN.»,N.N.:~.»=
`..- N.,NW,~N~NvN,:.MN-N~,r. M
`Skin and appendages
`Acne, alopecia,
`n {M'xfné11<fl-v~'
` wamsq-‘w:are: grisvamvnz-m...-«
`Special senses
`N N
`.NN—zrer "
`.N =
`www ..,,—Nw.NN...NN NNNNmamm-NNNN: NM»: :.-.v...>.N,eN.NNN.-M.N.
`taste loss,
`Urogenital system
`N- N NN N.
`papameeiau—Papamcoiau smear suspicious, polyuria, pmstaQe—diserder—tesas
` 1-...“,.N._N,NWx~vmNTNmzwmqg-
`. 1ng
`“WM4223‘0-.mp1: Mnxfiwi
`~ albuminuria,


`Page 28 of 35
`ms “Pu.
`on 9mm
`on omemAL


`Ranjil B. Mani, MD, HFD-120 Medical Review
`NBA 21196 (000), Xyrem, Orphan Medical, Inc,
`Page 29 of 35
`~ -'
`“0..., w.»> .. Wyx-a—
`«a. 7v,
`Am w»..- 25:) w,
`_ _ A e
`. ..._.,,,
`. U
`_ , _
`.7 A 7
`.- - (animus: wm-mhwsfam Mala-mu .1 .m M..m-fi~eemmz,,,,,
`“we )vxr'fl*‘v-anwg4w:syn.amwmmhwxcm-Jwrfi.‘bg~m,«,1
`Controlled Substance Class
`Xyrem is classified as a Schedule III controlled substance by Federal law. Non-
`medical uses of sodium oxybate are classified under Schedule I.
`Abuse, Dependence, and Tolerance
`K Q“w:n;._«L:,V-..»w‘c,sm:-,..-aa;~uem,\M,~,g_M_ _
`,.., m— m
`”“75me a.‘
`a, cap-m‘utza; »
`«w -
`There have been ~~L~;“'””"“‘“ case reports of dependence after illicit use of ”N


`Page 30,0f 35
`Ranjit B. Mani, MD. HFD-120 Medical Review
`NBA 21196 (000), Xyrem, Orphan Medical, Inc. 6/14/01
`“New at frequent repeated doses (18 to 250 g/d), w in excess of the
`therapeutic dose range.
`In these cases, the signs and symptoms of abrupt
`discontinuation included an abstinence syndrome I ,mwww‘... insomnia,
`restlessness, anxiety, psychosis, lethargy, nausea, tremor, sweating, muscle
`cramps, and tachycardia. These symptoms generally abated in 3 to 14 days.
`“my: _-_a-.g.r{'_\‘1h:,i(fwl‘fin‘~>sug «0”,, w cam—“(3,,” We ,
`whee? ,..e,_u__..,5.w»:www.-xamu:.;.um.~w‘amnK4,___.,.g,
`., ya.» «saw, a x N -
`v,.».—,Nap.w—m:.<«;..-,<,»;vr.:::«rswwn-ewe—9., , mg» 3.». ,_ fl
`av¢)V-tmmz——,«~mr.-:nr'y; x,,_3,7,..,~mm«,:-.f “m,
`- m _ 5.,Kiurmw,:.¢a-muv ,, ,
`”wwmflws “K x.»
`controlled clinical trials;- _« ,.
`8‘..«,n~.,1__h:p__l —..,../
`’m a(“HHWWNWHM '-
`aw», tolerance to sodiumoxybate has not been systematically studied in
` IMB _.r,
`d a MI >
`'r’v‘aw—WV ‘ WVM‘NMw,~,x—-rrusi&‘3a545-i““
`Clinical studies of sodium oxybateIn
`the treatment of alcohol withdrawal suggest a potential cross—tolerance with
`alcohol. Because illicit use and abuse of «mm-“Mew“
`been reported,
`physicians should carefully evaluate patients for a history of drug abuse and
`follow such patients closely, observing them for signs of misuse or abuse of
`WW (e.g. increase in size or frequency of dosing, drug-seeking
`Human Experience
`information regarding overdose with sodium oxybate is derived IMWW-nfrom
`reports in the medical literature .-
`thatde_______s_____cribemWW»+ ,
`symptoms and signs in drug—abusers individuals who have ingested the drug
`illicitly or for medicallyunaggroved pumosesu in those circumstances the co;
`ingestion of multigle drugs , ,: _._
`”Wm»wee—mime“ Nwe
`alcohol, is ~mmwm-common, and may influence the presentationand severity
`of clinical manifestations of overdose.


`Ranjit B. Mani, MD, HFD—120 Medical Review
`NDA 21196 (000), Xyrem, Orphan Medical, Inc.
`Page 31 of 35
`Signs and Symptoms
` ~
`-. Emesisieven .....--MW...
`obtund l;, diaphoresis, headache,
`1»; mam impaired psychomotor skills maybe observed w-we-
`“WW“ tygical pupiliary mm changes to assistIn diagnosis and gugiilary
`reactivity to lightIs maintained-
`weiBlurred visionhas been reported
`«»m~r;~->-¥~M~=->=»-«»=zwésmw.m;s AnIncreasin de th of ”WWW?“ W
`may be observed with higher doses. Myoclonus and Itonic-clonic seizures have
`been reported. Respiration may be maintained or be compromised in rate
`depth NewsWWW; Cheyne-Stokes respiration or apnea. Bradycardia and
`hypothermia may accompany unconsciousness, as may muscular hypotonia, but
`tendon reflexes remain intact.
`Recommended Treatment of Overdose
`General symptomatic and supportive care should be instituted immediately, and
`gastric decontamination may be considered if coingestants are suspected. Wm
`emesis is a frequent symptom in the presence of me“rm-w» obtundation,
`appropriate posture (left lateral recumbent position) Wand__protection of the
`airway by intubation
`___L_.____ ». ,1-gm.“
`m a be |
`.— v.1 ”KL-yum «hm-44m»: s-«u: x :-.. at: unwan- wflVifrviaalwsfifiauv rig—74;” a -=; '2":<«-‘
`Poison Control Center
`As with the management of all overdosage, the possibility of multiple drug
`ingestion should be considered. The physician «Wm—M
`w ”w.warm._....,.—. ..w'
`W.“W‘WW«-M '95...
`blood samples for routine toxicolégic


`Ranjit s. Mani, MD. HFD—120 Medical Review
`NBA 21196 (000). Xyrem, Orphan Medical. Inc.
`Page 32 of 35
`Preparation and Administration Precautions
`Bottles of Xyrem are provided with a child resistant cap and child resistant dosing
`Care should be taken to prevent access to this medication by children:
`See W for a complete description.
`1%mmxnmwm,sammmw_ . .9 ' “WW,»
`_ J, ataSW=flfi&rm-WWW


`Ranjit B. Mani, MD. HFD-120 Medical Review
`NDA 21196 (000), Xyrem, Orphan Medical, lnc,
`Page 33 of 35
`NDC 62161—008-20: Each tamper evident single unit carton contains one 180 mL
`bottle (500 mg/mL) of Xyrem®, one press-in-bottle-adaptor sm- . one oral
`syringe. and two dosing cups with child resistant cap.
`Xyrem is a Schedule ill drug under the Controlled Substances Act. Xyrem
`should be handled according to state and federal regulations.
`It is safe to
`dispose of Xyrem oral solution down the sanitary sewer.
`Rx only
`Distributed By
`Orphan Medical Inc.
`Minnetonka, Minnesota 55305
`For questions of a medical nature or to order Xyrem call the Xyrem Patient
`Success Program at 1-XXX-XXX-XXXX..
`US Patents Pending
`Rev. 12/15/2000
`Part No.
`The following major changes have been made to specific sections of the
`sponsor’s draft label


`Ranjit B. Mani, MD, HFD—120 Medical Review
`NDA 21196 (000), Xyrem. Orphan Medical, Inc.
`Page 34 of 35
`Clinical Trials
`. Descriptions of, and all data from, the Scrima and Lammers studies (Trials 2
`and 3 in the sponsor’s version of the label) have been deleted as the
`evidence for efficacy in these studies is marginal or questionable (see NDA
`Efficacy Review for full details)
`. All information about open-label, uncontrolled studies has also been deleted
`from the label as such studies cannot be used to support the efficacy of
`. _ Data pertaining to secondary efficacy measures have also been deleted. For
`a number of reasons, described in greater detail in the Efficacy Review, these
`measures cannot be used to support the efficacy of Xyrem®
`Indications And Usage
`0 The indication has been limited to the treatment of cataplexy. As further
`described in the NDA Efficacy Review, the evidence that Xyrem® is effective
`in treating daytime sleepiness accompanying narcolepsy is questionable
`. The text of this section of the label has been altered so as to be more clearly
`. A description of the special safety concerns associated with GHB, and the
`risk management program has been added to this section
`. A statement indicating that convulsions have been noted in clinical trials of
`Xyrem® has been added
`. The text of this section has been made more accurate
`Adverse Reactions
`. Tables depicting adverse event data from the Lammers and Scrima studies
`have been deleted. These studies were cross-over in design, enrolled a small
`number of patients only, and the adverse events noted did not differ materially
`from those in the larger controlled Trial 1
`. The text of this section has been reorganized
`in the section entitled “Adverse Events in All Clinical Trials”, adverse events
`of unclear meaning (e. 9., “reaction unevaluable’’) have been deleted
`0 The description of positive antinuclear antibody testsIn the Schar‘f study has
`been altered so as to be more consiStent with the actual data
`. The text of this section has been made more compact
`o A recommendation that physostigmine be used for the treatment of
`overdosage with GHB has been deleted as the recommendation is based on
`very limited anecdotal evidence.


`Ranjit a. Mani. MD, HFDo120 Medical Review
`NBA 21196 (000), Xyrem. Orphan Medical. Inc.
`Page 35'of 35
`Dosage And Administration
`. This section has been made consistent with the conclusion that was made in
`the NDA Efficacy Review that the most clearly effective dose of GHB was 9
`g/day, but that some evidence of efficacy was also present in the dose range
`6-9 g/day
`Ranjit B. Mani, MD.
`Medical Reviewer
`J. Feeney, M.D.
`rbm 6/14/01
`NDA 21196 (000)


`”Cu-v" uuu bVGlUGlIUII Ul ulllllb’al Udld
`NDA (Serial Number)
`Proposed Indication:
`Material Submitted:
`Correspondence Date:
`Date Received I Agency:
`Date Review Completed
`1. Table Of Contents
`Orphan Medical, Inc.
`Major Amendment
`Ranjit B. Mani, MD.
`TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................................... l
`BA CKGROUND ................................................................................................................................. 5
`OUTLINE OF SCHARF STUDY ............................................................................................................. 7
`PRELIMINARY RESULTS OF INSPECTION ........................................................................................... 7
`EXPOSURE TABLE ............................................................................................................................. 9
`SERIOUS ADVERSE EVENTS ............................................................................................................... 9
`LABORATORY DATA ......................................................................................................................... 9
`Table Of Interest ..................................................................................................................... 9
`Questions About Table.......................................................................................................... 1]
`5.4 - ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS ................................................................................................................ 11
`CONTENTS OF SUBMISSION ...................................................................................................... 12
`SXB-7 ........................................................................................................................................................... 12
`BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................................. 12
`SPONSOR’S METHODS ........................................................................................................... . ........ 13
`........ I4
`7.4. 1
`Deaths ................................................................................................................................... 14
`Non-Fatal Adverse Events Leading To Discontinuation ...................................................... 15
`REVIEW OF INDIVIDUAL NARRATIVES AND CASE REPORT FORMS ................................................. 16
`Source OfCase Repon Forms .............................................................................................. 16
`Structure Of Case Report Forms .......................................................................................... 16
`Deficiencies III Structure Of Case Report Forms And Additional Related Concerns ........... 17
`Deaths And Adverse Event Discontinuations........................................................................ 18
`Patients Discontinued From ScltarfStudy For Non-Compliance ......................................... 18
`Discontinuation: 0n Account OfProtocolDeviations ....... 21
`Discontinuations 0n Account 0fMedication Cost, Medication Cost, Lack OfEflicacy, And
`Transfer To Another Study .................................................................................................................. 22
`Patients Continuing In Sellarf Study..................................................................................... 22
`Patients Subjected To Recent Attempts At Follow- Up .......................................................... 23
`7.5.10 Unresolved Adverse Events 0f Concern ............................................................................... 24


`Page 2 of 93
`RanjiI a. Mani. MD, HFD—120 Medical Review
`NDA 21196, Xyrem. Orphan Medical, Inc.
`REVIEWER’S COMMENTS................................................................................................................. 26
`NARRATIVE ..................................................................................................................................... 26
`REVIEWER’S COMMENTS................................................................................................................. 27
`BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................................. 27
`CATEGORIES OF “UNEVALUABLE” ADVERSE EVENTS .................................................................... 28
`SERIOUS “UNEVALUABLE” ADVERSE EVENTS ................................................................................ 28
`' 9.4 ALL “UNEVALUABLE” ADVERSE EVENTS ....................................................................................... 28
`REVIEWER‘S COMMENTS................................................................................................................. 29
`BACKGROUND ............................................... 9'. .............................................................. 29
`SPONSOR’S METHODS................................................................................................................. 29
`TABULAR SUMMARY OF CASES IDENTIFIED BY SPONSOR ......................................................... 30
`NARRATIVEs FOR SELECTED PATIENTS IN ABOVE TABLE.......................................................... 30
`10.4.1 Patient # 01-048.................................................................................................................... 30
`10.4.2 Patient # 01-247.................................................................................................................... 31
`10.4.3 Patient # 01-255.................................................................................................................... 32
`10.4.4 Patient # 01-257.................................................................................................................... 32
`PATIENTS WITH SLEEPWALKING AND INCONTINENCE ............................................................... 33
`REVIEWER’S COMMENTS .......................................................................................................... .. 34
`BACKGROUND AND METHODS .................................................................................................... 35
`OVERALL SUMMARY .................................................................................................................. 35
`1 1.5
`VERBATIM INVESTIGATOR TERMS .............................................................................................. 36
`TABULAR SUMMARY .................................................................................................................. 36
`11.5.1 Patient 01-012 (Initials “"
`1 1.6
`NARRATIVES FOR ADDITIONAL PATIENTS WITH CONFUSION .................................................. 37
`11.6.1 Patient 01-016 (Initials __, ............................................................................................... 37
`11.6.2 Patient 01-027 (Initials
`............................................................................................... 37
`11.6.3 Patient 01-048(1nitials “I ............................................................................................... 37
`I 1.6.4 Patient 01-215 (Initials / ............................................................................................... 37
`11.6.5 Patient 01—235 (Initials .3.” ............................................................................................... 38
`11.6.6 Patient 01-248 (Initials
`............................................................................................... 38
`11.6. 7 Patient 01-251 (Initials M ................................................................................................ 38
`12. NEUROPSYCHIATRIC ADVERSE EVENTS IN SCHARF STUDY......................................... 38
`BACKGROUND ........

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